Software Product Description PRODUCT NAME: TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit V1.0 for Digital UNIX SPD 64.82.00 DESCRIPTION TeMIP for Digital UNIX® is a family of software products for the management of telecommunications and corporate networks, including fixed wire and mobile/cellular voice and data multi-vendor, multi- technology networks. TeMIP V3.1 provides comprehensive off-the-shelf fault and trouble management functions such as Alarm Handling, Event Logging and Trouble Ticketing for telecommunications network management. TeMIP supports the International Standards Organization (ISO) management standards ISO 10164-x and ISO 10165-x, and the OMNIpoint 1 standards as defined by NMF and T1M1. TeMIP and its features are applicable in the context of the International Telephone Union-Telecommunication Standards (ITU-T) X.73x and Telecommunication Management Network (TMN) M.3010, M.3100 Recommendations. It gives network operators a global view of their networks, and enables them to activate management functions and operations from single or multiple workstations. TeMIP is built on top of the TeMIP Framework, which is an implementation of the Enterprise Management Architecture (EMA), and fully benefits from the object oriented and truly distributed software architecture. The TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit V1.0 (GAT) is part of this TeMIP program and provides the TeMIP platform with access to telecommunication equipment such as switches, multiplexers or repeaters which, for historical reasons, do not support a standardized management interface but report management information and receive control information via an interface designed for human interaction, using a character (ASCII) terminal or a printer. As such, the TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit extends TeMIP functionality to all network elements that support ASCII protocols. It also benefits from the Event Filtering and Correlation capabilities of TeMIP. Refer to TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management Software Product Description (SPD 45.24.xx) and TeMIP Framework SPD (54.17.xx) for more information about Distribution and Event Filtering and Correlation related features. The TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit is a collection of components that enable rapid development and easy maintenance of a TeMIP GAT Access Module for a given type of equipment. The main features are : ? GUI driven codeless development toolkit with rule based parsing ? two way stream management ? multi protocol support. TeMIP GAT is a windows based configuration application that facilitates the development of a generic Access Module framework that can be adapted to the specifics of the management interfaces of a broad range of ASCII speaking network elements. The TeMIP GAT graphical user interface allows fast and easy development of Access Modules (AM) without coding. The result is a packaged AM (customized AM) that can be easily and seamlessly integrated into the TeMIP platform and as such benefits from TeMIP standard features (eg. security, distribution, low-level event filtering and correlation) . Access Modules developed using TeMIP GAT are able to: manage the connection with the Network Equipment, act as an agent for ASCII devices, support terminal emulation and self-management capabilities of TeMIP. A TeMIP GAT Access Module provides two distinct channels of communication between TeMIP and the Network Element : ? The Asynchronous Message Handler (AMH) is the asynchronous channel for unsolicited messages ? The Integrated Command Generator (ICG) is the synchronous bi-directional channel for NE control Features Depending on the scope of the customization, Access Modules developed using TeMIP GAT will be able to: 1. Manage the connection with the NE ? Communicate with NEs using three widely used standard protocols (TCP/IP,X25, RS232) ? Raise communication alarms to the TeMIP platform if the communication facility fails ? Detect and monitor “heartbeat” signals from NE ? Generate “keep alive” signals to maintain connections with NEs that do not support “heartbeat”. 2. Act as an agent for ASCII devices ? Translate TeMIP directives into ASCII command sequences followed by subsequent processing of the responses ? Collect unsolicited ASCII messages from the NEs. Received messages are parsed and used to trigger internal actions (eg. forward OSI alarms, update attribute values) ? Issue “polling” messages to retrieve alarm information from NEs that cannot emit unsolicited asynchronous messages ? Correlate “clear” alarm messages with the original forwarded alarms ? Issue “re-synchronization” messages to re-align TeMIP view of the element with its actual state (for NEs that support it) ? Log messages in a log file for optional use by off-line analysis tools ? Maintain attribute values in a local database. The values can be modified by operations on the entities (eg. the Set directive) or autonomously by the Access Module itself, based on messages received from the NE ? Synthesize state attributes for the NEs, based on received alarms (eg. maintain an Operational State attribute based on the messages received from the NE). 3. Support terminal emulation. “Passtrough” allows an operator to open a direct session on the NE which emulates a dumb terminal connection. 