DIGITIAL OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library--March 1999 AV-RDA6C-TE Welcome to this month's OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library Package. The March 1999 package includes the changes described in the following sections. Support for OpenVMS Version 7.2 Many products in this library have been qualified against OpenVMS Version 7.2, which was released in January '99. For a listing of products, refer to the Operating System Support matrix: [README]SW_COMPAT_MATRIX.PS (.TXT) Or refer to the OpenVMS Web site: http://www.openvms.digital.com/os/swroll/index.html Removals from the Current Library due to retirement The following products which shipped as part of the December 1998 Software Product Library Package have reached "End-of-Service-Life" and have been removed from the March 1999 package due to their retirement. Product Name Version UPILV MailWorks/Japanese for OpenVMS AXP 1.3A 3NGJA POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit 3.0 5HRAA POLYCENTER Network Manager 400 3.0 5HSAA Sequential Media Filesystem for OpenVMS 1.3 2AYAA © Digital Equipment Corporation. 1999. All rights reserved. Future Product Removals due to Retirement (June 1999) Product Name Version UPILV DECmigrate for OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.1A MWMAA DECnet SNA DTF/Japanese for OpenVMS AXP 3.1 205JA DECnet SNA DTF/Japanese for OpenVMS (Utility) 3.1 206JA DECmigrate for OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.1A MWMAA DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor (ALL-IN-1 Scanning Module) 3.0 5TQAA DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor (MAILbus Scanning Module) 3.0 5TSAA DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor (MailWorks Scanning Module) 3.0 5TNAA DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor (Officeserver Scanning Module) 3.0 5TPAA Products on Hold, awaiting Y2K readiness The following products which shipped as part of the December 1998 Software Product Library Package have been removed from the March 1999 package until Year 2000 evaluation is complete or until a Year 2000 ready version is ready for shipment. Product Name Version UPILV DECforms/Thai for OpenVMS AXP (Run-Time) 1.4A 0J95A DECprint Supervisor/Japanese 1.2 09AJA DIGITAL COBOL/Japanese for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 2.5 0JUJA POLYCENTER Capacity Planner for OpenVMS 4.0A 23MAA Note: Y2K ready version, V1.6 of DECprint Supervisor/Japanese will be included in the June release of the Software Product Library. POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility In order to install DECwindows Motif V1.2-5 using the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility on OpenVMS V7.1-1H1 and earlier versions, you must first install a remedial kit for the utility. This remedial kit is available on this Software Products Library distribution. Note that this kit is not an orderable part. 2 The POLYCENTER Software Installation utility kit DEC-AXPVMS-VMS62TO71U2_PCSI-V0100--4.PCSI can be applied to OpenVMS Alpha V6.2, V6.2-1H1, V6.2-1H2, V6.2-1H3, V7.1, V7.1-1H1, and V7.1-1H2. After installation, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility will be functionally equivalent to that provided by OpenVMS Alpha V7.1-2 and OpenVMS Alpha V7.2. For more information about this remedial kit, please read the cover letter that accompanies the kit before beginning the installation. You can also refer to the release notes, which are placed in [SYSHLP] during installation. DECforms Asian Local Language Versions The following products, which shipped as part of the December 1998 Software Product Library Package, have been replaced in the March 1999 package with the Year 2000 ready Version 2.1B1. Product Name New Version UPILV DECforms/Hanzi for OpenVMS (Development) 2.1B1 0J82A DECforms/Hanyu for OpenVMS (Development) 2.1B1 0J83A DECforms/Hangul for OpenVMS (Development) 2.1B1 0J84A DECforms/Japanese for OpenVMS (Development) 2.1B1 0J8JA DECforms/Hanzi for OpenVMS (Runtime) 2.1B1 0J92A DECforms/Hanyu for OpenVMS (Runtime) 2.1B1 0J93A DECforms/Hangul for OpenVMS (Runtime) 2.1B1 0J94A DECforms/Japanese for OpenVMS (Runtime) 2.1B1 0J9JA This new version is Version 2.1B with the Year 2000 ECO (ECO1) already applied. Users who have already installed ECO1 to their V2.1B systems need not install this maintenance release. For new installations, use the kits on this Software Product Library Package to save time. Version 2.1B1 provides a definable 100-year window feature, sometimes called a "sliding window", for the interpretation of two digit years on input. Used correctly, this feature can decrease the burden upon application developers to insure correct application operation into the 21st century. After installation of any of the runtime kits above, additional details on the "sliding window" feature can be found in the SYS$HELP directory in the file named FORMSAMB021_E01_README1ST.RELEASE_NOTES. If you are installing a development kit, you will need to extract this file from the runtime saveset using the BACKUP utility program. 