--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 Installation Instructions: DEC FUSE Version 4.1 Order Number: AV-PX06J-TE This installation document contains the information you need to install DEC FUSE Version 4.1 on a Tru64TM UNIXR system. Please read this document before installing FUSE. 1.1 FUSE Kit Summary Product Name: DEC FUSE Version 4.1 for Tru64 UNIX Operating system: Tru64 UNIX Version 4.0 for Alpha Systems or higher 1.1.1 Required Hardware Alpha system, workstation monitor or terminal, and the following media drives depending on your distribution kit: Table 1-1: Required Hardware Drives If your distribution kit is on... You need this hardware drive... TLZ04 tape TLZ04 or TLZ06 tape drive CD-ROM optical disk RRD42 or RRD43 optical disk drive 1.1.2 Required Software Table 1-2: Required Subsets Contents Subset Name Tru64 UNIX Base System OSFBASE400 or higher Tru64 UNIX Networking Utilities OSFCLINET400 or higher Document Preparation Software OSFDCMT400 or higher Reference Pages: Programming OSFMANOP400 or higher Software Development Tools and Utilities OSFSDE400 or higher Standard Header Files OSFINCLUDE400 or higher Standard Programmer Commands (Sofware Development) OSFPGMR400 or higher The following table lists the FUSE subsets and the optional Japanese Language Support subsets along with sizes: Table 1-3: Size of FUSE Subsets Contents Subset Name Disk Space FUSE V4.1 System FUSBASE410 67,600 KB in /usr/opt Online Manual Pages FUSMAN410 80 KB in /usr/opt FUSE V4.1 System (Japanese Support) FUSBASEJPN410 7,900 KB in /usr/opt FUSE Online Manual Pages (Japanese Support) FUSMANJPN410 150 KB in /usr/opt Note If you installed FUSE on a version of Tru64 UNIX that preceded V4.0D, you will need to reinstall FUSE after installing Tru64 UNIX V4.0D to take full advantage of FUSE features. 1.1.3 Optional Software You can install all the necessary Ladebug subsets as part of the Tru64 UNIX operating system installation. The Code Manager requires either the GNU Revision Control System subset or the Source Code Control System subset. The Example files and the Online Tutorial require the GNU Revision Control System subset. Table 1-4: Platform-Specific Optional Subsets Contents Name CDE Desktop Environment OSFCDEDT 400 or higher GNU Emacs OSFEMACS400 or higher GNU Revision Control System OSFRCS400 or higher Ladebug Debugger OSFLDBBASE400 or higher Ladebug Debugger Window Interface OSFLDBGUI400 or higher Ladebug Debugger Release Notes OSFLDBDOC400 or higher Source Code Control System OSFSCCS400 or higher Worldwide Mule IOSWWMULE400 or higher FUSE Base V4.1 System (Japanese support) FUSBASEJPN410 Japanese Base System (Japanese support - Operating System) IOSJPBASE400 or higher Online Manual Pages (Japanese support - Operating System) IOSJPMAN400 or higher Online Manual Pages (Japanese support) FUSMANJPN410 Printer Support FUSPRNT410 Digital Extended Math Library (DXML) Reference Pages** XMDMAN ** The Digital Extended Math Library (DXML) Reference Pages subset is useful only if you are porting a mathematically intensive application to Tru64 UNIX. It allows you to use the DXML Lookup functions in the Porting Assistant to identify functions (subroutines for Basic Linear Algebra, Linear and Eigen System Solvers, Sparse Linear System Solvers, and Signal Processing) in the Library by keyword. The functions in the library constitute a set of mathematical subroutines optimized for the Alpha platform. To install the DXML Reference Pages, select the optional DXML Reference (man)Page subset during an installation of the Digital Extended Math Library kit. 1.2 FUSE Installation Summary The following steps provide a summary of the steps for installing FUSE: 1. Back up your system disk before installing any software. Use the backup procedures established at your site. For details on performing a system disk backup, refer to your system's documentation. 2. Determine the type of installation you are doing. If you are performing a local installation of FUSE, mount the CD-ROM containing the FUSE kit. If you are installing the FUSE subsets from a Remote Installation Services (RIS) server area of a remote system to your local system, first check with your site system administrator to make sure that: * A FUSE kit is installed in the RIS server area and is available for use. * Your system is registered as a RIS client. If FUSE subsets are available on a RIS server system, you need the name of that system to start the installation procedure. See Section 1.8 3. Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system where you are installing FUSE. 4. Set your path to include /usr/sbin: # PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH # export PATH 5. Determine if you have enough available disk space for the installation and add more if necessary. (See Page 9 for details on how to do this.) 6. Register the software licenses. (You can register the software licenses either during or after FUSE installation.) The FUSE software installation includes the following products: DEC FUSE Version 4.1, DEC FUSE C++ Support Version 4.1. You need to purchase and register a license for each FUSE product that you will use. When you purchase a license for a FUSE product, you receive a License Product Authorization Key (PAK) that you must register in the License Database before you can use FUSE, including the C++ support, on your system. At the superuser prompt, edit an empty PAK template with the lmf register command and include all of the information on your PAK: # lmf register The PAK template is displayed on your screen with the default editor (set by the EDITOR environment variable) activated. Use the editor commands to move to each field in the template and enter the PAK data. After you complete PAK templates for all FUSE products, use the lmf reset command to update the License Database (LDB): # lmf reset For more information on FUSE licenses and PAKs, see Section 1.3 7. Make sure /usr/tmp and /tmp have read and write permissions for all FUSE users. Without read and write permissions on these directories, FUSE will not start. 