TeMIP_for_DIGITAL_UNIX_________________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-Q9J2F-TE This guide describes how to install TeMIP on DIGITAL Alpha Systems running DIGITAL UNIX. Revision/Update Information: V3.2. This edition supersedes all V3.1 editions Operating System: DIGITAL UNIX Software Version: TeMIP V3.2 ________________________________________________________________ July 1998 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. This document defines the management and service interfaces provided by this Management Module and, if applicable, the services that this module requires of other TeMIP Framework Management Modules. It is provided to ensure that new Management Modules developed for the TeMIP Framework system will work in concert with this TeMIP Framework module or module package. It is not intended to be used as an aid in cloning or duplicating the functionality or service interfaces described and such use is expressly forbidden. Except as may be expressly agreed upon by Digital in writing, the purchase, receipt, or any use of this document or its contents does not in any way create, by implication or otherwise, any express or implied license under any of Digital Equipment Corporation's patent, trademark, copyright or trade secret rights for the ideas, techniques, or concepts herein. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1997, 1998. All rights reserved. Printed in Europe. Trademarks: Alpha AXP, AXP, AlphaServer, AlphaStation, AlphaGeneration and the AlphaGeneration design mark, TeMIP, TeMIP Framework, DECcmi, DECnet, DECnet-Plus, DECsafe, DECterm, DECwindows, TruCluster, ULTRIX and the DIGITAL Logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. C-ISAM is a registered trademark of Informix Software, Inc. INGRES is a registered trademark of Ingres Corporation. Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. ORACLE, SQL*Net and SQL*Plus are registered trademarks of Oracle corporation. OSF/1 is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. OSIAM is a trademark of MARBEN Produit. Rogue Wave and h++ are registered trademarks and Tools.h++ is a trademark of Rogue Wave Software, Inc. Solaris is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. SQL Server is a trademark of Sybase, Inc. Sun is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. SunLink is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. SunOS is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. SYBASE is a registered trademark of Sybase, Inc. Transact-SQL is a registered trademark of Sybase, Inc. X/Open is a trademark of X/Open Company, Ltd. UNIX[R] - UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. DIGITAL UNIX V3.2 is an X/Open UNIX 93 branded product. DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 is a UNIX 95 branded product. This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents ................................................... vii Preparing to Install TeMIP 1.1 Types of Installation......................... 1-1 1.1.1 Installation from a CD-ROM................ 1-1 1.1.2 RIS Installation.......................... 1-2 1.2 Installation Requirements..................... 1-2 1.2.1 Hardware Requirements..................... 1-2 1.2.2 Software Requirements..................... 1-2 1.2.3 Database Requirements..................... 1-4 1.2.4 Localization.............................. 1-5 1.2.5 Namespace Requirements.................... 1-5 1.2.6 Distribution Kit.......................... 1-5 1.2.7 Subset Combination Requirements........... 1-7 1.2.8 Time Required to Install.................. 1-7 1.2.9 Logging On................................ 1-8 1.2.10 Backing Up the System Disk................ 1-8 1.2.11 Upgrading TeMIP........................... 1-8 1.2.12 Resource Consumption and System Sizing.... 1-8 1.2.13 Disk Space Requirements and Directories... 1-8 1.2.14 Setting the UNIX Kernel Parameters for TeMIP..................................... 1-11 1.2.15 Director User Account..................... 1-19 1.2.16 Creating an "acloc" User Account.......... 1-20 1.3 The X-Server Configuration.................... 1-21 1.3.1 Initial Actions........................... 1-22 1.3.2 Checking the Hardware Resolution.......... 1-22 1.3.3 Changing the Resolution................... 1-24 1.3.4 Checking Which Font is Used............... 1-25 1.3.5 Changing the Font Path.................... 1-25 1.3.6 Problems with Font Size and Resolution.... 1-26 1.3.7 Some Options of Your X-Server............. 1-28 iii 1.3.8 Examples.................................. 1-29 1.3.9 Changing the Number of Planes............. 1-29 1.4 License Registration for TeMIP................ 1-30 1.4.1 FLEXlm Architecture and Daemons........... 1-30 1.4.2 FLEXlm License Server Configurations...... 1-31 1.4.3 Obtaining a FLEXlm License File........... 1-32 1.4.4 Installing a FLEXlm License File on a License Server............................ 1-32 1.4.5 Installing a FLEXlm License on a Client... 1-33 1.4.6 Installing New Licenses in a Running Configuration............................. 1-33 1.5 Aborting Installation and Recovering from Errors........................................ 1-34 2 Upgrading TeMIP From a Previous Version 2.1 Checking For A Previous Version of TeMIP...... 2-2 2.2 Upgrading from TeMIP V3.1..................... 2-3 2.3 Upgrading from TeMIP V3.0..................... 2-3 2.4 Checking For Third-Party Programs or Management Modules............................ 2-4 2.5 Deleting Subsets from Previous Visual TeMIP and TeMIP Versions............................ 2-4 2.6 Deleting Third-Party or User Programs That Use TeMIP......................................... 2-5 2.7 Migrating Data and Applications............... 2-5 3 Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3.1 ASE Service Definition........................ 3-2 3.1.1 TeMIP and TNS server in the Same Service................................... 3-4 3.1.2 TeMIP and TNS Server in Separate Services.................................. 3-6 3.1.3 The DBMS as a Separate Service............ 3-9 3.2 Preparing for Installation.................... 3-10 3.2.1 Assigning IP Addresses.................... 3-10 3.2.2 System Requirements....................... 3-10 3.2.3 TruCluster Requirements................... 3-10 3.2.4 License Registration...................... 3-10 3.2.5 Pre-Installation Checklist................ 3-11 3.3 Setting up a TeMIP and TNS service............ 3-13 iv 3.4 Setting up TeMIP and TNS as Separate Services...................................... 3-15 3.5 Setting up Multiple TeMIP Services on a Multi-Node Cluster............................ 3-18 3.6 Installation Operations....................... 3-22 3.6.1 Creating an ASE Service................... 3-22 3.6.2 Configuring the TNS Server as an ASE Service................................... 3-24 3.6.3 Configuring TeMIP As an ASE service....... 3-25 3.6.4 Configuring the TNS Clerk Softlinks on Other ASE Members......................... 3-25 3.6.5 Creating the Installation Directories and the Appropriate Softlinks................. 3-26 3.6.6 Configuring the TeMIP Directors to Run on All Cluster Members....................... 3-27 3.6.7 Adding the Action Scripts................. 3-30 3.7 Setting up the DBMS as an ASE service......... 3-31 3.7.1 The DBMS is Part of the Same Service as TeMIP..................................... 3-32 3.7.2 The DBMS is not Part of the Same Service as TeMIP.................................. 3-35 4 Installing TeMIP 4.1 The Installation Procedure.................... 4-2 4.1.1 Installing from a System Directory........ 4-2 4.1.2 Installing from a CD-ROM.................. 4-2 Installing the Kit...................... 4-2 Installing the HTML Documentation....... 4-3 4.1.3 Installing from a RIS Server.............. 4-3 4.2 System Setup.................................. 4-3 4.3 Installation Verification Procedure........... 4-3 4.4 Installing the Licensing Software and Your Licenses...................................... 4-4 4.4.1 Installing the Licensing Software......... 4-4 4.4.2 Configuring the License Server With Your Licenses.................................. 4-6 4.5 Installing the Release Notes.................. 4-7 4.6 Installing Subsets............................ 4-9 4.7 Installing Visual TeMIP and Running the IVP... 4-12 4.8 Installing HTML User Documentation for Online Help.......................................... 4-14 v 4.9 Installing the CGI Program on an HTTP Server........................................ 4-17 4.10 RIS Installation.............................. 4-18 5 After Installing TeMIP 5.1 Using the SYBASE Database..................... 5-1 5.1.1 SYBASE Installation....................... 5-2 5.1.2 SYBASE Configuration...................... 5-2 5.1.3 Creating the temip User on the SYBASE server.................................... 5-4 5.1.4 Creating the Database..................... 5-5 5.1.5 Database Access........................... 5-6 5.1.6 Client/Server Configuration............... 5-6 5.2 Using the ORACLE Database..................... 5-7 5.2.1 ORACLE Installation....................... 5-8 5.2.2 ORACLE Configuration...................... 5-8 5.2.3 Creating the Database..................... 5-10 5.2.4 Database Access........................... 5-11 5.2.5 Configuring SQL*Net....................... 5-12 5.2.6 Checking the ORACLE Installation and Configuration............................. 5-13 5.3 Setting Up Your Namespace..................... 5-14 5.3.1 Checking TCP/IP Reachability.............. 5-15 5.3.2 Configuring Network Time Protocol for TNS Synchronization........................... 5-15 5.3.3 Configuring TNS Server Systems............ 5-18 5.3.4 Configuring TNS Clerk Systems............. 5-19 5.4 Setting Up Directors After TeMIP Installation.................................. 5-20 5.4.1 Menu for temip_setup...................... 5-21 5.4.2 Step 0: Exit and Start the Director....... 5-21 5.4.3 Step 1: Full TeMIP Configuration.......... 5-21 5.4.4 Step 2: Configure Director................ 5-22 5.4.5 Step 3: Basic Configuration............... 5-27 5.4.6 Step 4: Dictionary and Dispatch Tables Installation.............................. 5-28 5.4.7 Step 5: Load a Predefined Configuration... 5-30 5.4.8 Step 6: Save Your Director Configuration............................. 5-30 5.4.9 Step 7: Configure Support Hosts for ASE... 5-30 5.4.10 Step 8: Update Manpages and Link HTML Documentation to Online Help.............. 5-31 vi 5.4.11 Step 9: System Parameters and Installation Checks.................................... 5-31 5.4.12 Step 10: Optional Setup for Add-Ons or User Setup................................ 5-31 5.4.13 Step 11: TeMIP Development Mode........... 5-32 5.5 Stopping and Starting the TNS Clerk........... 5-32 5.6 Displaying the Result of temip_setup.......... 5-33 5.7 Changing Setup and Configuration Parameters... 5-33 5.8 Verifying Installations....................... 5-33 5.9 The HTML Documentation IVP.................... 5-34 5.10 Listing the TeMIP Files Installed............. 5-34 A Pre-Installation Checklist A.1 Installation.................................. A-1 A.2 Installation from a CD-ROM.................... A-3 A.3 Installation from a RIS Server................ A-3 B Blank Worksheets for ASE Installation Index Tables 1-1 Subset Combinations....................... 1-7 1-2 Disk Space Requirements (Subsets)......... 1-9 1-3 Disk Space Requirements (Installation Directories).............................. 1-10 1-4 Kernel Parameters - Quick Reference....... 1-19 3-1 TeMIP and TNS: Service Definition Information Worksheet..................... 3-5 3-2 TeMIP: Service Definition Information Worksheet................................. 3-7 3-3 TNS Server: Service Definition Information Worksheet................................. 3-8 3-4 Oracle Server: Service Definition Information Worksheet..................... 3-9 3-5 TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment: Pre-installation Checklist................ 3-12 vii 3-6 TeMIP and TNS Service: Installation Steps..................................... 3-14 3-7 TNS Service: Installation Steps........... 3-16 3-8 TeMIP Service: Installation Steps......... 3-17 3-9 Multiple TeMIP Services: Installation Steps..................................... 3-18 3-10 ORACLE in a TruCluster Environment: Pre-installation Checklist................ 3-32 5-1 Possible Namespace Configurations......... 5-25 B-1 TeMIP and TNS: Service Definition Information Worksheet..................... B-2 B-2 TeMIP: Service Definition Information Worksheet................................. B-3 B-3 TNS Server: Service Definition Information Worksheet................................. B-4 B-4 TeMIP 1: Service Definition Information Worksheet................................. B-5 B-5 TeMIP 2: Service Definition Information Worksheet................................. B-6 B-6 Oracle Server: Service Definition Information Worksheet..................... B-7 B-7 Sybase Server: Service Definition Information Worksheet..................... B-8 B-8 Sybase Client: Service Definition Information Worksheet..................... B-9 viii _________________________________________________________________ Preface This guide describes how to install the TeMIP software on a DIGITAL Alpha System running DIGITAL UNIX [R]+. It includes the setup procedures for secured DECsafe configurations of TeMIP with the supported databases SYBASE and ORACLE, and information concerning the use of the TeMIP Name Service (TNS) software. ________________________ Note ________________________ For important advice on migration and interoperability between versions, see the Release Notes. ______________________________________________________ Intended Audience This guide is intended for personnel who are responsible for installing TeMIP on a DIGITAL Alpha System running DIGITAL UNIX, for example: o A system manager installing TeMIP directly on the system from a CD-ROM. o A system manager installing TeMIP from the Remote Installation Services (RIS) server area of a remote system. o A RIS manager installing TeMIP onto a RIS server area It is assumed that the reader has an understanding of the shell concept of UNIX and is familiar with the mounting of peripheral devices. ____________________ + UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. vii Structure of This Guide The guide is structured as follows: o Chapter 1 describes the requirements for installing the TeMIP software. o Chapter 2 discusses what to do if you are upgrading from a previous version of TeMIP. o Chapter 3 describes different ways to set up TeMIP and the selected database for operation in a DECsafe ASE. o Chapter 4 describes the installation of the TeMIP files directly and on RIS server areas. o Chapter 5 describes how to set up your database, the TNS namespace and your TeMIP directors. o Appendix A provides a checklist of pre-installation requirements. o Appendix B provides blank worksheets for installation in a DECsafe ASE. Document Conventions The following conventions are used in this guide: viii ___________________________________________________________ Convention_______Meaning___________________________________ # The UNIX superuser default prompt. Ctrl/x Indicates that you must hold down the key labelled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. In examples and procedures, a key combination is enclosed in a box. Indicates that you press the Return key to execute a command line. Boldface Indicates the first use of a term, and user input in examples. Italics Italic text is used to indicate the following: o The title of a document to which reference is made. o The directory paths and file names in text and examples. o The emphasis on an important word or concept. ___________________________________________________________ ix 1 _________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install TeMIP This chapter describes the requirements and preparations for installing TeMIP. The installation procedures described in this guide apply only to TeMIP Version 3.2. Release Notes are provided with the installation kit and Digital strongly recommends that you read these notes before proceeding with the installation. The topics discussed in this chapter include: o Types of Installation, Section 1.1 o Installation Requirements, Section 1.2 o The X-Server Configuration, Section 1.3 o License Registration for TeMIP, Section 1.4 o Aborting Installation and Recovering from Errors, Section 1.5 1.1 Types of Installation You can install TeMIP in several different ways using the procedures described in this guide. Installation can be done directly from a CD-ROM or using Remote Installation Services (RIS). The procedure for each type of installation is described in Chapter 4. 1.1.1 Installation from a CD-ROM You can install TeMIP directly on your system from a CD-ROM. Preparing to Install TeMIP 1-1 1.1.2 RIS Installation You can install TeMIP on a RIS server area of a remote system and then install TeMIP on your system from the RIS server. If you intend to install TeMIP on your system in this way, ensure the following: o A TeMIP kit is installed and running on the RIS server. o You know the name of the RIS server. o Your system is registered as a RIS client. For further details of RIS refer to the DIGITAL UNIX Guide to Remote Installation Services. 1.2 Installation Requirements The installation requirements for TeMIP are described in Section 1.2.1 to Section 1.2.16 and a pre-installation checklist is provided in Appendix A. 1.2.1 Hardware Requirements The minimum hardware requirements for the installation of TeMIP are as follows: You can install TeMIP on any DIGITAL Alpha System running DIGITAL UNIX. 1.2.2 Software Requirements The software requirements are as follows: Mandatory Subsets To install TeMIP you require the following version of the DIGITAL UNIX operating system running on a DIGITAL Alpha System: o Version 4.0D The following subsets must be installed: o OSFBASE425 Base System software o OSFX11425 Basic X Environment software o OSFCLINET425 Basic Networking Services You are encouraged to install all DIGITAL UNIX Version 4.0 patches. 1-2 Preparing to Install TeMIP These subsets allow you to use TeMIP as follows: o In a non-distributed configuration, with a MIR or TNS namespace o In a distributed configuration, with a TNS namespace The OSFCLINET425 subset includes Network Time Protocol (NTP) for synchronization if required. This subset is strongly recommended for use with the TeMIP Name Service (TNS). Optional Kits for DECsafe If you want to ensure high availability by securing your hosts with DECsafe, one of the following additional kits is required: o TruCluster Production Server (TruCluster Software) 1.5 or TruCluster Available Server (DECsafe Available Server) 1.5. ________________________ Note ________________________ TeMIP does not use features of the Trucluster Production Server other than DECsafe (Memory Channels and so on). ______________________________________________________ Optional Subsets for Visual TeMIP If you intend to use the Visual TeMIP C++ Developer Toolkit, the following additional C++ compiler subsets are required: o CXXBASE570 DEC C++ (cxx) for DIGITAL UNIX o CXXV4HDR570 DEC C++ header files for DIGITAL UNIX o CXXMAN570 DEC C++ and class library manual pages BASE and HDR are mandatory for Visual TeMIP; MAN is optional. Preparing to Install TeMIP 1-3 Optional Subsets for Managing a DECnet-Plus Network If you want to manage your DECnet-Plus+ network using TeMIP Framework, the following additional subsets are required: o DNABASE402 DECnet-Plus Base Components o DNADLI402 DECnet-Plus Datalink Components o DNANETMAN402 DECnet-Plus Network Management To be able to use this software, you need the DECNET-OSI- END license. 1.2.3 Database Requirements If you plan to use the TeMIP Trouble Ticketing application, you require the ORACLE database installed and running. If you plan to use the Archive function of the TeMIP Alarm Handling application, you require the SYBASE database or the ORACLE database installed and running. ________________________ Note ________________________ You do not need to have the database installed or running during the installation of TeMIP. ______________________________________________________ SYBASE Database To use SYBASE with TeMIP, the mandatory SYBASE subsets are as follows: o On the server, SYBASE V11.0.2 or higher o On the clients, OpenClient/C Embedded SQL V10.0.4 or higher ORACLE Database To use ORACLE with TeMIP, the mandatory ORACLE subsets are as follows: o ORACLE7 Server V7.3.4 o Associated SQL*Plus tool ____________________ + Formerly known as DECnet/OSI. 1-4 Preparing to Install TeMIP 1.2.4 Localization If you make use of SYBASE, the language used in SYBASE must be the same as the language used in TeMIP. The environment variables that determine the language in TeMIP are MCC_LANG and LANG, which are set in the file /var/mcc/config/.temip_config. The environment variable LANG will also be used by the SYBASE SQL server for localization. Add the following line with comments as shown to the file $SYBASE/locales/locales.dat section [axposf], if it is not already present: ;locale = C, us_english,iso_1 ;Use Posix Locales, straight from Posix Guidelines locale = en_US.ISO8859-1,us_english,iso_1 1.2.5 Namespace Requirements If you want to use TeMIP in a distributed configuration and will therefore be using a TNS namespace, you need to have at least one DIGITAL Alpha System configured as a TNS server. The necessary software subsets are part of the TeMIP distribution kit. Typically the system that operates as your TNS server will be a dedicated system, with only the TNS subsets of TeMIP installed on it. However, depending on the size of your configuration and your operational constraints, you may wish to install TNS subsets and other TeMIP subsets on the same system. 1.2.6 Distribution Kit Make sure that you have the correct distribution kit and check the contents against the Bill of Materials (BOM). If any part of the kit is missing, contact your DIGITAL representative. TeMIP can be installed on a DIGITAL Alpha System running DIGITAL UNIX from the Consolidated Distribution CD-ROM bearing the label TeMIP Version 3.2 for DIGITAL UNIX. Your distribution kit contains the following TeMIP software subsets: o TFRBASE TeMIP Framework Base System Preparing to Install TeMIP 1-5 o TFRSERVER TeMIP Framework Server o TFRPM TeMIP Framework Presentation Modules o TFRTFC Visual TeMIP C++ Developer Toolkit o TFRTNSCLR TeMIP Name Service Clerk o TFRTNSSRV TeMIP Name Service Server o TFRREL TeMIP Framework Release Notes o TFRLIC TeMIP Licensing Software o TFRDOC TeMIP Framework Online Documentation You can install some subsets on a system and add others later. The Visual TeMIP subset includes the Rogue Wave Tools.h++ product. For further details of Rogue Wave products, see the Web page http://www.roguewave.com/index.html. The TFRTNSCLR subset (TeMIP Name Service Clerk) is a mandatory subset for the use of the TeMIP Name Service (TNS). The TFRTNSSRV subset (TeMIP Name Service Server) is required to configure a TNS server only, together with the TFRTNSCLR subset. ___________________ Important Note: ___________________ Read the Release Notes before starting the installation. They may contain additional information about software requirements and patches. ______________________________________________________ For information concerning license registration, refer to Section 1.4. For information concerning the various TeMIP licenses, refer to the section on licensing in the TeMIP Planning Guide. 