Compaq Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: Compaq VTX Version 6.2 for OpenVMS Alpha SPD 64.05.02 DESCRIPTION Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha is a distributed document filing and re- trieval system. The server runs on the OpenVMS Operating System, while the clients run on any OpenVMS system with either DECnet or TCP/IP as the transport to the server. All multilanguage capabilities of this product are part of the stan- dard Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha. The PC client (TeamLinks Library Services for Microsoft Windows (SPD 52.62.xx) and Macintosh client (Team- Links Library Services for Macintosh (SPD 54.18.xx) are available sep- arately. Text retrieval functionality provides a search mechanism to access in- fobase pages. Using text retrieval, users can find and retrieve doc- uments where a match to a specified search query is found. Text re- trieval extends the storage retrieval capabilities of Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha to include full indexing of existing ISO-1 (ANSI) doc- uments and retrieval of these documents using "full text search." Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha is designed to allow users to quickly ac- cess and peruse online information easily. Information can be provided at multiple places in a wide area network and accessed from anywhere in the network; the end user does not need to know the location of the information. All information sources can be interlinked so the user has the impression of working within a single enterprisewide network of information. July 1999 Infobases can store a variety of document types, ranging from text to compound documents containing charts, images, and graphics. These doc- uments can be printed or viewed online if the appropriate viewer or application is present. Launchable pages provide a means to activate other applications, such as Excel or WordPerfect, from within Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha. There are no limitations on the type of infor- mation that can be stored in a launchable page, or on the type of ap- plication a launchable page can start. Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha provides the infrastructure for an en- terprisewide distributed text retrieval system as follows: o Access to information serving video terminals, PCs running DOS and Windows, Motif workstations (OpenVMS and ULTRIX), IBM 3270 termi- nals and Apple computers. o Information may be in any format. It can be retrieved either through menus (videotex), full text search, or keywords. o Contents of the customer's application databases can be retrieved through information servers developed by customers using back-end APIs in Compaq VTX. Information can be retrieved by a variety of query techniques, includ- ing: o Search by words, phrases, stems, title, keyword o Wildcard search expressions - single character or many charac- ters o Boolean expressions (AND, OR, and NOT) o Proximity and Field searching ("DIGITAL AND Alpha IN SENTENCE") o Date range searches of documents created before or after a spec- ified date o Ability to select indexes to search, including indexes not vis- ible by default o Query Menus: Menu choices can point to Query pages that can be useful predefined queries 2 o Videotex menus Many of the query techniques present documents with search terms high- lighted in context and partial results are returned while long queries continue. In addition, text retrieval functionality provides the abil- ity to override default stemming by requesting "exact matches." Categories of Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha Users: 1. Subscribers are the end-users of the Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha service; they navigate through the infobase, search for specific information pages, and create personal repositories of frequently accessed information. 2. Information Providers are responsible for maintaining the infor- mation pages that comprise the infobase(s) used by Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha. 3. Service Providers are responsible for coordinating the various roles and functions required to provide a Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha system. In addition to designing the infobase structure, the Ser- vice Provider performs the following tasks: o Supplies the appropriate page ranges for the information providers to update o Chooses the most appropriate information provider tool to use o Sets up information provider and subscriber accounts o Maintains the day-to-day operation of the Compaq VTX for Open- VMS Alpha system o Performs general troubleshooting activities 4. Application Providers are programmers that design and create front- and back-end applications that interact with Compaq VTX for Open- VMS Alpha. Examples are applications that prompt subscribers for information through the use of form pages, take the input to per- form functions outside of Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha and return the subscribers to the usual Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha environ- ment. 3 OpenVMS Clients and Environment: o VT100-series, VT200-series, VT300-series, and VT400-series termi- nals via DECnet, TCP/IP (using DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Al- pha) o DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha client via DECnet, TCP/IP (us- ing DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha) DOS Clients and Environment: o VT300-series character-cell emulation via DECnet ULTRIX RISC Clients and Environment: o VTX300-series, character-cell client working against a real VT ter- minal or an emulator as provided in DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha via DECnet, TCP/IP Features o All clients support ASCII, ISO Latin 1, DEC MCS and DEC Special Graphic (line drawing). The OpenVMS Character cell and DECwindows Motif clients support the Digital Technical character set. o The Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha server and clients (except for the VTX classic client) support multiple languages (Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Swedish). The Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha server will be able to simultaneously serve clients in any of the translated languages. o The Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha server displays the date and time in a number of instances: on the text retrieval result menu and Re- veal command. o Point and click from DECwindows Motif client o Enhanced print and save capabilities - Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Al- pha pages can be printed and saved in several different formats, such as mail, DEC ANSI, LN03[TM], and lineprinter. 