COMPAQ Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: Compaq Archive Backup System SPD 48.16.14 for OpenVMS Version 3.0B DESCRIPTION Archive Backup System (ABS) for OpenVMS Version 3.0B is Compaq's pri- mary OpenVMS archive and backup product. For license options, see the section titled LICENSE OPTIONS in this document. ABS automates backup operations, provides for system archiving, and makes it easy to find files stored on tapes and disks. ABS also pro- vides client backup facilities for NT, UNIX, and remote OpenVMS clients. Year 2000 Ready This product is Year 2000 Ready. Year 2000 Ready is defined: "Year 2000 Ready" products are defined by Compaq as products capable of accurately processing, providing, and /or receiving date data from, into and between the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries, and the years 1999 and 2000, including leap year calculations, when used in accordance with the associated Com- paq product documentation and provided that all hardware, firmware and software used in combination with such Compaq products properly ex- change accurate date data with the Compaq products. For additional information visit Compaq's Products Year 2000 Ready web site located at Features April 2000 AE-QHD6R-TE ABS provides the following important file archiving and backup capa- bilities: o A Graphical User Interface for defining archive and backup poli- cies, save and restore data, and for finding data objects and databases that have been backed up or archived using ABS. o Automatic, flexible scheduling of backup and archive operations for OpenVMS systems and for selected NT and UNIX clients. o Support for OpenVMS client backup and archiving operations directly between disks and tape drives located on different systems using DECnet[TM] or DECnet-Plus[TM] network protocol. o Digital TCP/IP protocol for supported NT and UNIX Clients. o Integration with HSM for OpenVMS (SPD #46.38.xx) to support "Backup via Shelving." o Online catalog of information about backed up and archived files, disk volumes and databases. This allows for retrieving files or restor- ing disk volumes without having to know the names of the tape vol- umes on which the data was saved. o Use of OpenVMS Queue Manager to schedule requests. Also allows In- tegration with other scheduler products. o Dynamic logicals for Pre- and Postprocessing commands. o Error recovery and reporting capability. o Integration with RMU/BACKUP and RMU/RESTORE, allowing backup and restore operations of Oracle Rdb[TM] V5.1, V6.0, V6.1, and V7.0 databases. o Support for stacker configured devices. o Fast tape positioning. o Layers upon a robust and fully tested media manager that provides the following important media and device management capabilities: - Effective use of all media capacity by appending multiple save sets of backed up or archived files to the same volume or vol- ume set 2 - Direct positioning to the start of each save set file during a restore operation using saved information about the tape posi- tion of each save set file - Customization features to meet a variety of operational and site requirements - Support for unattended backup operations using automatic tape cartridge loaders; optional support for the StorageTek[R] au- tomated cartridge server - Media life cycle control including maintenance of volume reten- tion period, availability status, location, and scheduling dates when volumes are to move offsite and return. - Maintenance of counters for each volume noting the number of times a volume has been mounted and the number of errors associated with the volume. - Media allocation control based on customer-defined media pools. - Built-in report generation and custom report generation capa- bility. - Security features to prevent unauthorized media or device use. - In an OpenVMS[TM] Cluster environment, automatic failure recov- ery from the loss of a processor to allow continuous access to the media databases. o Integration with the Remote Device Facility (RDF[TM]). The RDF software is included within the media management software. RDF allows the media manager to access a tape from other OpenVMS nodes across the DECnet or DECnet-Plus network for ABS backup and archive operations. RDF makes access to remote tape drives invisible to ABS backup and archive operations by issuing commands as appropriate when a des- ignated tape drive is considered remote. The media manager also man- ages volume load requests to remote systems to allow unattended back- 3 ups or to communicate with a console operator. The media manager makes no direct use of the remote disk capabilities within RDF. RDF includes the following components: - RDF servers that execute tape I/O requests on behalf of a re- mote client. Servers are