As of: 8/9/2006 SW Ops - Synchronized Release =============================================== OpenVMS Alpha (TM) Software Compatibility Matrix =============================================== REPORT FIELD ABBREVIATIONS AND MEANINGS --------------------------------------- o PACKAGED SOFTWARE - A set of interoperable software products/versions, tested and sold as a single product o OPERATING SYSTEM SIPS - Operating System products and System Integrated Products shipping as part of the Operating System o LAYERED PRODUCTS - Software products o PRODUCT NAME - Full product name o PRODUCT VERSION - Version, revision and release number of a product o OS SUPPORT - Operating system support: o MIN - Minimum version of the operating system qualified by layered product test o MAX - Maximum version of the operating system qualified by layered product test o VOLUME SHIP - Planned "First Revenue Ship" date o UPILV - Code to represent a product kit, "Unique Product Identity" plus "Local Language Variant" o DECnet Support - Indicates DECnet features supported by a product o PH IV - Shows product support for DECnet Phase IV o OSI w/ Syn - Shows product support for DECnet/OSI longnames with synonyms o OSI w/o Syn - Shows product support for DECnet/OSI longnames without synonyms o Y=yes, N=no, X=does not apply, U=unknown. ^ note:Op Sys version is supported with Service Patch # note: see SPD for Prior Version Support detail The following Operating System releases may be included in the implied min-max range: OpenVMS Alpha 6.2, 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 This information is also maintained at the following web location: Page 1 DECnet SUPP'T OSI OSI PRODUCT OS SUPP'T Ph w/ w/o FULL PRODUCT NAME VERSION MIN MAX VOLUME SHIP UPILV IV syn syn ======================= ======= === === =========== ===== === === === ACMS/Japanese for 4.1 -- -- NOW 2PZJA Y X X OpenVMS (documentation) ALL-IN-1 Office Server 3.2 6.1 7.3-2^ NOW AAAAA Y Y N Options for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Brazilian 3.2 6.1 7.3-2^ NOW AAAXA Y Y N Office Server Options for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Dansk Office 3.2 6.1 7.3-2^ NOW AAADA Y Y N Server Options for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Deutsch Office 3.2 6.1 7.3-2^ NOW AAAGA Y Y N Server Options for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Espaņol Office 3.2 6.1 7.3-2^ NOW AAASA Y Y N Server Options for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Francais Office 3.2 6.1 7.3-2^ NOW AAAPA Y Y N Server Options for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Hangul Office 3.2 6.1 7.3-2^ NOW 2XC4A Y Y N Server Options for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Hanyu Office 3.2 6.1 7.3-2^ NOW 2XC3A Y Y N Server Options for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Hanzi Office 3.2 6.1 7.3-2^ NOW 2XC2A Y Y N Server Options for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Hebrew Office 3.2 6.1 7.3-2^ NOW AAATA Y Y N Server Options for OpenVMS ^ note:Op Sys version is supported with Service Patch # note: see SPD for Prior Version Support detail The following Operating System releases may be included in the implied min-max range: OpenVMS Alpha 6.2, 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 This information is also maintained at the following web location: Page 2 DECnet SUPP'T OSI OSI PRODUCT OS SUPP'T Ph w/ w/o FULL PRODUCT NAME VERSION MIN MAX VOLUME SHIP UPILV IV syn syn ======================= ======= === === =========== ===== === === === ALL-IN-1/Italiano Office 3.2 6.1 7.3-2^ NOW AAAUA Y Y N Server Options for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Japanese Office 3.2 6.1 7.3-2^ NOW AAAJA Y N N Server Options for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Nederlands 3.2 6.1 7.3-2^ NOW AAAHA Y Y N Office Server Options for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Svenska Office 3.2 6.1 7.3-2^ NOW AAAMA Y Y N Server Options for OpenVMS Application Developer's 1.0 -- -- NOW 5H5AA U U U Package for C/C++ BASEstar Classic DAS for 3.4A 6.1 7.3-1 NOW 5JXAA U U U Allen-Bradley Data Highway Protocol BASEstar Classic DAS for 3.4A 6.1 7.3-1 NOW 5JZAA U U U Allen-Bradley INTERCHANGE Software BASEstar Classic DAS for 3.4A 6.1 7.3-1 NOW 5K5AA U U U OMNI Software BASEstar Classic DAS for 3.4A 6.1 7.3-1 NOW 5K3AA U U U Siemens H1 Protocol BASEstar Classic DAS 3.4A 6.1 7.3-1 NOW 5K1AA U U U Modicon Programmable Controllers BASEstar Classic for 3.4A 6.1 7.3-1 NOW 0YDAA Y Y N OpenVMS AXP (Development) ^ note:Op Sys version is supported with Service Patch # note: see SPD for Prior Version Support detail The following Operating System releases may be included in the implied min-max range: OpenVMS Alpha 6.2, 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 This information is also maintained at the following web location: Page 3 DECnet SUPP'T OSI OSI PRODUCT OS SUPP'T Ph w/ w/o FULL PRODUCT NAME VERSION MIN MAX VOLUME SHIP UPILV IV syn syn ======================= ======= === === =========== ===== === === === BASEstar Classic for 3.4A 6.1 7.3-1 NOW 0YEAA Y Y N OpenVMS AXP (Run-Time) BASEstar Open Client for 3.2 6.1 7.3-1 NOW 0Y9AA X X X OpenVMS Alpha BASEstar Open DAS for 3.1A 6.1 7.3-1 NOW 4V8AA X X X Allen-Bradley Data Highway BASEstar Open DAS for 3.1A 6.1 7.3-1 NOW 4V7AA X X X Modicon BASEstar Open Server 3.2 6.1 7.3-1 NOW 0X9AA X X X (Development) BASEstar Open Server 3.2 6.1 7.3-1 NOW 0X8AA X X X (Run-Time) COM for OpenVMS 1.4 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 66YAA U U U Compaq Ada for OpenVMS 3.5A 6.2 8.2 MATURE 09PAA Y Y U Alpha Systems Compaq Ada for OpenVMS 3.5A 6.2 8.2 MATURE 0VRAA Y Y U Alpha Systems (Prof. Development Option) Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS 2.8 6.2 8.3 NOW 0JUAA X X X Alpha Systems Compaq COBOL/Japanese 2.6 6.2 7.3 NOW 0JUJA X X X for OpenVMS Alpha Systems Compaq DASware 3.1 6.1 7.3-1 NOW 4NHAA X X X Compaq DECnet SNA 2.2 6.2 8.2 NOW VC9AA Y Y N Gateway for Channel Transport ^ note:Op Sys version is supported with Service Patch # note: see SPD for Prior Version Support detail The following Operating System releases may be included in the implied min-max range: OpenVMS Alpha 6.2, 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 This information is also maintained at the following web location: Page 4 DECnet SUPP'T OSI OSI PRODUCT OS SUPP'T Ph w/ w/o FULL PRODUCT NAME VERSION MIN MAX VOLUME SHIP UPILV IV syn syn ======================= ======= === === =========== ===== === === === Compaq DECnet SNA 1.3 6.2 8.2 NOW S01AA Y Y N Gateway for Synchronous Transport Compaq DECwindows SNA 2.1 6.2 8.2 NOW 10WAA N N N 3270 Terminal Emulator for OpenVMS Compaq