) DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DIGITAL Enterprise Integration Packages Release 2.0 SPD 64.75.02 DESCRIPTION The Enterprise Integration Packages enhance and extend the capabil- ity of OpenVMS[TM] to smoothly integrate with an environment built upon Microsoft[R] Windows[R]. These packages provide users with licenses for layered software products that offer important, additional oppor- tunties to meld popular and user-friendly Microsoft Windows environ- ments with mission-critical OpenVMS systems, applications, and data. These packages include: o DIGITAL Enterprise Integration Server for OpenVMS License Packages o DIGITAL Enterprise Integration Client for Microsoft Windows License Packages The Enterprise Integration Packages provide the following OpenVMS, Mi- crosoft Windows 95[R], and Microsoft Windows NT[TM] integration ser- vices using the listed software components: o Management services The following OpenVMS Management tools, including Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Management Tools Archive/Backup Agent for NT Datametrics ViewPoint Data Collector o Network transport and connectivity services DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Alpha (End System) DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS September 1997 64.75.02 DIGITAL PATHWORKS 32 o File and print services DECprint[TM] Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS Alpha Plus DECprint[TM] Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS Alpha Open DIGITAL PATHWORKS[TM] for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT o Internet services Netscape Navigator[TM] o Mail services DIGITAL Office Server for OpenVMS o Presentation services DECwindows[TM] Motif[R] for OpenVMS Alpha DECwindows Worldwide Support for OpenVMS Alpha DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Language Variants Includes: UI/Deutsch UI/Español UI/Français UI/Italiano UI/Svenska UI/Cesky UI/Polski UI/Russkij UI/Slovensky The following tables list the specific components included with each Enterprise Integration Package. Table 1 lists the components of the most recent release of the Enter- prise Integration Server for OpenVMS license package. It is delivered 2 with many OpenVMS/Alpha servers[1] and can be purchased separately. ____________________ Some OpenVMS/Alpha systems continue to ship with Release 1.1 of this license package or DIGITAL NAS 200 software. Please consult the Sys- tems and Options Catalogue and/or the price file for specifics. 3 ___________________________________________________________________ Table 1: Components in the DIGITAL Enterprise Integration Server _________for_OpenVMS,_Release_2.0,_License_Package_(QP-5LVA*-AC)___ Software_Licenses___________________________SPD______Quantity______ DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Alpha (End 50.45 1 System) DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 46.46 1 DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS 44.15 1 Alpha Plus DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS 44.15 1 Alpha Open DECwindows[TM] Motif for OpenVMS Alpha 42.19 1 Netscape Navigator 56.22 1++ Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Man- 60.72 1 agement Tools Archive/Backup Agent for NT 60.72 1 Datametrics ViewPoint Data Collector 60.72 1 DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Win- 60.80 1 dows NT DIGITAL PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced 30.50 2 Server) Client Access License DIGITAL PATHWORKS 32 56.33 3+ DIGITAL Office Server for OpenVMS 61.49 1 DIGITAL Office Server Client Access 61.49 2 License ___________________________________________________________________ +One PATHWORKS 32 license is provided for use with the OpenVMS Management Tools, while the other 2 are intended for general pur- pose use. ++NetScape Navigator is licensed via the license for DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha ___________________________________________________________________ Table 2 describes the contents of the most recent release of the Enterprise Integration Client for Microsoft Windows license pack- age. It is intended to further extend the rights delivered with your servers by providing licenses for additional desktops. 4 ___________________________________________________________________ Table 2: Components in the DIGITAL Enterprise Integration Client for Microsoft Windows, Release 2.0, License Package (QP- _________5LWAA-A*)_________________________________________________ Software_Licenses___________________________SPD____________________ DIGITAL PATHWORKS 32 56.33 DIGITAL PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced 30.50 Server) Client Access License DIGITAL Office Server Client Access 61.49 License____________________________________________________________ If you have a current DIGITAL NAS 200 license, you can purchase the DIGITAL Enterprise Integration Extension License Package for DIGITAL NAS 200. This package provides the component licenses in- cluded in the Enterprise Integration Server License Package except for those products that are already licensed by your DIGITAL NAS 200 license. 5 ___________________________________________________________________ Table 3: Components in the DIGITAL Enterprise Integration Exten- sion License Package for DIGITAL NAS 200, Release 2.0 _________(QP-03ZA*-AB)_____________________________________________ Software_Licenses___________________________SPD______Quantity______ Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Man- 60.72 1 agement Tools Archive/Backup Agent for NT 60.72 1 Datametrics ViewPoint Data Collector 60.72 1 DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Win- 60.80 1 dows NT DIGITAL PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced 30.50 2 Server) Client Access License DIGITAL PATHWORKS 32 56.33 3+ DIGITAL Office Server for OpenVMS 61.49 1 DIGITAL Office Server Client Access 61.49 2 License ___________________________________________________________________ +One PATHWORKS 32 license is provided for use with the OpenVMS Management Tools, while the other 2 are intended for general pur- pose use. ___________________________________________________________________ Note that some Alpha systems continue to ship Release 1.1 of the DIGITAL Enterprise Integration Server for OpenVMS. Release 1.1 is available only with these systems and includes the following licenses. 