DECcmi_for_DIGITAL_UNIX________________________ Installation and Configuration Guide Order Number: AA-QENTG-TE This document contains information on how to install the DECcmi software on the DIGITAL UNIX operating system. Revision/Update Information: V3.02. This is a new manual. Operating System: DIGITAL UNIX Software Version: DECcmi V3.02 ________________________________________________________________ July 1998 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. This document defines the management and service interfaces provided by this Management Module and, if applicable, the services that this module requires of other TeMIP Framework Management Modules. It is provided to ensure that new Management Modules developed for the TeMIP Framework system will work in concert with this TeMIP Framework module or module package. It is not intended to be used as an aid in cloning or duplicating the functionality or service interfaces described and such use is expressly forbidden. Except as may be expressly agreed upon by Digital in writing, the purchase, receipt, or any use of this document or its contents does not in any way create, by implication or otherwise, any express or implied license under any of Digital Equipment Corporation's patent, trademark, copyright or trade secret rights for the ideas, techniques, or concepts herein. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1997, 1998. All rights reserved. Printed in Europe. Trademarks: Alpha AXP, AXP, AlphaServer, AlphaStation, AlphaGeneration and the AlphaGeneration design mark, TeMIP, TeMIP Framework, DECcmi, DECnet, DECnet-Plus, DECsafe, DECterm, DECwindows, TruCluster, ULTRIX and the DIGITAL Logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. C-ISAM is a registered trademark of Informix Software, Inc. INGRES is a registered trademark of Ingres Corporation. Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. ORACLE, SQL*Net and SQL*Plus are registered trademarks of Oracle corporation. OSF/1 is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. OSIAM is a trademark of MARBEN Produit. Rogue Wave and h++ are registered trademarks and Tools.h++ is a trademark of Rogue Wave Software, Inc. Solaris is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. SQL Server is a trademark of Sybase, Inc. Sun is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. SunLink is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. SunOS is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. SYBASE is a registered trademark of Sybase, Inc. Transact-SQL is a registered trademark of Sybase, Inc. X/Open is a trademark of X/Open Company, Ltd. UNIX[R] - UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. DIGITAL UNIX V3.2 is an X/Open UNIX 93 branded product. DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 is a UNIX 95 branded product. DIGITAL This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using DEC DOCUMENT, Version 3.2. ________________________________________________________________ Contents ................................................... vii Preparing for DECcmi Software Installation 1.1 Pre-Installation Procedure.................... 1-1 1.2 Licensing DECcmi on Your System............... 1-2 1.3 OSI Mode as Opposed to RFC1006 Mode........... 1-3 1.4 DECnet-Plus and X.25 in OSI Mode.............. 1-3 1.4.1 Prerequisites............................. 1-4 1.4.2 DECnet-Plus Configuration................. 1-4 1.4.3 X.25 Configuration........................ 1-4 1.4.4 OSI Transport Templates................... 1-5 1.4.5 Verifying the DECnet-Plus Configuration... 1-6 1.4.6 Tracing DECnet-Plus Activity.............. 1-7 1.5 TCP/IP and RFC1006 Mode....................... 1-7 1.5.1 Stopping the Native RFC1006 Implementation............................ 1-8 1.5.2 Verifying the TCP/IP Configuration........ 1-8 1.5.3 Tracing TCP/IP Activity................... 1-8 Installing DECcmi Software 2.1 Installation of DECcmi Files.................. 2-1 2.2 DECcmi Environment Variables.................. 2-2 2.2.1 Mandatory Variables....................... 2-2 2.2.2 Optional Variables........................ 2-3 2.3 Dynamic Configuration......................... 2-5 2.4 Modifying the Default Full OSI DECcmi Configuration................................. 2-7 2.5 Full RFC1006 DEccmi Configuration............. 2-11 2.6 Balanced DECcmi Configuration................. 2-13 2.7 Defining Remote NSAP Addresses................ 2-15 2.7.1 Format of the RFC1006 NSAP................ 2-16 iii 2.7.2 LABEL Mode................................ 2-16 2.7.3 NSAP Mode................................. 2-17 2.7.4 Coexistence of LABEL and NSAP Modes....... 2-18 2.7.5 Common Syntax Rules....................... 2-19 3 Verifying the Installation 3.1 The Installation Verification Program......... 3-1 3.2 Preparing to Run the IVP...................... 3-2 3.3 Running the IVP............................... 3-2 3.4 Errors from the IVP........................... 3-2 4 Starting and Stopping the DECcmi Server 4.1 Starting DECcmi............................... 4-1 4.2 Stopping DECcmi............................... 4-2 4.3 DECcmi Administrative Account................. 4-3 5 Compiling and Running Example Programs 5.1 Compiling CMIS and ROS Examples Programs...... 5-1 5.2 Preparing to Run the Example Programs......... 5-2 5.3 Running CMIS and ROS Example Programs......... 5-2 6 Plugging your Network Application Program 6.1 Linking your Network Application Program with the CMIS or ROS API........................... 6-1 6.2 Checking the DECcmi Version Number............ 6-2 7 DECcmi Limitations 7.1 DECcmi Memory Limitations..................... 7-1 7.1.1 Shared Memory between APIs and the DECcmi Server.................................... 7-1 7.1.2 Memory Buffers used Internally by the DECcmi Server............................. 7-2 7.2 Maximum Number of Associations................ 7-2 7.3 Maximum Size of User Data..................... 7-3 7.4 Presentation Address Format................... 7-4 7.5 Tuning DECcmi................................. 7-4 iv A List of DECcmi Files B Sample Logs as Examples Examples B-1 DECcmi Kit Installation - No Previous DECcmi Kit Installed...................... B-1 B-2 DECcmi Kit Installation - Previous DECcmi Kit Installed............................. B-3 B-3 Running the IVP........................... B-4 B-4 Starting the DECcmi Server - No Server Process Currently Running................. B-5 B-5 Starting the DECcmi Server - Server Process Already Running................... B-7 B-6 Stopping the DECcmi Server................ B-7 B-7 The DECcmi Standard Profile............... B-9 B-8 Removing the DECcmi Kit - Server Process Currently Running......................... B-23 B-9 NCL Command Showing the OSI Transport Templates................................. B-24 B-10 Removing the DECcmi Kit - No Server Process Currently Running................. B-28 B-11 Kit Installation Failure Due to License Problem................................... B-30 B-12 IVP Failure Due to License Problem........ B-31 B-13 DECcmi Start Failure Due to License Problem................................... B-32 Tables 2-1 ROS, CMIS and XMP SAP Presentation Addresses in Full OSI Mode................ 2-8 2-2 ROS, CMIS and XMP SAP Presentation Addresses in Full RFC1006 Mode............ 2-11 2-3 ROS, CMIS and XMP SAP Presentation Addresses in Balanced Mode................ 2-13 A-1 Files in /usr/examples/cmip............... A-1 A-2 Files in /usr/lib......................... A-2 v A-3 Files in /usr/bin......................... A-2 A-4 Files in /usr/etc......................... A-3 A-5 Files in /usr/var/cmip/conf............... A-3 A-6 Files in /usr/include..................... A-3 vi _________________________________________________________________ Preface This guide describes how to install DECcmi software on a DIGITAL UNIX [R] + system operating in an OSI-compliant or RFC1006 (OSI over TCP/IP) computer network. DECcmi is a software tool that conforms to the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) standards. It is useful to programmers for the development of OSI-compliant applications that rely on Common Management Information Services (DECcmi), and/or on the Remote Operation Service (DECros). The DECcmi server provides the Common Management Information Services as the XMP and CMI APIs, and the Remote Operation Services and Association and Control Services as the ROS API. DECros is the subset of DECcmi providing only the ROS API. In this document, DECcmi is used as a generic term to represent both DECcmi and DECros. Intended Audience This guide is intended for use by anyone who is installing DECcmi. It is assumed that the reader has a knowledge of basic system management, DIGITAL UNIX, DECnet-Plus++, DEC X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX and TCP/IP. ____________________ + UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. ++ Formerly known as DECnet/OSI. vii Structure of This Guide The guide is structured as follows: o Chapter 1 explains the prerequisites for the installation of the DECcmi software. o Chapter 2 describes the different steps for the installation and configuration of DECcmi. o Chapter 3 describes how to verify the installation. o Chapter 4 describes how to start and stop the DECcmi server. o Chapter 5 describes how to compile and run the example programs. o Chapter 6 describes how to link your Network Application Program with the CMS or ROS API. o Chapter 7 describes the limitations of the DECcmi product. o Appendix A provides a list of the DECcmi files installed. o Appendix B gives several examples recorded during an installation process. A glossary of acronyms and abbreviations can be found in the DECcmi Operator's Guide. Associated Documents This section only contains documents that are closely linked to the subject of this document. For a full list of TeMIP documents, refer to the Associated Documents section of the TeMIP Introduction. o + DECcmi for DIGITAL UNIX Installation and Configuration Guide o DECcmi for Sun Solaris Installation and Configuration Guide o DECcmi Operator's Guide o + DECcmi for DIGITAL UNIX - Release Notes o DECcmi for Sun Solaris - Release Notes viii o DECcmi/DECros - Programmer's Guide o + DECnet-Plus for DIGITAL UNIX - Programming o + DECnet-Plus for DIGITAL UNIX - Network Programmer's Guide o SunLink OSI - TLI Programmer's Reference o SunLink OSI - Communication Platform Administrator's Guide o + DECnet-Plus for DIGITAL UNIX - Installation and Configuration o + DECnet-Plus for DIGITAL UNIX - Network Control Language Reference o + DECnet-Plus for DIGITAL UNIX - Network Management o + DECnet-Plus for DIGITAL UNIX - Release Notes + Not applicable to Sun Solaris installations. Conventions The following conventions are used in this guide: ___________________________________________________________ Convention__Meaning________________________________________ Boldface Indicates file and path names or emphasis on an important word or concept. Italics Indicates an associated document. This 1- to 3-character symbol indicates that you press a key on the terminal keyboard. For example, is the return key, is the delete key. Messages Messages displayed on the user's terminal are shown proportionally spaced. For example: Working....Mon Nov 21 18:41:37 GMT 1994 Commands Commands entered by the user are displayed in the typeface shown below: ____________#pkgadd_-d_._CMSCML302_________________________ ix 1 _________________________________________________________________ Preparing for DECcmi Software Installation This chapter describes the requirements and preparations for installing DECcmi. Topics included are: o Pre-Installation Procedure, see Section 1.1 o Licensing DECcmi on Your System, see Section 1.2 o OSI and RFC1006 Mode, see Section 1.3 o DECnet-Plus and X.25, see Section 1.4 o TCP/IP and RFC1006 Mode, see Section 1.5 1.1 Pre-Installation Procedure Before you install DECcmi check the following: o You have the correct distribution kit (CMACMV302.tar file). o You have the FLEXlm license for DECcmi (TEMIP-OSI-AM- DK-OSF1, TEMIP-OSI-AM-RT-OSF1). DECcmi does not have its own specific license but uses the licenses associated with the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit. See Section 1.2 for more details. o You have access to superuser privileges and know the password for access to the root account. o Make sure there is enough free disk space for the DECcmi software files: you need about 3 megabytes in the /usr partition (df /usr command). If a DECcmi kit is installed on your system, remove it with the setld -i command (to identify the kit) and the setld -d command (to delete it). Preparing for DECcmi Software Installation 1-1 _______________________ Warning _______________________ During the removal of a former kit using the setld -d command, the following directories and their contents are removed: o /usr/examples/cmip o /usr/var/cmip/log o /usr/var/cmip/mbx Make sure you save the contents of these directories if you have added files or modified standard files. The /usr/var/cmip/conf directory is processed differently, only the files belonging to the kit are removed. The /usr/var/cmip/conf/cmi_profile.txt file is always saved, refer to Section 2.4 for further details. ______________________________________________________ 1.2 Licensing DECcmi on Your System The DECcmi stack uses the FLEXlm Software License Key system. However, the FLEXlm setup is performed outside the DECcmi subset and is part of the TeMIP Framework installation as described in the TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX Installation Guide. To setup FLEXlm, proceed as follows: o Purchase the TeMIP Framework V3.2 Software Media o Install the TeMIP Framework HTML Documentation subset (TFRDOCV320) o Read carefully the chapters concerning FLEXlm in the TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX Installation Guide. o Install the TeMIP Licensing Software subset (TFRLICV320) o Identify the host system where the license server will run o Configure you license server running the /usr/mcc /licenses/temip_licenses_setup script 1-2 Preparing for DECcmi Software Installation o Install the license required to run DECcmi (Section 1.1 for the list of supported licenses). You will have to logon to the TeMIP licenses server host to append the new "INCREMENT" line(s) to the existing license file /usr/mcc/licenses/licenses.dat. o Ask the license server to reload the new licenses using the following command /usr/mcc/licenses/lmreread -c /usr /mcc/licenses/licenses.dat Note that these steps are optional if the DECcmi stack is used in the context of OSI AM and/or OSI PM subsets of the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit. In this case, FLEXLm is setup before the subsets are installed. See TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX Management Toolkit installation Guide for more information. 1.3 OSI Mode as Opposed to RFC1006 Mode DECcmi can be plugged immediately above the OSI Transport service provided by DECnet-Plus (OSI mode) and/or the native Transport service provided by DIGITAL UNIX (RFC1006 mode). DECcmi can be dynamically configured in OSI and/or RFC1006 mode with the cmi_setup utility before being started. See Chapter 2 for more information about the cmi_setup utility. Note that for backward compatibility, the default DECcmi configuration, set up by the DECcmi kit, is a full OSI configuration in which all the Service Access Points at application level (XMP, CMI and ROS APIs) are mapped to the OSI Transport provider. 1.4 DECnet-Plus and X.25 in OSI Mode Because DECcmi relies on DECnet-Plus, it is essential that DECnet-Plus software is correctly installed and configured. Note that the default environment is LAN, a WAN environment is supported when X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX is installed. Some basic aspects of DECnet-Plus and X.25 particularly relevant to DECcmi are described in this section, but for further details refer to the following documentation: o DECnet-Plus for DIGITAL UNIX - Installation and Configuration Guide Preparing for DECcmi Software Installation 1-3 o X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems - Installation Guide o X.25 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems - Configuration Guide 1.4.1 Prerequisites To be able to continue, the following steps must have been completed: o DIGITAL UNIX V3.0, V3.2, V3.2C or V4.0 must be installed and running o DECnet-Plus for DIGITAL UNIX V3.0, V3.2, V3.2C or V4.0 must be installed and running for LAN access (and also for WAN access, if required) o X.25 V1.1, V1.2, V1.3 or V3.0 for DIGITAL UNIX must be installed and running for WAN access only 1.4.2 DECnet-Plus Configuration DECnet-Plus configuration is performed using the /usr /sbin/decnetsetup configuration utility, which accepts two different options (basic or advanced). The following files are produced: o /usr/sbin/decnetstartup: shell script used to start DECnet-Plus entities o /usr/sbin/decnetshutdown: shell script used to stop DECnet-Plus activity o /var/dna/scripts/*.ncl: miscellaneous ncl script configuration files 1.4.3 X.25 Configuration The X.25 configuration is performed using the /usr/sbin /x25setup configuration utility, which accepts two different options (basic or advanced), and produces the following two files: o /usr/sbin/x25startup: shell script used to start X.25 o /var/dna/scripts/x25startup.ncl: ncl script containing the current X.25 configuration Note that X.25 can be stopped using the /usr/sbin /x25shutdown shell script command. 1-4 Preparing for DECcmi Software Installation 1.4.4 OSI Transport Templates Depending on the presence of X.25 software, several OSI Transport templates are generated at configuration time. These templates gather the characteristics of the outgoing or incoming OSI Transport connections. If only DECnet-Plus is installed (LAN environment), the following Transport templates exist after the configuration phase: o default: Uses Transport Class 4 above the CLNS network service for outgoing connections, when no explicit template is specified. o clns: Uses Transport Class 4 above the CLNS network service for outgoing connections. o any: Uses Transport Class 4 above the CLNS network service for incoming connections. If DECnet-Plus and X.25 are installed (LAN + WAN environment), the following Transport templates exist after the configuration phase: o default: Uses Transport Class 4 above the CLNS network service for outgoing connections, when no explicit template is specified. o clns: Uses Transport Class 4 above the CLNS network service for outgoing connections. o cons: Uses Transport Classes 2 and 0 above the CONS network service, for outgoing connections. o any: Uses Transport Classes 4, 2 and 0 above the CLNS or CONS network services for incoming connections. The current configuration of OSI Transport templates can be shown by the /usr/bin/ncl utility using the command: ncl show osi transport template * all A template example is shown in Example B-9 of Appendix B. For more information about the ncl utility, refer to the DECnet-Plus for DIGITAL UNIX - Network Control Language Reference. Preparing for DECcmi Software Installation 1-5 1.4.5 Verifying the DECnet-Plus Configuration _______________________ Warning _______________________ If you have set up a DECnet-Plus configuration different to that of the default LAN, it is highly recommended that you check this configuration before trying to run DECcmi. A simple test could consist of running the netosiivp IVP program located under /usr/examples/xti, which permits validation of the specific DECnet-Plus configuration accessed through the XTI interface. ______________________________________________________ In order to check the Transport connectivity between a system init and a system resp, you have to: o First generate the netosiivp executable file on both systems, using the command: # cc -g -o netosiivp netosiivp.c -lxti -lxtiosi -ltermcap o Then create the /etc/isonsaps file on system init and insert the following entry: resp:ns=%xRespNSAP where RespNSAP represents the NSAP of the system resp. o Run the test by executing the following command: # netosiivp -R on machine resp and: # netosiivp -t YourTemplate -I resp on machine init where YourTemplate represents the specific OSI Transport template you have configured (for example cons for X.25). A trace execution of the netosiivp program, collected respectively on systems resp and init, is shown below (using the default clns OSI Transport template for a LAN): 1-6 Preparing for DECcmi Software Installation # ./netosiivp -R parent: forked child 7213 7213: Initiator is %X49003faa000400a4ff21/%X01000100 7213: TPDU size = 8192 octets, class 4, no checksums extended format, no expedited data, explicit flow control 7213: Recorded 0 octets of expedited data 7213: Recorded total 10001 octets of normal data 7213: Normal disconnection: Normal Disconnect (reason=128, seq=-1) # ./netosiivp -t clns -I resp TPDU size = 8192 octets, class 4, unlimited TSDU size, no checksums extended format, no expedited data, explicit flow control Sending 10000 octets of normal data in 100 octet DT TPDUs... completed (200.90 KB/sec) Sending 1 octet end of data marker... completed Recorded 0 octets of expedited data Recorded total 10001 octets of normal data The successful completion of this test ensures that the relevant DECnet-Plus configuration is valid, that is, the relevant NSAP (here RespNSAP) and the relevant OSI Transport template (here YourTemplate) is used to configure DECcmi (refer to Section 2.7). 1.4.6 Tracing DECnet-Plus Activity You can collect OSI Transport traces (TPDUs) using the CTF utility (/usr/bin/ctf). Refer to the Common Trace Facility for DIGITAL UNIX User's Guide for further details. 1.5 TCP/IP and RFC1006 Mode TCP/IP is embedded in DIGITAL UNIX and does not need to be specifically configured. Preparing for DECcmi Software Installation 1-7 1.5.1 Stopping the Native RFC1006 Implementation DECcmi cannot run in RFC1006 mode with the native RFC1006 implementation embedded in DECnet-Plus. If you try to start DECcmi in RFC1006 mode without stopping the native implementation, the system returns an address already in use message. Before starting DECcmi in RFC1006 mode, run the kill command to stop the rfc1006d daemon. ________________________ Note ________________________ Before stopping the rfc1006d daemon, make sure that no other network applications are using it. ______________________________________________________ 1.5.2 Verifying the TCP/IP Configuration Use the ping command to check that the remote system is reachable. 1.5.3 Tracing TCP/IP Activity Use the netstat and traceroute commands to trace TCP/IP activity in RFC1006 mode. 1-8 Preparing for DECcmi Software Installation 2 _________________________________________________________________ Installing DECcmi Software This chapter describes how to install DECcmi on your system. You can find more information in: o Installation of DECcmi Files, see Section 2.1 o DECcmi Environment Variables, see Section 2.2 o Dynamic Configuration of OSI and/or RFC1006 mode, see Section 2.3 o Modifying the DECcmi Default Configuration, see Section 2.4 o Defining a Full DECcmi Configuration in RFC1006 mode, see Section 2.5 o Defining a Balanced DECcmi Configuration, see Section 2.6 o Defining the Remote Network Service Access Points (NSAP) Addresses, see Section 2.7 2.1 Installation of DECcmi Files To install DECcmi software, you need to: 1. Log in as root 2. Copy the CMACMV302.tar file to your local system 3. Extract the kit, using the command: tar xvf CMACMV302.tar 4. Install the kit from the current directory using the command: setld -l . CMACMV302 Installing DECcmi Software 2-1 Before starting DECcmi, check that the mandatory environment variables are defined, and if necessary, modify the default DECcmi configuration file. 2.2 DECcmi Environment Variables The DECcmi environment variables are described in Section 2.2.1 and Section 2.2.2. 