DIGITAL Software Product Description ___________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NAME: Micro Focus COBOL[TM] Compiler and Development Tools SPD 52.83.07 Version 4.1 for DIGITAL[TM] UNIX[R] DESCRIPTION Micro Focus Object COBOL is a software development environment devel- oped by Micro Focus[R] Incorporated, and distributed under license us- ing Digital Equipment Corporation's Standard Terms and Conditions. This software product description provides detailed information on all of the Micro Focus Object COBOL and development tool products distributed by Digital Equipment Corporation for the UNIX platform. The Micro Focus product set consists of the following DIGITAL distributed components: o Micro Focus COBOL Developer Suite V4.1 for DIGITAL UNIX o Micro Focus COBOL Application Server V4.1 consisting of both the Micro Focus Application [TM] Server and Application User licenses (formerly known as Micro Focus Operating System Extensions (OSX) Server and OSX User licenses) MICRO FOCUS COBOL DEVELOPER SUITE The Micro Focus COBOL Developer Suite provides the COBOL developer with a set of components needed to develop and test COBOL applications. The suite consists of the Micro Focus Object COBOL compiler, Micro Focus Toolbox, and Micro Focus Dialog System. Purchase of a software license for the COBOL Developer Suite includes one Developer license, an Ap- plication Server license, and five Application User licenses. October 1997 Since the release of Micro Focus COBOL V4.0A, these three Micro Fo- cus products (Micro Focus COBOL, Micro Focus Toolbox and Micro Focus Dialog System) are distributed as a single software product includ- ing new product license codes. Micro Focus Object COBOL Micro Focus Object COBOL is a compiler and support environment which supports object oriented and procedural syntax, as well as ANSI-85 X3.23- 1985 and FIPS PUB 21-2/21-3 COBOL language standards for business data processing that operates under the DIGITAL UNIX operating system on Alpha systems. It allows applications to take advantage of the speed and power of the DIGITAL RISC processors, while maintaining compat- ibility with COBOL applications on other platforms. With the release of Micro Focus Object COBOL V4.1, Micro Focus Object COBOL provides for the development and maintenance of procedural COBOL as well as object COBOL applications. Object COBOL support includes a number of Object COBOL Class Libraries, providing re-usable source modules to ease initial and on-going development. The Micro Focus Object COBOL for UNIX product consists of three ma- jor components: o Micro Focus COBOL compiler o Micro Focus COBOL Native Code Generator (NCG) o Micro Focus COBOL Run-Time Environment[TM] (RTE) The main component of the Micro Focus environment is the Compiler and Native Code Generator to turn COBOL source code into executable ob- ject code. This object code can take the form of .o files, in which case the system linker is used to turn the object code into executable code, linking it with Micro Focus Run-Time Environment library rou- tines required to support the COBOL code. There are two alternative Micro Focus formats for the output code-intermediate (.int) code, which is highly portable between Micro Focus COBOL environments on differ- ing platforms, and generated (.gnt) code which is optimized for the user's target operating system and hardware platform. 2 Micro Focus Object COBOL V4.1 supports shared library creation from COBOL source code. The Micro Focus COBOL compiler allows you to cre- ate statically linkable shared object modules from COBOL subprograms which can be used to create shared libraries. In addition, Micro Fo- cus COBOL contains the ability to dynamically link your application with the Micro Focus shared object libraries. With this feature, ex- ecutable modules will be reduced in size. At execution time, the COBOL runtime and other shared libraries can be shared in memory by more than one user at a time. The Micro Focus Object COBOL for UNIX Compiler, Native Code Genera- tor (NCG) and Run-Time Environment support the ANSI Standard for COBOL, X3.23-1985 at the HIGH level; it also includes the optional modules for Segmentation, Debug, and Report Writer. Micro Focus COBOL also com- plies with FIPS PUB 21-2 and 21-3 (High), and both X/Open[R] XPG3 and XPG4 standards. Micro Focus COBOL for UNIX also supports ANSI '85 COBOL with Intrinsics; Micro Focus COBOL also includes extensions for screen handling, record locking, systems programming (program recursion, pointer handling, CALL conventions), and constants. The Micro Focus COBOL compiler provides source code compatibility with any of the following standards and dialects: o ANSI '74 o ANSI '85 with Intrinsic Function Addendum o FIPS Standard COBOL (21-3) o IBM[R] OS/VS COBOL[TM] o IBM VS COBOL II[TM] o IBM DOS/VS[TM] COBOL o IBM COBOL 370 o IBM COBOL/2[TM] o Microsoft[R] COBOL