4 o Communications transports - DECnet, TCP/IP communications from Open- VMS clients. o TCP/IP server-to-server communications. The Compaq VTX for Open- VMS server is capable of supporting DECnet and TCP/IP simultane- ously. o A "Getting Started" infobase, which contains the information a sub- scriber needs to use Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha. o Extensive online Help libraries for users involved in creating, main- taining, operating, and enhancing a Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha system. o Concentrator support for X.29 virtual devices, construction of X.25- based gateways. Concentrator support for 3270-class terminals based on the use of the DECnet/SNA Gateway VMS 3270 Data Stream Program- ming interface and custom-written IBM applications is also avail- able. o Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha allows the ALL-IN-1 user to access Com- paq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha using GOLD KEY mappings for the standard Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha functions. It also allows for inte- gration with the ALL-IN-1 Interrupt and Scratchpad menus. Components Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha includes all components necessary for de- signing, distributing, and accessing Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha in- fobases and applications. The components are as follows: o Servers and Operator Utilities - Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha server (VTXSRV) handles subscriber requests for the pages in an infobase. - Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha Control Utility (VTXCTL) enables communications for the Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha operator with the Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha server, content-based retrieval subsystem, update server, concentrator, Compaq VTX for OpenVMS 5 Alpha Workbench server, and the Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha ap- plication server to start and stop processes. - Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha Account Control Utility (VTXACU) allows creation, modification, deletion, and maintenance of Com- paq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha accounts. - Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha Workbench server (VTXWBSRV) con- trols all Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha Workbench update access to Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha infobases and performs updates to the infobases. It also enables the user to retrieve and ex- tract pages from the infobase for modification using the Com- paq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha Workbench Graphical Interface. - Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha Update server (VTXUPDSRV) is a pro- gram that functions similarly to the server except that its pur- pose is to allow selected information providers, using the VTX- UPD Utility, to update selected pages from a remote node. - Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha Infobase Verification Utility (VTX- IVU) performs infobase verification and reports on the infobase structure. VTXIVU enables the user to examine the state of the infobase periodically and identify any discrepancies. Option- ally, the verification report may contain a cross-reference list- ing of the infobase. o Information Provider Tools - Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha Update Utility (VTXUPD) provides full maintenance capability including creation, modification, and deletion of Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha pages in the in- fobase, and management of content-based retrieval indexes. The utility offers two ways to work: menu mode for first-time or in- frequent users, and command mode for experienced users. This pro- gram can operate directly on infobase files or access infobase files through the network using the Update server. - Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha Automatic Page Management System (VTXAPMS) is an automated tool that assigns/replaces symbolic page references in VTXAPMS input files with page numbers and dy- namically builds index menus. 6 - Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha Workbench Graphical Interface (VTXW- BGI) allows the communications of one or more Information Providers with the Workbench server to create and maintain information in page and keyword files. - Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha Workbench Command Language (VTXW- BCL) allows the Information Provider to generate an infobase au- tomatically from large or frequently updated sources, such as manuals and catalogs. - Print queue services allow the Information Provider to prepare different format files, such as DDIF documents, WPS-PLUS doc- uments, and text files for use in the Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Al- pha infobase. Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha takes advantage of Compaq's standard OpenVMS printing facilities under OpenVMS and PATHWORKS for VMS. The user can specify the printer destination and options. o Concentrator (CON) A concentrator is used to control multiple terminals on a single node and to concentrate multiple terminal program sessions over a single DECnet link. In addition, a concentrator can be used to es- tablish certain terminals solely for the purpose of Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha use. LAT support in the Concentrator allows DIGITAL terminals and ALL-IN-1 device type terminals connected to terminal servers to be assigned to the concentrator. o External Link Interface (ELK) The External Link Interface (ELK) is a shareable image of callable routines. The ELK routines provide users with the ability to cre- ate custom-written applications with a subset of the Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha protocol capabilities to interact with a Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha server and subscriber client. Applications in- terfacing with ELK can be written in any OpenVMS-supported language that complies with the OpenVMS calling standard. Interfacing with 7 ELK offers the full advantage of a wide range of Compaq VTX for Open- VMS Alpha functions. ELK requires a thorough understanding of soft- ware development techniques used by the applications programmer. o Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha Application Service (VAS) The Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha Application Service (VAS) is a higher level facility that uses the ELK interface. The VAS component is an OpenVMS run-time image used to present form, menu, and display pages from the host Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha server's infobase as the user interface to one or more transactional applications de- fined by the customer. The VAS component can also dynamically cre- ate menu pages that are formatted by the Compaq VTX client. These transactional videotex applications can be defined entirely with VAS or distributed with VAS communicating to custom-written