Device Access 3.1 6.1 7.3-1 NOW 3PWAA X X X Software for Allen- Bradley INTERCHANGE Compaq Device Access 3.1 6.1 7.3-1 NOW 4NMAA X X X Software for Siemens 3964 Compaq Multimedia 2.2-1 7.3-2 8.2 NOW 4G8AA U U U Services for OpenVMS (Development) Compaq Multimedia 2.2-1 7.3-2 8.2 NOW 4G9AA U U U Services for OpenVMS (Run-Time) Compaq Office Server for 6.1 7.1-2 8.2 NOW 5TBAA Y Y Y OpenVMS Compaq Office 6.0 7.1-2 7.3 NOW 5TBGA U U U Server/Deutsch Compaq Office 6.0 7.1-2 7.3 NOW 5TBPA U U U Server/Francais Compaq Office 6.0 7.1-2 7.3 NOW 5TBHA U U U Server/Netherlands Compaq Office 5.0 6.2 7.2-1 NOW 5TBMA U U U Server/Svenska Compaq OMNI API 3.1 6.1 7.3-1 NOW 2QCAA X X X ^ note:Op Sys version is supported with Service Patch # note: see SPD for Prior Version Support detail The following Operating System releases may be included in the implied min-max range: OpenVMS Alpha 6.2, 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 This information is also maintained at the following web location: Page 5 DECnet SUPP'T OSI OSI PRODUCT OS SUPP'T Ph w/ w/o FULL PRODUCT NAME VERSION MIN MAX VOLUME SHIP UPILV IV syn syn ======================= ======= === === =========== ===== === === === Compaq OMNI MMS 3.1 6.1 7.3-1 NOW 2QDAA X X X Compaq Open3D for 4.9B 7.1 7.3-2 NOW 0ADAA Y Y Y OpenVMS Alpha Compaq OSAP/AP 3.1 6.1 7.3-1 NOW 2XVAA X X X Compaq OSAP/H1 3.1 6.1 7.3-1 NOW 2XWAA X X X Compaq PATHWORKS for 6.1 6.2 7.3-2 NOW A93AA Y Y U OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Compaq SNA 3270 1.3 6.2 7.3-2 OLD_VERS 2FLAA Y Y Y Application Services (Run-Time) Compaq SNA Domain 2.1 6.2 8.2 NOW MKHAA Y Y Y Gateway (CT) Compaq SNA Domain 2.1 6.2 8.2 NOW 23DAA Y Y Y Gateway (ST) Compaq TeamRoute for ALL- 1.3A 6.2 7.2-1 MAINT GEZAA U U U IN-1 OpenVMS Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS 1.6ECO3 7.2-2 7.3-2 PRIOR_VE 0THAA N N N Alpha Systems DEC DATATRIEVE/Japanese 6.1 1.5 6.1 MATURE 0JKJA Y Y N for OpenVMS AXP DEC Distributed Queuing 1.3 6.1 7.3-2 NOW 0HPAA Y Y Y Service for OpenVMS AXP DEC FMS/Hebrew for 2.4 1.5 8.2 MATURE MVSTA X X X OpenVMS AXP (Development) DEC FMS/Hebrew for 2.4 1.5 8.2 MATURE MVTTA X X X OpenVMS AXP (Run-Time) ^ note:Op Sys version is supported with Service Patch # note: see SPD for Prior Version Support detail The following Operating System releases may be included in the implied min-max range: OpenVMS Alpha 6.2, 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 This information is also maintained at the following web location: Page 6 DECnet SUPP'T OSI OSI PRODUCT OS SUPP'T Ph w/ w/o FULL PRODUCT NAME VERSION MIN MAX VOLUME SHIP UPILV IV syn syn ======================= ======= === === =========== ===== === === === DEC FMS/Japanese for 2.4 1.5 8.2 MATURE MVSJA X X X OpenVMS AXP (Development) DEC FMS/Japanese for 2.4 1.5 8.2 MATURE MVTJA X X X OpenVMS AXP (Run-Time) DECforms/Hanyu for 4.0 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 0J83A X X X OpenVMS Alpha (Development) DECnet SNA 3270 Data 1.4 6.1 7.1 MAINT 10XJA Y Y N Stream Programming Interface/Japanese for OpenVMS DECnet SNA 3270 Terminal 1.5A 6.1 7.1 MAINT 10ZJA Y N N Emulator/Japanese for OpenVMS DECnet SNA Printer 1.2A 6.1 7.1 MAINT 10TJA U U U Emulator/Japanese for OpenVMS AXP DECnet SNA Remote Job 1.4A 6.1 7.1 MAINT 10UJA Y Y N Entry/Japanese for OpenVMS DECwindows DECnet SNA 2.0A 6.1 7.1 MAINT 