o RM/COBOL[R] 3 o X/Open COBOL The Micro Focus Object COBOL environment also includes the following utilities: o Animator (Full featured source code debugger) o Profiler o Conversion Series 3 (RM/COBOL Version 2) o Conversion Series 5 (DG I/COBOL Version I) o ADISCF (Accept/Display Configuration) o KEYBCF (Keyboard Configuration) o FORMS-2 Screen Painter o FHUTILS File Handler Utilities The Native Code Generator produces optimized object code for the in- struction set of the target microprocessor (Alpha), using either COBOL source code or Micro Focus intermediate (.int) code. The Animator[R] is a full function source code debugging tool with anal- ysis, debug and test facility that allows the programmer to observe and control a program's execution, statement-by-statement, at the source code level. The Profiler is a run-time utility designed to assist the program de- veloper in the optimization of the COBOL application. It provides statis- tics for the number of entries into and the amount of time spent in each paragraph. The Micro Focus COBOL Run-Time Environment (RTE) consists of support- ing files and libraries which can be distributed under license to en- able applications built using Micro Focus to be deployed to other sys- tems for execution. The RTE is included in Micro Focus Application Server. The components in Application Server must be used under license for deployment. 4 The Application Server run time environment provides the operating sys- tem interface required by generated and compiled programs. It includes the ability to dynamically load and execute COBOL programs that have been compiled to either Micro Focus intermediate code or to native code object modules. Micro Focus Toolbox Micro Focus Toolbox adds an integrated development environment and a set of programming tools to the base Micro Focus COBOL product. Micro Focus Toolbox provides users of COBOL with a menu-driven envi- ronment, the Toolbox Development Environment, which controls tool in- vocation and which integrates the COBOL Editor and Animator into an easy to use environment for the creation, editing, compiling, debug- ging and testing of COBOL applications. At present, this environment is supported by a character-mode interface. While using the Toolbox Development Environment, the user creates their program using the COBOL Editor; while in the COBOL Editor, they may invoke the Compiler, and move back to the Editor if the Compiler finds an error in the sources. The user may also invoke the Animator from within the Editor, while debugging the source code previously compiled. Alternatively, the Com- piler and Animator can be accessed from the Toolbox menu system. Toolbox Components: The Micro Focus Toolbox environment consists of the following compo- nents: o Application Configuration System (mfconfig) o COBOL Editor o Screens o Analyzer and GNT Analyzer o Animator, Structure Animator o COBOL Source Information (CSI) o UNIX Session Recorder 5 o Banner o COBOL System Library Routines (call-by-name with CBL_prefix) (doc- umented in Toolbox) o Common Communications Interface (CCI) - CCITCP Protocol o Directory Facility (Name) o Help Program o Linein o Menu Handler (Cmenu) o On-Line Help System (Hyhelp) o Support by the Run-Time Environment/Library for the Micro Focus .int, .gnt, .lbr file formats, including .exe files created by Build Additionally, the following components are included in the Applica- tion Server environment as part of the COBOL Run-Time Environment, and require a valid license to use for each system on which Micro Focus COBOL applications are executed: o BTRIEVE Interface (Btr2xfh) o COBOL Communications Module o COBOL System Library Routines (call-by-name with CBL_prefix) ex- cept those documented in Toolbox o File Handler (EXTFH) o File Handler Utilities o PANELS[TM] o Product Version File (cobver) o Run-time Trigger (cobrun) o Screen and Keyboard Handler (ADIS) o Screen and Keyboard Configuration Tools (adiscf and keybcf) 6 o Run-time libraries that support industry-standard object files (.o), Micro Focus format object files (.int and .gnt), and executable files. Micro Focus Dialog System Micro Focus Dialog System for DIGITAL UNIX is a character-mode only interface development environment supporting the development of user interface elements (screens and screen attributes) which are highly portable across platforms supporting Micro Focus COBOL and Micro Fo- cus Toolbox. It works cooperatively with Micro Focus COBOL with Tool- box. The Micro Focus Dialog System isolates screen, keyboard and in- terface logic from the underlying COBOL application code, making the development of user interface elements easier, while making the ap- plication more portable. Dialog System provides support for control of screen attributes (including field attributes and function key us- age) in a character-cell model. Dialog System also supports rapid