2.2.1 Mandatory Variables The following mandatory variables have to be defined: OSIROOT contains the name of the root directory to which the mailboxes between the DECcmi server and user are attached. Enter the following command: # setenv OSIROOT /usr/var/cmip when using csh or # OSIROOT=/usr/var/cmip; export OSIROOT when using sh or ksh. ________________________ Note ________________________ OSIROOT must be defined for both the DECcmi server process and the application processes linked within the DECcmi APIs (CMIS, ROS and XMP). ______________________________________________________ CMISE_INBOUND contains the listener template name used for incoming connections. Enter the following command: # setenv CMISE_INBOUND any when using csh or # CMISE_INBOUND=any; export CMISE_INBOUND 2-2 Installing DECcmi Software when using sh or ksh. ________________________ Note ________________________ CMISE_INBOUND must only be defined for the DECcmi server process. ______________________________________________________ XDSROOT contains the name of the directory where XOM/XMP configuration files are located. Enter the following command: # setenv XDSROOT $OSIROOT/conf when using csh or # XDSROOT=$OSIROOT/conf; export XDSROOT when using sh or ksh. ________________________ Note ________________________ XDSROOT must only be defined for the application processes linked within the XMP API. ______________________________________________________ 2.2.2 Optional Variables DECcmi provides the following optional environment variables: ROS_WAIT_REG The optional environment variable ROS_WAIT_REG permits you to override the default timer value (3 seconds) used to wait for the Registration Confirm internal event. This event is generated by the DECcmi server when processing the Register() API primitive. If the DECcmi server is under too much stress, the Registration process may fail (timed out), and an error message of the following generic type may be displayed: [801f] Spurious #n Origin(AM #1, MBX=xxxxxxxx) ID1=yyy ID2=zzz EVN=tttt Installing DECcmi Software 2-3 To avoid such errors, the ROS_WAIT_REG variable must be customized using one of the following commands: # setenv ROS_WAIT_REG 30 when using csh or # ROS_WAIT_REG=30; export ROS_WAIT_REG when using sh or ksh. In this example the variable has been set to 30 seconds, but in a real case it depends on the actual load on your DECcmi server. ________________________ Note ________________________ ROS_WAIT_REG must only be defined for the application processes linked within the CMIS or ROS APIs. ______________________________________________________ NB_MAX_ASSOC The default Maximum Number of Associations supported by both the CMIS API and the ROS API can be extended to 128 using the NB_MAX_ASSOC environment variable. The permitted values range from 1 up to 128, illegal values are silently ignored (in which case the default value 64 is taken instead). For example, to support 128 Associations, type the following command: # setenv NB_MAX_ASSOC 128 when using csh or # NB_MAX_ASSOC=128; export NB_MAX_ASSOC when using sh or ksh. ________________________ Note ________________________ NB_MAX_ASSOC may only be defined for the application processes linked within the CMIS or ROS APIs. ______________________________________________________ 2-4 Installing DECcmi Software 2.3 Dynamic Configuration DECcmi can be dynamically configured in OSI and/or RFC1006 mode, using the cmi_setup utility. Execute cmi_setup before starting DECcmi to plug the CMIP protocol stack: o either above the OSI Transport driver embedded in DECnet-plus (OSI mode) o or above the TCP transport driver embedded in DIGITAL UNIX (RFC1006 mode) o or above both the OSI and TCP Transport drivers (balanced mode) The cmi_setup utility, in the /usr/bin directory, automatically modifies the $OSIROOT/conf/cmi_profile.txt file and the $OSIROOT/conf/xom.ini file. It saves the former versions of cmi_profile.txt and xom.ini as $OSIROOT /conf/cmi_profile.txt.old and $OSIROOT/conf/xom.ini.old respectively. When DECcmi starts up, the Operator process reads the cmi_ profile.txt file containing the commands executed before or after the main DECcmi process task is started, that is to say, before or after the start command is executed. The cmi_profile.txt file defines the suffixes associated with Service Access Points (SAPs), toggles tracing mode for debugging purposes and can also be used to perform specific tuning and configuration tasks. The cmi_profile.txt file is organized in sections. The System Administrator can customize some sections (notably Section 2 which contains the configuration of local Presentation addresses). Some sections cannot be customized. The cmi_setup utility executes specific configuration commands (define sap and vary sap) located at the end of Section 0. This is one of the sections that the System Administrator cannot customize. When the cmi_setup utility is executed, the newly defined characteristics replace the specific configuration data at the end of Section 0. The cmi_setup utility does not act on customized parts. Installing DECcmi Software 2-5 Example B-7 in Appendix B shows the standard cmi_ profile.txt full OSI configuration which is written in the $OSIROOT/conf directory when DECcmi is installed. The xom.ini file is specific to the XMP API and enables the IPC links between the XMP SAPs and local Presentation addresses. Figure 2-1 shows the addressing information used for the DECcmi configuration, that is the Service Access Points between the different OSI entities embedded in the DECcmi protocol stack. The syntax of the cmi_setup command is cmi_setup [-o\-r\- b\-a\-h] , where: o -o stands for full OSI mode o -r stands for full RFC1006 mode o -b stands for balanced mode o -a stands for advanced mode o -h stands for help (default) In full OSI mode all the SAPs at application level (XMP, CMI and ROS APIs) are mapped to the OSI Transport provider. In full RFC1006 mode all the SAPs are mapped to the TCP Transport provider. In balanced mode the first 64 XMI SAPs (#511 to #574), the first 8 CMI SAPs (#71 to #78) and the first 8 ROS SAPs (#31 to #38) are mapped to the OSI Transport provider. The last 64 XMP SAPs (#575 to #638), the last 8 CMI SAPs (#79 to #86) and the last 8 ROS SAPs (#39 to #46) are mapped to the TCP Transport provider. The following sections detail SAP mapping at application level. 2-6 Installing DECcmi Software ________________________ Note ________________________ The advanced cmi_setup option is used to configure individual APIs and reset the values of cmi_ profile.txt (and xom.ini for XMP API) variables incrementally. Remember that the advanced option of the cmi_setup utility is only used in special cases. Below is an example of a cmi_setup session in advanced mode. cmi_setup -a Change the mapping of SAPs for XMP API? (y/n) y first SAP [511 .. 638]? 523 last SAP [523 .. 638]? 529 transport driver [0=OSI /1=TCP]? 1 Change the mapping of SAPs for CMI API? (y/n) y first SAP [71 .. 86]? 80 last SAP [80 .. 86]? 84 transport driver [0=OSI /1=TCP]? 0 Change the mapping of SAPs for ROS API? (y/n) y first SAP [31 .. 46]? 35 last SAP [31 .. 46]? 35 transport driver [0=OSI /1=TCP]? 0 ______________________________________________________ 2.4 Modifying the Default Full OSI DECcmi Configuration This section describes the default full OSI configuration created by the DECcmi kit at installation time. In the default configuration all the Service Access Points at application level (XMP, CMI and ROS APIs) are mapped to the OSI Transport provider. The cmi_setup -o command also gives you the ability to create a full OSI configuration. Figure 2-1 shows the default addressing information for the full OSI DECcmi configuration. This information is summarized in Table 2-1, which also shows the Presentation Address for each ROS, CMIS and XMP SAP. Note that a Presentation Address is made up of the concatenation of the Presentation Selector, Session Selector, Transport Selector and Network Address. For each selector, Table 2-1 gives the associated Suffix Number in Installing DECcmi Software 2-7 parentheses (a Suffix is the DECcmi internal representation of a Selector). To change the Presentation Addresses in use, you must modify the Suffixes in SECTION 2 of the /usr/var/cmip/conf /cmi_profile.txt file. For example, to change the Session Selector of all ROS and CMIS SAPs to the new value SESSION_SEL (default value session), insert the following statement in SECTION 2 of cmi_profile.txt: define suffix 110 CSESSION_SEL To change the Presentation Selector of ROS SAP #32 to the new value ROS2 (default value ROSWAN2), add the following statement in the profile: define suffix 32 CROS2 To change the Presentation Selector of CMIS SAP #79 to the new value CMI9 (default value ROSCMILAN1), insert the following statement in SECTION 2: define suffix 59 CCMI9 Note that for CMIS SAP #79, the Suffix to change is the Suffix of the Presentation SAP #59, which is mapped by CMIS SAP #79 because CMIS SAPs have no associated suffixes. Table 2-1 ROS, CMIS and XMP SAP Presentation Addresses in ___________Full_OSI_Mode___________________________________ SAP Nb P-Sel (Suf S-Sel (Suf T-Sel (Suf N- (Type)_______Nb)_____________Nb)___________Nb)___________Addr #31[1] ROSWAN1 session transport xxxxxx[5] (ROS) (#31)[2] (#110)[3] (#100)[4] [1]Defined_in_/usr/include/ros.h_as_RO_K_SAP1._____________ [2]Suffix #31 represents P-Selector of ROS SAP #31. [3]Suffix #110 represents S-Selector of all ROS and CMIS SAPs. [4]Suffix #100 represents T-Selector of all ROS and CMIS SAPs. [5]Represents the OSI NSAP, refer to Section 2.7 for further details. (continued on next page) 2-8 Installing DECcmi Software Table 2-1 (Cont.) ROS, CMIS and XMP SAP Presentation __________________Addresses_in_Full_OSI_Mode_______________ SAP Nb P-Sel (Suf S-Sel (Suf T-Sel (Suf N- (Type)_______Nb)_____________Nb)___________Nb)___________Addr #32 (ROS) ROSWAN2 (#32) session transport xxxxxx (#110) (#100) ... ... ... ... ... #38 (ROS) ROSWAN8 (#38) session transport xxxxxx (#110) (#100) #39 (ROS) ROSLAN1 (#39) session transport xxxxxx (#110) (#100) #40 (ROS) ROSLAN2 (#40) session transport xxxxxx (#110) (#100) ... ... ... ... ... #46 (ROS) ROSLAN8 (#46) session transport xxxxxx (#110) (#100) #71[6] ROSCMIWAN1 session transport xxxxxx (CMIS) (#51)[7] (#110) (#100) #72 (CMIS) ROSCMIWAN2 session transport xxxxxx (#52) (#110) (#100) ... ... ... ... ... #78 (CMIS) ROSCMIWAN8 session transport xxxxxx (#58) (#110) (#100) #79 (CMIS) ROSCMILAN1 session transport xxxxxx (#59) (#110) (#100) #80 (CMIS) ROSCMILAN2 session transport xxxxxx (#60) (#110) (#100) ... ... ... ... ... #86 (CMIS) ROSCMILAN8 session transport xxxxxx (#66) (#110) (#100) [6]Defined_in_/usr/include/cmi.h_as_M_K_SAP1.______________ [7]Suffix #51 represents P-Selector of CMIS SAP #71. (continued on next page) Installing DECcmi Software 2-9 Table 2-1 (Cont.) ROS, CMIS and XMP SAP Presentation ___________________Addresses_in_Full_OSI_Mode______________ SAP Nb P-Sel (Suf S-Sel (Suf T-Sel (Suf N- (Type)_______Nb)_____________Nb)___________Nb)___________Addr #511 (XMP) I001 SSEL TLAN xxxxxx (#111)[8] (#109)[9] (#99)[10] #512 (XMP) I002 (#112) SSEL (#109) TLAN (#99) xxxxxx ... ... ... ... ... #574 (XMP) I064 (#174) SSEL (#109) TLAN (#99) xxxxxx #575 (XMP) I065 (#175) SSEL (#109) TLAN (#99) xxxxxx ... ... ... ... ... #637 (XMP) I127 (#237) SSEL (#109) TLAN (#99) xxxxxx #638 (XMP) I128 (#238) SSEL (#109) TLAN (#99) xxxxxx [8]Suffix_#111_represents_P-Selector_of_XMP_SAP_#511.______ [9]Suffix #109 represents S-Selector of all XMP SAPs. [10]Suffix #99 represents T-Selector of all XMP SAPs. ___________________________________________________________ For more information about the DECcmi Operator commands and internal configuration, refer to the DECcmi Operator's Guide. _______________________ Warning _______________________ If you try to install your DECcmi kit on a machine where an older DECcmi version is installed, the profile /usr/var/cmip/conf/cmi_profile.txt is saved in the /tmp directory to preserve any customizations you have made. Therefore, you must replace your customized version after full installation of the kit. Example B-2 in Appendix B illustrates this feature. ______________________________________________________ 2-10 Installing DECcmi Software 2.5 Full RFC1006 DEccmi Configuration In full RFC1006 mode, all the Service Access Points at application level (XMP, CMI and ROS APIs) are mapped to the TCP Transport provider. The cmi_setup -r command gives you the ability to configure full RFC1006 mode. Table 2-22-2 summarizes the addressing information used in a full RFC1006 configuration. Table 2-2 ROS, CMIS and XMP SAP Presentation Addresses in __________Full_RFC1006_Mode________________________________ SAP Nb P-Sel (Suf S-Sel (Suf T-Sel (Suf N- (Type)_______Nb)_____________Nb)___________Nb)___________Addr #31[1] ROSWAN1 SSEL2 TTCP xxxxxx[5] (ROS) (#31)[2] (#108)[3] (#98)[4] #32 (ROS) ROSWAN2 (#32) SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#108) ... ... ... ... ... #38 (ROS) ROSWAN8 (#38) SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#108) #39 (ROS) ROSLAN1 (#39) SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#108) #40 (ROS) ROSLAN2 (#40) SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#108) ... ... ... ... ... #46 (ROS) ROSLAN8 (#46) SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#108) [1]Defined_in_/usr/include/ros.h_as_RO_K_SAP1._____________ [2]Suffix #31 represents P-Selector of ROS SAP #31. [3]Suffix #108 represents S-Selector of all the ROS, CMIS and XMP SAPs. [4]Suffix #981 represents T-Selector of all the ROS, CMIS and XMP SAPs. [5]Represents the RFC1006 NSAP, refer to Section 2.7 for further details. (continued on next page) Installing DECcmi Software 2-11 Table 2-2 (Cont.) ROS, CMIS and XMP SAP Presentation ___________________Addresses_in_Full_RFC1006_Mode__________ SAP Nb P-Sel (Suf S-Sel (Suf T-Sel (Suf N- (Type)_______Nb)_____________Nb)___________Nb)___________Addr #71[6] ROSCMIWAN1 SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (CMIS) (#51)[7] (#108) #72 (CMIS) ROSCMIWAN2 SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#52) (#108) ... ... ... ... ... #78 (CMIS) ROSCMIWAN8 SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#58) (#108) #79 (CMIS) ROSCMILAN1 SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#59) (#108) #80 (CMIS) ROSCMILAN2 SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#60) (#108) ... ... ... ... ... #86 (CMIS) ROSCMILAN8 SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#66) (#108) #511 (XMP) I001 SSEL TTCP yyyyyy (#111)[8] (#108)[9] (#98)[10] #512 (XMP) I002 (#112) SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#108) ... ... ... ... ... #574 (XMP) I064 (#174) SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#108) #575 (XMP) I065 (#175) SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#108) ... ... ... ... ... #637 (XMP) I127 (#237) SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#108) [6]Defined_in_/usr/include/cmi.h_as_M_K_SAP1.