!#Title: June 2005 OpenVMS Alpha Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha Software_Products_Library_____________________ Master Index AV-RN7DU-XE June 2005 This document lists all products for this release of the OpenVMS Alpha Software Products Library. Revision/Update Information: This is a revised document. Hewlett-Packard Company Palo Alto, California __________________________________________________________ © 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. government under vendor's standard commercial license. None of Compaq, Hewlett-Packard Company ("HP") or any other direct or indirect subsidiary of HP shall be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information in this document is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and is subject to change without notice. The warranties for Compaq or HP products are set forth in the express limited warranty statements accompanying such products. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Compaq service tool software, including associated documentation, is the property of and contains confi- dential technology of Compaq Computer Corporation. Service customer is hereby licensed to use the software only for activities directly relating to the delivery of, and only during the term of, the applicable services delivered by Compaq or its authorized service provider. Customer may not modify or reverse engineer, remove, or transfer the software or make the software or any resultant diagnosis or system management data available to other parties without Compaq's or its authorized service provider's consent. Upon termination of the services, customer will, at Compaq's or its service provider's option, destroy or return the software and associated documentation in its possession. Printed in the U.S.A. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. 1 ________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index This master index lists the layered products contained on the OpenVMS Alpha Software Products Library CD-ROMs, as well as products removed since the last issue: __________________________________________________________ Table_Number__Description_________________________________ Table 1-1 Lists all products included on the June 2005 Software Products Library CD-ROMs. Table 1-2 Lists all products licensed by the the NAS Packages included in this Library Package. Table 1-3 Lists all products licensed by the Enterprise Integration Packages included in this Library Package. Table 1-4 Lists products that have been removed from the June 2005 Software Products Library CD-ROMs. It also provides the CD number and directory location from the March 2005 issue of the Software Products Library. To retain a copy of any of these removed products, be sure to keep the indicated CD from the March ______________2005_release._______________________________ OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index 1-1 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index The columns in Table 1-1, Table 1-2, Table 1-3, and Table 1-4 contain the following information: __________________________________________________________ Column_Name___Column_Contents_____________________________ Product Name The name of the product. Vers. The version number of the product. UPI The unique product identifier. Kit The type of kit. Status NEW indicates that the product is a new addition to the CD-ROM. UPD indicates the product has been updated since the last issue. REM indicates the product has been removed since the last