Hewlett-Packard Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: HP OpenVMS/Hanzi Version 8.2-1 for Integrity Servers Operating Systems SPD 82.36.01 DESCRIPTION HP OpenVMS/Hanzi V8.2-1 for Integrity Servers is a general-purpose mul- tiuser operation system that supports Chinese data processing in HP's Integrity Server computer families in both production and development environments. It is the Chinese version of HP OpenVMS Operating Sys- tem for V8.2-1 for Integrity Servers which extends base HP OpenVMS to provide an operating system environment to support Chinese and ASCII characters. It extends and enhances the system utilities and environ- ment to facilitate processing of Chinese data. Utilities are provided to facilitate the design and maintenance of user-defined characters. Output of user-defined characters is supported on DEC Hanzi terminals and printers via On-Demand Loading, a dynamic font loading feature. HP OpenVMS/Hanzi supports Chinese data representation that conforms to the Primary Set of National Standard Code of Chinese Graphic Char- acter Set for Information Interchange (GB2312-80) of the People's Re- public of China. In addition, HP OpenVMS/Hanzi supports an extension area of 8836 character positions in the form of user-defined charac- ters. This SPD describes only the Chinese specific features of HP OpenVMS/Hanzi which are extensions or additions to base HP OpenVMS. For a descrip- tion of the base functionality and supported environment of HP Open- VMS, refer to the HP OpenVMS for Integrity Servers Versions 8.2-1 and 8.2, HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.2 Operating Systems Software Product Description (SPD 82.35.xx). December 2005 HP OpenVMS/Hanzi Version 8.2-1 for Integrity Servers FEATURES HP OpenVMS/Hanzi provides the following Chinese processing features in addition to the base functionality of HP OpenVMS. User Environment HP OpenVMS/Hanzi provides the following features for general users: Input/Output Input/Output of Chinese and ASCII characters are supported on Chinese terminals/printers. The Chinese terminal driver provides advanced line editing support for both Chinese and ASCII characters. DCL Command Language Support HP OpenVMS/Hanzi extends the base DCL to support Chinese processing in the following: o Chinese in passing parameters o Chinese logical names and equivalence names o Chinese labels in GOTO and GOSUB statements o Chinese in SUBROUTINE names and in CALL statements o Chinese in INQUIRE statements o Chinese in READ/WRITE statements o Chinese in MESSAGE/REPLY commands 2 HP OpenVMS/Hanzi Version 8.2-1 for Integrity Servers Chinese DATE and TIME Display Utilities such as DIRECTORY and HMAIL in HP OpenVMS/Hanzi can display date and time in Chinese format. Bilingual Help Bilingual help interface is provided in the system DCL HELP and help subsystems of Chinese utilities. Users can select help in either Chi- nese or English. Bilingual System Messages Chinese system messages are provided with this version of HP OpenVMS/Hanzi. Users can choose to receive system messages in either Chinese or En- glish. Utilities HP OpenVMS/Hanzi provides the following utilities to support Chinese processing in addition to the base HP OpenVMS utilities: HTPU/HEVE HTPU is the Chinese extended version of the DEC Text Processing Util- ity (DECTPU) providing built-in procedures with enhancement on Chi- nese text processing. Additional Chinese features are: o Full form and half form character conversion o Character class classification o Line drawing capability o 2-byte symbol composition o 2-byte Chinese character deletion and cursor movement o 2-byte Chinese character wrapping 3 HP OpenVMS/Hanzi Version 8.2-1 for Integrity Servers o Pattern matching including 2-byte Chinese characters HEVE is the Chinese extended version of the Extensible Versatile Ed- itor (EVE) running on HTPU providing a general-purpose Chinese screen editor to process Chinese and ASCII characters. Extended commands which include features such as Chinese word manipulation, line drawing, box drawing and column editing capabilities are available. Chinese SORT/MERGE SORT/MERGE in HP OpenVMS/Hanzi is the Chinese extended version of the SORT/MERGE utility. The following Chinese collating sequences are sup- ported: o Radical o Number of strokes o Pinyin (the Chinese phonetic alphabet) o Quwei code Both ascending and descending order of sorting are supported. Multi- ple collating sequences can be specified for the same sort key in a single sort. I/O interfaces, namely file interface and record inter- face, on the above Chinese collating sequences are supported. HMAIL HMAIL extends the HP OpenVMS MAIL utility to support Chinese in sub- jects, personal names and folder names. Folders can be displayed ac- cording to specified Chinese collating sequences. In addition, it sup- ports operations which involve searching of strings that contain Chi- nese characters. HMAIL invokes HTPU as the default editor. 