______________ [7]Suffix #51 represents P-Selector of CMIS SAP #71. [8]Suffix #111 represents P-Selector of XMP SAP #511. [9]Suffix #108 represents S-Selector of all XMP SAPs. [10]Suffix #98 represents T-Selector of all XMP SAPs. (continued on next page) 2-12 Installing DECcmi Software Table 2-2 (Cont.) ROS, CMIS and XMP SAP Presentation __________________Addresses_in_Full_RFC1006_Mode___________ SAP Nb P-Sel (Suf S-Sel (Suf T-Sel (Suf N- (Type)_______Nb)_____________Nb)___________Nb)___________Addr #638 (XMP) I128 (#238) SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy _____________________________(#108)________________________ 2.6 Balanced DECcmi Configuration In balanced mode the first 64 XMP SAPs, the first 8 CMI SAPs and the first 8 ROS SAPs are mapped to the OSI transport provider. The last 64 XMP SAPs, the last 8 CMI SAPs and the last 8 ROS SAPs are mapped to the TCP Transport provider. The cmi_setup -b command gives you the ability to configure balanced mode. Table 2-3 summarizes the addressing information used in a balanced DECcmi configuration. Table 2-3 ROS, CMIS and XMP SAP Presentation Addresses in __________Balanced_Mode____________________________________ SAP Nb P-Sel (Suf S-Sel (Suf T-Sel (Suf N- (Type)_______Nb)_____________Nb)__________Nb)___________Addr #31[1] ROSWAN1 session transport xxxxxx[5] (ROS) (#31)[2] (#110)[3] (#100)[4] #32 (ROS) ROSWAN2 (#32) session transport xxxxxx (#110) (#100) ... ... ... ... ... #38 (ROS) ROSWAN8 (#38) session transport xxxxxx (#110) (#100) [1]Defined_in_/usr/include/ros.h_as_RO_K_SAP1._____________ [2]Suffix #31 represents P-Selector of ROS SAP #31. [3]Suffix #108 represents S-Selector of all the ROS, CMIS and XMP SAPs dedicated to OSI connectivity. [4]Suffix #981 represents T-Selector of all ROS, CMIS and XMP SAPs dedicated to OSI connectivity. [5]Represents the RFC1006 NSAP, refer to Section 2.7 for further details. (continued on next page) Installing DECcmi Software 2-13 Table 2-3 (Cont.) ROS, CMIS and XMP SAP Presentation ___________________Addresses_in_Balanced_Mode______________ SAP Nb P-Sel (Suf S-Sel (Suf T-Sel (Suf N- (Type)_______Nb)_____________Nb)__________Nb)___________Addr #39 (ROS) ROSLAN1 (#39) SSEL2 TTCP yyyyyy (#108)[12] (#98)13 [11] #40 (ROS) ROSLAN2 (#40) SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#108) ... ... ... ... ... #46 (ROS) ROSLAN8 (#46) SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#108) #71[6] ROSCMIWAN1 session transport xxxxxx (CMIS) (#51)[7] (#110) (#100) #72 (CMIS) ROSCMIWAN2 session transport xxxxxx (#52) (#110) (#100) ... ... ... ... ... #78 (CMIS) ROSCMIWAN8 session transport xxxxxx (#58) (#110) (#100) #79 (CMIS) ROSCMILAN1 SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#59) (#108) #80 (CMIS) ROSCMILAN2 SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#60) (#108) ... ... ... ... ... #86 (CMIS) ROSCMILAN8 SSEL2 TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#66) (#108) [6]Defined_in_/usr/include/cmi.h_as_M_K_SAP1.______________ [7]Suffix #51 represents P-Selector of CMIS SAP #71. [11]Represents the RFC1006 NSAP, refer to Section 2.7 for further details. [12]Represents the S-Selector of ROS, CMI and XMP SAPs dedicated to RFC1006 connectivity. [13]Represents the T-Selector of ROS, CMI and XMP SAPs dedicated to RFC1006 connectivity. (continued on next page) 2-14 Installing DECcmi Software Table 2-3 (Cont.) ROS, CMIS and XMP SAP Presentation __________________Addresses_in_Balanced_Mode_______________ SAP Nb P-Sel (Suf S-Sel (Suf T-Sel (Suf N- (Type)_______Nb)_____________Nb)__________Nb)___________Addr #511 (XMP) I001 SSEL TLAN xxxxxx (#111)[8] (#109)[9] (#99)[10] #512 (XMP) I002 (#112) SSEL TLAN xxxxxx (#109)[9] (#99)[10] ... ... ... ... ... #574 (XMP) I064 (#174) SSEL TLAN xxxxxx (#109)[9] (#99)[10] #575 (XMP) I065 (#175) SSEL TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#108) ... ... ... ... ... #637 (XMP) I127 (#237) SSEL TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#108) #638 (XMP) I128 (#238) SSEL TTCP (#98) yyyyyy (#108) [8]Suffix_#111_represents_P-Selector_of_XMP_SAP_#511.______ [9]Suffix #109 represents S-Selector of all XMP SAPs dedicated to OSI connectivity. [10]Suffix #99 represents T-Selector of all XMP SAPs dedicated to OSI connectivity. ___________________________________________________________ 2.7 Defining Remote NSAP Addresses The file /etc/nsaps must be configured with the OSI and/or NSAP addresses of the remote systems you want to reach. This file gets the name of the transport template used to initiate outgoing transport connections. In OSI mode, the name of the transport template is usually clns in a LAN environment and cons in a WAN environment. It is a real DECnet-Plus object. In RFC1006 mode, the transport template is rfc1006 and is a pseudo object maintained for consistency with OSI mode. Installing DECcmi Software 2-15 There are two ways to get this information, depending on what information is held in the N-ADDRESS component of the P-ADDRESS managed at application level. This is either a LABEL or a real NSAP. 2.7.1 Format of the RFC1006 NSAP The IP address format is derived from RFC1277 (Binary Coded Decimal) without the header 540072872203 (ADI + IDI + prefix). The port and transport protocol are hard coded to 102 and TCP respectively. For example, the IP address is encoded to 192035006007. 2.7.2 LABEL Mode In this case the N-ADDRESS component is in fact a LABEL used as the search criterion. The /etc/nsaps file is consulted to get both the real NSAP and the relevant template associated with the given LABEL. Note that due to the /etc/nsaps file, the Network Management Applications use logical names instead of real NSAP addresses. The syntax of such an entry is: label/outgoing_template_name%remote_NSAP_address where: o / is the separator between the label and the outgoing_ template_name. o % is the separator between the outgoing_template_name and the remote_NSAP_address. An example of a /etc/nsaps file (LABEL mode) is shown below: 2-16 Installing DECcmi Software # # obelix Ultrix V4.3 # lanobelix/clns%490022bb000400d4ce21 wanobelix/cons%3700001234567105 # # caraib DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 # lancaraib/clns%49002EBB000400A4FF21 wancaraib/cons%3654522410000101 tcpcaraib/rfc1006%192035006007 # # sunws1 Sun Solaris V2.6 # lansunws1/clns%49002E123B5401 wansunws1/cons%3654522410000201 tcpsunws1/rfc1006%016036001017 # # biniou VMS/VAX V5.5-2 # lanbiniou/clns%490022BB0004000CCD21 wanbiniou/cons%123456760 # # arctiq OpenVMS/AXP V6.1 # lanarctiq/clns%490033AA00040004CD21 wanarctiq/cons%123456790 2.7.3 NSAP Mode Here the N-ADDRESS component represents a real NSAP used as the search criterion, so the /etc/nsaps file is only consulted to get the template associated with the given NSAP. The syntax of an entry is: /outgoing_template_name%remote_NSAP_address where: o / means that the outgoing_template_name follows. o % is the separator between the outgoing_template_name and the remote_NSAP_address. Installing DECcmi Software 2-17 An example of a /etc/nsaps file (NSAP mode) is shown below: # # comore DIGITAL UNIX V3.2C # /clns%49003ECC000400A4EE21 /cons%36519224100201 # # sunws4 Sun Solaris V2.6 # /clns%49003ECC5401 /cons%36519224100301 /rfc1006%016036001019 2.7.4 Coexistence of LABEL and NSAP Modes The choice between LABEL or NSAP mode is done dynamically and automatically, DECcmi interprets the given N-ADDRESS component as either a LABEL or a real NSAP. ________________________ Note ________________________ If an ambiguity is detected during the interpretation of a given N-ADDRESS component (LABEL or NSAP ?), the LABEL is always chosen in order to preserve the compatibility with the former behavior (LABEL mode only supported). For example, if the given N-ADDRESS is 5051525354, it will be interpreted as the LABEL PQRST instead of the potential NSAP 5051525354. ______________________________________________________ The same remote node can be declared in the /etc/nsaps file for both modes, as shown in the following example. 2-18 Installing DECcmi Software # # dzirad DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 # landzirad/clns%49002EDD000300A4CC21 /clns%49002EDD000300A4CC21 # # sunws4 Sun Solaris V2.6 # lansunws4/clns%49003ECC5401 /clns%49003ECC5401 tcpsunws4/rfc1006%016036001019 /rfc1006%016036001019 2.7.5 Common Syntax Rules The following rules apply to the /etc/nsaps file: o # is the comment character, which must be located in the first column. The comment stops at the end of the line. o Entries cannot be folded. o Spaces and tabulations are forbidden at the beginning and inside an entry. o Trailing spaces or tabulations are permitted and silently ignored. Installing DECcmi Software 2-19 ________________________ Note ________________________ To find the NSAP address of a remote system, call the /usr/sbin/decnet_dns_register DNS utility, and choose in the main menu the option 9: Show information about node names registered in the namespace. ______________________________________________________ 2-20 Installing DECcmi Software 3 _________________________________________________________________ Verifying the Installation The Installation Verification Program can be run to verify that the DECcmi software is correctly installed. ________________________ Note ________________________ The IVP does not test DECnet-Plus or TCP/IP communication paths, but only checks local communications with the DECcmi server, using CMI and ROS APIs. To test DECnet-Plus or TCP/IP communications, refer to Chapter 5. ______________________________________________________ You can find more information in: o The Installation Verification Program, see Section 3.1 o Preparing to Run the IVP, see Section 3.2 o Running the IVP, see Section 3.3 o Errors from the IVP, see Section 3.4 3.1 The Installation Verification Program The IVP requests the registration and deregistration for each type of SAP provided by DECcmi. Note that because the IVP performs a comprehensive verification of the DECcmi installation, the license must have been previously installed, otherwise the IVP execution fails, see Example B-12 in Appendix B. Verifying the Installation 3-1 3.2 Preparing to Run the IVP Before you run the IVP, make sure that DECnet-Plus is installed and running. The DECcmi IVP automatically starts and stops the DECcmi server, so no specific action is required. _______________________ Warning _______________________ The IVP automatically and silently stops any DECcmi server that may be running. Before before running the IVP, check that no DECcmi is activity, otherwise established associations may be lost. ______________________________________________________ 3.3 Running the IVP You can issue the DECcmi Installation Verification command from any directory on your system by entering the following command: # setld -v CMACMV302 An example listing from the IVP can be found in Example B-3 of Appendix B. 3.4 Errors from the IVP The IVP performs checks to see whether all the necessary files exist, whether certain example files are present and can be compiled, and that DECcmi can be started up. Error messages can occur if files are missing, or if problems are encountered compiling the example programs. If there is an error message, check whether the files listed in Appendix A are all present. If not, restart the installation procedure from the beginning. 3-2 Verifying the Installation 4 _________________________________________________________________ Starting and Stopping the DECcmi Server This chapter describes how to start and stop the DECcmi software and related topics. You can find more information in: o Starting DECcmi, see Section 4.1 o Stopping DECcmi, see Section 4.2 o DECcmi administrative account, see Section 4.3 4.1 Starting DECcmi To load and start DECcmi, use the following command: # /usr/etc/cmi_startup An example of a trace produced by this command is given in Example B-4 of Appendix B. To start DECcmi whenever you bring up the system in a full OSI configuration, create a file deccmi in the /sbin/init.d directory, containing the following commands: Starting and Stopping the DECcmi Server 4-1 #!