1-6 Preparing to Install TeMIP 1.2.7 Subset Combination Requirements Table 1-1 shows the subsets required for each type of TeMIP director. (The TeMIP director type is set at the director configuration step of temip_setup during the post- installation setup phase, see Section 5.4. Table_1-1_Subset_Combinations____________________________________ Director Type:_______TNSCLR__BASE___SERVER_PM_____TFC____TNSSRV_TFRLIC_TFRDOC Non- R R R R O O[3] R O distributed Distributed R R R R O O[3] R O Full Server Distributed R R R -[1] O[2] O[3] R O AM/FM Server Distributed R R -[4] R O[2] O[3] R O Client [1]The_PM_subset_is_definitely_not_installed_on_an_AM/FM_Server._ [2]Development cannot be performed on an AM/FM Server or a client in a distributed configuration. [3]Any TeMIP director or another system can be configured as a TNS server. Usually several TeMIP directors are configured as TNS servers. [4]The SERVER subset is definitely not installed on a Client. _________________________________________________________________ where R = required; O = optional; N/A = not applicable 1.2.8 Time Required to Install Direct installation of TeMIP takes 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the system configuration. The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) takes 1 to 5 minutes more. Installation from a RIS server should take about the same time as a direct installation, depending on the amount of traffic in the network. Preparing to Install TeMIP 1-7 1.2.9 Logging On Before you start the installation, log onto a superuser account on the system where you want to install TeMIP. You can set the current working directory to the top level (or root) directory using the following command: # cd / 1.2.10 Backing Up the System Disk Digital strongly recommends that you back up your complete system disk or at least the /var and /usr partitions. Installation of TeMIP involves writing to these partitions. 1.2.11 Upgrading TeMIP If you have, or may have, a previous version of TeMIP installed on your system, you must carry out the uninstall checks and procedures before starting the installation of the new version. See Chapter 2 for details. 1.2.12 Resource Consumption and System Sizing For advice on disk occupation, swap file size, memory requirements, and sizing considerations in general, contact the TeMIP Consultancy Group. 1.2.13 Disk Space Requirements and Directories The different TeMIP software subsets require different amounts of disk space as shown in Table 1-2. The values shown are approximate and may vary from kit to kit. This set of values represents the disk space required if you copy the subsets to a directory on your disk before installing them. 1-8 Preparing to Install TeMIP Table_1-2_Disk_Space_Requirements_(Subsets)________________ Software_subset_____________________Disk_Space_(in_KB)_____ TFRBASEV320 TeMIP Framework Base 26376 System TFRSERVERV320 TeMIP Framework 17832 Server TFRPMV320 TeMIP Framework 8664 Presentation Modules TFRTFCV320 Visual TeMIP C++ 11240 Developer Toolkit TFRTNSCLRV320 TeMIP Name Service 1672 Clerk TFRTNSSRVV320 TeMIP Name Service 520 Server TFRRELV320 TeMIP Release Notes 888 TFRLICV320 TeMIP licensing 1760 software TFRDOCV320 TeMIP Framework Online 17760 Documentation ___________________________________________________________ Total_______________________________86712__________________ Table 1-3 shows the disk space requirements in KB for installed TeMIP subsets in directories /usr/mcc, /usr /kits, /usr/tns, /var/mcc and /var/kits. This set of values represents the disk space required for direct installation. Preparing to Install TeMIP 1-9 Table 1-3 Disk Space Requirements (Installation ___________Directories)____________________________________ /usr /usr /usr /var subset___________/mcc____/kits___/tns____/mcc____/var/kits_ TFRBASEV320 67847 4200 505 15 0 TFRSERVERV320 20372 21100 0 0 0 TFRPMV320 7838 11594 0 0 0 TFRTFCV320 28460 0 0 0 0 TFRTNSCLRV320 10 0 3250 0 0 TFRTNSSRVV320 1 0 1000 0 0 TFRRELV320 888 0 0 0 0 TFRLICV320 2872 0 0 0 0 TFRDOCV320 27275 0 0 0 0 ___________________________________________________________ Total_(KB)_______157563__36894___4755____15______0_________ In addition to the space required for subsets, you will need working space for configuration, Alarm Objects, and Telecommunications Trouble Reports (TTRs). The likely requirement is about 500 MB. For "medium sized" Alarm Objects, 100,000 Alarm Objects = about 100 MB of disk space. The installation procedure creates the following directories if they do not already exist: For TeMIP Framework /usr/mcc /var/mcc For TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management /usr/kits/TNM320 /usr/var/kits/temip 1-10 Preparing to Install TeMIP For TNS /usr/tns /usr/var/tns /usr/var/tnscp The TeMIP executable files must be in the /usr/kits/TNM320, /usr/mcc, and /usr/tns directory trees. However, you can mount a separate file system on /usr/kits/TNM320 or /usr/mcc if you want to keep the TeMIP executable files separate from the rest of the /usr file system. The installation procedure creates the TeMIP Management Information Repository (MIR) files in the directory trees /usr/var/kits/temip and /var/mcc, together with the TeMIP data files. The TeMIP Name Service (TNS) data files are stored under the /usr/var/tns directory. 1.2.14 Setting the UNIX Kernel Parameters for TeMIP Most of the kernel parameter default values suit a standard TeMIP configuration, however, specific configurations may require modification of some of the values. For all parameters, the current value can be displayed using one of the following commands; sysconfig -q proc, sysconfig -q vm or sysconfig -q ipc. All the kernel parameters are checked by the temip_setup utility and a warning message is issued if a parameter is below the recommended value. Kernel parameters can be modified in two different ways: - You can change the values in the static configuration file /sys/conf/, rebuild the kernel and then reboot the system. - You can modify the dynamic configuration file /etc /sysconfigtab and reboot the system, (no kernel rebuild is required). An example sysconfigtab file is as follows: Preparing to Install TeMIP 1-11 proc: max-proc-per-user = 256 max-threads-per-user = 8172 maxusers = 64 task-max = 266 thread-max = 1044 vm: vm-vpagemax = 32768 ipc: shm-max = 4194304 shm-min = 1 shm-mni = 128 shm-seg = 32 sem-mni = 128 sem-msl = 640 sem-opm = 128 sem-ume = 128 Note that the following restrictions apply: max-proc-per-user =< task-max - 10 max-threads-per-user =< thread-max - 20 The following parameters can be modified: maxusers Description: Defines the maximum number of users that can be logged in simultaneously on the system. This value influences the maximum number of files open simultaneously on the system. Default Value: System dependent Recommended Value for TeMIP server: 128 Recommended Value for TeMIP client: 64 Modification: Change maxusers in the static configuration file or the maxusers entry in the /etc/sysconfigtab file. 1-12 Preparing to Install TeMIP To display the value of the maxusers parameter, enter: # dbx /vmunix dbx version 3.11.8 Type 'help' for help. main: Source not available warning: Files compiled -g3: parameter values probably wrong (dbx) p maxusers 256 (dbx) quit # maxuprc Description: Defines the maximum number of processes that a user can create. Default Value: 64 Recommended Value for TeMIP server: 256 Recommended Value for TeMIP client: 64 Increase this value if you run many processes at the same time. Modification: Change maxuprc in the static configuration file or the max-proc-per-user entry in the /etc/sysconfigtab file. max-threads-per-user Description: Defines the maximum number of threads that a user can create. Default Value: 256 Recommended Value: 1024 Preparing to Install TeMIP 1-13 Increase this value if you perform many mcc_calls, for example, if you enable more than 200 alarm rules. Modification: Change the max-threads-per-user entry in the /etc /sysconfigtab file. vpagemax Description: Defines the maximum number of vpages for a user map, or the maximum number of individually protected pages. As a consequence, this parameter also defines the maximum size allowed for a shared memory segment. Default Value: 16384 pages Recommended Value: 65536 bytes Increase this value if you perform many mcc_calls, for example, if you enable more than 200 alarm rules. Modification: Change vpagemax in the static configuration file or the vm-vpagemax entry in the /etc/sysconfigtab file. shmmax Description: Defines the maximum size allowed for a shared memory segment. Default Value: 4194304 bytes Recommended Value: 4194304 bytes Increase this value if you define MCC_EVENT_POOL_SIZE greater than 4194304. Modification: 1-14 Preparing to Install TeMIP Change shmmax in the static configuration file or the shm-max entry in the /etc/sysconfigtab file. shmmin Description: Defines the minimum size allowed for a shared memory segment. Default Value: 1 byte Recommended Value: 1 byte Do not increase this value if you use TeMIP Alarm Handling or Event Logging, because the use of these functions requires the creation of small shared memory segments (less than 60 bytes). Modification: Change shmmin in the static configuration file or the shm-min entry in the /etc/sysconfigtab file. shmmni Description: Defines the number of shared memory identifiers. Default Value: 128 Recommended Value: 128 Increase this value if you create more than 128 Operation Contexts or Logs. Preparing to Install TeMIP 1-15 Modification: Change shmmni in the static configuration file or the shm-mni entry in the /etc/sysconfigtab file. shmseg Description: Defines the maximum number of attached shared memory segments per process. Default Value: 32 Recommended Value: 32 Increase this value if you access many TeMIP objects (Operation Contexts or Logs). Modification: Change shmseg in the static configuration file or the shm-seg entry in the /etc/sysconfigtab file. semmni Description: Defines the maximum number of semaphores that can be in use on the system at any one time. Default Value: 16 Recommended Value for TeMIP server: The number of Operation Contexts and Logs active in the system + 20 + the number needed by other applications. Recommended Value for TeMIP client: 16 Increase this value if you create more than semmni Operation Contexts or Logs. Modification: 1-16 Preparing to Install TeMIP Change semmni in the static configuration file or the sem-mni entry in the /etc/sysconfigtab file. semmsl Description: Defines the maximum number of semaphores that can be in use by a single process at any one time. Default Value: 25 Recommended Value for TeMIP server: The number of Operation Contexts and Logs active in the system + 20 Recommended Value for TeMIP client: 16 Modification: Change semmsl in the static configuration file or the sem-msl entry in the /etc/sysconfigtab file. semopm Description: Defines the maximum number of operations per semop call. Default Value: 10 Recommended Value: semmni Modification: Change semopm in the static configuration file or the sem-opm entry in the /etc/sysconfigtab file. Preparing to Install TeMIP 1-17 semume Description: Defines the maximum number of undo entries per process. Default Value: 10 Recommended Value: semmni Modification: Change semume in the static configuration file or the sem-ume entry of the /etc/sysconfigtab file. After setting the shared memory, semaphore and maximum user /maximum memory consumption process parameters, rebuild your kernel as described in the DIGITAL UNIX Guide to Configuration File Management. Table 1-4 shows the default and recommended values for the kernel parameters as a quick reference. 1-18 Preparing to Install TeMIP Table_1-4_Kernel_Parameters_-_Quick_Reference______________ Default Parameter Value Recommended Value: _______________________________Server_____________Client___ maxusers System 128 64 dependent maxuprc 64 256 64 max-threads- 256 1024 1024 per-user vpagemax 16384 65536 65536 shmmax 4194304 4194304 4194304 shmmin 1 1 1 shmmni 128 128 128 shmseg 32 32 32 semmni 16 Number of active 16 OCs and Logs + 20 + number for other apps semmsl 25 Number of active 16 OCs and Logs + 20 semopm 10 semmni semmni semume___________10____________semmni_____________semmni___ 1.2.15 Director User Account After installation, during the setup of each TeMIP director, you are asked to choose a name for the Director User Account. This account can have any user_id you want, but it must be a member of the same group as all other users of TeMIP. _______________________ Notes: _______________________ 1. From now on the Director User Account will be referred to as the temip account, because this is the default user_id. Preparing to Install TeMIP 1-19 2. If you are going to operate in DECsafe ASE, the temip account must be the same on the two support hosts providing the disk service. ______________________________________________________ The setup procedure is carried out using the temip_setup utility, which causes a change in ownership of some of the TeMIP files and directories. The temip account enables multi-user access to individual TeMIP processes. For details of how to use the temip_setup utility to configure your system, refer to Chapter 5. 1.2.16 Creating an "acloc" User Account Before installing TeMIP for the first time, you must create the user account acloc. This account can have any user_id you want, but it must be a member of the same group as all other users of TeMIP. For example, if all users of TeMIP belong to the group users, then the acloc account must also be created as a member of the group users. The user acloc will be the owner of the directory /var/mcc/acloc. ________________________ Note ________________________ If you are going to operate in DECsafe ASE, the acloc uid must be the same on the two support hosts providing the disk service. ______________________________________________________ For details of how to create a user account, refer to the DIGITAL UNIX System Administration documentation. Create the acloc account as follows: 1. Log on as root 2. Enter the command adduser at the superuser prompt: # adduser 3. You are prompted to enter the following information for the new user: 1-20 Preparing to Install TeMIP Enter a login name for the new user (for example, john): acloc Enter a UID for (acloc) [413]: Enter a full name for (acloc): TeMIP Administrator Enter a login group for (acloc) [users]: Enter another group that (acloc) should be a member of ( only if none): 4. You are now prompted to enter a parent directory and login shell: Enter a parent directory for (acloc) [/usr/users]: The shells are: /usr/bin/sh /usr/bin/ksh /bin/csh /bin/ksh /usr/bin/csh /bin/sh Enter a login shell for (acloc): /bin/csh Adding new user... Rebuilding the password base... 28 password entries, maximum length 87 5. You are asked if you want to edit the authentication file entry for the new user: Do you wish to edit the auth. file entry for this user (y/[n])? Creating home directory... 6. You are now prompted to enter a new password: You must enter a new password for (acloc). Changing password for acloc. New password: Retype new password: Finished editing user account for (acloc). 1.3 The X-Server Configuration The visual presentation of TeMIP will vary according to the resolution of your hardware, that is, according to the type of monitor and graphics card you are using. ________________________ Note ________________________ This section only applies to systems running Presentation Modules. ______________________________________________________ Preparing to Install TeMIP 1-21 DECwindows supports two resolution values, 75dpi and 100dpi (dots per inch) and the X-Server provides a separate set of fonts for each value. At start-up, the X-server sets the resolution and selects the fonts according to how these have been defined in your configuration. To obtain the best presentation quality it is important that the font type matches the resolution of the X-Server. As with any "X" application, TeMIP assumes that your X-Server is correctly configured, which in practice is usually the case. As a check you can verify the configuration, and if necessary make changes, by following the steps described in Section 1.3.1 to Section 1.3.9. This will ensure that all your "X" applications display correctly. 1.3.1 Initial Actions The first thing you must do is to make sure that your display is properly set. You must set the DISPLAY environment variable and your session manager security. The steps described in this section can be performed remotely (on a machine other than that on which the X- Server is running), but you must make sure that: o Your DISPLAY variable points to the machine where the X-Server you want to test is running o You make any configuration modifications on the machine where the X-Server is running. 1.3.2 Checking the Hardware Resolution There are three steps involved in checking the hardware resolution: 1. Check the system-defined hardware resolution in terms of pixels 2. Use the horizontal pixel size to calculate the resolution of your screen in terms of dots/inch 3. Compare your dots/inch calculation against the X-Server dpi setup value. 1-22 Preparing to Install TeMIP In /usr/bin/X11 there should be a command named xdpyinfo, that provides you with information about the configuration of your X-Server. If this command is not installed on your system, install the subsets OSFXMIT4xx and OSFMANWOS4xx. The number "4xx" indicates the DIGITAL UNIX version being used and may be different on your system. The second subset contains the MANPAGES. Step 1. Checking the system-defined resolution: If you run /usr/bin/X11/xdpyinfo a number of lines will be displayed, one of which will indicate the display resolution in pixels (and millimetres). This could, for example, be as follows: screen #0: dimensions: 1024x864 pixels (346x292 millimetres) The information to use from this example is the horizontal pixel size (1024), from which you calculate the resolution of the screen in terms of dots per inch. Step 2. Calculate the dpi of your screen: As a general rule: o When you see 1024x864 pixels, you have a 75dpi hardware o When you see 1280x1024 pixels, you have a 100dpi hardware. If you prefer to make your own calculation, take a ruler and measure the width of your screen in inches, then divide the horizontal pixel size by this number. For example, if the screen is approximately 13 inches wide: 1024/13 = 75 dpi. (1) Step 3. Compare dpi calculation with system setup: In the output of /usr/bin/X11/xdpyinfo, locate the line that gives the X-Server setup value in dpi. This could be as follows: resolution: 75x75 dots per inch (2) Note that if you get 78x78, that equates to "75dpi" resolution, "98x98" equates to "100dpi" resolution, and so on... Preparing to Install TeMIP 1-23 Result: In this example the X-Server configuration is correct because the calculated resolution in (1) matches the X-Server setup in (2). If the results from (1) and (2) are different, your X-Server is not using the correct resolution and if you want you can change it. Alternatively, you could leave it as it is and accept a lower quality display. 1.3.3 Changing the Resolution If the resolution of your X-Server is wrong and you decide to change it, proceed as follows: 1. Log in as root 2. Edit the file /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers or /usr/dt /config/Xservers if you have CDE installed. There is a line (the last one) that is similar to the following: :0 local /usr/bin/X11/X where X is the name of the X-Server program. It may be different on your configuration, but the options remain the same. Refer to the MANPAGES if necessary (type man Xserver at the shell prompt). Edit the line by adding the value of your hardware resolution immediately after the X-Server program name (X). Add -dpi XXX, where XXX is the resolution of your hardware (either 75dpi or 100dpi). For example, if you have a 75dpi hardware the last line of /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers or /usr/dt/config/Xservers if you have CDE installed will be as follows: :0 local /usr/bin/X11/X -dpi 75 1-24 Preparing to Install TeMIP 1.3.4 Checking Which Font is Used To know which font is being used by your X-Server, check the PATH by typing: /usr/bin/X11/xset q (from the same subset as xdpyinfo). You will see a line giving one or more font paths. The following example of what you could find shows two font paths: Font Path: /usr/lib/X11/fonts/decwin/75dpi/,/usr/lib/X11/fonts/private/75dpi/ (PATH 1) (PATH 2) This example shows that the X-Server uses 75dpi fonts, which is correct if your hardware resolution check also gives 75dpi. The last directory of each PATH must match the resolution of your X-Server. If the font path check indicates a difference between the font and the hardware resolution, you need to change the font path specification as described in Section 1.3.5. Alternatively, you could leave it as it is and accept a lower quality display. 1.3.5 Changing the Font Path As an example, if your hardware resolution check showed 75dpi, but the font path check produced a line as follows: Font Path: /usr/lib/X11/fonts/decwin/100dpi/,/usr/lib/X11/fonts/private/100dpi/ then this shows that the fonts are incompatible with the hardware resolution and the paths should be changed. You should specify the two 75dpi font paths as shown in Section 1.3.4. To change the font paths proceed as follows: 1. Log in as root 2. Edit the file /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers or /usr/dt /config/Xservers if you have CDE installed. There is a line that is similar to the following: :0 local /usr/bin/X11/X -dpi 75 Preparing to Install TeMIP 1-25 where X is the name of the X-Server program. It may be different on your configuration, but the options remain the same. Refer to the MANPAGES if necessary (type man Xserver at the shell prompt). Edit the line by adding the font paths PATH1 and PATH2 as given in Section 1.3.4, immediately after the X-Server program name (X). Add: -fp /usr/lib/X11/fonts/decwin/75dpi/ (PATH1), /usr/lib/X11/fonts/private/75dpi/ (PATH2) The last line of /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers or /usr/dt /config/Xservers if you have CDE installed should now be as follows: :0 local /usr/bin/X11/X -dpi 75 -fp /usr/lib/X11/fonts/decwin/75dpi/, /usr/lib/X11/fonts/private/75dpi/ ________________________ Notes ________________________ Resolution: The use of 75dpi and 100dpi monitors has been successfully tested. For monitors of any other resolution, the 75dpi settings should be used. Dimensions: The minimum screen dimension is 1024x864. ______________________________________________________ 1.3.6 Problems with Font Size and Resolution In some cases where the font resolution is 75dpi and a monitor with a small screen is used, text and small images can be difficult to see. In order to fix this problem it is necessary to modify the following files: o /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/MCCclass o /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/mcc_resource.dat o /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/TeMIP o /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/temip_resource.dat 1-26 Preparing to Install TeMIP Each of these files has font description lines, which contain a number that describes the font size to be used. For example: MCCclass*Bar.scaleFont: -*-Times-Medium-R-Normal-*-*-60-*-*-*-*-ISO8859-1 ^^ font size It is recommended that you edit the files so that the font size in each case is set to at least 90, or 100 if you prefer a larger font. Preparing to Install TeMIP 1-27 ________________________ Notes ________________________ o To edit these files, first copy them to $HOME and then edit the copies. o Where the font description lines wrap to the next line in the file, it is important not to insert a newline character at the end of the partial first line, or add spaces at the end of the line prior to the newline character, or change other parts of the font description. Only the font size should be modified. ______________________________________________________ After modifying the files /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults /MCCclass or /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/mcc_resource.dat, restart the Iconic Map. After modifying the file /usr/lib /X11/app-defaults/TeMIP, restart TeMIP PM. In either case it is not necessary to restart any other TeMIP Modules. For more information and an example concerning /usr/lib/X11 /app-defaults/TeMIP, refer to the TeMIP Customization and Troubleshooting Guide. 