+-------------+TM |d|i|g|i|t|a|l| +-------------+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIGITAL RoamAbout DS/PC Card Software Version: V3.60 June 15, 1997 (Same as V3.50, except for the README files.) (Using the WaveLAN Technology) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- RoamAbout DS/PC Card Software comprises drivers, configuration tools and diagnostic tools. This readme.txt contains information that pertains to this software but was not available at the time that the User's Guide was printed. The kit now includes two floppies. The first is for DOS and Windows 3.1x systems and the second is for Windows 95 and Windows NT based systems. The Windows 95 / NT floppy has readme files on it, readme95.txt and readmeNT.txt, respectively. **************************************************************************** The DOS/Windows 3.1x kit, has not changed, other than the readme files from V3.50. These README file contains information on installing the drivers on a DOS & Windows 3.1x system. Refer to the Readme95 & ReadmeNT for assistance in installing on a Windows 95 & NT system. **************************************************************************** Table of Contents: 1. Installation notes 2. Technical Constraints 3. Certified Notebooks 4. Known potential problems 5. Currently unsupported functions 6. Software versions 7. RoamAbout Client Driver Command Line Options 8. RoamAbout Access Point MIBs 9. Technical Support **************************************************************************** 1. Installation notes. 1.1 RoamAbout DS Installation. If Card Services & Socket Services (CS&SS) is installed on your Notebook computer, run the Network Installation program first as supplied by the Network supplier. Then run the Install program (INSTALL.EXE) provided on this diskette. The Install program will take care of the Client Driver installation and the specific RoamAbout parameters. If CS&SS is not available, install CS&SS first. As an alternative, you can also install the RoamAbout Point Enabler as described in the User's Guide. In this case, execute the batch file CPY2HDSK. This will copy the drivers and utilities to your hard drive. When executing this batch file you need to give it an input of the destination directory (ie CPY2HDSK C:\ROAMABT). After installing, you can then make a Utilities disk by executing UTL2BOOT (no parameters). You need to execute this from the directory that you installed the software to. This will make a DOS bootable disk. 2. Technical Constraints. 2.1 ODI. As the ODI driver is built to include the latest NetWare technologies, it requires an up-to-date protocol stack. LSL should be version 2.11 or higher, IPXODI, NETX or the VLMs should be of the same level. To use new functions in the ODI driver, and to optimize the usage of conventional memory, using VLMs is recommended. As this version of the NetWare protocol stack may not yet be available at your location, we have provided the latest update of this software on the RoamAbout installation diskette. These files are not copied to your hard disk during the installation. If you need these, you can copy them to your hard disk with the following command: xcopy a:\vlm\*.* c:\roamabt\vlm\ Then execute VLMUP.BAT (available in the VLM subdirectory) to extract all NetWare information. Read VLMUP4.TXT for information on how to install this software. If you do not have the Novell VLM stack implemented, run the standard Novell Client Installation program as provided with your NetWare Operating System before doing this upgrade, or copy only LSL.COM and IPXODI.COM from these updates. 2.2 Phantom binding. The RoamAbout drivers on this diskette, if used in combination with Card Services & Socket Services, support Phantom binding. This means that the network software may be started without the RoamAbout card actually inserted in a PCMCIA slot. This functionality is also dependent on the support of the Network Operating System, it may not operate correctly in all environments. Windows for Workgroups in combination with the NDIS driver may cause WfW to hang in the Start-up screen. If this happens on your system, make sure the RoamAbout card is inserted in the PCMCIA slot and the Antenna Module is connected before starting Windows. 3. Certified Notebooks. The number of Notebooks on which RoamAbout DS/PC Card has been certified is growing constantly. In the past we have included a list, but with the number of Notebooks coming onto the market every week, there is no way to keep a list upto date. Provided that the Notebook/Laptop supports Card & Socket Services (under MS-DOS) or is running Windows 95 or Windows NT, they should all work provided that they can supply the 3 watts (600mA) for the RoamAbout 915 and the 2 watts (400mA) for the RoamAbout 2400 at the PCMCIA interface. 4. Known potential problems. 4.1 System Power Management. The Power Management of your system may interfere with the correct operation of some applications. If an application appears to be hanging, you may try to remove and re-insert the RoamAbout card. If this problem occurs regularly, it is advised to disable your system's Power Management. 4.2 IPC Porta-PC P5E-486/DSTN. On the IPC Porta-PC P5E-486/DSTN, the RoamAbout drivers will not operate correctly in combination with CS&SS. More information about this is not yet available at the time of the release of this software. 