/bin/sh # # DECcmi for DIGITAL UNIX System Initialization Script # OSIROOT=/usr/var/cmip export OSIROOT CMISE_INBOUND=any export CMISE_INBOUND case $1 in start) echo "Starting the DECcmi server" > /dev/console /usr/etc/cmi_startup > /dev/console ;; stop) echo "Stopping the DECcmi server" > /dev/console /usr/etc/cmi_shutdown > /dev/console ;; *) 1>&2 echo "Usage: $0 start|stop" > /dev/console exit 1 ;; esac exit Now create the two symbolic links /sbin/rc0.d/KXXdeccmi and /sbin/rc3.d/SXXdeccmi pointing to /sbin/init.d/deccmi. ________________________ Note ________________________ The number XX in the name of the file should be chosen in such a way that the DECcmi server is started after DECnet-Plus (S28.60decnetosi for DECnet-Plus for DIGITAL UNIX V3.0, V3.2, V3.2C and V4.0). ______________________________________________________ 4.2 Stopping DECcmi To stop DECcmi, use the following command: # /usr/etc/cmi_shutdown An example of a trace produced by this command is given in Example B-6 of Appendix B. 4-2 Starting and Stopping the DECcmi Server 4.3 DECcmi Administrative Account Because DECcmi uses the privileged TCP port number 102 in RFC1006 mode, the root user must execute cmi_startup. Starting and Stopping the DECcmi Server 4-3 5 _________________________________________________________________ Compiling and Running Example Programs The DECcmi software is delivered with simple example programs, which are installed under the /usr/examples/cmip directory during installation of the kit. These programs illustrate only the use of the CMI and ROS proprietary APIs, and do not cover the X/Open XMP API. This chapter explains how to compile and run these programs in OSI LAN loopback mode and/or RFC1006 loopback mode . You can find more information in: o Compiling CMIS and ROS Example Programs, see Section 5.1 o Preparing to Run the Example Programs, see Section 5.2 o Running CMIS and ROS Example Programs, see Section 5.3 5.1 Compiling CMIS and ROS Examples Programs The CMIS example program comprises the following files: o cmi_init_com.c : CMIS initiating program o cmi_resp_com.c : CMIS responding program o cmi_com_makefile : CMIS makefile The compilation of the CMIS example program is shown below: % make -f cmi_com_makefile cmi_init_com cmi_resp_com cc -p -g -c /usr/examples/cmip/cmi_init_com.c cc -o cmi_init_com /usr/examples/cmip/cmi_init_com.o -lcmi cc -p -g -c /usr/examples/cmip/cmi_resp_com.c cc -o cmi_resp_com /usr/examples/cmip/cmi_resp_com.o -lcmi The ROS example program is made of the following files: o ros_init_com.c : ROS initiating program o ros_resp_com.c : ROS responding program Compiling and Running Example Programs 5-1 o ros_com_makefile : ROS makefile The compilation of the ROS example program is shown below: % make -f ros_com_makefile ros_init_com ros_resp_com cc -o ros_init_com ros_init_com.c -lcmi cc -o ros_resp_com ros_resp_com.c -lcmi 5.2 Preparing to Run the Example Programs Before running the example programs, do not forget to customize the environment as described in Section 2.2. To execute the programs in OSI LAN loopback mode, first run the cmi_setup -o utility, then start the DECcmi server and add the following entry to the /etc/nsaps file: ROSNAP/clns%YourLanAddress where YourLanAddress is your local system NSAP. To execute the example programs in RFC1006 loopback mode, first run the cmi_setup -r utility, then start the DECcmi server and add the following entry to the /etc/nsaps file: ROSNAP/rfc1006%YourIPAddress where YourIPAddress is your local system IP address. 5.3 Running CMIS and ROS Example Programs The following example programs can be run in OSI LAN and/or RFC1006 loopback mode. OSI LAN Loopback Mode To run the CMIS example program, first call cmi_resp then cmi_init. To run the example programs on two different DIGITAL UNIX machines in OSI LAN mode, modify the ROSNAP/clns%YourLanAddress entry in the /etc/nsaps file on the machine running the cmi_init program. Replace YourLanAddress by the OSI NSAP of the remote machine running the cmi_resp program. 5-2 Compiling and Running Example Programs The program produces the following traces, collected in two different windows: % cmi_resp DECcmi : responder example using CMI API --------------------------------------------------------- <-> Registering to a CMIP Service Access Point... <-> Waiting for an Association establishment... <-- Waiting for a M_Event_Report... --> Sending a M_Event_Report_Resp... <-> Waiting for the Association release... --> Cancelling the registration... % cmi_init DECcmi : initiator example using CMI API --------------------------------------------------------- <-> Registering to a CMIP Service Access Point... <-> Establishing an association... --> Sending a M_Event_Report... <-- Waiting for a M_Event_Report_Cnf... <-> Releasing the association... --> Cancelling the registration... To run the ROS example program, first call ros_resp_com then ros_init_com. A trace of the ROS example program execution, collected in two different windows, is shown below: % ros_resp_com --------------------------------------------------------------- DECros Performance Test Program - Responder side --------------------------------------------------------------- Mode of operation : Blocking Wait <-> Registering to a ROSE Service Access Point... <-> Waiting for an Association establishment... <-> DECros API test started... ----> RO_K_INVOKE_Ind <---- RO_RESULT_Req ----> A_K_RELEASE_IND Compiling and Running Example Programs 5-3 <-> DECros API test Ended... <-> Releasing the Association... <-> Cancelling the registration... === DECros Responder side: Test Successful ! === % ros_init_com ------------------------------------------------------------ DECros Performance Test Program - Initiator side --------------------------------------------------------------- Number of iterations (RO-Inv Req + RO-Res/Err/Reject-U Ind) .....: 1 Size of APDU : 1024 Remote Presentation Address is : ROSWAN2.session.transport.ROSNAP. <-> Registering to a ROSE Service Access Point... <-> Establishing an association... <-> DECros API Test started : time is Fri Feb 6 12:16:56 1998 ----> RO_INVOKE_Req <---- RO_K_RESULT_Ind End of iteration: 1 <-> DECros API test ended : time is Fri Feb 6 12:16:56 1998 Elapsed time : 00:00:00 <-> Releasing the association... <-> Cancelling the registration... === DECros Initiator side: Test Successful ! === RFC1006 Loopback Mode To run the example programs in RFC1006 loopback mode, enter cmi_init -SSSEL2 -TTTCP to call the CMIS example initiator or ros_init_com -SSSEL2 -TTTCP to call the ROS example initiator. To run the sample programs on two different DIGITAL UNIX machines in RFC1006 mode, add a new YourHost /rfc1006%YourIPAddress entry in the /etc/nsaps file on the machine running the cmi_init program. Replace YourIPAddress by the RFC1006 NSAP of the remote machine running the cmi_ resp program. 5-4 Compiling and Running Example Programs The program produces the following traces, collected in two different windows: % cmi_resp DECcmi : responder example using CMI API --------------------------------------------------------- <-> Registering to a CMIP Service Access Point... <-> Waiting for an Association establishment... <-- Waiting for a M_Event_Report... --> Sending a M_Event_Report_Resp... <-> Waiting for the Association release... --> Cancelling the registration... % cmi_init -SSSEL2 -TTTCP -NYourHost DECcmi : initiator example using CMI API --------------------------------------------------------- <-> Registering to a CMIP Service Access Point... <-> Establishing an association... --> Sending a M_Event_Report... <-- Waiting for a M_Event_Report_Cnf... <-> Releasing the association... --> Cancelling the registration... Compiling and Running Example Programs 5-5 6 _________________________________________________________________ Plugging your Network Application Program This chapter does not explain how to develop a Network Management Application using the CMIS or ROS API, however, it does provide basic information about: o Linking your Network Application Program with the CMIS or ROS API, see Section 6.1 o Checking the DECcmi version number, see Section 6.2 For more information, refer to the DECcmi/DECros Programmer's Guide. ________________________ Note ________________________ The X/Open XMP API is not covered by this chapter. ______________________________________________________ 6.1 Linking your Network Application Program with the CMIS or ROS API To link your Network Management Application Program with the CMIS API, you must use the following header files: o ros.h o ros_api.h o cmi.h o cmi_api.h and actually link them with the libcmi.a library. Plugging your Network Application Program with the ROS API requires the use of the following header files: o ros.h o ros_api.h and the libcmi.a library. Plugging your Network Application Program 6-1 6.2 Checking the DECcmi Version Number If you are in a configuration where you have developed several Network Application Programs, and you have been working with several DECcmi kit deliveries, it could be useful to check the version number of the DECcmi kit you are currently using. This can be done either by: o Using the following simple program: % cat > DECcmiVers.c main() { extern char DECcmiVersionNumber[]; printf("%s\n", DECcmiVersionNumber); } compiled by: % cc DECcmiVers.c -o DECcmiVers -lcmi and which, when called, gives the version number of the libcmi.a currently installed on your system, as shown below: % DECcmiVers DECcmi Version Number is V3.02 or o By using the following simple shell script: % cat Vers #!/bin/sh # if [ $# -ne 1 ] then echo "Usage: $0 prog_name" exit fi strings $1 | grep "DECcmi Version Number is " which, when applied for example to the cmi_init sample program, produces the following output: % Vers /usr/examples/cmip/cmi_init_com DECcmi Version Number is V3.02 6-2 Plugging your Network Application Program 7 _________________________________________________________________ DECcmi Limitations This chapter describes the limitations of the DECcmi product. The scope of this chapter goes beyond the DECcmi/DECros protocol stack itself, because it also groups information dealing with programming features. Programming features are fully described in the DECcmi /DECros Programmer's Guide. You can find more information in: o DECcmi Memory Limitations, see Section 7.1 o Maximum Number of Associations, see Section 7.2 o Maximum Size of User Data, see Section 7.3 o Presentation-Address Format, see Section 7.4 o Tuning DECcmi, see Section 7.5 7.1 DECcmi Memory Limitations The memory limitations of DECcmi are described in Section 7.1.1 and Section 7.1.2. 7.1.1 Shared Memory between APIs and the DECcmi Server The size of the Shared Memory Segment between the CMIS/ROS /XMP APIs and the DECcmi server has a default value of 1024 KB. This may be increased by replacing the numeric argument of the cmi_shmmgr -a 1024 statement in the file /usr/etc /cmi_startup by a bigger value. The default maximum Shared Memory Segment size is 4 MB, therefore the argument of the cmi_shmmgr -a Operator command can be increased to 4095. DECcmi Limitations 7-1 7.1.2 Memory Buffers used Internally by the DECcmi Server These buffers are shared by applications using both the CMIS/ROS and XMP APIs. The maximum number of Memory Buffers which may be allocated by the DECcmi server was limited in former releases, but is now theoretically infinite (in fact limited by the system) for DECcmi V3.02 or higher. If no memory is available, due to system limit reached, DECcmi enters a frozen state and periodically tries to recover from the memory starvation; the following message is displayed at the Operator's console: 18:36:57[9999] ### WARNING: OSIAM buffer shortage, trying to recover The default configuration of the DECcmi server for Memory Buffers is equivalent to the Operator command def pool 512 512 512, and allocates 512 buffers of 512 bytes at DECcmi server start time. This memory will never be released to the system. A theoretically infinite number of pools of 256 buffers of 512 bytes will be allocated when needed, these pools of memory being released to the system when no longer needed. Refer to DECcmi Operator's Guide for more information. 