1.3.7 Some Options of Your X-Server There are several useful options available on your X-Server that you can use to change the default settings. Check in the manpages of your X-Server for details. If your display system is a DIGITAL UNIX or Sun Solaris machine, the following X-server option is recommended: o -terminate, kills and restarts the X-Server each time you log out If your display system is not a DIGITAL UNIX or Sun Solaris machine, you may need to add the following options: o -su, Disables the SaveUnders o -bs, Disables the BackingStore Note that you do not lose any functionality if you use these options. 1-28 Preparing to Install TeMIP 1.3.8 Examples The following are two examples of lines in /usr/lib/X11 /xdm/Xservers or /usr/dt/config/Xservers if you have CDE installed: Example 1: To correct a 75dpi hardware with the default Font Path correct, but with the wrong resolution add: :0 local /usr/bin/X11/X -dpi 75 -terminate -bs -su Example 2: To correct a 100dpi hardware with the wrong default resolution and Font Path add on the same line: :0 local /usr/bin/X11/X -dpi 100 -fp /usr/lib/X11/fonts/decwin/100dpi/ -bs -su -terminate ________________________ Note ________________________ Reboot your station to make any changes effective. ______________________________________________________ 1.3.9 Changing the Number of Planes If you are going to install the Iconic Map of TeMIP on a 24-plane workstation, you will need to change the number of planes to 8. To check the number of planes and correct it if necessary, proceed as follows: 1. Use the command xdpyinfo in /usr/bin/X11 to display the X-Server configuration, see also Section 1.3.2. Following is an example of the relevant part of the output, with the plane parameter indicated: . . . Preparing to Install TeMIP 1-29 screen #0: dimensions: 1280x1024 pixels (342x274 millimeters) resolution: 95x95 dots per inch depths (1): 8 root window id: 0x2e depth of root window: 8 planes <=== number of colormaps: minimum 1, maximum 1 default colormap: 0x21 default number of colormap cells: 256 preallocated pixels: black 1, white 0 . . . 2. Login as root. 3. If you have CDE installed, edit /usr/dt/config/Xservers and specify option -vclass PseudoColor. Otherwise, edit /usr/lib/X11/xdm/Xservers and replace -nice -2 with -vclass PseudoColor. 1.4 License Registration for TeMIP Before installing TeMIP, you must register your license file using FLEXlm. You cannot install TeMIP unless you have first registered your license. ________________________ Note ________________________ You should only register one license per director. If you register more than one, TeMIP installation will fail. ______________________________________________________ For information about all the available TeMIP licenses, refer to the TeMIP Planning Guide. 1.4.1 FLEXlm Architecture and Daemons FLEXlm has a distributed client/server architecture. It can be distributed independently of TeMIP. The two FLEXlm daemons, lmgrd.temip (server) and temipdec (client), are supplied with TeMIP. You can install these on FLEXlm client and server machines according to your chosen license server configuration. 1-30 Preparing to Install TeMIP For further details of the FLEXlm product, consult the Web page at URL http://www.globetrotter.com/flexlm.htm. 1.4.2 FLEXlm License Server Configurations There are two possible license server configurations for TeMIP: Single TeMIP License Server If the license server fails, TeMIP becomes unavailable. Three Redundant TeMIP License Servers Provided two out of the three license servers are up and running, TeMIP remains available. The second configuration is recommended to give greater availability. ________________________ Note ________________________ TeMIP license servers are not necessarily TeMIP directors. ______________________________________________________ If you are installing TeMIP in a Trucluster environment and want to implement redundant TeMIP license servers, your license servers should not be cluster members. There is is any case no need to try to use a second high-availability mechanism contemporaneously. _______________________ Caution _______________________ If you do configure a TeMIP license server in an ASE service, after relocation, client TeMIP directors in other ASE services will no longer be able to access the license server. This failure occurs because FLEXlm cannot handle the virtual IP address and host name used for an ASE service. ______________________________________________________ Preparing to Install TeMIP 1-31 1.4.3 Obtaining a FLEXlm License File To obtain a license file for TeMIP, fill out the license request form that comes with the kit and send it in as directed in the Cover Letter. You must specify the following: o 1 or 3 license servers, and optionally, their host names o The features required (TEMIP-TFR-CS, TEMIP-NMS-CS, and so on). For a full list, see the TeMIP Planning Guide. Digital sends you your license file. 1.4.4 Installing a FLEXlm License File on a License Server Proceed as follows: 1. On each TeMIP license server, copy the license file you receive into a convenient temporary location. 2. Install the TeMIP licensing software subset (see also Section 4.4.1). 3. Run /usr/mcc/licenses/temip_licenses_setup (see also Section 4.4.2). 4. Select the Server option. 5. Enter the path for the license file. 6. When prompted, enter your license server host names and a free port number. To check the port numbers in use, see the file /etc /services. ________________________ Note ________________________ The port number must be the same on all license servers. ______________________________________________________ The license file is updated according to your input and saved in /usr/mcc/licenses. The file /etc/services is updated with the port number you specify. 7. The license setup procedure creates files in /sbin /init.d and /sbin/rc3.d to start the FLEXlm server automatically at server startup time. 1-32 Preparing to Install TeMIP 8. The license setup procedure ends by starting the FLEXlm server. 1.4.5 Installing a FLEXlm License on a Client The clients of the TeMIP license servers are by definition all TeMIP directors. Proceed as follows: 1. On each TeMIP director that is not a TeMIP license server, copy the license file you receive into a convenient temporary location. 2. Install the TeMIP licensing software subset (see also Section 4.4.1). 3. Run /usr/mcc/licenses/temip_licenses_setup. 4. Select the Client option. 5. Enter the path for the license file. 6. When prompted, enter the host names of the license servers and the associated port number. ________________________ Note ________________________ The port number must be the same on all license servers. ______________________________________________________ The license file is updated according to your input and saved in /usr/mcc/licenses. 1.4.6 Installing New Licenses in a Running Configuration A new license consists of a line that has the following format: INCREMENT temipdec 3.000 tokens "Comment" To install new licenses, proceed as follows: 1. Log in on each TeMIP license server in turn and append the new INCREMENT lines to the existing license file, /usr/mcc/licenses/licenses.dat. Preparing to Install TeMIP 1-33 2. Have the license server reload the new licenses using the lmreread utility (available in directory /usr/mcc /licenses). The command sequence is as follows (assuming the INCREMENT lines to be in file name /tmp/new_temip_ licenses.dat: sh> rlogin sh> cd /usr/mcc/licenses sh> cat /tmp/new_temip_licenses.dat >> licenses.dat sh> ./lmreread -c licenses.dat 1.5 Aborting Installation and Recovering from Errors To abort TeMIP installation at any time press Ctrl/c. If you abort the installation, files created up to that point are not deleted. Use the following command to delete a partially installed subset: # setld -d If an error occurs during the installation, the system displays an error message. The following list gives possible reasons for errors that can occur during the installation: o The operating system version is incorrect. o The prerequisite software version is incorrect. o The amount of available disk space is insufficient. For a description of error messages generated by these conditions and a description of corrective actions, refer to the DIGITAL UNIX Documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and DIGITAL UNIX software installation. 1-34 Preparing to Install TeMIP 2 _________________________________________________________________ Upgrading TeMIP From a Previous Version This chapter explains how to check for subsets from a previous version of TeMIP and for programs that use TeMIP. It describes how to uninstall subsets and, for each group of subsets, it states any data migration possibilities. _______________________ Notes: _______________________ 1. You do not need to read this chapter if you are doing a first-time TeMIP installation. 2. Migration of archived alarms stored in INGRES is not supported. ) 3. For a discussion of interoperability between versions during the migration of a distributed environment, and specific advice on the migration of archived Alarms and Trouble Ticketing data (stored in ORACLE or SYBASE ), see the Release Notes. 4. All TeMIP Framework processes must be stopped before TeMIP is installed, and shared memory resources must be removed. To remove shared memory resources, use the temip_stop tool with flag -a or the ipcrm command. Refer to the DIGITAL UNIX System Administration documentation for further details. Also, the TNS clerk must be stopped using tns_clerk_stop before the TNS Clerk subset is installed. ______________________________________________________ The following topics are discussed in this chapter: o Section 2.1, Checking For A Previous Version of TeMIP Upgrading TeMIP From a Previous Version 2-1 o Section 2.2, Upgrading from TeMIP V3.1 o Section 2.3, Upgrading from TeMIP V3.0 o Section 2.4, Checking For Third-Party Programs or Management Modules o Section 2.5, Deleting Subsets from Previous Visual TeMIP and TeMIP Versions o Section 2.6, Deleting Third-Party or User Programs That Use TeMIP 2.1 Checking For A Previous Version of TeMIP Before you begin a TeMIP installation, check to see if any subsets from a previous version are present on your system: o If your system is running DIGITAL UNIX V3.2, check for: - TeMIP Framework V3.0 (subsets TFRxxxV300xxx) or TeMIP Framework V3.1 (subsets TFRxxxV310xxx) - TeMIP OSI AM V2.0 (subsets NOExxxV200) or TeMIP OSI AM V2.1 (subsets NOExxxV210) - TeMIP Framework ASCII AM V2.0 (subsets TATxxxV200) or TeMIP Framework Graphical ASCII Toolkit (GAT) V1.0 (subsets GATxxxV100) o If your system is running DIGITAL UNIX V3.0, check for: - TeMIP Framework V2.0A (subsets TFRxxxV20A) - TeMIP NMS V2.0A (subsets TNMxxxV20A) - TeMIP OSI AM V1.0A (subsets NOExxxV10A and CMACMV207) - TeMIP OSI AM V1.0C (subsets NOExxxV10C and CMACMV210) - TeMIP ASCII AM V2.0A (subsets TATxxxV20A) o If your system is running DIGITAL UNIX V2.0 or V2.1, check for: - TeMIP Framework V2.0 (subsets TFRxxxV200) - TeMIP NMS V2.0 (subsets TNMxxxV200) - TeMIP OSI AM V1.0 (subsets NOExxx100 or NOExxx104 and CMACMV203) 2-2 Upgrading TeMIP From a Previous Version - TeMIP ASCII AM V2.0 (subsets TATxxx200) ________________________ Note ________________________ If you want to upgrade the DIGITAL UNIX operating system, you must delete all the TeMIP subsets first. ______________________________________________________ Use appropriate pkginfo and grep commands to see if any old subsets are present, for example (for TFR subsets): # setld -i | grep TFR If any subset with the specified product code exists, grep displays a message listing the subsets, for example (one TFR subset found): TFRBASEV20A installed TeMIP Framework Basic Management System When old subsets are found, you must delete them before installing the new version of TeMIP, see Section 2.5. 2.2 Upgrading from TeMIP V3.1 If your TNS server is also a TeMIP director, it must be the first machine that you upgrade. ___________________ Important Note ___________________ The migration of a distributed environment raises interoperability issues. You must read the relevant part of the Release Notes before starting your migration. ______________________________________________________ 2.3 Upgrading from TeMIP V3.0 ________________________ Note ________________________ It is not possible to migrate directly from V3.0, because migration from V3.0 requires the dual-stack mode, and this mode is only supported by V3.1. ______________________________________________________ Upgrading TeMIP From a Previous Version 2-3 2.4 Checking For Third-Party Programs or Management Modules If you have third-party software installed on top of TeMIP, or your own Access Module installed on the system, you must delete them before installing the new version of TeMIP. Such programs are not necessarily setld-compatible so must be deleted manually or according to the third-party deletion procedure as applicable. 2.5 Deleting Subsets from Previous Visual TeMIP and TeMIP Versions Before you delete any TeMIP subsets, log in as superuser and enter temip_show at the DIGITAL UNIX prompt to check if any users are running TeMIP. When you are sure that no user processes are active, enter temip_stop -k to stop TeMIP then tns_clerk_stop to stop the TNS Clerk. To delete subsets from previous Visual TeMIP and TeMIP versions from your system, enter the setld command with the -d option, where is the name of the TeMIP subset you want to delete: # setld -d [...] The following example deletes the TeMIP V2.0A subsets: # setld -d TNMTTV20A TNMTOV20A TNMELV20A TNMRELV20A TNMBASEV20A Because there are software dependencies between TeMIP subsets and associated products, Digital recommends you to perform deletion in the following order: 1. Third-party or user software running on top of TeMIP 2. Visual TeMIP V1.0 subsets 3. TeMIP ASCII AM or GAT subsets 4. TeMIP OSI AM subsets 5. TeMIP NMS subsets (Fault and Trouble Management) 6. TeMIP Framework subsets If you do not follow this deletion order, the setld command will display error messages. 2-4 Upgrading TeMIP From a Previous Version The deletion of the TeMIP OSI AM subset may require some time because it updates the TeMIP dictionary. ________________________ Note ________________________ When you delete old TeMIP subsets, the associated TeMIP data is not deleted. ______________________________________________________ 2.6 Deleting Third-Party or User Programs That Use TeMIP The deletion procedure for third-party or user programs depends on how this software was installed. If software was installed using the setld procedure, it should also be possible to delete it using setld with the -d option. If software cannot be deleted using an automatic procedure such as setld -d, you must delete it manually, as follows: 1. Find the executables (management modules or other programs). 2. Find out if the software updated the TeMIP dictionary when it was installed. 3. Find out if there is run-time or configuration data that must be deleted to allow the installation and operation of a new version of the software, compatible with TeMIP V3.2. (Some run-time or configuration data may need to be kept for migration to the new version of the software.) 2.7 Migrating Data and Applications You will need to migrate the following: o Domain data, because the new Domain FM is not backward compatible o Alarm and event data including Operation Contexts o Management modules (MMs) developed using Visual TeMIP, to take account of the new include files containing new data types and RogueWave support. For a discussion of migration procedures and issues, see the Release Notes. Upgrading TeMIP From a Previous Version 2-5 3 _________________________________________________________________ Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment This chapter describes the installation and configuration of TeMIP in a TruCluster environment. For an introductory discussion of TruCluster and associated features, see the chapter on highly available systems in the TeMIP Planning Guide. For reference information on TruCluster, see the TruCluster Production Server/Available Server Installation Manual and the TruCluster Production Server/Available Server Administration Manual. As described in the TeMIP Planning Guide, there are many alternatives for defining Available Server (ASE) services. Depending on how services are defined, the installation operations may vary. This chapter is organized as follows: o The first section, Section 3.1, ASE Service Definition, describes the possible alternatives for defining services, and provides worksheets to use before starting installation. o The second section, Section 3.2, Preparing for Installation, describes all the operations that are to be performed independently of the service definitions that are chosen. o The next three sections describe the main alternatives for defining services. For each alternative, installation worksheets are provided. Some items in these installation worksheets refer to a more detailed description that is provided in a later section. o The sixth section, Section 3.6, Installation Operations, contains the detailed description of the installation operations. Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3-1 o The final section describes the setup of a Database Management System (DBMS) server as an ASE service. 3.1 ASE Service Definition The ASE services to be declared on the TruCluster systems must be decided on before starting any installation is performed. The service definition alternatives, and the criteria to use in choosing between them, are described in the TeMIP Planning Guide. The most important decisions to take are the following: o Will TeMIP and TNS be part of the same or different services ? o Is there a DBMS that is part of the same service as TeMIP or TNS ? o How many TeMIP services will be configured on the cluster ? This question is applicable only to clusters with more than two members. Each ASE service must have its own physical disks on the shared SCSI bus. You must decide before installing which disk will be associated with which service, whether to use mirroring, and whether to use striping. If you use LSM, you must choose the names of the disks, subdisks, plexes and volumes. If you use AdvFS, you must define the filedomain and fileset names. An IP address and host name characterize an ASE service. These are not the same as the physical IP addresses and host names of the cluster member systems. They are used by clients (other TeMIP directors that are running outside the cluster) to communicate transparently with the cluster TeMIP director, without needing to know which member it is running on. _______________________ Caution _______________________ The licensing software, FLEXlm, cannot handle the virtual IP address and host name used for an ASE service, and so you should not choose a cluster member as a TeMIP license server. ______________________________________________________ 3-2 Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment An ASE service has an Automatic Service Placement (ASP) policy that determines the member on which the service will be relocated in the event of failure. Most frequently, the ASP will be defined as "balanced", meaning that the service is allowed to run on any cluster member. In some advanced configurations, the ASP may be defined as "favor member" or "restrict to favor member", meaning that the service will preferably or exclusively run on one or more predefined members. You can change the ASP of a service after installation, without having to re-install or re- configure TeMIP. When there are multiple TeMIP directors on a cluster with two or more nodes, the ASP policy is of importance because it determines the behavior of the cluster in the event of failure of one or more members. The following sections provide worksheets to fill out to plan for the ASE service definition. Copy and complete the appropriate worksheets before starting the installation and configuration. The text in italics is provided as an example. Blank worksheets are provided in Appendix B. Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3-3 3.1.1 TeMIP and TNS server in the Same Service This is the simplest service configuration, as all of TeMIP is configured in a single service. This service may also contain the DBMS server, if needed. 3-4 Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment Table 3-1 TeMIP and TNS: Service Definition Information __________Worksheet________________________________________ Service name tmnmain IP address ASP Policy Relocate to No most favored Disk speci- temip_dom#set1 Mount point /usr/mcc fication Disk speci- temip_dom#set2 Mount point /usr/var/mcc fication Disk speci- temip_dom#set3 Mount point /usr/kits/TNM fication /320 Disk speci- temip_dom#set4 Mount point /usr/var/kits fication /temip Disk speci- temip_dom#set5 Mount point /usr/tns fication Disk speci- temip_dom#set6 Mount point /var/tns fication Disk speci- temip_dom#set7 Mount point /var/tnscp fication Disk speci- temip_dom#set8 Mount point /usr/temip_ fication homes Disk speci- temip_dom#set9 Mount point /usr/temip_ops fication Disk spec- Mount point ification (DBMS) (for the DBMS - optional) AdvFS temip_dom Filedomain LSM Volume vol01 Volume size 4000m Mirrors disk01//disk02 Stripes no LSM dg01 diskgroup LSM disk disk01 Physical rz16 (rz29) disk (type) LSM disk disk02 Physical rz26 (rz29) disk (type) LSM disk Installing TeMIP in Physicalster Environment 3-5 disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM_rootdg____rz1f_________________________________________ 3.1.2 TeMIP and TNS Server in Separate Services This is the most typical configuration, because the TeMIP and TNS server workload is shared between the two cluster members. Frequently, one of the two services also contains the DBMS server. 3-6 Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment Table_3-2_TeMIP:_Service_Definition_Information_Worksheet__ Service name Tmntemip IP address ASP Policy Balanced Relocate to no most favored Disk speci- Temip_dom#set1 Mount point /usr/mcc fication Disk speci- Temip_dom#set2 Mount point /usr/var/mcc fication Disk speci- Temip_dom#set3 Mount point /usr/kits/TNM fication 320 Disk speci- Temip_dom#set4 Mount point /usr/var/kits fication /temip Disk speci- Temip_dom#set5 Mount point /usr/temip_ fication homes Disk speci- Temip_dom#set6 Mount point /usr/temip_ops fication Disk spec- Mount point ification (DBMS) (for the DBMS - optional) AdvFS Temip_dom Filedomain LSM Volume vol01 Volume size 4000m Mirrors disk01 / /disk02 Stripes No LSM dg01 diskgroup LSM disk disk01 Physical rz16 (rz29) disk (type) LSM disk disk02 Physical rz26 (rz29) disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM_rootdg____Rz1f_________________________________________ Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3-7 Table 3-3 TNS Server: Service Definition Information ___________Worksheet_______________________________________ Service name Tmntns IP address ASP Policy Balanced Relocate to No most favored Disk speci- tns_dom#set1 Mount point /usr/tns/bin fication /server Disk speci- tns_dom#set2 Mount point /usr/var/tns fication /server Disk spec- Mount point ification (DBMS) (for the DBMS - optional) AdvFS tns_dom Filedomain LSM Volume vol02 Volume size 2000m Mirrors disk03 / /disk04 Stripes No LSM dg02 diskgroup LSM disk disk03 Physical rz17(rz28) disk (type) LSM disk disk04 Physical rz27(rz28) disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM dg02 diskgroup__________________________________________________ 3-8 Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3.1.3 The DBMS as a Separate Service Configuring the DBMS as a dedicated ASE service means not only planning the service definition information, but also planning the client part of the DBMS in the TeMIP service. Use the following worksheet for an ORACLE server. Table 3-4 Oracle Server: Service Definition Information __________Worksheet________________________________________ Service name tmnoracle IP address ASP Policy Balanced Relocate to No most favored Disk speci- oracle_dom#set1 Mount point /oracle fication oracle_dom#set2 /usr/users /oracle AdvFS oracle_dom Filedomain LSM Volume vol03 Volume size 4000m0 Mirrors disk05 / /disk06 Stripes No LSM dg030 diskgroup LSM disk disk05 Physical rz18 (rz29) disk (type) LSM disk disk06 Physical rz28 (rz29) disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM disk Physical _______________________________disk_(type)_________________ The Oracle client also needs a dedicated fileset and mount point. Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3-9 3.2 Preparing for Installation This section describes all the operations to be carried out that are independent of the service definition choice. 3.2.1 Assigning IP Addresses Every ASE service must have an IP address. These addresses must be available and defined in the /etc/hosts file of each system before you start installing. 3.2.2 System Requirements Every UNIX system of the cluster must meet the TeMIP installation requirements listed in Chapter 1. In particular, the following requirements must be carefully checked: o All the latest UNIX patches must be installed, unless the TeMIP Release Notes recommend installing only some of them. o The UNIX kernel parameters must be correctly set. o The swap space must be correctly sized. o The director user account and the ACLOC user account must be created with the same userid on all the systems. 3.2.3 TruCluster Requirements Before starting TeMIP installation, the TruCluster must be installed and configured as described in the TruCluster Production/Available Server Installation Guide and Administration Guide. In particular, the ASE must be initialized and all the shared SCSI disks must be visible from all the systems. If LSM is used, the LSM database must be initialized on each member system. In the absence of any specific information in the TeMIP Release Notes, all the TruCluster patches must be installed on all the cluster members. 3.2.4 License Registration If the ASE services are defined with a balanced ASP, all the cluster member systems must have the same TeMIP licenses loaded. If a DBMS service is defined, the DBMS license must be loaded on all the cluster members. 3-10 Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3.2.5 Pre-Installation Checklist The following table is a pre-installation checklist that lists the operations to perform on all the cluster members. For each installation operation, a pointer to a more detailed description is provided, as well as a procedure to verify that the configuration step is successfully completed. Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3-11 Table 3-5 TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment: Pre- ___________installation_Checklist__________________________ Detailed Installation description Operation___________in_______________Verification__________ Install UNIX Section 1.2.2 setld -i mandatory subsets Install latest TeMIP Release dupatch utility UNIX patches Notes Configure the swap swapon -s space Set UNIX kernel Section 1.2.14 sysconfig -q proc -q parameters vm -q ipc Create temip and Section 1.2.15, su - temip acloc accounts Section 1.2.16 su - acloc with the same userid on all systems Load the same TeMIP Planning temip_licenses_setup TeMIP licenses on Guide, all systems Section 1.4 Define the ASE vi /etc/hosts ping IP alias in the /etc/hosts file Make sure that the uerf -R -r 300 Disklabel -e rz20 shared SCSI disks | more are accessible from all systems If LSM is used, Logical The command volprint initialize the Storage Manager succeeds and displays LSM database Administration the rootdg disk group with the command Guide volsetup. This requires a small partition on a local system disk to be dedicated to the rootdg disk group Install the latest TruCluster - TruCluster patches Production Server 3-12 Installing TeMIP in aATruCluster Environment Server release notes Initialize the ASE Available The utility asemgr TruCluster Server succeeds and displays /Production the member status Server Administration ____________________Guide__________________________________ 3.3 Setting up a TeMIP and TNS service This section describes the operations to perform to install and configure a single service that contains TeMIP and TNS. These operations can only be performed after all the operations described in Section 3.2. The ASE service that contains TeMIP and TNS must be created before installing the TeMIP kit. This is because the TeMIP kit is to be installed on the shared disks that are associated with the ASE service. The following table lists the operations to perform. Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3-13 Table_3-6__TeMIP_and_TNS_Service:_Installation_Steps_______ Detailed Installation description Operation_________in________________Verification___________ If LSM is used, LSM The command volprint create the Administration -dg succeeds and diskgroup and displays the disk group the volume. information Create the Guide to AdvFS domain File System #cd /etc/fdmns and the required Administration #showfdmn * filesets Create the ASE Section 3.6.1 The utility asemgr service and displays the service as Section 3.1.1 running and the shared for the mount disk are mounted (df point names -k) Install the Chapter 4 #setld -i | grep TFR TeMIP kit, shows the subsets as including installed the TNS server subset Configure the Section 3.6.2 #tnscp show TNS server as an ASE service Configure the TNS clerk not rm /sbin/rc3.d/Kxxtns_clerk to be started rm /sbin/rc3.d/Sxxtns_clerk automatically at where xx is a two-digit number. boot time Configure Section 3.6.3 TeMIP as an #temip_show ASE service #manage show mcc 0 all attr Configure Section 3.6.4 - the TNS clerk softlinks on the other members At this point, DIGITAL strongly recommends you to test relocation manually, using the asemgr utility. Stop TNS and TeMIP using the commands tns_stop and temip_stop, and restart them using the commands tns_start and temip_start. 3-14 AddttheiactionIP iSectionC3.6.7r EnvManualnrelocation with scripts the utility asemgr succeeds and TNS and TeMIP are fully operational after ____________________________________relocation.____________ 3.4 Setting up TeMIP and TNS as Separate Services This section describes the operations to perform to install and configure two services for TeMIP and the TNS server respectively. These operations can only be performed after all the operations described in Section 3.2. You must create the ASE services containing TeMIP and the TNS server before installing the TeMIP kit. This is because the TeMIP subsets and the TNS subsets are to be installed on the shared disks that are associated with the ASE services. Setting up TeMIP and TNS as separate services requires the TNS clerk software to be installed and configured on the local system disk of each cluster member, before installing and configuring the TeMIP and TNS services. The following table lists the operations required to install the TNS ASE service. Unless otherwise specified, all the operations are to be performed on the same cluster member. This is always the case for the sequence of LSM, AdvFS and ASE service creation operations. Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3-15 Table_3-7__TNS_Service:_Installation_Steps_________________ Detailed Installation description Operation_________in________________Verification___________ On all the Chapter 4 #setld -i | grep cluster members, TFR shows the subset install the TNS TFRTNSCLR as installed Clerk subset If you use LSM The command volprint LSM, create Admininstration -dg succeeds and the diskgroup displays the disk group and the volume. information Create the Guide to AdvFS domain File System #cd /etc/fdmns and the required Administration #showfdmn * filesets Create the TNS Section 3.6.1 The utility asemgr ASE service and displays the service as Section 3.1.2 running and the shared for the mount disk are mounted (df point names -k) Install the TNS Chapter 4 #setld -i | grep Server subset TFR shows the subset TFRTNSSRV as installed Configure the Section 3.6.2 #tnscp show TNS server as an ASE service At this point, DIGITAL strongly recommends you to test relocation manually, using the asemgr utility. Stop the TNS server using the command tns_server_stop and restart it using the command tns_server_start Add the action Section 3.6.7 Manual relocation with scripts the utility asemgr succeeds and TNS is fully operational after ____________________________________relocation.____________ When the TNS service is fully operational and tested, you can proceed to install the TeMIP service. 3-16 Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment The following table lists the operations required to install the TeMIP ASE service. Table_3-8_TeMIP_Service:_Installation_Steps________________ Detailed Installation description Operation_________in________________Verification___________ If LSM is used, LSM The command volprint create the Administration -dg succeeds and diskgroup and displays the disk group the volume. information Create the Guide to AdvFS domain File System #cd /etc/fdmns and the required Administration #showfdmn * filesets Create the TeMIP Section 3.6.1 and Section 3.1.2 for ASE service the mount point names. The utility asemgr displays the service as running and the shared disk are mounted (df -k) Install the Chapter 4 #setld -i | grep TFR TeMIP subsets shows the TeMIP subsets as installed Configure Section 3.6.3 TEMIP as an #temip_show ASE service #manage show mcc 0 all attr At this point, DIGITAL strongly recommends you to manually test relocation, using the asemgr utility. Stop TeMIP using the command temip_stop, and restart it using the command temip_start. Add the action Section 3.6.7 Manual relocation with scripts the utility asemgr succeeds and TeMIP is fully operational after ____________________________________relocation.____________ Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3-17 3.5 Setting up Multiple TeMIP Services on a Multi-Node Cluster This section describes the operations to perform to install and configure many (N) TeMIP services on a cluster configuration with N+1 member nodes. These operations can only be performed after doing all the operations described in Section 3.2 on each member. The following table lists the operations to install and configure many (N) TeMIP services. The TNS server is not part of any of the TeMIP services. If the cluster hosts a TNS server service, you must configure it before starting to configure the multiple TeMIP services. Table_3-9__Multiple_TeMIP_Services:_Installation_Steps_____ Detailed Installation description Operation_________in________________Verification___________ On all the Chapter 4 #setld -i | grep cluster members, TFR shows the subset install the TNS TFRTNSCLR as installed Clerk subset. If the cluster hosts a TNS server subset, this is already done. On each member, tns_clerk_setup #tnscp show succeeds on configure the each member TNS clerk. If the cluster hosts a TNS server subset, this is already done. (continued on next page) 3-18 Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment Table 3-9 (Cont.) Multiple TeMIP Services: Installation __________________Steps____________________________________ Detailed Installation description Operation_________in________________Verification___________ If LSM is used, LSM The command volprint create the Administration -dg succeeds and diskgroup and displays the disk group the volume, information for each TeMIP service Create the Guide to AdvFS domain File System #cd /etc/fdmns and the required Administration, #showfdmn * filesets, for each TeMIP service Create the TeMIP Section 3.6.1, The utility asemgr ASE services for the mount displays the services point names as running and the shared disk are mounted (df -k) At this point, the N TeMIP services are created, each with its own /temipN mount point. Test relocation manually using the asemgr utility, and make sure that every service can be successfully mounted on each cluster member. Start one Section 3.6.4 # touch /usr/mcc service on /foo creates a file each member, physically located on and create the the shared fileset installation /temipN directories and softlinks. (continued on next page) Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3-19 Table 3-9 (Cont.) Multiple TeMIP Services: Installation ___________________Steps___________________________________ Detailed Installation description Operation_________in________________Verification___________ Install the Chapter 4 #setld -i | grep TFR TeMIP subsets shows the TeMIP subsets on each member as installed where a TeMIP service is mounted Configure TeMIP See Section 5.4 on each director for more details #temip_show as an ASE about temip_ #manage show mcc 0 all attr service using setup temip_setup and specifying At this point, the N TeMIP directors are created, one per cluster member. They cannot yet be relocated to another member, but they can be started, tested, and stopped successfully on the member where they have been created. Do not attempt any relocation. One at a time, Section 3.6.6 # temip_config -l shows configure each all the cluster members TeMIP director as Support Hosts to run on all the other cluster members (continued on next page) 3-20 Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment Table 3-9 (Cont.) Multiple TeMIP Services: Installation __________________Steps____________________________________ Detailed Installation description Operation_________in________________Verification___________ For each service, test the following sequence: 1. # temip_stop 2. Manual relocation using the asemgr utility 3. On the new member, enter temip_start followed by manage show mcc 0 all attr Add the action Section 3.6.7 scripts Manual relocation with the utility asemgr succeeds and TeMIP is fully operational after relocation.________________________________________________ The configuration can be considered successfully completed when manual relocations are always successful, and when a TeMIP service is never started on a member where another TeMIP service is already running. Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3-21 After building this configuration, it is still possible to change the ASP of the TeMIP services in order to tune the whole cluster to meet the requested behaviour in case of failure of one or more cluster members. DIGITAL recommends you to run tests that exercise the possible failure situations. The following are examples of meaningful test scenarios, depending on the chosen ASP. 1. If the services are defined with a preferred member ASP (predefined failover member scheme): a. One member down, then up b. Two members down, then the preferred member of the relocated service up c. Three members down, then the preferred member of the unassigned service up d. Three members down, then up in a random order 2. If the services are defined with a balanced ASP (rolling failover member scheme): 1. One member down, then up, then another member down/up 2. Two members down, then one up 3. Three members down, then up 3.6 Installation Operations This section describes the individual installation operations mentioned in the previous sections. The order of the following topics does not correspond to any one sequence of installation operations. Refer to the appropriate section above for a list of installation steps for each particular case. 3.6.1 Creating an ASE Service Use the asemgr utility to create an ASE service, and follow the instructions in the TruCluster Production Server /Available Server Administration Guide. The following is an example of ASE service creation for a TeMIP and TNS Service. 3-22 Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment Use the asemgr utility to create the TNS and TeMIP disk service as follows: service type : disk service service name : TNS_TEMIP (there must be an entry for "TNS_TEMIP" in /etc/hosts) Assign an IP address to this service : Y (TruCluster only) AdvFS set name : dom2#set1 disk mount point : /usr/mcc access : read-write AdvFS set name : dom2#set2 disk mount point : /usr/kits/TNM310 (TemIP constraint on the name) access : read-write AdvFS set name : dom2#set3 disk mount point : /usr/var/mcc (TeMIP constraint on the name) access : read-write AdvFS set name : dom2#set4 disk mount point : /usr/var/kits/temip (TeMIP constraint on the name) access : read-write AdvFS set name : dom2#set5 disk mount point : /usr/temip_homes (used to root the home directories of the acloc and temip accounts) access : read-write AdvFS set name : dom2#set6 disk mount point : /usr/tns (TNS constraint on the name) access : read-write AdvFS set name : dom2#set7 disk mount point : /var/tns (TNS constraint on the name) access : read-write AdvFS set name : dom2#set8 disk mount point : /var/tnscp (TNS constraint on the name) access : read-write ASP Policy : favor member automatic relocate : no ________________________ Notes ________________________ o The name "TNS_TEMIP" for the service is only an example and not a requirement. o The service name "TNS_TEMIP" will be the name of the alias (virtual hostname defined in /etc/hosts). Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3-23 o The mount point /usr/temip_homes is an example of a parent directory name and not a requirement. o The action scripts will be added after TNS and TeMIP installation. ______________________________________________________ 3.6.2 Configuring the TNS Server as an ASE Service To configure your TNS server as an ASE service, perform the following steps: 1. To configure your TNS server in a DECsafe environment, first use the command tns_server_setup. Choose option 3, 4 or 5 according to the type of configuration you have planned. Answer [YES] to the question: Do you want to set your TNS server in order to run in a DECsafe ASE configuration (Y/N) [N] : You are then prompted to enter an IP alias name for the DECsafe ASE service (TNS_TEMIP) and the names of the machines that are ASE members. ________________________ Note ________________________ The host IP address shown in brackets in the final configuration display of tns_server_setup is the IP address of the alias TNS_TEMIP, and not the address of a specific host. ______________________________________________________ Answer [NO] to the last question: Do you want this TNS server to be started automatically at boot ? (Y/N) [N] : Start the clerk using the Start script. If you need further information on how to use the tns_server_setup utility, see the chapter on the configuration tool in the TeMIP Name Service Administration Guide. 2. Relocate the TNS service to another system. 3-24 Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3. On the system where the TeMIP service now is, run temip_ setup: /usr/mcc/mmtoolkit/bin/temip_setup Select Step 7 Configure for ASE, to add the system to the director's Support Hosts list and make the links from the DIGITAL UNIX standard directories (located on the local disk) to the TeMIP images (located on the shared fileset). 3.6.3 Configuring TeMIP As an ASE service To configure TeMIP as an ASE service, perform the following steps: 1. On the system where the TeMIP service is located, run temip_setup: temip_setup Do the full Director configuration (step 1). You must specify the that you gave when creating the ASE service as Director Host. 2. Relocate the TeMIP service on another system (where TeMIP was not installed). 3. On the system where the TeMIP service is now located, run temip_setup: /usr/mcc/mmtoolkit/bin/temip_setup Choose Step 7 to add the local system to the Support Hosts list and make the links from the DIGITAL UNIX standard directories (located on the local disk) to the TeMIP files (located on the shared disks). For full details of the temip_setup procedure, see Section 5.4. 3.6.4 Configuring the TNS Clerk Softlinks on Other ASE Members On the systems where the TeMIP clerk subset was not installed, it is necessary to run the script /usr/mcc /install/TFRTNSCLR.links to create the softlinks needed by the TNS clerk. This script must be executed from the root account in the root (/) directory. Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3-25 3.6.5 Creating the Installation Directories and the Appropriate Softlinks In a multiple TeMIP services configuration, each service has a single mount point, for example, /temipN., where N is a number (1,2,3,...) identifying a TeMIP instance. Before installing the TeMIP kit, you must create in the /temipN directory all the subdirectories that will contain the TeMIP files. You must also create the softlinks from the standard TeMIP directories to the corresponding /temipN subdirectory on the shared disk manually. Make sure that one and only one TeMIP service is mounted on each member, and perform the following operations on each member where a TeMIP service is mounted. 1. Create the directories on the shared fileset: # mkdir -p /temipN/usr/mcc # mkdir -p /temipN/usr/kits/TNM310 # mkdir -p /temipN/var/mcc # mkdir -p /temipN/var/kits/temip 2. Move any existing file already present on the system disk to the shared fileset. This is because the installation of the TNS clerk has already created directories and files on the local system disk. These files must be moved to the shared fileset. # mv /usr/mcc/* /temipN/usr/mcc/. # mv /var/mcc/* /temipN/var/mcc/. 3. Create the softlinks to the TeMIP standard directories. This is necesary to have the TeMIP kit installation copy files on the shared fileset. # rmdir /usr/mcc # rmdir /var/mcc # rmdir /usr/kits/TNM310 # rmdir /var/kits/temip # ln -s /temipN/usr/mcc /usr/mcc # ln -s /temipN/var/mcc /var/mcc # ln -s /temipN/usr/kits/TNM320 /usr/kits/TNM320 # ln -s /temipN/var/kits/temip /var/kits/temip 3-26 Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3.6.6 Configuring the TeMIP Directors to Run on All Cluster Members In a multiple TeMIP services configuration, each TeMIP director must be configured to run on all the other cluster members as well as the one where it was created. This is normally achieved by relocating the service to the new member and using temip_setup. The fact that each service has a single mount point requires the creation of appropriate softlinks for each relocation before running temip_setup. Execute the following sequence of operations for each service, one at a time. All the other TeMIP services should be set offline (using the asemgr utility) during this operation. 1. Using the asemgr utility, add the following start script. The service name and the mount point name may need to be changed to reflect the actual configuration. #!/bin/sh # # # Processes launched with ASE have a priority of -5 # Re-init this value at the base scheduling priority /usr/sbin/renice 0 $$ > /dev/null PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin export PATH returnValue=0 # # get the service name from arg list. # if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then svcName=$1 else echo "Usage; $0 svc_name" exit 0 fi echo "BEGIN OF START SCRIPT OF SERVICE ${svcName}" Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3-27 # # Determine the mount point from the service name # case ${svcName} in "nnsvc1") SVC_ROOT="/temip1" ;; "nnsvc2") SVC_ROOT="/temip2" ;; "nnsvc3") SVC_ROOT="/temip3" ;; esac ROOT="" MCCUSR_CONFIG="$ROOT/usr/mcc" MCCUSR_TOOLS="$MCCUSR_CONFIG/mmtoolkit/bin" export ROOT MCCUSR_CONFIG MCCUSR_TOOLS if [ ${returnValue} -eq 0 ]; then for DIR in /usr/mcc /var/mcc /usr/kits /var/kits do if [ -L ${DIR} -o -d ${DIR} ]; then echo "${DIR} already exists !" returnValue=1 else # Everything looks OK to create the softlinks ln -s ${SVC_ROOT}${DIR} ${DIR} fi done fi # # exit with the return value # echo "END OF START SCRIPT OF SERVICE ${svcName} WITH STATUS = ${returnValue}" exit ${returnValue} 2. In the same asemgr session, add the following stop script. The service name and the mount point name may need to be changed to reflect your configuration: 3-28 Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment #!/bin/sh # # # Processes launched with ASE have a priority of -5 # Re-init this value at the base scheduling priority /usr/sbin/renice 0 $$ > /dev/null PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin export PATH returnValue=0 # # get the service name from arg list. # if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then svcName=$1 else echo "Usage; $0 svc_name" exit 0 fi echo "BEGIN OF STOP SCRIPT OF SERVICE ${svcName}" ROOT="" MCCUSR_CONFIG="$ROOT/usr/mcc" MCCUSR_TOOLS="$MCCUSR_CONFIG/mmtoolkit/bin" export ROOT MCCUSR_CONFIG MCCUSR_TOOLS # # Delete the mount points and the softlinks # case ${svcName} in "nnsvc1") SVC_ROOT="/temip1" FILEDOMAIN="dom1" ;; "nnsvc2") SVC_ROOT="/temip2" FILEDOMAIN="dom2" ;; "nnsvc3") SVC_ROOT="/temip3" FILEDOMAIN="dom3" ;; esac Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3-29 if [ ${returnValue} -eq 0 ]; then for DIR in /usr/mcc /var/mcc /usr/kits /var/kits do if [ -L ${DIR} ]; then rm ${DIR} else echo "${DIR} is not a softlink" fi done fi # # exit with the return value equal to 0 (ok) # echo "END OF STOP SCRIPT OF SERVICE ${svcName} WITH STATUS = ${returnValue}" exit ${returnValue} 3. Using the asemgr utility, relocate the service to another member, check that the start script correctly created the softlinks, and execute the following command: # /usr/mcc/mmtoolkit/bin/temip_setup Choose Step 7. 4. Repeat this operation on all the cluster members, and check that temip_config -l displays all the cluster members as Support Hosts. 3.6.7 Adding the Action Scripts Adding the action scripts is always the last installation operation to perform. This operation should not be performed before the ASE service creation is fully completed and successful. Multiple manual relocations with the asemgr utility should also be performed before adding the action scripts. Once the start and stop scripts have been added, they are always executed every time the ASE service is started or stopped. If a script encounters an error and cannot complete, ASE will refuse the relocation or may encounter an abnormal situation. This is the reason why it is extremely important to make sure that a start or stop script is correct before adding it to ASE. 3-30 Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment The TeMIP kit provides templates for the start and stop scripts. The following are working guidelines that should be strictly followed when working on ASE start or stop scripts: o Test your scripts manually. They are Shell scripts and can be executed interactively. o Start and Stop scripts run under the superuser without any environment variables. Therefore, you need to add all the environment variables that are needed during the script execution. o Keep your own copy of the start and stop scripts. You cannot access the scripts that are privately stored by ASE. o Create or update the start and stop scripts at the same time, to maintain consistent behavior of the service. This is necessary because ASE will stop and restart the service whenever a script is modified. o The stop script should always "undo" what is done in the start script. o The stop script of all the services is always executed when a cluster member reboots. o Make sure at the end of the Stop script that all the shared filesets are free and that no process is still using a shared fileset. Otherwise the relocation will fail because ASE will be unable to unmount the disk. To add a start and stop script to an ASE service, use the asemgr utility and see also the TruCluster Production Server/Available Server Administration Guide. 3.7 Setting up the DBMS as an ASE service This section describes the operations to perform to install and configure a DBMS as an ASE service. This service can be the same service as the TeMIP and/or TNS service, or it can be totally separate from both TeMIP and TNS. The installation and configuration vary depending on the Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3-31 service definition you choose, but there is set of pre- installation operations that must always be performed on all the cluster members. The following table defines the pre-installation that must always be performed on all the cluster members, whatever the DBMS service definition, for the ORACLE DBMS. Table 3-10 ORACLE in a TruCluster Environment: Pre- ____________installation_Checklist_________________________ Detailed Installation description Operation_________in________________Verification___________ Create the su - oracle oracle account with the same userid on all systems, and with the shared fileset as home directory. Add the user oracle to the group dba. Update the /etc N/A N/A /services file by adding the line listener 1521/tcp___________________________________________________ where N/A = not applicable 3.7.1 The DBMS is Part of the Same Service as TeMIP When the DBMS is configured in the same service as TeMIP, if there is no other application that uses the DBMS, it is not necessary to install and configure the DBMS client (SQL*Net for ORACLE). The installation operations can only be done after the TeMIP service is configured. 3-32 Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment ORACLE Server Installation The installation can only be done after ASE setup because the appropriate disk mount points are configured on a shared fileset. Install ORACLE in the directory defined in Section 3.1.3. For details of the Oracle installation procedure, see Section 5.2. 1. Install ORACLE in /usr/kits/oracle_server/oracle, as described in Section 5.2.1. All the ORACLE-related files (log files, databases) are located in sub-directories created under /usr/kits/oracle_server/oracle during installation, except for three files located in /etc and three others located in /usr/bin. These six files are dealt with in step 7. 2. Edit and configure the files /etc/listener.ora and /etc /tnsnames and /etc/oratab (corresponding ASE service is TNS_DB_SERVICE, database is temip_tt): Edit /etc/listener.ora: LISTENER= (ADDRESS_LIST= (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=IPC) (KEY=temip_tt) ) (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=tcp) (HOST=TNS_DB_SERVICE) (PORT=1521) ) ) SID_LIST_LISTENER= (SID_LIST= (SID_DESC= (SID_NAME=temip_tt) (ORACLE_HOME=/usr/kits/oracle) ) ) TRACE_LEVEL_LISTENER=OFF TRACE_FILE_LISTENER=listener Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3-33 Edit /etc/tnsnames: temip_tt (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS_LIST= (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=IPC) (KEY=temip_tt) ) ) (CONNECT_DATA= (SID=temip_tt) ) ) Edit /etc/oratab to add the line: temip_tt: /usr/kit/oracle: Y 3. Create the etc_shared subdirectory on the shared disk: # mkdir /usr/kits/oracle_server/oracle/etc_shared The purpose of these tasks is to move the files created on the local disks (in /etc and /usr/bin) onto the shared disks in dedicated sub-directories. The action scripts will create/remove the appropriate logical links to make this move transparent for ORACLE. 4. Move files to the newly created directory: # mv /etc/listener.ora /usr/kits/oracle_server/oracle/etc_shared/listener.ora # mv /etc/oratab /usr/kits/oracle_server/oracle/etc_shared/oratab # mv /etc/tnsnames.ora /usr/kits/oracle_server/oracle/etc_shared/tnsnames.ora # mv /etc/sqlnet.ora /usr/kits/oracle_server/oracle/etc_shared/sqlnet.ora 5. Create the usr_bin_shared subdirectory on the shared disk: # mkdir /usr/kits/oracle_server/oracle/usr_bin_shared 6. Move files to the newly created directory: # mv /usr/bin/coraenv /usr/kits/oracle_server/oracle/usr_bin_shared/coraenv # mv /usr/bin/dbhome /usr/kits/oracle_server/oracle/usr_bin_shared/dbhome # mv /usr/bin/oraenv /usr/kits/oracle_server/oracle/usr_bin_shared/oraenv 3-34 Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 7. To be able to test the ORACLE installation, you must create the following soft links: # ln -s /usr/kits/oracle_server/oracle/etc_shared/listener.ora /etc/listener.ora # ln -s /usr/kits/oracle_server/oracle/etc_shared/oratab /etc/oratab # ln -s /usr/kits/oracle_server/oracle/etc_shared/tnsnames.ora /etc/tnsnames.ora # ln -s /usr/kits/oracle_server/oracle/etc_shared/sqlnet.ora /etc/sqlnet.ora # ln -s /usr/kits/oracle_server/oracle/usr_bin_shared/coraenv /usr/bin/coraenv # ln -s /usr/kits/oracle_server/oracle/usr_bin_shared/dbhome /usr/bin/dbhome # ln -s /usr/kits/oracle_server/oracle/usr_bin_shared/oraenv /usr/bin/oraenv 3.7.2 The DBMS is not Part of the Same Service as TeMIP When the DBMS is not configured in the same service as TeMIP, it is necessary to install and configure the DBMS Client as part of the TeMIP service, to allow TeMIP access to the database from a member where the DBMS server is not running. Configure the ORACLE client as part of the TeMIP service as follows: 1. Create a soft link from /usr/kits/oracle to /usr/kits /oracle_client to be able to log in as oracle. 2. Create a /etc/tnsnames.ora to specify the host of the ORACLE server, for example: temip_tt= (DESCRIPTION= (ADDRESS_LIST= (ADDRESS= (PROTOCOL=tcp) (HOST=TNS_DB_SERVICE) (PORT=1521) ) ) (CONNECT_DATA= (SID=temip_tt) ) ) In this example, the Oracle server is TNS_DB_SERVICE, the first ASE service, and the database is temip_tt. 3. Create the etc_shared subdirectory on the shared disk: # mkdir /usr/kits/oracle_client/oracle/etc_shared Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 3-35 The purpose of these tasks is to move the file created on the local disks (in /etc) onto the shared disks in a dedicated sub-directory. The action scripts (see Section 3.6.7) will create/remove the appropriate logical link to make this move transparent for ORACLE. 4. Move the file to the newly created directory: # mv /etc/tnsnames.ora /usr/kits/oracle_client/oracle/etc_shared/tnsnames.ora 5. You can create a soft link from /etc/tnsnames.ora to /usr/kits/oracle_client/oracle/etc_shared/tnsnames.ora to be able to test the client installation. 3-36 Installing TeMIP in a TruCluster Environment 4 _________________________________________________________________ Installing TeMIP This chapter describes how to install the Release Notes and TeMIP software subsets directly onto your system, or from a RIS server. The RIS installation procedure assumes that you have created a server environment and are ready to install TeMIP. ________________________ Note ________________________ All TeMIP Framework processes must be stopped before TeMIP is installed, and shared memory resources must be removed. To remove shared memory resources, use the temip_stop tool with flag -a (previously temip_reset) or the ipcrm command. Refer to the DIGITAL UNIX System Administration documentation for further details. Also, the TNS clerk must be stopped using tns_clerk_stop before the TNS Clerk subset is installed. ______________________________________________________ The topics discussed in this chapter include: o Section 4.1, The Installation Procedure o Section 4.2, System Setup o Section 4.3, Installation Verification Procedure o Section 4.4, Installing the Licensing Software and Your Licenses o Section 4.5, Installing the Release Notes o Section 4.6, Installing Subsets o Section 4.7, Installing Visual TeMIP and Running the IVP Installing TeMIP 4-1 o Section 4.8, Installing HTML User Documentation for Online Help o Section 4.9, Installing the CGI Program on an HTTP Server o Section 4.10, RIS Installation 4.1 The Installation Procedure First log in as root on your DIGITAL UNIX system. The exact commands you need to enter depend on the media you are installing from. In all cases you will have to enter the load command at the superuser prompt to install the TeMIP subsets. You can install TeMIP in the following ways: o From a system Directory o From a CD-ROM o From a RIS server 4.1.1 Installing from a System Directory Enter the following command from the directory in which the files are located: # setld -l . 4.1.2 Installing from a CD-ROM Both the kit and the online documentation are on the CD-ROM. Installing the Kit To install the kit perform the following steps: 1. Mount the CD-ROM driver using its device special name. To do this, enter the following command, replacing N with the actual logical unit number of the CD-ROM driver: # mount -r /dev/rzNc /mnt 2. Enter the load command as follows: # setld -l /mnt/kit 4-2 Installing TeMIP When installation is complete, if you do not want to install the online documentation, unmount the CD using the following command: # umount /mnt Installing the HTML Documentation The core HTML documentation is available as subset TFRDOC. Each TeMIP add-on kit (OSI, GAT, NT, ESA) includes an add- on HTML documentation subset, which adds HTML files to the HTML directory. For details of the installation procedures, see Section 4.8 and Section 4.9. 4.1.3 Installing from a RIS Server To install the TeMIP subsets that reside in the /var/adm /ris distribution area of a remote system, specify the name of the RIS server system where the TeMIP subsets are located. For example, if you are loading TeMIP subsets from a RIS distribution area on the node bigsys, enter the following command: # setld -l bigsys: 4.2 System Setup System setup is not performed during installation. Refer to Section 5.4 for details of how to use the temip_setup tool to set up your system. 4.3 Installation Verification Procedure During the installation of each subset you select, you are asked if you want to run the IVP for this subset as part of the installation procedure or after installation is complete. An example of IVP execution during installation is shown in Section 4.7 (for the Visual TeMIP subset). If you choose to run the IVP after installation, a message is displayed that tells you how to do this. For further details refer to Section 5.8. When you run the IVP, a log of the output is created for both success and failure cases. The log file is placed in the directory: /var/kits/temip/ivp Installing TeMIP 4-3 The name of the log file is: TFRIVP.log 4.4 Installing the Licensing Software and Your Licenses You must install the licensing software first and use it to validate and install the licenses in your license file, so that you can then install other TeMIP subsets. 4.4.1 Installing the Licensing Software Install the licensing software as follows: 1. Mount the media on the distribution device. 2. Start the installation procedure and choose the Licensing Software option from the displayed menu. The following information is displayed: The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) TeMIP Framework Base System (level 1 rev C) 2) TeMIP Framework Online Documentation (level 1 rev C) 3) TeMIP Framework Presentation Modules (level 1 rev C) 4) TeMIP Framework Release Notes (level 1 rev C) 5) TeMIP Framework Server (level 1 rev C) 6) TeMIP Framework Licensing Software (level 1 rev C) 7) TeMIP Name Service Clerk (level 1 rev C) 8) TeMIP Name Service Server (level 1 rev C) 9) Visual TeMIP C++ Developer Toolkit (level 1 rev C) Or you may choose one of the following options: 10) ALL of the above 11) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 12) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 6 4-4 Installing TeMIP 3. Enter 6 and press Return. The installation procedure displays the subsets you have chosen and asks you to confirm your choice: You are installing the following optional subsets: TeMIP Framework Licensing Software (level 1 rev C) Is this correct? (y/n): y 4. If the information is correct, enter y and press Return. Otherwise enter n, press Return and re-enter your choice. The procedure displays: Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. 1 subset(s) will be installed. Loading 1 of 1 subset(s)... Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1998. All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. TeMIP Framework Licensing Software (level 1 rev C) Copying from . (disk) Verifying 1 subset(s) installed successfully. # Installing TeMIP 4-5 5. The licensing software is installed in the directory: /usr/mcc/licenses. You must run temip_licenses_setup (installed in the same directory) to configure it, even if this is a repeat installation. 4.4.2 Configuring the License Server With Your Licenses To validate the licenses in your license file and configure your license server, use the temip_licenses_setup tool: # /usr/mcc/licenses/temip_licenses_setup If you have an old license file, this file is backed up before being overwritten. For a configuration with three redundant servers, the system displays the following dialog: TeMIP Licensing Software configuration Select the configuration type (Server/Client) [C] : (S\BOLD) Enter the full path for the TeMIP Licenses file [] : (//licenses.dat\BOLD) You will be asked to select the TeMIP Licenses Server hostname and port number. Enter Server #1 hostname []: Enter Server IP port number [1728]: Enter Server #2 hostname []: Enter Server #3 hostname []: A file /usr/mcc/licenses/licenses.dat already exists in /usr/mcc/licenses This file is saved in /usr/mcc/licenses/licenses.dat.saved Updating /etc/services file The port number for the license servers is saved in /etc /services. 4-6 Installing TeMIP 4.5 Installing the Release Notes The Release Notes contain the latest information about the product, plus any changes to the installation procedure that may have been made too late for inclusion in the TeMIP Installation Guide. Digital strongly recommends you to install and read the Release Notes after installing the licensing software and before installing other TeMIP subsets. You can read the Release Notes online or print out a hardcopy. Install the Release Notes as follows: 1. Mount the media on the distribution device. 2. Start the installation procedure and choose the Release Notes option from the displayed menu. The following information is displayed: The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) TeMIP Framework Base System (level 1 rev C) 2) TeMIP Framework Online Documentation (level 1 rev C) 3) TeMIP Framework Presentation Modules (level 1 rev C) 4) TeMIP Framework Release Notes (level 1 rev C) 5) TeMIP Framework Server (level 1 rev C) 6) TeMIP Name Service Clerk (level 1 rev C) 7) TeMIP Name Service Server (level 1 rev C) 8) Visual TeMIP C++ Developer Toolkit (level 1 rev C) Or you may choose one of the following options: 9) ALL of the above 10) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 11) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 4 Installing TeMIP 4-7 3. Enter 4 and press Return. The installation procedure displays the subsets you have chosen and asks you to confirm your choice: You are installing the following optional subsets: TeMIP Framework Release Notes (level 1 rev C) Is this correct? (y/n): y 4. If the information is correct, enter y and press Return. Otherwise enter n, press Return and re-enter your choice. The procedure displays: Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. 1 subset(s) will be installed. Loading 1 of 1 subset(s)... Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1996. All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. TeMIP Framework Release Notes (level 1 rev C) Copying from . (disk) Verifying 1 subset(s) installed successfully. # 5. The Release Notes are installed in the directory: /usr /mcc/release.notes. The names of the files are TFR.doc and TFR.ps regardless of the software version. 4-8 Installing TeMIP 4.6 Installing Subsets This installation procedure installs the TeMIP files directly from the CD-ROM onto the system disk where you are performing the installation. It is assumed that you have already installed the licensing software as described in Section 4.4.1 and the Release Notes as described in Section 4.5. Install TeMIP as follows: 1. Run the installation procedure and choose the subset options you want to install: The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) TeMIP Framework Base System (level 1 rev C) 2) TeMIP Framework Online Documentation (level 1 rev C) 3) TeMIP Framework Presentation Modules (level 1 rev C) 4) TeMIP Framework Server (level 1 rev C) 5) TeMIP Name Service Clerk (level 1 rev C) 6) TeMIP Name Service Server (level 1 rev C) 7) Visual TeMIP C++ Developer Toolkit (level 1 rev C) Or you may choose one of the following options: 8) ALL of the above 9) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 10) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press Return to redisplay menus. Choices: (for example, 1 2 4-6): 1,3-5 2. Enter the number or numbers of your choice, separated by spaces, and press Return. The installation procedure displays the subsets you have chosen and asks you to confirm your choice: Installing TeMIP 4-9 You are installing the following optional subsets: TeMIP Framework Base System (level 1 rev C) TeMIP Framework Presentation Modules (level 1 rev C) TeMIP Framework Server (level 1 rev C) TeMIP Name Service Clerk (level 1 rev C) Is this correct? (y/n): y ________________________ Note ________________________ This example is typical of a TeMIP server machine in a DECsafe configuration. Installation for the TNS server machine in a DECsafe configuration would require the choice of subsets 5 and 6 only. ______________________________________________________ 3. If the information is correct, enter y and press Return. Otherwise enter n, press Return and re-enter your choice. The procedure displays the following information and asks you if you want to continue: Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. 4 subset(s) will be installed. Loading 1 of 4 subset(s).... ...Software Copyright declaration... ... TeMIP Name Service Clerk (level 1 rev C) Copying from . (disk) Working....Wed Apr 8 11:44:57 MET DST 1996 Verifying Working....Wed Apr 8 11:47:02 MET DST 1996 ...Software Copyright declaration... ... TeMIP Framework will use the acloc user account with the following characteristics : acloc user id : 413 acloc group : users 4-10 Installing TeMIP Note that TeMIP Framework users should belong to the users group in order to use the product. Refer to the TeMIP Installation Guide for more information. Loading 2 of 4 subset(s).... ...Software Copyright declaration... TeMIP Framework Base System (level 1 rev C) Copying from . (disk) Working....Wed Apr 8 11:50:39 MET DST 1998 Verifying Loading 3 of 4 subset(s).... ...Software Copyright declaration... ... TeMIP Framework Server (level 1 rev C) Copying from . (disk) Working....Wed Apr 8 11:58:45 MET DST 1998 Verifying Working....Wed Apr 8 11:59:51 MET DST 1998 Loading 4 of 4 subset(s).... ...Software Copyright declaration... ... TeMIP Framework Presentation Modules (level 1 rev C) Copying from . (disk) Working....Wed Apr 8 11:56:03 MET DST 1998 Verifying Working....Wed Apr 8 11:57:43 MET DST 1998 Configuring "TeMIP Name Service Clerk (level 1 rev C)" (TFRTNSCLRV320) Would you like to run the TFRTNSCLRV320 IVP? (y/n) [y] Configuring "TeMIP Framework Base System (level 1 rev C)" (TFRBASET320) WARNING: ======== To be able to run TeMIP Framework, please run /usr/bin/temip_setup tool after the whole installation. Installing TeMIP 4-11 If you do not so, you will have problems at run-time, regardless the previous configuration setup during a previous TeMIP Framework installation. [ Press the RETURN key to continue ] Would you like to run the TFRBASEV320 IVP? (y/n) [y] Configuring "TeMIP Framework Server (level 1 rev C)" (TFRSERVERV320) Would you like to run the TFRSERVERV320 IVP? (y/n) [y] Configuring "TeMIP Framework Presentation Modules (level 1 rev C)" (TFRPMV320) Would you like to run the TFRPMV320 IVP? (y/n) [y] # Refer to Section 5.4 for details of how to complete the setup and configuration of your system using the temip_ setup tool. 4.7 Installing Visual TeMIP and Running the IVP This installation procedure installs the Visual TeMIP files directly from the CD-ROM onto the system disk where you are performing the installation, and runs the IVP for this subset. It is assumed that you have already installed the Release Notes as described in Section 4.5. Install Visual TeMIP as follows: 1. Run the installation procedure and choose the subset option for Visual TeMIP: # setld -l . The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) TeMIP Framework Online Documentation (level 1 rev C) 2) TeMIP Name Service Server (level 1 rev C) 3) Visual TeMIP C++ Developer Toolkit (level 1 rev C) Or you may choose one of the following options: 4-12 Installing TeMIP 4) ALL of the above 5) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 6) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 3 You are installing the following optional subsets: Visual TeMIP C++ Developer Toolkit (level 1 rev C) Is this correct? (y/n): y Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. 