DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DIGITAL Open3D Version 4.8 for OpenVMS Alpha SPD 45.08.20 DESCRIPTION DIGITAL Open3D (formerly DEC Open3D) Version 4.8 for OpenVMS Alpha Sys- tems provides the capability of running the following graphics accel- erators on DIGITAL Alpha workstation and AlphaStation products using the OpenVMS Alpha Operating System, for Peripheral Component Inter- connect (PCI) accelerators: o ZLXp-L family: ZLXp-L1 and ZLXp-L2 o PowerStorm 3D30 and PowerStorm 4D20 DIGITAL Open3D for OpenVMS Alpha requires DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-4 for OpenVMS Alpha. For more informa- tion about its features, refer to the DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Description (SPD 42.19.xx). In conjunction with DECwindows Motif, DIGITAL Open3D provides a complete development and run-time en- vironment for 2D and 3D applications. DIGITAL Open3D supports the X Window System client/server model for network-transparent graphics and windowing. The DECwindows X11 dis- play server provided with DIGITAL Open3D can display output from: o 2D client applications supporting Release 6 of the X Window Sys- tem, Version 11 (X11R6) o 3D client applications supporting the OpenGL 3D extensions to the X Window System July 1998 AE-PZQ1V-TE DIGITAL Open3D provides X- and OpenGL-compliant servers for the ZLXp-L and PowerStorm 3D30/4D20 graphics accelerators. Furthermore, DIGITAL Open3D includes the DIGITAL implementation of the OpenGL application programming interface (API), provided as a set of programming libraries. Other support provided by DIGITAL Open3D is the use of input devices. The usability of 3D applications can be enhanced with input devices such as a dial or button box. To enable developers to support these devices within their own applications, DIGITAL Open3D provides the Peripheral Control Module (PCM) server and the Input Device Library (IDL). DIGITAL Open3D now supports Common Desktop Environment (CDE), the de- fault graphical user interface for OpenVMS. CDE provides a consistent user interface for end users and a coherent development environment for application developers across multiple OpenVMS platforms. Graphics Servers DIGITAL Open3D provides the device-dependent portions of the DECwindows X11 display server to support the ZLXp-L and PowerStorm 3D30/4D20 PCI graphics accelerators. These device-dependent portions include the device- dependent X layer, device drivers, server extensions, and hardware- specific microcode. The device-independent portions of the X11 dis- play server are provided by DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha. The DECwindows X11 display server provided with DIGITAL Open3D is a port of the standard X11R6 display server. By offering this server, DIGITAL can consistently incorporate X Consortium display server en- hancements in future releases of DIGITAL Open3D. Extension Support In addition to support for core X11R6, all DECwindows servers support the following extensions through DECwindows Motif: o X Imaging Extension (XIE) o XTRAP o SHAPE 2 o MIT multibuffering o DPS (Display PostScript) o MIT SHM (Shared Memory) o XInputExtension o DECStereo Extension (ZLXp-L and PowerStorm 3D30/4D20, families of options) o Support for Overlays (ZLXp-L family and PowerStorm 4D20) o MITmisc For more details on these extensions, refer to the DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Description (SPD 42.19.xx). The DIGITAL Open3D ZLXp-L family of graphics servers, and the PowerStorm 3D30/4D20 graphics servers, support the following additional extension: Version 1.1 of the OpenGL Extension to the X Window System (GLX), as defined by the OpenGL Architecture Review Board. GLX allows an OpenGL client on one vendor's platform to run across a network and display the results on another vendor's server. Server Enhancements The DIGITAL Open3D ZLXp-L family of graphics servers, and the PowerStorm 3D30/4D20 graphics servers, support additional hardware features of the corresponding graphics accelerators through a set of library routines and device-specific server extensions. These libraries and server exten- sions allow the application developer to access the overlay planes and stereo viewing hardware (when applicable) on these units. Multihead configurations (the simultaneous use of more than one graph- ics accelerator) are also supported per the chart in the MULTIHEAD MATRIX section later in this SPD. 3 Peripheral Control Module Server The usability of many graphics applications is enhanced by input de- vices other than a keyboard, tablet, or mouse. The Peripheral Control Module (PCM) server controls the following alternate input devices: o Lighted Programmable Function Keys (LPFK), also known as a "but- ton box." This device has 32 keys arranged in a matrix, each with