7.2 Maximum Number of Associations The default Maximum Number of Associations supported by the DECcmi server is 64, shared by both CMIS and ROS APIs, plus a possible 128 Associations dedicated to XMP API. As described for NB_MAX_ASSOC, the default Maximum Number of Associations supported by both CMIS and ROS APIs can be extended to 128 using the NB_MAX_ASSOC environment variable. The number of file descriptors consumed by the DECcmi server can be computed using the following information: o 3 : reserved by DIGITAL UNIX for stdin, stdout and stderr o 1 OSIAM mailbox 7-2 DECcmi Limitations o 1 to 3 listening endpoints depending on the configuration created with cmi_setup (1 for CMIS and ROS APIs + 1 for the XMP API dedicated to OSI connectivity, 1 for all the APIs dedicated to RFC1006 connectivity) o 1 if logging in a file is activated using the log Operator command. At application level, each time the Register() service of CMIS and ROS APIs is used, a file descriptor is consumed by the DECcmi server to open the relevant application mailbox (so there is one file descriptor per Register() call, even if it is performed in the same application process). For the XMP API, the first time the Bind() service is called inside a given application process, a file descriptor is consumed by the DECcmi server to open the relevant application mailbox (so there is one file descriptor per application process, performing one or several Bind() calls). The total number of file descriptors consumed by the DECcmi server is: nb fd consumed = nb of CMIS/ROS applications registered + nb of XMP processes bound + nb of associations established + 8 Nevertheless the Maximum Number of Associations should not normally be limited by the number of file descriptors available for a given process, as this is dynamically configured later, at DECcmi server startup time (in the cmi_startup script). 7.3 Maximum Size of User Data When using the ROS APIs, the DECcmi server can deal with: o Outgoing User Data up to a limit of 65 Kbytes o Unlimited incoming User Data (in fact limited by the Shared Memory size) When using the CMI or XMP APIs, the size of both incoming and outgoing User Data is limited by the Shared Memory size (ISO Profile ISP 11183 recommends to support at least 10 Kbytes). DECcmi Limitations 7-3 Successful tests have been performed with User Data of 4 Mbytes, with a Shared Memory size configured accordingly (that is, set to maximum value 4095, refer to Section 7.1.1). 7.4 Presentation Address Format The different components of the Presentation Addresses used in both the CMIS/ROS and XMP APIs are limited to: o 16 bytes for the P-SELECTOR of the CMIS/ROS API (not ISO Profile ISP 11183 conformant, 4 bytes being the recommended value) o 4 bytes for the P-SELECTOR in XMP API o 16 bytes for the S-SELECTOR o 32 bytes for the T-SELECTOR o 20 bytes for the N-ADDRESS 7.5 Tuning DECcmi ________________________ Note ________________________ This section does not give precise rules for configuring your DECcmi stack, but provides some hints on how to optimize its performance. ______________________________________________________ The default DECcmi configuration for both Shared Memory and Memory Buffers is appropriate for important network traffic (high number of associations and sustained flow of operations per association). Nevertheless you may increase these configuration parameters, taking into account the following: o Amount of shared memory required: Shared Memory = Maximum nb of associations * 2 * Maximum APDU size where Shared Memory is set as described in Section 7.1.1, and Maximum APDU size is determined using the debug on Operator command at CMISE level. o Size of Memory Buffer Fragments (a Memory Buffer being made up of one or several Fragments): 7-4 DECcmi Limitations Dataelemsize >= Average TPDU size, where dataelemsize is the Fragment size represented by the second parameter of the def pool Operator command, and Average TPDU size is determined using the debug on Operator command at Transport level. DECcmi Limitations 7-5 A _________________________________________________________________ List of DECcmi Files During installation the following files are placed in the directories specified. Table A-1 shows the files placed in the /usr/examples/cmip directory: Table_A-1_Files_in_/usr/examples/cmip______________________ cmi_init.c CMIS API Example program : Initiating side cmi_resp.c CMIS API Example program : Responding side cmi_makefile CMIS API Example program : Makefile ros_init.c ROS API Example program : Initiating side ros_resp.c ROS API Example program : Responding side ros_makefile ROS API Example program : Makefile cmi_init_com.c CMIS new API Example program : Initiating side cmi_resp_com.c CMIS new API Example program : Responding side cmi_com_ CMIS new API Example program : Makefile makefile ros_init_com.c ROS new API Example program : Initiating side ros_resp_com.c ROS new API Example program : Responding side ros_com_ ROS new API Example program : Makefile makefile___________________________________________________ Table A-2 shows the files placed in the /usr/lib directory: List of DECcmi Files A-1 Table_A-2__Files_in_/usr/lib_______________________________ libcmi.a_________Object_library_providing_CMIS_and_ROS_APIs Table A-3 shows the files placed in the /usr/bin directory: Table_A-3__Files_in_/usr/bin_______________________________ cmi_cmu DECcmi Control and Management Utility executable image cmi_fmt DECcmi Message Formatter Utility cmi_ivp DECcmi Installation Verification Program cmi_setup DECcmi dynamic configuration utility cmi_shmmgr DECcmi shared memory manager executable image cmi_srv__________DECcmi_server_process_executable_image____ A-2 List of DECcmi Files Table A-4 shows the files placed in the /usr/etc directory: Table_A-4_Files_in_/usr/etc________________________________ cmi_startup DECcmi startup shell script cmi_shutdown_____DECcmi_shutdown_shell_script______________ Table A-5 shows the files placed in the /usr/var/cmip/conf directory: Table_A-5_Files_in_/usr/var/cmip/conf______________________ cmi_profile.txt DECcmi configuration profile (at startup time) cmi_ DECcmi configuration profile (at shutdown shutdown.txt_____time)_____________________________________ Table A-6 shows the files placed in the /usr/include directory: Table_A-6_Files_in_/usr/include____________________________ cmi.h DECcmi include file for constants and types cmi_api.h DECcmi include file for service primitives ros.h DECros include file for constants and types ros_api.h________DECros_include_file_for_service_primitives List of DECcmi Files A-3 B _________________________________________________________________ Sample Logs as Examples This appendix contains examples recorded during the DECcmi kit installation, IVP execution, start and stop of the DECcmi server, and kit removal. It also provides a listing of the standard profile file cmi_profile.txt and an ncl utility example. Examples of failures due to license problems, at kit installation time, IVP run-time and at DECcmi server start time are also given. Example B-1 shows a DECcmi kit installation log when no previous DECcmi kit has been installed. Example B-1 DECcmi Kit Installation - No Previous DECcmi Kit Installed #setld -l . CMACMV302 Checking file system space required to install specified subsets: File system space checked OK. Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998. All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation. (continued on next page) Sample Logs as Examples B-1 Example B-1 (Cont.) DECcmi Kit Installation - No Previous DECcmi Kit Installed RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - installation script DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX Copying from /mcc_conf/NOE-T320/kits/NOET320.level.3 (disk) Verifying To start your CMIP process server you need to define the symbols OSIROOT=/usr/var/cmip CMISE_INBOUND=any Configuring "DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX" (CMACMV302) DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - installation completed/// B-2 Sample Logs as Examples Example B-2 shows a DECcmi kit installation log when a previous DECcmi kit has been installed. Example B-2 DECcmi Kit Installation - Previous DECcmi Kit Installed #setld -l . CMACMV302 Checking file system space required to install specified subsets: File system space checked OK. Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998 All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - installation script You might have customized the /usr/var/cmip/conf/cmi_profile.txt file. This profile file is saved in /tmp/cmi_profile.txt DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX Copying from . (disk) Verifying To start your CMIP process server you need to define the symbols OSIROOT=/usr/var/cmip CMISE_INBOUND=any (continued on next page) Sample Logs as Examples B-3 Example B-2 (Cont.) DECcmi Kit Installation - Previous DECcmi Kit Installed Configuring "DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX" (CMACMV302) DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - installation completed Example B-3 shows a log resulting from running the IVP. Example B-3 Running the IVP #setld -v CMACMV302 DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998 All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - installation script DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - Checking for CMIP library and header files... DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - Checking example programs... DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - Compiling example programs... (continued on next page) B-4 Sample Logs as Examples Example B-3 (Cont.) Running the IVP DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - Starting up DECcmi... Working ... DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - Running IVP program... DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - Stopping DECcmi... The Installation Verification Procedure has been completed successfully DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - working correctly. Example B-4 shows a DECcmi Server start log when there is no server process currently running. Example B-4 Starting the DECcmi Server - No Server Process Currently Running #cmi_startup Initializing shared memory ... Loading cmi_srv process ... DECcmi - Control and Management Utility [V3.02] ----------------------------------------------- CMU [0079] 1) Process cmi_srv started CMU [0083] 2) MBX cmi_srv opened CMU [0061] 3) Sending ADM_REQ to cmi_srv CMU [0016] Command mode is DEFAULT Prefix CMU [0001] *** Received ADM_CNF from TASK cmi_srv CMU [0065] Sending ADM_CAU to cmi_srv CMU [0035] waiting for ADM_CAUCF from process cmi_srv CMU [0004] *** Received ADM_CAUCF from TASK cmi_srv CMU [0042] Command mode is EXPLICIT Prefix Starting cmi_srv process ... ********************** Bind OK **************************** (continued on next page) Sample Logs as Examples B-5 Example B-4 (Cont.) Starting the DECcmi Server - No Server Process Currently Running ********************** Bind OK **************************** B-6 Sample Logs as Examples Example B-5 shows a DECcmi Server start log when a server process is already running. Example B-5 Starting the DECcmi Server - Server Process Already Running #cmi_startup Stopping running DECcmi server ... Initializing shared memory ... Loading cmi_srv process ... DECcmi - Control and Management Utility [V3.02] ----------------------------------------------- CMU [0079] 1) Process cmi_srv started CMU [0083] 2) MBX cmi_srv opened CMU [0061] 3) Sending ADM_REQ to cmi_srv CMU [0016] Command mode is DEFAULT Prefix CMU [0001] *** Received ADM_CNF from TASK cmi_srv CMU [0065] Sending ADM_CAU to cmi_srv CMU [0035] waiting for ADM_CAUCF from process cmi_srv CMU [0004] *** Received ADM_CAUCF from TASK cmi_srv CMU [0042] Command mode is EXPLICIT Prefix Starting cmi_srv process ... ********************** Bind OK **************************** ********************** Bind OK **************************** Example B-6 shows a DECcmi Server stop log. Example B-6 Stopping the DECcmi Server (continued on next page) Sample Logs as Examples B-7 Example B-6 (Cont.) Stopping the DECcmi Server #cmi_shutdown Stopping running DECcmi server ... Releasing shared memory ... B-8 Sample Logs as Examples Example B-7 shows a DECcmi Standard profile. Example B-7 The DECcmi Standard Profile ; ; ***************************************************************** ; * * ; * Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, * ; * 1994,1995,1996,1997,1998 * ; * * ; * All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under * ; * the copyright laws of the United States. * ; * * ; * The software contained on this media is proprietary to * ; * and embodies the confidential technology of Digital * ; * Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or * ; * dissemination of the software and media is authorized only * ; * pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment * ; * Corporation. * ; * * ; * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure * ; * by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set * ; * forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, * ; * or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. * ; * * ; ***************************************************************** ; ; ; cmi_profile.txt: ; ; File read by the Operator process cmi_cmu, during the invocation ; of cmi_startup script, to perform some dynamic configuration and ; actually start the DECcmi stack. ; ; THIS FILE MAY BE CUSTOMIZED, if the pre-configured values do not fit ; the customer's needs. ; The SECTION 1, managing the trace facility, the SECTION 2, dealing ; with P-ADDRESSes configuration, the SECTION 3, dealing with miscellaneous ; DECcmi stack parameters and the SECTION 5 dealing with private Abstract ; and Transfer syntaxes (useful only for CMI API), may be customized. (continued on next page) Sample Logs as Examples B-9 Example B-7 (Cont.) The DECcmi Standard Profile ; All other SECTIONs must not be modified. ; ; NEVERTHELESS NO MODIFICATION IS NECESSARY if this pre-customization ; is used. ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; ;----------------------- SECTION 0 : DO NOT MODIFY ------------------------- ; ; ; Waits for Operator process registration to OSIAM stack. ; $wait 1 ; ; ; The next sub-section is automatically generated by the cmi_setup utility. ; Do not modify ; ; define sap 111 109 CI001 77 76 29 define sap 112 109 CI002 77 76 29 define sap 113 109 CI003 77 76 29 define sap 114 109 CI004 77 76 29 define sap 115 109 CI005 77 76 29 define sap 116 109 CI006 77 76 29 define sap 117 109 CI007 77 76 29 define sap 118 109 CI008 77 76 29 define sap 119 109 CI009 77 76 29 define sap 120 109 CI010 77 76 29 define sap 121 109 CI011 77 76 29 define sap 122 109 CI012 77 76 29 define sap 123 109 CI013 77 76 29 define sap 124 109 CI014 77 76 29 define sap 125 109 CI015 77 76 29 define sap 126 109 CI016 77 76 29 define sap 127 109 CI017 77 76 29 define sap 128 109 CI018 77 76 29 define sap 129 109 CI019 77 76 29 define sap 130 109 CI020 77 76 29 (continued on next page) B-10 Sample Logs as Examples Example B-7 (Cont.) The DECcmi Standard Profile define sap 131 109 CI021 77 76 29 define sap 132 109 CI022 77 76 29 define sap 133 109 CI023 77 76 29 define sap 134 109 CI024 77 76 29 define sap 135 109 CI025 77 76 29 define sap 136 109 CI026 77 76 29 define sap 137 109 CI027 77 76 29 define sap 138 109 CI028 77 76 29 define sap 139 109 CI029 77 76 29 define sap 140 109 CI030 77 76 29 define sap 141 109 CI031 77 76 29 define sap 142 109 CI032 77 76 29 define sap 143 109 CI033 77 76 29 define sap 144 109 CI034 77 76 29 define sap 145 109 CI035 77 76 29 define sap 146 109 CI036 77 76 29 define sap 147 109 CI037 77 76 29 define sap 148 109 CI038 77 76 29 define sap 149 109 CI039 77 76 29 define sap 150 109 CI040 77 76 29 define sap 151 109 CI041 77 76 29 define sap 152 109 CI042 77 76 29 define sap 153 109 CI043 77 76 29 define sap 154 109 CI044 77 76 29 define sap 155 109 CI045 77 76 29 define sap 156 109 CI046 77 76 29 define sap 157 109 CI047 77 76 29 define sap 158 109 CI048 77 76 29 define sap 159 109 CI049 77 76 29 define sap 160 109 CI050 77 76 29 define sap 161 109 CI051 77 76 29 define sap 162 109 CI052 77 76 29 define sap 163 109 CI053 77 76 29 define sap 164 109 CI054 77 76 29 define sap 165 109 CI055 77 76 29 define sap 166 109 CI056 77 76 29 define sap 167 109 CI057 77 76 29 define sap 168 109 CI058 77 76 29 define sap 169 109 CI059 77 76 29 define sap 170 109 CI060 77 76 29 (continued on next page) Sample Logs as Examples B-11 Example B-7 (Cont.) The DECcmi Standard Profile define sap 171 109 CI061 77 76 29 define sap 172 109 CI062 77 76 29 define sap 173 109 CI063 77 76 29 define sap 174 109 CI064 77 76 29 define sap 175 109 CI065 77 76 29 define sap 176 109 CI066 77 76 29 define sap 177 109 CI067 77 76 29 define sap 178 109 CI068 77 76 29 define sap 179 109 CI069 77 76 29 define sap 180 109 CI070 77 76 29 define sap 181 109 CI071 77 76 29 define sap 182 109 CI072 77 76 29 define sap 183 109 CI073 77 76 29 define sap 184 109 CI074 77 76 29 define sap 185 109 CI075 77 76 29 define sap 186 109 CI076 77 76 29 define sap 187 109 CI077 77 76 29 define sap 188 109 CI078 77 76 29 define sap 189 109 CI079 77 76 29 define sap 190 109 CI080 77 76 29 define sap 191 109 CI081 77 76 29 define sap 192 109 CI082 77 76 29 define sap 193 109 CI083 77 76 29 define sap 194 109 CI084 77 76 29 define sap 195 109 CI085 77 76 29 define sap 196 109 CI086 77 76 29 define sap 197 109 CI087 77 76 29 define sap 198 109 CI088 77 76 29 define sap 199 109 CI089 77 76 29 define sap 200 109 CI090 77 76 29 define sap 201 109 CI091 77 76 29 define sap 202 109 CI092 77 76 29 define sap 203 109 CI093 77 76 29 define sap 204 109 CI094 77 76 29 define sap 205 109 CI095 77 76 29 define sap 206 109 CI096 77 76 29 define sap 207 109 CI097 77 76 2 define sap 208 109 CI098 77 76 29 define sap 209 109 CI099 77 76 29 define sap 210 109 CI100 77 76 29 (continued on next page) B-12 Sample Logs as Examples Example B-7 (Cont.) The DECcmi Standard Profile define sap 211 109 CI101 77 76 29 define sap 212 109 CI102 77 76 29 define sap 213 109 CI103 77 76 29 define sap 214 109 CI104 77 76 29 define sap 215 109 CI105 77 76 29 define sap 216 109 CI106 77 76 29 define sap 217 109 CI107 77 76 29 define sap 218 109 CI108 77 76 29 define sap 219 109 CI109 77 76 29 define sap 220 109 CI110 77 76 29 define sap 221 109 CI111 77 76 29 define sap 222 109 CI112 77 76 29 define sap 223 109 CI113 77 76 29 define sap 224 109 CI114 77 76 29 define sap 225 109 CI115 77 76 29 define sap 226 109 CI116 77 76 29 define sap 227 109 CI117 77 76 29 define sap 228 109 CI118 77 76 29 define sap 229 109 CI119 77 76 29 define sap 230 109 CI120 77 76 29 define sap 231 109 CI121 77 76 29 define sap 232 109 CI122 77 76 29 define sap 233 109 CI123 77 76 29 define sap 234 109 CI124 77 76 29 define sap 235 109 CI125 77 76 29 define sap 236 109 CI126 77 76 29 define sap 237 109 CI127 77 76 29 define sap 238 109 CI128 77 76 29 $wait 1 define sap 51 110 CROSCMIWAN1 77 76 29 define sap 52 110 CROSCMIWAN2 77 76 29 define sap 53 110 CROSCMIWAN3 77 76 29 define sap 54 110 CROSCMIWAN4 77 76 29 define sap 55 110 CROSCMIWAN5 77 76 29 define sap 56 110 CROSCMIWAN6 77 76 29 define sap 57 110 CROSCMIWAN7 77 76 29 define sap 58 110 CROSCMIWAN8 77 76 29 define sap 59 110 CROSCMILAN1 77 76 29 define sap 60 110 CROSCMILAN2 77 76 29 define sap 61 110 CROSCMILAN3 77 76 29 (continued on next page) Sample Logs as Examples B-13 Example B-7 (Cont.) The DECcmi Standard Profile define sap 62 110 CROSCMILAN4 77 76 29 define sap 63 110 CROSCMILAN5 77 76 29 define sap 64 110 CROSCMILAN6 77 76 29 define sap 65 110 CROSCMILAN7 77 76 29 define sap 66 110 CROSCMILAN8 77 76 29 $wait 1 define sap 31 110 CROSWAN1 80 76 29 define sap 32 110 CROSWAN2 80 76 29 define sap 33 110 CROSWAN3 80 76 29 define sap 34 110 CROSWAN4 80 76 29 define sap 35 110 CROSWAN5 80 76 29 define sap 36 110 CROSWAN6 80 76 29 define sap 37 110 CROSWAN7 80 76 29 define sap 38 110 CROSWAN8 80 76 29 define sap 39 110 CROSLAN1 80 76 29 define sap 40 110 CROSLAN2 80 76 29 define sap 41 110 CROSLAN3 80 76 29 define sap 42 110 CROSLAN4 80 76 29 define sap 43 110 CROSLAN5 80 76 29 define sap 44 110 CROSLAN6 80 76 29 define sap 45 110 CROSLAN7 80 76 29 define sap 46 110 CROSLAN8 80 76 29 $wait 1 vary sap 109 on vary sap 99 on vary sap 110 on vary sap 100 on vary sap 108 off vary sap 97 off vary sap 98 off $wait 1 ; (continued on next page) B-14 Sample Logs as Examples Example B-7 (Cont.) The DECcmi Standard Profile ; ;--------------------- SECTION 1 : MAY BE CUSTOMIZED ----------------------- ; ; ; Log traces in /usr/var/cmip/log/cmi_srv.log.bin file in binary format. ; To avoid flooding the relevant file system, you can comment the ; following statement to stop logging traces. ; Binary traces can be converted to source traces using cmi_fmt utility : ; cmi_fmt cmi_srv.log.bin > cmi_srv.log.txt . ; log on cmi_srv.log ; ; ;--------------------- SECTION 2 : MAY BE CUSTOMIZED ----------------------- ; ; ; This section deals with local P-ADDRESSes configuration. ; In order to mofify a Selector, uncomment the relevant line and set the ; desired value; given values are default ones. ; The syntax is as follows: ; "define suffix C" where is the ascii value ; or of the selector (case sensitive) ; "define suffix H" where is the hexadecimal ; value of the selector (continued on next page) Sample Logs as Examples B-15 Example B-7 (Cont.) The DECcmi Standard Profile ;WARNING: for XMP, the xom.ini file must be modified accordingly. ; ; ; XMP API P-SELECTORs (max 4 chars) ; ;define suffix 111 CI001 ;define suffix 112 CI002 ;... ;define suffix 126 CI016 ;... ;define suffix 174 CI064 ;... ;define suffix 200 CI090 ;... ;define suffix 237 CI127 ;define suffix 238 CI128 ; ; ; XMP API S-SELECTOR for OSI mode (max 16 chars) ; ;define suffix 109 CSSEL ; ; ; XMP API T-SELECTOR for OSI mode (max 32 chars) ; ;define suffix 099 CTLAN ; ; ; CMI API P-SELECTORs (max 16 chars ; 4 highly recommended to be ISP 11183 conformant) ; ;define suffix 51 CROSCMIWAN1 ;define suffix 52 CROSCMIWAN2 ;... ;define suffix 57 CROSCMIWAN7 ;define suffix 58 CROSCMIWAN8 ;... ;define suffix 59 CROSCMILAN1 ;define suffix 60 CROSCMILAN2 (continued on next page) B-16 Sample Logs as Examples Example B-7 (Cont.) The DECcmi Standard Profile ;... ;define suffix 65 CROSCMILAN7 ;define suffix 66 CROSCMILAN8 ; ; ; ROS API P-SELECTORs (max 16 chars ; 4 highly recommended to be ISP 11183 conformant) ; ;define suffix 31 CROSWAN1 ;define suffix 32 CROSWAN2 ;... ;define suffix 37 CROSWAN7 ;define suffix 38 CROSWAN8 ;... ;define suffix 39 CROSLAN1 ;define suffix 40 CROSLAN2 ;... ;define suffix 45 CROSLAN7 ;define suffix 46 CROSLAN8 ; ; ; CMI/ROS API S-SELECTOR for OSI mode (max 16 chars) ; ;define suffix 110 Csession ; ; ; CMI/ROS API T-SELECTOR for OSI mode (max 32 chars) ; ;define suffix 100 Ctransport ; ; ; XMP/CMI/ROS API S-SELECTOR for RFC1006 mode (max 16 chars) ; ;define suffix 108 CSSEL2 ; ; ; XMP/CMI/ROS API T-SELECTOR for RFC1006 mode (max 32 chars) ; ;define suffix 098 CTTCP ; (continued on next page) Sample Logs as Examples B-17 Example B-7 (Cont.) The DECcmi Standard Profile ; ;--------------------- SECTION 3 : MAY BE CUSTOMIZED ----------------------- ; ; This section deals with miscellaneous parameters of the DECcmi stack, ; which can be modified in order to change its behaviour, or to tune it. ; Note that all the commands of this section must be performed before the ; start of the OSIAM stack (SECTION 4). ; ;............................ 3.1 ........................................ ; ; This sub-section deals with the format of Object IDentifiers. ; The default configuration of CMISE entity expects OIDs encoded without ; Tag and Length prefixes (ex: { 1 2 3 } serialized as 2a03). ; In order to mofify this behaviour, and use OIDs prefixed by their Tag ; and Length (ex: {1 2 3} serialized as 06022a03), uncomment the relevant ; line (this can be done on a per CMISE SAP basis). ; ;define feature 71 00000000 ;... ;define feature 79 00000000 ;define feature 80 00000000 ;... ;define feature 86 00000000 ; ;............................ 3.2 ........................................ ; ; This sub-section permits to modify MCS entity parameters, to change the ; entity behaviour or to configure it in regard to the DECcmi stack activity. ; Note that MCS is dedicated to XMP API and is not used by CMI and ROS APIs. ; vary entity 78 parm 00 50 ; vary entity 78 parm 00 valueP0 ; - entity 78: MCS entity ; - parm 00: confirmed request block number, representing the number of ; concurrent confirmed operations handled on invoker side ; - valueP0: 1 up to 254, unit 128 blocks ; -> to be increased to support a high number of associations and/or ; an important flow of confirmed operations per association ; (continued on next page) B-18 Sample Logs as Examples Example B-7 (Cont.) The DECcmi Standard Profile vary entity 78 parm 01 50 ; vary entity 78 parm 01 valueP1 ; - entity 78: MCS entity ; - parm 01: confirmed indication block number, representing the number of ; concurrent confirmed operations handled on performer side ; - valueP1: 1 up to 254, unit 128 blocks ; -> to be increased to support a high number of associations and/or ; an important flow of confirmed operations per association ; vary entity 78 parm 02 12 ; vary entity 78 parm 03 valueP2 ; - entity 78: MCS entity ; - parm 03: inactivity timer value, specifying the lifetime of an inactive ; association ; - valueP2: 0 up to 255, unit 10 seconds, 0 meaning no limit ; vary entity 78 parm 03 0 ; vary entity 78 parm 03 valueP3 ; - entity 78: MCS entity ; - parm 03: request timer value, specifying the time to wait for the ; confirmation of a request ; - valueP3: 0 up to 255, unit 5 seconds, 0 meaning no limit ; -> to be increased to support a high number of associations and/or ; an important flow of confirmed operations per association ; vary entity 78 parm 04 50 ; vary entity 78 parm 00 valueP4 ; - entity 78: MCS entity ; - parm 04: user window size, representing the number of downgoing ; interactions a user (application program linked with XMP) ; can send to MCS entity before being blocked ; - valueP4: 1 up to 254 ; -> to be increased to support an important flow of operations per ; association ; vary entity 78 parm 05 51 ; vary entity 78 parm 00 valueP5 ; - entity 78: MCS entity ; - parm 05: private interaction number, internally used by MCS entity ; to temporarily store interaction which cannot be delivered (continued on next page) Sample Logs as Examples B-19 Example B-7 (Cont.) The DECcmi Standard Profile ; to the underlying CMISE entity ; - valueP5: 0 up to 255, unit 128 interactions ; -> to be increased to support a high number of associations and/or ; an important flow of operations per association ; ; ==> WARNING in order to maintain a consistent configuration, the following ; ******* formula should be respected ; ; valueP0 = valueP1 = valueP5 - 1 = MP_MAX_OUTSTANDING_OPERATIONS + 1 = valueP4 ; ; where MP_MAX_OUTSTANDING_OPERATIONS is an environment variable used by ; the XMP service user (refer to DECcmi Installation and Configuration Guide) ; ;............................ 