COMPAQ Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: DIGITAL Capacity Planner Reducer, SPD 70.04.02 Version 5.1 DESCRIPTION DIGITAL Capacity Planner Reducer DIGITAL Capacity Planner Reducer V5.1 takes selected data gathered by the DIGITAL Capacity Planner Data Collector and converts the data into a form that can be used by the DIGITAL Capacity Planner's workload clas- sification and modeling components. The DIGITAL Capacity Planner Reducer supports all data that is gath- ered by by the DIGITAL Capacity Planner Collector V5.1 for OpenVMS as well as all data that is gathered by the DIGITAL Capacity Planner Col- lector V5.1 for DIGITAL UNIX. The DIGITAL Capacity Planner Reducer creates resource utilization pro- files from collected data. These profiles include configuration, in- formation and resource utilization of CPUs, disks, storage controllers, and networks. The DIGITAL Capacity Planner Reducer also retains and reports the uti- lization of system resources by process, or, for OpenVMS only, by pro- cess and each image within a process. The reduced data files are highly portable for modeling on any sup- ported platform. YEAR 2000 READY This product is Year 2000 Ready. March, 1999 AE-R9P2C-TE Year 2000 Ready is defined: "Year 2000 Ready" products are defined by DIGITAL as products capable of accurately processing, providing, and /or receiving date data from, into and between the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries, and the years 1999 and 2000, including leap year calculations, when used in accordance with the associated DIG- ITAL product documentation and provided that all hardware, firmware and software used in combination with such DIGITAL products properly exchange accurate date data with the DIGITAL products. For additional information visit Compaq's DIGITAL Products Year 2000 Ready web site located at HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Hardware Any configuration that can run OpenVMS V5.5-2 to V7.2 or later or DIG- ITAL UNIX V3.2 to V4.0D or later. Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1) Disk Space Requirements on OpenVMS (Alpha): Disk space required for 68,000 blocks installation: Disk space required for 6,500 blocks use (permanent): Disk Space Requirements on OpenVMS (VAX): Disk space required for 25,000 blocks installation: Disk space required for 5,000 blocks use (permanent): 2 Disk Space Requirements on DIGITAL UNIX: Disk space required for 3,000 kilobytes installation: Disk space required for 3,000 kilobytes use (permanent): These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk where appropriate. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depend- ing on the user's system environment, configuration, and software op- tions. For more information on the recommended system size for use of DIG- ITAL Capacity Planner, contact your local DIGITAL office. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS o OpenVMS Alpha operating system V6.2 to V7.2 or later o OpenVMS VAX operating system V5.5-2 to V7.2 or later o DIGITAL UNIX V3.2 to V4.0D or later OPTIONAL SOFTWARE (Platform Specific) o DIGITAL Capacity Planner V5.1 - Predicts the performance of stan- dalone and clustered OpenVMS and DIGITAL UNIX systems. o DIGITAL Capacity Planner Reducer V5.1 - Converts selected data gath- ered by the DIGITAL Capacity Planner Data Collector into a form used by the DIGITAL Capacity Planner's workload classification and mod- eling components. o DIGITAL Capacity Planner Analyzer V5.1 - Provides performance and workload analysis for data collected by the DIGITAL Capacity Plan- ner Data Collector and other collectors. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. 3 DISTRIBUTION MEDIA CD-ROM for OpenVMS VAX CD-ROM for OpenVMS Alpha CD-ROM for DIGITAL UNIX ORDERING INFORMATION Software Licenses: QL-5YMA9-RA (OpenVMS VAX) QL-605A9-RA (OpenVMS Alpha) QL-5YLA9-RA (DIGITAL UNIX) Software Media: QA-5YMA9-H8 (OpenVMS VAX) QA-605A9-H8 (OpenVMS Alpha) QA-5YLA9-H8 (DIGITAL UNIX) Software Documentation: QA-5YMA9-GZ (OpenVMS VAX) QA-605A9-GZ (OpenVMS Alpha) QA-5YLA9-GZ (DIGITAL UNIX) Software Product Services: QT-5YMA*-** (OpenVMS VAX) QT-605A*-** (OpenVMS Alpha) QT-5YLA*-** (DIGITAL UNIX) * Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local DIGITAL office for the most up-to-date information. 4 SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished only under a version specific license. If you are currently a COMPAQ Software Product Services Subscriber for this product contact your COMPAQ Customer Services representative to obtain a new V5.1 license. If you are not a COMPAQ Software Product Services Subscriber contact your COMPAQ Customer Services representative to purchase a V5.1 up- date license. For more information visit the COMPAQ Capacity Planner website at http: // or: o Send mail to o Call the Capacity Planner Center at (603) 884-2510 For more information about Digital's licensing terms and policies, con- tact your local DIGITAL office. License Management Facility Support This layered product supports the License Management Facilities for OpenVMS and DIGITAL UNIX. License units for this product are allocated on an Unlimited System Use basis. For more information on the License Management Facility, refer to the OpenVMS Operating System Software Product Description (SPD 25.01.xx) or the OpenVMS Operating System documentation. For DIGITAL UNIX, re- fer to SPD 41.61.xx. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from DIGITAL. For more in- formation, contact your local DIGITAL office. 5 SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by DIGITAL with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. [R] COMPAQ, the COMPAQ logo, and the DIGITAL logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company, Ltd. [TM] CI, DEC, DECbridge, DECNIS, DECperformance, DECrouter, DECwindows, DELUA, DEQNA, DEUNA, DIGITAL, HSC, LAT, MicroVAX, OpenVMS, DIGITAL, TK, VAX, VAX 8200, VAX 8250, VAX 8300, VAX 8350, VAX 8500, VAX 8530, VAX 8600, VAX 9000, VAX Per- formance Advisor, VAXcluster, VAXft, VAXserver, VAXstation, VAXstation 4000 VLC, and VMScluster are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. ©1999 Digital Equipment Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 6