DIGITAL AV-PS03F-TE Cover Letter Digital Extended Math Library (DXML) Version 2.9 for OpenVMS Alpha Development Kit Please Read Before Installation April 1996 1 DXML Version 2.9 Development Kit Version 2.9 of DXML is largely a maintenance update to Version 2.8, which was released in January 1995. For details on what has changed, please refer to the online release notes. The distribution kit consists of new save sets (DXMLDVAV029.A), DXMLDVAV029.B (DXML optimized for EV4, for example, the Al- phaServer 4/nnn), and DXMLDVAV029.C (DXML optimized for EV5, for example, the AlphaServer 5/nnn). The kit also contains updated user documentation and this cover letter. The installation procedure has been changed slightly to auto- matically determine whether your system is an EV4 or an EV5 and then to install only that save set. In addition to this cover letter, the following user documen- tation is available on the CD-ROM distribution in Bookreader format: o Digital Extended Math Library for OpenVMS Alpha Reference Manual o Digital Extended Math Library for OpenVMS Alpha Installation Guide o Digital Extended Math Library for OpenVMS Alpha Release Notes The documentation kit is also available in hardcopy format from Digital. The order number is QA-MUVAA-GZ.2.9. DXML Version 2.9 is also available as an individual product option. The order number is QA-MUVAA-H8.2.9. The DXML Version 2.9 Development Kit requires approximately 50000 free disk blocks. 2 DXML Version 2.9 Release Notes The release notes contain important instructions, a summary of changes, and other relevant information. After installation the online release notes can be found at SYS$HELP:DXML029.RELEASE_ NOTES and on CD-ROM in Bookreader format. 3 Reporting Problems and Comments If you encounter a problem while using this product, report it to Digital. Depending on the nature of the problem and the type of support you have, you can take one of the following actions: o Call Digital if your software contract or warranty agreement entitles you to telephone support. o Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). o Fill out and submit a Reader's Comments form if the problem has to do with the user documentation. There is a Reader's Comments form in the front of each manual. o Comments or problem reports on DXML can be sent to the DXML developers at The DXML developers welcome your feedback. AlphaGeneration, AlphaServer, Bookreader, OpenVMS, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1996. All Rights Reserved. 2