3.3 ........................................ ; ; This sub-section deals with internal DECcmi common resources, to be tuned ; using the following hints. ; Nevertheless note that normally the pre-defined configuration should ; support a heavy traffic (high number of associations, important flow of ; operations/events, huge data transfer). ; define pool 512 512 512 ; define pool nb_buf data_elem_sz nb_data_elem ; - nb_buf: number of buffer control structures (1 up to 1024) ; -> to be increased to support a high number of associations and/or an ; important flow of operations/events per association ; - data_elem_sz: size of data elements (8 up to 4096) ; -> to be increased to support huge data transfer ; -> . may impact performances, because corresponds to the size of data ; sent/received at DECnet/OSI level (Transport Interface Data Units) ; . best performances are obtained when data_elem_sz is greater or ; equal to the average size of Transport Protocol Data Units ; (TIDU size >=TPDU size ; . configuring a too high value may increase too much the size of the ; cmi_srv server process ; - nb_data_elem: number of data elements (4 up to 1024) ; -> to be increased to support a high number of associations and/or ; huge data transfer ; define interactions 512 (continued on next page) B-20 Sample Logs as Examples Example B-7 (Cont.) The DECcmi Standard Profile ; define interactions nb_inter ; - nb_inter: number of interactions ; -> to be increased to support a high number of associations and/or an ; important flow of operations/events per association ; ; ;----------------------- SECTION 4 : DO NOT MODIFY ------------------------- ; ; ; Starts the OSIAM stack. ; $wait 1 start ; ; ;--------------------- SECTION 5 : MAY BE CUSTOMIZED ----------------------- ; ; This section permits to add dynamically up to 9 private Abstract or ; Transfer syntaxes to the set of syntaxes already known by the server. ; It is only useful for the CMI API, configured with "old" OID management, ; the XMP API not using this feature because configured with new OID ; management. ; In order to add your own values, replace the current values by the ; desired ones; given values are just samples. ; The syntax is as follows: ; "pst oid insert ", ; where is the encoded Object Id (OID) of the syntax. ; The following rules apply for the encoding of the OID: ; - the OID tag is not specified, ; - the seven low order bits of the first byte give the OID length, ; (maximum value for length is 11 (0x0B) ; - the high order bit (0x80) of the first byte must be set as follows: ; - 0 for a transfer syntax, ; - 1 for an abstract syntax. ; - the following bytes are the encoded form of the OID as defined ; in X.209 (chapter 22: "Encoding of an object identifier value") ; ; As an example, the CMIP Abstract syntax is ; {joint-iso-ccitt(2) ms(9) cmip(1) cmip-pci(1) abstractSyntax(4)} (continued on next page) Sample Logs as Examples B-21 Example B-7 (Cont.) The DECcmi Standard Profile ; and is coded as { 0x84, 0x59, 0x01, 0x01, 0x04 } ; with 0x84 = 0x80 + 4 (length) ; 0x59 = 40*2 + 9 (joint-iso-ccitt + ms) ; 0x01 = cmip ; 0x01 = cmip-pci ; 0x04 = abstractSyntax ; ; WARNING: the syntax indexes used in applications (P_K_PRIV_ABS[1 up to 9]) ; rely on the sequential order of the "pst oid insert ..." commands ; So do not delete or duplicate any of the following commands, just replace ; the sample OID values by your OID if any !!! ; ; Uncomment the following line to get a trace of the syntax insertion. ;vary sap 19 trace on ; ; syntax P_K_PRIV_ABS1 pst oid insert H8459010105 ; syntax P_K_PRIV_ABS2 pst oid insert H8459010106 ; syntax P_K_PRIV_ABS3 pst oid insert H8459010107 ; syntax P_K_PRIV_ABS4 pst oid insert H8459010108 ; syntax P_K_PRIV_ABS5 pst oid insert H8459010109 ; syntax P_K_PRIV_ABS6 pst oid insert H845901010A ; syntax P_K_PRIV_ABS7 pst oid insert H845901010B ; syntax P_K_PRIV_ABS8 pst oid insert H845901010C ; syntax P_K_PRIV_ABS9 pst oid insert H845901010D ; $wait 1 ; ; ;----------------------- SECTION 6 : DO NOT MODIFY ------------------------- ; ; (continued on next page) B-22 Sample Logs as Examples Example B-7 (Cont.) The DECcmi Standard Profile ; Exits from Operator process. ; $wait 1 $exit Example B-8 shows a log of how to remove a DECcmi kit when a server process is currently running. Example B-8 Removing the DECcmi Kit - Server Process Currently Running #setld -d CMACMV302 DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - removal completed Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998 All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - installation script WARNING: DECcmi server is running Do you want to continue ? (y/n) :y Calling cmi_shutdown procedure ... (continued on next page) Sample Logs as Examples B-23 Example B-8 (Cont.) Removing the DECcmi Kit - Server Process Currently Running Stopping running DECcmi server ... Releasing shared memory ... Remove the DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX subset ? (y/n) :y You might have customized the /usr/var/cmip/conf/cmi_profile.txt file. This profile file is saved in /tmp/cmi_profile.txt Deleting "DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX" (CMACMV302). Example B-9 shows an NCL command that displays the OSI Transport Templates. Example B-9 NCL Command Showing the OSI Transport Templates # ncl ncl> show osi transport template * all Node 0 OSI Transport Template Default AT 1994-11-23-15:19:28.741+01:00I2.497 Identifiers Name = Default Characteristics (continued on next page) B-24 Sample Logs as Examples Example B-9 (Cont.) NCL Command Showing the OSI Transport Templates Keepalive Time = 60 SECONDS Retransmit Threshold = 8 Initial Retransmit Time = 5 SECONDS CR Timeout = 30 SECONDS ER Timeout = 30 SECONDS Network Service = CLNS Classes = { 4 } Checksums = False Maximum NSDU Size = 2048 OCTETS Expedited Data = True CONS Template = "OSI Transport" Use CLNS Error Reports = False Acknowledgement Delay Time = 1 SECONDS Local NSAP = 49::00-3F:AA-00-04-00-A4-FF:21 Send Implementation Id = True Extended Format = True Send Request Acknowledgement = True _______ Node 0 OSI Transport Template clns AT 1994-11-23-15:19:28.762+01:00I2.497 Identifiers Name = clns Characteristics (continued on next page) Sample Logs as Examples B-25 Example B-9 (Cont.) NCL Command Showing the OSI Transport Templates Keepalive Time = 60 SECONDS Retransmit Threshold = 8 Initial Retransmit Time = 5 SECONDS CR Timeout = 30 SECONDS ER Timeout = 30 SECONDS Network Service = CLNS Classes = { 4 } Checksums = False Maximum NSDU Size = 2048 OCTETS Expedited Data = True CONS Template = "OSI Transport" Use CLNS Error Reports = False Acknowledgement Delay Time = 1 SECONDS Local NSAP = 49::00-3F:AA-00-04-00-A4-FF:21 Send Implementation Id = True Extended Format = True Send Request Acknowledgement = True _______ Node 0 OSI Transport Template any AT 1994-11-23-15:19:28.764+01:00I2.497 Identifiers Name = any Characteristics (continued on next page) B-26 Sample Logs as Examples Example B-9 (Cont.) NCL Command Showing the OSI Transport Templates Keepalive Time = 60 SECONDS Retransmit Threshold = 8 Initial Retransmit Time = 5 SECONDS CR Timeout = 30 SECONDS ER Timeout = 30 SECONDS Network Service = ANY Classes = { 0, 2, 4 } Checksums = False Maximum NSDU Size = 2048 OCTETS Expedited Data = True CONS Template = "OSI Transport" Use CLNS Error Reports = False Acknowledgement Delay Time = 1 SECONDS Local NSAP = / Send Implementation Id = True Extended Format = True Send Request Acknowledgement = True _______ Node 0 OSI Transport Template cons AT 1994-11-23-15:19:28.765+01:00I2.497 Identifiers Name = cons Characteristics (continued on next page) Sample Logs as Examples B-27 Example B-9 (Cont.) NCL Command Showing the OSI Transport Templates Keepalive Time = 60 SECONDS Retransmit Threshold = 8 Initial Retransmit Time = 5 SECONDS CR Timeout = 30 SECONDS ER Timeout = 30 SECONDS Network Service = CONS Classes = { 0, 2 } Checksums = False Maximum NSDU Size = 2048 OCTETS Expedited Data = True CONS Template = "OSI Transport" Use CLNS Error Reports = False Acknowledgement Delay Time = 1 SECONDS Local NSAP = /3654522410000101 Send Implementation Id = True Extended Format = True Send Request Acknowledgement = True _______ ncl> Example B-10 shows a log of how to remove a DECcmi kit when there is no Server process currently running. Example B-10 Removing the DECcmi Kit - No Server Process Currently Running #setld -d CMACMV302 DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - removal completed Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998. All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. (continued on next page) B-28 Sample Logs as Examples Example B-10 (Cont.) Removing the DECcmi Kit - No Server Process Currently Running The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - installation script Remove the DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX subset ? (y/n) :y You might have customized the /usr/var/cmip/conf/cmi_profile.txt file. This profile file is saved in /tmp/cmi_profile.txt Deleting "DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX" (CMACMV302). Example B-11 shows an installation failure due to a license problem. Sample Logs as Examples B-29 Example B-11 Kit Installation Failure Due to License Problem #setld -l . CMACMV302 Checking file system space required to install specified subsets: File system space checked OK. 1 subset(s) will be installed. Loading 1 of 1 subset(s).... Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998. All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - installation script ERROR: No license has been found for this product: DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX includes support for the FLEX License Manager. You need one of the following licenses: TEMIP-OSI-AM-RT-OSF1, TEMIP-OSI-AM-DK-OSF1 or TEMIP-OSI-PM-RT-OSF1 setld: Installation declined by subset control program (PRE_L). "DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX" (CMACMV302) will not be loaded. 0 of 1 subset(s) installed successfully. B-30 Sample Logs as Examples Example B-12 shows an IVP failure due to a license problem. Example B-12 IVP Failure Due to License Problem #setld -v CMACMV302 DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998. All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - installation script DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - Checking for CMIP library and header files... DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - Checking example programs... DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV302) - Compiling example programs... ERROR: No license has been found for this product: DECcmi V3.02 for DIGITAL UNIX includes support for the FLEX License Manager. You need one of the following licenses: TEMIP-OSI-AM-RT-OSF1, TEMIP-OSI-AM-DK-OSF1 or TEMIP-OSI-PM-RT-OSF1 setld: ivp failed. Sample Logs as Examples B-31 Example B-13 shows a start failure due to a license problem. Example B-13 DECcmi Start Failure Due to License Problem #cmi_startup Initializing shared memory ... Loading cmi_srv process ... DECcmi - Control and Management Utility [V3.02] ----------------------------------------------- ERROR: No license has been found for this product: DECcmi V3.02 includes support for FlexLM. CMU [0078] 1) Cannot start process cmi_srv B-32 Sample Logs as Examples