Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: Compaq SNA Data Transfer SPD 27.85.09 Facility for OpenVMS, Version 3.3A This SPD describes Compaq SNA Data Transfer Facility for OpenVMS, which is available for the OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX platforms. All in- formation applies to both platforms unless otherwise indicated. DESCRIPTION The Compaq SNA Data Transfer Facility for OpenVMS (DTF/VMS) is a lay- ered software product that provides data transfer capabilities between IBM OS/390 systems in a Systems Network Architecture (SNA) environ- ment and Compaq nodes in a Compaq network. The Data Transfer Facility for OpenVMS software communicates with the Mainframe Data Transfer Facility software (MDU) running on the IBM sys- tem. DTF for OpenVMS supports VAX and Alpha systems in a DECnet or TCP/IP environment. Access between the cooperating Compaq and IBM environ- ments is via one of the following products: TCP/IP or DECnet Connections o Compaq SNA Peer Server o Compaq SNA Domain Gateway o Compaq SNA Access Server for Windows NT o Compaq SNA Server for OpenVMS Alpha, a layered product that sup- ports local access as well as TCP/IP and DECnet clients. DECnet Only Connections o Compaq DECnet SNA Gateway for Synchronous Transport October 2001 o Compaq DECnet SNA Gateway for Channel Transport o Compaq SNA Server for OpenVMS VAX, a layered product that supports local access as well as remote DECnet clients. HIGHLIGHTS The following paragraphs briefly highlight the features of DTF for Open- VMS. More detailed information is given in the Features section of this SPD. Client/Server-Style Operation The DTF for OpenVMS product provides a client/server style of oper- ation. The OpenVMS DTF server can support file operations between IBM OS/390 and OpenVMS in a DECnet or TCP/IP environment. No additional software is required on other nodes in the OpenVMS network (except for OpenVMS recoverable copy operations). Refer to the Configuration sec- tion of this SPD for more information. Ease of Use DTF for OpenVMS provides a familiar user interface for both Compaq and IBM users. This feature supports easy application development and re- duces staff training. Comprehensive, Bidirectional Access The DTF for OpenVMS product enables bidirectional file transfer be- tween all DTF-supported nodes and IBM OS/390 systems. Checkpoint and Recovery DTF for OpenVMS provides OpenVMS and IBM users with checkpoint and re- covery support in the event of a system or network failure. This fea- ture allows DTF to resume an interrupted recoverable copy operation when the network returns to a normal state. This saves significant time and system resources when large files are transferred. File Backup 2 DTF for OpenVMS allows OpenVMS users to target IBM disks and tapes for backup and restore operations. In large co-resident Compaq and IBM sites, this capability optimizes system resource usage. Users have the abil- ity to include an allocation space qualifier when backing up files to target IBM disks to ensure proper disk space availability. Remote Job Submission DTF for OpenVMS users can submit jobs remotely from all clients. Post-Processing Using DTF for OpenVMS, OpenVMS, and IBM, users can provide a post-processing file to be executed after a file transfer is completed. This feature allows OpenVMS and IBM users to logically connect the running of a batch job to the successful completion of a DTF file transfer. This makes the implementation of distributed processing functions significantly easier to synchronize between IBM applications and OpenVMS-based ap- plications. Record-Level Access DTF for OpenVMS supports record-level access from OpenVMS systems to IBM OS/390 systems. Supported File Types DTF for OpenVMS supports multiple file types (RMS, VSAM, and BSAM), allowing easy applications development. DTF also supports mixed case IBM file specifications. HSM Support DTF for OpenVMS supports IBM's Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) facility. IBM Enterprise Architecture and SMS Support DTF for OpenVMS runs in compliance with IBM's Enterprise Architecture and will support SMS-managed data sets (refer to the Supported IBM Con- figurations section). 