This Software Product Description describes the following two prod- ucts: o HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha, Version 1.5 o HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Integrity Servers (I64) Version 1.5 The Description section describes features common to both products. Any differences in product features are explicitly indicated. DESCRIPTION The HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS (DECwindows Motif) desktop envi- ronment provides a Motif-based graphical user interface to the Open- VMS operating system. The Motif graphical user interface is widely ac- knowledged as an industry standard. This interface allows users to in- teract with OpenVMS using a point-and-click technique. DECwindows Mo- tif includes a set of integrated desktop applications that demonstrate the ease of use of this user interface and provides OpenVMS users with a base set of desktop tools. DECwindows Motif supports the client/server distribution inherent in the X Window System. This client/server model allows X Window System clients to run on one node and display output to another node, using a transport to communicate between the nodes. The DECwindows X11 dis- play server for OpenVMS Alpha and I64 is a direct port of the X Win- dow System Version 11, Release 6.6 (X11R6) display server, plus some optional extensions. The X11 display server is provided as part of the OpenVMS installation procedure. There are two graphical user interfaces, also referred to as desktops, from which DECwindows applications can be executed. The graphical user interface that was provided in previous versions of DECwindows Motif is still available and is referred to as the traditional DECwindows desktop. The other user interface, known as the New Desktop environ- ment, is derived from CDE (Common Desktop Environment). CDE is based on Motif and X11, and is recognized as the next-generation desktop. A major subset of CDE has been provided for OpenVMS Alpha and I64 in the form of the New Desktop. January 2005 New Features HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Version 1.5 contains the following key features: o Support for client-server communications using the TCP/IP IPv6 pro- tocol and IPv6 address formats o Port of DECwindows Motif to the I64 platform o Bug fixes DECwindows Desktop Environments The two available desktop environments provide similar functionality but have a different look and feel. The installation procedure gives users the choice of installing one or both desktops and asks which desk- top should be started by default. If both desktops are installed, a privileged user can switch desktops by editing a system setup file and restarting DECwindows. Choosing the New Desktop does not prevent you from running DECwindows Motif applications. You can run any DECwindows application from the New Desktop using a DECterm window. Furthermore, all DECwindows ap- plications can be configured to run within the New Desktop environ- ment. Online help is available for both the old and new desktops. Both desktops share the following four components. Although they may be referred to differently on the individual desktop, they perform the same functions. Basic Components Session Manager/Style Manager The Session Manager on the traditional desktop provides the top-level user interface to a DECwindows workstation. From this component, users 2 can start applications and perform security management. On the New Desk- top, however, the Style Manager is used to customize each session. Op- erations affecting the screen color, keyboard options, menus, and other options are all initiated from the Style Manager. Window Manager The Window Manager lets users control the size and placement of win- dows. Although the Motif Window Manager is provided as the default win- dow manager, users can choose instead to work with the DECwindows XUI Window Manager. The window manager can be chosen by an individual user or by a system manager for an entire system. FileView/File Manager FileView (traditional desktop) and File Manager (New Desktop) are both graphical interfaces to the OpenVMS file system. Both interfaces al- low users to navigate the file system and to perform operations on files. The icon-based File Manager, combined with the drag-and-drop feature, enables you to manage files quickly and conveniently. Either compo- nent allows you to filter files by options such as file types, size or date. DECterm DECterm is a VT320 terminal emulator that provides workstation users with a traditional character-cell interface for existing OpenVMS fea- tures and applications. It supports ReGIS and sixel but is not fully VT340 compatible. Programs written for VT52-, VT100-, VT220-, or VT320- class terminals and using OpenVMS terminal driver features operate with- out modification in this workstation window. DECterm also provides workstation- oriented features, such as mouse-based cursor positioning, variable screen sizes, and cutting and pasting of text between DECterm and other DECwindows Motif applications. 