@CLS@@0F@ Subj: Procedure to update the GIGAswitch Firmware using PNV (Polycenter Manager on Netview). Procedure for upgrading the GIGAswitch from a Polycenter Manager on Netview platform using a VMS MOP server on the network. Put the GIGAswitch files in MOM$LOAD on a VMS system that has circuit service enabled. This VMS system will be the MOP server and is referred to as mopdestination in the OSF/ cmd line. Follow the instructions in the management guide (CH 3). The Netview stuff is not in the guide as yet but the concepts are the same. Find the the lowest hardware address on the GIGAswitch using the GIGAswitch OBM. Use this address as the read/write community string in the following snmpset cmds. The syntax of these cmds is - /usr/OV/bin/snmpset [-d] [-t timeout] [-r retries] [-p port] [-c community] node variable type value [...] You can use the following commands as a template to update the SCP. To update the other modules you use the same commands but change the file name and the slot number. These commands are based on my configuration with the following parameters - 08002ba1c980 = lowest address on GIGAswitch = IP address if GIGAswitch 08002b11bccb = hw address of VMS MOP server where GIGAswitch images are located scpslot = 7 THE COMMANDS ARE - #/usr/OV/bin/snmpset -c 08002ba1c980 dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.gig aswitch.gigaversion1.gigaupgradesoftware.doTransfer.mopdestination.0 OctetString Hex 08002b11bccb #/usr/OV/bin/snmpset -c 08002ba1c980 dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.gig aswitch.gigaversion1.gigaupgradesoftware.doTransfer.transferfilename.0 OctetStri ngASCII gs_scp_21.sys #/usr/OV/bin/snmpset -c 08002ba1c980 dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.gig aswitch.gigaversion1.gigaupgradesoftware.doTransfer.transferaction.0 Integer 2 NOW LETS WATCH USING SNMPWALK - #/usr/OV/bin/snmpwalk -c 08002ba1c980 dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.gi gaswitch.gigaversion1.gigaupgradesoftware.doTransfer dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.gigaswitch.gigaversion1.gigaUpgradeSoftware.doTransfer .tftpDestination.0 : IpAddress: dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.gigaswitch.gigaversion1.gigaUpgradeSoftware.doTransfer .mopDestination.0 : OCTET STRING- (hex): length = 6 0: 08 00 2b 11 bc cb -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ................ dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.gigaswitch.gigaversion1.gigaUpgradeSoftware.doTransfer .transferFileName.0 : DISPLAY STRING- (ascii): gs_scp_21.sys dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.gigaswitch.gigaversion1.gigaUpgradeSoftware.doTransfer .transferAction.0 : INTEGER: none dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.gigaswitch.gigaversion1.gigaUpgradeSoftware.doTransfer .transferStatus.0 : INTEGER: inProgress dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.gigaswitch.gigaversion1.gigaUpgradeSoftware.doTransfer .transferSize.0 : INTEGER: 256 . . . . . . . # /usr/OV/bin/snmpwalk -c 08002ba1c980 dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.gi gaswitch.gigaversion1.gigaupgradesoftware.doTransfer dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.gigaswitch.gigaversion1.gigaUpgradeSoftware.doTransfer .tftpDestination.0 : IpAddress: dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.gigaswitch.gigaversion1.gigaUpgradeSoftware.doTransfer .mopDestination.0 : OCTET STRING- (hex): length = 6 0: 08 00 2b 11 bc cb -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ................ dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.gigaswitch.gigaversion1.gigaUpgradeSoftware.doTransfer .transferFileName.0 : DISPLAY STRING- (ascii): gs_scp_21.sys dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.gigaswitch.gigaversion1.gigaUpgradeSoftware.doTransfer .transferAction.0 : INTEGER: none dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.gigaswitch.gigaversion1.gigaUpgradeSoftware.doTransfer .transferStatus.0 : INTEGER: success dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.gigaswitch.gigaversion1.gigaUpgradeSoftware.doTransfer .transferSize.0 : INTEGER: 1310720 NOW COPY THE IMAGE TO THE SLOT - #/usr/OV/bin/snmpset -c 08002ba1c980 dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.gig aswitch.gigaversion1.gigaupgradesoftware.useTransfer.copytoslot.0 Integer 7 #/usr/OV/bin/snmpset -c 08002ba1c980 dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.gig aswitch.gigaversion1.gigaupgradesoftware.useTransfer.copyaction.0 Integer 2 NOW YOU CAN WATCH THE COPYSTATUS USING - #/usr/OV/bin/snmpwatch -c 08002ba1c980 dec.ema.emaSystem.bridges.g igaswitch.gigaversion1.gigaupgradesoftware.useTransfer ALL DONE FOR THE SCP MODULE.