10WJA Y N N 3270 Terminal Emulator for OpenVMS/Japanese DIGITAL GKS for OpenVMS 6.5 6.1 7.3-2 NOW 02UAA Y Y Y Alpha (Development) DIGITAL GKS for OpenVMS 6.5 6.1 7.3-2 NOW 02VAA Y Y Y Alpha (Run-Time) DIGITAL PHIGS for 5.0 6.2 7.3-2 NOW 0A6AA X X X OpenVMS Alpha (Development) ^ note:Op Sys version is supported with Service Patch # note: see SPD for Prior Version Support detail The following Operating System releases may be included in the implied min-max range: OpenVMS Alpha 6.2, 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 This information is also maintained at the following web location: Page 7 DECnet SUPP'T OSI OSI PRODUCT OS SUPP'T Ph w/ w/o FULL PRODUCT NAME VERSION MIN MAX VOLUME SHIP UPILV IV syn syn ======================= ======= === === =========== ===== === === === DIGITAL PHIGS for 5.0 6.2 7.3-2 NOW 0A7AA X X X OpenVMS Alpha (Run-time) DIGITAL TCP/IP Services 4.2 6.2 6.2 PRIOR_VE 0LXAA U U U for OpenVMS AXP DSM/Japanese for OpenVMS 6.4E 6.1 7.1 NOW 00ZJA Y N N Alpha Encryption for OpenVMS 1.6 7.2-1 7.3 NOW 597AA U U U Alpha HP ACMS for OpenVMS 4.5 7.3-1 7.3-2# PRIOR_VE 2PZAA Y X X (Development) HP ACMS for OpenVMS 5.0A 8.2 8.3 Q3CY06 2PZAA U X X (Development) HP ACMS for OpenVMS 5.0A 8.2 8.3 Q3CY06 2Q0AA Y X X (Remote) HP ACMS for OpenVMS 4.5 7.3-1 7.3-2# PRIOR_VE 2Q0AA Y X X (Remote) HP ACMS for OpenVMS (Run- 4.5 7.3-1 7.3-2# PRIOR_VE 2Q1AA Y X X Time) HP ACMS for OpenVMS (Run- 5.0A 8.2 8.3 Q3CY06 2Q1AA Y X X Time) HP Advanced Server for 7.3AECO4 7.3-1 8.2 NOW A93AA U N N OpenVMS HP Advanced 7.3AECO4 7.3-2 8.2 NOW 5SUJA Y Y Y Server/Japanese for OpenVMS HP Archive Backup System 4.3A 7.3-2 8.2 NOW 5W1AA Y Y N for OpenVMS (Client) ^ note:Op Sys version is supported with Service Patch # note: see SPD for Prior Version Support detail The following Operating System releases may be included in the implied min-max range: OpenVMS Alpha 6.2, 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 This information is also maintained at the following web location: Page 8 DECnet SUPP'T OSI OSI PRODUCT OS SUPP'T Ph w/ w/o FULL PRODUCT NAME VERSION MIN MAX VOLUME SHIP UPILV IV syn syn ======================= ======= === === =========== ===== === === === HP Archive Backup System 4.3A 7.3-2 8.2 NOW 5W2AA Y Y N for OpenVMS (Server) HP BASIC for OpenVMS 1.6 6.2 8.3 NOW 0Y7AA X Y Y Alpha Systems HP C for OpenVMS Alpha 7.1 6.2 8.3 NOW MU7AA Y Y Y HP C++ for OpenVMS Alpha 7.1 6.2 8.3 NOW 0HQAA Y Y Y HP Code Management 4.4 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 0W1AA Y N N System (CMS) for OpenVMS Alpha Systems HP Data Cartridge Server 3.3 7.3-2 8.2 NOW 4EUAA X X X Component for VMS HP DATATRIEVE for 7.3 6.2 8.2 NOW 0JKAA U U U OpenVMS Alpha HP DEC/EDI for OpenVMS 5.0 7.2 7.3 Q3CY06 2QSAA Y Y N Alpha HP DECdfs for OpenVMS 2.4 8.2 8.2 NOW VEQAA Y Y Y Systems HP DECforms for OpenVMS 4.0 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 0J8AA X X X (Development) HP DECforms for OpenVMS 4.0 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 0J9AA X X X (Run Time) HP DECforms/Hangul for 4.0 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 0J84A X X X OpenVMS (Development) HP DECforms/Hangul for 4.0 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 0J94A X X X OpenVMS (Run-Time) HP DECforms/Hanyu for 4.0 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 0J93A X X X