located on systems that have tape drives attached or that can access drives through the OpenVMS TMSCP[TM] server. - RDF clients that provide the communications interface between applications reading or writing data to a tape drive and the RDF servers. LICENSE OPTIONS To support a variety of configuration requirements, the following ABS license options are available: o ABS Server for OpenVMS VAX or Alpha o ABS Client for OpenVMS VAX or Alpha o NT Client-This is an optional purchase that enables you to add NT client nodes to your ABS operational environment. o UNIX Client-This is an optional purchase that enables you to add UNIX client nodes to your ABS operational environment. o Archive Backup System for OpenVMS Management Tools (ABS OMT) - ABS OMT provides a subset of the full functionality of Archive Backup System. ABS OMT is a product offered within the OpenVMS Enterprise Integration Package (EIP) and sold as a separate product. ABS Server for OpenVMS ABS Server for OpenVMS software provides ABS full operational modes, as previously described, to the nodes or OpenVMS Cluster on which ABS is executing. A node or OpenVMS Cluster executing ABS server software provides backup policy management services for itself and for any Open- VMS, NT, and UNIX client nodes connected to it. At least one ABS server 4 license is required in the network. Two are recommended to ensure failover capabilities. ABS server software manages the catalogs that record information about user files backed up or archived under ABS control at the local node. ABS Client for OpenVMS ABS Client for OpenVMS software provides backup and archiving oper- ations for the OpenVMS node or OpenVMS Cluster on which it is execut- ing, and it acts as a client of another node executing ABS server soft- ware when it requires policy information. NT and UNIX Client An NT or UNIX Client license allows backup scheduling and archiving services for the NT or UNIX client node configured within the ABS soft- ware environment. ABS OMT ABS OMT licenses a subset of the ABS features. The following lists the features that are not implemented for ABS OMT: o Support for OpenVMS Clients o Support for tape devices using RDF o Command Line Interface (CLI) o Creation of storage and environment policies o Save requests scheduling options except the following: - On demand - (ON_DEMAND) - Weekly full/daily incremental - (DAILY_FULL_WEEKLY) - One time only - (ONE_TIME_ONLY) o Support for StorageTek silos and DCSC Jukeboxes o Support for the following scheduling options: - POLYCENTER Scheduler V2.1B 5 - External Scheduler(EXT_SCHEDULER) - External Queue Manager(XT_QUEUE_MANAGER) The ABS OMT license includes one ABS OMT server license and one ABS NT client license. Additional UNIX and NT client licenses are supported. ABS OMT uses the default storage and execution class which can be mod- ified. Additional storage and execution classes cannot be defined. ABS OMT supports only one file catalog. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS ABS runs on the VAX and Alpha processors supported by OpenVMS. For a detailed list of the VAX and Alpha processors supported by OpenVMS, see the OpenVMS VAX and Alpha Operation System Software Product De- scription (SPD #25.01.xx). DEVICE SUPPORT The following libraries and loaders have been tested and qualified by Storage Management Software Engineering. However, Storage Management Software Engineering does not test each of the devices with every pos- sible combination of controllers and host systems. Because Archive Backup System and Media Robot Utility (MRU) run in common environments, these combinations are tested first with MRU. Upon successful completion of the MRU tests, Archive Backup System is tested in representative con- figurations. Note that MRU is not a prerequisite for Archive Backup System. Therefore, to determine if your specific configuration is supported, follow these steps: 1. If you have a tape drive that is not software-defined as a juke- box (is not a library or a loader device), reference the OpenVMS Software Product Description (SPD #25.01.xx) to determine if your tape drive is supported for your platform and controller/adapter combination. 6 2. If your device is software-defined as a jukebox (it is a library or loader device), first check the following list to determine if it is supported by the media manager. If the device is supported, see the following instructions: a. Check the OpenVMS Software Product Description (SPD #25.01.xx) to make sure the tape drive(s) in your library/loader are sup- ported for your platform and controller/adapter combination. b. Check the MRU Software Product Description (SPD #64.44.xx) to make sure your library/loader is supported by MRU for your spe- cific controller/adapter combination. 