Hewlett-Packard Getting Started with HP Enterprise Integration Packages AV-R8R6K-TE Thank you for your interest in OpenVMS and its associated layered products. This release documents support of component products for OpenVMS V7.3-2. Software for all products licensed by the HP Enterprise Integra- tion Packages is available on the OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library (SPL). (Most OpenVMS AlphaServer Systems now include the Enterprise Integration Packages.) The Enterprise Integration Packages Installation Guide can help you find, install, and configure the components licensed by the Enterprise Integration Packages. This guide, along with the Enterprise Integration Packages Software Product Description (SPD), is in the SPL in the [DEIS034.DOCUMENTATION] directory. The SPL Master Index will list the SPL disc containing this directory. The Enterprise In- tegration Packages Installation Guide explains how to access the installation and configuration information for the products listed above. See the SPL Master Index for the location of the Enterprise Integration Packages products and see the Online Documentation Library (ODL) Master Index for the location of the product documentation. These Master Indexes are also in the [README] directory on disc 1 of both the SPL and ODL. ©2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Group, L.P. All product names mentioned herein may be trademarks or regis- tered trademarks of their respective companies.