4. Support the self-management capabilities of TeMIP. The AM itself is managed by TeMIP through a self-management interface which also allows the AM to report abnormal conditions. Access Module components After customization, a specific TeMIP GAT Access Module (Customized Access Module) will consist of the following components: ? Management Model (TeMIP Interface) - the Access Module interface to the TeMIP platform. It is based on the information model of the NE being managed and makes the management information available to TeMIP applications. ? Communications Server (NE Interface) - This is the physical interface to the Network Element. All communication with the managed object passes through this interface. The Communication Server (CS) is described here to complete the overview of what is a logical TeMIP GAT Access Module, but it is not customized by GAT. There is already a choice of three Communication Servers, one for each of the supported protocols (TCP/IP, RS232, X25). The CS is itself an Management Module dedicated to accessing Network Equipment. ? Asynchronous Message Handler (AMH) - is composed of the Asynchronous Message Parser and the Action Executor. ? The Asynchronous Message Parser receives raw ASCII messages from the Communication Server (NE Interface) and breaks them down using rule based analysis. The result is an Item Set which is a set of significant recognizable codes from the message (eg. alarm severity = Critical, State = Starting Up), ? The Action Executor performs pre-defined actions. The actions are selected according to the Item Set received from the parser. Typical operations are: forward an OSI alarm to the TeMIP platform or update an attribute value in the MIR. ? Integrated Command Generator (ICG) - handles command and response dialogues with the NE, it is composed of the Dialog Manager, the Command Builder and the Response Parser. ? The Dialog Manager handles command and response dialogs with the NE. A TeMIP directive is received by the Access Module in an encoded format. It processes the directive and passes it to the Command Builder. It also processes the resulting responses that are returned from the NE via the Response Parser. A sequence of related commands and responses is called a Dialog ? The Command Builder constructs the individual ASCII commands (in the language of the NE - MML commands) and passes them to the communication interface ? The Response Parser is a rule based parser (similar to the Asynchronous Message Parser) that breaks down the responses to commands issued to the NE and feeds them back into the Dialog Manager. ? Local Management Information Repository (MIR) is a local Access Module data repository that stores NE management data (eg. attribute values). The run-time environment for a TeMIP GAT Access Module is made up of a combination of Customized AMs and Communications Server AMs. As for all TeMIP Management Modules, they can be distributed over several TeMIP systems depending on the degree of distribution needed. Communications Server The Communications Server (CS) is a TeMIP management module which manages communication resources (represented by the Communication Channel TeMIP global class). It offers communication services for TeMIP client applications which need to communicate using TCP, X25 or RS232 protocols. A TeMIP GAT customized AM (customized AM) uses the CS services. The Communications Server has the following characteristics: ? It can be installed on a different system from its clients (customized AMs, Passthrough Applications, …) ? Multiple CSs can be installed in a given environment (system) ? The same CS AM is able to handle connections from more than one customized AM to any number of NEs that all use the same protocol ? Each CS is specialized for a single protocol, ? The CS monitors the state of its Communication Channel (CC) ? When activated for a NE port, raw message logging is performed by the CS for this port ? When communicating with a NE or a mediator, one (or more) ports might be used. Usually the NE requires one CC (physical connection, X25 virtual circuit or TCP socket) for asynchronous event reporting and a different CC for commands/responses (synchronous messages). In some cases only one channel may be used for both events and commands/responses ? Event buffering capabilities and collection management are offered at the CS level to cope with differences between the event producers (NEs) rate and event consumers (management application) rate ? The CS is responsible for compacting raw data received from a NE into bounded messages, whenever possible, before processing it further (i.e. before logging, buffering or transmitting to a consumer). To this effect, it has to identify Start message and End message patterns in the data received ? The CS can easily be managed and configured via TeMIP standard procedures (i.e. activation of directives on appropriate objects). Access Module customization The syntax and semantics of the messages, commands and responses, which are exchanged between the NE and the management terminal, are called the MML (Man Machine Language) specification. MML messages are specific for each type of equipment and are an equipment vendor’s property. The connection between network elements and management terminals is either a direct line with an RS232 interface, or a connection through X25 or TCP/IP networks. The customization process includes the following steps: 1? Analyze the specific MML of the equipment to be managed. 2? Define the management model for the specific equipment (i.e. commands supported by the AM, messages to be mapped on to TeMIP alarms, events and notifications). 3? Produce a specific parser and mapping table. 4? Build and test the customized ASCII Access Module (run-time) either locally or by generating an Access Module kit for installation on an other TeMIP system. 