There is two switches in the hole. Not that you could tell by the awful picture.
In album: h4005 MAU
Filename | side-2.jpg |
Timestamp | 2010-06-06 16:31:59+12:00 |
Dimensions | 682 x 2109 |
MIME Type | image/jpeg |
Size | 910580 bytes |
Thumbnail linked to this page | <a href="/gallery/image/520"> <img src="/gallery/image/520/deriv/1133" alt="side-2" title="There is two switches in the hole. Not that you could tell by the awful picture."/> </a> |
Thumbnail linked to full size image | <a href="/gallery/image/520"> <img src="/gallery/image/520/full" alt="side-2" title="There is two switches in the hole. Not that you could tell by the awful picture."/> </a> |
Resized linked to full size | <a href="/gallery/image/520/full"> <img src="/gallery/image/520/deriv/1134" alt="side-2" title="There is two switches in the hole. Not that you could tell by the awful picture."/> </a> |