AV-Q9KLE-TK Dear Valued Customer: Congratulations on your purchase of ObjectBroker. Our current version, Version 2.7, is an update of our flagship product, ObjectBroker Version 2.6. In addition to including support for SunSoft Solaris Version 2.5, Digital UNIX Version 4.0, and HP-UX Version 10.01, we have made substantial performance enhancements on all platforms. For example, we have reduced the time required for invocations by at least 25%, while throughput for one-way operations has improved 183% since ObjectBroker Version 2.5B. In ObjectBroker Version 2.7, we have added support for the CORBA Version 2.0 Initialization Service. In addition, the ObjectBroker COSS Naming implementation has become invokable, allowing users to replace it with implementations of their choice. Furthermore, we have expanded our industry-leading security coverage by supporting multiplatform Kerberos-based security, exclusive of implementation, for dynamically loadable GSSAPI-based security libraries, in accordance with the X/Open industry standard. Please be aware that, as previously notified, ObjectBroker Version 2.7 is the last ObjectBroker version to support multiple media types. Future versions will be produced exclusively on CD-ROM. We are very excited about ObjectBroker and its prospects for helping you fulfill your distributed object computing needs. We value your input on product improvements. Please do not hesitate to share your views with us. Thank you again for your serious involvement. We look forward to working with you over the coming year. Sincerely, Daniel Gilfix ObjectBroker Product Manager gilfix@zko.mts.dec.com DIGITAL Please Read Before You Install ObjectBroker Version 2.7 AV-QY98B-TE November 1996 This document contains late-breaking information that is not included in the ObjectBroker release notes. 1. On Windows 95, if an application is developed using automatic binding, there is the potential for the client application to get into a hang condition. If the server application that the client application was using goes down, and the client application tries to connect to the server application again, the client application will hang. Solution: There are three workarounds. Choose one of them to fix the problem. Workaround 1: Switch to a dynamic binding policy. Workaround 2: Upgrade to a Windows NT operating system. Workaround 3: Use deferred synchronous calls and add a time- out. The resulting code does the following: a. Issues the deferred synchronous invocation. b. Polls for the response (if the server application is up, you will receive a response). c. If there is no response within a certain amount of time (as set by you), the connection to the server application has been broken. Reconnect to a new server application as needed. 2. On Windows 95, when installing the development kit over a previous version of ObjectBroker, some source files may be corrupted. We have observed this problem with the following files: \Program Files\ObjectBroker\Include\obbrepos.h \Program Files\ObjectBroker\Include\namesvc.h Solution: To avoid this problem, deinstall ObjectBroker before installing the latest version. NOTE This solution supersedes release note 1.7.1 "Object- Broker File May Be Corrupted During Installation," which suggests simply deleting the affected files and reinstalling ObjectBroker. ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1996. All Rights Reserved. 3. If you install ObjectBroker on Solaris with the no-links option enabled, the merging of the ObjectBroker registry advertisement partitions and the use of the CORBAservices Naming service server will not work (these servers cannot automatically start up). Solution: There are two workarounds. Choose one of them to fix both server applications. Once done, either workaround will fix the problem for all users. This problem will be fixed in a future release of ObjectBroker. Workaround 1: Perform these steps to create two symbolic links in the /bin directory (use DECOBBDEV and DECOBBRT for the development and run-time kits, respectively): # cd /bin # ln -s /opt/DECOBBDEV/bin/obbregs obbregs # ln -s /opt/DECOBBDEV/bin/obbnamesrv obbnamesrv Workaround 2: Perform the following steps: a. Export the implementation partition of the ObjectBroker registry: # obbexreg -I implementations.dat b. Edit the output file as follows (use DECOBBDEV and DECOB- BRT for the development and run-time kits, respectively): Change: To: /bin/obbregs /opt/DECOBBDEV/bin/obbregs /bin/obbnamesrv /opt/DECOBBDEV/bin/obbnamesrv c. Import the file to the implementation partition of the ObjectBroker registry: # obbimreg -I implementations.dat 4. The new and changed obbmdcfg and MODIFY CONFIGURATION command qualifiers are supported by the Command Line Interface, but they are not supported by the System Administrator graphical user interface (GUI). Refer to Chapter 9 of the ObjectBroker Documentation Supplement for detailed descriptions of these new and changed qualifiers. Also, even though the System Administrator GUI supports the modification of the obbmdcfg and MODIFY CONFIGURATION command qualifiers that are related to event_logging, the GUI does not display their status correctly. Therefore, we do not recommend that you use the System Administrator GUI to modify the event_logging qualifiers-use the Command Line Interface instead. 5. While this is the initial release of ObjectBroker on HP-UX Version 10.01, and therefore the usual upgrade situation does not apply, you may be reinstalling the HP-UX version of ObjectBroker if you were a field test participant, or if you are switching between the run-time kit and the development kit. 2 If you do need to reinstall ObjectBroker Version 2.7 on HP-UX Version 10.01, we recommend that you first remove the previously installed kit, as described in the Upgrade Notes section of Chapter 7 in the ObjectBroker Installation Guide. However, if you decide to reinstall ObjectBroker without first removing the previously installed kit, note the following: a. When installing the development kit, you may see the following error message during the swinstall session: .../postinstall[23]: /ObjectBroker/regsetup: not found. Ignore this message and proceed with the installation. b. When switching between the run-time kit and the develop- ment kit, the files created by the previous kit will not be deleted, thus using up disk space. Note that you can still remove the previous kit at a later time by using the swremove utility, as described in the Upgrade Notes section of Chapter 7 in the ObjectBroker Installation Guide. 6. The CORBAservices Naming service COSNaming_NamingContext_ list routine fails to return a BindingIterator object when more bindings exist in the naming context than the maximum requested by the how_many parameter. As a result, applica- tions cannot determine whether additional bindings exist or iterate through the additional bindings. In addition, because the BindingIterator object is created but not returned, a call to COSNaming_NamingContext_list requesting fewer bind- ings than are available will result in a memory leak in the CORBAservices Naming service server. Solution: To avoid this problem, specify a value of how_many large enough to accommodate all the bindings in the naming context. 7. An unnecessary GSSAPI error message may be issued when using ObjectBroker Version 2.7 security with DCE Version 2.0a on Digital UNIX Version 4.0. When a client application without credentials accesses an implementation, a GSSAPI error message may be returned to the client application. This error message does not indicate a problem and may be ignored. The following example shows a sample error message generated by using the ObjectBroker obbmsho -A command on a computer where DCE authentication is installed, but disabled: % obbmsho -A 1996-10-23-12:17:34.516-04:00I406.348 PID#8789 ERROR gss authentication gssapi.c 3648 0x3ffc01834c8 Couldn't retrieve default login context (171220ec) 3 Agent on node: ooanal.design.com Version: OBB V2.7-10 Username: root Time Started: Wed Oct 32 12:16:33 1996 Pid: 8747 Log Filename: /tmp/obbagent.log Attributes: Active transports are TCPIP OrbV12 style Agent 4