Compaq Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems, V1.4 SPD 47.37.12 DESCRIPTION Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems enables appropriately config- ured systems to connect to an X.25 Packet Switched Data Network (PSDN) via an X.25 Relay node on the same Local Area Network (LAN), via a DNA Phase IV X.25 connector node, or directly using a synchronous controller card. The product supports communication via PSDNs conforming to ITU/TSS rec- ommendation X.25 1980, 1984, and 1988, or to international standard ISO 8208. Refer to the SUPPORTED PUBLIC NETWORKS section for the list of supported PSDNs. Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems also provides the device drivers and specific data link protocol support for Compaq Computer Corpora- tion's synchronous communications options for OpenVMS Alpha systems. Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems software allows an OpenVMS Al- pha system to: o Connect to other X.25 implementations using RFC 1613 (also known as XOT) via a TCP/IP wide area network. o Act as a Gateway Access Protocol (GAP) server for Phase V GAP Clients o Act as an X.25 Connector system for DECnet-Plus X.25 Access sys- tems o Act as a packet-mode DTE connected to a supported PSDN. o Support ISO 8208 DTE to DTE point-to-point operation. April 2000 o Act as a packet-mode DTE connected to a LAN. o Act as an X.25 Relay node conforming to ISO Technical Report 10029. o Provide an X.25 sub-network for DECnet-Plus CONS and CLNS opera- tion. o Provide a DEC-HDLC point-to-point data link for DECnet-Plus CLNS operation. o Act as a combination of the above, chosen on a per-DTE basis. The following restrictions of Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems software should be noted: o Phase IV GAP Clients (or access nodes) are not supported. o P.S.I. Access (Phase IV) clients are not supported. o DCE mode is supported for the purposes of point-to-point operation as described in ISO 8208; DCE mode for emulation of a PSDN is not supported. o Use of the D bit in data packets is not supported. Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems supports the following functions: o Process-to-process (Compaq X.25) communication. X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha allows application programs to access X.25 network services via the standard OpenVMS QIO system service. o Process-to-terminal (X.29) communication. Through the X.29 QIO programming interface, users of the OpenVMS Alpha system may make outgoing calls to other Compaq or non-Compaq systems or suitable network PADs accessible via a PSDN. o Terminal-to-process (X.29) communication. Remote terminals connected to the PSDN may access the OpenVMS Al- pha host running X.25 by means of an X.29 Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC) call. o DECnet-Plus Connectionless Network Service. The product supports the use of the DEC-HDLC and X.25 protocols as sub-networks for the OSI Connectionless-mode Network Service (CLNS). 2 o DECnet-Plus Connection Oriented Network Service. The product supports the OSI Connection Oriented Network Service (CONS) for OSI Transport over X.25 sub-networks. o X.25 Mail. The X.25 Mail utility allows communication across a PSDN via elec- tronic mail between two systems running the Mail-11 protocol over X.25. Systems that support Mail-11 over X.25 include WAN Support for Compaq UNIX[R], X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha, and X.25 installations of DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS VAX. o Wide Area Network (WAN) Device Drivers The WAN device drivers support synchronous communications and of- fer a supported user ($QIO) interface. This version also includes a pseudodriver (WANDRIVER) that provides a programming interface to the Data Link level for the LAPB, DEC-HDLC, and LLC2 protocols and an interface to the physical layer of the synchronous commu- nication devices supported by the product. o X.25 Relay allows an appropriately configured Alpha system to re- lay X.25 packets between a Local Area Network (LAN) and a synchronous communications link to a Packet Switched Data Network (PSDN). o X.25 GAP Server allows remote Phase V GAP clients to connect to a PSDN via the GAP Server node using the DECnet NSP protocol. The re- mote X.25 client (or access node) communicates with the X.25 Server or X.25 Gateway/Connector node using the Gateway Access Protocol (GAP) via a DECnet session connection. o The multi-host mode of operation provides the features offered by VAX P.S.I. Native and also allows VAX P.S.I. Access systems to con- nect to a PSDN as though directly connected. o XOT or X.25 over TCP/IP allows X.25 applications on an appropri- ately configured Alpha System to communicate with other RFC 1613 implementations over a TCP/IP Wide Area Network. 