issue. A blank space indicates no change. CD The number of the CD-ROM on which a product is located. Directory The name of the product's directory on the ______________CD-ROM._____________________________________ _________________NAS Packages Table _________________ All products licensed by the NAS Packages are included in Table 1-2. This table indicates which components have updated and gives product location on the Software Products Library CD-ROMs. _____________________________________________________ _______ Enterprise Integration Packages Table _______ All products licensed by the Enterprise Integration Packages (EIP) are included in Table 1-3. This table indicates which EIP products have updated and gives product location on CD-ROMs within the Software Products Library package. _____________________________________________________ 1-2 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index Table_1-1_June_2005_OpenVMS_Alpha_Master_Index__________________ Product_Name__________Vers__UPI___Kit___StatusCD__Directory_____ ACMS/Japanese for 4.1 2PZJA SSB 9 [ACMSJA041] OpenVMS ALL-IN-1 Office 3.2 AAAAA SSB 1 [A1032] Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX ALL-IN-1/Brazilian 3.2 AAAXA SSB 5 [A1LBZ032] Office Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Dansk 3.2 AAADA SSB 7 [A1LDA032] Office Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Deutsch 3.2 AAAGA SSB 7 [A1LDE032] Office Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Español 3.2 AAASA SSB 7 [A1LES032] Office Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Français 3.2 AAAPA SSB 7 [A1LFR032] Office Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Hangul 3.2 2XC4A SSB 8 [A1CKO032] Integrated Office System Server for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Hanyu 3.2 2XC3A SSB 8 [A1CTA032] Integrated Office System Server for OpenVMS (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index 1-3 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_June_2005_OpenVMS_Alpha_Master_Index__________ Product_Name__________Vers__UPI___Kit___StatusCD__Directory_____ ALL-IN-1/Hanzi 3.2 2XC2A SSB 8 [A1CPR032] Integrated Office System Server for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Hebrew 3.2A AAATA SSB 5 [A1CIL032] Integrated Office System Server for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Italiano 3.2 AAAUA SSB 7 [A1LIT032] Office Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Japanese 3.2 AAAJA SSB 9 [A1LJA032] Office Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Netherlands 3.2 AAAHA SSB 7 [A1LNL032] Office Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Svenska 3.2 AAAMA SSB 7 [A1LSV032] Office Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX Application 1.0 5H5AA SSB 2 [APPDEV010] Developer's Package for C/C++ BASEstar Classic 3.4A 0YDAA SSB 3 [BCCVAA034] for OpenVMS Alpha (Development) BASEstar Classic 3.4A 0YEAA SSB 3 [BCCVAA034] for OpenVMS Alpha (Runtime) (continued on next page) 1-4 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_June_2005_OpenVMS_Alpha_Master_Index__________ Product_Name__________Vers__UPI___Kit___StatusCD__Directory_____ BASEstar Classic 3.4A 5JXAA SSB 3 [DCM_ABVAA034] DAS for Allen- Bradley Data Highway Protocol BASEstar Classic DAS 3.4A 5JZAA SSB 3 [DCM_ for Allen-Bradley DTLVAA034] INTERCHANGE Software BASEstar Classic DAS 3.4A 5K5AA SSB 3 [DCM_ for OMNI Software OMNIVAA034] BASEstar Classic 3.4A 5K1AA SSB 3 [DCM_ DAS for Modicon MODVAA034] Programmable Controllers BASEstar Classic 3.4A 5K3AA SSB 3 [DCM_H1VAA034] DAS for