3. Assuming your device is correctly connected and configured, it is fully supported by the common media manager and its clients. If you have devices that are not shown on the list, they may still be supported. COMPAQ continually tests its software on additional devices that may have been released since the last publication of this SPD. If you have a question about a particular device, contact COMPAQ cus- tomer support. TLZ6L TLZ7L TLZ9L TKZ6x TL810 TL812 TL820 TL822 TL826 TL890 TL891 TL892 TL893 TL894 TL895 TL896 TZ857 TZ867 TZ875 TZ875n TZ877 TZ877n TZ885 TZ887 ESL9326D TSL10000 STK ACS[1] ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Requires an optional DCSC license (SPD #33.59.xx). 7 Device Restrictions ABS does not provide support for: o QIC (quarter-inch cartridge) devices Minimum OpenVMS System Configuration A minimum system configuration includes: o 4 MB memory o One or more tape drives o A disk drive, recognized by OpenVMS as having a Files-11 structure o Any other minimum configuration requirements for the OpenVMS op- erating system The ABS server and ABS client software can run on any valid VAX, Mi- croVAX, or VAXstation configuration with DECnet Phase IV or DECnet- Plus support. UNIX and NT clients can run on any hardware platform that supports the operating systems listed in Section 8. OpenVMS Disk Space Required During and After Installation The following table lists the amount of disk space required on the sys- tem disk to install ABS, and the amount of disk space required on the system disk after the installation is complete. You do not have to in- stall ABS on the system disk. You can install the ABS software on some other disk. ___________________________________________________________________ Installing ABS on the ABS System Disk Li- (during cense__/after)________Installing_ABS_On_Other_Disk_(during/after)__ SERVER 50000/50000 50000/50000 8 _______Installing__________________________________________________ ABS on the ABS System Disk Li- (during cense__/after)________Installing_ABS_On_Other_Disk_(during/after)__ CLIENT_40000/37000____50000/37000__________________________________ OpenVMS Disk Space Required for Media Database and Catalogs The media manager database should be placed only on nodes executing ABS for OpenVMS Server software. The disk space required by the ABS for OpenVMS media database depends on the number of pieces of media to be managed. During installation, the storage administrator may designate the disk on which the media manager database is to be kept. For enhanced data safety, the media manager database may be stored on a shadowed disk. ABS catalog files are present on any OpenVMS node executing either ABS server software or ABS client software. The disk space required by ABS catalogs depends on the number of files to be tracked by the ABS soft- ware. OpenVMS Disk Space Required for the ABS Server Software Executing the ABS server software requires approximately 50,000 blocks, plus one block for every piece of media it manages. Each instance of saving a file requires less space in the catalog. For example, the first five times a file is saved, it requires approximately .73 blocks per file. If the file is saved 20 times, it requires approximately .45 blocks per file. Disk Space Required for the ABS Client Execution of ABS client software requires approximately 37,000 blocks. Each instance of saving a file requires less space in the catalog. For example, the first five times a file is saved, it requires approxi- mately .73 blocks per file. If the file is saved 20 times, it requires approximately .45 blocks per file. 9 All of the disk space requirements previously specified are in ref- erence to the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. Disk Space Required for the ABS NT or UNIX Client Software ABS NT and UNIX Client software is included in the ABS Server for Open- VMS software. Only the proper UNIX or NT Client License Packs are needed to enable the software. OpenVMS Cluster ENVIRONMENT This layered product is fully supported when installed on any valid and licensed OpenVMS Cluster configuration without restrictions. Open- VMS Cluster configurations are fully described in the OpenVMS Clus- ter Software Product Description (SPD #25.01.xx) and include CI, Eth- ernet, and Mixed Interconnect configurations. OpenVMS TAILORING For OpenVMS systems, the following OpenVMS classes are required for full functionality of this layered product: o OpenVMS required save set o Programming support o Utilities o System programming support o Secure user's environment o Network support 10 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Operating System OpenVMS Operating System for VAX Version 6.2, 7.1, and 7.2 and Al- pha