3 Data Translation Using Load Balancing and Performance Tuning DTF for OpenVMS supports text translation from Compaq DMCS (Digital Multinational Character Set, a superset of ASCII) to EBCDIC and vice versa on a record-by-record basis. DTF for OpenVMS supports load bal- ancing and performance tuning between the IBM system and the OpenVMS DTF server node by allowing users to select which system performs the text translation. Enhanced performance of the OpenVMS DTF server of- ten results when this translation is performed on the IBM system. Data Security DTF for OpenVMS controls access and protects valuable data with su- perior security capabilities. The mainframe component supports the industry- standard SAF security interface that runs on IBM machines. Proxy access to the IBM system allows OpenVMS users to access the OS/390 system without IBM userids and passwords flowing over the network con- nections. Server Management The DTF for OpenVMS product includes a management utility to manage the OpenVMS DTF server. Event Logging The mainframe component logs events which can be used for historical inquiry or accounting. System programmers can easily write special- ized accounting and bill-back reports using DTF's logs. Components There are three components to the Compaq SNA Data Transfer Facility for OpenVMS Version 3.3A product: o Data Transfer Facility server (OpenVMS DTF server), Version 3.3 o Data Transfer Facility utilities (OpenVMS DTF utilities), Version 3.3 o Mainframe Data Transfer Facility (MDU), Version 3.2 4 OpenVMS DTF Server The OpenVMS DTF server software can be installed on any OpenVMS Al- pha or OpenVMS VAX system in a network containing an SNA gateway or server. The node that is running the OpenVMS DTF server software is referred to as the server node. All DTF file requests go through this server node which communicates with the Mainframe DTF system using an SNA gateway or server. The DTF server software also performs text trans- lation (DMCS/EBCDIC). However, this can be done optionally by the MDU software. The OpenVMS DTF server software includes the OpenVMS DTF util- ities software described in the next section. OpenVMS DTF Utilities The OpenVMS DTF utilities software is an optional component that can be installed on any OpenVMS system where users wish to transfer files using the recoverable copy feature. The utilities software should also be installed if IBM users will be requesting recoverable copies in- volving that OpenVMS node. The utilities software consists of a server management utility and a checkpoint/recovery utility (TRANSFER/DTF). The OpenVMS DTF utilities software communicates with the OpenVMS DTF server software to accomplish the data transfer. It is not necessary to install the OpenVMS DTF utilities software on the server node since these utilities are included in the OpenVMS DTF server software pack- age. Mainframe DTF Mainframe DTF (MDU) is a layered software product that operates on an IBM mainframe. The Mainframe DTF (MDU) software is supported on all hardware running OS/390 in 31-bit mode including zSeries servers. MDU software is not currently supported under OS/390 in 64-bit mode or un- der zOS. MDU accepts file operation commands from the OpenVMS DTF server soft- ware and maps them into OS/390 file commands to perform the operation. It also provides interfaces so TSO users can issue recoverable and non- recoverable copy commands in interactive or batch mode. MDU software consists of two parts: a VTAM application program that controls the communications with the OpenVMS DTF server nodes for the purpose of 5 transferring files, and user interfaces. The three user interfaces are: a TSO command processor, a single-line command interface (REXX required), and an ISPF dialog. The MDU software can also be used to communicate with Compaq Tru64 UNIX systems. Refer to Compaq Data Transfer Facility for Tru64 UNIX Soft- ware Product Description 60.54.xx. Configuration MDU must be installed on each IBM system with which users want to com- municate. The Compaq network requires one OpenVMS DTF server compo- nent installed on a OpenVMS system, and may require multiple server component installations depending on the amount of use of DTF. Other OpenVMS nodes in the network do not require any additional software since DTF allows users to use standard file transfer commands to ac- cess IBM files. The OpenVMS DTF utilities software is required only if a particular OpenVMS system's users need the recoverable copy fea- ture or if IBM users desire recoverable copy operations to that Open- VMS system. Recoverable copy works only to OpenVMS nodes with the Open- VMS DTF server software or the OpenVMS DTF utilities software installed. FEATURES The DTF for OpenVMS product uses a variety of familiar user interfaces to make users more productive. Users do not have to learn new commands and procedures. Users in the OpenVMS environment can issue standard DCL commands, like COPY, TYPE, DIRECTORY, and so on. Alternatively, they can use the Record Management System (RMS) programming interface or the TRANSFER/DTF util- ity for data exchange between OpenVMS and IBM systems. IBM OS/390 users can access and transfer data by using the TSO DTF com- mand processor, the TSO ISPF panels, or the single-line interface. The TSO command processor can also be invoked in batch mode. 6 DTF Access from OpenVMS Clients OpenVMS DTF users can initiate non-recoverable or recoverable, bidi- rectional file transfers between IBM DTF clients and themselves. DTF