Siemens H1 Protocol BASEstar Open DAS 3.1A 4V8AA SSB 3 [ABDVAA031] for Allen-Bradley Data Highway BASEstar Open DAS 3.1A 4V7AA SSB 3 [MODVAA031] for Modicon BASEstar Open Server 3.2 0X9AA SSB 3 [BSTROSVA032] (Development) BASEstar Open Server 3.2 0X8AA SSB 3 [BSTROSVA032] (RunTime) BASEstar Open Client 3.2 0Y9AA SSB 3 [BSTROCVA032] (Client) COM for OpenVMS 1.4 66YAA SSB 5 [DCOM014] Compaq Ada for 3.5A 09PAA SSB 2 [ADA035] OpenVMS Alpha Systems (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index 1-5 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_June_2005_OpenVMS_Alpha_Master_Index__________ Product_Name__________Vers__UPI___Kit___StatusCD__Directory_____ Compaq Ada for 3.5A 0VRAA SSB 2 [ADA035] OpenVMS Alpha Systems (Pro. Development) Compaq C for OpenVMS 6.5 MU7AA SSB 2 [CC065] Alpha Compaq C++ for 6.5 0HQAA SSB 2 [CXX065] OpenVMS Alpha Compaq COBOL for 2.8 0JUAA SSB 2 [COBOL028] OpenVMS Alpha Systems Compaq COBOL 2.6 0JUJA SSB 9 [NCOBOL026] /Japanese for OpenVMS Alpha Systems Compaq DASware 3.1 4NHAA SSB 3 [OMNIAPIA031] Compaq DATATRIEVE 7.2A 0JKAA SSB 3 [DTRAXPA072] for OpenVMS Alpha Systems Compaq DEC/EDI for 4.0 2QSAA SSB 4 [DECEDIA040] OpenVMS VAX and Alpha Compaq DECnet 1.3 S01AA SSB 4 [SNACST013] SNA Gateway for Synchronous Transport Compaq DECwindows 2.1 10WAA SSB 3 [SNADWTE021] SNA 3270 Terminal Emulator for OpenVMS Compaq Device Access 3.1 3PWAA SSB 3 [DASDTLA031] Software for Allen- Bradley INTERCHANGE (continued on next page) 1-6 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_June_2005_OpenVMS_Alpha_Master_Index__________ Product_Name__________Vers__UPI___Kit___StatusCD__Directory_____ Compaq Device Access 3.1 4NMAA SSB 3 [DAS3964A031] Software for Siemens 3964 Compaq MultiMedia 2.2- 4G8AA SSB UPD 3 [MMOV0221] Services for OpenVMS 1 Alpha (Development) Compaq MultiMedia 2.2- 4G9AA SSB UPD 3 [MMOV0221] Services for OpenVMS 1 Alpha (RunTime) Compaq Office Server 6.1 5TBAA SSB 1 [A1061] for OpenVMS Compaq Office Server 6.0 5TBGA SSB 7 [A1LDE060] /Deutsch for OpenVMS Compaq Office 6.0 5TBPA SSB 7 [A1LFR060] Server/Français for OpenVMS Compaq Office Server 6.0 5TBHA SSB 7 [A1LNL060] /Nederlands for OpenVMS Compaq Office Server 5.0 5TBMA SSB 7 [A1LSV050] /Svenska for OpenVMS Compaq OMNI API 3.1 2QCAA SSB 3 [OMNIAPIA031] Compaq OMNI MMS 3.1 2QDAA SSB 3 [OMNIMMSA031] Compaq OSAP/AP 3.1 2XVAA SSB 3 [OSAPA031] Compaq OSAP/H1 3.1 2XWAA SSB 3 [OSAPA031] Compaq Open3D for 4.9B 0ADAA SSB 6 [OPEN3DB049] OpenVMS Alpha Compaq PATHWORKS for 6.1 A93AA SSB 5 [PWRK061] OpenVMS Compaq SNA 3270 1.3 2FKAA SSB 3 [R3270013] Application Services (Development) (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index 1-7 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_June_2005_OpenVMS_Alpha_Master_Index__________ Product_Name__________Vers__UPI___Kit___StatusCD__Directory_____ Compaq 3270 1.3 2FLAA SSB 3 [R3270013] Application Services (RunTime) Compaq SNA Domain 2.1 MKHAA SSB 3 [SNAPU5021] Gateway - CT Compaq SNA Domain 2.1 23DAA SSB 3 [SNAPU5021] Gateway - ST Compaq SNA Gateway 2.2 VC9AA SSB 4 [SNACSA022] for Channel Transport Compaq TeamRoute for 1.3A GEZAA SSB 4 [TMRA1_A013] ALL-IN-1 Compaq TP Desktop 3.1A GZGAA SSB 4 [ACMSDIA031] Connector Compaq X.25 for 1.6 0THAA ECO2 6 [X25ECO016] OpenVMS Alpha Systems Data Cartridge 3.3 4EUAA SSB 5 [DCSC033] Server Component for OpenVMS DEC DATATRIEVE 6.1 0JKJA SSB 8 [DTRAJA061] /Japanese for OpenVMS AXP DEC Distributed 1.3 0HPAA SSB 4 [DQS013] Queuing Service for OpenVMS AXP DEC FMS/Hebrew 2.4 MVSTA SSB 8 [DECFMS_ for OpenVMS AXP