3 Desktop Productivity Applications HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha and I64 provides a set of in- tegrated desktop applications that employ a common look and feel to help users easily master their computing environment. The following desktop applications are available with HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Version 1.5: o Bookreader - A tool for viewing the contents of books that are dis- tributed and stored on line. o Calculator - A basic scientific calculator. o Calendar - A personal time management system. o Cardfiler - A desktop card index or flip file, similar to an on- line address or phone book. o Clock - An analog and/or digital clock with an alarm. o CDA Viewer - A tool for reading documents containing text, graph- ics, and image data on DECwindows workstations. o Computer-based instruction - An online tutorial for novice Motif users; users can learn how to use the mouse and perform other sim- ple operations with Motif. o Mail - A DECwindows user interface to the OpenVMS Mail facility. o Message window - A window that displays system messages, such as new mail notification or system manager messages. o Notepad - A simple text editor. o Paint - A simple bitmap graphics editor. o Print Screen - A tool for capturing images on the screen. Images can be printed directly or saved to a file. o Puzzle - A game of numbered puzzle tiles. 4 o DECsound - An easy-to-use application that lets you play recorded messages, record audio messages, mail recorded messages, and in- clude recorded audio messages in documents. DECsound is available for use on TURBOchannel systems only. The New Desktop The New Desktop provides several features not available on the tra- ditional desktop that enable users to be more productive in this en- vironment. o Front Panel - The Front Panel provides fast access to applications. A user can select a customized workspace or launch any application that is represented by an icon with a single click. o Workspaces - A workspace is a virtual screen. Workspaces allow a user to organize their work and applications needed to perform that work together. When a workspace is selected, only those applica- tions started within that workspace are displayed. o Save and restore sessions - Automatic save and restore of open ap- plications. When you log out of the New Desktop, the state of your session is saved. The next time you log in, every application that supports automatic save and restore that was open when you logged out will be open again. Although the New Desktop is based on CDE, it is not a complete imple- mention of that interface. The following CDE components are included in the New Desktop: o Applications - dtlogin: Login Manager - dthello: Screen between Login Manager and Window Manager - dtscreen: Screen saver displays - dtpad: Editor - dtclock: Clock - dtsession: Session Manager 5 - dtstyle: Style Manager - dtwm: Window Manager, Control Panel - dtfile: File Manager, Application Manager - dtcalc: Calculator - dticon: Icon Editor - dtcreate: Action database entry creation tool - dthelpview: Help Viewer - dtgreet: Login Greeting - Keyboard Selection dialog box - Input Methods Selection dialog box - Save/restore support for DECwindows applications - dthelpgen: utility for creating a help volume for display from the Front Panel Help Viewer - dthelptag: compiles HelpTag source files into a run-time help file - dximageview o Libraries - dthelp: Help utility functions - dtsvc: Assorted utility routines - dtwidget: CDE custom widgets The following CDE components are replaced by existing DECwindows Mo- tif applications: o dtmail - Replaced by DECwindows Mail o dtcm - Replaced by DECwindows Calendar o dtterm - Replaced by DECwindows DECterm 6 o Print Manager - Replaced by DECwindows Print widget The following CDE components are not included in the New Desktop: o Application Builder o ToolTalk - Inter-Client Communications Manual (ICCM) transfer mech- anisms are implemented to emulate certain ToolTalk functions in- ternally, but ToolTalk messaging services APIs are not available to develop against. o Windowing Korn shell o Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) support Security and Authorization In addition to user-based security, DECwindows Motif supports both MIT- MAGIC-COOKIE-1 (Magic Cookie) and MIT-KERBEROS-5 (Kerberos) token-based authentication. Security options can be set or changed from either the Style Manager (New Desktop) or Session Manager application. Inter-Client Exchange (ICE) and Session Management Protocols The ICE protocol enables direct client-to-client communication with- out using the X server. The X Session Management Protocol (XSMP) provides a standard way for users to save client sessions. Each session is controlled by a net- work service known as the session manager. The session manager issues commands that direct client applications to save their state infor- mation for use during subsequent sessions. This protocol is built on top of ICE, which manages the client connections to the session man- ager server. Proxy Manager Services Proxy Managers allow for the management of proxy servers on behalf of clients. 7 Low-Bandwidth X Proxy Services DECwindows Motif supports the use of the Low-Bandwidth X (LBX) exten- sion and related proxy services. LBX was developed for those config- urations where the display server is separated from the client by a slow speed line, such as a 56K dial-in modem or a wide-area network (WAN). When the X protocol was developed, the primary use of the pro- tocol was over local area networks (LANs). Therefore, the X protocol was not optimized for low-speed connections. LBX addresses this short- coming of the X protocol by using a compression and caching scheme de- signed to minimize the amount of data flow between the client and server. Proxy Managers allow for the management of proxy servers on behalf of clients. The components of an LBX implementation for DECwindows Motif are: - LBX-Enabled X Server - Proxy Server The proxy server accepts a connection request from a client program and acts as an