OpenVMS (Run-Time) ^ note:Op Sys version is supported with Service Patch # note: see SPD for Prior Version Support detail The following Operating System releases may be included in the implied min-max range: OpenVMS Alpha 6.2, 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 This information is also maintained at the following web location: Page 9 DECnet SUPP'T OSI OSI PRODUCT OS SUPP'T Ph w/ w/o FULL PRODUCT NAME VERSION MIN MAX VOLUME SHIP UPILV IV syn syn ======================= ======= === === =========== ===== === === === HP DECforms/Hanzi for 4.0 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 0J82A X X X OpenVMS (Development) HP DECforms/Hanzi for 4.0 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 0J92A X X X OpenVMS (Run-Time) HP DECforms/Japanese for 4.0 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 0J8JA X X X OpenVMS (Development) HP DECforms/Japanese for 4.0 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 0J9JA X X X OpenVMS (Run-Time) HP DECnet-Plus for 8.3 8.3 8.3 Q3CY06 MTFAA X Y Y OpenVMS Alpha HP DECprint Supervisor 2.5 6.2 8.3 NOW 09NAB Y Y Y (DCPS) for OpenVMS Alpha HP DECprint 2.5 6.2 8.3 Q3CY06 0WKJA Y X X Supervisor/Japanese for OpenVMS HP DECset for OpenVMS 12.7 7.3-2 8.3 NOW MUPAA Y N N Alpha Systems HP DECwindows Motif for 1.6 8.3 8.3 Q3CY06 MV4AA Y Y Y OpenVMS Alpha HP DECwindows 1.5 8.2 8.2 NOW MV44A Y Y Y Motif/Hangul for OpenVMS Alpha HP DECwindows 1.3 7.3-1 7.3-2 NOW MV43A Y Y Y Motif/Hanyu for OpenVMS Alpha HP DECwindows 1.5 8.2 8.2 NOW MV42A Y Y Y Motif/Hanzi for OpenVMS Alpha ^ note:Op Sys version is supported with Service Patch # note: see SPD for Prior Version Support detail The following Operating System releases may be included in the implied min-max range: OpenVMS Alpha 6.2, 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 This information is also maintained at the following web location: Page 10 DECnet SUPP'T OSI OSI PRODUCT OS SUPP'T Ph w/ w/o FULL PRODUCT NAME VERSION MIN MAX VOLUME SHIP UPILV IV syn syn ======================= ======= === === =========== ===== === === === HP DECwindows 1.3-1 7.3-2 7.3-2 NOW 08UTA Y Y N Motif/Hebrew for OpenVMS HP DECwindows 1.5 8.2 8.2 NOW MV4JA Y Y Y Motif/Japanese for OpenVMS HP Digital Test Manager 4.3 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 0W4AA Y N N for OpenVMS Alpha Systems HP Disk File Optimizer 2.9 7.3-2 8.2 NOW 2GNAA X X X for OpenVMS Alpha HP Distributed Computing 3.2 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 24EAA U U U Environment (Cell Directory) HP Distributed Computing 3.2 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 24CAA U U U Environment (Development) HP Distributed Computing 3.2 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 24CA9 U U U Environment (Run-Time) HP Distributed Computing 3.2 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 24GAA U U U Environment (Security) HP Enterprise 3.5 8.2 8.2 NOW 5LVAA X X X Integration Packages HP FMS for OpenVMS 2.5 7.3-2 8.2 MATURE MVSAA X X X (Development) HP FMS for OpenVMS (Run- 2.5 7.3-2 8.2 MATURE MVTAA X X X Time) HP Fortran for OpenVMS 8.0 7.3-2 8.3 NOW MV1AA Y Y Y Systems HP Global Workload 1.1 7.3-2 8.2 NOW 753AA U U U Manager for OpenVMS Alpha ^ note:Op Sys version is supported with Service Patch # note: see SPD for Prior Version Support detail The following Operating System