8. Determine whether your compiler requirements have been met. (See Section 1.4) 9. If necessary, delete old FUSE kits. Use the setld -i command to list the subsets installed on your system and check for the presence of any subset with a name that starts with FUS (or LDB in the case of Ladebug). For example: # /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep FUS If any of these subsets exist, they are old versions that must be deleted. To delete a subset, use the setld -d command. For example, to delete the Version 3.1 base subset, enter the following command: # /usr/sbin/setld -d FUSBASE310 10. Enter the setld command to specify the -l (load) option and one of the following: * The full pathname of the directory on the CD-ROM containing the FUSE software: # setld -l `/dev/directory-name' * The full pathname of the tape drive containing the FUSE software: # setld -l `/dev/tape-drive-name' 11. (This step applies only to tape devices) The installation procedure displays the following information and prompt: Please make sure your installation media is mounted and on-line. Are you ready (y/n)? After the tape drive indicates online status, enter y. 12. The installation script lists the subset choices: The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) DEC FUSE V4.1.0 Man Pages Japanese support 2) DEC FUSE V4.1-0 Man Pages 3) DEC FUSE V4.1-0 for Digital UNIX Japanese support 4) DEC FUSE V4.1-0 for Digital UNIX --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): Enter the numbers of the subsets to install and press Return. 13. The installation script prompts you to confirm your subset selections. Enter y and press Return to confirm. The installation script installs the software and displays messages describing the installation. 14. The installation procedure searches for emacs, XEmacs, and the Mule Editor. You can change the specified location or provide one if the installation procedure fails to find an editor, for example: Found /usr/local/bin/xemacs Enter `carriage return' to accept this specification, or specify a new one: /usr/local/bin/editors/xemacs To change or provide a location for an editor after installation, edit the file /usr/bin/fuse. Modify the definitions of the FUSE_EMACS, FUSE_XEMACS, or FUSE_MULE environment variables or set the evironment variable definitions directly. 15. If necessary, delete any files in ~'home'/.fuse-defaults. This is necessary if you are upgrading from a previously installed version of FUSE and had customized options. 1.2.1 Verifying FUSE Installation After you install FUSE, you can run the installation verification script by entering the following command: # setld -v FUSBASE410 The script displays the FUSE Control Panel. To exit, click on the Projects menu and choose the Exit FUSE menu item. The script exits FUSE and displays a message stating that the installation has been verified. 1.2.2 .Xdefaults Modifications for Monochrome Displays Users with monochrome displays must edit the .Xdefaults file in their home directories to include the MonochromeDefaults resource file. Follow these steps: 1. Login into the host system where FUSE is installed. 2. Enter the following csh command to get the FUSE pathname on that system (the value of the environment variable FUSE_TOP): % grep FUSE_TOP= /usr/bin/fuse The system will display the following output, where `fuse-path' is the FUSE pathname: FUSE_TOP='fuse-path' For example: FUSE_TOP=/usr/opt/FUS410 3. Insert the following lines in the .Xdefaults file in your home directory: #ifndef COLOR #include "`fuse-path'/rundata/resources/MonochromeDefaults" #endif These settings must be in effect for the FUSE Call Graph Browser, Builder, and C++ Class Browser tools to start correctly. 1.2.3 Upgrading Versions of FUSE Preceding V3.0 As part of your installation of Tru64 UNIX Version 4.0, you may have installed the Ladebug Debugger (Ladebug Window Interface subset). If you are installing FUSE Version 4.1 to replace an existing version of FUSE that precedes V3.0, you need to take some steps to ensure that both the existing installation of the Ladebug Debugger and FUSE Version 4.1 interact properly. There are several Ladebug files that you need to save before deleting your installed version of FUSE. You can then copy the files back after you delete your installed version of FUSE. Alternatively, you can deinstall and reinstall Ladebug after deleting FUSE. These are the Ladebug files: /usr/lib/X11/help/decladebug/DEBUG /usr/lib/X11/help/decladebug/DEBUGUI /usr/lib/X11/uid/decladebuguil /usr/lib/X11/uid/decladebugcustuil /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/decladebugresource /usr/bin/X11/dxdecladebug Note that this is not necessary when you upgrade from versions later than FUSE Version 2.1A. 1.3 Registering a FUSE License All FUSE products, including optional support products, are shipped on the same media and all are installed when you run the FUSE installation. You need to purchase a license for the FUSE base product and each optional FUSE product that you will use. The FUSE software includes the following: * DEC FUSE Version 4.1 (base system) * DEC FUSE C++ Support Version 4.1 (option) DEC FUSE supports the License Management Facility (LMF). A License Product Authorization Key (PAK) must be registered in the License Database (LDB) for you to use FUSE on a newly licensed node. A PAK must also be registered for each optional FUSE product that you will enable, for example, DEC FUSE C++ Support. The PAK may be shipped along with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, it is shipped separately to a location based on your license order. To register a license under a Tru64 UNIX system, first log in as superuser. You can register your PAK using the command line or a graphical interface. To invoke the Configuration Checklist from the command line (provides access to the graphical interface), enter the following command: # checklist If you use the command line, you have a choice of two ways to perform the PAK registration in the License Database (LDB): * Before installing FUSE: At the superuser prompt, edit an empty PAK template with the lmf register command and include all of the information on your PAK: # lmf register * After installing FUSE: At the superuser prompt, edit the partially completed PAK template in /usr/var/adm/lmf/PRODUCT_NAME with the lmf register command to add your unique PAK information. # lmf register -