NOTE: This document describes
drivers available in executable format from S3®Incorporated
for its integrated multimedia accelerators.
The instructions in the document are written with
the assumption that drive A: is the 3 1/2 inch diskette drive.
If your system is configured differently, substitute A: with your
drive letter.
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1. S3 Windows NT 4.0 Driver 11.1 Installation Instructions 1
Microsoft supplies S3 video driver files, C:\WINNT40\SYSTEM64\DRIVERS\S3.SYS and C:\WINNT40\SYSTEM64\S3.DLL. This S3 Windows NT 4.0 driver installation will overwrite these files; therefore, you may want to save the original files to a backup file or location.
To install the S3 display device driver for Windows NT 4.0 from diskette, do the following:
After the system has restarted, you
can change resolution by selecting the Display icon from
your Control Panel.