DECconcentrator 500 Operational Firmware V3.4a Release Notes This document describes the new and changed functions of the DECconcentrator 500 Microcode Version 3.4a. This release of DECconcentrator 500 firmware contains the following changes which is new from V3.3. This formal release was deemed manditory because of the perceived implications. o The DEFCN-AC when in a dual homed configuration was not indicating proper topology on the led of the port that was in standby. o The concentrator was resetting if an OBM disable command was initiated to a nonexistent phy port if a module was in the slot. If no module was present in the slot that an OBM disable phy command was initiated, the returned status would correctly indicate the phy port did not exist. o The concentrator would send back an improper value for the mib snmpFddiSmtCFState entry. Notify the network manager of the following caution before installing the DECconcentrator 500 Microcode Version 3.4a. o Before you download the microcode Version 3.4a firmware, record all previously saved nonvolatile settings. Restore all settings after the downline load is completed. o You must configure the DECconcentrator 500 with an IP address using OBM, POLYCENTER Extended LAN Manager (previously called DECmcc Extended LAN Manager), POLYCENTER SNMP 300 Version 1.2 (previously called DECmcc MSU Version 1.1), or by setting up the hardware address of the unit with an IP address in a BOOTP server on the network. Note: The DECconcentrator 500 will periodically try to get its IP address approximately every minute using the BOOTP until it is configured with an IP address. o DECelms does not report the FRU type of the OBM UART card, optical-bypass relay, or the six-port ANSI card (DEFCN-H). You can use OBM or SNMP (the DEC Vendor MIB) to determine the FRU configuration and status of these FRUs. The following tables include current DECconcentrator 500 update file device names and locations after installation for each operating system. DECconcentrator 500 Update Files for MS-DOS Systems: o defcn034a, Device name and version number o defcn034a.sys, DECconcentrator 500 image file found in the decndu directory Page 2 o dc034a.txt,DECconcentrator 500 Version 3.4a release notes found in the decndu directory DECconcentrator 500 Update Files for OpenVMS VAX Systems o defcn034a, Device kit name and version number o defcn034a.sys, DECconcentrator 500 image file that Open VMS VAX uses for part of the installation procedure found in the MOM$LOAD directory o defcn034a.releasenotes, DECconcentrator 500 Version 3.4a release notes found in the SYS$HELP directory o defcn$, Installation verification procedure found in the SYS$HELP directory DECconcentrator 500 Update Files for ULTRIX RISC Systems o FCN034A, Device kit name and version number o defcn034a.sys, DECconcentrator 500 image file that ULTRIX RISC uses for part of the installation procedure found in the /usr/kits/FCN034A directory o defcn034a.releasenotes, DECconcentrator 500 Version 3.4a release notes found in the /usr/kits/FCN034A directory DECconcentrator 500 Update Files for ULTRIX VAX Systems o VCN034A, Device kit name and version number o defcn034a.sys,DECconcentrator 500 image file that ULTRIX VAX uses for part of the installation procedure found in the /usr/kits/VCN034A directory o defcn034a.releasenotes, DECconcentrator 500 Version 3.4a release notes found in the /usr/kits/VCN034A directory