Hewlett-Packard Cover Letter for HP DECram for OpenVMS Version 3.2 October 2003 Dear DECram Customer: HP is pleased to provide HP DECram for OpenVMS Version 3.2 to our customers. DECram for OpenVMS Version 3.2 is fully supported when installed on any valid and licensed standalone or clustered system running OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2-2 or higher. The main benefits of Version 3.2 are significant performance enhancements for users running OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3 and higher. NOTE OpenVMS customers running Version 7.3-1 or higher must in- stall or upgrade to DECram Version 3.2. DECram for OpenVMS Version 3.2 cannot be installed on a VAX system. VAX users can install DECram for OpenVMS Version 2.5. OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2 is the last version to support DECram Version 2.5. In future releases of OpenVMS Alpha, DECram will be included as a System Integrated Product (SIP), and will continue to require a unique license. DECram Version 2.5 will continue to be supported on VAX systems only. The DECram for OpenVMS software allows a system manager to create psuedo disks (RAMdisks), which reside in the main memory of OpenVMS systems and improve I/O performance. The operating system can read from and write to the RAMdisk using standard OpenVMS disk I/O operations. This provides high-speed access to read-only data such as libraries, fonts, databases, and command files. There are no special hardware requirements to install DECram for OpenVMS. DECram for OpenVMS Version 3.2 supports operation in an Adaptive Partitioned Multiprocessing (APMP) environment, also known as HP Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS Alpha. Cluster Considerations DECram for OpenVMS Version 3.2 is fully compatible with Versions 3.1, 3.0, and Version 2.5, and any combination of these versions can be used in an OpenVMS Cluster. If your first installation of the DECram product in a clustered environment is Version 3.0 or higher (on nodes running OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2-2 or higher), you can install the DECram software just once if all nodes in the cluster share a common disk. However, you must install a license key for each node in the cluster that will use the DECram product. When you install DECram in a cluster, be sure only one installation is active at once. If you install the DECram software in a clustered environment where there is no common system disk, the DECram software must be installed on each node. If you want to upgrade nodes in a cluster from DECram for Open- VMS Version 2.5, the DECram for OpenVMS Version 3.2 software must be installed over Version 2.5. You cannot remove Ver- sion 2.5 except by installing DECram for OpenVMS Version 3.0 or higher over it. Note that if you subsequently remove DECram for OpenVMS, the older version will automatically be removed too. If you later want to run an earlier version of DECram, you must reinstall it. Multiple DECram devices can be members of a Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS shadow set and can be served by mass storage control protocol (MSCP) in an OpenVMS Cluster configuration. Documentation During the DECram for OpenVMS installation, the DECram for OpenVMS User's Manual and the DECram for OpenVMS Installation Guide are copied in PostScript (.PS) and ASCII (.TXT) format to the SYS$HELP directory. Look for the following files in [SYS$HELP]: DECRAM_INSTALL_GUIDE.PS DECRAM_INSTALL_GUIDE.TXT DECRAM_USERS_MANUAL.PS DECRAM_USERS_MANUAL.TXT NOTE The DECram Version 3.1 documentation is being shipped with DECram Version 3.2. There are no functional changes in DECram Version 3.2 that require new documentation. These manuals are also shipped in Adobe Portable Document For- mat (.PDF) and HyperText Markup Language (.HTML) in the OpenVMS Alpha Online Documentation Library (available by subscription). If you plan to view the HTML files using a browser, all HTML files associated with the Installation Guide (DECRAM_INSTALL_ GUIDE*.HTML) or User's Manual (DECRAM_USERS_MANUAL*.HTML) must be copied to the directory from which you will view the docu- ments. Installation Please read the DECram for OpenVMS Installation Guide carefully before starting your installation. Appendix A of that manual provides a sample installation of the software. 2