HEB024] (Development) DEC FMS/Hebrew 2.4 MVTTA SSB 8 [DECFDV_ for OpenVMS AXP HEB024] (RunTime) (continued on next page) 1-8 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_June_2005_OpenVMS_Alpha_Master_Index__________ Product_Name__________Vers__UPI___Kit___StatusCD__Directory_____ DEC FMS/Japanese 2.4 MVSJA SSB 8 [FMSJA024] for OpenVMS AXP (Development) DEC FMS/Japanese 2.4 MVTJA SSB 8 [FDVJA024] for OpenVMS AXP (RunTime) DECdfs for OpenVMS 2.4 VEQAA SSB 5 [DECDFS024] DECnet SNA 3270 Data 1.4 10XJA SSB 9 [JSNA3270A014] Stream Programming Interface/Japanese for OpenVMS AXP DECnet SNA 3270 1.5A 10ZJA SSB 9 [JSNATEAA015] Terminal Emulator /Japanese for OpenVMS DECnet SNA Printer 1.2A 10TJA SSB 9 [JSNAPREAA012] Emulator/Japanese for OpenVMS AXP DECnet SNA Remote 1.4A 10UJA SSB 9 [JSNARJEAA014] Job Entry/Japanese for OpenVMS DECram for OpenVMS 2.3 MV3AA SSB 3 [DECRAM023] DECwindows DECnet 2.0A 10WJA SSB 9 [SNADWTEJAAA020] SNA 3270 Terminal Emulater/Japanese for OpenVMS AXP DIGITAL DECintact 3.0B 5N6AA SSB 3 [DECINTACTB030] (Development) DIGITAL DECintact 3.0B 5N4AA SSB 3 [DECINTACTB030] (Remote) DIGITAL DECintact 3.0B 5N5AA SSB 3 [DECINTACTB030] (RunTime) (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index 1-9 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_June_2005_OpenVMS_Alpha_Master_Index__________ Product_Name__________Vers__UPI___Kit___StatusCD__Directory_____ DIGITAL GKS for 6.5 02UAA SSB 4 [AXPGKS065] OpenVMS Alpha (Development) DIGITAL GKS for 6.5 02VAA SSB 4 [AXPGKSRT065] OpenVMS Alpha (RunTime) DIGITAL PHIGS 5.0 0A6AA SSB 6 [AXPPHIGS050] for OpenVMS Alpha (Development) DIGITAL PHIGS 5.0 0A7AA SSB 6 [AXPPHIGSRTO050] for OpenVMS Alpha (RunTime) DIGITAL TCP/IP 4.2 0LXAA SSB 6 [UCXA042] Services for OpenVMS Disk File Optimizer 2.9 2GNAA SSB 6 [DFG029] for OpenVMS DSM/Japanese for 6.4E 00ZJA MUP 9 [DSMJAXPMUPE064] OpenVMS Alpha Encryption for 1.6 597AA SSB 4 [ENCRYPT016] OpenVMS Alpha HP ACMS for OpenVMS 4.5 2PZAA SSB 4 [ACMSDEVA_045] (Development) HP ACMS for OpenVMS 4.5 2Q0AA SSB 4 [ACMSREMA_045] (Remote) HP ACMS for OpenVMS 4.5 2Q1AA SSB 4 [ACMSRTOA_045] (RunTime) HP Advanced Server 7.3A A93AA ECO4 5 [ASOVMSECOV73A] for OpenVMS HP Advanced Server 7.3A 5SUJA ECO 9 [ASOVMSECOJAA2073] /Japanese for OpenVMS (continued on next page) 1-10 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_June_2005_OpenVMS_Alpha_Master_Index__________ Product_Name__________Vers__UPI___Kit___StatusCD__Directory_____ HP Archive Backup 4.3 5W2AA SSB 6 [ABS043] System for OpenVMS (Server) HP Archive Backup 4.3 5W1AA SSB 6 [ABS043] System for OpenVMS (Client) HP BASIC for OpenVMS 1.6 0Y7AA SSB UPD 2 [BASIC016] Alpha Systems HP Code Management 4.2 0W1AA SSB 3 [DECSET125] System for OpenVMS Alpha Systems HP DECforms 3.3 0J8AA SSB 5 [FORMSA033] for OpenVMS (Development) HP DECforms for 3.3 0J9AA SSB 5 [FORMSRTA033] OpenVMS (RunTime) HP DECforms/Hangul 3.3 0J84A SSB 8 [FORMSAAN033] for OpenVMS (Development) HP DECforms/Hangul 3.3 0J94A SSB 8 [FORMSRTAAN033] for OpenVMS (RunTime) HP DECforms/Hanyu 3.3 0J83A SSB 8 [FORMSAAN033] for OpenVMS (Development) HP DECforms/Hanyu 3.3 0J93A SSB 8 [FORMSRTAAN033] for OpenVMS Alpha (RunTime) HP DECforms/Hanzi 3.3 0J82A SSB 8 [FORMSAAN033] for OpenVMS (Development) (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index 1-11 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_June_2005_OpenVMS_Alpha_Master_Index__________ Product_Name__________Vers__UPI___Kit___StatusCD__Directory_____ HP DECforms/Hanzi 3.3 0J92A SSB 8 [FORMSRTAAN033] for OpenVMS Alpha (RunTime) HP