DECserver 90TL #1

The inside and outside of the first DECserver 90TL

Up to: DEChub 90 Modules


Front of the unit
Side 1
Side one of the unit showing the 10base2 Connector
Side 2
Side Two
Back of the unit
DECserver 90TL PCB
PCB Left
Left side of the PCB
PCB Right
Right side of the PCB
PCB Back
Back of the PCB
No Mem Installed
The PCB without the memory module installed
Memory Front
Front of the Memory Module. It is a Samsung KMM536256BG-8 and appears to be 1MB in size.
Memory Back
Back of the Memory Module. It is a Samsung KMM536256BG-8 and appears to be 1MB in size.
Thing Installed
Some Thing installed
Thing Front
The front of the thing
Thing Back
The back of the thing
ICs Top
There is something funny about the soldering on these ICs.
ICs Solder
There is something funny about the soldering on these ICs.