intermediary between the client and the X server. Communication between the proxy server and the client uses the standard X protocol. Communication between the proxy server and the X server uses an LBX-enhanced X protocol. - Proxy Manager The proxy manager relieves clients from managing proxy servers. Instead of sending a request directly to a proxy server, the client sends a request to the proxy manager indicating the re- quested X server. The proxy manager is responsible for either us- ing an existing proxy server or starting a new proxy server. Once the manager finds a proxy server, it returns the proxy server's ad- dress to the client. The proxy manager is optional. Support for X Window Utility Programs Several utility programs, bitmaps, and the Miscellaneous Utilities Li- brary from the X11 Release 4 thru 6 distribution are included in this release of the DECwindows Motif layered product. The sources and im- ages for a subset of these utilities are also included. Local Language Support 8 DECwindows Motif is available in several local languages. Please con- tact your local HP office for the latest information about availabil- ity of options and supported multilingual configurations. For more de- tails on the language variants, refer to the specific language-variant SPDs. Refer also to the Ordering Information and Software Licensing sections of this SPD. 9 Additional Fonts New fonts available with X11R6.6 have been added, including Bitstream Charter, Adobe Utopia, and two Speedo fonts that include the Euro cur- rency symbol. In addition, the following AgfaMonotype TrueType fonts have been added: Albany, Cumberland, Thorndale, Screen Sans and Screen Serif. Also included is licensed support for the iType font raster- izer from Agfa Monotype Corporation. Support for the Euro character is available in DECwindows and is provided as part of the OpenVMS in- stallation procedure. Programming Support The DECwindows Motif environment includes an extensive set of program- ming libraries and tools for use by application developers. The li- braries are provided in the form of shareable images. While Motif Re- lease 1.2.5 (CDE Motif 1.0) programming support is provided, Motif Re- lease 1.1.3, Release 1.2.2, Release 1.2.3, and XUI programming sup- port is not. Three categories of libraries are provided: o Standard X Window System libraries, such as Xlib and the Intrin- sics (X Toolkit) o Motif 1.2.5 Toolkit support for developing applications using the Motif user interface style o HP value-added libraries that give users additional capabilities: - DECwindows Extensions to Motif (DXm) - CDA support - Porting tools for changing applications from the XUI interface to the Motif user interface Components from each of these areas can be used in any combination to address the needs of applications. These components can also use the tools from a variety of programming languages. 10 Multithreading Support The X Window library (Xlib), X Toolkit Intrinsics (Xt), and X Window extension libraries are thread safe. Motif language bindings are provided for the following programming lan- guages: o HP Fortran for OpenVMS Alpha and I64 o HP Pascal for OpenVMS Alpha and I64 o HP C for OpenVMS Alpha and I64 In addition, C header files supplied by The Open Group have been mod- ified to work with HP C++. Pascal and Fortran bindings are included in the DECwindows Motif kit; Motif "strongly typed" language bindings for Ada are available in the HP Ada for OpenVMS Alpha layered prod- uct. (Ada language bindings were not updated for HP DECwindows Motif Version 1.3-1, or V1.5.) For additional programming support, the DECW$EXAMPLES directory includes the following programming examples: o Motif widget set examples o X11R4 and X11R5 programming examples (Xlib examples) o HP supplied examples The following sections describe the programming support libraries. Standard X Window System Libraries The X Window System compatible X programming library (Xlib) provided by DECwindows Motif supplies basic resource management (windows, color maps, input devices) and bitmap graphics services. It defines a map- ping of the X network protocol to a procedure library. The X Window System Intrinsics library support contains the X.Org Re- lease 6 (R6) Intrinsics (X Toolkit). The X Toolkit provides low-level routines that allow the creation of user interface objects called wid- gets. 11 Motif User Interface Programming Support The Motif style concepts are implemented by the Motif Toolkit. DECwin- dows Motif contains both the Motif and XUI Toolkits. Although program- ming support is not available for previous releases, application run- time support is provided for Motif Release 1.2.5 (CDE Motif 1.0) and Motif Release 1.2.3, Release 1.2.2, and Release 1.1.3 Toolkits, as well as for the XUI Toolkit. The Motif toolkit is based on the X Toolkit Intrinsics and contains three components: o Motif widgets and gadgets for implementing common user interface objects, such as scroll bars, menus, and push buttons o Utility routines that provide applications with functions for per- forming common tasks, such as cutting and pasting o Resource manager routines for loading user interface definition files and creating widgets and gadgets based on the contents of the def- inition files Existing Motif Release 1.2.3 applications on Alpha and I64 do not need to be recompiled or relinked to run in the CDE environment. In addi- tion, it is possible to achieve basic integration of existing appli- cations into CDE without making changes to the application source code. DECwindows Extensions to Motif The DECwindows Motif product adds value to the standard Motif Toolkit by including a library that contains a set of HP developed widgets and run-time routines not available from The Open Group. The following wid- gets provide a common DECwindows interface for some commonly used DECwin- dows functions: o A Color Mix widget that enables users to select and mix colors us- ing a variety of color models. o A Compound String Text widget that provides support for interna- tional character sets as well as left-to-right character sets. 12 o A Help widget that allows applications to display appropriate Help text in a consistent manner. This widget is provided for backward compatibility with DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Version 1.0 and has been superseded by the DECwindows Motif help system. o A Print widget that allows applications to print files in a con- sistent manner. o A Structured Visual Navigation (SVN) widget used by applications to display hierarchical information. The run-time routines include three DECwindows Motif help system calls that enable users to display online help files using Bookreader. CDA Programming Support The CDA Toolkit provides access routines that applications can use to create, read, and write files containing compound text, graphics, and imaging data. These files provide a vehicle for recording this infor- mation on disk, a medium for interchange of this data between appli- cations, and an intermediate form from which high-resolution print- able graphics data can be generated. XUI to Motif Porting Tools HP provides tools to aid programmers in porting applications to Mo- tif. These tools replace occurrences of XUI names in the input source file with the correct Motif names. DECwindows X11 Display Server for OpenVMS X Window System standards supported as part of DECwindows Motif in- clude the X11 network protocol, a base set of workstation fonts, the C language binding for the Xlib progammng library, and the C language binding for the X Toolkit libary. Support of the X11 network protocol in the client library and display server components provides the OpenVMS operating system with the abil- ity to interoperate with other X11-compliant systems in a distributed fashion. 13 The DECwindows Motif Version 1.5 product provides four transport in- terfaces: local shared memory, DECnet, and TCP/IP (using the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS product or third-party products such as Multi- Net), and Lat Transport. User-written transport subsystems and trans- port interfaces are not supported. X Extensions for OpenVMS The following table lists all the extensions supported on OpenVMS Al- pha and I64. ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1:_Supported_X_Extensions____________________________________ Title_______________Abbreviation___________________________________ Application XC-APPGROUP Group Big Requests BIG-REQUESTS Colormap Uti- TOG-CUP lization Policy D2DX D2DX DEC XTrap DEC-XTRAP Extended Visual EVI Information[1] Low-Bandwidth X LBX MIT Miscella- MIT-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD neous MIT Screen Saver MIT-SCREEN-SAVER MIT Shared MIT-SHM Memory Multi-Buffering MBE Non-Rectangular SHAPE Window Shape ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Formerly known as PANORAMIX 14 ___________________________________________________________________ Title_______________Abbreviation___________________________________ XC-MISC XC-MISC X Double Buffer DBE X Image Exten- XIE sion[2] XINERAMA[1] XINERAMA X Keyboard XKB X Print[3] XPRINT X Synchroniza- SYNC tion X Test XTEST Security SECURITY ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Formerly known as PANORAMIX [2]Support for V3.0 only [3]Client only ___________________________________________________________________ Note that the X Keyboard (XKB) extension replaces the AccessX exten- sion. The XKB extension provides full AccessX support. The AccessX ex- tension was provided in previous releases of DECwindows Motif. Translated Image Environment (Alpha Only) HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha provides an array of services to allow the operation of programs that have undergone binary trans- lation from DECwindows Motif Version 1.1 or XUI VAX images. These pro- grams can perform virtually all user-mode functions on HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha systems. However, HP DECwindows Motif for Open- VMS Alpha shareable images that are used with translated images are different from and incompatible with the shareable images used for na- tive images. Native and translated images that use HP DECwindows Mo- tif for OpenVMS Alpha software cannot be used together in a process. 15 Without requiring special source code, the Translated Image Environ- ment (TIE) automatically resolves differences between the VAX and Al- pha architectures, including floating-point registers, condition codes, exception handling, asynchronous system traps, and so on. The Translated Image Environment included with HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha is sufficient to run images that have been translated elsewhere. There is no translated image support on OpenVMS I64. Documentation for HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Please refer to the HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Documentation Overview for available manuals and media formats. Hardcopy documentation must be ordered separately. CDE Documentation The Common Desktop Environment (CDE) manuals are provided in support of the New Desktop. These manuals are included in the DECwindows Mo- tif CD-ROM kit in an online format and can be read using a browser. They are not part of the DECwindows Motif hardcopy documentation set. Please note that not all the information in the CDE documentation and reference pages applies to the New Desktop. For a description of the New Desktop, see the Getting Started With the New Desktop manual. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS DECwindows Motif runs on any of the supported processors but requires either a workstation, a Microsoft Windows based PC, a Macintosh, or an X terminal for display. These display devices must be running an X Window System, Version 11, Release 6 (R6) compliant display server. Supported Processors DECwindows Motif supports all the processors listed in the OpenVMS Op- erating System for Software Product Description (SPD 82.35.xx). 16 OpenVMS I64 supports the following Integrity Servers: - HP Integrity server rx2600 (2 sockets) - all speeds - HP Integrity server rx1600 (2 sockets) - all speeds - HP Integrity server rx4640 (4 sockets) - all speeds Note: A socket is a receptacle for microprocessor modules. A single microprocessor module may contain one or more CPUs. Disk Space Requirements for OpenVMS Alpha (Block Cluster Size = 1) Disk space required 210,000 blocks for DECwindows Motif use (permanent) To support full OpenVMS Alpha and full DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha, a system disk with at least 550 MB is recommended. However, a subset of the DECwindows Motif environment can be installed. Instal- lation of DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha, Version 1.5 gives the user the option to install any or all of the following components: o Run-time support (base kit) - 66,000 blocks. This section provides support for running DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha applications on Alpha compute servers and is a required part of the installa- tion. o New Desktop - 50,000 blocks. This is an optional component that al- lows use of the New Desktop environment. It includes applications and application programming interfaces (APIs). o DECwindows desktop - 21,000 blocks. The DECwindows desktop is the user interface that was included in previous versions of DECwin- dows Motif and includes the DECwindows Session Manager, FileView, and the Motif Window Manager. o Programming support - 70,000 blocks. This number includes support for the C, Pascal, and Fortran programming languages and for the New Desktop. If only a subset of languages is installed, the amount of disk space required will be less. 17 o Programming examples - 80,000 blocks. This number includes exam- ple audio files, the DECwindows desktop, and the New Desktop. If only a subset of example files is installed, the amount of disk space required will be less. o Translated Image Environment - 40,000 blocks. Disk Space Requirements For OpenVMS I64 (Block Cluster Size = 1) Disk space required 270,000 blocks for DECwindows Motif use (permanent) To support full OpenVMS I64 and full DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS I64, a system disk with at least 707 MB is recommended. However, a subset of the DECwindows Motif environment can be installed. Installation of DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS I64, Version 1.5 gives the user the op- tion to install any or all of the following components: o Run-time support (base kit) - 120,000 blocks. This section provides support for running DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS I64 applications on I64 compute servers and is a required part of the installation. o New Desktop - 70,000 blocks. This is an optional component that al- lows use of the New Desktop environment. It includes applications and application programming interfaces (APIs). o DECwindows desktop - 15,000 blocks. The DECwindows desktop is the user interface that was included in previous versions of DECwin- dows Motif and includes the DECwindows Session Manager, FileView, and the Motif Window Manager. o Programming support - 15,000 blocks. This number includes support for the C, Pascal, and Fortran programming languages and for the New Desktop. If only a subset of languages is installed, the amount of disk space required will be less. 18 o Programming examples - 16,000 blocks. This number includes exam- ple audio files, the DECwindows desktop, and the New Desktop. If only a subset of example files is installed, the amount of disk space required will be less. Memory Requirements OpenVMS Version 8.2 is supported by the minimal memory requirements of the specific Integrity Server platform. The performance and memory usage of OpenVMS systems running DECwin- dows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha and I64 depend on system configuration and window and applications usage. Support for Multiple-Screen Configuration A multiple-screen configuration consists of a single workstation that supports multiple graphics options. A graphics option consists of a graphics controller and a monitor. Please note that in a multiple-screen configuration, all the graphics cards must be of the same model. For additional information on workstations that support multiple-screens, please contact your local HP office or refer to the product informa- tion available at: Miscellaneous Supported Peripherals VSXXX-AB Tablet (replaces mouse) VSXXX-JA Audio headset VSXXX-AA Mouse VSXXX-FA Mouse 19 CLUSTER ENVIRONMENT This product is fully supported when installed on any valid and li- censed OpenVMS V8.2 for Alpha and I64 system running in a cluster con- figuration. Note: VMScluster configurations are fully described in the OpenVMS Clus- ter Software Software Product Description (SPD 29.78.xx) and include CI, Ethernet, and mixed-interconnect configurations. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.5 requires OpenVMS Al- pha Version V8.2 Operating System. DECwindows Version 1.5 for Open- VMS I64 requires OpenVMS I64 Operating System V8.2. OPTIONAL SOFTWARE o HP PATHWORKS 32 (SPD 56.33.xx) o HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (SPD 46.46.xx) o HP DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Alpha (SPD 25.03.xx) o HP DECnet for OpenVMS (Phase IV) (SPD 48.48.xx) o HP Kerberos Client for OpenVMS Alpha GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware and software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the cur- rent version. 20 DISTRIBUTION MEDIA The DECwindows Motif Version 1.5 on OpenVMS Alpha software is avail- able through the OpenVMS Software Product Library (Consolidated Soft- ware Distribution) on CD-ROM. DECwindows for OpenVMS I64 is available as part of an Operating En- vironment (Foundation Operating Environment, Enterprise Operating En- vironment, Mission Critical Environment). An optional hardcopy doc- umentation kit is also offered. ORDERING INFORMATION When purchasing DECwindows Motif both a license and media must be or- dered. The license deliverable provides the LMF PAK required to run the DECwindows Motif software. The VMS Operating System or Operating Environment (license and media) is a prerequisite to running DECwin- dows. Software Licenses: DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Personal Use: QL-XA1A*-2B Unlimited Use: QL-MV4A*-AA Binaries and online programmer documentation (CD-ROM): QA-03XAA-H8 Hardcopy Documentation: QA-MV4AB-GZ DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS I64: Software Media: Foundation Operating Media, BA322AA Software Documentation (Hard Copy): BA402MN An example of a new order for DECwindows Motif on I64: Binaries: Operating Environment Media - BA322A Hardcopy Documentation Kit (Optional) BA402MN For more information on the Operating Environments, please see the HP Operating Environments for OpenVMS I64 SPD: 82.34.** 21 DECwindows Motif Language Variants Software Licenses: Personal Use: (Alpha) QL-XDD**-2B Unlimited Use: (Alpha): QL-08U**-** Software Media: QA-XDD*A-H8 (Consolidated Software Distribution) * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from HP. For more infor- mation, contact your local HP account representative or distributor. Information is also available on SOFTWARE LICENSING A software license is required in order to use HP DECwindows Motif soft- ware. For the Alpha platform, HP DECwindows Motif is offered with Con- current Use, Personal Use and Traditional 'capacity' licenses. For I64, it is offered under the Operating Environment License. Version update licenses are not available for the I64 platform. Rights to use future revisions of HP DECwindows are available only through a Support Agree- ment or through a new license purchase. For more information about Open- VMS license terms and policies, contact your local HP sales office, or reference the Software Licensing site at: Media and online documentation kits are not provided with Factory In- stalled Software (FIS) systems. Licensing of Language Variants 22 The language variants of DECwindows are available as options to the DECwindows Motif Alpha product. Language variants are supported only when the version number of the language variant matches the version number of DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS. Some restrictions apply on language combinations. Refer to the rel- evant language variant SPD for details on supported language combi- nations in each country. DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS language variants are generally supported only in countries where the language is an official language. However, for some countries this may vary. Consult the relevant language vari- ant SPD or your local sales office to check for the availability of additional language support in your country or location. License Management Facility Support DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS uses the OpenVMS License Management Fa- cility. License units for DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha are al- located on an Unlimited System Use and Personal Use basis. Each Per- sonal Use license allows one identified individual to use the layered product. For DECwindows Motif on OpenVMS I64, the license is offered through the Operating Environment Package. For more information about the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS Operating System for Alpha and I64 Software Product De- scription (SPD 82.35.xx) or the OpenVMS Alpha operating system doc- umentation. SOFTWARE WARRANTY This software product is provided by HP with a 90-day conformance war- ranty in accordance with the HP warranty terms applicable to the li- cense purchase. 23 TRADEMARK INFORMATION © 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Confidential computer software. Valid license from HP and/or its sub- sidiaries required for possession, use, or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Soft- ware Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial use. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing here in should be construed as constituting an additional war- ranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omis- sions contained herein. 24 25