Network Products

Updated: 16 Feburary 1998

clearVISN Router Configurator Version 3.0
Installing the software

Before you begin check your system can run this software.
You need the Required Hardware and System + Software configuration
  • Intel IBM Compatible PC.
  • A 486 class processor with Clock speed exceeding 33Mhz.
  • At least 8 Mbyte on Windows 95 OR 16 Mbytes Window NT of system memory.
  • Video device supporting VGA or better. SVGA recommended.
  • Direct connection to the Network (usually through an Adapter card).
  • A Windows 95 or Windows NT V3.51 or higher operating system.
    The software can run on an Alpha system running Windows NT under FX32.
  • At least 30 Megabytes of disk space for installation, and 15 Megabytes available after installation
  • Windows TCP/IP protocol stack installed & configured.
  • A Web Server installed and running on the system (recommended).
Installing this kit from a single executable, or by building floppies.
  • This software is available free of charge to customers with RouteAbout and DECswitch 900 router products.
  • This software is © Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1996 - 1998. All Rights Reserved.
    Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, or in FAR 52.227-14 Alt. III, as applicable.
    Digital, the Digital logo, and DECswitch are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners.

  • However you choose to install you may wish to review the release notes before installing.
  • Documentation is available in PDF format (410KB)
Steps to install the software are as follows:
  1. Copy the kit onto to your system as detailed below.
  2. If you install the Telesaving Web tools we recommend that you use a reputable Web server on your system, such as the Microsoft (R) Peer Web Server for NT. Your Web server should be configured with a /scripts directory from which CGI programs can be run.
    A sample web server is included in this kit, however it is not intended to provide equivalent functionality and may not perform properly on all platforms. To install the sample web server, choose "Install Web server" on the Select Components page during the installation.
  3. Run the install program. The software will self extract and begin the installation.
  4. If you chose to install the Telesaving Web tools, then, following installation you may want to edit local web pages to include cross references to the file "Telesaving.html" that the Router Configurator will maintain. This will be in the directory you specified in the "WEB Configuration" installation page.

The Router Configurator is now ready to use.

  • Once installed you can configure systems. If you had not already read the release notes you should do so to make yourself aware of issues that may affect the operation of this software.
Important Note

When creating new configurations the Distributed Routing Software version is defaulted to v3.0. Please ensure that this is correct for the target router as configurations generated for v3.0 routers may not function correctly if loaded on a router running an earlier release of the Distributed Routing Software.

If the target router is running V2.0 (or earlier) Distributed Routing Software then either set the "Software Version" field correctly in the new router dialog screen, or change it using the "Modify->Router Software" option on the Router menu.

Copying and installing the Files
Copying and Installing over the network (fast)
  1. Copy the self extracting v30_kit.exe (7MB) kit executable.
  2. Run the self extracting archive file (above) that you copied to your system.
    This will unpack the files needed and begin the installation.