Software Product Description PRODUCT NAME: DEC FUSE Version 4.1 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX SPD 44.71.08 March 1999 Compaq Computer Corporation Houston, Texas DESCRIPTION DEC FUSE V4.1 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems This Software Product Description (SPD) describes the following prod- ucts: o DEC FUSE V4.1 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems[1] o DEC FUSE C++ Support V4.1 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems DEC FUSE V4.1 runs on Compaq Tru64 UNIX V4.0[2] Systems. DEC FUSE for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems DEC FUSE is an integrated set of tools that provides a seamless vi- sual environment for developing applications on Tru64 UNIX Alpha plat- forms. It helps programmers browse, edit, build, debug, and tune ap- plications. For programmers new to UNIX, point-and-click features of DEC FUSE speed work by letting you quickly take advantage of UNIX software develop- ment utilities. For experienced UNIX programmers, DEC FUSE integrates traditional and familiar UNIX software development tools with a Motif[R]- based graphical user interface (GUI) across the complete DEC FUSE en- vironment. The overall result is improved productivity for all DEC FUSE users. Application development with DEC FUSE requires no conversion, filter- ing, or any other special preparation of Tru64 UNIX applications. DEC FUSE is an excellent tool for both new system development and system maintenance. The dynamic, mouse-sensitive, graphical environment greatly speeds the gathering of information about application source code, sim- plifies the gathering of application performance characteristics, and streamlines problem identification and program navigation. ____________________ Throughout this SPD, DEC FUSE denotes DEC FUSE V4.1 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems. Compaq Tru64 UNIX Version 4.0 is an X/Open 95 branded product. 16-February-1999 DEC FUSE provides full language support for DEC C++, DEC C, and DIG- ITAL Fortran (includes both F77 and Fortran 90 features). DEC FUSE V4.1 provides general language support for DEC Ada, DEC COBOL, and DEC Pas- cal. DEC FUSE 4.1 is a prerequisite for the following optional prod- uct: o DEC FUSE C++ Support V4.1 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems DEC FUSE fully supports the American English locale. It also supports the Japanese locale when run with Compaq Tru64 UNIX V4.0A and later. For additional information, please refer to the Software Requirements, Optional Software and Ordering Information sections of this SPD. Components of the DEC FUSE Environment DEC FUSE V4.1 offers an integrated suite of tools that feature the fol- lowing capabilities: CDE Integration: DEC FUSE is integrated with the Common Desktop En- vironment (CDE). Users can launch tools from the CDE Application Man- ager, adjust colors and fonts from the CDE Style Manager, and build, compile, edit, check-in, check-out, and cancel-lock from the CDE File Manager. Control Panel: The Control Panel is a central point for starting or stopping DEC FUSE tools and controlling a DEC FUSE session. The Con- trol Panel also saves and recalls information about a project (which contains a group of tools) to maintain a work context. DEC FUSE also allows users to invoke DEC FUSE tools from the shell com- mand line. Editors: The FUSE Editor has a Motif-based interface and is tightly integrated into the DEC FUSE environment. This tight integration al- lows other tools to invoke the editor within context. For example, click- ing on a function name or error message in the Builder or Call Graph Browser brings up the corresponding source lines in the editor dis- play. The Emacs and vi editors are integrated in a similar way within the DEC FUSE environment. 2 Builder: The Builder provides a Motif-based interface to the UNIX make and gnumake utilities, which allows programmers to start and control program builds and includes the ability to distribute a build across a local area network (LAN). The Builder can use existing makefiles or create new ones. It graph- ically displays the module dependencies, showing which modules are out of date through color coding. Integration between the editors and the Builder speeds error correction. In addition to make(1u) (a SYSTEM V make derivative), and GNU make, the DEC FUSE V4.1 Builder supports the enhanced XPG4/POSIX compliant make(1p) version of make, plus the ability to specify other build com- mands. The Builder can also generate simple makefiles for programs that use KAP for Fortran or KAP for C. KAP is an automatic code restructuring tool for optimization and automatic parallel decomposition of compu- tationally intensive codes. (See SPD 45.72.xx for KAP Fortran Opti- mizers for Compaq Tru64 UNIX and SPD 45.73.xx for KAP for C.) To assist in resolving linker warnings, the Builder lets you search for functions in system libraries. Debugger: The Debugger provides a Motif-based interface to the lade- bug Debugger. For detailed information on ladebug, see the Develop- ers' Toolkit for Compaq Tru64 UNIX V4.0, SPD 44.36.xx. The Debugger displays source code, the call stack, local variables, monitored expressions, registers, and instructions. Data views can be expanded to show their contents or to follow pointers, and an I/O win- dow is provided for application terminal I/O. Users can customize the interface by creating additional buttons for commands they use frequently. Commands can be invoked by choosing menu items, clicking on a button, or by entering commands in the command window. The Debugger controls multiple processes and multiple threads from a single user interface. 