1 subset(s) will be installed. Loading 1 of 1 subset(s).... ...Software Copyright declaration... Visual TeMIP C++ Developper Toolkit will use the acloc user account with the following characteristics : acloc user id : 413 acloc group : users Note that Visual TeMIP C++ Developer Toolkit users should belong to the users group in order to use the product. Refer to the TeMIP Installation Guide for more information. Visual TeMIP C++ Developer Toolkit (level 1 rev C) Copying from . (disk) Working....Wed Apr 8 11:09:05 MET 1998 Verifying Configuring "Visual TeMIP C++ Developer Toolkit (level 1 rev C)" (TFRTFCV320) Would you like to run the TFRTFCV320 IVP? (y/n) [y] A TeMIP V320 license has been registered. If any errors appear, please reinstall the product. ************************************************************** Installing TeMIP 4-13 Beginning Installation Verification Procedure for Visual TeMIP C++ Developer Toolkit 320 for D-UNIX Version 4.0 Installation Verification Procedure will take between 1 and 2 minutes ************************************************************** ...Software Copyright declaration... Compiling the Dev AM... There will be no more IVP questions ************************************************************** Installation Verification Procedure successfully completed. ************************************************************** Installation Verification Procedure for Visual TeMIP C++ Developer Toolkit 320 for D-UNIX Version 4.0 complete # 4.8 Installing HTML User Documentation for Online Help The core user documentation contains information on how to use TeMIP Framework and the off-the-shelf management modules. It is supplied in HTML form as subset TFRDOC. You can choose to install this subset on each system or on a single host running an HTTP Server if other systems will have access using a Web browser. At run time, the On-Line Help of the Iconic Map PM and the TeMIP PM use configuration files to map help topics to URLs. In accordance with the URL addressing scheme and depending on the location of the HTML online documentation set, the document pointed to by a URL can be either local or remote. Local document example: file:/usr/mcc/temip_doc_html/imfcl/u-tfr_imfcl_prf0015.html Remote document example: http://anyhost.mycompany.com/temip_doc/imfcl/u-tfr_imfcl_prf0015.html 4-14 Installing TeMIP Keyword to URL mapping uses configuration files. When the HTML files are installed locally (local option), the configuration files must also be present on the local system, in the /usr/mcc/mcc_system directory. When the HTML files are installed remotely (remote option), but access is through the Web, the configuration files must again be present locally. When the HTML files are installed remotely (remote option) and access is through a customized Intranet solution, the configuration files can be on a remote system. An Intranet solution requires a CGI program to be installed as described in Section 4.9 and customized as described in the TeMIP Customization and Troubleshooting Guide. Local configuration files have the drawback that they are duplicated on all systems where the PMs are installed, with the potential for inconsistencies arising. Remote configuration files are shared, which makes maintenance more efficient and secure. To install the core user documentation on a TeMIP director, proceed as follows: 1. Mount the media on the distribution device. 2. Start the installation procedure and choose the User Documentation option from the displayed menu. The following information is displayed: Before installing the TeMIP Framework Online Documentation, it is recommended (not mandatory) to install the "Netscape Navigator Gold V3.0 (or over)" (OSFNETSCAPE410) subset. The DISPLAY variable must also be defined. This will allow you to run the Installation Verification procedure (IVP). The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) TeMIP Framework Online Documentation (level 1 rev C) Or you may choose one of the following options: 2) ALL of the above 3) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 4) EXIT without installing any subsets Installing TeMIP 4-15 Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 1 3. Enter 1 and press Return. The installation procedure displays the subsets you have chosen and asks you to confirm your choice: You are installing the following optional subsets: TeMIP Framework Online Documentation (level 1 rev C) Is this correct? (y/n): y 4. If the information is correct, enter y and press Return. Otherwise enter n, press Return and re-enter your choice. The procedure displays: Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. 1 subset(s) will be installed. Loading 1 of 1 subset(s).... Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1998. .... TeMIP Framework Online User Documentation (level 1 rev C) Copying from . (disk) Verifying 1 of 1 subset(s) installed successfully. The TeMIP Online Documentation is now installed on your system : Location : /usr/mcc/temip_doc_html Starting file : start_here.html Configuring "TeMIP Framework Online Documentation (level 1 rev C)" (TFRDOCV320) # 5. The HTML user documentation is installed in the directory: /usr/mcc/temip_doc_html. The root HTML file in this directory is start_here.html regardless of the software version. 4-16 Installing TeMIP 4.9 Installing the CGI Program on an HTTP Server If you are planning to make the HTML user documentation available on an Intranet, and have the online help systems perform keyword to URL mapping using remote configuration files, you will need to install the TeMIP Framework Presentation Modules subset containing the supplied CGI program on your HTTP server, and then set up the CGI program to give access to other systems. Proceed as follows: 1. Log on to the system where the HTTP Server resides. 2. Install the TeMIP Framework Presentation Modules subset. (The procedure is as in Section 4.6 but you select number 3 only on the menu.) 3. Copy the TeMIP Help Server CGI program under the HTTP Server CGI programs directory. If necessary, see your HTTP Server documentation on how to install CGI programs. An example of the command is: cp help_server_Dux_v4.0 /usr/ns-home/FastTrack/cgi-bin/help_server 4. Copy the Help System configuration files to the same directory, for example: cp *.conf /usr/ns-home/FastTrack/cgi-bin 5. Edit the configuration files iconic_map_help.conf and temip_pm_help.conf to replace the [TEMIP_DOCUMENT_ROOT] tag with the location of the TeMIP Online documentation set, for example /temip_doc if the documentation set is installed in the temip_doc subdirectory of the HTTP Server document root directory. 6. On all other systems running the Iconic Map PM and TeMIP PM, modify the PM resource files, mcc_resource.dat and temip_resource.dat, to redirect On-Line Help requests to the Help Server CGI program, for example: mcc_pml.help_cgi_url: http://anyhost.mycompany.com/cgi-bin/help_server?config_file=iconic_map_help.conf&keyword=%s temip.help_cgi_url: http://anyhost.mycompany.com/cgi-bin/temip/help_server?config_file=temip_pm_help.conf&keywo rd=%s Installing TeMIP 4-17 The syntax of the help_cgi_url resource must be: http://://?config_file=?keyword=%s 7. To test the linking, start the iconic map on a system other than the HTTP server and choose "Overview" on the Help menu. Chapter 1 of the TeMIP Introduction manual should be displayed. For further details of the Intranet solution, see the TeMIP Customization and Troubleshooting Guide. 4.10 RIS Installation You can install the TeMIP subsets in an environment controlled by Remote Installation Services using the DIGITAL UNIX RIS Utility. The installation procedure described in this section assumes you have already installed the licensing software and Release Notes. ________________________ Note ________________________ For installations from a RIS server, the subset numbers vary from server to server, depending on which products are available in the RIS server area and how many subsets each product has. ______________________________________________________ To install TeMIP, complete the following tasks: 1. Mount the media on the CD-ROM driver. 2. Run the RIS Utility by entering the following command: # ris 3. The RIS Utility Menu is displayed: *** RIS Utility Main Menu *** a) ADD a client d) DELETE software products i) INSTALL software products l) LIST registered clients m) MODIFY a client r) REMOVE a client s) SHOW software products in remote installation environments x) EXIT 4-18 Installing TeMIP Enter your choice: i 4. Enter i and press Return. The RIS Utility Software Installation Menu is displayed: RIS Software Installation Menu: 1) Install software into a new area 2) Add software into an existing area 3) Return to previous menu Enter your choice: 2 5. Enter 2 and press Return. If you select option 1, the RIS Utility creates the new area automatically. The Remote Installation Environment Menu is now displayed: You have chosen to add a product to an existing environment. Select the remote installation environment: 1) 'Same output' Enter your choice: 1 6. Enter 1 and press Return. You are now requested to enter the device special name: Enter the device special name or the path of the directory where the software is located, for example, /dev/rmt0h: /dev/rmt0h 7. Enter the device special name and press Return. A message appears asking you to confirm that the CD-ROM is mounted: Please make sure that your installation CD-ROM is mounted. Are you ready (y/n)? y 8. If the installation CD-ROM is mounted, enter y and press Return. The installation procedure displays the names of the TeMIP subsets and prompts you to choose the subsets you want to install (assuming that TeMIP is the only product available on the RIS server): The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. Installing TeMIP 4-19 1) TeMIP Framework Base System (level 1 rev C) 2) TeMIP Framework Online Documentation (level 1 rev C) 3) TeMIP Framework Presentation Modules (level 1 rev C) 4) TeMIP Framework Server (level 1 rev C) 5) TeMIP Name Service Clerk (level 1 rev C) 6) TeMIP Name Service Server (level 1 rev C) 7) Visual TeMIP C++ Developer Toolkit (level 1 rev C) Or you may choose one of the following options: 8) ALL of the above 9) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 10) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press Return to redisplay menus. Choices: (for example, 1 2 4-6): 3 9. Enter the number or numbers of your choice, separated by spaces, and press Return. The installation procedure displays the subsets you have chosen and asks you to confirm your choice: You are installing the following optional subsets: TeMIP Framework Presentation Modules (level 1 rev C) Is this correct? (y/n): y 10. If the information is correct, enter y and press Return. Otherwise enter n, press Return and re-enter your choice. The procedure displays the following information and asks you if you want to continue: Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. 1 subset(s) will be installed. Loading 1 of 1 subset(s)... ...Software Copyright declaration... TeMIP Framework Presentation Modules (level 1 rev C) Copying from . (disk) Working....Thu Apr 9 11:47:31 MET DST 1998 Working....Thu Apr 9 11:49:32 MET DST 1998 Verifying Working....Thu Apr 9 11:50:05 MET DST 1998 4-20 Installing TeMIP ...Software Copyright declaration... TeMIP Framework will use the acloc user account with the following characteristics : acloc user id : 413 acloc group : users Note that TeMIP Framework users should belong to the users group in order to use the product. Refer to the TeMIP Installation Guide for more information. # Refer to Section 5.4 for details of how to complete the setup and configuration of your system using the temip_ setup tool. Installing TeMIP 4-21 5 _________________________________________________________________ After Installing TeMIP This chapter tells you how to configure your database (if applicable), how to set up your name space after installing the TNS subsets (if applicable), how to set up TeMIP directors after installation, and how to run the IVP if you did not do so during installation. The topics discussed in this chapter include: o Section 5.1, Using the SYBASE Database o Section 5.2, Using the ORACLE Database o Section 5.3, Setting Up Your Namespace o Section 5.4, Setting Up Directors After TeMIP Installation o Section 5.5, Stopping and Starting the TNS Clerk o Section 5.6, Displaying the Result of temip_setup o Section 5.7, Changing Setup and Configuration Parameters o Section 5.8, Verifying Installations o Section 5.9, The HTML Documentation IVP o Section 5.10, Listing the TeMIP Files Installed 5.1 Using the SYBASE Database Section 5.1.1 and Section 5.1.2 describe how to install and configure the SYBASE database, which supports the TeMIP Alarm Handling Archive directive. It is assumed that the SYBASE database is installed according to the relevant SYBASE installation procedure. After Installing TeMIP 5-1 For more information on the SYBASE utilities and procedures mentioned in this section, refer to the appropriate SYBASE documentation: o Installing Sybase Products on UNIX Platforms o Configuring Sybase SQL Server for DIGITAL UNIX o SYBASE SQL Server System Administration Guide Otherwise, request assistance from your system/database manager. ________________________ Note ________________________ A number of scripts are provided for management of the SYBASE database. These scripts are mandatory; you must use them. The scripts are located in /usr/kits/TNM320 /examples. ______________________________________________________ 5.1.1 SYBASE Installation Refer to Section 1.2.3 for the list of SYBASE parts and the relevant version numbers that must be installed. At SYBASE installation time there are no particular requirements with respect to TeMIP. However, see the following notes. ________________________ Notes ________________________ 1. It is mandatory to use the scripts provided to create the TeMIP databases (this is explained in more detail in Section 5.1.4). 2. The language used (for example, English, French), must be the same in SYBASE and in TeMIP, or errors will occur. ______________________________________________________ 5.1.2 SYBASE Configuration To use SYBASE, you must configure the environment of the TeMIP director user account, usually referred to as the temip account. 5-2 After Installing TeMIP Configuration Required to Run TeMIP To run TeMIP, you will need to set the following: o SYBASE to the SYBASE installation location. Edit the TeMIP configuration file (/var/mcc/config/.temip_ config) to contain the following line: SYBASE=/usr/kits/sybase For further details of the TeMIP configuration file, see the TeMIP Customization and Troubleshooting Guide. ___________________ Important Note ___________________ If you encounter problems using the SYBASE database, always check that the SYBASE variable is correctly set in the TeMIP configuration file. ______________________________________________________ Configuration Required to Run Tools To run tools such as SQL, you will need the same SYBASE configuration parameters as for running TeMIP, and a path for convenience. You must set the configuration parameters at the DIGITAL UNIX prompt, for example, in C shell: setenv SYBASE /usr/kits/sybase or in Korn shell: export SYBASE=/usr/kits/sybase To append the SYABSE path to your path variable, enter the appropriate command at the DIGITAL UNIX prompt, for example, in C shell: set path = ($SYBASE/bin $path) or in Korn shell: export PATH=$SYBASE/bin:$path or: export PATH=$PATH:$SYBASE/bin ___________________ Important Note ___________________ If you encounter problems using the SYBASE database, always check that the SYBASE environment variable is After Installing TeMIP 5-3 correctly set in the temip account. ______________________________________________________ 5.1.3 Creating the temip User on the SYBASE server In SYBASE there is no way to link a SYBASE SQL server user to an operating system user. The user id used to connect to the SYBASE SQL server is the director user account (default temip), under which the SQL child process runs. You must create the corresponding SQL server user using the script temip_login_syb with option -c. This script is located in /usr/kits/TNM320/examples. The temip password specified at creation time is written to the file /var/mcc/config/.temip_config. It is read by the SQL child process which uses it to connect to the SYBASE SQL server. This password must not be changed by editing the file but only using the script temip_login_syb with option -m. The temip_login_syb script creates, modifies or deletes a user account on the SYBASE SQL server for the temip user. Only the temip user can run it. The mandatory parameters are: o Flag: -c, -m, or -k o The SYBASE administrator password on the SYBASE SQL server (minimum 6 characters) o The temip password on the SYBASE SQL server (minimum 6 characters) The optional parameter is the SYBASE server name in uppercase. You must run this script on the server and the clients to update the TeMIP configuration file before using the Archive directive. For further details of the temip_login_syb script, see the TeMIP Utilities manual. 5-4 After Installing TeMIP 5.1.4 Creating the Database To be able to use the TeMIP Alarm Handling Archive directive, the SYBASE database must first be created under the temip account. The procedure is as follows: 1. Login as temip (Director user account) 2. Check that the SYBASE environment variable is correctly set in your environment using the following command: env | grep SYBASE 3. Use the script /usr/kits/TNMV3.2/examples/temip_create_ syb to create a TeMIP database (for example, see temip_ ah below). This script contains mandatory requirements for the use of SYBASE with TeMIP; therefore it must be used. /usr/kits/TNM320/examples/temip_create_syb There is also an optional parameter [], which is appropriate only if the server is remote. ________________________ Note ________________________ This script creates a database with the default size of 2MB. If you need a large database, you can edit the script and change the size of the database at creation time. If you need to increase the size of the database while already using it, use the SQL statement ALTER DATABASE or a system procedure; see the SYBASE documentation. The database contents are preserved. ______________________________________________________ 4. In the event of problems, use the script /usr/kits /TNM320/examples/temip_destroy_syb to delete the database and then recreate it using the script /usr /kits/TNM320/examples/temip_create_syb as shown below: /usr/kits/TNM320/examples/temip_destroy_syb /usr/kits/TNM320/examples/temip_create_syb There is also an optional parameter for both scripts: ], which is appropriate only if the server is remote. After Installing TeMIP 5-5 5. Check that the database has been successfully created and is ready to run using the following SYBASE commands from the temip account: isql -Usa -P [-S] 1> select * from sysdatabases 2> go name dbid suid status version logptr crdate dumptrdate status2 audflags deftabaud defvwaud defpraud ........................................................................ ... temip_ah 6 4 0 0 433 Dec 9 1996 3:49PM Dec 9 1996 3:49PM -32768 0 0 0 0 ... 5.1.5 Database Access TeMIP only requires that the user temip has access to the database. All objects in the database are owned by the user temip and only this user can access them. To preserve database consistency, it is recommended that access is only granted to other users when absolutely necessary. 5.1.6 Client/Server Configuration You must configure SYBASE differently for a server as opposed to a client. Server Configuration After installing the SYBASE SQL server, the database administrator must configure it to create the file $SYBASE /interfaces, see the SYBASE documentation. Client Configuration The software OpenClient/C Embedded SQL V11.0 (or higher) must be installed before you can use the Archive directive. The file $SYBASE/interfaces must be present on the client as for any client/server application that uses SYBASE. Run the temip_login_syb script to insert the temip user account password into the file /var/mcc/config/.temip_ config. 5-6 After Installing TeMIP 5.2 Using the ORACLE Database Section 5.2.1 and Section 5.2.2 describe how to install and configure the ORACLE database for TeMIP Alarm Handling Archive directive and TeMIP Trouble Ticketing access. It is assumed that the ORACLE database is installed according to the relevant ORACLE installation procedure. For more information on the ORACLE utilities and procedures mentioned in these sections, refer to the appropriate ORACLE documentation: o Installation and Configuration Guide o Server Administrator's Guide o Server SQL Language Reference Manual o SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference o SQL*Net Administrator's Guide. Otherwise, request assistance from your system/database manager. ________________________ Notes ________________________ 1. A number of scripts are provided for management of the ORACLE database. These scripts are mandatory; you must use them. The scripts are located in /usr /kits/TNM320/examples. 2. If you want to install the ORACLE database in a DECsafe ASE environment, ensure that you install and configure DECsafe ASE before installation of the database, see Chapter 3. ______________________________________________________ After Installing TeMIP 5-7 5.2.1 ORACLE Installation Refer to Section 1.2.3 for the list of ORACLE parts and the relevant version numbers that must be installed. At ORACLE installation time there are no particular requirements with respect to TeMIP. However, see the following notes. _______________________ Notes: _______________________ 1. Digital strongly recommends that you use the Install/Upgrade software only option. This is to avoid creation of a database at installation time. It is mandatory to use the scripts provided to create the TeMIP databases (this is explained in more detail in Section 5.2.3). 