DIGITAL Netscape[TM] Navigator[TM] Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS[TM] VAX[TM] and OpenVMS Alpha[TM] Cover Letter May 1998 Dear OpenVMS Customer: DIGITAL[TM] is pleased to provide you with the Netscape Navi- gator Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS Alpha (with Java[TM]), and Netscape Navigator Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS VAX (without Java). New features in Netscape Navigator Gold Version 3.03 include advanced HTML capabilities that allow users to drag and drop page links, graphics, Java applets (OpenVMS Alpha only), and JavaScript into e-mail and web pages. Netscape Navigator also contains a configurable graphical user interface (GUI) and an easy-to-use HTML editor for web page creation. Software Prerequisites The following software is required on your system before you install Netscape Navigator Gold for OpenVMS: o OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 or higher or OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 or higher o DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-4 for OpenVMS o DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 3.3 or higher Licensing Netscape Navigator does not require a separate license. The right to use Netscape Navigator Gold for OpenVMS is included under your DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS license. Reading the Release Notes Before the Installation Enter the following POLYCENTER Software Installation utility (PCSI) command to read the release notes on line before you begin the product installation: $ PRODUCT EXTRACT RELEASE_NOTES NS_NAV_EXPORT - _$ /SOURCE=disk:[directory]DEC-VAXVMS-NS_NAV_EXPORT-V0303--1.PCSI - _$ /FILE=NETSNAV0303.RELEASE_NOTES Netscape Navigator Gold for OpenVMS documentation (this cover letter, release notes, and Software Product Description) are installed in SYS$COMMON:[SYSHLP]. The documentation is common to both VAX and Alpha. Installing Netscape Navigator Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS VAX Enter the following command to invoke the POLYCENTER[TM] Soft- ware Installation utility (PCSI) to install Netscape Navigator Gold for OpenVMS VAX: $ PRODUCT INSTALL NS_NAV_EXPORT - _$ /SOURCE=disk:[directory]DEC-VAXVMS-NS_NAV_EXPORT-V0303--1.PCSI After the installation is complete, Netscape Navigator Gold for OpenVMS VAX executable file is located in SYS$COMMON:[NETSCAPE.VAX]NETSCAPE-EXPORT.EXE. Installing Netscape Navigator Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS Alpha Enter the following command to invoke the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility (PCSI) to install Netscape Navigator Gold for OpenVMS Alpha: $ PRODUCT INSTALL NS_NAV_EXPORT - _$ /SOURCE=disk:[directory]DEC-AXPVMS-NS_NAV_EXPORT-V0303--1.PCSI After the installation is complete, Netscape Navigator Gold for OpenVMS Alpha executable file and the Java class library file are located in SYS$COMMON:[NETSCAPE.ALPHA]NETSCAPE-JAVA.EXE. Using Java in Netscape Navigator Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS Alpha NOTE Netscape Navigator Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS Alpha requires new Java class libraries. You must copy the new Java class library file (called JAVA_301.) to run Java in Version 3.03. You can make the JAVA_301. file available to Navigator in one of two ways: 1. Copy JAVA_301. to the [.NETSCAPE] subdirectory of SYS$LOGIN. (By default, Navigator looks in that directory for this file.) 2. Copy JAVA_301. to a directory other than [.NETSCAPE] and define the logical name NETSCAPE_CLASSPATH to point to that directory. For example: $ DEFINE NETSCAPE_CLASSPATH DEVICE:[DIRECTORY]JAVA_301 Do not rename the Java class library file; it must be named JAVA_301. (no file type). Running Netscape Navigator Start Netscape Navigator Gold for OpenVMS Alpha using the RUN command. For example: $ RUN DISK$1:[SMITH]NETSCAPE-JAVA.EXE 2 Start Netscape Navigator Gold for OpenVMS VAX using the RUN command. For example: $ RUN DISK$1:[SMITH]NETSCAPE-EXPORT.EXE The command procedures SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]NETSCAPE-EXPORT_ STARTUP.COM (for VAX) and SYS$COMMON:[SYS$STARTUP]NETSCAPE-JAVA_ STARTUP.COM (for Alpha) create a systemwide foreign command when run at startup. Export Restrictions Although the Netscape Navigator Gold Version 3.03 is available from DIGITAL in both 40-bit and 128-bit encryption scheme ver- sions, the Software Product Library contains only the 40-bit encryption version. The difference between 128- and 40-bit en- cryption is, most notably, that the U.S. government restricts the export of 128-bit encryption but not the export of 40-bit encryption. 