DIGITAL MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway for DIGITAL UNIX, Version 2.1A Cover Letter AV-R91DA-TE This Cover Letter lists the functional changes that have been intro- duced in Version 2.1A of the MAILbus[TM] 400 SMTP Gateway for DIGI- TAL[TM] UNIX[R]. This Cover Letter also describes how to install Version 2.1A of the MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway. Functional Changes to the MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway The following changes have been made to the SMTP Gateway for Version 2.1A. Full details of these changes are given in the MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes. o The Gateway now correctly forms delivery status notifications (DSNs). o The agent process for the SMTP Gateway now links against thread- safe system libraries. o The Gateway now successfully transfers Repertoire 1 characters. o The limit for the number of connections to the server process has changed. o The SMTP Gateway's interpretation of certain combinations of ex- isting configuration parameters has changed to allow a new method of operation. o The IVP for NETMAN now runs properly. o The Gateway now replaces space characters in MIME boundaries with underscores. o The Gateway now conforms to those mappings of RFC 822 Header fields to and from X.400 Service Elements defined in the core MIXER doc- umentation, with some qualifications. See the MAILbus 400 SMTP Gate- way for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes for details of these qualifi- cations. o The Gateway now reflects the name changes for some fields that have occurred between RFC 1327 and MIXER. o The order of some RFC 822 Header fields is no longer changed by sendmail. o The Gateway now correctly separates lists in some Header fields with commas. o The Gateway now removes leading hyphens for the Recipients: field. o The Gateway now relies on sendmail to handle malformed sendmail Originator fields. o The Gateway no longer exits with a segmentation fault on receiv- ing an IPM from X.400 that has no PRMD in the Originator field. o The Gateway no longer exits with a segmentation fault when it is configured to have no PRMD term in its O/R address, under certain conditions. See MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes for details of these conditions. o The Gateway now successfully transfers mail from X.400 to SMTP when the message contains a large number of recipients and the Header Encoding attribute is set to MIME. o The Gateway now successfully finds the SMTP version of an O/R ad- dress in the directory when the O/R address contains Printable String and Teletex values for the same term. o The Gateway now correctly treats both TAB and SPACE characters as white space in all continuation lines in messages it receives from sendmail. o The Gateway now interprets the setting "X-Disclose-Recipients: al- lowed" correctly, as is required for interworking with gateways that implement RFC 1327. o The Gateway now includes the entire field, if the date component is malformed, in the RFC 822-Headers text bodypart. See MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway for DIGITAL UNIX Release Notes for details of the af- fected fields. Installing Version 2.1A To install this kit follow the instructions in MAILbus 400 SMTP Gate- way Installing on a DIGITAL UNIX System with the following exceptions: o Make sure you install one of the following configurations of pre- requisite software: - DIGITAL UNIX V3.2G DECnet[TM]/OSI[R] for DIGITAL UNIX V3.2B MAILbus 400 MTA for DIGITAL UNIX (Base and Mgt Subsets) V2.0A DIGITAL X.500 Directory Service for DIGITAL UNIX (Base Subset) V3.0 - DIGITAL UNIX V4.0B with patches: OSF410-400151 (44.00), OSF410- 400196 (85.00), and OSF410-400239-1 (136.01), or later DECnet/OSI for DIGITAL UNIX, V4.0A or later with dnaevld patched to 12-MAR-97, or later MAILbus 400 MTA for DIGITAL UNIX (Base and Mgt Subsets) V2.0A, or later DIGITAL X.500 Directory Service for DIGITAL UNIX (Base Subset) V3.1, or later o The command to deinstall any SMTP Gateway subsets already installed on your systems is: # setld -d SXABASEnnn SXANETMANnnn SXADOCnnn Replace nnn with the version number of the subsets installed on your system. 2 o The approximate disk space required (in Kilobytes) for each of the MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway subsets in /usr/opt and /var/opt, and the corresponding softlinks for the MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway's files in /usr and /var are shown in the following table. ________________________________________________________________ Space Subset Title Subset name Required in ________________________________________________/usr_______/var_ MAILbus 400 SMTP Management SXANETMAN217 100kB 50kB MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway SXABASE217 1550kB 400kB MAILbus 400 SMTP Supplementary SXADOC217 50kB 800kB Documents_______________________________________________________ o The installation instructions are: - Mount the disk as follows: # mount -r /dev/cdrom-device-name /mnt where cdrom-device-name is the name of your CDROM device spe- cial file, usually rz4c. - Load the subsets as follows: # setld -l /mnt/sxa217/kit o The command to run the verification procedure (VP) is: # setld -v SXABASE217 The version number of this kit when displayed using NCL management is V2.1.7. To identify this kit, type the following command: what /usr/sbin/smtpgw/smtpgw | grep MAILbus The following is the response from this command: MAILbus 400 SMTP Gateway (mailer/daemon) V2.1A ddd mmm nn hh:mm:ss GMT 1997 3 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC- net, DIGITAL, MAILbus, and the DIGITAL logo. OSI is a registered trademark of CA Management, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other coun- tries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1997. All rights reserved. 4