versions 6.2, 7.1, 7.2, and 7.2-1. ABS V3.0B does not support ODS5 disk volumes. Layered Products o DECnet Phase IV or DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS VAX or Alpha o Motif Version 1.1 and above. Optional Software o Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS is a prerequisite for any in- stallation supporting ABS UNIX or NT clients. o Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS is a prerequisite for ABS me- dia manager GUI. o eXcursion software to display the graphical user interface on NT systems. o DCSC (part number QL-YWNA9-AA for a VAX system, and QL-4EUA9-AA for an Alpha system) is required for support of ACSLS StorageTek si- los. Refer to DCSC SPD #33.59.xx o HSM for OpenVMS for automatic shelving of OpenVMS files. Refer to SPD #46.38.xx Supported UNIX and NT Clients ABS enables you to back up the following UNIX and NT clients: o Digital UNIX, Version 4.0 o SunOS, Version 4.14 o Solaris, Version 2.5 o HP-UX, Version 10.2 o IBM AIX, Version 4.1 11 o SGI IRIX Version 6.2 o Alpha or Intel, NT Version 3.5.1 and NT Version 4.0 GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA ABS is available as part of the OpenVMS Consolidated Software Distri- bution for VAX and Alpha systems on CD-ROM. SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished only under a license. For more information about Compaq's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Com- paq office. License Management Facility Support The following software is supported by the OpenVMS License Management Facility (LMF): o ABS server for OpenVMS software o ABS client for OpenVMS software o ABS UNIX and NT client packages For more information on the OpenVMS License Management Facility, re- fer to the OpenVMS Operating System Software Product Description (SPD #25.01.xx) or the OpenVMS License Management Facility manual of the OpenVMS Operating System documentation set. 12 ORDERING INFORMATION You can order ABS with the following information: ABS Server for OpenVMS VAX: Software Licenses: QL-5VZA*-AA Software Documentation: QA-5VZAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-5VZA*-L9 Software Update Licenses: QL-5VZA*-RA Software Consulting Service: QS-5VZAA-4R Software Consulting PLUS Service: QS-5VZAA-4S ABS Server for OpenVMS Alpha: Software Licenses: QL-5W2A*-AA Software Documentation: QA-5W2AA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-5W2A*-L9 Software Update Licenses: QL-5W2A*-RA ABS Client for OpenVMS VAX: Software Licenses: QL-5VYA*-AA Software Documentation: Covered in the documentation for ABS for OpenVMS Software Product Services: Provided in the services offering for ABS for OpenVMS Software Update Licenses: QL-5VYA*-RA Software Consulting Service: Covered under ABS for OpenVMS Consult- ing Services ABS Client for OpenVMS Alpha: Software Licenses: QL-5W1A*-AA Software Product Services: Provided in the services offering for ABS for OpenVMS Software Update Licenses: QL-5W1A*-RA Software Consulting Service: Covered under ABS for OpenVMS Consult- ing Services 13 UNIX Software Licenses: Single UNIX Client License: QL-5GXAA-3B 5 UNIX Client License Package: QL-5GXAA-3C 25 UNIX Client License Package: QL-5GXAA-3E 100 UNIX Client License Package: QL-5GXAA-3G NT Software Licenses: Single NT Client License: QL-5LSA9-3B 5 NT Client License Package: QL-5LSA9-3C 25 NT Client License Package: QL-5LSA9-3E 100 NT Client License Package: QL-5LSA9-3G 1500 NT Client License Package: QL-5LSA9-3H ABS Version 3.0B does not provide separate NT and UNIX client docu- mentation. All client information is included in the ABS documenta- tion set. ABS OMT Software License: Software License: QL-5LQA*-AA ABS OMT Upgrade to ABS Software License: Software License: QL-5LTA*-AA SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Compaq. For more in- formation, contact your local Compaq office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY This software is provided by Compaq with a 90-day conformance warranty in accordance with the Compaq warranty terms applicable to the license purchase. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Compaq office for the most up-to-date information. 14 [TM] Alpha, DEC, DECnet-Plus, eXcursion, MicroVax, OpenVMS, TA, TCP/IP, TK, TU, VAX, VAXft, VAXserver, VAXstation, VMS, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Compaq Computer Corpor- taion. [TM] NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [TM] Oracle Rdb is a trademark of the Oracle Corporation. [TM] RDF is a trademark of Touch Technologies, Inc. [R] StorageTek is a registered trademark of Storage Technology Corporation. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. © 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation. All rights reserved. 15