5? Finalize specific end user documentation, describe how the AM connects to the NE. The entire customization (development of a GAT Access Module) can be done using the TeMIP GAT graphical user interface. Each of the AM components has its own customization window which is accessed from the Main Customization Window. When all the components have been configured and tested, the run-time AM is generated. Main Customization Window This window is the starting point for the development of a GAT Access Module. It is a graphical representation of the AM components (Component Frame). Simply clicking on a component the user invokes the component specific editor window. From the Main Customization Window all other options for generating the AM are available from the Menu bar (i.e. Compile, Test, Generate, …). General characteristics (Name, Version, description, …) of the current customization are displayed in the Detail Frame. All messages reporting the progress of the current activity (eg. edition or compilation) are displayed in the Output Frame using color coded format. Detailed error reports are routed to a log file. All Component windows consist of a toolbar, a main editor frame, composed of multiple columns, and a bottom status bar. A set of optional keyboard accelerators are also available. For a detailed description of window behavior, refer to the TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit Customization Manual. Management Model TeMIP architecture is based on the notion of a dynamic, extensible network model. In TeMIP, every manageable entity in the network (i.e. NE) can be described in terms of its own unique management model defined in terms of: classes representing the entity (Class Hierarchy), attributes used to store and reference management information relative to the entity (Attributes Partitions), operations representing management actions (Directives), notifications describing unsolicited information generated by the entity (Event Partition). The Management Model Editor window allows for the development of management models for entities managed via a GAT Access Module. It consists of up to five columns: Class Hierarchy column - (ie. the naming tree) displays the Class Hierarchy that consists in one or more Global Classes and a framework of subordinates classes Partitions column - displays the Attribute Partitions, The Event Partitions and the Directives for the selected class. Detail Columns - provide the details of the Partitions or Directives selected in the Partition column. Command Builder The command builder is part of the Synchronous Channel which is the bi-directional channel used for NE control. It is the AM component that builds individual commands in the language of the NE. The Command Builder Editor window allows for the building of individual commands in the language of the NE (typically, the command definitions are extracted from the equipment documentation). It consists in four sections: Command column - contains a simple list of all the NE commands that are to be supported. The remaining sections of the window display the details of the selected command. Command Component column - each command consists of an ordered list of components. The component fields are “syntax guided” which simplifies the development of components and provides continuous guidance and verification of input. The actual command sent on-line, consists of a concatenation of the command components, where the variables (parameters) are replaced by values at run- time. Input Parameter list - a scroll list of all the possible input parameters for the selected command. Output Parameter list - a scroll list of all the expected output parameters for the selected command. The output parameters entered here are visible as Items in a pick-list when developing Statements in the Response Parser. Dialog Manager The Dialog Manager is part of the Synchronous Channel. It is the AM component that handles the command/response dialogs between TeMIP and the NE. The Dialog Manager Editor window is used to define the bindings between the eligible directives and the NE commands which are maintained by the Command Builder. All the new Directives, defined in the Management Model, and the commands defined in the Command Builder, together with their input and output parameters are visible in the Dialog Manager editor. It consists in five main sections: Class Hierarchy column - displays the information model Class Hierarchy. Directive column - a list of all the Directives that are eligible for binding with NE commands Command column - a list of the NE commands that have been mapped onto the Directive that is currently selected in the Directive Column. Input Parameter Binding list - a scroll list of all the Input Parameters for the Command selected in the Command Column. This section is used to bind the Command Input Parameters to the Management Model attributes or Directive Request arguments. Output Parameters Binding list - a scroll list of all the expected Output Parameters for the command selected in the Command Column. Message Parser The Asynchronous Message Parser and the Response Parser have the same editor window and have the same customization possibilities. The two parsers can be combined, that is, the same parser definition can be used for both components. Message parsing is rule based. Messages from the NE, stored in the message Items, are processed according to a hierarchy of rules. For a detailed description of message parsing concepts, refer to the TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit Customization Manual. The Asynchronous Message Parser handles asynchronous messages, typically alarms and status messages, from the NE. It processes incoming messages and determines which Actions are to be executed. The Action List is maintained by the Action Executor component. The Response Parser handles synchronous messages. These are messages that are generated in response to commands from the Command Builder. The Response Parser editor shares information with the Command Builder so that command output parameters are visible as Items in the Response Parser. The Parser Editor window consists of four main sections: Rule Hierarchy column - contains a graphical representation of the rule relationships and determines the order in which the rules are applied. Rule Expression column - there may be one or more Boolean expressions that test the message. The rule only fires if all the expressions are satisfied and then all the related Statements are executed. Statement List column - Statements in the Statement List are executed in turn from top to bottom if the rule fires. Each statement consists of a Guard and an Operation. Next Rule List - is a list of dependent rules that are attached to the current rule. The