3 Code Manager: The Code Manager provides source code control to sup- port programming work groups with a Motif-based interface to either SCCS (Source Code Control System) or RCS (Revision Control System). Integration with the DEC FUSE Editor lets you check-in and check-out files from the editor. Version Controller: The Version Controller lets you use many commer- cially available and in-house code library managers by providing di- alog box interfaces to common commands (for example, check-in/out). Users can tailor these commands to suit their needs. Through the Ver- sion Controller, the functions of the code library managers become avail- able in the DEC FUSE Editor and CDE. Compare and Merge: The Compare tool provides a graphical user inter- face to the UNIX diff utility. Through integration with the Code Man- ager, differences between SCCS or RCS revisions as well as files are displayed graphically and in context. The Compare tool also lets you interactively merge two sets of changes made to the same file. It can be invoked from the Code Manager to merge revisions. You can make edits to the merge result in the output dis- play window while stepping through changes. Search: The Search tool provides a graphical user interface to the stan- dard UNIX utilities grep, fgrep, and egrep. The Search tool searches files or directories of files for a regular expression or string. The integration between Search and supported DEC FUSE editors allows users to perform a search and then load a file containing matches. The Search tool also lets you replace text across multiple files. Profiler: The Profiler provides a Motif-based interface for pixie, prof, and gprof. The Profiler gathers and analyzes run-time statistics on your program, such as performance and resource use information. This information is displayed in text format or as a histogram. The Profiler adds support for ATOM-based profiling tools pixie and hiprof and helps the user select a base profiling tool, the estimate-time, and the resources required. The Profiler also adds support for a dis- play of data by function that allows for stepping up and down the call tree. 4 Heap Analyzer: The Heap Analyzer finds and displays memory errors and memory leaks in a program. The Heap Analyzer provides a graphical user interface for generating the data and viewing it in graph or text for- mat. Program Visualizer: The Program Visualizer provides the ability to dis- play large amounts of data in a condensed format. The Program Visu- alization main window uses file pictographs (vertical, rectangular graph- ics) to give a visual representation of the size and content of source files. The tool also displays data from the Profiler, Heap Analyzer, and Search tools. Man Page Browser: The Man Page Browser displays a reference page in a scrollable hypertext window. When using the DEC FUSE Editor or Emacs, you can select a system function in the source code and display the reference page for that function in the Man Page Browser. Users can click on links to other reference pages and search for ref- erence pages by name or topic to get to the information they need quickly. Call Graph Browser: The Call Graph Browser allows you to visualize your software; analyze the call relationships; and review information on individual calls, routines, and source files. Cross-Referencer: The Cross-Referencer locates references to program identifiers in your source code. It provides a variety of mechanisms for specifying references of interest; for example, assignments, dec- larations, routine definitions, and routine calls. Results of a query are displayed in the Cross-Referencer and corresponding source lines are displayed in the editor. Porting Assistant: The Porting Assistant is an integrated graphical tool designed to reduce the time and cost of porting applications to Tru64 UNIX. The Porting Assistant helps port applications written in C, C++ and Fortran from other UNIX-based platforms such as SUNOS[TM], Solaris [TM], HP-UX [R], IBM/AIX [R], ULTRIX[TM], and from non-UNIX platforms such as OpenVMS[TM]. 5 The Porting Assistant guides you through the porting process by sug- gesting a systematic, iterative porting approach. First, the Porting Assistant analyzes source files and locates changes that may be needed for the application to run on Tru64 UNIX. Then, through extensive, graph- ical hyperlinked information, it helps you understand what changes are needed and why you need to make them. Finally, it aids in making each change either by using the integrated editor or through a global re- place capability. In analyzing software code the Porting Assistant locates: o Conditional code that might also need a Tru64 UNIX branch o Include files that do not exist or exist in a different location o Calls to library functions that do not match Tru64 UNIX definitions or library functions with semantics different from Tru64 UNIX o Platform-specific handling o 32-bit dependencies o Fortran parallelizing directives o Function definitions and calls for Fortran 77 and C that might cause difficulty in porting o Command options and arguments in the makefile that differ between platforms The Porting Assistant provides extensive help through hyperlinked in- formation in the following areas: o Detailed information on many individual diagnostics o The relevance of the semantic differences in functions on differ- ent platforms o Access to relevant reference pages while stepping though the pro- cess o Porting tips that complement Compaq's extensive porting guides 6 o Complete context-sensitive HyperHelp on individual diagnostics and cross-platform descriptions of makefile options and arguments DEC FUSE EnCASE: DEC FUSE EnCASE allows new or existing tools to be integrated into the DEC FUSE environment. Once tools are integrated within DEC FUSE, users can install them in the DEC FUSE environment, start them from the DEC FUSE Control Panel, and configure the tools to send and receive messages from other DEC FUSE tools. The net ef- fect is to achieve a customized and seamlessly extended and integrated development environment. Detailed information and examples for inte- grating tools can be found in the DEC FUSE EnCASE Manual. DEC FUSE C++ Support for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems DEC FUSE C++ Support is an optional product that provides a graphi- cal C++ Class Browser and special features for analyzing applications written in DEC C++ for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems. The DEC FUSE C++ Support product option does not include a license for the DEC C++ language. You must purchase a DEC C++ license separately. For more