supports the following OpenVMS DCL commands. Note: Some of the qualifiers associated with these DCL commands are sub- ject to restrictions when used with DTF. APPEND DELETE SEARCH BACKUP DIFFERENCES REMOTE SUBMIT CLOSE DIRECTORY TYPE CONVERT EXCHANGE/NETWORK WRITE COPY OPEN CREATE READ DTF Access from OS/390 IBM DTF users can initiate nonrecoverable or recoverable, bidirectional file transfers between OpenVMS DTF clients running the OpenVMS/DTF util- ities software and themselves. In addition, they can initiate nonre- coverable, bidirectional file transfer between all other DTF clients (including other IBM systems) and themselves. OS/390 TSO users have the following commands available to transfer files to or from other DTF clients. DTFSEND DTFRECV DTFRESUM DTF com- DTF ISPF DTF non-ISPF panels mand panels processor Checkpoint and Recovery Checkpoint and recovery capabilities ensure that data remains accu- rate and intact, even in the event of system or network failure. When OpenVMS users transfer files using the TRANSFER/DTF utility, it au- tomatically resumes an interrupted file-transfer process with no loss of data when communications between sending and receiving systems is reestablished. Checkpoint and recovery is supported for non-VSAM files 7 that are disk or tape resident. Checkpoint and recovery is not sup- ported on VSAM files. IBM users have a similar checkpoint and recovery feature. A recover- able copy operation performed from an IBM system sets environment vari- ables (CLIST in OS/390). If the transfer terminates with a network er- ror, these variables contain information to allow the user to resume the transfer. File Backup DTF for OpenVMS allows OpenVMS users to back up and restore their disks directly to IBM tapes or disks using the OpenVMS BACKUP command. Users have the ability to include an allocation space qualifier when back- ing up files to target IBM disks to ensure proper disk space avail- ability. Remote Job Submission OpenVMS users can submit JCL files on the IBM system to be executed by JES or by a batch machine. These users can use the standard file operation commands to initiate the job submission. For example, Open- VMS users use SUBMIT/REMOTE. Users will not get the status of the job completion. IBM DTF users can submit jobs by using the post-processing feature described in the next section. Post-Processing Post-processing is the ability to submit a DCL command procedure or OS/390 JCL procedure after a file transfer is completed. IBM users can use the post-processing feature from either the command processor or the panel interface. OpenVMS users can use the post-processing fea- ture only through the TRANSFER/DTF utility. Record-Level Access DTF for OpenVMS allows an OpenVMS user record-level access to IBM files by means of an RMS application or DCL commands. DTF does not support record-level access initiated from IBM to OpenVMS RMS files. Supported File Types 8 All OpenVMS file types are supported. ODS-5 Extended File Specifica- tion is not supported. For IBM OS/390 systems, supported non-VSAM file types are those with the physical sequential data set organization. This includes normal sequential files as well as partitioned data set members. Both disk- resident and tape-resident non-VSAM files are supported. Supported VSAM file types include entry-sequenced data sets (ESDS), relative-record data sets (RRDS), and key-sequenced data sets (KSDS). DTF for OpenVMS provides an option for users to overcome the null record restriction by substituting a record containing a character or value chosen by the user. A mixed-case option supports applications on the IBM side that create file specifications that are case sensitive. The case qualifier supports file specifications that contain lower case characters. HSM Support MDU supports the Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) facility and allows users to recall migrated data sets. IBM system programmers can tailor the number of concurrent outstanding HSM requests as well as device recall capability. SMS Support MDU supports the OS/390 Storage Management Subsystem (SMS) facility. Data Translation DTF for OpenVMS provides two options for data translation: no data trans- lation at all and Compaq DMCS (Digital Multinational Character Set, a superset of ASCII) to EBCDIC and vice versa. o Users can specify that DTF for OpenVMS should perform no data trans- lation during a file transfer. This option is useful for transfer- ring image files. 