releases may be included in the implied min-max range: OpenVMS Alpha 6.2, 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 This information is also maintained at the following web location: Page 11 DECnet SUPP'T OSI OSI PRODUCT OS SUPP'T Ph w/ w/o FULL PRODUCT NAME VERSION MIN MAX VOLUME SHIP UPILV IV syn syn ======================= ======= === === =========== ===== === === === HP Hierarchical Storage 4.3 7.3-2 8.2 NOW 3J1AA Y Y N Management for OpenVMS (HSM) HP Language-Sensitive 5.0 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 0W2AA Y N N Editor/Source Code Analyzer HP MAILbus 400 Message 3.2 7.3-2 8.2 NOW 3L3AA Y Y Y Transfer Agent for OpenVMS HP Module Management 3.7 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 0W5AA Y N N System (MMS) for OpenVMS HP NAS Base Server 200 8.3C 8.2 8.2 NOW 23EAA X X X for OpenVMS HP NAS Client 150 for 8.3C 8.2 8.2 NOW 36NAA X X X OpenVMS HP NAS Client 250 for 8.3C 8.2 8.2 NOW XVEAA X X X OpenVMS HP NAS Production Server 8.3C 8.2 8.2 NOW 23RAA X X X 400 for OpenVMS HP NAS Server 300 for 8.3C 8.2 8.2 NOW XV9AA X X X OpenVMS HP OpenVMS Alpha DCL MUP 8.2 7.3-1 8.2 NOW IOU14 U U U HP OpenVMS e-Business 2.1 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 6LYAA U U U Infrastructure CD-ROM HP OpenVMS Enterprise 5.5 7.3-2 8.2 NOW 2P0AA X Y Y Directory for eBusiness (Administration Facility) ^ note:Op Sys version is supported with Service Patch # note: see SPD for Prior Version Support detail The following Operating System releases may be included in the implied min-max range: OpenVMS Alpha 6.2, 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 This information is also maintained at the following web location: Page 12 DECnet SUPP'T OSI OSI PRODUCT OS SUPP'T Ph w/ w/o FULL PRODUCT NAME VERSION MIN MAX VOLUME SHIP UPILV IV syn syn ======================= ======= === === =========== ===== === === === HP OpenVMS Enterprise 5.5 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 2NZAA X Y Y Directory for eBusiness (Server) HP OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha 8.3 8.3 8.3 Q3CY06 MT14A U U U Operating System HP OpenVMS/Hanyu Alpha 8.3 8.3 8.3 Q3CY06 MT13A U U U Operating System HP OpenVMS/Hanzi Alpha 8.3 8.3 8.3 Q3CY06 MT12A U U U Operating System HP OpenVMS/Japanese 8.2 8.2 8.2 NOW MT1JA Y Y N Operating System for Alpha HP Pascal for OpenVMS 6.0 6.2 8.3 NOW 098AA X X X Alpha Systems HP PATHWORKS 32 Version 7.4 XP 2003 NOW 5LKAA U U U 7.4 for Windows HP Performance and 4.9 7.3-2 8.3 NOW 0W3AA Y N N Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS (PCA) HP RAID Software for 3.0A 7.3-2 8.3 Q3CY06 0MGAA X X X OpenVMS HP Reliable Transaction 5.0 7.2-3 8.3 NOW 2AQAA U U U Router for OpenVMS (Back) HP Reliable Transaction 5.0 7.2-3 8.3 NOW 2ARAA U U U Router for OpenVMS (Front) HP Save Set Manager for 1.8 7.3-2 8.2 NOW 2YBAA Y Y N OpenVMS ^ note:Op Sys version is supported with Service Patch # note: see SPD for Prior Version Support detail The following Operating System releases may be included in the implied min-max range: OpenVMS Alpha 6.2, 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 This information is also maintained at the following web location: Page 13 DECnet SUPP'T OSI OSI PRODUCT OS SUPP'T Ph w/ w/o FULL PRODUCT NAME VERSION MIN MAX VOLUME SHIP UPILV IV syn syn ======================= ======= === === =========== ===== === === === HP