DECforms/Japanese 3.3 0J8JA SSB 8 [FORMSAAN033] for OpenVMS Alpha (Development) HP DECforms/Japanese 3.3 0J9JA SSB 8 [FORMSRTAAN033] for OpenVMS Alpha (RunTime) HP DECnet-Plus for 7.3- MTFAA SSB 5 [DECNETPLUS0732] OpenVMS Alpha 2 HP DECprint 2.4 09NAB SSB 6 [DCPSAXP024] Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS HP DECprint 2.4 0WKJA SSB UPD 9 [DCPSJ024] Supervisor/Japanese for OpenVMS HP DECram for 3.2 MV3AA SSB 3 [DECRAM032] OpenVMS HP DECset for 12.5 MUPAA SSB 3 [DECSET125] OpenVMS Alpha Systems HP DECwindows Motif 1.5 MV4AA SSB 1 [DWMOTIFAXPV0105] for OpenVMS HP DECwindows Motif 1.3- MV44A SSB 1 [KMOTIF_V131] /Hangul for OpenVMS 1 HP DECwindows Motif 1.3 MV43A SSB 2 [DWMA_ZH_ /Hanyu for OpenVMS TWU013] HP DECwindows Motif 1.3- MV42A SSB UPD 1 [CMOTIF_V131] /Hanzi for OpenVMS 1 HP DECwindows Motif 1.3- 08UTA SSB 8 [DWMA_IW_ /Hebrew for OpenVMS 1 ILU0131] (continued on next page) 1-12 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_June_2005_OpenVMS_Alpha_Master_Index__________ Product_Name__________Vers__UPI___Kit___StatusCD__Directory_____ HP DECwindows 1.3- MV4JA SSB 9 [JMOTIF_V131] Motif/Japanese for 1 OpenVMS HP Digital Test 4.1 0W4AA SSB 3 [DECSET125] Manager for OpenVMS Alpha Systems HP Distributed 3.2 24CAA SSB 3 [DCEALP0032] Computing Environment (DCE) for OpenVMS (Develop) HP Distributed 3.2 24CA9 SSB 3 [DCEALP0032] Computing Environment (DCE) for OpenVMS (RunTime) HP Distributed 3.2 24EAA SSB 3 [DCEALP0032] Computing Environment (DCE) for OpenVMS (CDS) HP Distributed 3.2 24GAA SSB 3 [DCEALP0032] Computing Environment (DCE) for OpenVMS (Security) HP Enterprise 3.5 5LVAA SSB UPD 6 [EIP035] Integration Packages HP FMS for OpenVMS 2.5 MVSAA SSB 1 [DECFMS025] (Development) HP FMS for OpenVMS 2.5 MVTAA SSB 1 [DECFDV025] (RunTime) HP Fortran for 7.6 MV1AA SSB 2 [ALPHA_ OpenVMS Alpha FORT076] Systems (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index 1-13 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_June_2005_OpenVMS_Alpha_Master_Index__________ Product_Name__________Vers__UPI___Kit___StatusCD__Directory_____ HP Hierarchical 4.3 3J1AA SSB 5 [HSM043] Storage Management for OpenVMS HP Language- 4.8 0W2AA SSB 3 [DECSET125] Sensitive Editor /Source Code Analyzer for OpenVMS Alpha HP MAILbus 400 3.2 3L3AA SSB UPD 4 [MTA032] Message Transfer Agent for OpenVMS Alpha HP Module Management 3.5 0W5AA SSB 3 [DECSET125] System for OpenVMS Alpha Systems HP NAS Base Server 8.3C 23EAA SSB UPD 6 [NAS_BASE_ 200 for OpenVMS SERVER] Alpha Systems HP NAS Client 150 8.3C 36NAA SSB UPD 6 [NAS_CLIENT_ for OpenVMS Alpha 150] Systems HP NAS Client 250 8.3C XVEAA SSB UPD 6 [NAS_CLIENT_ for OpenVMS Alpha 250] Workstations HP NAS Server 300 8.3C XV9AA SSB UPD 6 [NAS_SERVER_ for OpenVMS Alpha 300] Systems HP NAS Production 8.3C 23RAA SSB UPD 6 [NAS_SERVER_ Server 400 for 400] OpenVMS Alpha Systems HP OpenVMS 5.4 2NZAA ECO1 UPD 4 [DXDA054] Enterprise Directory (continued on next page) 1-14 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_June_2005_OpenVMS_Alpha_Master_Index__________ Product_Name__________Vers__UPI___Kit___StatusCD__Directory_____ HP OpenVMS 5.4 2P0AA ECO1 UPD 4 [DXDA054] Enterprise Directory Administration Facility HP OpenVMS/Japanese 7.3- MT1JA SSB 9 [JSYVMSAXP0732] Operating System for 2 Alpha HP Pascal for 5.9 098AA SSB 2 [PASCAL059] OpenVMS Alpha Systems HP Performance and 4.7A 0W3AA SSB 3 [DECSET125] Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Alpha Systems HP RAID Software for 3.0 0MGAA SSB 4 [RAID030] OpenVMS HP Reliable 4.2 2AQAA ECO3 3 [RTRAXPECO042] Transaction