4.3 OEMSETUP.INF not compatible with IBM DOS Requester. The file OEMSETUP.INF supplied on this disk is suitable for use with Windows For Workgroups. It can however not be used for IBM DOS Requester. To install IBM DOS Requester copy OEMSETUP.IBM to OEMSETUP.INF. The disk is now ready for IBM DOS Requester installation. To make this disk suitable for Windows For Workgroups again copy OEMSETUP.WFW back to OEMSETUP.INF. 4.4 AT&T 3115 PenPC. On the AT&T 3115 PenPC the IRQ line is hardwired. Only an IRQ of 13 is supported. In case the enabler is used see the user's guide for information on how to specify an IRQ of 13. In case Card & Socket Services is used see section 7 of this readme file on how to specify an IRQ of 13 for the RoamAbout Client Driver. 4.5 Updating existing PC to run with C&SS. When using Windows for Workgroups, you will need to go into the Network Icon group and remove the driver and then go and reinstall it from this new kit. There are some PROTOCOL.INI parameters that have changed. After you reinstall the driver, you then need to run A:INSTALL from this disk. 5. Currently unsupported functions. Power Management is not available in the NDIS driver. 6. Software versions. The following software is provided on this diskette: DOS/Windows 3.1x disk DOS ODI Driver: WVLAN05.COM version 3.06 NET.CFG WVLAN05.INS DRIVER.LST DOS NDIS 2 driver: WVLAN09.DOS version 4.10 PROTOCOL.INI WVLAN09.NIF OEMSETUP.INF OEMSETUP.WFW OEMSETUP.IBM CS&SS Client Driver: WAVECLI.EXE version 1.05 Enabler: ENABLER.SYS version 2.7 WAVELAN.ODI WAVELAN.NDI CS&SS based Installation program: INSTALL.EXE version 1.04 INSTALL.DAT INSTALL.INF CIS.OUT CSTABLE.TXT non-CS&SS installation utilities: INSTCONF.EXE version 2.02 SETCONF.EXE version 1.03 CPY2HDSK.BAT UTL2BOOT.BAT CONFIG.RA AUTOEXEC.RA Point to Point Diagnostic Utility: PTPDIAG.EXE version 4.19 Frequency Select Utility: WFREQSEL.EXE version 1.18 WaveMONITOR Diagnostic Utility: WMONITOR.EXE version 2.12 Netware VLM protocol stack: VLMUP4.EXE VLMUP.BAT DIGITAL RoamAbout Access Point MIBS MIBS.EXE Windows 95/NT disk Windows 95 & NT Driver WVLAN22.SYS version 1.17 WVLAN22.INF Info file for 95 OEMSETUP.INF Info file for NT WVLAN22.DLL DLL file for NT WVLAN22.HLP Help file for NT WV2UIF.VXD File for 95 Diagnostics Utilities 95/NT SETUP.EXE (self installing) WMAN_CL.EXE Diagnostic Utility WMAN_CL.HLP Help module for Utility Readme file for Windows 95 README95.TXT Readme file for Windows NT READMENT.TXT 7. RoamAbout Client Driver Command Line Options. The following command line options are available for the RoamAbout DS client driver. This driver is installed in the CONFIG.SYS by the RoamAbout Installation program when running with C&SS. Syntax: DEVICE=WAVECLI.EXE [/IRQ=X] [/PORT=XYZ] [/IBM] [/F] [/V] Switch Meaning /IRQ=X Specifies the IRQ (hex value) to be used for the RoamAbout PC Card. This switch can be used if the IRQ which is automatically assigned by Card Services somehow does not seem to work on your machine, or if you want the card to use a specific IRQ. /PORT=XYZ Specifies the base address (hex value) of the I/O ports to be used for the RoamAbout PC Card. This switch can be used if the PORT which is automatically assigned by Card Services somehow does not seem to work on your machine, or if you want the card to use a specific PORT. XYZ should be a multiple of 8, e.g. 300, 308, 310, 318 etc. /IBM This switch may be needed with some versions of IBM Card and Socket Services. /F This switch disables the resource reservation mechanism of the RoamAbout Client Driver. It can be used if your version of Card Services does not support the resource reservation function. You may have to use this switch if you have a very old version of Card Services. If used, you should also startup your machine with the RoamAbout PC Card present. /V This switch instructs the RoamAbout Client Driver to display informational messages to the screen. In case you have a problem, we advise you to turn this switch on and record the messages displayed by the RoamAbout Client Driver before calling for support. 8. RoamAbout Access Point MIBS. If you plan to use an SNMP Management station to manage your Access Points, we have included the appropriate MIBS on this RoamAbout software diskette. You will need to build them on your management station. In addition to these MIBS for your SNMP Management station, you will find a RoamAbout Access Point configurator utility on our WWW site, at no charge. 9. Technical Support. If you encounter problems when installing or using this product or have questions about our other RoamAbout products, you can reach DIGITAL customer support at the following number: Telephone: 1-800-354-9000 (then choose option #2, sofware) You can always consult WWW (World Wide Web) page to see if new versions of the software are available The RoamAbout Wireless LANs specific Home Page is at: Americas: http://www.networks.digital.com/dr/wireless Asia Pacific: http://www.networks.digital.com.au/dr/wireless Europe: http://www.networks.europe.digital.com/dr/wireless DIGITAL's Networks Home Page is at: Americas: http://www.networks.digital.com Asia Pacific: http://www.networks.digital.com.au Europe: http://www.networks.europe.digital.com DIGITAL's PCs Home Page is at: http://www.pc.digital.com DIGITAL's Corporate Home Page: http://www.digital.com ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All rights reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DECpc, DIGITAL, PATHWORKS, RoamAbout, the RoamAbout logo, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. NetWare is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders.