____________________________________________________ POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit Release Notes for OpenVMS Alpha Order Number: AA-R60YA-TE Revision/Update Information: This is a new manual. Operating System and Version: OpenVMS Alpha V7.1 Software Version: V3.0 Digital Equipment Corporation ________________________________________________________________ The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha, AXP, OpenVMS, and the DIGITAL logo DIGITAL PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. _________________________________________________________________ Contents 1 Introduction 2 Changes since V1.4 2.1 Documentation.................................... 2-1 2.2 Changes in the Development Environment........... 2-1 3 POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit V3.0 License 4 Installation 4.1 Installing the POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit V3.0..................................... 4-1 5 Known Problems 5.1 Documentation Errors............................. 5-1 5.2 Bad Version of Software in Help and Documentation Issues........................................... 5-1 6 Workarounds Provided 7 Acknowledged Constraints 7.1 DECmcc Dictionary Supports up to Seven Entity Levels........................................... 7-1 iii 1 _________________________________________________________________ Introduction In order to protect its customers' DECmcc investments in the VMS environment, DIGITAL has migrated DECmcc to Alpha platforms running the OpenVMS operating system. The purpose of this document is to inform System Managers, Network Managers and Network Administrators of the major changes that have taken place since the last version release on OpenVMS VAX, and to assist those persons in ensuring a timely and accurate installation and configuration of this new release. Two products are available on OpenVMS Alpha: o POLYCENTER Network Manager 400 Version 3.0: PNM400 V3.0 is a network management product that provides a complete set of applications to manage wide area heterogeneous networks. It is a prerequisite to the POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit. o POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit Version 3.0: Supports the migration of in-house developed management modules from VAX to Alpha platforms, and the development of new in-house management modules on Alpha platforms. Introduction 1-1 2 _________________________________________________________________ Changes since V1.4 This chapter describes the changes introduced by migration of the POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit from OpenVMS VAX to OpenVMS Alpha. 2.1 Documentation The following documentation has been updated for this new release: o These POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit Release Notes. 2.2 Changes in the Development Environment The target of DIGITAL has always been to make as few changes as possible to the DECmcc development environment, and in particular, no code modifications are required by the DECmcc application programming interface. Recompiling your DECmcc management modules is the only necessary operation, unless your existing applications require general modifications when ported from VAX to Alpha due to specific use of programming language. Refer to the document Guidelines for Migration to DECC on Alpha (AA- Q5AVA-TE) as an example of porting applications written in VAXC. The main modifications take place at two levels: MACRO64 is required to compile the vector file (Dispatch table entries), but no modification of the file itself is required. The "mcc_init_vector" macro is a blank macro under OpenVMS/ALPHA, which has only been kept for upward compatibility of existing sources. Changes since V1.4 2-1 Changes since V1.4 2.2 Changes in the Development Environment The vector initializations under OpenVMS/ALPHA are in fact performed at link time and the entries formerly initialized by means of the "mcc_init_vector" macro must be included in the linker option file of the access module in a SYMBOL_ VECTOR instruction such as the following: SYMBOL_VECTOR=( . . . sample_am_init = PROCEDURE,- sample_am_log = PROCEDURE,- sample_am_probe = PROCEDURE,- . . . ); Your VAXC code must be ported to DECC by following the standard recommendations. Your modules must be compiled using the command: /STANDARD=VAXC/NOMEMBER_ALIGNEMENT/REENTRANCY=MULTITHREAD The MACRO64 command to compile the dispatch entries would be: $ macro /alpha /define=Alpha/NOLIST/OBJECT=MCC_SAMPLE_VECTOR.OBJ - SYS$LIBRARY:ARCH_DEFS.MAR+SYS$DISK:[]MCC_SAMPLE_VECTOR.MAR Below is an example of the MCC_SAMPLE_ALPHA.OPT file, which is used to build the SAMPLE_AM under OpenVMS/ALPHA and the SAMPLE_AM_VECTOR.MAR file, which basically has not changed. 