Services Tools CDROM 1.8 8.2 8.3 Q3CY06 RJV3A U U U HP SNA 3270 Application 1.4 8.2 8.2 NOW 2FKAA Y Y Y Services (Development) HP SNA 3270 Application 1.4 8.2 8.2 NOW 2FLAA Y Y Y Services (Run-Time) HP SNA 3270 Data Stream 1.7 7.3-1 8.2 NOW 10XAA N N N Programming Interface for OpenVMS HP SNA 3270 Terminal 1.8 7.3-1 8.2 NOW 10ZAA N N N Emulator for OpenVMS HP SNA APPC/LU6.2 2.5 7.3-1 8.2 NOW 10SAA Y Y Y Programming Interface for OpenVMS HP SNA Application 2.6 7.3-1 8.2 NOW 10VAA Y Y Y Programming Interface for OpenVMS HP SNA Data Transfer 3.5 8.2 8.2 NOW 205AA N N N Facility (Server) HP SNA Data Transfer 3.5 8.2 8.2 NOW 206AA N N N Facility (Utility) HP SNA Printer Emulator 1.5 7.3-1 8.2 NOW 10TAA N N N for OpenVMS HP SNA Remote Job Entry 1.7 7.3-1 8.2 NOW 10UAA N N N for OpenVMS HP SNA Server for OpenVMS 1.3 8.2 8.2 NOW 6CVAA U U U HP Storage Library 2.9J 6.2 8.2 NOW 0YQAA Y Y N System for OpenVMS (Client) ^ note:Op Sys version is supported with Service Patch # note: see SPD for Prior Version Support detail The following Operating System releases may be included in the implied min-max range: OpenVMS Alpha 6.2, 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 This information is also maintained at the following web location: Page 14 DECnet SUPP'T OSI OSI PRODUCT OS SUPP'T Ph w/ w/o FULL PRODUCT NAME VERSION MIN MAX VOLUME SHIP UPILV IV syn syn ======================= ======= === === =========== ===== === === === HP Storage Library 2.9J 6.2 8.2 NOW 0YPAA Y Y N System for OpenVMS (Server) HP TCP/IP Services for 5.6 8.3 8.3 Q3CY06 0LXAA X X X OpenVMS Alpha HP TCP/IP 5.5 8.2 8.2 NOW 0LXJA X X X Services/Japanese for OpenVMS HP TDMS Development for 2.0 7.3-2 8.2 NOW 752AA X X X OpenVMS Alpha HP TDMS RunTime for 2.0 7.3-2 8.2 NOW 754AA X X X OpenVMS Alpha HP X.25 for OpenVMS 2.0 8.2 8.2 NOW 0THAA N N N Alpha Systems International Lexicons 1.1 1.5 6.1 NOW 2HZAA U U U for OpenVMS AXP (American Business) KAP C for OpenVMS Alpha 3.2A 7.2 7.3 MAINT 0HFAA X X X KAP Fortran for OpenVMS 3.2A 7.2 7.3 MAINT 0HAAA X X X MAILbus 400 Application 2.0C 6.2 7.3-2 OLD_VERS 3L4AA N X X Program Interface for OpenVMS MUXserver 320/380/90 2.0 1.5 6.2 NOW YWLAA Y N N Remote Terminal Server OpenVMS/Thai Alpha 7.3-1 7.3-1 7.3-1 NOW MT15A U U U Operating System ^ note:Op Sys version is supported with Service Patch # note: see SPD for Prior Version Support detail The following Operating System releases may be included in the implied min-max range: OpenVMS Alpha 6.2, 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 This information is also maintained at the following web location: Page 15 DECnet SUPP'T OSI OSI PRODUCT OS SUPP'T Ph w/ w/o FULL PRODUCT NAME VERSION MIN MAX VOLUME SHIP UPILV IV syn syn ======================= ======= === === =========== ===== === === === POLYCENTER Software 2.0 6.2 7.1 NOW IOU02 U U U Installation Utility (PCSI, for pre-7.2 systems) PrintServer/Japanese 5.1 1.5 7.0 MAINT 0V9JA Y X X Software for OpenVMS X.25 for OpenVMS AXP 1.0G 6.2 6.2 PRIOR_VE 0THAA N Y Y Systems ^ note:Op Sys version is supported with Service Patch # note: see SPD for Prior Version Support detail The following Operating System releases may be included in the implied min-max range: OpenVMS Alpha 6.2, 7.3-2, 8.2, 8.3 This information is also maintained at the following web location: Page 16