DECADMIRE_____________________________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-PVT3E-TE April 1995 This manual describes the DECADMIRE installation procedure, including installation of a PC client. Revision/Update Information: This is a revised document. Operating System and Version: OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 or higher OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.5 or higher MS-DOS Version 6.0 Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 Software Version: DECADMIRE Version 2.1A Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ April 1995 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. The postpaid Reader's Comments forms at the end of this document request your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. Licensed to Digital Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Massachusetts, Copyright © Mirus Data AB, Sweden, 1994, 1995. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: ACMS, ACMS Desktop, ALL-IN-1, AXP, CDD, CDD/Plus, CDD/Repository, DEC, DECADMIRE, DECforms, DEC FORTRAN, DEC RTR, Digital, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, Reliable Transaction Router, ULTRIX, VAX, VAX CDD, VAX COBOL, VAX DOCUMENT, VAX FORTRAN, VAX Pascal, VAX RMS, VMS, VT, and the DIGITAL logo. HyperCard and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, and Visual Basic are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. ORACLE is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. OSF/1 is a registered trademark of the Open Software Foundation, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document is available on CDROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. vii 1 Preparing to Install DECADMIRE 1.1 Required Operating System Components......... 1-1 1.2 Software Requirements........................ 1-1 1.2.1 Operating System Software Requirements... 1-1 1.2.2 PC Client Software Requirements.......... 1-3 1.3 OpenVMS License Management Facility.......... 1-4 1.4 Installation Procedure Requirements.......... 1-4 1.4.1 Time..................................... 1-5 1.4.2 Privileges............................... 1-5 1.4.3 Disk Space............................... 1-5 1.4.4 System Parameters........................ 1-7 Checking System Parameter Values....... 1-7 Calculating the Values for GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS............................ 1-8 Changing System Parameter Values ...... 1-9 1.4.5 Account Process Quotas................... 1-10 1.4.6 VMSINSTAL Requirements................... 1-11 1.4.7 Backing Up Your System Disk.............. 1-11 1.5 Setting Up the DECADMIRE Environment......... 1-12 1.6 Starting Required Software................... 1-12 2 Installing DECADMIRE 2.1 Upgrading an Earlier Version of DECADMIRE.... 2-1 2.1.1 Upgrading an Earlier Version of DECADMIRE BUILDER for Visual Basic................. 2-1 2.2 Aborting the Installation.................... 2-2 2.3 Installation Procedure....................... 2-2 2.3.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL....................... 2-3 iii 2.3.2 Installation Questions................... 2-4 2.3.3 Informational Messages................... 2-7 2.3.4 Completing the Installation Procedure.... 2-7 2.4 Setting Up the DECADMIRE PC Client........... 2-8 2.5 Recovering from System and Installation Failures..................................... 2-8 2.5.1 System Failures.......................... 2-8 2.5.2 DECADMIRE Installation Failures.......... 2-9 2.6 Accessing Online Release Notes............... 2-10 2.7 Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System....................................... 2-10 2.7.1 DECADMIRE Logical Names.................. 2-10 2.7.2 PATHWORKS Verification................... 2-11 2.7.3 Rdb Verification......................... 2-12 3 After Installing DECADMIRE 3.1 Modifying OpenVMS System Files............... 3-1 3.1.1 Editing the System Startup File.......... 3-1 3.1.2 Editing the System Login File............ 3-1 3.2 Setting System Parameters.................... 3-2 3.3 Setting Up User Accounts..................... 3-2 3.3.1 Privileges............................... 3-2 3.4 User Account Quotas.......................... 3-2 3.4.1 Creating the MIRA Account................ 3-4 3.4.2 File Ownership........................... 3-5 3.5 Authorizing DECADMIRE Users.................. 3-5 3.6 Building and Loading the DECADMIRE Dictionary................................... 3-7 3.7 Building DECADMIRE ACMS System Tasks......... 3-7 3.8 Converting Existing Datasets from Earlier Versions of DECADMIRE ....................... 3-7 3.9 Making DECADMIRE Datasets Available from BUILDER for PC............................... 3-8 3.10 Configuring the DECADMIRE PC Client Environment.................................. 3-8 3.10.1 MS-DOS Configuration..................... 3-8 3.10.2 Windows Program Manager Configuration.... 3-10 3.10.3 Configuring Fileservices................. 3-11 iv 3.10.4 File Protections......................... 3-12 PATHWORKS Version 5.0.................. 3-12 Sites with Previously Installed Kits.................................. 3-14 Pathworks Version 4.x.................. 3-15 3.10.5 Setting User File Protections............ 3-15 3.10.6 Setting Batch Queue Protections.......... 3-16 3.11 Starting DECADMIRE........................... 3-16 A Sample Installations A.1 DECADMIRE PC BUILDER Kit Sample Installation................................. A-1 A.2 DECADMIRE Main Kit Sample Installation....... A-6 B DECADMIRE Directories and Files B.1 DECADMIRE Directory Structure................ B-1 B.2 CDD Directories.............................. B-2 B.3 CDD Demonstration Application Directories.... B-2 B.4 Tool Directories............................. B-3 B.4.1 Demonstration System Assignments......... B-6 B.4.2 Demonstration System Directories......... B-7 B.5 DECADMIRE BUILDER for PC Server Environment Directory Structure.......................... B-9 B.5.1 Server Environment Directory Structure... B-9 B.5.2 Initialization File DADMV21.INI.......... B-11 C Conversion of Datasets to DECADMIRE Version 2.1A C.1 Converting DECADMIRE Version 1.2 Datasets.... C-1 C.2 Converting DECADMIRE Version 2.0 Datasets.... C-2 Index v Examples A-1 PC BUILDER Kit Sample Installation Log... A-1 A-2 Main Kit Sample Installation Log......... A-6 Tables 1-1 Minimum OpenVMS Software Requirements.... 1-2 1-2 PC Client Software Requirements.......... 1-3 1-3 Disk Space Requirements.................. 1-6 1-4 System Parameter Values Required for ACMS and CDD.................................. 1-7 1-5 Required Minimum Process Quotas.......... 1-10 3-1 Minimum System Parameter Values for DECADMIRE Application Development ....... 3-2 3-2 Minimum User Account Quotas.............. 3-3 3-3 PATHWORKS Version 5.0 Directories........ 3-13 B-1 CDD Tool Directories..................... B-2 B-2 CDD Demonstration Application Directories.............................. B-3 B-3 Tool Directories......................... B-3 B-4 Demonstration System Assignments......... B-6 B-5 Demonstration System Directories......... B-7 B-6 Directories in Root Directory MIRA$DISK:[MIRA]......................... B-9 B-7 Files in COM Directory................... B-9 B-8 Files in DEMO Directory.................. B-10 B-9 Files in PROJ_1 Directory................ B-10 B-10 Directories in TOOL Directory............ B-10 B-11 Server Sign In Information............... B-12 B-12 General Options.......................... B-12 B-13 Dataset Information...................... B-17 vi ________________________________________________________________ Preface This installation guide describes how to install the following DECADMIRE software kits: o DECADMIRE Main Kit o DECADMIRE PC BUILDER Kit o DECADMIRE DECforms Generator o DECADMIRE COBOL Generator o DECADMIRE FORTRAN Generator o DECADMIRE Pascal Generator o DECADMIRE DEC C Generator o DECADMIRE Demonstration Package o DECADMIRE ACMS Kit Intended Audience Read this manual if you are responsible for installing and maintaining DECADMIRE software. To perform the installation procedures described in this manual, you must have access to a privileged OpenVMS system manager's account and be familiar with the OpenVMS installation procedure, VMSINSTAL. To install a PC as a client, you must have access to the MS-DOS system files. vii Operating System Information For DECADMIRE Version 2.1A you must be running OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2 (or higher) or OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.5 (or higher). For information on the relationship of other software products with this version of DECADMIRE, refer to the Software Product Description (SPD). Use the SPD to verify which versions of your operating system are compatible with this version of DECADMIRE. Structure of This Manual This manual has the following chapters and appendixes: Chapter 1 Explains how to prepare your system for installing DECADMIRE. Chapter 2 Describes how to install the DECADMIRE software and sample applications. It also tells you how to recover from system and installation failures. Chapter 3 Describes postinstallation procedures that prepare your OpenVMS system for running DECADMIRE. Appendix A Contains logs of sample installations for the DECADMIRE PC BUILDER and main kits. Appendix B Contains a listing of files installed with DECADMIRE. Appendix C Contains information about converting previous DECADMIRE versions to DECADMIRE Version 2.1A. Conventions This document uses the following conventions: ________________________________________________________________ Convention___________Description________________________________ Ctrl/x Ctrl/x indicates that you hold down the Ctrl key while you press another key or mouse button (indicated here by x). viii ________________________________________________________________ Convention___________Description________________________________ F17 key (SCREENPAINTIFunction keys defined in DECADMIRE are identified with the function name in uppercase. . Vertical ellipsis points indicate the . omission of information from an example or . command format. The information is omitted because it is not important to the topic being discussed. italic type Italic type in text emphasizes important information, indicates variables, and indicates complete titles of manuals. boldface type Boldface type in examples indicates user input or highlights important information. Boldface type in text highlights new terms defined in the text and the glossary. color In examples, text in color indicates user input (for hardcopy documents). UPPERCASE Words in uppercase indicate a command, a parameter, a routine, the name of a file, the name of a file protection code, or an abbreviation for a system privilege. lowercase In format descriptions, words in lowercase indicate parameters or arguments to be _____________________specified_by_the_user._____________________ ix 1 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install DECADMIRE This chapter discusses the preparations and requirements for installing DECADMIRE software, Version 2.1A. DECADMIRE provides online release notes and gives you the option of printing or displaying the release notes during the installation procedure. Digital strongly recommends that you read the release notes before proceeding with the installation, as they may contain information that is important for the installation procedure. 1.1 Required Operating System Components To install DECADMIRE, you must have one of the following operating systems installed: o OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 or higher o OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.5 or higher 1.2 Software Requirements Before installing DECADMIRE, make sure that the correct layered products are installed for your operating system and development environment. 1.2.1 Operating System Software Requirements Table 1-1 lists the software products and minimum versions that are compatible with DECADMIRE Version 2.1A on both OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha. Preparing to Install DECADMIRE 1-1 Table_1-1_Minimum_OpenVMS_Software_Requirements___________ OpenVMS OpenVMS VAX Alpha Product_____Version_____Version_____Description___________ Rdb 6.0 6.0 Required to use DECADMIRE BUILDER PATHWORKS 4.1 4.1 Required to use for DECADMIRE BUILDER OpenVMS SQLServices 6.0 6.0 Required to use DECADMIRE BUILDER DECforms 1.4 1.4A[1] If you intend to use DECforms 2.0 2.0 If using multiline text fields with DECforms CDD/Reposito4.1 5.1 If you intend to store definitions in CDD/Repository ACMS 3.3 4.0 If you intend to use ACMS VAX COBOL 4.3 If you intend to use COBOL DEC COBOL 1.1 If you intend to use COBOL VAX Pascal 4.2 If you intend to use Pascal DEC Pascal 5.1 If you intend to use Pascal VAX FORTRAN 5.6 If you intend to use FORTRAN DEC 6.1 If you intend to use FORTRAN FORTRAN [1]Run-time_library_only._________________________________ (continued on next page) 1-2 Preparing to Install DECADMIRE Table_1-1_(Cont.)