2-2 Changes since V1.4 Changes since V1.4 2.2 Changes in the Development Environment *** MCC_SAMPLE_ALPHA.OPT file *** !+ ! TITLE - SAMPLE shareable library image options file ! ! MODULE NAME: MCC_SAMPLE_ALPHA.OPT ! ! Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1990-1996 ! All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved ! under the copyright laws of the United States. ! ! The software contained on this media is proprietary ! to and embodies the confidential technology of ! Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, ! duplication or dissemination of the software and ! media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written ! license from Digital Equipment Corporation. ! ! RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or ! disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to ! restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) ! of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as ! applicable. ! ! FACILITY: ! DECmcc -- DEC Management Control Center ! ! ABSTRACT: ! This is the SAMPLE Linker options file. ! ! ENVIRONMENT: ! VAX/VMS. ! Using the Linker ! ! AUTHOR: ! NMSE ! ! CREATION DATE: ! 05-JAN-1990 ! 09-JAN-1990 added SET directive file, some clean up ! 10-JAN-1990 changes to CHAR ! 13-FEB-1990 updates for linking w/ MCC shared image. ! 12-Jun-1992 Ident to V1.2 ! 05-Dec-1995 Modified for ALPHA OpenVMS Changes since V1.4 2-3 Changes since V1.4 2.2 Changes in the Development Environment !- !+ ! The NAME directive defines the name of the shareable image. ! If the NAME directive is omitted, the LINKer will use the ! name of the first input file. !-NAME = MCC_SAMPLE !+ ! The IDENTIFICATION directive defines the identification ! string. The identification string generally contains the ! the version number of the shareable image. !-IDENTIFICATION = "DECmcc X1.5-0" !+ ! The GSMATCH directive defines the global section match ! criteria and identification. ! ! Use LEQUAL (less than or equal). ! ! The major and minor global section identification values are ! "1,1". The first "1" is the major identification value. Do ! NOT change this value. The second "1" is the minor identifi- ! cation value. Increase the minor identification value by one ! every time you add entries to the transfer vector. Do NOT ! change this value when only modifying existing code. !-GSMATCH = LEQUAL,1,1 !+ ! If there are blocks of data defined as COMMON, the PSECTs ! created by these blocks of data must be changed to NOSHR. ! ! The PSECT_ATTR directive provides the necessary mechanism ! to make these changes, e.g. PSECT_ATTR = SOME_COMMON,NOSHR !- !+ ! To make sure that the transfer vector comes first in the ! image (this is necessary), all read-only PSECTs must have ! PIC and EXE attributes (check compilation listings). ! ! The PSECT_ATTR directive provides the necessary mechanism ! to make these changes, e.g. PSECT_ATTR = SOME_PSECT,PIC,EXE !+ !+ ! The COLLECT directive groups the code and data into share- ! able library image, image section clustors. An image section ! clustor is a group of related PSECTs. Place all read-only 2-4 Changes since V1.4 Changes since V1.4 2.2 Changes in the Development Environment ! code and data (including the transfer vector) in CLUSTER1. ! Place all read-write data (including COMMONs) in CLUSTER2. ! ! Check compilation listings for PSECT names. !-COLLECT = CLUSTER1,$$$SAMPLE_SECTION,$CODE !-COLLECT = CLUSTER2,$CHAR_STRING_CONSTANTS,$DATA !