information on DEC C++ for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems, refer to the Software Product Description (SPD 41.91.xx). HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS DEC FUSE for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems Processors Supported Any Alpha system running Compaq Tru64 UNIX V4.0 or higher. A minimum recommendation of 64 MB of memory is required for DEC FUSE alone, or in combination with the optional DEC FUSE C++ Support for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems. 7 Disk Space Requirements (Block Cluster Size = 1): 196 MB of swapspace is recommended when running DEC FUSE alone or with the optional DEC FUSE C++ Support for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems. More swapspace may be required for larger applications. Note: The installation procedure installs all DEC FUSE products referred to in this document. The user must purchase a license and install a License Product Authorization Key (PAK) for any optional DEC FUSE com- ponents. Certain limitations of an X server may prevent the full suite of FUSE tools from being run concurrently when the display is set to an MS-DOS[R], MS[R] Windows[R], Windows 95[TM], or Windows NT[R] based X server. The presence of any such limits depends on the particular X server used. In some cases, limits might be due to the amount of physical X server memory, the amount of virtual X server memory, or the maximum size of certain MS Windows structures or tables. Such X server limits can generally be overcome by limiting the non- FUSE applications running on or displaying to the server machine, and by invoking only those DEC FUSE tools actually used in the current ac- tivity. Inactive DEC FUSE tools should be terminated in such instances. Disk space required for installation and use (permanent): Root file sys- /0 KB tem: Other file /usr 52,400 KB systems: /usr/var 0 KB Total: 52,400 KB These counts refer to the disk space required on the system disk. The sizes are approximate; actual sizes may vary depending on the user's system environment, configuration, and software options. 8 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Compaq Tru64 UNIX V4.0 or higher[3] Operating System (see SPD 41.61.xx) and Developers' Toolkit for Compaq Tru64 UNIX V4.0 (see SPD 44.36.xx) OPTIONAL SOFTWARE DEC FUSE C++ Support V4.1 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX V4.0 Systems Note: DEC FUSE for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems is a prerequisite for DEC FUSE C++ Support V4.1 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX V4.0 Systems. DEC FUSE Language Support o DEC C++ for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems (see SPD 41.91.xx) o DIGITAL Fortran for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems (see SPD 37.54.xx) o DEC Ada for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems (see SPD 45.89.xx) o DEC COBOL for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems (see SPD 52.16.xx) o DEC Pascal for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems (see SPD 42.46.xx) Note: DEC C for Compaq Tru64 UNIX is included in the Developers' Toolkit for Digital V4.0. ____________________ Compaq Tru64 UNIX V4.0A is needed for full use of DEC FUSE in the Japanese locale. 9 GROWTH CONSIDERATIONS The minimum hardware/software requirements for any future version of DEC FUSE may be different from the requirements for the current ver- sions. DISTRIBUTION MEDIA Media and documentation for DEC FUSE are available on the Digital CD-ROM Software Library for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Layered Products QA-054AA-H8. You can order printed documentation separately. ORDERING INFORMATION DEC FUSE V4.1 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems Software License: QL-092AM-3B Software Media/Documentation: QA-054AA-H8 Software Documentation: QA-092AA-GZ Software Product Services: QT-092A[*]-[*][*] DEC FUSE C++ Support V4.1 for Compaq Tru64 UNIX V4.0 Systems Software License: QL-094AM-3B Software Documentation: N/A Provided with DEC FUSE documentation Software Product Services: QT-094A[*]-[*][*] ____________________ Denotes variant fields. For additional information on available li- censes, services, and media, refer to the appropriate price book. 10 SOFTWARE LICENSING This software is furnished only under a license. For more information about Compaq's licensing terms and policies, contact your local Com- paq office. License Management Facility Support: This layered product supports the Compaq Tru64 UNIX License Manage- ment Facility. This layered product offers a Concurrent Use license. Each Concurrent Use license allows any one individual at a time to use the layered prod- uct. SOFTWARE PRODUCT SERVICES A variety of service options are available from Compaq. For more in- formation, contact your local Compaq office. SOFTWARE WARRANTY Warranty for this software product is provided by Compaq with the pur- chase of a license for the product as defined in the Software Warranty Addendum of this SPD. The information in this SPD is valid at time of release. Please contact your local Compaq office for the most up-to- date information. [R] COMPAQ, the Compaq logo, and the Digital logo are registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. [TM] Tru64 is a trademark of Compaq Computer Corporation. [R] Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc. [R] MS-DOS, MS, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. [TM] Windows 95 is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. 11 [TM] KAP is a trademark of Kuck Associates, Inc. [R] Solaris is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. [TM] SunOS is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. [R] HP-UX is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. [R] AIX is a registered trademark of International Business Ma- chines Corporation. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries, licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. [TM] DEC C++, DIGITAL, and OpenVMS are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. © 1999 Digital Equipment Corporation. All rights reserved. 12