4 HP OpenVMS/Hanzi Version 8.2-1 for Integrity Servers Character Manager (CMGR) CMGR in HP OpenVMS/Hanzi provides a font editor and a set of commands to facilitate creation of user-defined character fonts. Collating val- ues can also be associated with user-defined characters for sorting. HDUMP HDUMP enhances the DUMP utility to display contents of files or vol- umes containing both Chinese and ASCII characters. Wrapping of Chi- nese characters at field boundary is handled correctly. HEDT HEDT is an interactive Chinese text editor, providing many text pro- cessing enhancements to the HP OpenVMS EDT. The following features are provided in addition to the EDT functions: o Full DEC Hanzi Character Set Support: - Full form and half form character conversion - Character code input in hexadecimal, octal and Quwei codes o Chinese Text Processing Functions: - Automatic horizontal scrolling when 80 columns are exceeded - Column select for cut and paste - ASCII/Chinese word wrapping - Left/center/right justification - Set left and right margins - Line drawing/table filling - Chinese date/time - Cursor line/column display 5 HP OpenVMS/Hanzi Version 8.2-1 for Integrity Servers - Editing modes: * absolute insert * absolute overwrite * insert within fixed ruler lines * overwrite within fixed ruler lines Chinese SEARCH Chinese SEARCH is the Chinese version of HP OpenVMS SEARCH utility. It supports Chinese characters in the search string. Debugger Utility Debugger utility is enhanced to support Chinese characters on both char- acter cell terminal and graphic (DECwindows Motif) interface worksta- tion. Users can input Chinese characters in Debugger utility. The De- bugger utility is able to print and echo Chinese characters in its out- put. In order to utilize Debugger for Chinese characters support, the locale files for Chinese is required to be installed on HP OpenVMS/Hanzi from the VMSI18N kit. The VMSI18N kit can be found in the HP OpenVMS distribution media and the locale file for Chinese characters support in OpenVMS/Hanzi is "Chinese". For more information, refer to the HP OpenVMS/Hanzi Version 8.2-1 for Integrity Servers Release Notes and Installation Guides. Programming Run-Time Libraries HP OpenVMS/Hanzi provides the following run-time libraries to facil- itate development of Chinese applications: 6 HP OpenVMS/Hanzi Version 8.2-1 for Integrity Servers Chinese Processing (HSY$) Run-Time Library HP OpenVMS/Hanzi provides a Multi-Byte Processing Run-Time Library for program and application development involving Chinese processing. The Run-Time Library routines perform a variety of Chinese processing func- tions such as string manipulation, read/write operations, character conversion and other Chinese processing operations. These routines can be called from programs written in the supported programming languages. Chinese Screen Management (SMG$) Run-Time Library Chinese SMG provides a set of run-time library routines to perform ter- minal independent functions on supported Chinese terminals. Chinese Text processing Utility (TPU$) Run-Time Library Chinese TPU provides a collection of built-in procedures and callable interfaces for Chinese and English text processing in character cell terminal or DECwindows Motif environments. Sort/Merge (SOR$) Run-Time Library Sort/Merge provides a collection of built-in procedures and callable interfaces for sorting/merging Chinese and English. ASSOCIATED PRODUCTS DECwindows Motif/Hanzi for OpenVMS/Hanzi HP offers a separately orderable layered product called DECwindows Mo- tif/Hanzi for OpenVMS/Hanzi which provides support for both OSF/Motif, a standards-based graphical user interface, and the X user interface (XUI) in a single, run-time and development environment. After installing DECwindows Motif/Hanzi Version 1.5 (or later version), users will be able to input, display and print Chinese characters based on GB18030 7 HP OpenVMS/Hanzi Version 8.2-1 for Integrity Servers national code set through DECwindows Motif/Hanzi. For more informa- tion, refer to DECwindows Motif/Hanzi for OpenVMS/Hanzi Software Prod- uct Description (SPD 46.95.xx). INSTALLATION HP OpenVMS/Hanzi is distributed as a binary kit on DVD. Procedures for setting up the system disk from media and for preparing the system for day-to-day operations are provided. The procedures are described in HP OpenVMS/Hanzi Installation Guide and Release Notes. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Integrity Server Systems Supported: This section lists the Integrity Server systems that are supported by HP OpenVMS/Hanzi I64 V8.2-1. o rx1600, 2P/2C; 1.0 GHz o rx2600, 2P/2C; 1.0, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 GHz o rx4640, 4P/4C; 1.3 1.5 GHz o rx4640, 8P/8C (dual-core); 1.1 GHz o rx1620, 1.6 GHz/3MB 267FSB (DP) o rx1620, 1.3 GHz/3MB (DP) o rx2620, 1.6 GHz/3MB (DP) o rx2620, 1.3 GHz/3MB (DP) o rx2620, 1.6 GHz/6MB o rx4640, 1.6 GHz/6MB o rx4640, 1.5 GHz/4MB o Fast Bundle: rx4640, 4CPU config 1.6GHz/9MB o rx7620, 2 cell (8P/8C), 1.5 GHz/4 MB 8 HP OpenVMS/Hanzi Version 8.2-1 for Integrity Servers o rx7620, 2 cell (8P/8C), 1.6 GHz/6 MB o rx8620, 4 cell (16P/16C), 1.5 GHz/4 MB - 16 processors per hard par- tition (nPartition) o rx8620, 4 cell (16P/16C), 1.6 GHz/6 MB - 16 processors per hard par- tition (nPartition) o Superdome, 4 cell (16P/16C), 1.6 GHz/9 MB - 16 processors per hard partition (nPartition) Processor Restrictions: Refer to HP OpenVMS for Integrity Servers Versions 8.2-1 and 8.2, HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.2 