9 o By default, DTF for OpenVMS performs data translation from DMCS to EBCDIC and vice versa on a record-by-record basis. This is the op- tion normally used to transfer text files. By default, data translation is performed on the OpenVMS DTF server node. To decrease the load on the OpenVMS DTF server, the server man- ager can optionally specify that data translation (DMCS/EBCDIC) oc- cur on the IBM DTF system. Data Security Files on the IBM system are accessible only to Compaq users with valid access control information. MDU provides a standard user exit for se- curity mechanisms through the System Authorization Facility (SAF) in- terface. For OpenVMS systems, security is maintained by using the stan- dard file protection mechanism provided by the base operating system. MDU also allows proxy information to be stored on the IBM system us- ing standard IBM system security packages. For ease of use, the proxy information allows OpenVMS users to per- form file transfers without having to provide passwords for their files located on the IBM system. Server Management DTF for OpenVMS provides a management utility to manage the server ac- count database, the file definition database, and the DTF proxy databases on the OpenVMS DTF server. The server account database allows the server to support file transfer requests to many different IBM DTF clients. The file definition database allows users to store the IBM file spec- ifications for frequently accessed files. The proxy database allows the server manager to set up mappings that allow users to enter re- quests without specifying their IBM passwords. Refer to the Data Se- curity section for more information. Event Logging 10 MDU logs events which can be used for historical inquiry or for ac- counting usage. Historical logging can be used to characterize the use of MDU. Such information is necessary for decisions involving oper- ating hours, performance tuning, and load analysis of the network and operating system. Account logging allows users of MDU functions to be recorded along with the resources they consume. The granularity of the information is sufficient to provide a bill-back capability. Imple- mentation of the accounting and billing capability is handled with a user exit and can be customized on a per-site basis. INSTALLATION Installation services from Compaq are recommended for a customer's first purchase of this software product. These services provide for instal- lation of the software product by an experienced software specialist. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported For a list of supported processors, refer to the OpenVMS Operating Sys- tem for Alpha and VAX Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx). Disk Space Requirements DTF Server for OpenVMS (Block Cluster Size = 1): VAX Alpha Disk space 5006 5547 blocks required for blocks installation: Disk space 1987 3196 blocks required for blocks use: 11 DTF Utilities for OpenVMS (Block Cluster Size = 1:) VAX Alpha Disk space 2323 2462 blocks required for blocks installation: Disk space 1101 1544 blocks required for blocks use: SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Using Compaq SNA Data Transfer Facility for OpenVMS requires: o OpenVMS Operating System for Alpha and VAX, Version 6.2, 7.1 (VAX), 7.1-2 (Alpha), 7.2, 7.2-1 (Alpha), 7.2-2 (Alpha), or 7.3 (SPD 25.01.xx). o One of the following networking products appropriate for the ver- sion of OpenVMS: o TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (SPD 46.46.xx) o DECnet for OpenVMS (Phase IV, SPD 48.48.xx) o DECnet-Plus (Phase V, SPD 50.45.xx for Alpha, SPD 25.03.xx for VAX). Choose a networking option appropriate for OpenVMS Versions Version 6.2, 7.1 (VAX), 7.1-2 (Alpha), 7.2, 7.2-1 (Alpha), 7.2-2 (Alpha), or 7.3 from the following table: ________________________________________________________________ DECnet OpenVMS_____TCP/IP______IV__________DECnet_V____________________ 6.2 4.2 6.2 6.3 7.1 5.1 7.1 7.1 7.1-2 5.1 7.1 7.1 7.2 5.1 7.2 7.2 12 ________________________DECnet__________________________________ OpenVMS_____TCP/IP______IV__________DECnet_V____________________ 7.2-1 5.1 7.2 7.2-1 7.2-2 5.1 7.2 7.2-1 7.3_________5.1_________7.3_________7.3_________________________ o One of the following SNA server or gateway products: o Compaq DECnet SNA Gateway for Channel Support (SPD 29.76.xx) o Compaq DECnet SNA Gateway for Synchronous Transport (SPD 25.C6.xx) o Compaq SNA Domain Gateway (SPD 38.69.xx) o Compaq SNA Peer Server (SPD 51.08.xx) o Compaq SNA Server for OpenVMS Alpha (SPD 70.89.xx) o Compaq SNA Server for OpenVMS VAX (SPD 27.01.xx) o Compaq SNA Access Server for Windows NT (SPD 64.79.xx) o On the IBM System, Mainframe Data Transfer Facility (MDU) is re- quired. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under a license. For more information about Compaq's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Compaq of- fice. MDU Software License is by IBM Model Number regardless of the CPUs in- corporated in a given IBM Model Number. License Management Facility Support The OpenVMS portions of this software product support the OpenVMS Li- cense Management Facility. License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System Use basis. 