VSI Availability Manager - Version 3.2 Release Notes April 2015 The following notes address new features for the HP Availability Manager Version 3.2. These notes are in the following categories: o New and changed features o Installation notes 1 New and Changed Features The following section discusses new and changed features introduced in Version 3.2 of the Availability Manager. 1.1 Support for Monitoring VSI OpenVMS Version 8.4-1H1 The Availability Manager can now collect data for systems running OpenVMS version 8.4-1H1. 1.2 Microsoft Windows 64-bit Support The Availability Manager Windows kit supports installation on 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows. All other Availability Manager components for Windows have been upgraded to function on 64-bit Windows as well. If you need 32-bit Windows support, the HP Availability Manager version 3.1-2 kit is available, as the HP and VSI kits contain equivalent Analyzer and Server software. The AVAIL_MAN_ANA kit has been renamed to AVAIL_MAN_ANA_ SRVR because the new kit contains both the Data Analyzer and Data Server. 2 Installation Notes The notes in this section are related to the preinstallation and installation of the Availability Manager software. 2.1 OpenVMS Data Collector kit For the Availability Manager version 3.2, the AVAIL_MAN_BASE kit (SIP kit) that installs with OpenVMS version 8.4-1H1 supplies the Data Collector and related files. Since a Data Collector version 3.2 kit would supply the same files, it is not needed. The Data Collector kit will be available for future versions of the Availability Manager. 2.2 Installing from an ODS-5 Disk If you install the Version 3.2 kit from an ODS-5 disk, the file name for the kit must be in all-capital letters for the kit to be installed correctly. 2.3 Copy Your AVAILMAN.INI File Prior to installation, you might want to make a copy of your AVAILMAN.INI file to save your customizations such as event threshold settings and the groups you usually monitor. On Windows systems, also delete any desktop shortcuts for previous versions of the Availability Manager because they will be invalid once the new version is installed.