+ ! The following lines list the modules that are to be included ! in the shareable image library. ! MCC_SAMPLE_VECTOR.OBJ MCC_SAMPLE__INIT.OBJ mcc_sample__show.OBJ mcc_sample__show_line.OBJ MCC_SAMPLE_TRANS_SAMPLE.OBJ MCC_SAMPLE_PSEUDO_SAMPLE.OBJ MCC_SAMPLE_PROTOCOL.OBJ MCC_SAMPLE_NETIO.OBJ MCC_SAMPLE_UTIL.OBJ mcc_sample__show_char_mcc .OBJ mcc_sample__test_mcc.OBJ MCC_SAMPLE_TRANS_LINE.OBJ MCC_SAMPLE_PSEUDO_LINE.OBJ MCC_DESFRAME.OLB/LIBRARY SYS$LIBRARY:MCC_KERNEL_SHR/SHARE !+ ! SYMBOL VECTOR !- !+ ! The transfer vector must be explicitly specified, all other ! modules may reside within object libraries. The transfer vector ! automatically references all defined entry points... !- SYMBOL_VECTOR = ( mcc_sample_am_init = PROCEDURE,- mcc_sample_am_log = PROCEDURE,- mcc_sample_am_probe = PROCEDURE ) !+ ! End MCC_SAMPLE LINKer options file. !- Changes since V1.4 2-5 Changes since V1.4 2.2 Changes in the Development Environment *** SAMPLE_AM_VECTOR.MAR (unchanged)*** ;++ ; ; TITLE: SAMPLE AM transfer vector / dispatch table ; MODULE: SAMPLE_AM_VECTOR.MAR ; ; Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation,1990 ; All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved ; under the copyright laws of the United States. ; ; The software contained on this media is proprietary ; to and embodies the confidential technology of ; Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, ; duplication or dissemination of the software and ; media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written ; license from Digital Equipment Corporation. ; ; RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or ; disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to ; restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) ; of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as ; applicable. ; ; FACILITY: ; MCC -- Management Control Center ; ; ABSTRACT: ; This module is the SAMPLE AM transfer vector. The purpose of ; this module is to define the intialization entry points and ; dispatch table entries for this AM. ; ; ENVIRONMENT: ; ; Macro ; Assembly assumptions: ; There exists a logical, mcc_include, that points to where the ; required macro library, mcc_enroll.mlb, may be found. ; No execution assumptions. ; ; AUTHOR: ; NME 2-6 Changes since V1.4 Changes since V1.4 2.2 Changes in the Development Environment ; ; CREATION DATE: ; Feb-1990 ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; ; Version Date Reviser Reason ; ------- ---- ------- ------ ; ;-- .TITLE SAMPLE_AM_VECTOR .IDENT /UT1.0.0/ ; Include macro lib in search .library "mcc_include:mcc_enroll.mlb" ; Include SAMPLE AM specific macro library in search .library "mcc_sample.mlb" ; ; Macros used to define dispatch tables, transfer vectors and ; symbols used for the SAMPLE_AM. ; .mcall mcc_interface_def .mcall mcc_init_vector .mcall mcc_dispatch_entry, mcc_entity, class_instance .mcall mcc_start_dispatch_table, mcc_end_dispatch_table .mcall mcc_enroll_def, mcc_vea_def .mcall mcc_sample_am_mgmt_if, mcc_sample_am_srvc_if mcc_vea_def ; Define verb, enity, attribute symbols mcc_interface_def ; Define common symbols mcc_enroll_def ; Define dispatch symbols mcc_sample_am_mgmt_if ; management symbol -CLASS YOURMM_AM mcc_sample_am_srvc_if ;+ ; Important - The `$$$' is to insure the proper location of this psect ; in the shareable library. ;- .psect $$$SAMPLE_AM$SECTION,pic,usr,con,rel,lcl,shr, - Changes since V1.4 2-7 Changes since V1.4 2.2 Changes in the Development Environment ; M001 exe,rd,nowrt,quad ;+ ; Define the transfer vector for the SAMPLE AM. This must be first. ;- mcc_init_vector mcc_sample_am_init mcc_init_vector mcc_sample_am_log mcc_init_vector mcc_sample_am_probe ;+ ; Now set up the dispatch table entries. These statements define the ; dispatch entries for this AM. ; This associates a with a procedure. ;- ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Begin SAMPLE AM dispatch tables ;- mcc_start_dispatch_table SAMPLE_DISPATCH_TABLE ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Begin SAMPLE (Global entity) Dispatch Table Entries ;- ;+ ; Dispatch entry for SHOW SAMPLE * ALL STATUS ;- mcc_dispatch_entry - SHOW,- >,- STATUS,- mcc_sample__show ;+ ; Dispatch entry for SHOW SAMPLE * ALL IDENTIFIERS ;- mcc_dispatch_entry - SHOW,- >,- IDENTIFIER,- mcc_sample__show 2-8 Changes since V1.4 Changes since V1.4 2.2 Changes in the Development Environment ;+ ; Dispatch entry for SHOW SAMPLE * ALL CHARACTERISTICS ;- mcc_dispatch_entry - SHOW,- >,- CHAR,- mcc_sample__show ;+ ; Dispatch entry for SHOW SAMPLE * ALL COUNTERS ;- mcc_dispatch_entry - SHOW,- >,- COUNTERS,- mcc_sample__show ;+ ; End SAMPLE Dispatch Table Entries ;----------------------------------- ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Begin LINE Dispatch Table Entries ;- ;+ ; Dispatch entry for SHOW SAMPLE * LINE * ALL STATUS ;- mcc_dispatch_entry - SHOW,- ,>,- STATUS,- mcc_sample__show_line ;+ ; Dispatch entry for SHOW SAMPLE * LINE * ALL IDENTIFIERS ;- mcc_dispatch_entry - SHOW,- ,>,- IDENTIFIER,- mcc_sample__show_line Changes since V1.4 2-9 Changes since V1.4 2.2 Changes in the Development Environment ;+ ; Dispatch entry for SHOW SAMPLE * LINE * ALL CHARACTERISTICS ;- mcc_dispatch_entry - SHOW,- ,>,- CHAR,- mcc_sample__show_line ;+ ; Dispatch entry for SHOW SAMPLE * LINE * ALL COUNTERS ;- mcc_dispatch_entry - SHOW,- ,>,- COUNTERS,- mcc_sample__show_line ;+ ; End LINE Dispatch Table Entries ;----------------------------------- ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Begin SAMPLE AM self-management Dispatch Table Entries ;- ; Dispatch entry for SHOW MCC SAMPLE AM ALL IDENTIFIERS ;- mcc_dispatch_entry - SHOW,- ,>,- IDENTIFIER,- mcc_sample__show_char_mcc 2-10 Changes since V1.4 Changes since V1.4 2.2 Changes in the Development Environment ;+ ; Dispatch entry for SHOW MCC SAMPLE AM ALL CHARACTERISTICS ;- ;+ ;+ mcc_dispatch_entry - SHOW,- ,>,- CHAR,- mcc_sample__show_char_mcc ;+ ; Dispatch entry for TEST MCC SAMPLE AM ;- mcc_dispatch_entry - TEST,- ,>,- NULL,- mcc_sample__test_mcc ;+ ; End SAMPLE AM self-management Dispatch Table Entries ;----------------------------------- ;+ ; End SAMPLE AM Dispatch Table ;------------------------------------------------------------------ mcc_end_dispatch_table ;+ ; End module SAMPLE_AM_VECTOR file SAMPLE_AM_VECTOR.MAR ;- .end Changes since V1.4 2-11 3 _________________________________________________________________ POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit V3.0 License The POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit V3.0 for OpenVMS Alpha requires a POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit V3.0 for OpenVMS Alpha license. POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit V3.0 License 3-1 4 _________________________________________________________________ Installation 4.1 Installing the POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit V3.0 The POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit is installed using the OpenVMS utility VMSINSTAL as follows: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL MCCTK030 device:[directory] OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure V7.0 It is 13-MAY-1997 at 15:44. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-NOTSYSTEM, You are not logged in to the SYSTEM account. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: DECW$SERVER_0 DECW$MWM DECW$TE_0125 VUE$BEROUD_3 VUE$BEROUD_4 _FTA5: _FTA6: _FTA7: DECW$TE_0198 _FTA9: _FTA10: MCCTEST * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? y * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? y The following products will be processed: MCCTK V3.0 Beginning installation of MCCTK V3.0 at 15:44 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. Installation 4-1 Installation 4.1 Installing the POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit V3.0 ************************************************************ * * * DECmcc DEVELOPER'S TOOLKIT V3.0-000 * * Integrated Package * * * * Installation Procedure * * * ************************************************************ The Module Reference Manuals are the management specifications for each module's management and service interfaces. The Manuals are provided in PostScript form, requiring 10936 blocks, and in LN03 form, requiring 10030 blocks. * Do you want the Module Reference Manuals [NO]? ? The Module Reference Manuals are the management specifications for each module's management and service interfaces. The Manuals are provided in PostScript form, requiring 10936 blocks, and in LN03 form, requiring 10030 blocks. * Do you want the Module Reference Manuals [NO]? n The System Reference Manual is a reference to the DECmcc interfaces. The Bookreader copy of the SRM requires 7998 blocks. * Do you want the DECmcc V1.2 Bookreader copy of the SRM [NO]? ? The System Reference Manual is a reference to the DECmcc interfaces. The Bookreader copy of the SRM requires 7998 blocks. * Do you want the DECmcc V1.2 Bookreader copy of the SRM [NO]? * Do you want to run the DECmcc DEV-TK IVP after the installation [YES]? ? Sorry, no help is available. * Do you want to run the DECmcc DEV-TK IVP after the installation [YES]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? ? 