_Minimum_OpenVMS_Software_Requirements___ OpenVMS OpenVMS VAX Alpha Product_____Version_____Version_____Description___________ DEC C 4.0 1.1 If you intend to use ____________________________________DEC_C_________________ 1.2.2 PC Client Software Requirements If you intend to use Personal Computers as clients, you need to run the software listed in Table 1-2. Table_1-2_PC_Client_Software_Requirements_________________ Minimum Product_____Version_____Description_______________________ MS-DOS 6.0 Required to use DECADMIRE BUILDER for Visual Basic Microsoft 3.1 Required to use DECADMIRE BUILDER Windows for Visual Basic Visual 3.0 Required to use DECADMIRE BUILDER Basic for Visual Basic Professional Edition ODBC 1.1 Required to use DECADMIRE BUILDER ________________________for_Visual_Basic__________________ ODBC has SQLServices. After installing SQLServices, verify that the logical name SQLSRV$ODBC has been created. Note that you need ACMS Version 3.3 or higher in order to run the DECADMIRE demonstration packages in an ACMS environment. For a complete list of the products that are compatible with this version of DECADMIRE, see the Software Product Description. Preparing to Install DECADMIRE 1-3 1.3 OpenVMS License Management Facility The OpenVMS License Management Facility (LMF) is available with the OpenVMS operating system. In order to install DECADMIRE on an OpenVMS system, you must register and load your software license. The license registration information you need is contained in the Product Authorization Key (PAK) that is shipped with DECADMIRE. The PAK is a paper certificate that contains information about the license required to run a particular piece of software. You must register and load your DECADMIRE license before you perform the installation. During the installation, you are asked if you have registered the DECADMIRE license and loaded the appropriate authorization key. You cannot install the DECADMIRE software unless you do this first. To register a license, perform the following steps: 1. Log in to the system manager's account, SYSTEM. 2. Choose one of the following ways to perform the registration: o Run the SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM procedure. When it prompts you for information, respond with data from your PAK. o Issue the LICENSE REGISTER and LICENSE LOAD commands with the appropriate qualifiers that correspond to information on the PAK. For complete information on using LMF, see OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual in the OpenVMS documentation set. 1.4 Installation Procedure Requirements The following sections discuss requirements for installing DECADMIRE. 1-4 Preparing to Install DECADMIRE 1.4.1 Time Installing DECADMIRE (including CDD update) requires approximately 20 to 50 minutes, depending on the type of CPU and the distribution medium you are using. 1.4.2 Privileges To install DECADMIRE, you must be logged in to the SYSTEM account, or an account that has SETPRV or the following privileges: o CMKRNL o WORLD o SYSPRV Be aware that VMSINSTAL turns off BYPASS privilege at the start of the installation. 1.4.3 Disk Space DECADMIRE requires at least 170,000 blocks of disk space. Installing DECADMIRE requires a certain amount of free storage space during the installation. Table 1-3 summarizes the storage requirements for DECADMIRE during and after installation. Preparing to Install DECADMIRE 1-5 Table_1-3_Disk_Space_Requirements_________________________ _____OpenVMS_VAX____ ___OpenVMS_Alpha___ DECADMIRE Blocks Blocks Blocks Blocks Installation During After During After Kit______________InstallatioInstallationnstallatioInstallation Main Kit 95,000 91,000 120,000 112,000 DECADMIRE 12,000 11,000 12,000 11,000 CDD Data Definitions PC BUILDER Kit 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 DECforms Kit 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 COBOL 5,900 4,000 5,900 4,000 Generator Pascal 5,900 4,000 5,900 4,000 Generator FORTRAN 5,900 4,000 5,900 4,000 Generator DEC C 5,900 4,000 5,900 4,000 Generator DECADMIRE ACMS 500 500 500 500 Kit DECADMIRE ACMS 2,000 3,400 2,000 3,400 Tasks DECADMIRE 32,000 26,000 32,000 26,000 Demon- stration Package___________________________________________________ To determine the number of free disk blocks on the current system disk, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE . . . $ 1-6 Preparing to Install DECADMIRE Under the column titled Free Blocks find the number of available disk blocks. 1.4.4 System Parameters Table 1-4 lists the required system parameter values for DECADMIRE installation with CDD/Plus, CDD/Repository, and ACMS. Table 1-4 System Parameter Values Required for ACMS and __________CDD_____________________________________________ System Value on Value on Parameter________OpenVMS_VAX___OpenVMS_Alpha______________ GBLPAGES[1] n + 750 n + 750 GBLSECTIONS[1] n + 10 n + 10 VIRTUALPAGECNT 40,000 139,000 GBLPAGFIL 12,000 12,000 [1]The_n_shown_in_Table_1-4_represents_the_system_________ parameter values that are currently in use. To install DECADMIRE, the allocated system parameter value must be less than the sum of n plus the number indicated. The numbers indicated represent the unused portion of these parameters. __________________________________________________________ The following sections show how to check system parameter values, calculate values for the GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS system parameters, and change parameter values with the OpenVMS AUTOGEN command procedure. Checking System Parameter Values To check the values of your system parameters, enter the following command at the DCL prompt to invoke SYSGEN: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> Preparing to Install DECADMIRE 1-7 At the SYSGEN> prompt, enter the SHOW command to display the value of each system parameter. Make sure that the values displayed equal or exceed the value of each parameter listed in Table 1-4. The following command displays the value for the VIRTUAL PAGECNT system parameter: SYSGEN> SHOW VIRTUAL PAGECNT After you finish checking the parameters with the SHOW command, enter the EXIT command at the SYSGEN> prompt to return to DCL level. Calculating the Values for GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS To install and run DECADMIRE, you must set the correct values for the GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS system parameters. The values for GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS in Table 1-4 (excluding the value of n) indicate the number of unused pages or sections you must have available on your system for the installation to process successfully. To calculate whether your system has a sufficient number of unused global pages and global sections, perform the following steps: 1. Send output to the terminal from the F$GETSYI lexical function using the following DCL commands: $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI ("FREE_GBLPAGES") 520 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI ("FREE_GBLSECTS") 50 2. Determine if the number of unused pages (520 in the example) is equal to or greater than the number specified in Table 1-4. If the number of unused pages is less than the number listed in the table, you need to increase the allocation value for GBLPAGES. (In this example, it is necessary to increase the number of GBLPAGES allocated, because the 750 indicated in Table 1-4 exceeds the number available.) 1-8 Preparing to Install DECADMIRE 3. Determine if the number of unused global sections (50 in the example) is equal to or greater than the number specified in Table 1-4. If the value is less than the number required in Table 1-4, you need to increase the allocation value of the GBLSECTIONS parameter. (In this example, it is not necessary to increase the number of GBLSECTIONS allocated, because the number of unused global sections, 50, exceeds the 10 indicated in Table 1-4.) Section describes the procedures for increasing these values as well as those of other system parameters. Refer to the OpenVMS documentation on system management and operations for more information. Changing System Parameter Values Use the AUTOGEN command procedure to change system parameters. AUTOGEN automatically adjusts values for parameters that are associated with the ones you reset manually. To change system parameters with AUTOGEN, perform the following steps: 1. Edit the following file: SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT 2. Add a line to the file with the parameter and the new value. For example, to change the setting for the VIRTUAL PAGECNT system parameter, add this line to the file: VIRTUAL PAGECNT = 40000 3. Run the AUTOGEN procedure to recalculate your system parameters. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT . . . $ Preparing to Install DECADMIRE 1-9 AUTOGEN performs an automatic system shutdown and reboots when it has finished. Rebooting your system makes the new parameter values active. For more information about using AUTOGEN, see the instructions on modifying system parameters in the OpenVMS documentation on system management and operations. 1.4.5 Account Process Quotas The account you use to install DECADMIRE must have suffi- cient quotas to enable you to perform the installation. Table 1-5 summarizes the process quotas required to perform the installation. Table_1-5_Required_Minimum_Process_Quotas_________________ Value on Value on Qualifier________OpenVMS_VAX___OpenVMS_Alpha______________ BYTLM 32,768 64,000 ENQLM 2,000 2,000 FILLM 150 150 PGFLQUO__________30,000________50,000_____________________ User account quotas are stored in the file SYSUAF.DAT. Use the OpenVMS Authorize Utility (AUTHORIZE) to verify and change the account quotas: 1. Set your directory to SYS$SYSTEM and then run AUTHORIZE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> 2. At the AUTHORIZE prompt (UAF>), enter the SHOW command with an account name to check a particular account. For example: UAF> SHOW SYSTEM . . . UAF> 1-10 Preparing to Install DECADMIRE 3. To change a quota, enter a command with the following format at the UAF> prompt: MODIFY account-name/quota-name=nnnn For example, to change the FILLM quota for the SYSTEM account and exit from the Authorize Utility, do this: UAF> MODIFY SYSTEM/FILLM=150 UAF> EXIT $ After you exit from the utility, the OpenVMS system displays messages indicating whether changes were made. If the changes are made, you must log out and log in again for the new quotas to take effect. 1.4.6 VMSINSTAL Requirements When you invoke VMSINSTAL, it checks that the following requirements have been met: o You are logged in to a privileged account. o You have adequate quotas for installation. o DECnet is up and running. o No users are logged in to the system. If VMSINSTAL detects any problems during the installation, it notifies you of the problem and asks if you want to continue the installation. In some instances, you can answer YES to continue. To stop the installation process and correct the situation, answer NO or press Return. 1.4.7 Backing Up Your System Disk At the beginning of the installation, VMSINSTAL asks if you have backed up your system disk. Digital recommends that you do a system disk backup before installing any software. Use the backup procedures that have been established at your site to do this backup. For details on performing a system disk backup, see the section on the Backup Utility in the OpenVMS documentation set. Preparing to Install DECADMIRE 1-11 1.5 Setting Up the DECADMIRE Environment To set up the home directory and logical names for your DECADMIRE environment, perform the following steps: 1. If a lesser version of DECADMIRE is already installed on the system, create a directory for the new version. In an account with system privileges, create the following directory: diskxxx:[MIRA_DEMO.V21] The device diskxxx is the name of the disk on which DECADMIRE will reside. 2. Enter a command in the following format to create the logical name MIRA$DEMO_V21 in the system table: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM MIRA$DEMO_V21 diskxxx:[MIRA_DEMO.V21.]/TRANS=CONCEALED 3. Enter the following command to create the logical name MIRA$DISK in the process table: $ DEFINE MIRA$DISK MIRA$DEMO_V21 1.6 Starting Required Software Before installing DECADMIRE, start up Rdb, SQLServices, and PATHWORKS software. For Rdb and SQLServices, enter the following commands: $ @SYS$STARTUP:RMONSTART60.COM . . . $ @SYS$STARTUP:SQLSRV$STARTUP.COM . . . $ For PATHWORKS 4.1-4.2, enter the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:PCFS_STARTUP.COM For PATHWORKS 5.0, enter the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:PWRK$STARTUP.COM 1-12 Preparing to Install DECADMIRE Preparing to Install DECADMIRE 1-13 2 ________________________________________________________________ Installing DECADMIRE This chapter describes how to install DECADMIRE software. Section 2.3 contains a step-by-step description of the installation procedure. 2.1 Upgrading an Earlier Version of DECADMIRE DECADMIRE Version 2.1A supports modules developed with DECADMIRE Versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 2.0. The installation deletes some or all of the directories specific to earlier versions in the MIRA$DISK:[MIRA] directory structure (see Section 2.3). Before installing Version 2.1A, make sure to save any files from the MIRA$DISK:[MIRA] directory structure that you wish to keep: o Files not related to DECADMIRE o PROJ_1 dataset files o MIRA$SYS_DEF.COM, MIRA_DEF.COM, and PROJ_1_DEF.COM, especially if you have modified these files After installing DECADMIRE Version 2.1A, restore the saved datasets and command procedures to the appropriate directories. 2.1.1 Upgrading an Earlier Version of DECADMIRE BUILDER for Visual Basic When you upgrade a DECADMIRE BUILDER for Visual Basic (formerly C/S) installation, make sure that: o Demo databases are not in use o Fileservices connected to the MIRA tree are not already in use Installing DECADMIRE 2-1 If the demo databases are in use, you might need to shut down SQL services: 1. Log in to the system with an account that has the neccesary privileges. USER NAME: MIRA PASSWORD: 2. Enter the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:sql$ 2.2 Aborting the Installation To abort the installation procedure at any time, press Ctrl/Y. When you press Ctrl/Y, the installation deletes all files it has created and exits. You can start the installation again. 