6 ___________________________________________________________________ Table 4: Components in the DIGITAL Enterprise Integration Server _________for_OpenVMS,_Release_1.1_License_Package_(QP-5LVA*-AB)____ Software_Licenses___________________________SPD______Quantity______ DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Alpha (End 50.45 1 System) DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS 46.46 1 DCPS Plus 44.15 1 DCPS Open 44.15 1 DECwindows[TM] Motif[R] for OpenVMS 42.19 1 Alpha Netscape Navigator 56.22 1++ Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Man- 60.72 1 agement Tools Archive/Backup Agent for NT 60.72 1 Datametrics ViewPoint Data Collector 60.72 1 DIGITAL PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced 30.50 2 Server) Client Access License DIGITAL PATHWORKS 32 56.33 3+ TeamLinks[TM] Mail Windows Client 63.25 2 MAPI Driver for ALL-IN-1 61.43 2 ___________________________________________________________________ +One PATHWORKS 32 license is provided for use with the OpenVMS Management Tools, while the other 2 are intended for general pur- pose use. ++NetScape Navigator is licensed via the license for DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha ___________________________________________________________________ COMPONENTS Many components of the Enterprise Integration Packages are prod- ucts independently offered by Digital Equipment Corporation or a third party. For complete descriptions of the functional content of each product, see the SPDs. 7 INSTALLATION DIGITAL recommends that customers unfamiliar with the components of the Enterprise Integration Packages purchase DIGITAL Installa- tion Services. These services provide installation of the software product by an experienced DIGITAL software specialist. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ENTERPRISE INTEGRATION SERVER The Enterprise Integration Server supports all valid OpenVMS Al- pha systems. For questions about the hardware requirements for individual component products, consult the Hardware Requirements sections of the component SPDs or the DIGITAL Enterprise Integra- tion Server for OpenVMS Installation Guide. Memory Requirements for the Enterprise Integration Server The minimum supported memory for installation of the Enterprise Integration Server, with all components installed, is 64 MB. The performance and memory usage of the Enterprise Integration Server and applications based on it are particularly sensitive to system configuration. Full configuration of all components may require memory in excess of the minimum previously quoted. Additional memory may also be required based on system loading and usage patterns of the components. Disk Space Requirements for the Enterprise Integration Server Installing the complete set of the Enterprise Integration Server components requires a minimum of 525 MB of disk space. This count refers to the disk space required on the system disk. The size is approximate; actual size may vary depending on the customer's system environment, configuration, and software op- tions. For example, actual disk space required may be less if the customer does not install some components or subcomponents. These 8 customers should total the disk requirements for the individ- ual components being installed, from each product's installation guide. Customers may require additional disk space to create or expand component databases or to create user files. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ENTERPRISE INTEGRATION SERVER The software requirement for the entire Enterprise Integration Server Package is OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.1. Consult the individ- ual SPDs to determine the software requirements for any specific product. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ENTERPRISE INTEGRATION CLIENT The minimum hardware requirements for the Enterprise Integration Client are as follows: Windows 95 Intel486[TM] Windows NT Intel[R] Pentium[R] Alpha systems+ ___________________________________________________________________ +Note: MAPI Driver for ALL-IN-1 V1.0 does not support Alpha sys- tems. Memory Requirements for the Enterprise Integration Client The memory requirements for the Enterprise Integration Client are as follows: Windows 95 12 MB minimum 16 MB recommended Windows NT 16 MB minimum 20 MB recommended See the component SPDs and installation guides for information about memory usage by components of the Enterprise Integration Client. 9 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE ENTERPRISE INTEGRATION CLIENT The software requirements for the Enterprise Integration Client are either Windows 95 with Service Pack 1, or Windows NT Version 4.0 with Service Pack 3. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for future versions of the Enterprise Integration Packages may be different from the requirements for the current version. ORDERING INFORMATION The Enterprise Integration License Package order numbers are as follows: ___________________________________________________________________ License_Package___________________Order_Numbers____________________ DIGITAL Enterprise Integration QP-5LVA*-AC Server for OpenVMS, Release 2.0 DIGITAL Enterprise Integration QP-5LWAA-Ax Client for Microsoft Windows, Release 2.0 DIGITAL Enterprise Integration QP-03ZA*-AB Extension License Package for DIGITAL_NAS_200,_Release_2.0_______________________________________ NOTE: * Denotes the System Class variant: Q=Enterprise, G=Departmental, E=Workgroup x Denotes the license quantity variant: B=1, C=10, D=25, E=50, F=100, G=250, H=500, J=1000 10 DISTRIBUTION MEDIA FOR THE ASSOCIATED SOFTWARE After the November 21, 1997 release of the OpenVMS Alpha Soft- ware Products Library, media and documentation for all the soft- ware associated with the Enterprise Integration Packages will be available as part of this library. Many components will also be available as independent kits. Prior to this date, you must pur- chase these two products separately: PATHWORKS 32 (QA-5LKAA-H8) and PAHTWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) (QA-A93AA-H8). The following provides ordering information for the OpenVMS Alpha Software Products Library. ___________________________________________________________________ _____Kit_______________________________Order_Numbers_______________ OpenVMS Alpha Software Prod- QA-03XAA-H8 _____ucts_Library__________________________________________________ Please consult the specific SPDs for ordering information for independent kits. Documentation Online documentation is provided for all of the products licensed with the Enterprise Integration Packages when these products are delivered with the OpenVMS Alpha Software Products Library. When purchasing individual kits for the licensed products, please refer to the individual SPDs for information regarding the distri- bution of documentation. SOFTWARE LICENSING The following section provides licensing information for DIGITAL licensed products and third-party licensed products. 11 DIGITAL Licensed Products DIGITAL licensed components of the Enterprise Integration Packages are furnished under the licensing provisions of Digital Equipment Corporation. For more information about DIGITAL's licensing terms and policies, contact your local DIGITAL sales office, or visit the Software Licensing InfoCenter on the World Wide Web at: o http://www.digital.com/info/software-licensing Consult the appropriate SPD for specific license information re- garding each component of the Enterprise Integration Packages. Third-Party Licensed Products All software licensed directly by the third party is subject only to the license terms provided by the third party. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options for each of the components within the Enterprise Integration Packages are available from DIGITAL or from the third-party vendors. Contacts for the third-party vendors are listed in the Third Party Support Contact Information section of this document. The following table identifies each product component and indi- cates whether services are available from DIGITAL or from the third party. ___________________________________________________________________ Serviceable Serviceable by Enterprise Integration Packages by DIGI- Third-Party Ven- Component____________________________TAL_________dor_______________ Archive/Backup System for OpenVMS Yes Management Tools 12 _____________________________________Serviceable_Serviceable_by____ Enterprise Integration Packages by DIGI- Third-Party Ven- Component____________________________TAL_________dor_______________ Archive/Backup Agent for NT Yes Datametrics ViewPoint Data Col- No Datametrics lector DECnet TCP/IP Services for Open- Yes VMS Alpha DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for Yes OpenVMS Alpha Netscape Navigator[TM] Yes DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Yes Alpha DIGITAL Office Server for OpenVMS Yes DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Yes Windows NT DIGITAL PATHWORKS for OpenVMS Yes (Advanced Server) DIGITAL_PATHWORKS_32_________________Yes___________________________ SOFTWARE WARRANTY The following section provides information regarding software war- ranties for DIGITAL products, third-party products, and freeware products. DIGITAL Licensed Products DIGITAL warrants its software products according to the terms of the DIGITAL license for each product. DIGITAL warrants that the software will substantially conform to the applicable Software Product Description or documentation accompanying the software unless provided "AS IS." 13 DIGITAL licensed products provided "AS IS" in the Enterprise Inte- gration License packages are: o Datametrics ViewPoint Data Collector Third Party Support Contact Information The following table provides contact information for products li- censed with a DIGITAL Enterprise Integration package, but serviced by a third party: ___________________________________________________________________ Product______________________Contact_Information___________________ Datametrics ViewPoint Datametrics Systems Corporation Data Collector 12150 E. Monument Dr., Suite 300 Fairfax, VA 22033 FAX: (703) 385-7711 Support (U.S. and Canada): 888-436-6300 Support (Non-U.S.): 703-385-5411 Web Site: http://www.datametrics.com _____________________________/omt__________________________________ The previous information is valid at time of release. Please con- tact your local DIGITAL office for the most up-to-date informa- tion. [R] Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. [R] PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. [R] Microsoft, Windows, and Windows 95 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. [TM] Windows NT is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [TM] Intel486 is a trademark, and Intel and Pentium are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. 14 [TM] ViewPoint is a trademark of Datametrics Systems Corporation. [TM] Netscape, Netscape Communications, Netscape Commerce Server, and Netscape Navigator are trademarks of Netscape Communica- tions Corporation. [TM] Bookreader, DEC, DECnet, DECwindows, DIGITAL, DIGITAL NAS, eXcursion, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, PrintServer, TeamLinks, VMS, VMScluster, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. All rights reserved. 15