pro- totyping of user interfaces, using an integrated environment which pro- vides facilities for data definition, screen definition, Dialog def- inition, testing and prototyping support. MICRO FOCUS COBOL APPLICATION SERVER V4.1 The Micro Focus COBOL Application Server for DIGITAL UNIX provides the software for the deployment of applications along with 10 Application User licenses. Micro Focus Application Server The Micro Focus Application Server for UNIX, previously referred to as Micro Focus Operating System Extensions (OSX), provides a set of common system and programming facilities which are consistent across operating system and platforms, allowing greater portability and con- sistency of Micro Focus COBOL applications. Applications written us- ing Application Server for UNIX are portable across MS-DOS[R], Microsoft[R] Windows[TM], and OS/2[R] systems running Micro Focus COBOL. 7 Documentation for Application Server is included with Micro Focus COBOL and Toolbox products for UNIX; no stand-alone documentation for Ap- plication Server is available. When a user creates a statically-linked executable version of an ap- plication with Micro Focus COBOL, Micro Focus library routines are linked into the application. For the application to execute on the target sys- tem, both an Application Server system and any additionally required Application User licenses must be included; this is required if the application is distributed using intermediate code (.int), or any com- bination of .int, .gnt, statically-linked and dynamically-linked ex- ecutable files. Application Server Components: The Micro Focus Application Server environment consists of the fol- lowing components: o Fileshare Version 2: Fileshare improves network I/O by improving the efficiency of network data transmission via compressing I/O re- quests for execution on the target server. Fileshare also provides transaction and recovery logging, using COMMIT and ROLLBACK logic. o Fileshare Manager: A utility which allows automation of the File- share environment via a user-written COBOL program; example actions include initiating automatic backup of files, closing of all data files, logging off clients, and shutdown of a Fileshare server. o Application Configuration System (mfconfig) o Banner o COBOL System Library Routines (call-by-name with CBL_prefix) (doc- umented in Toolbox) o Common Communications Interface (CCI) - CCITCP Protocol o Directory Facility (Name) o Help Program o Linein 8 o Menu Handler (Cmenu) o On-Line Help System (Hyhelp) o Support by the Run-Time Environment/Library for the Micro Focus .int, .gnt, .lbr file formats, including .exe files created by Build o BTRIEVE Interface (Btr2xfh) o COBOL Communications Module o COBOL System Library Routines (call-by-name with CBL_prefix) ex- cept those documented in Toolbox o File Handler (EXTFH) o File Handler Utilities o PANELS o Product Version File (cobver) o Run-time Trigger (cobrun) o Screen and Keyboard Handler (ADIS) o Screen and Keyboard Configuration Tools (adiscf and keybcf) o Run-time libraries that support industry-standard object files (.o), Micro Focus format object files (.int and .gnt), and executable files. Application User (OSX User) for application deployment The Micro Focus Application User license is essentially a "right to deploy" license that must be purchased for each end user of the de- veloped application. When a user creates a statically-linked executable version of an ap- plication with Micro Focus COBOL, Micro Focus library routines are linked into the application. For the application to execute on the target sys- tem, both an Application Server system and any additionally-required Application User license must be included; this is required if the ap- plication is distributed using intermediate code (.int), or any com- bination of .int, .gnt, and statically-linked and dynamically linked 9 executable files. Refer to the Software Licensing section of this SPD for more licensing details. Components: The Micro Focus Application User is a license-only environment; all software components are provided as a part of the Micro Focus Appli- cation Server product. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS Processors Supported: Alpha: Alpha System running DIGITAL UNIX. Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1): This section details the disk space required for installation of each Micro Focus product. Refer to the product section header you wish to install for sizing requirements. Micro Focus COBOL Disk space required for installation: Other file /usr 54,000 KB systems: /tmp 42 KB Disk space required for use (permanent): Other file /usr 49,000 KB systems: Micro Focus Application Server Disk space required for installation: 10 Other file /usr 35,000 KB systems: /tmp 16 KB Disk space required for use (permanent): Other file /usr 33,000 KB systems: SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS o DIGITAL UNIX[R] Operating System, Version 4.0b OR o For developers using Micro Focus COBOL V4.1 on DIGITAL UNIX V4.0 who require licensed access to the DIGITAL UNIX DEC C compiler, as- sembler (as), linker (ld), and other development tools for DEC C such as debuggers or tuning tools, the DIGITAL UNIX Developers' Toolkit, Version 4.0 is required. For further information on the C Devel- opers' Extensions, see Software Product Description 44.36.15. GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of this product may be different from the requirements for the current version. