COMPAQ AV-Q7T0H-TE April 2001 Dear Disk File Optimizer (DFO) customer: Thank you for your recent purchase of Disk File Optimizer (DFO) Version 2.6 for OpenVMS. DFO operates in a mixed OpenVMS cluster environment. The kit you have just received includes both the VAX and Alpha portions needed for this product, Disk File Optimizer 2.6 for OpenVMS. DFO for OpenVMS Version 2.6 runs on OpenVMS VAX versions 6.2, 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3, and OpenVMS Alpha versions 6.2, 7.1-2, 7.2-1 and 7.3. DFO V2.6 is no longer compatible with OpenVMS VAX version 5.5- 2. H-kits have been obsoleted with this release as tk50 and 16mt media are no longer available to fulfill this on. Through customer feedback and suggestions, the Disk File Optimizer software continues to improve. Disk File Optimizer for OpenVMS 2.6 has the following changes over Version 2.5: o Compatible with OpenVMS 7.3. DFO V2.6 is qualified for disks connected on the Fibre Channel. OpenVMS Version 7.3 provides support for Fibre Channel (FC) connected disk devices. This is accomplished through the use of Modular Data Router (MDR) connected to the FC Switch. MDR con- verts Fibre Channel protocol to SCSI protocol, which the disk device understands. DFO V2.6 has qualified this new feature in OpenVMS 7.3 as used with MDR. Please refer to OpenVMS V7.3 for a complete listing of supported disk devices. o DFO command can now be up to 1024 characters long. o Bugfixes found in ECO V2.5-1. Please refer to the release notes for more details. Once again, thank you for your purchase of this product. Sincerely, OpenVMS Product Management © 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation. All Rights Reserved.