2.3 Installation Procedure The DECADMIRE installation procedure consists of a series of questions and informational messages. The following sections explain how to invoke the VMSINSTAL procedure and answer the installation questions. These sections also explain the informational messages displayed by the procedure. ________________________Note ________________________ This chapter shows output from an installation on an OpenVMS VAX system. For an OpenVMS Alpha installation, the messages displayed vary slightly (for example, the number of blocks required), but installations on the two operating systems are otherwise equivalent. _____________________________________________________ 2-2 Installing DECADMIRE 2.3.1 Invoking VMSINSTAL To start the installation, log in to the SYSTEM account or a privileged account, and set the default directory to SYS$UPDATE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$UPDATE Next, invoke VMSINSTAL using the following syntax: @VMSINSTAL product-name device-name OPTIONS N where product-name is the installation name for the component. For DECADMIRE Version 2.1A, the product name depends on the platform: o DECADMIRE_A021 for OpenVMS Alpha o DECADMIRE_V021 for OpenVMS VAX device-name is the name of the device on which you plan to mount the media. For example, MTA0: is the device name for a tape drive. OPTIONS N is an optional parameter indicating that you want to be prompted to display or print the release notes. If you do not include the OPTIONS N parameter, VMSINSTAL does not prompt you to display or print the release notes. The following command invokes VMSINSTAL to install DECADMIRE from the tape drive MTA0:. This example uses the OPTIONS N parameter for printing or displaying release notes: $ @VMSINSTAL DECADMIRE_V021 MTA0: OPTIONS N VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.5 It is 10-APR-1995 at 12:12. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. If you do not supply the product name or the device name, VMSINSTAL prompts you for this information later in the installation procedure. Installing DECADMIRE 2-3 2.3.2 Installation Questions This section discusses the questions that appear during the installation. See Appendix A for logs of sample installations. Each question in the installation is marked with an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line. Some questions show the default response in brackets, for example [YES]. To choose the default response, press Return. 1. System backup VMSINSTAL asks whether you are satisfied with your system backup. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Always back up your system disk before installation. If you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, press Return. Otherwise, answer NO to discontinue the installation. After you back up your system disk, you can restart the installation. 2. Mounting the media Mount the first distribution volume on the device you specified when you invoked VMSINSTAL. The device name appears in the line preceding the question. VMSINSTAL asks you if you are ready to continue with the installation. Respond YES to indicate that you are ready. VMSINSTAL displays a message that the media containing DECADMIRE has been mounted on the specified device and that the installation has begun. For example: 2-4 Installing DECADMIRE Please mount the first volume of the set on MTA0: * Are you ready? YES %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, DECADMIRE mounted on _$MTA0: The following products will be processed: DECADMIRE_V V2.1A Beginning installation of DECADMIRE_V V2.1A at 12:14 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A... If you entered the wrong device name when you invoked VMSINSTAL and need to restart the installation, answer NO in response to the question, "Are you ready?" To abort the installation for other reasons, press Ctrl/Y. 3. License registration If you have not registered and loaded the DECADMIRE Product Authorization Keys (PAKs), answer NO. DECADMIRE PAKs must be registered and loaded before installation. Have you registered and loaded the DECADMIRE PAK's [YES]? 4. Choosing to purge files You can purge files from previous versions of DECADMIRE that this installation supersedes. Purging is recommended; however, if you need to keep files from the previous version, answer NO in response to the following question: * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? 5. Installing the main kit If you have a demonstration or loan DECADMIRE installation you may now upgrade it to production. Any DECADMIRE demonstration or loan licenses must be unloaded and a DECADMIRE production license must be loaded when starting VMSINSTAL. * Do you wish to upgrade from demo/loan to prod [NO]? Installing DECADMIRE 2-5 If you are installing the full development kit, the procedure asks whether you want to install the main kit. The main kit contains all DECADMIRE software except the COBOL, Pascal, DEC C, and FORTRAN generator and the demonstration package. * Do you wish to install the main kit (95000 blocks)[YES]?) %DECADMIRE-I-DELETE, Install of main kit will delete %DECADMIRE-I-DELETE, MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.PROJ_1] directory * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? YES 6. Installing optional software * Do you wish to install the pc-builder/generator (14000 blocks) [YES]? If you do not wish to install the PC Builder Kit, answer NO. * Do you wish to install the DECFORMS Kit (25000 blocks) [YES]? If you do not want to install the DECFORMS Kit, answer NO. * Do you wish to install Cobol generator (5900 blocks) [YES]? You must answer NO to this question if you are installing the PC BUILDER kit. If you do not want to install the COBOL generator, answer NO. * Do you wish to install Fortran generator (5900 blocks) [YES]? If you do not want to install the FORTRAN generator, answer NO. * Do you wish to install the Pascal generator (5900 blocks) [YES]?) If you do not want to install the Pascal generator, answer NO. * Do you wish to install the DEC C generator (5900 blocks) [YES]? If you do not want to install the DEC C generator, answer NO. * Do you wish to install ACMS generator [YES]? 2-6 Installing DECADMIRE You must answer NO to this question if you are installing the PC BUILDER kit. If you do not want to install ACMS generator, answer NO. * Do you wish to install the demonstration package (32000 blocks) [YES] ? If you do not want to install the demonstration package containing four different sample applications, answer NO. 7. Giving the name of DECADMIRE root directory Installing DECADMIRE creates a directory structure from one root directory MIRA$DISK:[MIRA]. Enter [MIRA$DISK] or the name of the device where you want it created. * Enter the DECADMIRE root directory device [MIRA$DISK]: MIRA$DEMO_V21 2.3.3 Informational Messages The installation procedure displays a number of infor- mational messages that report on the progress of the installation (see Appendix A). There are no further questions. If a test or operation fails, you receive a message describing the failure. In most cases, you must reinstall DECADMIRE after correcting the problem described. If the installation is successful, VMSINSTAL moves the new or modified files to their target directories, updates help files, and purges appropriate files. 2.3.4 Completing the Installation Procedure The following messages indicate that the installation is complete: Installation of DECADMIRE V2.1A completed at 12:38 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 12:38 Log out of the privileged account as follows: $ LOGOUT SYSTEM logged out at 10-APR-1995 12:40:23.10 Installing DECADMIRE 2-7 Note that VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation. Therefore, continue to use the system manager's account. To restore these symbols, log out and log in again. 2.4 Setting Up the DECADMIRE PC Client Setting up the DECADMIRE PC client kit involves two parts: one for the GENERATOR and one for the PC. Follow the steps on the disk labelled Disk 1: 1. Insert the disk number 1 into drive A. 2. From the Program Manager, select the File menu and choose Run. 3. Type a:\setup.exe and press Enter. Click on OK to start the program. The procedure instructs you when to remove the current disk and insert the next one. When the installation is complete, remove the final disk and store all the disks in a safe place. 2.5 Recovering from System and Installation Failures An unsuccessful installation can result from a system failure or from errors encountered during the installation procedure. In some cases, you must correct the problem and reinstall DECADMIRE. In other cases, you may be required merely to continue where you left off. The following sections describe various failure scenarios and the recommended procedure to follow to recover from them. 2.5.1 System Failures If you experience a system failure, such as a power loss during installation, VMSINSTAL automatically attempts to continue the installation when you reboot the system. Depending on the point in the installation at which the system failed, one of three conditions exists: o The system disk did not undergo any changes before the system failure. VMSINSTAL instructs you to restart the installation. o The system disk used by the installation was corrupted. VMSINSTAL instructs you to restore the system disk from the backup copy and restart the installation. 2-8 Installing DECADMIRE o VMSINSTAL continues the installation. VMSINSTAL then might tell you to manually purge replaced files, even if you requested that they be purged automatically. You can purge files, but remember that purging deletes all but the latest version of all files on your system disk. If you have multiple versions of system files that you want to save, you can delete just the DECADMIRE files you want to remove from system directories. If you want to purge files, reboot the system, log in to the system account, and purge all system files using the following command: $ PURGE/LOG SYS$SYSROOT:[*...]*.* When you have performed this task, the installation is complete. 2.5.2 DECADMIRE Installation Failures If the installation of the DECADMIRE software or DECADMIRE sample applications fails for some reason other than a system failure, the installation procedure displays a message telling you the cause of the failure. To continue with the installation, you must correct the condition causing the error and restart the installation procedure from the beginning. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o Operating system version is incorrect. o Prerequisite software version is incorrect. o Quotas necessary for successful installation are insufficient. o System parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the OpenVMS documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and OpenVMS software installations. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, take the appropriate action as described in the message. (For example, you might need to change Installing DECADMIRE 2-9 a system parameter or increase a quota value.) For information on installation requirements, see Section 1.4. In most cases, the suggested course of action is to reinstall DECADMIRE. The failure could be due to low settings for the SYSGEN parameters GBLPAGES, GBLSECTIONS, GBLPAGFIL, or to an insufficient number of process slots. Check the Software Event Log for a message that indicates the source of the problem. 2.6 Accessing Online Release Notes DECADMIRE provides online release notes. Review the release notes for any information about changes in the installation procedure. After you install DECADMIRE, the release notes are located in the following file: SYS$HELP:DECADMIRE021.RELEASE_NOTES 2.7 Files and Logical Names Installed on Your System The DECADMIRE installation procedure adds a number of files to your system. See Appendix B for specific information about these files. 2.7.1 DECADMIRE Logical Names The files MIRA$SYS_DEF.COM, MIRA_DEF.COM, and MIRA$LOGIN.COM are placed in MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.COM]. MIRA$SYS_DEF.COM creates the following logical name tables: o MIRA_V21_LOGICALS (system logical names) o AD_DEMO_V21_TAB (Admirerz Demo logical names) o ORD_DEMO_V21_TAB (Order Demo logical names) o UNI_DEMO_V21_TAB (University Demo logical names) o TF_DEMO_V21_TAB (Track and Field Demo logical names) o PROJ_1_V21_TAB (Project 1 logical names) 2-10 Installing DECADMIRE You can verify that the logical name tables have been set up using the following command: $ SHOW LOGICAL/TABLES MIRA$SYS_DEF.COM also creates the logical definitions for each dataset's directories, object libraries, and CDD dictionary directories. MIRA_DEF.COM creates symbols that execute code compilation procedures, and logical names necessary for application development using DECADMIRE. MIRA$LOGIN.COM defines the symbols needed to invoke DECADMIRE. Each of the following files allows users to access the appropriate dataset logical names and symbols: o MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.COM]AD_DEMO_DEF.COM o MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.COM]ORD_DEMO_DEF.COM o MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.COM]UNI_DEMO_DEF.COM o MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.COM]TF_DEMO_DEF.COM o MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.COM]PROJ_1_DEF.COM 2.7.2 PATHWORKS Verification If you are running PATHWORKS Version 4.1 or 4.2, the file services are automatically registered. For Versions 5.0 or higher, you must set up the file services. Enter the following command to verify that the fileservices are registered: $ ADMIN/PCSA SHOW FILE SERV/REGISTERED Look for these files: o MIRA_V21 o AD_DEMO_V21 o ORD_DEMO_V21 o UNI_DEMO_V21 o TF_DEMO_V21 o PROJ_1_V21 Installing DECADMIRE 2-11 2.7.3 Rdb Verification If you have an Rdb multiversion system, verify that the process is running Rdb, Version 6.0 by entering the following command: $ @SYS$LIBRARY:DECRDB$SHOVER If the Rdb version is not 6.0, change the version by entering this command: $ @SYS$LIBRARY:DECRDB$SETVER 6.0 2-12 Installing DECADMIRE 3 ________________________________________________________________ After Installing DECADMIRE This chapter describes required and optional tasks to perform after successfully installing your DECADMIRE software. 3.1 Modifying OpenVMS System Files The following sections describe the modifications you must make to the OpenVMS system files. 