3 Product Name Changes The following products have changed their name with this release: Former Product Name New Product Name UPILV (No change) DECnet SNA Data Transfer Facility for DIGITAL SNA Data OpenVMS Transfer Facility for 206AA and 205AA OpenVMS DEC C++ for OpenVMS Alpha DIGITAL C++ for OpenVMS 0HQAA Alpha 4 IMPORTANT YEAR 2000 INFORMATION "This is a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure by Compaq Computer Corporation pursuant to the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act of 1998." With the March 1999 release, all of the actively selling products including local language products on the OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Library are Y2K ready. All products previously noted as having planned Y2K updates have submitted those updates this month and are included in this Software Product Library release. Products that have begun the retirement process may be exceptions to the above status. Please refer to the "Retiring Products" section below for further information. OpenVMS Year 2000 Readiness Kit Year 2000 enhancements for the OpenVMS Operating System and key layered products are provided on this CD-ROM, which is shipped with the Software Products Library and part of the "Prior Version Support Program". Refer to the Y2K Enhancement Kit documentation for details. Please note that the local language variants of DECwindows V1.2-3 shipped in this release of the Software Library are in the process of being retired. Support for bug fixes will be available for the next month until June 2000. The following products are Y2K ready with the enhancements in this kit: Product Name Version UPILV DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS (PCSI) 1.2-4 MV4AA DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS (PCSI) 1.2-3A MV4AA DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS (VMSinstall) 1.2-4 MV4AA DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS (VMSinstall) 1.2-3A MV4AA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Cesky 1.2-3B 0RGVA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Deutsch 1.2-3B XDDGA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Espanol 1.2-3B XDDSA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Francais 1.2-3B XDDPA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Italiano 1.2-3B XDDUA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Magyar 1.2-3B 0RGUA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Polski 1.2-3B XDDWA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Russkij 1.2-3B 0RGXA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Slovensky 1.2-3B 0RGSA DECwindows Motif OpenVMS User Interface/Svenska 1.2-3B XDDMA DECwindows Motif/Hangul for OpenVMS 1.2-3B MV44A DECwindows Motif/Hanyu for OpenVMS 1.2-3B MV42A DECwindows Motif/Hebrew for OpenVMS 1.2-4 08UTA 5 OpenVMS Year 2000 Readiness Kit - Continued Product Name Version UPILV DECwindows Motif/Japanese for OpenVMS 1.2-4 MV4JA DIGITAL Distributed Computing Environment (Cell Directory) 1.4 24EAA DIGITAL Distributed Computing Environment (Development) 1.4 24CAA DIGITAL Distributed Computing Environment (Run-Time) 1.4 24CA9 DIGITAL Distributed Computing Environment (Security) 1.4 24GAA Product Retirements Please be advised that the following products have begun the retirement process. These products may not be Y2K ready, and there are no plans to determine their readiness or to release Y2K ready versions. However, these products will remain on the Software Product Library until they reach End of Service Life. Product Name Version UPILV ALL-IN-1/Japanese (Secondary Language Kit) 3.1 AABJA ALL-IN-1/Norsk Office Server Options for OpenVMS 3.1 AAANA ALL-IN-1/Portugues Office Server Options for OpenVMS 3.1 AAAVA ALL-IN-1/Suomi Office Server Options for OpenVMS 3.1 AAAFA ALL-IN-1/TeamRoute (Japanese) 1.1A GEZJA DECmigrate for OpenVMS AXP Systems 1.1A MWMAA DECnet SNA DTF/Japanese for OpenVMS (Utility) 3.1 206JA DECnet SNA DTF/Japanese for OpenVMS AXP (Server) 3.1 205JA DECwrite for OpenVMS Alpha (British English) 3.1 2FNEA Digital Application Generator VB Development ACMS Server 3.0 5AHAA Digital Application Generator VB Development ACMSxp Server 3.0 5AFAA DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor (ALL-IN-1 Scanning Module) 3.0 5TQAA DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor (DEMM) 3.0 4XGAA DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor (MAILBUS Scanning Module) 3.0 5TSAA DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor (MailWorks Scanning Module) 3.0 5TNAA DIGITAL Enterprise Mail Monitor (Officeserver Scanning Module) 3.0 5TPAA MAILworks/Japanese for OpenVMS ALP 1.3A 3NGJA MultiMedia Services for OpenVMS Alpha (Development) 2.0 4G8AA MultiMedia Services for OpenVMS Alpha (RunTime) 2.0 4G9AA MUXserver 320/380/90 Remote Terminal Server 2.0 YWLAA POSIX for OpenVMS AXP 3.0 50DAA SSU (Session Support Utility) for OpenVMS 2.0 2T7AA SystemsTerminal Server Manager 2.1 352AA 6 Software Compatibility Matrix Please refer to the Software Compatibility Matrix or Software Product Description for Operating System Support information. The Software Compatibility Matrix shows the minimum and maximum Operating System versions supported by each software product on the Software Product Library. This matrix is located on disc 1in the following file: [README]SW_COMPAT_MATRIX.PS (.TXT) UPI of "IOU" designates a placeholder part number Some of the kits on the Software Products Library may be designated with a UPILV in the format "IOUnn". These kits are not separately orderable and do not have part numbers. The "IOUnn" UPILVs are supplied as placeholders only. A Final Note If you have questions or concerns regarding the Software Products Library, please contact us at: cdrom_docs@zko.dec.com ___________________ TM ACMS, ACMS Desktop, ACMSxp, ALL-IN-1, Alpha, DECADMIRE, DECforms, DECmigrate, DECnet, DECprint, DECwrite, DIGITAL, DIGITAL NAS, Digital SNA, DIGITAL UNIX, MAILbus, MailWorks, MUXserver, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, POLYCENTER, PrintServer, Reliable Transaction Router, RuleWorks, SSU, StorageWorks, TeamRoute, VAX, VMS, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. R Postscript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. Netscape Navigator is a registered trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation. Windows NT is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. 7