128 bits and 40 bits refer to the size of the key used to encrypt the message. 128-bit encryption provides signif- icantly greater cryptographic protection than 40-bit encryption. The 128-bit Netscape Navigator Gold for OpenVMS is subject to export restrictions under the U.S. Department of Commerce's Ex- port Administration Regulations (EAR) and cannot be transmitted in any form outside the United States or to a foreign national in the United States without a valid Department of Commerce ex- port license. Please send e-mail to the following address to request a 128-bit version of Netscape Navigator: Where to Find More Information After you install this version of the Navigator, you can obtain the following information: o Installation and configuration questions From the Navigator menu bar, select the Help | Release Notes menu option. Click the Netscape Navigator Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS section. You should also check the OpenVMS Internet Product Suite FAQs, which we update regularly. From the Navigator menu bar, select the Help | Frequently Asked Questions menu option; click the OpenVMS Internet Product Suite FAQs section. o General Navigator Gold for OpenVMS questions From the Navigator menu bar, select the Help | Release Notes menu option. Look in the Release Notes and Other Netscape Navigator Information sections. o How to use the Navigator From the Navigator menu bar, select the Help | Handbook menu option. o OpenVMS Internet Product Suite questions 3 From the Navigator menu bar, select the Help | Release Notes menu option. Look in the General Information about the Open- VMS Internet Product Suite section. o Other support issues From the Navigator menu bar, select the Help | How to Get Support menu option. For information about Navigator Gold HTML editing functions, see the Netscape website at the pointer from the Help | Handbook menu option. Reporting Problems Netscape Navigator Gold for OpenVMS is supported exclusively by DIGITAL, not by Netscape. Netscape Navigator Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS has been avail- able since December 1997 from the OpenVMS home page at An update to Netscape Navigator Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS is included in this Software Product Library CD-ROM. If you are reporting a problem and you need to determine which version and release of Netscape Navigator Gold for OpenVMS you are running, invoke the Navigator with the -v switch. Instead of starting the Navigator, the -v switch causes the version identification to be displayed. For example: $ NAVIGATOR == "DISK$1:[SMITH]NETSCAPE-JAVA.EXE" $ NAVIGATOR -v Netscape 3.03/export, 09-Mar-98; (c) 1995,1996 Netscape Communications Corp. $ Version 3.0 dated on or around 15-Dec-97 is the original V3.03 release. Version 3.03 dated on or around 09-Mar-98 is the updated re- lease. Before reporting problems with Navigator Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS, please check the release notes to see whether the problem has already been reported. To view the release notes, use the following procedure: 1. From the Navigator menu bar, choose Help | Release Notes. Navigator displays the release notes available on the OpenVMS website. 2. Scroll down the page to the following head: Netscape Naviga- tor Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS Release Notes. If you don't find any reference to your problem in the re- lease notes or other documents and you need technical sup- port, please see the Help | How to Get Support menu option in the Navigator window, and follow the procedures outlined on the Support page. 4 Thank you for your interest in Netscape Navigator Gold Version 3.03 for OpenVMS. ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1998. All rights reserved. ___________________ [TM] Alpha, DEC, DECwindows, DIGITAL, the DIGITAL logo, and POLY- CENTER are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. [TM] Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Purveyor is a trade- mark of Process Software Corporation. Mosaic ia trademark of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. [R] Motif is a registered trademark of the Open Group Inc. Netscape Communications Server, Netscape Commerce Server, and Netscape Nav- igator are registered trademarks of Netscape Communications Cor- poration. POSTSCRIPT is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. 5