3.1.1 Editing the System Startup File To provide all users access to DECADMIRE symbols and logical names, perform the following steps: 1. Edit the system startup file: o SYSTARTUP_V5.COM for OpenVMS Version 5.n o SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM for OpenVMS Version 6.0 or higher and OpenVMS Alpha 2. Add the following command: $ @SYS$STARTUP:MIRA$STRTUP_V21 3.1.2 Editing the System Login File Edit the system login file (SYLOGIN) and enter the following command: $ IF(F$MODE().EQS."INTERACTIVE") then @MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.COM]MIRA$LOGIN You may choose to add the command to each DECADMIRE user's LOGIN.COM. You must execute MIRA$LOGIN.COM to establish DECADMIRE symbols and logical names for your current process. After Installing DECADMIRE 3-1 3.2 Setting System Parameters Table 3-1 shows the minimum values to which certain system parameters must be set when users develop DECADMIRE applications on your system. Table 3-1 Minimum System Parameter Values for DECADMIRE __________Application_Development_________________________ System Parameter_____Minimum_Value_______________________________ PQL_MBYTLM 16,384 MAXBUF_________4,096______________________________________ 3.3 Setting Up User Accounts To use DECADMIRE, user accounts on your system must have certain privileges and quotas. The following sections contain information on these requirements. 3.3.1 Privileges To use DECADMIRE, each account must have at least TMPMBX and NETMBX privileges. Use the OpenVMS Authorize Utility to determine whether users have the privileges they require. 3.4 User Account Quotas You must make sure that the appropriate user accounts have sufficient quotas to be able to use DECADMIRE. Table 3-2 summarizes the required user account quotas. 3-2 After Installing DECADMIRE Table_3-2_Minimum_User_Account_Quotas_____________________ Minimum Value on Minimum Value on Qualifier_____OpenVMS_VAX______OpenVMS_Alpha______________ BYTLM 32,768 64,000 ENQLM 2,000 2,000 FILLM 150 150 JTQUOTA 2,048 4,096 PRCLM 10 10 PGFLQUO 30,000 50,000 WSDEF 2,048 2,048 WSEXTENT 8,092 16,184 WSQUO__________4,096____________4,096_____________________ Because DECADMIRE interacts with other products in your environment, like DECforms, CDD/Repository, Rdb, DEC C, VAX COBOL, VAX Pascal, VAX FORTRAN and ACMS, you must consult the installation guides for these products in order to set the proper quotas. User account quotas are stored in the file SYSUAF.DAT. Use the Authorize Utility to verify and change user account quotas. Set your directory to SYS$SYSTEM, then run AUTHORIZE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> At the AUTHORIZE prompt (UAF>), enter the SHOW command with an account name to check a particular account. For example: UAF> SHOW SMITH To change a quota, enter the MODIFY command at the UAF> prompt. The MODIFY command has the following format: MODIFY account-name/quota-name=nnnn After Installing DECADMIRE 3-3 The following example changes the FILLM quota for the SMITH account and then exits from the utility: UAF> MODIFY SMITH/FILLM=150 UAF> EXIT After you exit from the utility, the OpenVMS system displays messages indicating whether or not changes were made. Once you have finished making the changes, the users must log out and log in again for the new quotas to take effect. For more information on modifying account quotas, see the description of the Authorize Utility in the OpenVMS documentation on system management and operations. 3.4.1 Creating the MIRA Account DECADMIRE requires a privileged MIRA account from which to add users to DECADMIRE. Add a user with the OpenVMS user name MIRA, using the account quotas according to Table 3-2. At the AUTHORIZE prompt (UAF>), enter the SHOW/BRIEF command to check accounts. For example: UAF> SHOW [*,*]/BRIEF Select an unassigned UIC for the MIRA user account, and add it to your system. To add an account, enter the ADD command at the UAF> prompt. ADD has the following format: ADD account-name/quota-name=nnnn The following example adds the MIRA account on an OpenVMS VAX system and exits from the Authorize Utility: 3-4 After Installing DECADMIRE UAF> ADD MIRA/PASSWORD=PLEASECHANGE/UIC=[300,410] - _UAF> /BYTLM=16384 - _UAF> /DEFPRIV=(CMKRNL,NETMBX,SETPRV,TMPMBX) - _UAF> /DEV=USERDISK - _UAF> /DIR=[MIRA] - _UAF> /ENQLM=2000 - _UAF> /FILLM=150 - _UAF> /JTQUOTA=2048 - _UAF> /OWNER=MIRA - _UAF> /PGFLQUO=30000 - _UAF> /PRCLM=10 - _UAF> /PRIV=(SETPRV,TMPMBX,NETMBX) _UAF> /WSDEF=2048 - _UAF> /WSQUO=4096 - _UAF> /WSEXTENT=8092 - UAF> exit The values you enter for an account on an OpenVMS Alpha system are different. See Table 3-2. CMKRNL as a default privilege is required for the account under which the PC user runs through ODBC to access DADM_SHARE.EXE in SYS$SHARE for code generation. After you exit from the utility, the OpenVMS system displays messages indicating whether or not changes were made. 3.4.2 File Ownership User MIRA must be the owner of all directories and files belonging to the root directory [MIRA]. To set ownership, enter the following command: $ SET FILE/OWNER=[UIC of user MIRA] MIRA$DISK:[MIRA...]*.* 3.5 Authorizing DECADMIRE Users Log in to the system with user MIRA. If you have followed the steps in Section 3.1, you can now use the following symbols: o MIRA (to enter DECADMIRE) o ADMIRERZ (to enter the demo ADMIRERZ, a car rental system) After Installing DECADMIRE 3-5 o ORDER (to enter the demo ORDER, a small order entry application) o PROJ_1 (to enter an empty data set) To add users to the DECADMIRE authorization system: 1. Invoke the DECADMIRE Demonstration System: $ MIRA 2. Press Return to display the Main Menu. 3. Press PF2 to select a dataset to which you will add users. 4. Press Ctrl/P to invoke the Support Function pop-up menu. 5. Press the Down Arrow to move the cursor to the Users menu option, then press Return to select it. 6. Enter the OpenVMS user name in the CODE field and press Return. At the NEW RECORD (Y/N) prompt, enter Y and press Return. 7. To copy settings from another user, enter the user name at the COPY DEF VALUES FROM RECORD prompt; otherwise, press Return. 8. Type the user's full name in the NAME field and press Return. 9. Leave the Category item blank; press Return. 10.Enter the default batch queue name (default SYS$BATCH) to be accessed by this user and press Return. 11.Enter the default print queue name (default SYS$PRINT) to be accessed by this user and press Return. 12.Enter the print output type for the user and press Return. Valid types are LNO3 for line, or PS for PostScript. 13.Enter the timeout value in seconds for the user and press Return. You can enter from 0 to 9999, with 0 representing no timeout. 14.If you are satisfied with your answers, enter Y at the STORE (Y/N) prompt and press Return. 3-6 After Installing DECADMIRE Repeat steps 4 through 12 to add additional users. Press F8 to return to the DECADMIRE Main Menu; press F8 again to return to the DCL prompt. 3.6 Building and Loading the DECADMIRE Dictionary To use CDD with DECADMIRE, build and load the DECADMIRE dictionary. Log in to the system as user MIRA. Execute one of the following commands: o To use CDD/Plus: $ @MDS:MIRA_CDD.COM o To use CDD/Repository: $ @MDS:MIRA_REPOS.COM The command procedure builds and/or loads the DECADMIRE Version 2.1A dictionary in MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.CDDPLUS]. Remember to specify the owner UIC of the dictionary. 3.7 Building DECADMIRE ACMS System Tasks To run DECADMIRE applications in ACMS, load the DECADMIRE ACMS system tasks into CDD. Log in to the system as user MIRA and execute the command procedure MLA:MIRA_ACMS_BUILD.COM. 3.8 Converting Existing Datasets from Earlier Versions of DECADMIRE If you are upgrading DECADMIRE and have existing DECADMIRE applications that you want to use in Version 2.1A, you must convert the datasets that were created with earlier versions of DECADMIRE. For each dataset, execute the following command: $ CONV21 dataset_name where dataset_name is the logical name of the dataset. You can also enter the physical name of the directory where the dataset's DECADMIRE design database is located. After Installing DECADMIRE 3-7 The conversion process reformats data in the format required for DECADMIRE Version 2.1A BUILDER design files. It also converts any RMS files from previous DECADMIRE versions to Rdb design database files. Note that the conversion process does not convert production database files generated by DECADMIRE. 3.9 Making DECADMIRE Datasets Available from BUILDER for PC For each dataset, execute the following command: $ CONV21_CS dataset_name where dataset_name is the logical name of the dataset. You can also enter the physical name of the directory where the dataset's DECADMIRE design database is located. ________________________NOTE ________________________ To make existing design databases (used in earlier DECADMIRE versions) available from BUILDER for PC, see Appendix C. _____________________________________________________ 3.10 Configuring the DECADMIRE PC Client Environment To run DECADMIRE with your PC as a client, modify your PC environment by completing the steps described in this section. 3.10.1 MS-DOS Configuration Perform the following steps from the MS-DOS interface: 1. Enter the following command to connect your PC to the fileservice, MIRA_V21: C:\> USE M:\\servernodename\MIRA_V21 where servernodename is the name of the DECADMIRE server node. 2. Copy these files from MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.TOOL.TO_PC] on the server to your C:\WINDOWS on your PC: o DECADMIR.GRP - DECADMIRE program group definitions 3-8 After Installing DECADMIRE o SERVCONN.BAT - template file for setting up the DECADMIRE server references (using PATHWORKS) o DADMV21.INI - template DECADMIRE initialization file 3. Add the DECADMIRE program group to the Program Manager by editing the file C:\WINDOWS\PROGMAN.INI. 4. Edit SERVCONN.BAT to contain the relevant server references needed from your PC. Execute the edited SERVCONN.BAT on your PC. 5. Using SERVCONN.BAT, as an example, edit C:\DECNET\STARTNET.BAT or C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT to connect to the demo system(s) to be used. 6. After the network startup lines in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, add the following line : PATH %PATH%;M:\EXE where M:\EXE is the reference to the directory in which the DECADMIRE BUILDER executables are located (according to DADMexeDirectory in DADMV21.INI). 7. Make the following changes to the C:\WINDOWS\WIN.INI file: o Search for [DEC ODBC Driver] and set NetworkBufferSize to 5000. o Add the following line to the [DEC ODBC Driver] section: ProcOutParms=YES 8. Edit DADMV21.INI to add the datasets you intend to use. Note that the defined server references must match the ones set up when you executed SERVCONN.BAT. 9. If you create a new dataset on the server, the dataset name must be defined in the DADMV21.INI file. Include the following lines in the file: After Installing DECADMIRE 3-9 [PROJ_1...] PROJ_1DataSourceName=PROJ_1 PROJ_1Environment=MIRA$DISK PROJ_1ProjectTemplate=M:\VBDIR PROJ_1ProjectDirectory=R:\PROJ PROJ_1ModulesDirectory=R:\VBSRC PROJ_1ProjectExeDirectory=R:\VBEXE PROJ_1PROJ1=CFBPROJ PROJ_1PROJ2= PROJ_1PROJ3= PROJ_1PROJ4= PROJ_1PROJ5= [...PROJ_1] [...Datasets] [End] 10.Exit Windows on your PC and restart to make the new dataset available. 3.10.2 Windows Program Manager Configuration Perform the following steps from the Windows Program Manager: 1. Enter MS Windows by typing WIN at the C:\ prompt. 2. In the Program Manager window, double click the DEC ODBC Driver icon and double click the Microsoft ODBC Administrator icon. 3. Under Installed Drivers, select DEC ODBC Driver. Click Add New Name and set the following fields: o Data Source Name AD_DEMO for demo system Admirerz ORD_DEMO for demo system Order UNI_DEMO for demo system University TF_DEMO for demo system Track & Field o Server Node name of your server o Class GENERIC, if generic corresponds to SQLServices Version 6.0 (the default), otherwise set to V60 V60 for multiversion Rdb 3-10 After Installing DECADMIRE o User ID Not used o Schema Use the full path to the design database on the server, for example: ATTACH filename $3DKA0:[MIRA_DEMO.V21.MIRA.DEMO.ORDER.DAT_DEM]MDD_DESIGN_BASE.RDB 4. Click OK, then EXIT. 3.10.3 Configuring Fileservices Configure the NCP database on your PC to recognize the server node: 1. On your server, find your network address using the following command: $ MCR NCP SHOW NODE node-name In the following example, the address is 8.828: $ MCR NCP SHOW NODE BRAHMA Executor node = 8.828 (BRAHMA) State = on Identification = DECnet for OpenVMS AXP V6.1 2. At the DOS prompt on your PC: Change directory to your network directory: o \DECNET for Pathworks Version 4.x o \PW for Pathworks Version 5.x 3. Invoke NCP 4. At the NCP prompt, define the server node using the following syntax: DEF NODE address NAME node-name MS > CD C:\DECNET > NCP NCP>DEF NODE 8.828 NAME BRAHMA MS NCP>EXIT > After Installing DECADMIRE 3-11 If the fileservices created by MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.COM]MIRA$SYS_ DEF.COM already exist, they are not replaced by simply executing MIRA$SYS_DEF.COM. If MIRA fileservices have to be recreated for any reason (that is, the MIRA demo system moved to another disk), remove the fileservices and rerun MIRA$DEMO_ V21:[MIRA.COM]MIRA$SYS_DEF.COM. To remove a fileservice and keep the files, enter the following command: $ ADMIN/PCSA REMOVE SERVICE servicename/KEEP 3.10.4 File Protections Configure the PATHWORKS fileservices setup from the client PC to the server. The procedures differ depending on the version of PATHWORKS, as described in Sections and PATHWORKS Version 5.0 Add the fileservices within the PATHWORKS admin facility. Perform these steps: 1. Invoke admin at the DCL prompt on the server. 2. From the menu, select Accounts and Users. 3. Select AddUser and enter MIRA for the name. 4. Click on pass:, enter the valid password, and click on OK. 5. Select the view menu and the Shared resources submenu. 