an LED. o Programmable Function Dials (PFD), also known as a "dial box." This device has eight dials arranged in a 4 x 2 matrix. Programming Support DIGITAL Open3D includes an extensive set of programming libraries for building 2D and 3D applications. Two categories of programming libraries are provided with DIGITAL Open3D: o 3D rendering API: OpenGL o Input Device Library (IDL), a DIGITAL added-value library that al- lows programmers to access the capabilities of devices supported by the PCM server. Programming support is also provided by the DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Operating System, which includes the standard X and OSF/Motif libraries and tools (Xlib, Xtoolkit intrinsics, OSF/Motif UIL compiler), and DIGITAL added-value extensions. Used with the DIGITAL Open3D li- braries, the DECwindows Motif standard graphics and windowing APIs pro- vide a robust environment for developers creating interactive 2D and 3D graphics applications. For more details on the graphics programming environment provided with the DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Operating System, see the Soft- ware Product Description 42.19.xx. 4 OpenGL OpenGL is the software interface that enables application developers to produce high quality images of 3D objects. OpenGL has been designed to work with various operating and window system environments. The ver- sion of OpenGL supplied as part of DIGITAL Open3D has been integrated with the X Window System, which allows the support of network-transparent 3D graphics. The OpenGL API and X protocol extensions are defined by the OpenGL Architecture Review Board, of which DIGITAL is a founding member. To enhance the compatibility of different vendors' implementations of OpenGL, a suite of conformance tests has been developed to determine if a vendor's im- plementation of OpenGL conforms to the specification. The DIGITAL im- plementation of OpenGL has passed all tests required of a conformant implementation of OpenGL Version 1.0, GLX Version 1.1, and OpenGL Util- ity Library (GLU) Version 1.2. OpenGL is packaged as a set of dynamic shared libraries against which an application is linked. The shareable images are activated at run- time as needed. OpenGL supports a wide variety of 2D and 3D functionality, including: o Graphics primitives - Points - Lines - Polylines - Fill area - Triangle strips - Triangle fans - Quadrilateral meshes - Trimmed and untrimmed NURBs (nonuniform rational B-splines) o Object properties - Line type and width 5 - Color - Character attributes o Viewing and transformation operations o Rendering styles - Flat shading - Smooth shading - Hidden line hidden surface removal (HLHSR) o Advanced rendering features - Antialiasing - Texture mapping - Alpha blending - Transparency - Accumulation buffers for effects such as depth of field, motion blur, shadows, and fog Input Device Library The Input Device Library (IDL) provides programmers with access to the hardware devices supported by the PCM server. With this library, ap- plications can control which buttons and/or dials they listen to, and more than one application can simultaneously receive the data. This library also enables an application to control the smoothing and threshold functions of the dial box, varying the sensitivity to suit the application. 6 Character Fonts DIGITAL Open3D includes a series of stroke precision character fonts. These character fonts were digitized by Dr. Allen V. Hershey of the Naval Surface Weapons Laboratory, and supplied to DIGITAL by the National Bureau of Standards. CONFORMANCE TO STANDARDS The following have passed the tests required of a conformant imple- mentation of OpenGL Version 1.0, GLX Version 1.1, and GLU Version 1.2: o The DIGITAL implementation of OpenGL o ZLXp-L and PowerStorm 3D30/4D20 servers In addition, DIGITAL Open3D is designed to conform with the follow- ing standard: X Window System Version 11 Release 6 (X11R6) HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS The following PCI systems are supported: ___________________________________________________________________ Graphics System Accelerators Processor______________Supported___________________________________ Digital AlphaStation ZLXp-L1, ZLXp-L2 200 4/100 ___________________________________________________________________ Digital AlphaStation ZLXp-L1, ZLXp-L2 200 4/166 ___________________________________________________________________ 7 _______________________Graphics____________________________________ System Accelerators Processor______________Supported___________________________________ Digital AlphaStation ZLXp-L1, ZLXp-L2 200 4/233 ___________________________________________________________________ Digital AlphaStation ZLXp-L1, ZLXp-L2 250 4/266 ___________________________________________________________________ Digital AlphaStation ZLXp-L1, ZLXp-L2, PowerStorm 3D30, 255/233 PowerStorm 4D20 ___________________________________________________________________ Digital AlphaStation ZLXp-L1, ZLXp-L2, PowerStorm 3D30, 255/300 PowerStorm 4D20, ___________________________________________________________________ Digital AlphaStation ZLXp-L1, ZLXp-L2 400 4/233 ___________________________________________________________________ Digital AlphaStation ZLXp-L1, ZLXp-L2, PowerStorm 3D30, 500/266 PowerStorm 4D20 ___________________________________________________________________ Digital AlphaStation ZLXp-L1, ZLXp-L2, PowerStorm 3D30, 500/333 PowerStorm 4D20 ___________________________________________________________________ Digital AlphaStation ZLXp-L1, ZLXp-L2, PowerStorm 3D30, 500/400 PowerStorm 4D20 ___________________________________________________________________ Digital AlphaStation ZLXp-L1, ZLXp-L2, PowerStorm 3D30, 500/500 PowerStorm 4D20 ___________________________________________________________________ 8 _______________________Graphics____________________________________ System Accelerators Processor______________Supported___________________________________ Digital AlphaStation ZLXp-L1, ZLXp-L2, PowerStorm 3D30, 600 5/266 PowerStorm 4D20 ___________________________________________________________________ Digital AlphaStation ZLXp-L1, ZLXp-L2, PowerStorm 3D30, 600 5/300 PowerStorm 4D20 ___________________________________________________________________ Digital AlphaStation ZLXp-L1, ZLXp-L2, PowerStorm 3D30, 600 5/333 PowerStorm 4D20 ___________________________________________________________________ Digital AlphaStation PowerStorm 3D30, PowerStorm 4D20 600A 5/500 ___________________________________________________________________ Digital Personal PowerStorm 3D30, PowerStorm 4D20 Workstation 433au ___________________________________________________________________ Digital Personal PowerStorm 3D30, PowerStorm 4D20 Workstation 500au ___________________________________________________________________ Digital Personal PowerStorm 3D30, PowerStorm 4D20 Workstation 600au ___________________________________________________________________ Digital Personal PowerStorm 3D30, PowerStorm 4D20 Workstation 433au (Enhanced Version) ___________________________________________________________________ Digital Personal PowerStorm 3D30, PowerStorm 4D20 Workstation 500au (Enhanced Version) 9 _______________________Graphics____________________________________ System Accelerators Processor______________Supported___________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Digital Personal PowerStorm 3D30, PowerStorm 4D20 Workstation 600au (Enhanced_Version)_________________________________________________ Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1) Disk space required during installation (files compressed): 49K blocks Disk space required after installation (files uncompressed): 49K blocks These figures refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. Memory Requirements for DECwindows Motif: The minimum supported memory for DIGITAL Open3D running in a standalone DECwindows Motif environment, with both the client and server execut- ing on the same system, is 64 MB. The memory size suggested for most typical hardware configurations, however, is more than 64 MB, depend- ing on the system. The system configuration and performance requirements of DECwindows Motif applications can determine the memory needed on your system as follows: o Less memory may be required on the client system (where the soft- ware is installed and executed) if the server (component display- ing the application) resides on another system. o More memory may be required on a system where improved performance is desired, or where several applications are running. 10 OPTIONAL HARDWARE DIGITAL Open3D Version 4.8 supports the following optional input de- vices: o Lighted Programmable Function Keyboard o Programmable Function Dials (dial box) Other devices that can be used are: o 30.5 x 30.5 cm (12 x 12 inch) tablet, mouse substitute only-on AlphaStations only MULTIHEAD MATRIX Multihead configurations are supported per the following chart and are subject to the PCI slot limitations of the system: 11 _______________________________#_of_Heads__________________________ Configuration__________________Supported___________________________ Digital AlphaStation 255/233, Digital AlphaStation 255/300 Graphics Accelerators: PowerStorm 3D30 2 PowerStorm 4D20 2 Can run a combination of PowerStorm 3D30/4D20s. ___________________________________________________________________ Digital AlphaStation 500/266, Digital AlphaStation 500/333, Digital AlphaStation 500/400, Digital AlphaStation 500/500 Graphics Accelerators: PowerStorm 3D30 3 PowerStorm 4D20 3 Can run a combination of PowerStorm 