3 Features Conformance to Standards Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems complies with the following stan- dards: o ITU/TSS recommendations-X.25 (1980, 1984, or 1988), X.3, X28, X.29 o International standards ISO-8208, 7776, 8881, 8802/2, 8878, 8473 Virtual Circuits Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems offers communication over both Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs) and Switched Virtual Circuits (SVCs), and supports up to 4096 virtual circuits per system. One virtual cir- cuit is used for each incoming or outgoing X.29 terminal connection, for each X.25 call, and for each DECnet-Plus routing circuit and trans- port connection. The use of PVCs for X.29 communication is not defined by the 1980 and 1984 ITU/TSS recommendations, and is not available with Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems. Virtual circuits may use X.25 protocol over a LAN connection, over a WAN synchronous communications connection, or may use DIGITAL X.25 Client for OpenVMS Alpha Systems over a DECnet circuit to a DECnet Gateway Access Protocol (GAP) connector node. NOTE that there is no support for use of more than 512 of the available virtual circuits by DIGITAL X.25 Client for OpenVMS Alpha Systems with DECnet Gateway Access pro- tocol connector nodes. See the HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS section for de- tails of GAP connector nodes and ISO relay nodes supported. Process-to-Process Communication The Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems programming interface al- lows application programs to access X.25 packet level services via the standard OpenVMS QIO interface. Functions include the establishment and clearing of network connec- tions, data transmission and reception, sending and receiving of in- terrupt messages, and resetting of virtual circuits. The interface also 4 provides for the segmentation and recombination of messages that are longer than the packet size selected for the circuit. This interface enables an application program using OpenVMS System Ser- vices to communicate with complementary X.25 software on other Compaq or non-Compaq systems. Terminal Communications Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems supports terminal communications according to ITU/TSS recommendations X.3, X.28, and X.29. Only those terminal parameters defined in the X.3 recommendation are explicitly supported. Network-specific enhancements or extensions to the X.3 pa- rameters are available at both the X.29 programming and the host-based PAD user interface. Terminal processes that depend on these extensions may not function correctly when used on other PSDNs or when access- ing one PSDN via another (for example, international access). The X.29 interactive terminal interface allows remote asynchronous ter- minals (character-mode DTEs) connected to the network to communicate with the OpenVMS Alpha system in a manner similar to local terminals. The maximum number of terminals supported on a OpenVMS Alpha system (both local and X.29 remote) cannot exceed the number for which the system has been configured. When using applications designed for interactive, local terminal op- erations, transmission delays or PAD parameter settings can cause in- consistencies between incoming X.29 traffic and the application's op- eration. It may be necessary to make modifications to the application user interface or alter PAD parameter settings. The X.29 interface includes a programming capability for the support of specific X.29 signalling requirements, including modification of PAD parameters. Accounting Accounting information is collected and is made available to the user via a report writing utility. 5 For incoming X.29 calls, no information can be retrieved relating to the process or account onto which a user is logged. Security An extensive security facility is provided. Control of remote access to the system (incoming security) and local access to the network (out- going security) are supported. Incoming and outgoing security can be based on any combination of: o Normal or reverse charging o DTE number o Network (PSDN) o Process (or user) making the outgoing call o Application handling the incoming call Network Management The Network Control Language (NCL) is provided for the management of Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems and DECnet-Plus. NCL provides network management facilities to: o Define outgoing call destinations o Define incoming call handling o Modify X.25 frame and packet levels parameters o Define security parameters o Modify network configuration o Monitor connection statistics o Perform network maintenance functions The network manager can be notified of significant network events such as security violations or network failures through the event logging facility. 