6. Click on AddShare, select Disk Directory, and click on OK. a. Enter Sharename, for example mira_v21. b. Move the pointer to path: and click. c. Enter the path for the fileservice and click on OK. For example, for mira_v21, enter the following for a path: MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL] 3-12 After Installing DECADMIRE 7. Set up the RMS permissions as follows: a. Point to and click on world:. b. Enter the following: For Default File Prot, enter WRE. For Default Dir Prot., enter World: WRE. c. Click on OK. 8. In the File Permissions menu, click on Perm. a. From the window on the right, click on GUESTS*. b. Click on permit. This moves it to the left-hand window. c. In the left-hand window, click on GUESTS*. d. Move the pointer to Users with permissions above the left-hand window to the highlighted group of permissions. e. To add each permission to the USERS* group, one at a time click on all permissions, that is, RWCXDAP. f. Click on PrmtTree, click on YES in the Confirmation Box, click on NO in the Permit directories Only? Confirmation Box, click on OK, and click on OK. 9. Repeat step 8, selecting MIRA from the window on the right. 10.Repeat steps 6 through 9 for the remaining fileser- vices with a directory definition for each of the fileservices in Table 3-3. Table_3-3_PATHWORKS_Version_5.0_Directories_______________ Fileservice_Name______Directory___________________________ AD_V21 MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.DEMO.ADMIRERZ] ORD_V21 MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.DEMO.ORDER] P1_V21 MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.PROJ_1] TF_V21 MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.DEMO.TF] UNI_V21_______________MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.DEMO.UNIV]______ After Installing DECADMIRE 3-13 11.Select each of the fileservices that are required by the DECADMIRE BUILDER on the PC. a. Select zoom and select RMS. b. For each fileservice, set World: WRE for default file protection and default directory protection. This is an additional level of protection required for the PC clients to access files created by the DECADMIRE GENERATOR. Sites with Previously Installed Kits For those sites using PATHWORKS Version 5.0 with a previously installed kit on the server, perform the following steps: 1. Any source files generated from a previous kit, such as .MAK files in the .VBEXE directory within the current dataset or .FRM and .BAS files in the .VBSRC directory within the current dataset, require W:RWED protection on all files. 2. Modify the fileservices within the PATHWORKS ADMIN facility: a. Invoke ADMIN at the DCL prompt on the server. b. Select the VIEW menu, then SHARED RESOURCES. c. Select each fileservice required by DECADMIRE BUILDER for the PC. d. Select ZOOM, then RMS. Each fileservice requires W:WRE set for default file protection and default directory protection. This additional level of protection is required for PC clients to access files created by the DECADMIRE GENERATOR. 3-14 After Installing DECADMIRE Pathworks Version 4.x Use the pathworks ADMIN/PCSA facility to add the fileservices. For example: $ ADMIN/PCSA ADD SERV/DIR MIRA_V21 /RMS=W:RWED/ROOT=MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.TOOL] - _$ /TYPE=COMMON $ ADMIN/PCSA GRANT/GROUP/ACC=(READ,WRITE,CREATE) PUBLIC MIRA_V21 $ ADMIN/PCSA ADD SERV/DIR ORD_V21 /RMS=W:RWED/ROOT=MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.DEMO.ORDER] - _$ /TYPE=COMMON $ ADMIN/PCSA GRANT/GROUP/ACC=(READ,WRITE,CREATE) PUBLIC ORD_V21 $ ADMIN/PCSA ADD SERV/DIR TF_V21 /RMS=W:RWED/ROOT=MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.DEMO.TF] - _$ /TYPE=COMMON $ ADMIN/PCSA GRANT/GROUP/ACC=(READ,WRITE,CREATE) PUBLIC TF_V21 $ ADMIN/PCSA ADD SERV/DIR UNI_V21 /RMS=W:RWED/ROOT=MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.DEMO.UNIV] - _$ /TYPE=COMMON $ ADMIN/PCSA GRANT/GROUP/ACC=(READ,WRITE,CREATE) PUBLIC UNI_V21 $ ADMIN/PCSA ADD SERV/DIR AD_V21 /RMS=W:RWED/ROOT=MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.DEMO.ADMIRERZ] - _$ /TYPE=COMMON $ ADMIN/PCSA GRANT/GROUP/ACC=(READ,WRITE,CREATE) PUBLIC AD_V21 $ ADMIN/PCSA ADD SERV/DIR PR1_V21 /RMS=W:RWED/ROOT=MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.PROJ_1] - _$ /TYPE=COMMON $ ADMIN/PCSA GRANT/GROUP/ACC=(READ,WRITE,CREATE) PUBLIC PR1_V21 3.10.5 Setting User File Protections Each PC user that will generate Visual Basic code must set default protections to access the files generated on the server. Edit the LOGIN.COM file for each user and add the following command lines, substituting the appropriate values for your system: $ SET PROCESS/PRIVILEGE=ALL $ DEFINE MIRA$DISK brahma01$dka100: $ SET PROTECTION=S:RWED,O:RWED,G:RWED,W:RWED/DEFAULT) $ @MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.COM]MIRA$LOGIN $ @MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.COM]MIRA$SYS_DEF $ @SYS$LIBRARY:DECRDB$SETVER.COM 6.0 /SYSTEM Note that the last line is required only if the user's system has mult-version RDB installed. After Installing DECADMIRE 3-15 3.10.6 Setting Batch Queue Protections For any batch queue that will be used to generate, compile, and link code, establish world manage protection. For example: $ SET QUEUE SYS$BATCH /PROTECTION=(W:M) $ SHOW QUEUE/FULL SYS$BATCH Batch queue SYS$BATCH, idle, on BRAHMA:: /BASE_PRIORITY=3 /JOB_LIMIT=6 /OWNER=[SYSTEM] /PROTECTION=(S:M,O:D,G:R,W:M) 3.11 Starting DECADMIRE For information about starting the DECADMIRE application, see the following information components: o For PCs: DECADMIRE for Visual Basic Read This First DECADMIRE Online Information System o For server systems: DECADMIRE User's Guide 3-16 After Installing DECADMIRE A ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installations This appendix shows logs of the following sample DECADMIRE installations: o PC BUILDER kit in Section A.1 o Main kit in Section A.2 A.1 DECADMIRE PC BUILDER Kit Sample Installation Example A-1 shows the log of a sample installation for the DECADMIRE PC BUILDER kit. Example A-1 PC BUILDER Kit Sample Installation Log Welcome to OpenVMS AXP (TM) Operating System, Version V6.1 Username: MIRA Password: Welcome to OpenVMS AXP (TM) Operating System, Version V6.1 on node DADM01 Last interactive login on Thursday, 9-APR-1995 08:21:01.78 Last non-interactive login on Wednesday, 8-APR-1995 12:07:41.07 %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of MIRA$KITS has been superseded %You have changed the default Rdb/VMS Version at a level other %than /PROCESS. The RMU symbol may have to be set by users %using Rdb/VMS at this level. This can be done with the %following DCL command: @SYS$SHARE:DECRDB$SETVER RESET (continued on next page) Sample Installations A-1 Example A-1 (Cont.) PC BUILDER Kit Sample Installation Log Current SYSTEM DEC Rdb environment is version V6.0-0 (MULTIVERSION) Current SYSTEM SQL environment is version V6.0-0 (MULTIVERSION) Current SYSTEM Rdb/Dispatch environment is version V6.0-1 (MULTIVERSION) %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of MIRA$DEMO_V21 has been superseded %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of MIRA$DISK has been superseded Current PROCESS DEC Rdb environment is version V6.0-0 (MULTIVERSION) Current SYSTEM DEC Rdb environment is version V6.0-0 (MULTIVERSION) Current PROCESS SQL environment is version V6.0-0 (MULTIVERSION) Current PROCESS Rdb/Dispatch environment is version V6.0-1 (MULTIVERSION) Current SYSTEM SQL environment is version V6.0-0 (MULTIVERSION) Current SYSTEM Rdb/Dispatch environment is version V6.0-1 (MULTIVERSION) DADM01=> SHOW LIC/BRIEF DAD* Active licenses on node DADM01: ------- Product ID -------- ---- Rating ----- -- Version -- Product Producer Units Avail Activ Version Release Termination DADMIRE-PC-USER MIRUS 100 0 100 2.1A (none) (none) DADM01=> @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DECADMIRE_A021A DADM01$DKA100:[000000.DECADM_A021] OPTIONS N OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 It is 9-APR-1995 at 08:23. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-NOTSYSTEM, You are not logged in to the SYSTEM account. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: MIRA _RTA2: * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? Y * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: DECADMIRE_A V2.1A Beginning installation of DECADMIRE_A V2.1A at 08:24 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. (continued on next page) A-2 Sample Installations Example A-1 (Cont.) PC BUILDER Kit Sample Installation Log Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: 4 * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? Y %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. ********************************************************************** * * * DECADMIRE V 2 . 1 * * ==================== * * Full Development Kit * * * * Copyright (C) 1995 BY * * Mirus Data AB, Gothenburg, Sweden * * All Rights Reserved. * * * ********************************************************************** Checking system requirements ... * Have you registered and loaded the DECADMIRE PAK's [YES]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? * Do you wish to install the main kit (120000 blocks) [YES]? * Do you wish to install the pc-builder/generator kit (12000 blocks) [YES]? This installation will create a directory structure from one root directory [MIRA]. (continued on next page) Sample Installations A-3 Example A-1 (Cont.) PC BUILDER Kit Sample Installation Log * Enter the DECADMIRE root directory device: [MIRA$DISK]: MIRA$DEMO_V21 * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? The remainder of the installation is expected to take between 15 and 40 minutes. No further questions will be asked during this installation. %DECADMIRE_A-I-MAINKITBEGIN, restoring main kit. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %DECADMIRE_A-I-MAINKITEND, main kit restored. %DECADMIRE_A-I-MAINKITBEGIN, restoring PC-builder/generator kit. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set I ... %DECADMIRE_A-I-MAINKITEND, Pc-builder/generator kit restored. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.COM] already exists %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINSTART, beginning installation of main kit. . . . %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINEND, installation of main kit complete. %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINSTART, beginning installation of PC-builder/generator kit. . . . %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINEND, installation of PC-builder/generator kit complete. The following directories have been created/updated by this installation: [SYS$STARTUP] - added MIRA$STRTUP_V21.COM MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.COM] - added MIRA$LOGIN.COM MIRA$SYS_DEF.COM MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.TOOL...] - added DECADMIRE BASE FILES SEE RELEASE NOTES MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.TOOL...] - added PC-builder/generator files SEE RELEASE NOTES (continued on next page) A-4 Sample Installations Example A-1 (Cont.) PC BUILDER Kit Sample Installation Log The final part of the installation process will now occur. Upon completion of this installation, please be sure to edit the system startup file in order to execute SYS$STARTUP:MIRA$STRTUP_V21.COM Please read the release notes before using DECADMIRE. These contain important information for this release. These are in SYS$HELP:DECADMIRE_A021.RELEASE_NOTES. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table MIRA_V21_LOGICALS has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table ORD_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table TF_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table UNI_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table AD_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table PROJ_1_V21_TAB has been superseded DECADMIRE Installation Verification Procedure invoked This IVP can also be run manually from SYS$TEST by invoking For a DECADMIRE traditional installation @SYS$ For a DECADMIRE C/S installation @SYS$ Starting the DECADMIRE C/S IVP... The IVP will create a DECADMIRE Design Database and generate Visual Basic code for a M_TAB module, which can be found in the PROJ_1 dataset VBS directory (continued on next page) Sample Installations A-5 Example A-1 (Cont.) PC BUILDER Kit Sample Installation Log %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table MIRA_V21_LOGICALS has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table ORD_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table TF_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table UNI_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table AD_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table PROJ_1_V21_TAB has been superseded Code generation - CUST_VB Code generation completed Cleaning up... DECADMIRE C/S IVP completed DECADMIRE Installation Verification Procedure completed successfully Installation of DECADMIRE_A V2.1A completed at 08:34 Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]DECADMIRE_A021.VMI_DATA VMSINSTAL procedure done at 08:34 DADM01=> LOG MIRA logged out at 9-APR-1995 08:51:44.38 ) A.2 DECADMIRE Main Kit Sample Installation Example A-2 shows the log of a sample installation for the DECADMIRE main kit on an OpenVMS Alpha system. Installation on an OpenVMS VAX system is equivalent, except for the different block sizes required. Example A-2 Main Kit Sample Installation Log (continued on next page) A-6 Sample Installations Example A-2 (Cont.) Main Kit Sample Installation Log Welcome to OpenVMS AXP (TM) Operating System, Version V6.1 Username: MIRA Password: Welcome to OpenVMS AXP (TM) Operating System, Version V6.1 on node DADM01 Last interactive login on Thursday, 9-FEB-1995 08:21:49.11 Last non-interactive login on Wednesday, 8-FEB-1995 12:07:41.07 %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of MIRA$KITS has been superseded %You have changed the default Rdb/VMS Version at a level other %than /PROCESS. The RMU symbol may have to be set by users %using Rdb/VMS at this level. This can be done with the %following DCL command: @SYS$SHARE:DECRDB$SETVER RESET Current SYSTEM DEC Rdb environment is version V6.0-0 (MULTIVERSION) Current SYSTEM SQL environment is version V6.0-0 (MULTIVERSION) Current SYSTEM Rdb/Dispatch environment is version V6.0-1 (MULTIVERSION) %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of MIRA$DEMO_V21 has been superseded %DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of MIRA$DISK has been superseded Current PROCESS DEC Rdb environment is version V6.0-0 (MULTIVERSION) Current SYSTEM DEC Rdb environment is version V6.0-0 (MULTIVERSION) Current PROCESS SQL environment is version V6.0-0 (MULTIVERSION) Current PROCESS Rdb/Dispatch environment is version V6.0-1 (MULTIVERSION) Current SYSTEM SQL environment is version V6.0-0 (MULTIVERSION) Current SYSTEM Rdb/Dispatch environment is version V6.0-1 (MULTIVERSION) DADM01=>SHOW LIC/BRIEF DAD* Active licenses on node DADM01: ------- Product ID -------- ---- Rating ----- -- Version -- Product Producer Units Avail Activ Version Release Termination DADMIRE DEC 0 0 100 0.0 8-JUN-1995 (none) DADMIRE-PC-USER MIRUS 100 0 100 2.1A (none) (none) DADM01=>@sys$update:vmsinstal DECADMIRE_A021A DADM01$DKA100:[000000.DECADM_A021] OPTIONS N OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V6.1 It is 9-FEB-1995 at 08:53. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. (continued on next page) Sample Installations A-7 Example A-2 (Cont.) Main Kit Sample Installation Log %VMSINSTAL-W-NOTSYSTEM, You are not logged in to the SYSTEM account. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: MIRA _RTA2: * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? Y * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: DECADMIRE_A V2.1A Beginning installation of DECADMIRE_A V2.1A at 08:53 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: 4 * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? Y %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. ********************************************************************** * * * DECADMIRE V 2 . 1 * * ==================== * * Full Development Kit * * * * Copyright (C) 1995 BY * * Mirus Data AB, Gothenburg, Sweden * * All Rights Reserved. * * * ********************************************************************** Checking system requirements ... (continued on next page) A-8 Sample Installations Example A-2 (Cont.) Main Kit Sample Installation Log * Have you registered and loaded the DECADMIRE PAK's [YES]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? * Do you wish to upgrade from demo/loan to prod [NO]? * Do you wish to install the main kit (120000 blocks) [YES]? * Do you wish to install the pc-builder/generator kit (12000 blocks) [YES]? * Do you wish to install the DECFORMS kit (5000 blocks) [YES]? * Do you wish to install Cobol generator (5900 blocks) [YES]? * Do you wish to install Fortran generator (5900 blocks) [YES]? * Do you wish to install Pascal generator (5900 blocks) [YES]? * Do you wish to install DEC C generator (5900 blocks) [YES]? * Do you wish to install ACMS generator (1000 blocks) [YES]? * Do you wish to install the demonstration package (23000 blocks) [YES]? This installation will create a directory structure from one root directory [MIRA]. * Enter the DECADMIRE root directory device: [MIRA$DISK]: MIRA$DEMO_V21 * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? The remainder of the installation is expected to take between 15 and 40 minutes. No further questions will be asked during this installation. %DECADMIRE_A-I-MAINKITBEGIN, restoring main kit. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %DECADMIRE_A-I-MAINKITEND, main kit restored. %DECADMIRE_A-I-MAINKITBEGIN, restoring Cobol kit. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... %DECADMIRE_A-I-MAINKITEND, Cobol kit restored. (continued on next page) Sample Installations A-9 Example A-2 (Cont.) Main Kit Sample Installation Log %DECADMIRE_A-I-DEMKITSTART, restoring Demonstration Package. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set D ... %DECADMIRE_A-I-DEMKITEND, Demonstration Package restored. %DECADMIRE_A-I-MAINKITBEGIN, restoring Fortran kit. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set E ... %DECADMIRE_A-I-MAINKITEND, Fortran kit restored. %DECADMIRE_A-I-MAINKITBEGIN, restoring Pascal kit. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set F ... %DECADMIRE_A-I-MAINKITEND, Pascal kit restored. %DECADMIRE_A-I-MAINKITBEGIN, restoring DEC C kit. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set H ... %DECADMIRE_A-I-MAINKITEND, DEC C kit restored. %DECADMIRE_A-I-MAINKITBEGIN, restoring ACMS kit. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set G ... %DECADMIRE_A-I-MAINKITEND, ACMS kit restored. %DECADMIRE_A-I-MAINKITBEGIN, restoring PC-builder/generator kit. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set I ... %DECADMIRE_A-I-MAINKITEND, Pc-builder/generator kit restored. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.COM] already exists %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINSTART, beginning installation of main kit. . . . %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINEND, installation of main kit complete. (continued on next page) A-10 Sample Installations Example A-2 (Cont.) Main Kit Sample Installation Log %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINSTART, beginning installation of DECFORMS kit. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL.GEN_CLI_ACMS_V_VMS_VT] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL.GEN_WSP_V_VMS_DFM] already exists %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINEND, installation of DECFORMS kit complete. %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINSTART, beginning installation of PC-builder/generator kit. . . . %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINEND, installation of PC-builder/generator kit complete. %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINSTART, beginning installation of Cobol kit. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL.GEN_DRV_V_VMS_TIMECOB] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL.GEN_SER_V_VMS_COB_RDB_E] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL.GEN_TPU_SEC_COB] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL.GEN_WSP_V_VMS_COB] already exists %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINEND, installation of Cobol kit complete. %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINSTART, beginning installation of Fortran kit. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL.GEN_DRV_V_VMS_TIMEFOR] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL.GEN_SER_V_VMS_FOR_RDB_E] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL.GEN_TPU_SEC_FOR] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL.GEN_WSP_V_VMS_FOR] already exists %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINEND, installation of Fortran kit complete. %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINSTART, beginning installation of Pascal kit. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL.GEN_DRV_V_VMS_TIMEPAS] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL.GEN_SER_V_VMS_PAS_RDB_E] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL.GEN_TPU_SEC_PAS] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL.GEN_WSP_V_VMS_PAS] already exists %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINEND, installation of Pascal kit complete. %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINSTART, beginning installation of DEC C kit. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL.GEN_DRV_V_VMS_TIMECCC] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL.GEN_SER_V_VMS_CCC_RDB_E] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL.GEN_TPU_SEC_CCC] already exists %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL.GEN_WSP_V_VMS_CCC] already exists %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINEND, installation of DEC C kit complete. (continued on next page) Sample Installations A-11 Example A-2 (Cont.) Main Kit Sample Installation Log %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINSTART, beginning installation of ACMS kit. %CREATE-I-EXISTS, MIRA$DEMO_V21:[MIRA.TOOL.GEN_DRV_V_VMS_ACMSXXX] already exists %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSMAINEND, installation of ACMS kit complete. %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSDEMSTART, beginning installation of Demonstration Package. %RMU-I-ACLADDED, RMU access added to MIRA$DEMO_V21:AD_BAS_COB.RDB;2 for [SYSTEM] %DECADMIRE_A-I-INSDEMEND, installation of Demonstration Package completed.. The following directories have been created/updated by this installation: [SYS$STARTUP] - added MIRA$STRTUP_V21.COM MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.COM] - added MIRA$LOGIN.COM MIRA$SYS_DEF.COM MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.TOOL...] - added DECADMIRE BASE FILES SEE RELEASE NOTES MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.TOOL...] - added DECFORMS files SEE RELEASE NOTES MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.TOOL...] - added PC-builder/generator files SEE RELEASE NOTES MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.TOOL...] - added Cobol files SEE RELEASE NOTES MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.TOOL...] - added Fortran files SEE RELEASE NOTES MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.TOOL...] - added Pascal files SEE RELEASE NOTES MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.TOOL...] - added DEC C files SEE RELEASE NOTES MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.DEMO...] - added Demonstration Package The final part of the installation process will now occur. Upon completion of this installation, please be sure to edit the system startup file in order to execute SYS$STARTUP:MIRA$STRTUP_V21.COM (continued on next page) A-12 Sample Installations Example A-2 (Cont.) Main Kit Sample Installation Log Please read the release notes before using DECADMIRE. These contain important information for this release. These are in SYS$HELP:DECADMIRE_A021.RELEASE_NOTES. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table MIRA_V21_LOGICALS has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table ORD_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table TF_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table UNI_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table AD_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table PROJ_1_V21_TAB has been superseded DECADMIRE Installation Verification Procedure invoked This IVP can also be run manually from SYS$TEST by invoking For a DECADMIRE traditional installation @SYS$ For a DECADMIRE C/S installation @SYS$ Starting the DECADMIRE C/S IVP... The IVP will create a DECADMIRE Design Database and generate Visual Basic code for a M_TAB module, which can be found in the PROJ_1 dataset VBS directory %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table MIRA_V21_LOGICALS has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table ORD_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table TF_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table UNI_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table AD_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table PROJ_1_V21_TAB has been superseded Code generation - CUST_VB Code generation completed (continued on next page) Sample Installations A-13 Example A-2 (Cont.) Main Kit Sample Installation Log Cleaning up... DECADMIRE C/S IVP completed Starting the DECADMIRE IVP... The IVP will create a Table, Domain, Global Format, Columns and a M_TAB module. It will also generate DECforms code which can be found in the PROJ_1 dataset SRC directory %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table MIRA_V21_LOGICALS has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table ORD_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table TF_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table UNI_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table AD_DEMO_V21_TAB has been superseded %DCL-I-TABSUPER, previous table PROJ_1_V21_TAB has been superseded Code generation - CUST Code generation completed Cleaning up... DECADMIRE IVP completed DECADMIRE Installation Verification Procedure completed successfully Installation of DECADMIRE_A V2.1A completed at 09:11 Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]DECADMIRE_A021.VMI_DATA VMSINSTAL procedure done at 09:11 DADM01=>LOG MIRA logged out at 9-FEB-1995 09:21:15.28 A-14 Sample Installations B ________________________________________________________________ DECADMIRE Directories and Files This appendix lists the directories and files that are created on your system during a DECADMIRE installation. B.1 DECADMIRE Directory Structure The root directory in the DECADMIRE directory structure is MIRA$DISK:[MIRA]. This directory contains the following command procedures: o MIRA$SYS_DEF.COM and MIRA_DEF.COM Create all common, systemwide assignments used by DECADMIRE. MIRA_DEF.COM defines the symbols ADMIRERZ, ORDER, UNIV, and TF, which are used by the demonstration systems. o MIRA$LOGIN.COM Assigns logical names for the user's process and subprocesses, and defines the symbol MIRA. The symbol MIRA is used in one of the following ways: - The MIRA DEF command assigns job logical names without invoking DECADMIRE. - The MIRA command assigns job logical names and invokes DECADMIRE. The MIRA logical name tables are assigned to LNM$FILE_ DEV. The current LNM$FILE_DEV is scanned and the MIRA logical name tables are added to the LNM$JOB logical name table. Only one file is found on a directory not belonging to the DECADMIRE directory structure: SYS$STARTUP:MIRA$STRTUP.COM. This file creates the definition of MIRA$DISK, the device where the DECADMIRE root directory is found, and executes the command procedure MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.COM]MIRA$SYS_ DEF.COM. DECADMIRE Directories and Files B-1 B.2 CDD Directories The DECADMIRE installation creates CDD tool directories under the logical MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.CDDPLUS] directory, as shown in Table B-1. Table_B-1_CDD_Tool_Directories____________________________ CDD_Directory____Description______________________________ TOOL.SYSTEM_ Systemwide fields found in workareas GLOBALS generated by DECADMIRE in an application (such as Admirerz/Order). Referenced by the MDG_CDD logical name. TOOL.SYSTEM_ Systemwide tables found in modules RECORDS (and DECADMIRE ACMS tasks used in task definitions) generated by DECADMIRE in an application (such as Admirerz/Order). Referenced by the MDS_CDD or MDN_CDD _________________logical_name.