MUP NUMBER: DECADM_AM01021A ----------- PRODUCT: DECadmire for OpenVMS AXP -------- UPDATED PRODUCT: DECadmire for OpenVMS AXP 2.1A ---------------- APPRX BLCK SIZE: 187042 ---------------- DIGITAL Cover Letter for DECADMIRE V2.1 MUP Kit - DECADMIRE V2.1A AV-Q6S4D-TE MUP Kit Contents Although the software version number printed on the kit you are receiving doesn't exactly match the version number printed on the full documentation set, they are applicable to each other. The version of the kit needed to change because the media, Soft- ware Product Description, and Install Guide have been revised. Please be assured that the contents of this kit are the most up- to-date versions currently available for DECADMIRE. The DECADMIRE Release Notes contain a complete explanation of this release. Below is a brief description of the items fixed in this kit: o Opening an M_CHA or M_KEY module from the PC BUILDER. o Saving a record in an M_CHA or M_KEY module from the PC BUILDER. o Defining returning and delivered data for a module connection. o Deleting selection criteria parameters for an S_TAB. o Generating ACMS tasks. o Including columns in a form. o Deleting a table. o Deleting a foreign key. o Refreshing screen after using Request Form and Code Creation window. o Column Type value in Define Form window. o Screenpainter locking in VT BUILDER. o Generation of compile and link files in VT GENERATOR. o Checking domains before deleting a format. o Checking design before deleting a view. o PC Generator errors. Installation Overview The MUP kit can be installed with the VMSINSTAL command procedure, as outlined in Chapter 3 of the VMS System Manager's Manual (AA- LA00A-TE). Please see the online DECADMIRE Release Notes for information about specific restrictions to this version of DECADMIRE. The supported OpenVMS versions are: OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 and higher OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5 and higher Please refer to the SPD for a complete list of the products that are compatible with DECADMIRE Version 2.1A. New Product Offering DECADMIRE for Visual Basic is a new product offering from DECAD- MIRE for a full Windows based development environment. The two required components are the DECADMIRE for Visual Basic Generator, and the DECADMIRE for Visual Basic PC Client. Now that the DECADMIRE product set has multiple components, we have created a variety of packages in addition to offering the components as individual products. See the Software Product De- scription (SPD) for ordering information. Existing customers who want to utilize the full environment need to purchase the DECADMIRE for Visual Basic Generator and PC Client and upgrade all previous versions of DECADMIRE to Version 2.1A. Customers who have just purchased the DECADMIRE for Visual Basic product and who wish to add the TP component of DECADMIRE need to purchase the standard DECADMIRE product and install it on the same server as the DECADMIRE for Visual Basic Generator. The TFM development environment is no longer provided with DECAD- MIRE. Modules built using TFM can be regenerated with Visual Ba- sic. Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1995. All Rights reserved. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. 2 ADDHERE