2. The language used (such as English, French) must be the same in ORACLE and in TeMIP, or errors will occur. ______________________________________________________ 5.2.2 ORACLE Configuration To use ORACLE, you must configure the environment of the TeMIP director user account, usually referred to as the temip account. Configuration Required to Run TeMIP To run TeMIP, you will need to set the following: o ORACLE_HOME to the ORACLE installation location. o The ORACLE SQL*Net administration directory to /etc. Edit the TeMIP configuration file (/var/mcc/config/.temip_ config) to contain the following lines: 5-8 After Installing TeMIP . . . ORACLE_HOME=/usr/kits/oracle . . . TNS_ADMIN=/etc . . . For further details of the TeMIP configuration file, see the TeMIP Customization and Troubleshooting Guide. ___________________ Important Note ___________________ If you encounter problems using the ORACLE database, always check that the ORACLE_HOME variable is correctly set in the TeMIP configuration file. ______________________________________________________ Configuration Required to Run Tools To run tools such as SQL*Net, you will need the same ORACLE configuration parameters as for running TeMIP plus the terminal option, and a path for convenience. You must set the configuration parameters at the DIGITAL UNIX prompt, for example, in C shell: setenv ORACLE_HOME /usr/kits/oracle setenv ORACLE_TERM vt100 setenv TNS_ADMIN /etc or in Korn shell: export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/kits/oracle export ORACLE_TERM=vt100 export TNS_ADMIN=/etc To append the ORACLE path to your path variable, enter the appropriate command at the DIGITAL UNIX prompt, for example, in C shell: set path = ($ORACLE_HOME/bin $path) or in Korn shell: After Installing TeMIP 5-9 export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$path or: export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin ___________________ Important Note ___________________ If you encounter problems using the ORACLE database, always check that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is correctly set in the temip account. ______________________________________________________ 5.2.3 Creating the Database To be able to use the TeMIP Alarm Handling Archive directive, or TeMIP Trouble Ticketing, the ORACLE database must first be created under the temip account. The procedure is as follows: 1. Login as root (su - root) o Add the temip user name to the dba group in the file /etc/group. This is the group that oracle belongs to. 2. Login as oracle (su - oracle) o Enter the following command: chmod 755 $ORACLE_HOME/dbs It is sufficient to give write permission to the group as temip and oracle are in the same group. To check this, enter: ls -ld $ORACLE_HOME/dbs 3. Login as temip (Director user account) o Check that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is correctly set in your environment using the following command: env | grep ORACLE o Check that temip has write access to the $ORACLE_HOME /dbs directory; this directory should belong to the dba group, as temip does. 5-10 After Installing TeMIP 4. Use the script /usr/kits/TNM320/examples/temip_create_ ora to create a TeMIP database (for example, see temip_ tt below). This script contains mandatory requirements for the use of ORACLE with TeMIP, therefore it must be used. However, you can modify it if you think specific ORACLE options are relevant for your personal use. /usr/kits/TNM320/examples/temip_create_ora temip_tt 5. In the event of problems, use the script /usr/kits /TNM320/examples/temip_destroy_ora to delete the database and then recreate it using the script /usr /kits/TNM320/examples/temip_create_ora as shown below: /usr/kits/TNM320/examples/temip_destroy_ora temip_tt /usr/kits/TNM320/examples/temip_create_ora temip_tt 6. Check that the database has been successfully created and is ready to run using the following command: ps auwx | grep oracle Output similar to the following is displayed: oracle 22260 0.0 0.3 10.1M 624K S Aug 23 0:09.18 ora_lgwr_temip_tt oracle 22258 0.0 0.3 10.1M 512K S Aug 23 0:08.21 ora_dbwr_temip_tt oracle 22249 0.0 0.2 10.1M 448K S Aug 23 0:01.58 ora_pmon_temip_tt oracle 22261 0.0 2.3 10.3M 4.3M I Aug 23 0:12.31 ora_smon_temip_tt ________________________ Note ________________________ This script creates a simple ORACLE database in the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory. For security and performance reasons, the database should be partitioned onto different disks, depending on your network requirements. If you want to change the database organization or use special ORACLE options, you can modify the script temip_create_ora. ______________________________________________________ 5.2.4 Database Access TeMIP only requires that the user temip has access to the database. All objects in the database are owned by the user temip and only this user can access them. To preserve database consistency, it is recommended that access to other users is only granted when absolutely neccessary. After Installing TeMIP 5-11 5.2.5 Configuring SQL*Net You must now configure SQL*Net as a server or as a client. Server Configuration To gain access to TeMIP using SQL*Net, you must complete the following steps: 1. Login as root (su - root) o Copy the following files from /usr/kits/TNM320 /examples. These files provide the correct configuration for the default databases (temip_tt and temip_ah) and mcc_exp) and for SQL*Net. It is not mandatory to have an ORACLE user on a client, as the database use is performed on the server. cp /usr/kits/TNM320/examples/tnsnames.ora.on_server /etc/tnsnames.ora cp /usr/kits/TNM320/examples/listener.ora.on_server /etc/listener.ora cp /usr/kits/TNM310/examples/sqlnet.ora /etc/sqlnet.ora cp /usr/kits/TNM310/examples/oratab /etc/oratab chmod 644 /etc/listener.ora /etc/tnsnames.ora /etc/sqlnet.ora /etc/oratab o Insert the following line in the /etc/services file: listener 1521/tcp 2. Login as oracle (su - oracle) o Modify the ORACLE_HOME fields in the /etc /listener.ora file. Set them to the correct values, which depend on the location of your installation. o Modify the HOST field in the /etc/listener.ora file. Replace madrid by your server name. o Depending on the names of your databases, add entries to the /etc/tnsnames.ora files. o Start the listener process using the following command: /usr/kits/TNM320/examples/temip_startnet_ora o If you encounter problems when starting the listener, check that you did not make any syntax errors when you modified the /etc/listener.ora file. 5-12 After Installing TeMIP Client Configuration If you want to access the created database from a client machine, connect to the client machine and do the following: 1. Login as root (su - root) o Copy the following files from /usr/kits/TNM320 /examples. This file provides the correct configuration for the default databases (temip_tt, temip_ah and mcc_exp) and for SQL*Net: cp /usr/kits/TNM320/examples/tnsnames.ora.on_client /etc/tnsnames.ora cp /usr/kits/TNM320/examples/sqlnet.ora /etc/sqlnet.ora chmod 755 /etc/tnsnames.ora /etc/sqlnet.ora 2. Modify the HOST field in the /etc/tnsnames.ora file. Replace madrid by your server name. 3. Depending on the names of your databases, add entries to the /etc/tnsnames.ora file. Note that in the TeMIP configuration file the ORACLE_HOME value must be set to the ORACLE_HOME value of the server . 5.2.6 Checking the ORACLE Installation and Configuration This section provides information on how to check the installation and configuration of your ORACLE database. 1. Check your basic database configuration on the server as follows: o Log in as temip (Director user account) o Enter the following command: sqlplus /@temip_tt If you can connect to the database, your configuration has probably completed successfully. 2. If you receive the following message: ERROR: ORA-12203: TNS: unable to connect to destination then one of the following problems may have occured: o The ORACLE listener process has not been started. Use the temip_startnet_ora utility to start it up, refer to Section 5.2.5 for further details. After Installing TeMIP 5-13 or o The /etc/listener.ora file does not contain an entry dealing with the database involved. Refer to Section 5.2.5 and the /usr/kits/TNM320/examples /listener.ora.on_server file for further details. 3. If you receive the following message: ERROR: ORA-12154: TNS: could not resolve service name then one of the following problems may have occured: o The /etc/tnsnames.ora file does not contain an entry dealing with the database involved. Refer to Section 5.2.5 and to the /usr/kits/TNM320/examples /tnsnames.ora.on_server file for further details. or o Perhaps there is a syntax error in the /etc /tnsnames.ora file. 4. If you receive the following message (using "trouble_ ticketing_fm" as an example): Cannot start application "trouble_ticketing_fm" then check the following: o During temip_setup, you may have chosen not to use the Trouble Ticketing FM or the Archive application. If this is the case, rerun the appropriate temip_ setup step and select the required applications. o The temip_start command was not run in the environment where the ORACLE_HOME environment variable was (correctly) set. Refer to Section 5.2.2 for further details. 5.3 Setting Up Your Namespace In a distributed configuration, before you can finalize the setup of your TeMIP directors, you need to set up your namespace by configuring one or more TNS server systems. ________________________ Note ________________________ If a TNS server system is dedicated, meaning that it will not also be used as a TeMIP director, you do not 5-14 After Installing TeMIP do the TeMIP director setup described in Section 5.4 on that system. ______________________________________________________ If you are configuring a distributed system, you should first check TCP/IP reachability. Also, if you decide to use the recommended time synchronization mechanism, Network Time Protocol (NTP), you must configure this before you configure the TNS server systems. ________________________ Note ________________________ If you have existing TNS clerk caches on TeMIP directors from a previous version of TeMIP, you must delete them as the old cache data structure is not compatible. ______________________________________________________ 5.3.1 Checking TCP/IP Reachability In a distributed TeMIP configuration, all systems must be able to communicate using the TCP/IP protocol, and configured to recognize the host names in the configuration. Use the following command on each system to ping all remote systems, to see if they are reachable: ping 5.3.2 Configuring Network Time Protocol for TNS Synchronization In a distributed configuration, TNS requires network- synchronized time to ensure that TNS servers generate consistent timestamps. Digital recommends Network Time Protocol (NTP) for this purpose. However, if you have DECnet running (and specifically DECdts (Distributed Time Service)) for other reasons, then you can use DECdts instead and skip this section. NTP is part of the DIGITAL UNIX OSFCLINET ntpsetup ******************************************************************** * * * Network Time Protocol (NTP) Setup * * * ******************************************************************** NTP has already been installed on this host. Would you like to change the current NTP configuration (y/n) [no default]? y Default answers are shown in square brackets ([]). To use a default answer, press RETURN. NTP Server Selection ******************** Enter the names of the NTP servers for this system. Press RETURN to terminate the list. Hostname of NTP server [no default]: poupix Looking up host poupix ...found. Is poupix running ntpd or xntpd (n/x) [x] ? Hostname of NTP server [no default]: The list of NTP servers is: poupix (xntpd) Enter "r" to REDO the servers list, "e" to EXIT the ntpsetup procedure, or "c" to CONTINUE [no default]: c IMPORTANT NOTE: If any of the NTP servers you specified are NOT IN YOUR SUBNET, you must run either routed or gated in order to access them. Please see the networking documentation to set up one of these services. [ Press RETURN to continue ] : Xntpd (the NTP daemon) Options ****************************** NOTE: The default answers are RECOMMENDED. Correct large time differences, -g ---------------------------------- After Installing TeMIP 5-17 If your system time differs from the network time by more than 1000 seconds while xntpd is running, the daemon will suspect that something is very wrong with your system which may be a security threat. It will then log a message to the syslog and exit to allow the system manager to resolve the problem. The -g option allows xntpd to correct large time differences without logging a message or exiting. It should be used by systems which are less sensitive to security threats. Would you like to use the -g option (y/n) [y]? Limit syslog messages, -l ------------------------- NTP uses syslog to record status messages once an hour plus several other informative messages. NTP also logs error messages and an initialization message. Would you like to limit NTP to log ONLY error messages and the initialization message (y/n) [n]? Configuring your system to run NTP...done. Starting the NTP daemon (xntpd)... Setting kernel timezone variable Setting the current time and date with ntpdate Thu Mar 28 11:29:37 MET 1996 Network Time Service started To monitor NTP, type "/usr/bin/ntpq -p". ****** NTPSETUP Complete ****** ajaxio> Consult the DIGITAL UNIX System and Network Administration, Network Configuration manual or the DIGITAL UNIX man pages if you need further information on NTP configuration. 5.3.3 Configuring TNS Server Systems It is possible to configure a TNS server to use a new clearinghouse or to re-use an existing TNS clearinghouse. ________________________ Note ________________________ A system can have only one default namespace. If you set up a TNS server on a TeMIP director, remember that you will have to specify the same default namespace to 5-18 After Installing TeMIP temip_setup as you specify when you configure the TNS server. ______________________________________________________ To configure a TNS server, use the tns_server_setup utility. If you need further information on how to use this utility, see the chapter on the configuration tool in the TeMIP Name Service Administration Guide. 5.3.4 Configuring TNS Clerk Systems The TNS clerk is configured as part of the TeMIP setup procedure (see Section 5.4 below), but some preliminary steps may be necessary. If you are upgrading a system that was a TeMIP director using a different namespace (TNS or MIR) before, you must deregister the director from the old namespace before you can register it in the new one. To do this, enter: temip_config -d Ensure that the namespace you are using has the following directories: o .temip (containing the TeMIP director information) o .MCC_SNMP_BackTranslation (in order to create SNMP entities) o .DNA_NodeSynonym (in order to create DNA5 entities) o .DNA_BackTranslation.%X49.%X.... (in order to create DNA4 entities) After deregistering a director, you can register it in TNS using temip_setup. You will need to know the name of your default namespace, which must be a namespace into which a TNS server that is reachable from the clerk has been configured (see Section 5.3.3). After Installing TeMIP 5-19 5.4 Setting Up Directors After TeMIP Installation To complete the setup of a system for TeMIP you must use the temip_setup command. This program must be run immediately after product installation in order to set up the initial configuration (option 1). It can be rerun at any time subsequently to change the setup parameters (other options). This section discusses the initial post- installation setup process. Files Modified The TeMIP configuration file (/var/mcc/config/.temip_ config) is created and maintained by /usr/bin/temip_setup, which saves any existing version before overwriting it. This file is used to set the environment for TeMIP at run time. You can also modify this file using any editor. The temip_setup command may modify or overwrite other files containing user definitions. To preserve these definitions, save the files under another name before running temip_ setup and re-enter the definitions in the new files after setup. The files involved are as follows o Dictionary (fdictionary.bpt) o Dispatch tables file (mcc_dispatch_table.dat) Setup Steps Setup is composed of a number of steps, most of which can be rerun individually after an initial full run. You can choose full configuration or a single step from the temip_ setup menu. The temip_setup program first checks that the following conditions apply: o The login must be as super-user. o No TeMIP Framework processes can be running. o The mandatory TeMIP Framework subsets must have been installed. If any of these conditions are violated, temip_setup will abort. 5-20 After Installing TeMIP 5.4.1 Menu for temip_setup The options on the temip_setup menu are as follows: 0 ) Exit TeMIP configuration tool 1 ) Run a full TeMIP configuration 2 ) Configure TeMIP Director 3 ) Set Basic TeMIP configuration 4 ) Install TeMIP Dictionary 5 ) Load a predefined TeMIP configuration 6 ) Save the current TeMIP configuration 7 ) Configure TeMIP for an ASE configuration (*) 8 ) Configure TeMIP documentation (man pages, HTML) 9 ) Check System parameters and TeMIP installation 10) Run other TeMIP products setup 11) Configure TeMIP Development Mode (*) The existing option -s is replaced by this item 5.4.2 Step 0: Exit and Start the Director This step asks if you want TeMIP to be started at the end of temip_setup execution. If you answer "yes", you will be able to enter TeMIP commands directly after temip_setup execution. If you answer "no", TeMIP will be stopped after temip_ setup execution. For details of how to start and stop TeMIP, see the temip_start and temip_stop manpages or their descriptions in the TeMIP Utilities manual. 5.4.3 Step 1: Full TeMIP Configuration To perform your initial full setup, choose option 1 on the menu. ________________________ Note ________________________ You must run the full setup after each TeMIP installation. ______________________________________________________ After Installing TeMIP 5-21 Option 1 encompasses the following options (listed in the order they are performed in): 1. Step 3: Basic Configuration 2. Step 4: Dictionary and dispatch tables installation plus extra one-off steps to set the input and output time formats and MIR journaling (MCC_MIR_WRAP_LOG environment variable) 3. Step 2: Configure Director 4. Step 8: Manpages and HTML for Online Help 5. Step 9: System parameters and installation checks For more information on journaling and backup operations, see the chapter on TeMIP Backup in the TeMIP Director Configuration and Management Guide. 5.4.4 Step 2: Configure Director This step allows you to set the following director attributes: o The Director host o The Director Name o The Director User account o The Director Mode It also creates the Application entities framework_am, registration_fm, and fcl_pm, required by all directors. After your initial full configuration run, on subsequent runs that include steps 2, 3 or 4, temip_setup first displays the current director configuration (using temip_ config -l) and then asks if you wish to keep the current configuration. If you answer "yes", the current director attribute values will be kept, and so will the director (MCC) and Remote Director entity definitions. If you answer "no", the director entity will be re-created without any child entities. 5-22 After Installing TeMIP Director Host The default value of Director Host is the local host name. In an ASE configuration, the physical host name is not appropriate; instead, enter the virtual host name that represents all members (see also Section 3.1). Director Name The default value of Director Name is .temip._ director. This is a name in TNS format. _______________________ Warning _______________________ If you change the name of your director, temip_setup will try to delete your local OSI_SYSTEM entity, see also Section 5.4.5. ______________________________________________________ Director User Account Each Access Module or Function Module configured on the director will be implemented as a single process, irrespective of the number of different users requiring services from it, and these management module processes all run under the same user-id, called the "Director User Account". The account you specify as Director User Account must be an existing user account. ________________________ Note ________________________ In general you should avoid selecting root as this creates a situation where any user could create an alarm rule for a domain that executes the command "dtterm -ls" and thereby becomes root. ______________________________________________________ When you install TeMIP, file ownership is initially root, because the Director User Account has not yet been defined. When you define the Director User Account, ownership is changed to the account you specify. After Installing TeMIP 5-23 Namespace selection and TNS Clerk Setup The two possible namespaces are TNS and MIR. The result of your choice is saved as variable MCC_DNS_SELECTION in the TeMIP configuration file (.temip_config). If you have a distributed configuration, you must use the TeMIP Name Service (TNS). TNS must be fully configured and running as described in Section 5.3 before you can run temip_setup and select it. With TNS selected, the namespace is always distributed. When TNS is distributed, the TNS datastore is located on a TNS server under the control of TNS, and TeMIP directors act as clients accessing the data through the TNS clerk component. The distribution of TNS is independent of TeMIP distribution. On all directors, regardless of the namespace selection, there is a local MIR database present. On a director operating in nondistributed mode with a MIR namespace, there is also a so-called TNS datastore, but this is local and not distributed. It is not under the control of TNS. A distributed TNS datastore for a management module will always contain the Managing Director attribute and may contain other data, according to the design choice made for the module on splitting data between local and remote storage. Figure 5-1 illustrates the datastores seen by TeMIP directors in different namespace configurations. 5-24 After Installing TeMIP Table 5-1 summarizes the possible namespace configurations. Table_5-1_Possible_Namespace_Configurations______________________ Director Mode TNS TeMIP dis- (see Namespace Local datas- TNS tributed?___Section_5.selected__MIR_______tore?_____distributed?_ No NondistribMIRd Yes Yes No No NondistribTNSd Yes Yes Yes Yes DistributeTNS Yes Yes Yes (AM/FM (manda- or Full tory) ____________Server)______________________________________________ If you select TNS, temip_setup creates and enables the TNS Clerk on the local director. It then calls tns_clerk_setup, which prompts you to configure the clerk. If you are not sure of the required clerk configuration at this stage, this does not matter because you can change the values later using the TNS Control Program, tnscp. For details of tnscp and TNS Clerk configuration and operation, see the TeMIP Name Service Administration Guide. Director Mode There are four possible director modes depending on the subsets currently installed on the system and any namespace already selected. If you have specified MIR for your namespace, then nondistributed mode is assumed. Otherwise you are prompted for one of the following: Non-Distributed Choose this mode if you do not have a distributed configuration. This option is valid if the BASE, PM and SERVER subsets are installed. You can have MIR or TNS as your namespace in nondistributed mode. After Installing TeMIP 5-25 Full Server Choose this mode if you have a distributed configuration and you wish to configure the system to be a Full Server-a director that can send requests to or receive requests from other directors and runs Presentation Modules. This option is valid if the BASE, PM and SERVER subsets are installed. You can only have TNS as your namespace in Full Server mode. AM/FM Server Choose this mode if you have a distributed configuration and you wish to configure the system to be an AM/FM Server- a director that can send requests to other directors and receive requests from other directors but does not run any Presentation Modules. This option is valid if at least the BASE and SERVER subsets are installed. You can only have TNS as your namespace in AM/FM Server mode. Client Choose this mode if you have a distributed configuration and you wish to configure the system to be a distribution client: a director that runs only Presentation Modules and can send requests to other directors, but cannot receive requests from other directors. This option is valid if at least the BASE and PM subsets are installed. You can only have TNS as your namespace in Client mode. Backward Compatibility If you have a distributed configuration and need to migrate gradually to TeMIP V3.2, you must select the Backward Compatibility option. With this option set, interoperability between directors already running TeMIP V3.2 and others still running the previous software version update is possible. At this point, the TeMIP configuration file and the director (MCC) entity are created, the new director attributes are displayed, further Application entities are created according to the mode chosen, and file ownership is changed to the Director User Account. 