Router for OpenVMS (Back End) HP Reliable 4.2 2ARAA ECO3 3 [RTRAXPECO042] Transaction Router for OpenVMS (Front End) HP SNA 3270 Data 1.7 10XAA SSB 3 [SNA3270017] Stream Programming Interface for OpenVMS HP SNA 3270 Terminal 1.8 10ZAA SSB 3 [SNATE018] Emulator for OpenVMS (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index 1-15 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_June_2005_OpenVMS_Alpha_Master_Index__________ Product_Name__________Vers__UPI___Kit___StatusCD__Directory_____ HP SNA APPC/LU6.2 2.5 10SAA SSB 3 [SNALU62025] Programming Interface for OpenVMS HP SNA Data Transfer 3.4 205AA SSB 3 [SNADTFS034] Facility for OpenVMS (Server) HP SNA Data Transfer 3.4 206AA SSB 3 [SNADTFU034] Facility for OpenVMS (Utility) HP SNA Application 2.6 10VAA SSB 3 [SNALU0026] Programming Interface for OpenVMS HP SNA Printer 1.5 10TAA SSB 3 [SNAPRE015] Emulator for OpenVMS HP SNA Remote Job 1.7 10UAA SSB 3 [SNARJE017] Entry for OpenVMS HP SNA Server for 1.2 6CVAA SSB 5 [SNASERV012] OpenVMS HP Storage Library 2.9J 0YPAA SSB 6 [SLSJ029] System for OpenVMS (Server) HP Storage Library 2.9J 0YQAA SSB 6 [SLSJ029] System for OpenVMS (Remote) HP TCP/IP Services 5.5 0LXAA SSB 6 [UCXAXPA055] for OpenVMS HP TCP/IP Services 5.4 0LXJA SSB 9 [TCPIPJA054] /Japanese for OpenVMS (continued on next page) 1-16 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index Table_1-1_(Cont.)_June_2005_OpenVMS_Alpha_Master_Index__________ Product_Name__________Vers__UPI___Kit___StatusCD__Directory_____ International 1.1 2HZAA SSB 5 [INTLEX011] Lexicons for OpenVMS AXP (American Business) KAP C for OpenVMS 3.2A 0HFAA SSB 3 [KCCA032] Alpha KAP Fortran for 3.2A 0HAAA SSB 3 [KFORTA032] OpenVMS MAILbus 400 2.0C 3L4AA SSB 4 [MTAC020] Application Program Interface for OpenVMS Alpha MUXserver 320/380 2.0 YWLAA SSB 3 [MS380020] /90 Remote Terminal Server OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha 7.3- MT14A SSB 6 [OPENVMSALPHA_ Operating System 1 KR0731] OpenVMS/Hanyu Alpha 7.3- MT13A SSB 6 [OPENVMSALPHA_ Operating System 1 TW0731] OpenVMS/Hanzi Alpha 7.3- MT12A SSB 6 [OPENVMSALPHA_ Operating System 1 CN0731] OpenVMS/Thai Alpha 7.3- MT15A SSB 6 [OPENVMSALPHA_ Operating System 1 TH0731] POLYCENTER Software 2.0 IOU02 SSB 1 [PCSI020] Installation Utility for OpenVMS Alpha PrintServer/Japanese 5.1 0V9JA SSB 9 [LPSJ051] Software for OpenVMS Save Set Manager for 1.8 2YBAA SSB 5 [SSMGR018] OpenVMS X.25 for OpenVMS 1.0G 0THAA MUP 5 [X25G010] Alpha_Systems___________________________________________________ OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index 1-17 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index Table_1-2_June_2005_HP_NAS_Packages_____________________________ Product_Name____Vers.UPI____Kit___StatuCD__Directory_______Pkg[1] DEC Distributed 1.3 0HPAA SSB 4 [DQS013] 3,4,5 Queuing Service for OpenVMS AXP HP ACMS 4.5 2Q1AA SSB 4 [ACMSRTOA_045] 5 for OpenVMS (RunTime) HP Advanced 7.3A A93AA ECO4 5 [ASOVMSECOV73A] 2,3,4 Server for OpenVMS HP DECforms 3.3 0J9AA SSB 5 [FORMSRTA033] 3,4,5 for OpenVMS (RunTime) HP DECnet-Plus 7.3- MTFAA SSB 5 [DECNETPLUS0732]ALL for OpenVMS 2 Alpha[2] HP DECprint 2.4 09NAB SSB 6 [DCPSAXP024] 2,3,4,5 Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS HP DECwindows 1.5 MV4AA SSB 1 [DWMOTIFAXPV0105ALL Motif for OpenVMS HP PATHWORKS 6.1 A93AA SSB 5 [PWRK061] 2,4,5 for OpenVMS [1]The_number_listed_in_this_column_refers_to_the_NAS_Package_in which this product exists. The key is below: 1 = HP NAS Client 150 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 2 = HP NAS Base Server 200 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 3 = HP NAS Client 250 for OpenVMS Alpha Workstations 4 = HP NAS Server 300 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 5 = HP NAS Production Server 400 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems (continued on next page) 1-18 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index Table_1-2_(Cont.)