DIGITAL AV-Q62PE-TE Read before installing the DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment (PSE) V1.4 for DIGITAL UNIX systems Product Information DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment (PSE) comprises three components in one product: o Support for parallel High Performance Fortran (HPF) program development and execution. o DIGITAL MPI o DIGITAL PVM These components are distinct and are not integrated. Each component can be installed and operated independently. The HPF-support component of PSE allows programmers to develop and execute parallel programs written using the High Performance Fortran (HPF) Extensions in DIGITAL Fortran. DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment software contains a parallel profiler for HPF, a parallel debugger for HPF, and system software, which consists of an execution environment and several utilities for HPF support. Both the DIGITAL PVM and the DIGITAL MPI facilities provide message passing between user processes, using shared memory or the MEMORY CHANNEL[TM] interconnect as a medium. DIGITAL PVM is based on Version 3.3.9 of the PVM message-passing system from Oak Ridge National Laboratory. DIGITAL MPI is an implementation of the Message Passing Inter- face (MPI) specification based on MPICH Version 1.0.12. The Software Product Description (SPD 51.09.05) provides a more complete description of these facilities and the technical environment in which they are supported. Refer to the "Media" section below for details on how to access a copy of the SPD. License Management Facility (LMF) Information Before you can use DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment, an LMF Product Authorization Key (PAK) must be registered and loaded on each node running DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment. Please refer to the DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment Installation Guide (See the "Media" section below) or the Digital High Per- formance Fortran HPF and PSE manual for instructions on how to register this product. Installation Information For DIGITAL PVM or DIGITAL MPI installation, be sure that you are using the Installation Guide with the correct version number (PSE V1.4). Refer only to the chapters labeled "PVM" or "MPI". Both DIGITAL PVM and DIGITAL MPI require DIGITAL UNIX operating system Version 4.0a or higher. HPF support requires the DIGITAL UNIX operating system Version 4.0 or higher. HPF support also requires DIGITAL Fortran V5.0 for application development. DIGITAL Fortran is sold separately from DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment. Finally, the DIGITAL Fortran for DIGITAL UNIX Runtime Support (included in the DIGI- TAL Fortran V5.0 kit) is required for running HPF applications. Refer to the DIGITAL Fortran Installation Guide for assistance in installing the Runtime Support. To install HPF support, follow the instructions in the online installation guide or in the Digital HPF and PSE Manual. Exist- ing users of DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment should delete the PSEHPFnnn, PSEKBINnnn, PSEMANnnn, PSEPPEnnn, and PSEWSFnnn subsets before installing the new version of the product. Release Notes Information The release notes for DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment contain installation-related instructions and a summary of technical changes, known problems, restrictions, and incom- patibilities. You can view or print the release notes before installation once the media has been mounted. The release notes are located in directory: /cdrom/pse140/documentation The release notes are also available in HTML format on the Consolodated Layered Products Documentation CD-ROM. Contents of the Kit o Bill of Materials (BOM)-Please read the enclosed BOM and check to see that all items listed are actually in your kit. If your kit is damaged or any items are missing, please call your DIGITAL representative. o Media-The binaries for DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment are included on a media CD within the DIGITAL UNIX Layered Product Consolidated CD Kit (QA-054AA-H8). The media CD contains the following DIGITAL PSE files: - The DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment installation subsets are in the following directory: /cdrom/pse140/kit - The Cover Letter (this document), the Software Product Description (SPD), the Installation Guide, and the Release Notes are located in the following directory: /cdrom/pse140/documentation 2 For detailed instructions on how to load the software, refer to the Installation Guide. - Electronic Documentation-The following DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment manuals and related documents are included in HTML format on the documentation CD in the DIGITAL UNIX Layered Products Consolidated CD Kit (QA- 054AA-H8): + HPF and PSE Manual + DIGITAL PVM User Guide + DIGITAL MPI User Guide + PSE Release Notes Refer to the "Documentation CD" section for details on how to access these documents. After installation of DIGITAL PVM, the DIGITAL PVM User Guide is available in PostScript format in the following file: /usr/opt/PVM140/ After installation of DIGITAL MPI, the DIGITAL MPI User Guide is available in PostScript format in the following file: /usr/opt/MPI140/ o Hardcopy Documentation (optional)-A hardcopy documentation kit is available through DIGITAL by ordering part number QA-2ATAA-GZ. Contents of the kit include: - DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment Cover Letter (AV- Q62PE-TE) - Digital High Performance Fortran HPF and PSE Manual (AA- Q62LD-TE) - DIGITAL Parallel Software Environment Release notes (AA- Q62ME-TE) For Version 1.4, the PVM and MPI User Guides are not avail- able in hard copy. Please refer to the HTML and PostScript versions mentioned above. Documentation CD The Consolidated Layered Products Documentation CD-ROMs (CD) contain documentation files for all of the DIGITAL UNIX layered products. If you want to use Bookreader to read the documentation, your system manager should activate the BOOKBROWSER PAK (see the DIGITAL UNIX Products Compact Disc User's Guide). The "CD Users Booklet" and "CD read first" letter are provided in printed form and as online files in the media CD directory /readme. The CD user booklet gives detailed instructions on accessing the documentation on these CD-ROMs. 3 These CD-ROMs include complete documentation for HPF, PVM, and MPI under the "Programming Languages and Tools" topic. DIGITAL Services A variety of service and support options are available from DIGITAL. For more information, contact your local DIGITAL sales office. Your Feedback is Appreciated DIGITAL appreciates your comments. Each manual contains pre- addressed Reader's Comments forms. If you find errors or want to make comments about it, please fill out and mail us the Reader's Comments form (postage-paid if mailed in the U.S.A.), or send Internet mail containing the manual's title, order number, and your comments (for documentation comments) to For comments to product management and engineering, send Inter- net mail to one of the following: Comments related to HPF support: Comments related to PVM: Comments related to MPI: ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1997. All Rights Reserved. 4