Operating Systems Software Product Descrip- tion (SPD 82.35.xx) for restrictions on the supported processors. Legacy Hardware Support: The following legacy Chinese terminals and printers are still supported for Chinese input and output operations. system running HP OpenVMS/Hanzi via one of the following connections: Chinese Terminal VT382-C Supported: Chinese Printers LA88-C Supported: LA380-C On-Demand loading of user-defined character fonts is supported on VT382- C, LA88-C and LA380-C when connected to an Integrity system running HP OpenVMS/Hanzi via one of the following connections: Terminal Servers: DECserver 200 SPD 27.53.xx (V3.0) 9 HP OpenVMS/Hanzi Version 8.2-1 for Integrity Servers DECserver 300 SPD 25.J1.xx (V1.0) DECserver 500 SPD 26.97.xx (V2.1) DECserver 700 DECserver 90L+ (V1.0) For a description of On-Demand loading support in terminal servers, refer to the respective DECserver product description. Block Space Requirements:(Block Cluster Size = 1) The following HP OpenVMS/Hanzi block space requirements are additional to the HP OpenVMS block space requirements stated in HP OpenVMS for Integrity Servers Versions 8.2-1 and 8.2, HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.2 Operating Systems Software Product Description (SPD 82.35.xx). Disk space required for 112,000 blocks (57,344K bytes) installation: Disk space required for 107,000 blocks (54,784K bytes) use (permanent): These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. VMSCLUSTER ENVIRONMENT VMScluster configurations are supported fully as described in the Open- VMS Cluster Software Product Description (SPD 29.78.xx). Refer to the SPD for details. 10 HP OpenVMS/Hanzi Version 8.2-1 for Integrity Servers SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS HP OpenVMS/Hanzi V8.2-1 for Integrity Servers requires HP OpenVMS Op- erating System V8.2-1 for Integrity Servers. OPTIONAL HANZI SOFTWARE For information on other available optional Chinese software products, please contact your HP account representative. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware and software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the cur- rent version. ORDERING INFORMATION A new packaging plan is introduced with HP OpenVMS for Integrity Servers. With HP OpenVMS Version 8.2-1 for Integrity Servers, the operating sys- tem software, layered product software, and online documentation are delivered together in one media kit. Media is offered for Foundation (FOE), Enterprise (EOE), and Mission Critical (MCOE) Operating Envi- ronments. For detail purchase of Operating Environment (OE) media kit of HP Open- VMS/Hanzi for Integrity Servers, please refer to the HP Operating En- vironments for OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 Version 8.2-1 for Integrity Servers Software Product Description (SPD 82.34.xx). SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of HP's Stan- dard Terms and Conditions of Sale. For more information about HP's li- censing terms and policies, please contact your HP account represen- tative. 11 HP OpenVMS/Hanzi Version 8.2-1 for Integrity Servers Software License Information HP OpenVMS on Integrity servers is offered with a new license type, a Per-Processor License (PPL). HP OpenVMS for Integrity Servers li- censes are also packaged different, using Operating Environment (OE) bundles. The OE bundles are groups of individual product offered to- gether under a single license. The HP OpenVMS/Hanzi for Integrity Servers is part of Operating En- vironment (OE) bundles and is licensed under HP OpenVMS package. For more information about Software Licensing for HP OpenVMS Integrity Servers, refer to HP OpenVMS for Integrity Servers Versions 8.2-1 and 8.2, HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.2 Operating Systems Software Product Descrip- tion (SPD 82.35.xx) SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from HP. For more infor- mation, contact your local HP account representative or distributor. Information is also available from http://www.hp.com/hps/software. SOFTWARE WARRANTY This software is provided by HP with a 90-day conformance warranty in accordance with the HP warranty terms applicable to the license pur- chase. © 2005 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. Confidential computer software. Valid license form HP required for pos- session, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Com- mercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Tech- nical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license. 12 HP OpenVMS/Hanzi Version 8.2-1 for Integrity Servers The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional war- ranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omis- sions contained herein. Adobe, Adobe Acrobat, and Adobe PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Sys- tems Incorporated. Intel, Pentium, and Itanium are trademarks or reg- istered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Java is a U.S trademark of Sun Microsys- tems, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are U.S. registered trade- marks of Microsoft Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademarks of The Open Group. 13 HP OpenVMS/Hanzi Version 8.2-1 for Integrity Servers 14