4-2 Installation Installation 4.1 Installing the POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit V3.0 During this installation, new files will be provided to replace existing versions. You may purge these older versions to save disk space, or keep them if you feel they may be of use. Purging is recommended. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? The following license Product: DECMCC-DEV-TK-ALPHA Producer: DEC Version: 3.0 Release Date: 17-MAR-1997 is registered and loaded on Your system. The installation will continue normally. VMSINSTAL asks no additional questions. %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... Following the copying of the files, the DECmcc DEVELOPER'S TOOLKIT start-up command procedure(s) will be invoked. Operational tables will be created by this procedure. To automatically set up the TOOLKIT on your system, edit your local system start-up command procedure SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM (OpenVMS V5.5-2) SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM (OpenVMS V6.1 or higher version) so that it invokes the TOOLKIT start-up command procedure. Add: @SYS$STARTUP:MCC_STARTUP_TK.COM Following the TOOLKIT start-up, the TOOLKIT postinstallation command procedure will be invoked. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... Beginning DECmcc DEV-TK Postinstallation Procedure ... Completing DECmcc DEV-TK Postinstallation Procedure ... Beginning DEV-TK Installation Verification Procedure ... Completing DEV-TK Installation Verification Procedure ... Installation of MCCTK V3.0 completed at 15:48 Installation 4-3 Installation 4.1 Installing the POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit V3.0 Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]MCCTK030.VMI_DATA VMSINSTAL procedure done at 15:49 4-4 Installation 5 _________________________________________________________________ Known Problems 5.1 Documentation Errors The POLYCENTER Framework Management Module Programming document has errors in the chapter entitled "Debugging and Testing a DECmcc Management Module on VMS" (Chapter 13). o Page 13-3 Point number 3: The correct command is "MANAGE/TOOLKIT/TEST_DRIVER/DEBUG". o Page 13-5 Point number 3: The correct command is "MANAGE/ENTERPRISE/DEBUG". o Page 13-6 Point number 6: The prompt is "MCC>" and not "TRM>". 5.2 Bad Version of Software in Help and Documentation Issues The version in the help and documentation is V1.4 and should be V3.0. However, this version of the POLYCENTER Framework Developer's Toolkit does not implement any new features, therefore the V1.4 help files and documentation are still correct for V3.0. Known Problems 5-1 6 _________________________________________________________________ Workarounds Provided This chapter describes the various workarounds available for resolution of the problems that exist in this release. NOTE: Workarounds require some human intervention. Ensure that the workaround instructions are adhered to as specified below. Workarounds Provided 6-1 7 _________________________________________________________________ Acknowledged Constraints We acknowledge the following limitations of the DECmcc software within this new release: 7.1 DECmcc Dictionary Supports up to Seven Entity Levels The DECmcc dictionary can support up to a maximum of seven entity levels. Therefore, if a MIB has more than seven levels, it is pruned to remove non-leaf objects that do not have variables defined. This compresses the entity model tree without losing any of the actual MIB variables that can be queried. This is both normal and expected behavior for the MIB Translator Utility (MTU). Acknowledged Constraints 7-1