_June_2005_HP_NAS_Packages_____________________ Product_Name____Vers.UPI____Kit___StatuCD__Directory_______Pkg[1] HP Reliable 4.2 2AQAA ECO3 3 [RTRAXPECO042] 5 Transaction Router for OpenVMS (Full Function) HP Reliable 4.2 2ARAA ECO3 3 [RTRAXPECO042] 3,4,5 Transaction Router for OpenVMS (Client) [1]The_number_listed_in_this_column_refers_to_the_NAS_Package_in which this product exists. The key is below: 1 = HP NAS Client 150 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 2 = HP NAS Base Server 200 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 3 = HP NAS Client 250 for OpenVMS Alpha Workstations 4 = HP NAS Server 300 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 5 = HP NAS Production Server 400 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems ________________________________________________________________ ______________ Note about NAS Packages ______________ The following products are also part of the NAS Packages but are included with the OpenVMS Operating System and not duplicated on the Software Product Library. These products are: o RMS Journaling for OpenVMS AXP o OpenVMS Cluster Software o DECnet for OpenVMS AXP o Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS _____________________________________________________ OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index 1-19 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index Table_1-3_June_2005_HP_Enterprise_Integration_Packages__________ Product_Name______Vers_UPI____Kit___StatusCD__Directory_________ Compaq Office 6.1 5TBAA SSB 1 [A1061] Server for OpenVMS HP Advanced 7.3A A93AA ECO4 5 [ASOVMSECOV73A] Server for OpenVMS HP Archive 4.3 5W2AA SSB 6 [ABS043] Backup System HP DECprint 2.4 09NAB SSB 6 [DCPSAXP024] Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS HP DECwindows 1.5 MV4AA SSB 1 [DWMOTIFAXPV0105] Motif for OpenVMS HP DECnet-Plus 7.3- MTFAA SSB 5 [DECNETPLUS0732] for OpenVMS 2 Alpha[1] HP PATHWORKS for 6.1 A93AA SSB 5 [PWRK061] OpenVMS HP TCP/IP 5.5 0LXAA SSB 6 [UCXAXPA055] Services for OpenVMS POLYCENTER 2.0 IOU02 SSB 1 [PCSI020] Software Installation Utility [1]HP_DECnet-Plus_V8.2_requires_ECO1_and_is_available_in_the____ Operating System Kit ________________________________________________________________ Note: Compaq PATHWORKS 32 in the Enterprise Integration Packages Compaq PATHWORKS 32 is included in the Enterprise Integration Packages, but is not consolidated within the Software Product Library. It is, however, 1-20 OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index shipped in the Software Product Library on its own individual CD-ROM. _____________________________________________________ Table_1-4_June_2005_Removed_Products____________________________ Product_Name_______________Vers.__UPI____StatusCD[1Directory____ ACMSxp for OpenVMS Alpha 3.2A 4WRAA REM 3 [ACMSXPA032] (Development) ACMSxp for OpenVMS Alpha 3.2A 4WSAA REM 3 [ACMSXPA032] (RunTime) [1]This_table_specifies_the_CD_and_Directory_location_of________ productson the March 2005 CD-ROMs. ________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS Alpha June 2005 Software Products Library Master Index 1-21