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA Software for this product is available on the DIGITAL Software Prod- uct Library CD-ROM (QA-054AA-H8) or on an Independent Product Offer- ing (IPO) CD-ROM containing only the Micro Focus COBOL for DIGITAL UNIX components (QA-5S9AA-H8). Included on this CD-ROM are: o Micro Focus COBOL V4.1 Developer Suite for DIGITAL UNIX 11 o Micro Focus COBOL V4.1 Application Server for DIGITAL UNIX Documentation in hardcopy format is to be ordered separately. Refer to the order numbers in the Ordering Information section for details. ORDERING INFORMATION For Micro Focus COBOL Developer Suite Package: Software License Package: QP-5S9AM-3B Software Media Individual Product CD-ROM: QA-5S9AA-H8 Software Product Library CD-ROM: QA-054AA-H8 Software Documentation: QA-5S9AA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-5S9A*-** Micro Focus COBOL Application Server: Software License Package: QP-5SAAM-3B Software Media Individual Product CD-ROM: QA-5S9AA-H8 Software Product Library CD-ROM: QA-054AA-H8 Software Product Services: QT-5SAA*-** Micro Focus Application User Additional Licenses: Software Licenses: QL-2NQAM-3* Software Product Services: QT-2NQA*-** SOFTWARE LICENSING Each Micro Focus product offers a Concurrent Use license. Each Con- current Use license allows any one individual at a time to use the lay- ered product. The Micro Focus Application Server software is designed so that it may be distributed along with compiled (.int, .gnt, or .o) output code or linked applications; such distribution requires that a valid Application Server license for each system running a Micro Fo- cus COBOL application, and the appropriate number of Application User licenses for each concurrent use of the Micro Focus application, are present on each physical system on which Micro Focus applications are 12 being executed. The Micro Focus Application Server provides an Appli- cation Server license and ten Application User concurrent licenses. Additional User licenses can be purchased separately as needed in quan- tity groups of four, sixteen or sixty-four for the deployment. The Mi- cro Focus COBOL Developer Suite provides one Developer license, one Application Server license and five Application User concurrent li- censes. License key names associated with licenses purchased under the pre- vious product name of Micro Focus Operating System Extensions (OSX) are identical to the license key names associated with Micro Focus COBOL Application Server and Micro Focus Application User. Purchase of appropriate licenses and loading of the product PAK (Prod- uct Authorization Key) with the LMF is required for compatibility with future releases of this product. This software is furnished only under a license. For more information about DIGITAL's licensing terms and policies, contact your local DIG- ITAL office. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from DIGITAL. For more in- formation, contact your local DIGITAL office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by DIGITAL with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. The above information is valid at time of release. Please contact your local DIGITAL office for the most up-to-date information. 13 [R] IBM and OS/2 are registered trademarks of International Busi- ness Machines Corporation [R] Micro Focus, and Animator are registered trademarks of Micro Focus Incorporated [R] MS-DOS and Microsoft are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation [R] OSF/1 is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. [R] RM/COBOL is a registered trademark of Ryan-McFarland Corpora- tion [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited [R] X/Open is a registered trademark of X/Open Company Limited [TM]IBM COBOL/2, OS/VS COBOL, VS COBOL II, and DOS/VS are trade- marks of International Business Machines Corporation [TM]Micro Focus COBOL, Toolbox, Run-Time Environment, Dialog Sys- tem, Application Server, PANELS, and Micro Focus Operating System Extensions are trademarks of Micro Focus Incorporated [TM]Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation [TM]The DIGITAL Logo, Alpha, DEC, and DIGITAL are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. © 1997 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 14