6 Problem solving is facilitated by the Common Trace Facility (CTF) pro- vided with the OpenVMS operating system. CTF enables the user to trace and analyse frames passing between the PSDN and the X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha system. Communications Interfaces Refer to the tables in this Software Product Description and consult your local hardware service provider for complete information on the synchronous controller cards supported by Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Al- pha Systems, as well as a list of the relay/connector nodes that may be used as X.25 gateways to the LAN. In addition to the devices listed in this Software Product Descrip- tion, operation over CSMA/CD (ISO 8802/3) and FDDI (ISO 9314) networks is supported via the LLC2 protocol or via TCP/IP using RFC 1613. Wide Area Network (WAN) Device Drivers The WAN device drivers included in X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems sup- port synchronous communications. The device drivers all offer a sup- ported user ($QIO) interface. The device drivers all support full-duplex HDLC framing. In all cases, the data throughput over the synchronous lines is de- pendent on the user applications and system environment. The device drivers support modem control signals (DTR, DCD, DSR, RTS and CTS) where these signals are provided by the selected electrical interface. Supported controllers are listed in Table 4. WAN device drivers include a pseudodriver (WANDRIVER) that provides a programming interface to the Data Link level for the LAPB, DEC-HDLC, and LLC2 protocols. The pseudodriver also provides an interface to the physical layer of the synchronous communications devices supported by the product. The physical layer interface provides the ability to read and write HDLC formatted frames (leading/trailing flag, HDLC frame check 7 sequencing, HDLC bit stuffing), but protocol interpretation of the frames must be provided by the user application using the interface. Optional Facility Support Table 1 describes the Optional User Facilities of the 1988 ITU/TSS X.25 recommendations that Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems supports. Support for any facility is dependent on the PSDN used. The product documentation describes specific facility availability for supported PSDNs. ___________________________________________________________________ Table_1:_Optional_User_Facilities_Support__________________________ ITU /TSS X.25 (1988) ref- er- Sup- ence_____Optional_User_Facility_____port[1]________________________ 6.1 On-line facility regis- no tration 6.2 Extended packet se- yes quence numbering 6.3 D bit modification n/a 6.4 Packet retransmission no 6.5 Incoming calls barred n/a 6.6 Outgoing calls barred n/a 6.7 One-way logical channel yes outgoing ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Refers to those features of a facility that are relevant to the operation of a DTE. "n/a" refers to DCE facilities requiring no action from the DTE. 8 ___________________________________________________________________ ITU /TSS X.25 (1988) ref- er- Sup- ence_____Optional_User_Facility_____port[1]________________________ 6.8 One-way logical channel yes incoming 6.9 Non-standard default yes packet sizes 6.10 Non-standard default yes window sizes 6.11 Default throughput yes class assignment 6.12 Flow control parameter yes negotiation 6.13 Throughput class nego- yes tiation 6.14.1 Closed User Group (CUG) yes 6.14.2 CUG with outgoing yes access 6.14.3 CUG with incoming yes access 6.14.4 Incoming calls barred n/a within a CUG 6.14.5 Outgoing calls barred n/a within a CUG 6.14.6 CUG selection yes ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Refers to those features of a facility that are relevant to the operation of a DTE. "n/a" refers to DCE facilities requiring no action from the DTE. 9 ___________________________________________________________________ ITU /TSS X.25 (1988) ref- er- Sup- ence_____Optional_User_Facility_____port[1]________________________ 6.14.7 CUG with outgoing yes access selection 6.15.1 Bilateral Closed User yes Group (BCUG) 6.15.2 BCUG with outgoing n/a access 6.15.3 BCUG selection yes 6.16 Fast select yes 6.17 Fast select acceptance n/a 6.18 Reverse charging yes 6.19 Reverse charging accep- n/a tance 6.20 Local charging preven- n/a tion 6.21.3 NUI selection yes 6.22 Charging information yes 6.23.2 RPOA selection yes 6.24 Hunt group no[2] 6.25.1 Call redirection n/a ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Refers to those features of a facility that are relevant to the operation of a DTE. "n/a" refers to DCE facilities requiring no action from the DTE. [2]The individual DTEs must be assigned addresses independent of the hunt group address. 