exter- nal applications. Application interfaces include DECnet, P.S.I. X.25, and DECnet/SNA VMS APPC/LU6.2 Programming Interface. o Remote Update Server Link (RUSL) The Remote Update Server Link (RUSL) is a shareable image of callable routines linked into custom-written code to create tailored update applications. RUSL applications can perform interactive Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha page and keyword extractions, updates, additions, and deletions through the Update server. RUSL applications commu- nicate with the Update server via DECnet o Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha Documentation Documentation on the installation, as well as user's guides for the Service Provider, Information Provider, Application Provider, and Text Retrieval are included in the server kit. o Packaging OpenVMS Character cell and Motif clients are included with the server and can be copied to any node in the network. Multilanguage support is included, allowing a user to select any one of the translated languages when starting the Compaq VTX clients. Com- paq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha server will be able to simultaneously serve clients in any of the translated languages. 8 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported Any Alpha processor that supports OpenVMS Alpha Versions 6.1 - 7.1. Other Hardware Required The software for accessing Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha from Video Ter- minals is packaged with the Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha server. The Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha interface is supported on any VT100- series, VT200-series, VT300-series, and VT400-series terminal or any output device running a Compaq Computer Corporation supplied and sup- ported emulator for the above. o Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha on DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Al- pha The software for Compaq VTX for OpenVMS on DECwindows Motif for Open- VMS Alpha is packaged with the Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha server and runs on the same supported processors as the server, but re- quires either a workstation, a DOS-based PC, a Macintosh, or an X terminal for display. These display devices must be running a Win- dows System, Version 11, Release 4 compliant display server. Processor Restrictions: Single processor nodes only. No multiprocessor CPUs. Disk Space Requirements The amount of disk space required to install and use Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha depends on the components installed. The installation provides a conversational option that allows customers to tailor the Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha environment on a system according to ex- pected usage. 9 ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1:_Disk_Space_Requirements_for_Full_Kit______________________ After Component__________________Installation____________________________ Full_Kit___________________20_MB___________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Table_2:_Disk_Space_Requirements_for_Components_of_Kit_____________ After Component__________________Installation____________________________ Base Kit, including 12,500 blocks language clients Servers 15,500 blocks Information Provider 2,400 blocks Tools Back End Applications 600 blocks Installation Verifica- 60 blocks tion Procedure Total 31,060 blocks Traditional Parts of 1,400 blocks Kit Classic VT Front End 14,000 blocks IP Conversion Tools 150 blocks Total______________________15,550_blocks___________________________ The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. 10 OPTIONAL HARDWARE The following terminals are supported for subscriber use: o VT100 series o VT200 series (LK201 support) o VT300 series o VT400 series o PC100, PC200, PC300, PC400 (any DIGITAL terminal in VT100 mode) o NORPAK MARK IV NAPLPS o Sony NAPLPS o PRO/NAPLPS Terminal Emulator on the Professional 350 o Rainbow/NAPLPS o PRESTEL class terminals (Level 1)* o DECtalk with touch-tone keyboard** o IBM PC XT (VT100 mode) o LOEWE CEPT o VTX20 Terminal o French Minitel o IBM 3270 Data Stream Terminals * Level 1 signifies ability to retrieve and view PRESTEL pages. ** DECtalk (telephone keypad) is supported for the Concentrator only, using dialup ports. The following terminal servers are supported for use with the Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha concentrator: o DECserver 200, DECserver 500, and DECserver 550 11 Any mass media storage device supported by the prerequisite software Standard DECnet hardware (for a distributed Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Al- pha environment). International Support: o VTX20 o French Minitel CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT This layered product is fully supported when installed on any valid and licensed OpenVMS Cluster* configuration without restrictions. The HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS section of this product's Software Product De- scription details any special hardware required by this product. * V5.x OpenVMS Cluster configurations are fully described in the Open- VMS Cluster Software Product Description (SPD 29.78.xx) and include CI, Ethernet, and Mixed Interconnect configurations. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS This product has been tested on the following versions of OpenVMS: For the Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha to Support Any or All of the Clients: o OpenVMS Alpha Operating System V6.1-V7.1 o DECnet for OpenVMS Alpha V5.4-V5.5 o DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha V2.0-V3.2 (if using TCP/IP communications) For OpenVMS Workstations with DECwindows Motif Interface: o DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha V1.1 or higher On Its Corresponding OpenVMS Server: o OpenVMS Alpha Operating System V6.1-V7.1 o DECnet for OpenVMS Alpha V5.4-V5.5 12 o DEC TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha V2.0-V3.2 (if using TCP/IP) This product can be accessed in either of the following ways: o Standalone execution - running the X11 display server and the client application on the same machine o Remote execution - running the X11 display server and the client application on different machines DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha must be installed separately and prior to installing Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha. Installation of DECwin- dows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha gives users the option to install any or all of the following three components: o DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Compute Server (includes run- time support) o DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Device Support o DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Programming Support For standalone execution, the following