5-26 After Installing TeMIP OSI_SYSTEM Entity If you require the Test Object in your basic configuration (see Section 5.4.5), you must specify a name for the global OSI_SYSTEM entity on the local director. The OSI_SYSTEM entity is created and registered in the TeMIP registration database. The OSI_SYSTEM entity is a global entity that is the parent of Log and Test Object child entities. This mechanism is useful for simulating alarm and event generation. You select it for inclusion in your director configuration in Section 5.4.5. For details of how to use it, see the TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management Reference Guide. ________________________ Note ________________________ As an alternative to the Test Object, the Alarm Generator AM is now available. This management module allows the generation of alarms on any entity, provided the entity's model in MSL is first updated to support the Submit_event directive. ______________________________________________________ 5.4.5 Step 3: Basic Configuration On an AM/FM Server or a Full Server, you have the choice of including the following TeMIP applications in your director configuration: o TeMIP Alarm Handling o TeMIP Event Logging o TeMIP Trouble Ticketing o TeMIP Test Object The applications you select will be created as Application entities. If Application entities exist for applications that are not selected, these are deleted. For Alarm Handling, you must also specify the supporting database to be used for archiving Alarm Objects (AOs): ORACLE or SYBASE. Trouble Ticketing makes use of the ORACLE database for archiving purposes. After Installing TeMIP 5-27 ___________________ Important Note ___________________ You must remember to set the appropriate environment variables for the database(s) in the TeMIP configuration file, as described in Section 5.1.2 and Section 5.2.2. ______________________________________________________ This step also asks if you require the DECnet-Plus Access Module. If you do not require DECnet-Plus, you can choose to have a reduced TeMIP dictionary, which economizes on storage. If you require DECnet-Plus, the Application entity dna5_am is created and the full TeMIP dictionary is used. ________________________ Note ________________________ In a distributed configuration, all dictionaries must be compatible. If you do not require DECnet-Plus, you should answer "no" to this question for all your directors. If you plan to use DECnet-Plus on any director, you should answer "yes" to this question for all your directors. ______________________________________________________ 5.4.6 Step 4: Dictionary and Dispatch Tables Installation You are offered the choice of keeping an existing dictionary (/usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/mcc_system /fdictionary.dat) or dispatch tables file (/usr/mcc/mcc_ system/mcc_dispatch_table.dat) or overwriting it with the one supplied. ________________________ Note ________________________ The TeMIP V3.2 Dictionary is not backward compatible, so you must choose to overwrite your old dictionary. If you overwrite an existing dispatch tables file or dictionary that contains definitions for your own management modules, you must re-enroll these modules after temip_setup execution. ______________________________________________________ 5-28 After Installing TeMIP Dictionary If no dictionary exists, or you overwrite an old one, the full or reduced dictionary, as selected (see Section 5.4.5), is copied from the /usr/mcc/mcc_system /delivered directory to the /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/mcc_ system directory. ________________________ Note ________________________ The dictionary installed corresponds to the en_ US.ISO8859-1 (American English) language. Other languages require manual operations. ______________________________________________________ At this point, the time format and MIR journal settings are requested. Dispatch Tables The installation procedure installs a dispatch tables file with a name having the extension ".delivered". If no dispatch tables file exists, or you choose to overwrite an old one, this file is copied to /usr/mcc/mcc_system/mcc_ dispatch_table.dat. ________________________ Note ________________________ All dispatch tables files must be compatible in a distributed configuration. If you do not use the standard dispatch tables file provided with the kit, you should ensure that you have the same dispatch tables file on all your directors. For a description of how to check the consistency of dispatch tables on different directors, refer to the TeMIP Director Configuration and Management Guide. For a description of how to ensure that the same dispatch tables are used, refer to the temip_propagate manpage or its description in the TeMIP Utilities manual. ______________________________________________________ After Installing TeMIP 5-29 5.4.7 Step 5: Load a Predefined Configuration This is a new option in TeMIP V3.2. It allows you to load a director configuration from an ASCII file written in the correct syntax. Various templates for the configuration file are supplied in /usr/mcc/mmtoolkit/examples. You can save a director configuration created using temip_ setup as described in Section 5.4.8. It is then available to load onto any director. For details of the configuration file syntax, see the temip_setup manpage or its description in the TeMIP Utilities manual. 5.4.8 Step 6: Save Your Director Configuration This step prompts you for a full path name or a file name for your director configuration. If you specify a file name, the default directory /var/mcc/config/temip_setup will be used. For details of the director configuration file syntax, see the temip_setup manpage or its description in the TeMIP Utilities manual. 5.4.9 Step 7: Configure Support Hosts for ASE ________________________ Note ________________________ This option was implemented by the flag -s in previous releases. ______________________________________________________ In an ASE configuration, you only need to perform the full director setup once, on the first member. It is then sufficient to run this step on the other members. This step creates the required softlinks and adds the local host to the support host list associated with the virtual host name (see also Director Host above). 5-30 After Installing TeMIP 5.4.10 Step 8: Update Manpages and Link HTML Documentation to Online Help This is a new option in TeMIP V3.2. This step updates all the TeMIP manpages using the source files in directory /usr/mcc/manp. It also links parts of the HTML documentation to the Iconic Map PM and NMS PM for online help purposes. See also Section 4.8 and Section 4.9. 5.4.11 Step 9: System Parameters and Installation Checks This step checks if your system parameters are set to acceptable values for TeMIP. It also lists the installed subsets for you to check, and checks for patches and extension kits. 5.4.12 Step 10: Optional Setup for Add-Ons or User Setup This step proposes setup scripts for the add-ons in the TeMIP kit and any user setup scripts. The list proposed depends on the setup scripts in the file /usr/mcc/mcc_ system/temip_setup.conf, which you can customize. The supplied add-on setup script is for the Visual TeMIP C++ Developer Toolkit. Visual TeMIP Setup If you answer "yes", the visual_temip_setup procedure enrolls the various examples provided with Visual TeMIP and creates the corresponding applications: o visual_temip_example_am: TeMIP Example AM o visual_temip_example_fm: TeMIP Example FM o vt_dev_am: TeMIP Development AM An example of the temip_setup question and the output of visual_temip_setup is provided below: The Visual TeMIP C++ Developer Toolkit is installed on your system Do you want to run the Visual TeMIP setup : [y] Configuring Visual TeMIP Developers Toolkit Configuration full log is in: /var/mcc/install/visual_temip_setup.log.2 After Installing TeMIP 5-31 Do you want to re-create the links to files created at Visual TeMIP installation time ? Those soft links have been already created during installation. This step enables you to re-create them in case of file system corruption. Re-create soft links (y/n)? [n]: Enrolling the Visual TeMIP examples Creating the Visual TeMIP example applications 5.4.13 Step 11: TeMIP Development Mode This step allows you to set the development mode. This option is only available if the Visual TeMIP C++ Developer Toolkit subset is installed. In development mode, all users who belong to the TeMIP director user group can run the TeMIP MSL Translator (mcc_ msl), the TeMIP Parser table builder (mcc_ptb) and the TeMIP TeMIP utility (temip_enroll). The TeMIP director user can also start and stop TeMIP using temip_stop and temip_ start, and change the director configuration using temip_ config. Effectively, in terms of TeMIP security, the default user profile is the root user profile. 5.5 Stopping and Starting the TNS Clerk When the TNS clerk is configured during the TeMIP setup procedure, it is left running. Should you at a later stage want to stop the TNS clerk log in as root and enter: tns_clerk_stop To restart the TNS clerk, enter: tns_clerk_start For more details of TNS, see the TeMIP Name Service Administration Guide. 5-32 After Installing TeMIP 5.6 Displaying the Result of temip_setup After running temip_setup, you can view a log of the procedure in the file /var/mcc/install/temip_setup.log. You can also enter temip_config -l to see the resulting parameters. These include both values resulting from the choices you made and other default values assigned during setup. 5.7 Changing Setup and Configuration Parameters It is possible to change the setup parameters after the setup phase by rerunning temip_setup or using temip_config. The temip_config utility allows you to change other aspects of your director configuration as well. For details of temip_config, see the TeMIP Director Configuration and Management Guide. 5.8 Verifying Installations If you did not run the IVP during installation, you can still run it before you use TeMIP for the first time, or whenever you detect problems. The IVP first checks that you have registered and loaded your license for TeMIP. You cannot run the IVP if you have not registered and loaded your license. o Start the IVP by entering the following command: # setld -v TFRSubset-NameVvuu where Subset-Name is: - BASE for the TeMIP Framework Base System subset - SERVER for the TeMIP Framework Server subset - PM for the TeMIP Framework Presentation Modules subset - TFC for the Visual TeMIP C++ Developer Toolkit subset - TNSCLR for the TeMIP Name Service Clerk - TNSSRV for the TeMIP Name Service Server - REL for the TeMIP Framework Release Notes subset After Installing TeMIP 5-33 - DOC for the TeMIP Framework Documentation subset - LIC for the TeMIP Licensing Software and where v represents the major software version and uu represents the software version update. 5.9 The HTML Documentation IVP The following example shows the HTML IVP: ... Configuring "TeMIP Framework Online Documentation (level 1 rev D)" (TFRDOCV320) Would you like to run the TFRDOCV320 IVP? (y/n) [y] TeMIP Framework Online Documentation (level 1 rev C) (TFRDOCV320) Launching netscape, please wait... A netscape window is opened. If the subset OSFNETSCAPE410 is not installed, IVP will fail with the following message: Cannot find netscape tool in current path. Please add path for netscape in your current path and retry the following command : setld -v TFRDOCV320 If the DISPLAY variable is not set, IVP will fail with the following message: DISPLAY variable is not set. Cannot launch netscape tool. Please set the DISPLAY variable and retry the following command : setld -v TFRDOCV320 5.10 Listing the TeMIP Files Installed A list of the TeMIP files installed on a system is contained in the file: /usr/.smdb./TFRvuu.inv where v represents the major software version and uu represents the software version update. 5-34 After Installing TeMIP To view the list, enter the more command at the operating system prompt, for example: more /usr/.smdb./TFRSERVERV320.inv After Installing TeMIP 5-35 A _________________________________________________________________ Pre-Installation Checklist This appendix summarizes the various operations required before installation of TeMIP. After you have completed each task, use the box at the left of the page to check it off the list. A.1 Installation Before starting an installation, verify the following: < Check that the distribution kit is complete. < Ensure that you have a DIGITAL Alpha System with the correct version of the DIGITAL UNIX operating system installed and running. < Ensure that DECsafe is correctly installed and configured. < Back up the system disk. < Stop any TeMIP and TNS processes that are running. < Uninstall any previous version of TeMIP and Visual TeMIP. < Check your memory and swap file requirements. < Ensure that you have sufficient disk space. Pre-Installation Checklist A-1 < Ensure that you set the required kernel parameters correctly. < Choose or create the temip (Director user) account. < Create the acloc account. < Load the distribution media. < Register the licenses for the product. < Read the online Release Notes. A-2 Pre-Installation Checklist A.2 Installation from a CD-ROM Before starting installation from a CD-ROM, do the following in addition to the installation checks: < Note the device special name of the CD-ROM driver. A.3 Installation from a RIS Server Before starting installation from a RIS server, do the following: < Ensure that TeMIP is available on the RIS server. < Determine the name of the RIS server. < Ensure that your system is registered as a RIS client. Pre-Installation Checklist A-3 B _________________________________________________________________ Blank Worksheets for ASE Installation Blank Worksheets for ASE Installation B-1 Table B-1 TeMIP and TNS: Service Definition Information ___________Worksheet_______________________________________ Service name IP address x.x.x.x ASP Policy Relocate to yes/no most favored Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk spec- Mount point ification (DBMS) (for the DBMS - optional) AdvFS Filedomain LSM Volume Volume size Mirrors // Stripes yes/no LSM diskgroup LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) B-2 BLSMkdiskksheets for ASE InstallPhysical disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM_rootdg_________________________________________________ Table_B-2_TeMIP:_Service_Definition_Information_Worksheet__ Service name IP address x.x.x.x ASP Policy Relocate to yes/no most favored Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk spec- Mount point ification (DBMS) (for the DBMS - optional) AdvFS Filedomain LSM Volume Volume size Mirrors // Stripes yes/no LSM diskgroup LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM disk Blank WorksheetssforlASE Installation B-3 disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM_rootdg_________________________________________________ Table B-3 TNS Server: Service Definition Information ___________Worksheet_______________________________________ Service name IP address x.x.x.x ASP Policy Relocate to yes/no most favored Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk spec- Mount point ification (DBMS) (for the DBMS - optional) AdvFS Filedomain LSM Volume Volume size Mirrors // Stripes yes/no LSM diskgroup LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) B-4 BLSMkdiskksheets for ASE InstallPhysical disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM_rootdg_________________________________________________ Table_B-4_TeMIP_1:_Service_Definition_Information_Worksheet Service name IP address x.x.x.x ASP Policy Relocate to yes/no most favored Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk spec- Mount point ification (DBMS) (for the DBMS - optional) AdvFS Filedomain LSM Volume Volume size Mirrors // Stripes yes/no LSM diskgroup LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM disk Blank WorksheetssforlASE Installation B-5 disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM_rootdg_________________________________________________ Table_B-5__TeMIP_2:_Service_Definition_Information_Worksheet Service name IP address x.x.x.x ASP Policy Relocate to yes/no most favored Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk spec- Mount point ification (DBMS) (for the DBMS - optional) AdvFS Filedomain LSM Volume Volume size Mirrors // Stripes yes/no LSM diskgroup LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) B-6 BlankdWorksheets for ASE Installationcal disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM_rootdg_________________________________________________ Table B-6 Oracle Server: Service Definition Information __________Worksheet________________________________________ Service name IP address x.x.x.x ASP Policy Relocate to yes/no most favored Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk spec- Mount point ification (DBMS) (for the DBMS - optional) AdvFS Filedomain LSM Volume Volume size Mirrors // Stripes yes/no LSM diskgroup LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM disk Blank WorkshePhysicalASE Installation B-7 disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM_rootdg_________________________________________________ Table B-7 Sybase Server: Service Definition Information ___________Worksheet_______________________________________ Service name IP address x.x.x.x ASP Policy Relocate to yes/no most favored Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk spec- Mount point ification (DBMS) (for the DBMS - optional) AdvFS Filedomain LSM Volume Volume size Mirrors // Stripes yes/no LSM diskgroup LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) B-8 BLSMkdiskksheets for ASE InstallPhysical disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM_rootdg_________________________________________________ Table B-8 Sybase Client: Service Definition Information __________Worksheet________________________________________ Service name IP address x.x.x.x ASP Policy Relocate to yes/no most favored Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk speci- Mount point fication Disk spec- Mount point ification (DBMS) (for the DBMS - optional) AdvFS Filedomain LSM Volume Volume size Mirrors // Stripes yes/no LSM diskgroup LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM disk Blank WorkshePhysicalASE Installation B-9 disk (type) LSM disk Physical disk (type) LSM_rootdg_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Index A______________________________ B______________________________ Aborting installation, 1-34 Bill of Materials (BOM), 1-5 Accessing the ORACLE database, 5-11 C the SYBASE database, 5-6 _______________________________ Acloc user account, 1-20 C++, 5-31 Action scripts, 3-30 Developer Toolkit, 1-3, 1-6 After installing TeMIP, 5-1 to libraries, 1-2 5-35 C++ compiler, 1-3 Alarm Handling application C++ Toolkit selection, 5-27 disk space, 1-9, 1-10 ASE installing, 4-12 DBMS service, 3-31 CD-ROM, 4-2 service defintion, 3-2 Checklist softlinks for multiple TeMIP See Installation checklist services, 3-26 Choosing the software subsets, softlinks for relocation, 4-19 3-27 Client softlinks for TNS Clerk, SYBASE, 5-6 3-25 compiler, 1-3 start script, 3-27 Configuration stop script, 3-28 of ORACLE, 5-8 TeMIP as service, 3-25 of ORACLE, checking the, using temip_setup to set up 5-13 Support Hosts, 3-27 of SQL*Net, 5-12 ASP (Automatic Service of SYBASE, 5-2 Placement), 3-3 Configuration file creation, Available Server Environment 5-20 see ASE Creating an "acloc" user account, 1-20 the ORACLE database, 5-10 the SYBASE database, 5-5 Index-1 Domain FM D______________________________ new, 2-5 Database access (ORACLE), 5-11 E______________________________ access (SYBASE), 5-6 /etc/listener.ora, 3-33 creation (ORACLE), 5-10 Event Logging application creation (SYBASE), 5-5 selection, 5-27 requirements, 1-4 Database selection for Alarm F______________________________ Handling, 5-27 Files installed, 5-34 DBMS FLEXlm, 1-30 as service, 3-31 Fonts DECnet-Plus Access Module, resolution problems, 5-28 correcting, 1-26 DECsafe acloc accounts, 1-20 H Device special name, 4-19 _______________________________ Dictionary, 5-29 Hardware requirements, 1-2 Director HTML type, 1-7 installing, 4-14 Director Host, 5-23 Intranet solution using CGI, Directories, 1-8 4-17 Director mode, 5-25 on Intranet, 4-17 Director Name, 5-23 start file, 4-16 Director startup, 5-21 Director user account, 1-19 I______________________________ configuration for ORACLE, IDP, 5-22 5-8 Installation configuration for SYBASE, aborting the, 1-34 5-2 checklist for, A-1 Director User Account, 5-23 director user account, 1-19 Disk space, 1-8 of licensing software, 4-4 Dispatch tables file, 5-29 of ORACLE, 5-8 Display resolution of ORACLE, checking the, changing, 1-24 5-13 changing font paths, 1-25 of Release Notes, 4-7 checking font paths, 1-25 of subsets, 4-9 checking system setting, of SYBASE, 5-2 1-23 of TeMIP, 4-1 to 4-21 checking the hardware, 1-22 of user documentation, 4-14 X-Server configuration, 1-21 of Visual TeMIP, 4-12 Distribution kit, 1-5 on a RIS, 4-18 Documentation recovering from errors, 1-34 installation of HTML, 4-14 types, from a CD-ROM, 1-1 on Intranet, 4-17 types, RIS, 1-2 Index-2 Installation (cont'd) verification, 4-3, 5-33 N______________________________ Installation procedure, 4-2 Namespace Installation Verification requirements, 1-5 Procedure, 4-3, 5-33 Namespace selection, 5-24 Installing See Installation O______________________________ IP address of service, 3-2 ORACLE IVP checking the configuration, See Installation Verification 5-13 Procedure checking the installation, 5-13 K______________________________ configuration Kernel parameter settings, for archive directive, 1-11 5-7 Kit for TeMIP Trouble on CD-ROM, 4-2 Ticketing access, 5-7 configuration of director L user account, 5-8 _______________________________ in ASE, 3-32 License installation, 5-8 registration, 1-30 ORACLE database use, 5-27 License management, 1-30 OSI_SYSTEM entity, 5-27 Licensing software Ownership change, 5-23 files installed, 4-6 installing the, 4-4 P______________________________ List of files installed, 5-34 Paths to installed files, 1-8 Localization Preparing to install TeMIP, requirements, 1-5 1-1 to 1-34 Logging on, 1-8 Procedure LSM, 3-2 installation, 4-2 M______________________________ R MCC_DNS_SELECTION, 5-24 _______________________________ MCC_MIR_WRAP_LOG environment Recovering from installation variable, 5-22 errors, 1-34 Menu Release Notes Remote Installation directory, 4-8 Environment, 4-19 files installed, 4-8 RIS Utility, 4-18 installing the, 4-7 RIS Utility Software Remote Installation Installation, 4-19 Environment Menu, 4-19 Index-3 Requirements Setting kernel parameters additional DECwindows (cont'd) applications, 1-2 semmni, 1-16 database, 1-4 semmsl, 1-17 disk space, 1-8 semopm, 1-17 hardware, 1-2 semume, 1-18 license registration, 1-30 shmmax, 1-14 localization, 1-5 shmmin, 1-15 media types, 1-5 shmmni, 1-15 Motif V1.1.3, 1-2 shmseg, 1-16 namespace, 1-5 vpagemax, 1-14 operating system, 1-2 Setup ORACLE, 1-4 basic configuration, 5-27 software, 1-2, 1-5 configuration file creation, subset combinations, 1-7 5-20 SYBASE, 1-4 dictionary, 5-29 system backup, 1-8 Director Host, 5-23 time, 1-7 director mode, 5-25 Resolution Director User Account, 5-23 display, 1-25 dispatch tables file, 5-29 increasing font sizes, 1-26 existing director of display, changing, 1-24 configuration, 5-22 screen, 1-26 namespace selection, 5-24 RIS of a new director, 5-20 installation, 4-18 of the system, 4-3 utility, 4-18 OSI_SYSTEM entity, 5-27 utility Menu, 4-18 overwrites files, 5-20 utility Software Installation ownership change, 5-23 Menu, 4-19 Remote Directors, 5-22 RIS server, 4-3 starting the director, 5-21 Running SQL*Net, 5-9 system parameter check, 5-31 Running Sybase SQL, 5-3 Sizing advice, 1-8 Running TeMIP, 5-3, 5-8 Software requirements, 1-2 S______________________________ subsets, 4-12 Screen Software subsets resolution, 1-26 choosing the, 4-19 Script Subset temip_login_syb, 5-4 combinations for director Server types, 1-7 SYBASE, 5-6 subsets Setting kernel parameters installing, 4-9 max-threads-per-user, 1-13 Subsets, 1-5 maxuprc, 1-13 maxusers, 1-12 Index-4 SYBASE C++, 1-3 client/server, 5-6 installing, 4-12 configuration of director Trouble Ticketing application user account, 5-2 selection, 5-27 for Alarm Object Archive, TruCluster 5-1 organization of information, installation, 5-2 3-1 System backup, 1-8 U______________________________ setup, 4-3, 5-20 Upgrades, 1-8 System directory, 4-2 User account System parameter check, 5-31 director, 1-19 User documentation T______________________________ directory, 4-16 TeMIP upgrade, 1-8 V______________________________ temip account, 1-19 Visual TeMIP, 1-3, 1-5 temip_licenses_setup installing, 4-12 installation, 4-6 IVP, 4-14, 5-33 temip_login_syb script, 5-4 setup procedure, 5-31 temip_setup command, 5-20 Test Object child entity, 5-27 X______________________________ selection, 5-27 X-Server configuration Time requirements, 1-7 TNS see Display resolution IVP, 5-33 X-Server options, 1-28 tns_clerk_setup, 5-25 X-Server planes, 1-29 tns_server_setup, 5-19 Toolkit, 1-6 Index-5