10 ___________________________________________________________________ ITU /TSS X.25 (1988) ref- er- Sup- ence_____Optional_User_Facility_____port[1]________________________ Call deflection selec- no tion 6.25.3 Call redirection or yes call deflection notifi- cation 6.26 Called line address no modified notification 6.27 Transit delay selection yes and indication 6.28 TOA/NPI address selec- no tion and indication 7.1 Non-X.25 facilities yes G.3.1 Calling Address Exten- yes sion G.3.2 Called Address Exten- yes sion G.3.3.1 Minimum throughput yes class G.3.3.2 End-to-end transit yes delay G.3.3.3 Priority yes G.3.3.4 Protection yes ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Refers to those features of a facility that are relevant to the operation of a DTE. "n/a" refers to DCE facilities requiring no action from the DTE. 11 ___________________________________________________________________ ITU /TSS X.25 (1988) ref- er- Sup- ence_____Optional_User_Facility_____port[1]________________________ G.3.4 Expedited data negotia- yes _________tion______________________________________________________ [1]Refers to those features of a facility that are relevant to the operation of a DTE. "n/a" refers to DCE facilities requiring no action from the DTE. ___________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION Compaq recommends that a customer's first purchase of this software product include Compaq Installation Services. These services provide for installation of the software product by an experienced Compaq Soft- ware Specialist. Only customers experienced with Compaq's X.25 prod- ucts should attempt installation. Customer Responsibilities In some cases, the X.25 network supplier may impose restrictions, lim- itations, or requirements on the proposed Compaq network configura- tion. The customer must ensure these are understood and adhered to for each network. Before installation of the software, the customer should: o Install all requisite software and hardware, including terminals. o Obtain, install, and demonstrate as operational any modems and other equipment and facilities necessary to interface to Compaq's com- munication equipment. 12 o Demonstrate equivalence of operation for modems other than Bell 208A, 208B, 209, 212A synchronous modems, or, in Europe, employ only PTT approved modems. o Subscribe to the Open User Group and to at least two SVCs to com- plete the product's installation checkout (this test loops infor- mation from the X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha system to the PSDN and back to the X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha system). Systems in Closed User Groups only, or where the PSDN does not support calls to the originating DTE address, require specially negotiated arrangements for Compaq to install the product. o Make available for a reasonable period of time, as mutually agreed by Compaq and the customer, all hardware, communication facilities and terminals that are to be used during a Compaq supervised in- stallation. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Alpha processors listed in the OpenVMS Alpha Software Product Descrip- tion (SPD 41.87.xx) are supported with the following exceptions: DEC 4000 Model 600/700 series [1] DEC 7000 Model 600 [1] DEC 10000 Model 600 [1] DEC 3000 Model 300/300L/300LX/300X [2] System Memory Required In addition to the memory requirements of OpenVMS Alpha and user ap- plications, the minimum memory requirements of Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems are: o 2.5 Mbytes for software and data structures ____________________ No synchronous communication option available. Connection available only via LLC2. Only standard workstation configurations support use of the SCC. 13 o 40 Kbytes for each active virtual circuit in a Client configura- tion o 10 Kbytes for each active virtual circuit in a directly connected configuration These figures represent an upper bound only and should be used as a guide to sizing a system to provide adequate X.25 performance. The prod- uct will require less memory than quoted. However, an underconfigured system will display reduced performance, not only for X.25 communi- cations but also for other processes. Communication Devices Required Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems requires one or more synchronous controller cards when directly connected to one of the following: o a PSDN via the X.25 protocol; o another system using DECnet-Plus over X.25; or o another Compaq system using DECnet-Plus over DEC-HDLC. The devices available on the supported processors are listed in Ta- ble 3. For additional information on the configuration and performance of these devices see the CONFIGURATION GUIDELINES section. For operation using the ISO 8802-2 protocol (LLC2) the product requires a Local Area Network (LAN) device. The product supports Compaq's ISO 8802-3 (CSMA/CD) and ISO 9341 (FDDI) devices for use with the LLC2 pro- tocol. For operation over LLC2 to an X.25 relay node, the supported relay nodes are o DEC Network Integration Server (DECNIS) 500/600 (SPD 36.05.xx) o Alpha system running WAN Support for Compaq UNIX (SPD 42.47.xx) con- figured for X.25 relay 14 For operation over DECnet (using the Gateway Access Protocol, GAP), the supported connector nodes are: o DEC Network Integration Server (DECNIS) 500/600 (SPD 36.05.xx) o DECnet-Plus V7.1 (or later) for OpenVMS VAX