DECwindows components must be installed on the machine: o DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Compute Server o DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Device Support For remote execution, the following DECwindows components must be in- stalled on the machine: Server machine o DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Compute Server o DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Device Support Client machine o DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Compute Server 13 Other OpenVMS Components: o OpenVMS Alpha Operating System V6.1 - V7.1 OpenVMS Tailoring: For OpenVMS V6.1 - V7.1 systems, the following OpenVMS classes are re- quired for full functionality of this layered product: o OpenVMS Required Saveset o Network Support o Programming Support o System Programming Support o Secure User's Environment o Utilities o Translated Image Support (TIS) For more information on OpenVMS classes and tailoring, refer to the OpenVMS Alpha Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 41.87.xx). GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware and software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the cur- rent version. YEAR 2000 READY This product is Year 2000 Ready when run on a Year 2000 compliant ver- sion of the operating system. "Year 2000 Ready" products are defined by Compaq as products capable of accurately processing, providing, and/or receiving date data from, into and between the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries, and the years 1999 and 2000, including leap year calculations, when used in accordance with the associated product documentation and provided that 14 all hardware, firmware and software used in combination with such prod- ucts properly exchange accurate date data with the products. For additional information visit the DIGITAL Brand area on Compaq's Year 2000 Ready web site located at SOFTWARE WARRANTY This software is provided by Compaq with a 90 day conformance warranty in accordance with the Compaq warranty terms applicable to the license purchase. The warranty period is 90 days. It begins when the software is installed or thirty days after delivery to the end user, whichever occurs first, and expires 90 days later. All warranty related support for this soft- ware will end one year after release of the subsequent versions. Warranty is provided in the country of purchase. Compaq will provide a service location that will accept reporting (in format prescribed by Compaq) of a nonconformance problem caused when using the licensed software under normal conditions as defined by this SPD. Compaq will remedy a nonconformance problem in the current unaltered release of the licensed software by issuing correction information such as: cor- rection documentation, corrected code; or a notice of availability of corrected code; or a restriction or a bypass. The customer will be re- sponsible for the preparation and submission of the problem report to the service location. WARRANTY EXCLUSION Compaq does not warrant that the software licensed to customer shall be error free, that the software shall operate with any hardware and software other than as specified in this SPD, that the software shall satisfy customer's own specific requirements, or that copies of the software other than those provided or authorized by Compaq shall con- form to the SPD. 15 Compaq makes no warranties with respect to the fitness and operabil- ity of modifications not made by Compaq. If the software fails to function for reasons stated above, the cus- tomer's warranty will be invalidated and all service calls will be bil- lable at the prevailing per call rates. ORDERING INFORMATION Operation of this product requires a Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha server and at least one Compaq VTX client. OpenVMS Character cell and Motif clients are included with the server and may be copied to any node in the network. Software Licenses: QL-3R7A*-** Software Media: QA-3R7AA-** Software Documentation: QA-3R7AA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-03R7A*-** The media kit includes media and documentation for the server, clients, and information providers. * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA CD-ROM This product is also available as part of the OpenVMS Consolidated Soft- ware Distribution on CD-ROM. 16 SOFTWARE LICENSING This layered product supports the OpenVMS License Management Facil- ity. License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System Use plus Concurrent Use basis. This layered product offers a Concurrent Use License. Each Concurrent Use license allows any one individual at a time to use the layered prod- uct. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS Alpha Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 41.87.xx) or the License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS Alpha Oper- ating System documentation set. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES Mature Product Support with Sustaining Engineering is offered for Com- paq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha that is equivalent to current version sup- port and includes telephone support, tested software patches for any new problems and availability of engineering-level resources for prob- lem escalation. However, Compaq will not be adding new features or func- tionality to Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha and no new versions of the product are planned. Accordingly, License Subscription and Software Update Distribution Services will no longer be available. Please con- tact your local Compaq Services Sales Specialist for more information about Mature Product Support with Sustaining Engineering for Compaq VTX for OpenVMS Alpha. A variety of service options are available from Compaq. For more in- formation, contact your local Compaq office. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Compaq office for the most up-to-date information. 17 Compaq, the Compaq logo and the DIGITAL logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. ALL-IN-1, Alpha, CI, DEC, DECnet, DECserver, DECstation, DECsystem, DECtalk, DIGITAL, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, TK, ULTRIX, VAX, VAXstation, VT100, VT300, and WPS-PLUS are trademarks of Compaq Computer Corporation. Excel is a trademark and Microsoft, MS, MS-DOS, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. CompuServe is a registered trademark of CompuServe Inc. IBM is a registered trademark and PC-DOS is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Apple and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Com- puter, Inc. Motif is a registered trademark of The Open Group. Sony is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation. Minitel is a trademark of France Telecom. WordPerfect is a trademark of WordPerfect Corp. ©Digital Equipment Corporation 1995, 1999. All rights reserved. 18