13 For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS Operating System for Alpha and VAX Software Product Descrip- tion (SPD 25.01.xx), or the License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS Operating System documentation set. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware and software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the cur- rent version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA The DTF Server for OpenVMS and the DTF Utilities for OpenVMS are avail- able as part of the OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX Software Product Li- braries on CD-ROM. The software documentation is available as part of the OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX Online Documentation Libraries on CD-ROM. Documenta- tion in hardcopy format can be ordered separately. MDU is available on 3480 cartridge tape. SOFTWARE WARRANTY This software product is provided by Compaq with a 90-day conformance warranty in accordance with the Compaq warranty terms applicable to the license purchase. The MDU software described in this SPD has been written in accordance with the following IBM System Integrity Standards: o MVS System Integrity Standard as defined in IBM Programming Announce- ment P81-174 dated October 21, 1981 Warranty Limitations Supported IBM Configurations 14 This software is supported with the following IBM software configu- rations: ___________________________________________________________________ Software Prod- uct________________Version___Release_______________________________ OS/390 2 9.0, 10.0 Communications 2 9.0, 10.0 Server_____________________________________________________________ Note: OS/390 is supported in 31 bit mode only. ORDERING INFORMATION OpenVMS Software Software Licenses DTF Server on OpenVMS Alpha: QL-205A*-AA DTF Utilities on OpenVMS Alpha: QL-206A*-AA DTF Server on OpenVMS VAX: QL-VEBA*-AA DTF Utilities on OpenVMS VAX: QL-VEKA*-AA Software Documentation QA-VEBAA-GZ Media and documentation for this product are available on the Open- VMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX Software Product and Online Documentation Libraries on CD-ROM. Documentation in hardcopy format can be ordered separately. IBM Software Mainframe Data Transfer Facility: Software License: QL-1GQA9-AA Software Media: QA-1GQAA-HP Software Documentation: QA-1GQAA-GZ * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. 15 SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES Installation Installation provides comprehensive installation and of Compaq and non- Compaq hardware, software, and networks products. These products in- clude systems, servers, upgrades, workstations, terminals, PCs, pe- ripherals, network equipment, operating systems, and layered products. Optional pieces of the Installation offer include site planning and preparation, orientation, and other projects which are based on the installation of computer equipment (e.g. relocation services). License Subscription License Subscription provides the license rights to use all new ver- sions of those products, which are released during the contract pe- riod. Also included are the rights to use certain server-resident prod- ucts whose license is included in a corresponding client license. Telephone Software Support Software Support provides software problem identification and reso- lution and operational support for system managers, technical support/helpdesk personnel who manage Compaq and popular multivendor server software in either a standalone or networked environment. This service provides access both to technical resources to assist in problem diagnosis and resolution and to Compaq's information database. This combination of support resources will address system management questions and inquiries on a wide variety of topics including information on the latest prod- uct features, known problems and available solutions, and operational advice and assistance to help the system manager, system administra- tor better manage its information technology environment. Please contact your local Compaq office for additional information on specific services in your area. © 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation COMPAQ, the Compaq logo, DECnet, OpenVMS, and the DIGITAL logo are trade- marks of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. 16 UNIX is a trademark of The Open Group. All other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks or regis- tered trademarks of their respective companies. Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq required for possession, use, or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Tech- nical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. Compaq shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omis- sions contained herein. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. 17 18