configured for X.25 multi- host operation (SPD 25.03.xx). o DECnet-Plus V7.1 (or later) for OpenVMS Alpha (SPD 50.45.xx) For operation using RFC 1613 for X.25 over TCP/IP (XOT), the product requires that DECnet-Plus V7.2-1 ECO1 be installed, in addition to TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha V5.0A or later with PWIP Driver support, or an appropriate third-party TCP/IP implementation that provides PWIP Driver support. A communication controller appropriate for the TCP/IP software will also be required. For additional information on the configuration and performance of these relay nodes, consult your local hardware service provider and rele- vant Software Product Descriptions. Disk Space Required The disk space required for installation and use of the product is 15,000 Blocks (7.5 Mbytes). This size is approximate. The actual size will vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. OPTIONAL HARDWARE Additional communications devices, subject to limitations described in the CONFIGURATION GUIDELINES section of this SPD. 15 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS OpenVMS Alpha Operating System V7.2-1 (SPD 41.87.xx) or later DECnet-Plus V7.2-1 for OpenVMS Alpha (SPD 50.45.xx) or later (plus ECO1 for XOT support) Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS V5.0A (SPD 46.46.xx) or other TCP/IP software (for XOT support) GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware and software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the cur- rent version. SUPPORTED PUBLIC NETWORKS Table 2 shows the public PSDNs supported by the product in the coun- tries shown. In addition, certain private PSDNs have been tested by Compaq and appropriate profiles have been included with the product. For more detail, consult your local Compaq office. ___________________________________________________________________ Table_2:_Supported_Public_Networks_________________________________ Country____________Public_Networks[1]______________________________ Argentina Arpac Australia Austpac Austria Datex-P Belgium DCS Brazil Renpac Canada Datapac, Infoswitch Chile VTRnet Denmark Datapak Eire Eirpac ___________________________________________________________________ [1 ]Trademarks under which these services are offered are propri- etary to the respective PTTs. 16 ___________________________________________________________________ Country____________Public_Networks[1]______________________________ Finland Datapak France Transpac Germany Datex-P Hong Kong Datapak, Inet, Intelpak Indonesia SKDP Ireland Ciepac Italy Itapac Japan CC-VAN, DDX-P 80/84, Jaisnet, Tymnet[R], Venus LP Luxembourg Luxpac Malaysia Maypac Mexico Telepac Netherlands Datanet 1 New Zealand Pacnet Norway Datapak Pakistan Paknet Philippines Datanet Portugal Telepac Singapore Telepac South Korea Dacomnet Spain Iberpac Sweden Datapak, Datapak II Switzerland Telepac Taiwan Pacnet Thailand Thaipak Turkey Turpak United Kingdom PSS[2], Postgem, Mercury ___________________________________________________________________ [1 ]Trademarks under which these services are offered are propri- etary to the respective PTTs. [2 ]PSS is supported only when the Extended Facilities option has been subscribed. 17 ___________________________________________________________________ Country____________Public_Networks[1]______________________________ United States Accunet, Autonet[R], Bell Atlantic CompuServe[R], ConnNet FedexITC, FreedomNet II Impacs, Infonet Mark*Net Extended Service Pacific Bell PPSnet Pulsenet, Sprintnet Telenet[R], Tymnet US West Digipac Western Union PTN-1 Worldnet ___________________________________________________________________ [1 ]Trademarks under which these services are offered are propri- etary to the respective PTTs. ___________________________________________________________________ CONFIGURATION GUIDELINES For direct connection of the Alpha system to the PSDN, operation of the product requires the use of one or more synchronous controller cards. The following devices are supported by Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems: o PBXDP-Ax o A range of single slot multi-port serial synchronous communi- cations PCI adapters. o PBXDI-Ax o A range of single slot dual port serial synchronous communica- tions ISA adapters. o DNSES o Single slot dual port serial synchronous communications EISA adapter. 