3D30/4D20s. ___________________________________________________________________ Digital AlphaStation 600 5/266, Digital AlphaStation 600 5/300, Digital AlphaStation 600 5/333, Digital AlphaStation 600A 5/500 Graphics Accelerators: PowerStorm 3D30 3 (4 if 2D only) PowerStorm 4D20 3 (4 if 2D only) If 3 heads, can run a combination of PowerStorm 3D30/4D20s; if 4 heads, must be all PowerStorm 3D30s or all PowerStorm 4D20s. ___________________________________________________________________ 12 _______________________________#_of_Heads__________________________ Configuration__________________Supported___________________________ Digital Personal Workstation 433au, Digital Personal Workstation 500au, Digital Personal Workstation 600au Graphics Accelerators: PowerStorm 3D30 3 (4 if 2D only) If 3 heads, can run three PowerStorm 3D30s or three PowerStorm 4D20s; if 4 heads, must be all PowerStorm 3D30s. PowerStorm 4D20 3 Can run three PowerStorm 3D30s or three PowerStorm 4D20s. ___________________________________________________________________ Digital Personal Workstation 433au (Enhanced Version), Digital Personal Workstation 500au (Enhanced Version), Digital Personal Workstation 600au (Enhanced Version) Graphics Accelerators: PowerStorm 3D30 3 (4 if 2D only) If 3 heads, can run three PowerStorm 3D30s or three PowerStorm 4D20s; if 4 heads, must be all PowerStorm 3D30s. PowerStorm 4D20 3 __________Can_run_three_PowerStorm_3D30s_or_three_PowerStorm_4D20s. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS The following software is required to run DIGITAL Open3D Version 4.8: o OpenVMS Alpha Operating System Version 7.1, 7.1-1H1, or 7.1-1H2 o DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-4 for OpenVMS Alpha 13 DIGITAL Open3D Version 4.8 requires the following language for the de- velopment of applications and programs that use DIGITAL Open3D on OpenVMS Alpha: DEC C Version 5.6 or higher for OpenVMS Alpha OpenVMS Alpha Tailoring The following OpenVMS Alpha classes are required for full DIGITAL Open3D functionality: o OpenVMS Alpha required save set o Network support o Programming support o OpenVMS Alpha workstation support GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware and software requirements of future DIGITAL Open3D versions may differ from the requirements of the current version. 14 DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This product is distributed on the OpenVMS Alpha Software Library Pack- age CD-ROM (order number QA-03XAA-H8). Online documentation only is distributed on the OpenVMS Alpha Online Documentation Library CD-ROM (order number QA-4KM8A-G8.) Binaries only are distributed on the OpenVMS Alpha Software Products Library CD-ROM (order number QA-4KL8A-A8.) These library packages contain the DIGITAL Open3D software binaries and online documentation in Bookreader and PostScript format. The DIGITAL Open3D documentation is also available in printed form, which can be ordered separately. ORDERING INFORMATION o Software License DIGITAL Open3D: QL-0ADA*-AA o Software Library Package CD-ROM: QA-0ADAA-H8 o Software Documentation DIGITAL Open3D: QA-0ADAA-GZ o Software Product Services DIGITAL Open3D: QT-0ADA*-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished only under a license. For more information about licensing terms and policies of DIGITAL, contact your local DIGITAL office. 15 License Management Facility Support DIGITAL Open3D supports the OpenVMS Alpha License Management Facil- ity (LMF). License units for DIGITAL Open3D are allocated on an Un- limited System Use basis under the TRADITIONAL LICENSE terms. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS Alpha Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 41.87.xx) or the OpenVMS Alpha Operating System documentation. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of product services are available from DIGITAL. For more in- formation, contact your local DIGITAL office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY This software is provided by DIGITAL with a 90-day conformance war- ranty in accordance with the DIGITAL warranty terms applicable to the license purchase. The information in this document is valid at the time of release. Please contact your local DIGITAL office for the most up-to-date information. [R] Motif and OSF/Motif are registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. [R] OpenGL is a registered trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. [R] PostScript and Display PostScript are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. [TM] X Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. [TM] AlphaStation, AlphaServer, Bookreader, DEC, DEC C, DEC Open3D, DECwindows, DIGITAL, DIGITAL Open3D, OpenVMS, PowerStorm, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. © 1998 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 16