____________________________ B.3 CDD Demonstration Application Directories The DECADMIRE installation creates CDD directories for the DECADMIRE demonstration systems. The MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.CDDPLUS]DEMO.ADMIRERZ and MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.CDDPLUS]DEMO.ORDER directories have the same substructure, shown in Table B-2. B-2 DECADMIRE Directories and Files Table_B-2_CDD_Demonstration_Application_Directories_______ CDD Directory___Description___________________________________ APP Workareas, task definition files and local field tables (such as TLOC) unique to the application Admirerz/Order. Referenced by the MDA_CDD logical name. DOMAINS Global fields (domains) unique to the application Admirerz/Order. Referenced by the MDF_CDD logical name. HLP_TAB Shadow tables and key information fields unique to the application Admirerz/Order. Referenced by the MDR_CDD logical name. TAB Tables found in the database unique to the application Admirerz/Order. Referenced by the ____________MDC_CDD_logical_name._________________________ B.4 Tool Directories The DECADMIRE installation creates tool directories under the physical MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.TOOL] directory, as shown in Table B-3. Table_B-3_Tool_Directories______________________________________ Directory__________________Description__________________________ AUX.DIR Help files used when compiling and linking. Online help files when running DECADMIRE. Referenced by the AUX logical name. CDD_COM.DIR CDO command files and copy files common to all applications built by DECADMIRE. Referenced by the MDS or MDN logical name. (continued on next page) DECADMIRE Directories and Files B-3 Table_B-3_(Cont.)_Tool_Directories______________________________ Directory__________________Description__________________________ DAT_EMP.DIR Empty DECADMIRE design definition files (RMS files). Used as an original to copy a new untouched dataset when starting up a new project. EXE.DIR Executable DECADMIRE image files used when running DECADMIRE or generating source code. Referenced by the EXE logical name. GEN_CLI_ACMS_V_VMS_VT.DIR Templates used when generating source code. IFDL module part. GEN_DRV_V_VMS_ACMSXXX.DIR Templates used when generating source code. MAIN module part for ACMS environment. GEN_DRV_V_VMS_TIMECCC.DIR Templates used when generating source code. MAIN module part for timesharing using 3GL environment. GEN_DRV_V_VMS_TIMECOB.DIR Templates used when generating source code. MAIN module part for timesharing using 3GL COBOL environment. GEN_DRV_V_VMS_TIMEFOR.DIR Templates used when generating source code. MAIN module part for timesharing using 3GL FORTRAN environment. GEN_DRV_V_VMS_TIMEPAS.DIR Templates used when generating source code. MAIN module part for timesharing using 3GL Pascal environment. GEN_SER_V_VMS_CCC_RDB_ Templates used when generating source E.DIR code. READ, WRITE, ESCAPE, READ_REQ (RTR), WRITE_REQ (RTR), and CONV (NOIO) module parts for 3GL C. (continued on next page) B-4 DECADMIRE Directories and Files Table_B-3_(Cont.)_Tool_Directories______________________________ Directory__________________Description__________________________ GEN_SER_V_VMS_COB_RDB_ Templates used when generating source E.DIR code. READ, WRITE, ESCAPE, READ_REQ (RTR), WRITE_REQ (RTR), and CONV (NOIO) module parts for 3GL COBOL. GEN_SER_V_VMS_FOR_RDB_ Templates used when generating source E.DIR code. READ, WRITE, ESCAPE, READ_REQ (RTR), WRITE_REQ (RTR), and CONV (NOIO) module parts for 3GL FORTRAN. GEN_SER_V_VMS_PAS_RDB_ Templates used when generating source E.DIR code. READ, WRITE, ESCAPE, READ_REQ (RTR), WRITE_REQ (RTR), and CONV (NOIO) module parts for 3GL Pascal. GEN_TPU_BLD_COM.DIR TPU procedures for preparing and building source code. GEN_TPU_SEC_CCC.DIR TPU section files for generating 3GL C source code. GEN_TPU_SEC_COB.DIR TPU section files for generating 3GL COBOL source code. GEN_TPU_SEC_FOR.DIR TPU section files for generating 3GL FORTRAN source code. GEN_TPU_SEC_PAS.DIR TPU section files for generating 3GL Pascal source code. GEN_WSP_V_VMS_CCC.DIR Templates used when generating source code. Workspaces for 3GL C. GEN_WSP_V_VMS_CDD.DIR Templates used when generating source code. Workspaces for CDD. GEN_WSP_V_VMS_COB.DIR Templates used when generating source code. Workspaces for 3GL COBOL. GEN_WSP_V_VMS_DFM.DIR Templates used when generating source code. Workspaces for DECforms. GEN_WSP_V_VMS_FOR.DIR Templates used when generating source code. Workspaces for 3GL FORTRAN. (continued on next page) DECADMIRE Directories and Files B-5 Table_B-3_(Cont.)_Tool_Directories______________________________ Directory__________________Description__________________________ GEN_WSP_V_VMS_PAS.DIR Templates used when generating source code. Workspaces for 3GL Pascal. LIB.DIR DECADMIRE library routines and common DECADMIRE ACMS tasks used in the ___________________________modules_generated.___________________ B.4.1 Demonstration System Assignments DECADMIRE creates assignments for the demonstration system. The command procedures that create the assignments are contained in the MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.COM] directory and listed in Table B-4. Table_B-4_Demonstration_System_Assignments________________ Command Command to Create to Create Command Assignments Assignments Procedure________Demo________and_Start_Demo___Only________ AD_DEMO_DEF.COM Admirerz ADMIRERZ ADMIRERZ DEF ORD_DEMO_ Order ORDER ORDER DEF DEF.COM UNI_DEMO_ University UNIV UNIV DEF DEF.COM TF_DEMO_DEF.COM Track and TF TF DEF Field PROJ_1_DEF.COM___Project_1___PROJ_1___________PROJ_1_DEF__ The MIRA logical name tables are assigned to LNM$FILE_DEV. The current LNM$FILE_DEV is scanned and the MIRA logical name tables are added to the LNM$JOB logical name table. B-6 DECADMIRE Directories and Files B.4.2 Demonstration System Directories MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.DEMO] contains directories for the four demonstration systems: o ADMIRERZ.DIR Complete demo system for the Admirerz sample applica- tion o ORDER.DIR Complete demo system for the Order sample application o TF Demo system only for prototyping the Track and Field sample application o UNIV Demo system only for prototyping the University sample application In addition, MIRA$DISK:[MIRA.PROJ_1] contains an empty dataset directory structure for training purposes. Table B-5 lists the substructures of the demo system directories. Table_B-5_Demonstration_System_Directories________________ Directory___Contents______________________________________ BAS.DIR Rdb database files. Referenced by the BAS logical name. CDD_ COPY files and CDO command procedures APP.DIR containing program work areas (or local field tables) unique to the application (Admirerz /Order). Referenced by DECADMIRE as MDA. CDD_ COPY files and CDO command procedures TAB.DIR containing table and column definitions (or shadow tables) unique to the application (Admirerz/Order). Referenced by DECADMIRE as MDC or MDR. (continued on next page) DECADMIRE Directories and Files B-7 Table_B-5_(Cont.)_Demonstration_System_Directories________ Directory___Contents______________________________________ DAT_ DECADMIRE design definition files (RMS files) DEM.DIR used by prototyping. Unique to the application (Admirerz/Order). Referenced by DECADMIRE as dataset AD_DEMO/ORD_DEMO. DAT_ DECADMIRE design definition files (RMS files) ORG.DIR and RMS files used by prototyping. Unique to the application (Admirerz/Order). Referenced by DECADMIRE as dataset AD_ORG/ORD_ORG. Used as an original to copy a new, untouched version of Admirerz/Order to DAT_DEM.DIR. EXE.DIR Executable image files unique to the applica- tion (Admirerz/Order) in the environment used when generating source code. Referenced by DECADMIRE as EXE. LAYOUT.DIR DECforms include files for attribute definitions and common panel declarations. Referenced by DECADMIRE as MDD. SRC.DIR Source code generated. Unique to the application (Admirerz/Order). Referenced by ____________DECADMIRE_as_SRC._____________________________ B-8 DECADMIRE Directories and Files B.5 DECADMIRE BUILDER for PC Server Environment Directory Structure The server environment is based on the following directory structure. B.5.1 Server Environment Directory Structure Table B-6 lists the files in the root directory. Table_B-6_Directories_in_Root_Directory_MIRA$DISK:[MIRA]__ Directory________Description______________________________ CDDPLUS.DIR CDD definitions. COM.DIR Command files for setup of logical names. DEMO.DIR Included demo datasets. PROJ_1.DIR Dataset template. TOOL.DIR_________Generic_information._____________________ Table B-7 lists the files in the COM directory. Table_B-7_Files_in_COM_Directory__________________________ File_____________Description______________________________ MIRA$LOGIN.COM Defines references to DECADMIRE environment. MIRA$SYS_ Defines necessary logical name tables. DEF.COM MIRA_DEF.COM Defines DECADMIRE symbols and available datasets. dataset_DEF.COM Setup of logicals for the specific _________________dataset_dataset._________________________ Table B-8 lists the files in the DEMO directory. DECADMIRE Directories and Files B-9 Table_B-8_Files_in_DEMO_Directory_________________________ File_____________Description______________________________ ADMIRERZ Car rental demo. ORDER Order demo. TF Track and field demo. UNIV_____________University_demo._________________________ Table B-9 lists the files in the PROJ_1 directory. Table_B-9_Files_in_PROJ_1_Directory_______________________ File_____________Description______________________________ BAS Production test database. CDD_APP Application specific workspaces, logical name MDA. CDD_TAB Data dictionary workspaces, logical name MDC. DAT Design database. EXE Application executables. LAYOUT DECforms layout definitions. PROJ Visual Basic project files. SRC Server source code. VBEXE Visual Basic executables. VBSRC Visual Basic source code, logical name _________________VBS._____________________________________ Table B-10 lists the files in the TOOL directory. Table_B-10_Directories_in_TOOL_Directory__________________ Directory________Description______________________________ AUX.DIR Generic command files, logical name AUX. CDD_COM.DIR Application independent workspaces. (continued on next page) B-10 DECADMIRE Directories and Files Table_B-10_(Cont.)_Directories_in_TOOL_Directory__________ Directory________Description______________________________ DAT_EMP.DIR Empty dataset. EXE.DIR BUILDER executables. EXE_ALPHA.DIR BUILDER executables. GEN_... GENERATOR files. LIB.DIR Library routines and command file templates. LIB_ALPHA.DIR Library routines and command file templates. TO_PC.DIR PC client basic templates, including these files: DADMV21.INI Intialization and option file. DECADMIR.GRP DECADMIRE program group (in Program Manager) SERVCONN.BAT File service connection between the PC and the Server VBDIR.DIR PC client project, form and code tem- plates, including these subdirectories: ACMS.DIR ACMS middleware specific files. BBLOCK.DIR Building block specific files. COMMON.DIR Application common procedures. GENERIC.DIR Application independant procedures. ODBC.DIR ODBC middleware specific files. __PROJT.DIR________Project_MAK_file_and_MDIform.__________ B.5.2 Initialization File DADMV21.INI The following tables list the contents of the initializa- tion and option file C:\WINDOWS\DADMV21.INI. The file is divided into the following categories: o Signin-see Table B-11 o Options-see Table B-12 DECADMIRE Directories and Files B-11 o Datasets-see Table B-13 Table_B-11_Server_Sign_In_Information_____________________ Information Type_____________Description______________________________ USER Last used username in DECADMIRE Server Sign In. Read when entering the Server Sign In screen. Updated when sucessfully leaving Server Sign In. NODE Last used nodename in DECADMIRE Server Sign In. Read when entering the Server Sign In screen. Updated when sucessfully leaving Server Sign In. DATASET Last used dataset in DECADMIRE Server Sign In. Read when entering the Server Sign In screen. Updated when sucessfully _________________leaving_Server_Sign_In.__________________ Table_B-12_General_Options________________________________ Option___________Description______________________________ DADMexeDirectory Directory where the DECADMIRE BUILDER executables are located. Read when starting DECADMIRE. VBexeDirectory Directory where the Visual Basic executable is located. Read when starting DECADMIRE. Choose Options, then Environment from the View menu to see the directory location. BATCHQUEUE Server batch queue to be used when submitting command files for execution. Read when starting DECADMIRE. Update using the Options...Environment screen in the View menu. (continued on next page) B-12 DECADMIRE Directories and Files Table_B-12_(Cont.)_General_Options________________________ Option___________Description______________________________ PRINTQUEUE Server print queue to be used when printing reports. Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...Environment screen available from the View menu. GEN_TYPE Type of generation mode. For internal use only. Information sent to the server when requesting code generation. Read when starting DECADMIRE. NewInDictMenu Include the New submenu in the Dictionary menu (0=no,1=yes). Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...View screen available from the View menu. NewInDesMenu Include the New submenu in the Design menu (0=no,1=yes). Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...View screen available from the View menu. RecordBrowseMtab Include record browsing buttons in the maintenance screens (0=no,1=yes). Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...View screen available from the View menu. CommandButtonsMtaInclude command button Close, Save, and Delete in the maintenance screens (0=no,1=yes). Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...View screen available from the View menu. CommandButtonsStaInclude command buttons in the selection screens (0=no,1=yes). Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...View screen available from the View menu. (continued on next page) DECADMIRE Directories and Files B-13 Table_B-12_(Cont.)_General_Options________________________ Option___________Description______________________________ CurrTableBackColoBackground color for Current DB Table in the statusbar, mode 1. Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...View...Color Options screen available from the View menu. CurrTableForeColoForeground color for Current DB Table in the statusbar, mode 1. Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...View...Color Options screen available from the View menu. CurrTableBackColoBackground color for Current DB Table in the statusbar, mode 2. Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...View...Color Options screen available from the View menu. CurrTableForeColoForeground color for Current DB Table in the statusbar, mode 2. Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...View...Color Options screen available from the View menu. CurrTableForeColoForeground color for Current DB Table in the statusbar, mode 2. Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...View...Color Options screen available from the View menu. CurrModBackColor1Background color for Current Module in the statusbar, mode 1. Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...View...Color Options screen available from the View menu. (continued on next page) B-14 DECADMIRE Directories and Files Table_B-12_(Cont.)_General_Options________________________ Option___________Description______________________________ CurrModForeColor1Foreground color for Current Module in the statusbar, mode 1. Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...View...Color Options screen available from the View menu. CurrModBackColor2Background color for Current Module in the statusbar, mode 2. Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...View...Color Options screen available from the View menu. CurrModForeColor2Foreground color for Current Module in the statusbar, mode 2. Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...View...Color Options screen available from the View menu. DictionaryNavigatShow the Dictionary Navigator when starting DECADMIRE (0=no,1=yes). Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...View screen available from the View menu. Relationships Show the Relationships Navigator when starting DECADMIRE (0=no,1=yes). Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...View screen available from the View menu. DesignNavigator Show the Design Navigator when starting DECADMIRE (0=no,1=yes). Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...View screen available from the View menu. (continued on next page) DECADMIRE Directories and Files B-15 Table_B-12_(Cont.)_General_Options________________________ Option___________Description______________________________ Statusbar Display mode of the statusbar when start- ing DECADMIRE (0=not shown,1=top,2=bottom). Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...View screen available from the View menu. ShowTooltips Show Tooltips mode on when starting DECADMIRE (0=no,1=yes). Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Options...View screen available from the View menu. Toolbar1 Display mode of Toolbar 1 when starting DECADMIRE (0=not shown,1=top,2=bottom). Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Customize Toolbars screen available from the View menu. Toolbar2 Display mode of Toolbar 2 when starting DECADMIRE (0=not shown,1=top,2=bottom). Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Customize Toolbars screen available from the View menu. Toolbar1xxx Position for Toolbar Button xxx on Toolbar 1 when starting DECADMIRE (negative value = not shown). Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Customize Toolbars screen available from the View menu. Toolbar2xxx Position for Toolbar Button xxx on Toolbar 2 when starting DECADMIRE (negative value = not shown). Read when starting DECADMIRE. Updated in the Customize Toolbars screen available from _________________the_View_menu.___________________________ B-16 DECADMIRE Directories and Files Table_B-13_Dataset_Information____________________________ File__________________Description_________________________ [dataset...] Start position for dataset dataset Read when entering DATASET in the Server Sign In screen. datasetACMSReadServer ACMS Read Server name used when creating server executables. Read when starting DECADMIRE. datasetACMSWriteServerACMS Write Server name used when creating server executables. Read when starting DECADMIRE. datasetACMSTemplates Location for the ACMS templates (TGRPNACM.COM and APPLNACM.COM), used when creating task group and application command files. Read when starting DECADMIRE. datasetServerDirectoryLocation on the server used for the generated ACMS task group and application command files. Read when starting DECADMIRE. datasetDataSourceName ODBC datasource related to the dataset. Used to confirm that an existing ODBC datasource is referenced from the chosen dataset and during the ODBC login to the server. Read when entering DATASET in the Server Sign In screen. Shown in the Options...Environment screen available from the View menu. datasetEnvironment Server environment. Used when you request server located tasks to be executed from your PC. Read when starting DECADMIRE. Shown in the Options...Environment screen available from the View menu. (continued on next page) DECADMIRE Directories and Files B-17 Table_B-13_(Cont.)_Dataset_Information____________________ File__________________Description_________________________ datasetProjectTemplateDirectory level where the project, form, and code template directories (ACMS/BBLOCK/COMMON/GENERIC/ODBC /PROJT) are located. Read when starting DECADMIRE. Shown in the Options...Environment screen available from the View menu. Used: o When starting DECADMIRE to locate the template project MDIform file. o By New Project in the File menu to locate the project template files DADMPROJ.MAK and DADMPROJ.FRM, see section 2.3.2. o By Project Options in the Project menu to locate middleware specific files. datasetProjectDirectorDirectory where the project MAK and FRM files are located. Read when starting DECADMIRE. Shown in the Options...Environment screen available from the View menu. Used in the File menu by: New Project Open Project Delete Project Last Saved Files 1-5 (continued on next page) B-18 DECADMIRE Directories and Files Table_B-13_(Cont.)_Dataset_Information____________________ File__________________Description_________________________ Used in the Project menu by: Project Options Request Form and Code Creation Project Overview Add Design Module to Project Remove Design Module from Project Application Menu Items Open Visual Basic Make VB EXE File Used in the Generate menu by: Server Code Generation Executable, Server datasetModulesDirectorDirectory where generated Visual Basic form and code source files and PC created server command files are located. Logical name VBS on the server. Read when starting DECADMIRE. Shown in the Options...Environment screen available from the View menu. (continued on next page) DECADMIRE Directories and Files B-19 Table_B-13_(Cont.)_Dataset_Information____________________ File__________________Description_________________________ Used when adding a Design Module to the current project (to check for existence) by: o Add Design Module to Project in the Project menu o Create Form and Code in the Design menu o Define Form...Create Form and Code in the Design menu. Used when creating server command files by: o Request Form and Code Creation in the Project menu. projectC.COM or mnameC.COM. o Server Code Generation in the Generate menu. projectS.COM or mnameS.COM. o Executable, Server in the Generate menu. projectL.COM. datasetProjectExeDirecDirectory where created Visual Basic EXE files are located. Used in Make VB EXE File and Run VB EXE File in the Project menu. Read when starting DECADMIRE. Shown in the Options...Environment screen available from the View menu. datasetPROJn The 5 (n=1-5) most recently used projects. Used in the File menu. Read when starting DECADMIRE. (continued on next page) B-20 DECADMIRE Directories and Files Table_B-13_(Cont.)_Dataset_Information____________________ File__________________Description_________________________ Updated when setting current project in: o New Project in the File menu o Open Project in the File menu o Last saved project 1-5 in the File menu __________________________________________________________ DECADMIRE Directories and Files B-21 C ________________________________________________________________ Conversion of Datasets to DECADMIRE Version 2.1A This appendix describes how to convert datasets from DECADMIRE Version 1.2 and 2.0 to DECADMIRE Version 2.1A. C.1 Converting DECADMIRE Version 1.2 Datasets Use this procedure to convert DECADMIRE Version 1.2 datasets to DECADMIRE Version 2.1A. 1. Install DECADMIRE Version 2.1A. 2. For each dataset, do the following: a. Convert the 1.2 dataset to 2.0 with the following command: CONV20 dsetdirectory where dsetdirectory is the design database directory for the dataset, for example: $ CONV20 ORD_DEMO b. Convert the 2.0 dataset to 2.1A with the following command: CONV21 dsetdirectory where dsetdirectory is the design database directory for the dataset, for example: $ CONV21 ORD_DEMO c. If the design database must be available from BUILDER for PC, enter the following command: CONV21_CS dsetdirectory where dsetdirectory is the design database directory for the dataset, for example: $ CONV21_CS ORD_DEMO Conversion of Datasets to DECADMIRE Version 2.1A C-1 C.2 Converting DECADMIRE Version 2.0 Datasets Use this procedure to convert DECADMIRE Version 2.0 datasets to DECADMIRE Version 2.1A. 1. Install DECADMIRE Version 2.1A. 2. For each dataset, do the following: a. Convert the 2.0 dataset to 2.1A with the following command: CONV21 dsetdirectory where dsetdirectory is the design database directory for the dataset, for example: $ CONV21 ORD_DEMO b. If the design database must be available from BUILDER for PC, enter the following command: CONV21_CS dsetdirectory where dsetdirectory is the design database directory for the dataset, for example: $ CONV21_CS ORD_DEMO C-2 Conversion of Datasets to DECADMIRE Version 2.1A ________________________________________________________________ Index A__________________________ D__________________________ ACMS Datasets loading system tasks, 3-7 converting, 3-7, C-1 required system DECforms parameters, 1-7 attribute files, B-8 AD_DEMO_V21_TAB logical Demonstration systems name, 2-10 CDD directories, B-2 Authorization logical names, 2-10 DECADMIRE users, 3-5 symbols, 2-11 MIRA user, 3-4 F__________________________ C__________________________ Failure recovery, 2-8, CDD/Plus 2-10 building DECADMIRE Files dictionary, 3-7 modifying system, 3-1 demonstration application directories, B-2 G__________________________ loading ACMS tasks, 3-7 GBLPAGES system parameter, required system 1-8 parameters, 1-7 GBLSECTIONS system tool directories, B-2 parameter, 1-8 CDD/Repository Getting Started, 3-16 building DECADMIRE dictionary, 3-7 I demonstration application ___________________________ directories, B-2 Installation, 2-1 loading ACMS tasks, 3-7 aborting, 2-2 required system failures, 2-9 parameters, 1-7 invoking VMSINSTAL, 2-3 tool directories, B-2 preparation, 1-1 Index-1 Installation (cont'd) recovery after system O__________________________ failure, 2-8 ODBC requirements, 1-4 version requirement, 1-3 disk space, 1-5 OpenVMS parameters privileges, 1-5 calculating system values system parameters, 1-7 , 1-8 time, 1-5 checking system values, VMSINSTAL, 1-11 1-7 for application L__________________________ development, 3-2 License Management Facility prerequisite values, 1-7 , 1-4 ORD_DEMO_V21_TAB logical License registration, 1-4 name, 2-10 steps, 1-4 LMF P__________________________ See License Management PATHWORKS Facility version requirements, 1-2 Logical name tables, 2-10, PC Client Environment B-1, B-6 configuring, 3-8 Logical names, 2-10 PROJ_1_V21_TAB logical name, 2-10 M__________________________ Microsoft Windows Q__________________________ version requirement, 1-3 Quotas MIRA account disk, 1-5 creating, 3-4 process account, 1-10 setting file ownership, user account, 3-2 3-5 MIRA$LOGIN.COM procedure, R__________________________ 2-11, B-1 Rdb MIRA$STRTUP.COM procedure, demonstration databases, B-1 B-7 MIRA$SYS_DEF.COM procedure, version requirements, 1-2 2-10, B-1 Release notes, 2-10 MIRA_DEF.COM procedure, Root directory, B-1 2-11, B-1 MIRA_V21_LOGICALS logical name, 2-10 MS-DOS version requirement, 1-3 Index-2 S__________________________ U__________________________ Software UNI_DEMO_V21_TAB logical operating system, 1-1 name, 2-10 prerequisite, 1-1 User operating system, viii account quotas, 3-2 starting required, 1-12 privileges, 3-2 SYSGEN parameters See OpenVMS parameters V__________________________ System disk backup, 1-11 Versions System login file, 3-1 converting datasets, 3-7 System startup file, 3-1 upgrading, 2-1 Visual Basic T__________________________ Professional Edition TF_DEMO_V21_TAB logical version requirement, name, 2-10 1-3 Index-3