18 o WANcontroller 720 (DSYT1) o Single slot dual port TURBOchannel serial synchronous communi- cations adapter. o For systems with no available TURBOchannel slots, an extender box may be required. o Integral SCC device o A single port multi-function device on the system motherboard. Only the synchronous communications function is supported. o Limited modem signalling capabilities. Local and remote loop- back signals and DTE-sourced clock are not provided. Additional factors to consider when configuring hardware devices for use with the product are: o Hardware configuration limits, such as power supply, backplane space, bus throughput, mapping registers, and any other restrictions on the number of devices per CPU or per bus must be observed. Consult your local hardware service provider for further information. o CPU utilization. Ensure sufficient CPU power will be available to drive the required number of lines at the desired speeds and leave sufficient margin for application processing. The supported devices available on each system are given in Table 3. The operational characteristics of each device are given in Table 4. ___________________________________________________________________ Table_3:_Synchronous_Controllers___________________________________ System___________________Devices_supported_________________________ DEC 2000 Models 300 DNSES /500 19 ___________________________________________________________________ System___________________Devices_supported_________________________ DEC 3000 Model 300L SCC [1] DEC 3000 Models 300 SCC [1], DSYT1 /300LX/300X DEC 3000 Models 400 SCC, DSYT1 /400S DEC 3000 Models 500 SCC, DSYT1 /500S/500X DEC 3000 Models 600 SCC, DSYT1 /600S DEC 3000 Models SCC, DSYT1 700,700LX DEC 3000 Models 800 SCC, DSYT1 /800S DEC 3000 Models SCC, DSYT1 900,900LX DEC 4000 Models 600 N/A [2] /700 DEC 7000 Model 600 N/A [2] DEC 10000 Model 600 N/A [2] Digital 2100 Server DNSES, PBXDP-Ax A500MP Digital 2100 Server DNSES, PBXDP-Ax A600MP AlphaServer 300 4/266 PBXDI-Ax, PBXDP-Ax AlphaServer 400 4/166 PBXDI-Ax / 4/233 ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Only standard Workstation configurations support use of the SCC. [2]No synchronous communication option available. Connection available only via LLC2. 20 ___________________________________________________________________ System___________________Devices_supported_________________________ AlphaServer 800 5 PBXDP-Ax /333, 5/400, 5/500 AlphaServer 1000 4 DNSES, PBXDP-Ax /233, 4/266, 5/300 AlphaServer 1000A DNSES, PBXDP-Ax 4/233, 4/266, 5/266, 5/333, 5/400, 5/500 AlphaServer 1200 5 DNSES, PBXDP-Ax /333 AlphaServer 2100 4 DNSES, PBXDP-Ax /200, 4/233, 4/266, 4/275, 5/250, 5/300 AlphaServer 2100A DNSES, PBXDP-Ax /2100A LP 4/275, 5 /250, 5/300 AlphaServer 4000 5 DNSES, PBXDP-Ax /300, 5/300E, 5/400, 5/466 AlphaServer 4100 5 DNSES, PBXDP-Ax /300, 5/400 AlphaServer 8200 5 DNSES, PBXDP-Ax /300, 5/350, 5/400, 5/440, 5/625 AlphaServer 8400 5 DNSES, PBXDP-Ax /300, 5/350, 5/400, 5/440, 5/625 21 Table_3_(Cont.):_Synchronous_Controllers___________________________ AlphaServer DS10 PBXDP-AA, PBXDP-AB AlphaServer DS20 PBXDP-AA, PBXDP-AB AlphaServer DS20E PBXDP-AA, PBXDP-AB AlphaServer ES40 PBXDP-AA, PBXDP-AB AlphaServer GS40 PBXDP-Ax AlphaServer GS60 PBXDP-Ax AlphaServer GS60E PBXDP-Ax AlphaServer GS140 PBXDP-Ax Digital 2100 Server DNSES, PBXDP-Ax A500MP, A600MP DIGITAL Personal PBXDP-Ax, PBXDI-Ax Workstations 500au, 433au, 600au AlphaStation 200 4 PBXDI-Ax, PBXDP-Ax /100, 4/166, 4/233 AlphaStation 250 4 PBXDI-Ax, PBXDP-Ax /266 AlphaStation 255/233, PBXDI-Ax, PBXDP-Ax 255/300 AlphaStation 400 4 PBXDI-Ax, PBXDP-Ax /166, 4/233, 4/266 AlphaStation 500/266, PBXDP-Ax 500/333, 500/400, 500/500 AlphaStation 600 5 DNSES, PBXDP-Ax /266, 5/333 AlphaStation 600A DNSES, PBXDP-Ax 5/500 AlphaStation XP1000 PBXDP-Ax Alpha 21064/21064A PBXDP-Ax, PBXDI-Ax PCI reference board (EB64+) 22 ___________________________________________________________________ System___________________Devices_supported_________________________ Alpha 21164 PCI PBXDP-Ax, PBXDI-Ax reference board (EB164) Alpha PC64 reference PBXDP-Ax, PBXDI-Ax board (APC64) Alpha 4/233 PICMG SBC PBXDP-Ax, PBXDI-Ax Alpha 4/266 PICMG SBC PBXDP-Ax, PBXDI-Ax Alpha 5/366 PICMG SBC PBXDP-Ax, PBXDI-Ax Alpha_5/500_PICMG_SBC____PBXDP-Ax,_PBXDI-Ax________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Table_4:_Synchronous_Controller_Characteristics____________________ Max. Max. HDLC Max.X.25 line data data speed size size Supported interface stan- Device_____(Kbps)___(bytes)__(bytes)[1]dards_______________________ PBXDP- 2x2400, 8300 4096 EIA-232 EIA-422 Ax 4x2400 EIA-423 EIA-530 PCI or V.24/V.28 8x1200 V.35 X.21[2] EIA-485 ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Fragmentation of larger data sizes is supported. [2]X.21 electrical levels and connector in data-leads only commu- nication. X.21 call control is not supported. 23 ___________________________________________________________________ Max. Max. HDLC Max.X.25 line data data speed size size Supported interface stan- Device_____(Kbps)___(bytes)__(bytes)[1]dards_______________________ PBXDI- 2x2400, 8300 4096 EIA-232 Ax 4x2400 EIA-530 ISA V.24/V.28 V.35 X.21[2] DNSES 2x64 4080 2048 EIA-232 EISA or EIA-422 EIA-423 1x2000 V.10/V.11 V.24/V.35 DSYT1 2x64 4080 2048 EIA-232 Turbo or EIA-422 EIA-423 Channel 1x2000 V.10/V.11 V.24/V.35 SCC 19.2 1018 512 EIA-232 V.24 ___________________________________________________________________ [1]Fragmentation of larger data sizes is supported. [2]X.21 electrical levels and connector in data-leads only commu- nication. X.21 call control is not supported. ___________________________________________________________________ DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This software and documentation are available on the Compaq CD-ROM Soft- ware Library for OpenVMS Alpha. The software documentation is also avail- able in hardcopy format. 