rule hierarchy is constructed by adding rules to this list. Action Executor The Action Executor is part of the AM Asynchronous Channel which handles unsolicited messages from the Network Element. The Action Executor editor is used to develop Actions which consist of a number of Statements. The Asynchronous Message Parser processes incoming messages and determines which of the pre-defined Actions are to be executed. The Action Executor Editor window consists of three main sections: Class Hierarchy column - contains the information model Class Hierarchy. Action column - displays a list of all the actions in the selected Class or Default Action List that is selected in the previous column. Statement List column - statements in this list are executed in turn from top to bottom when the Action is executed. Passthrough When an alarm is reported by a network element, it is critical that an operator has access to the NE. The Passthrough component provides operators with access from their local workstations to the management terminal interface of the remote NE or the Operation and Maintenance Center. The Passthrough feature allows an operator to open a direct session on the NE which emulates a dumb terminal connection to the equipment. Passthrough is a TeMIP launched application that is invoked from the TeMIP Iconic Map. A Passthrough session interacts with a NE via a Communications Server. Samples To help new users to build their first TeMIP GAT Access Module, two customized AM samples are provided : ? LAB_AM, is a simple but realistic and complete customization example. ? TL1_AM, this customization example is expected to be used as a starting point to speed up the development of real AMs for interfacing TL1 based equipment. It provides a customized AM example for a list of messages corresponding to a fictitious NE supporting a TL1 Management Interface. Note: These sample AMs are not products and cannot be used in a production environment. Extension Mechanism The Extension Mechanism allows the addition of new functions to the GUI. It also allows additional code to be included in the generated Customized AM. This is done either through initialization files containing information to allow the extension to be included in the relevant parts of the toolkit and/or run-time AM, or by using a number of hooks defined in the toolkit code and in the generated AM code. Documentation For additional information, refer to the appropriate documentation: ? TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit - Overview ? TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit - Customization Manual ? TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit - Configuration and Trouble shooting Guide HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Alpha AXP Processors Supported: AlphaServer 8200 AlphaServer 8400 DEC/4600, DEC/4700 DEC/7600, DEC/7700 DEC/10600 AlphaServer 2000 AlphaServer 2100 AlphaServer 4000 AlphaServer 4100 AlphaStation 600 DEC/3500, DEC/3500S, DEC/3500X DEC/3800, DEC/3800S DEC/3900 AlphaServer 300 AlphaServer 400 AlphaServer 1000 AlphaStation 200 AlphaStation 250 AlphaStation 255 AlphaStation 400 AlphaStation 500 DEC/2300S DEC/2500 DEC/3300, DEC/3300L, DEC/3300X, DEC/3300LX DEC/3400, DEC/3400S DEC/3600, DEC/3600S DEC/3700 Disk Space Requirements: For installation: 74,000 Kbytes For use (permanent): 74,000 Kbytes Additional disk space will be required for Customized Access Modules. Run-time systems will only require sufficient disk space to load customized and CS AMs executables. Memory Requirements: For run-time systems: The minimum memory supported, due to a TeMIP Framework prerequisite, is 128 Mbytes. For development systems: The minimum memory supported, due to a TeMIP Framework prerequisite, is 256 Mbytes. However, the use of this software in conjunction with increased memory improves performance. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS for run-time systems: ? Digital UNIX Operating System V3.2G ? TeMIP Framework V3.1 For development systems the following software must be installed on top of the above: ? TeMIP Framework Developer’s Toolkit V3.1 ? Visual TeMIP Developer’s Toolkit V1.1 ? DEC C++ V5.4 OPTIONAL SOFTWARE ? DEC X.25 V2.0 for UNIX GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product could be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA This product is also available as part of the UNIX Consolidated Software distribution on CD-ROM. See ordering information for each Software Media reference. ORDERING INFORMATION TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit Development Software License: QL-5SLA9-AA Software Media: QA-5SLAA-H8 Software Documentation: QA-5SLAA-GZ Software Product Services: QS-T**A9-CZ TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit Run-time Software License: QL-5SMAM-3B Software Product Services: QS-T**A9-CZ SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. For more information about Digital's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Digital office. License Management Facility This layered product supports the UNIX License Management Facility. License units for the Development system product are allocated on an Unlimited System Use basis. License units for the Run-time system are allocated on a Concurrent Use basis. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Digital. For more information, contact your local Digital office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Digital with the purchase of a license for the product. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Digital office for the most up- to-date information. ™ The DIGITAL Logo, DEC, DECnet, AplhaStation, AlphaServer, Digital, TeMIP are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. ® UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/OpenCompany Ltd. ©1997 Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. llll 1 March 1997 AE-R5C0A-TE TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit V1.0 for Digital UNIX SPD 64.82.00 7 8