24 ORDERING INFORMATION Software Licenses: QL-0THA9-** Software Media/Documentation: QA-03XAA-H8 Software Documentation (hardcopy): QA-0THAA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-0THA*-** * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. SOFTWARE LICENSING Customers who purchased the DIGITAL X.25 Client product (see SPD 46.37.xx) for an OpenVMS Alpha system may upgrade that processor to Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems, Version 1.4 at no additional cost. Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems, Version 1.4 can be installed and en- abled using the same product authorization key (PAK) received for DIGITAL X.25 Client for OpenVMS Alpha. Thus the software upgrade of an OpenVMS Alpha system from DECnet and DIGITAL X.25 Client to DECnet-Plus and X.25 requires no new license purchases. This condition in no way su- persedes or invalidates Compaq's licensing terms and policies. Specific functions of the Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems prod- uct are enabled by the licenses described in Table 5. ___________________________________________________________________ Table_5:_Software_Licenses_________________________________________ License____________Function_Enabled________________________________ DECnet-Plus CONS over LAPB, LLC2, GAP, or XOT. CLNS over DEC-HDLC. Compaq X.25 for All functions over LAPB, LLC2, and XOT. OpenVMS Alpha DIGITAL X.25 All functions over LAPB and LLC2. Client for OpenVMS_Alpha______________________________________________________ 25 This software is furnished only under a license. For more information about Compaq's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Compaq office. License Management Facility Support: This layered product supports the OpenVMS Alpha License Management Fa- cility. License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System Use basis. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS Alpha Operating System Software Product Descrip- tion (SPD 41.87.xx) or documentation. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Compaq. For more in- formation, contact your local Compaq office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY This software is provided by Compaq with a 90 day comformance warranty in accordance with the Compaq warranty terms applicable to the license purchase. Compaq has designed or adapted this software product to operate with equipment conforming to the ISO standards 7776/8208 and with the pub- lic networks in the associated countries and with certain private PS- DNs that have been tested and approved by Compaq. Compaq cannot offer its standard warranty for this software unless it has been tested with such networks and the software configured appro- priately. Such a testing service is available from Compaq on request, and will permit both full Compaq support of the X.25 for OpenVMS Al- pha product and also ensure that X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha is optimally configured against the PSDN concerned. 26 The presence of a network/country combination in the list of supported public PSDNs indicates Compaq's commitment to support X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha when using that public X.25 service. It does not necessarily im- ply that network certification by the particular networking author- ity has been granted for all or any hardware devices supported by the X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha software product. Please contact your local Compaq office for up-to-date information regarding supported configurations and certification status. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Compaq office for the most up-to-date information. © 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation COMPAQ and the Compaq logo Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Of- fice. DECnet, and OpenVMS are trademarks of Compaq Information Tech- nologies Group, L.P. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are trademarks of Microsoft Cor- poration. Motif, UNIX and The Open Group are trademarks of The Open Group. All other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks or regis- tered trademarks of their respective companies. Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq required for possession, use, or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Tech- nical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. Compaq shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omis- sions contained herein. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. 27