DIGITAL Read Before Installing or Using Digital Fortran Version 6.5 for OpenVMS[TM] VAX[TM] Systems AV-PUYSF-TE Product Information Digital Fortran (formerly DEC Fortran[TM]) Version 6.5 for Open- VMS VAX Systems replaces Version 6.4 and provides the following features: o Full upward compatibility with previous versions of Digital Fortran for OpenVMS VAX Systems, VAX FORTRAN, and VAX FORTRAN HPO. o A high level of compatibility with Digital Fortran (formerly DEC Fortran) products on other architectures and operating systems (platforms). o Corrections to problems discovered since Version 6.4 was released. o The addition of DATE_AND_TIME, a Fortran 90 intrinsic func- tion that returns a four-digit year. For more product information about Digital Fortran, see the online release notes. License Management Facility Information Digital Fortran Version 6.5 uses the same license management facility (LMF) product authorization key (PAK) product name (FORTRAN, FORTRAN-G, or FORTRAN-USER) as Digital Fortran Version 6.4 for OpenVMS VAX Systems and VAX FORTRAN. The LMF product release date for Version 6.5 is 1-MAR-1997. Before you can install Digital Fortran, an LMF PAK must be registered and loaded (see the installation guide, Digital Fortran Installation Guide for OpenVMS VAX Systems). ©Digital Equipment Corporation. February 1997. All Rights Reserved. Release Notes Information The release notes are installed in the SYS$HELP: directory in the form of ASCII text, PostScript and Bookreader-formatted files. The release notes for Digital Fortran Version 6.5 contain installation-related instructions and a summary of the following: o Changes made since Digital Fortran Version 6.4, as well as differences from VAX FORTRAN o Restrictions, known problems, corrected errors, and any incompatibilities o Performance enhancements and documentation information To read the release notes before installing Digital Fortran, follow the instructions in the installation guide. To locate the release notes after installing Digital Fortran, type the following: $ HELP FORTRAN RELEASE_NOTES Installation Information Installing this product requires OpenVMS VAX (VAX VMS) Version 5.4 or higher. The full kit for Digital Fortran Version 6.5 requires 16,000 blocks of free disk space during installation and 11,000 blocks after installation completes. For systems running OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 or later, an al- ternate form of the Digital Fortran kit is provided for instal- lation by the POLYCENTER Software Installation (PCSI) utility (PRODUCT command). PCSI software is bundled with the OpenVMS operating system, Version 6.1 or later. The traditional Digital Fortran kit installed by using VMSINSTAL is also provided. To get Help during VMSINSTAL installation, type a question mark (?) and press Return in reply to a prompt. The compiler, command line, and help text are identical between the PCSI and VMSINSTAL versions of the kit. The advantages of using PCSI include: o Shorter installation time o Tracking what software version(s) are installed on the system o Product removal by means of the PRODUCT REMOVE command For information about installing Digital Fortran on your VAX system using VMSINSTAL or PCSI, see the installation guide. 2 Contents of This Kit o Indented Bill Report (BIL) and Bill of Materials (BOM) Please read the BIL and BOM enclosed in this kit and check that all of the items listed are in your kit. If your kit is damaged or items are missing, call your Digital representa- tive. o Media and Online Documentation Files If you ordered media, you will find the media in this kit. Consult the installation guide for information about in- stalling Digital Fortran on your VAX system. The software library media CD-ROM (CD) set includes the Dig- ital Fortran VMSINSTAL installation save set, PCSI instal- lation product distribution files, and installation-related online documentation files. An online Software Product Library CD-ROM User's Guide (media CD user's guide) and a printed CD "read first" letter accom- pany the media CD set. The media CD user's guide describes the CDMENU utility and media CD online files. To locate the correct media CD that contains the Digital Fortran directories and the names of the Digital Fortran directories, see the online media CD user's guide or the CD master index file. The media CD user's guide and CD master index are provided as online files in the [README] directory of the first media CD. The tape media includes the Digital Fortran save set and the online documentation files. To copy the files from the tape, see the section "Copying Documentation Files from the Media" later in this letter. Online documentation files provided include the Digital Fortran installation guide, this "read first" letter, and the Software Product Description (SPD). These documents are provided in PostScript[R] form (file type .PS) and ASCII form (file type .TXT). 3 Contents of This Kit (Cont'd) o Documentation Depending on your order, this kit may include the following printed Digital Fortran manuals: - DEC Fortran Language Reference Manual (AA-PU45B-TK) - DEC Fortran User Manual for OpenVMS VAX Systems (AA-PUYPA-TE) - DEC Fortran Performance Guide for OpenVMS VAX Systems (AA-PUYQA-TE) - Digital Fortran Installation Guide for OpenVMS VAX Systems (AA-PUYRB-TE) Documentation is always included for new customers. For customers with a service update contract, documentation is included if it has been revised since the prior release of Digital Fortran. This "read first" letter has been revised for Version 6.5. The Digital Fortran Installation Guide for OpenVMS VAX Systems was revised for Version 6.4 and the DEC Fortran Language Reference Manual was revised for Version 6.3. Other documents were last revised for Version 6.0. You can order individual printed documents or the complete printed documentation set (order number QA-100AA-GZ.6.5). Digital Fortran documentation is provided in Bookreader format on the Online Documentation CD (see the Online Docu- mentation Library CD-ROM User's Guide). Software Product Description (SPD) The SPD provides an overview of Digital Fortran features and the technical environment in which the product is supported. It is provided as a documentation file on the media. 4 Copying Documentation Files from Tape Media The following documentation files on tape media are provided in both PostScript[R] form (file type .PS) and ASCII form (file type .TXT): o The Digital Fortran installation guide, file name FORT065_ IGUIDE o This "read first" letter, file name FORT065_COVER o The Digital Fortran SPD, file name FORT065_SPD For example, you might use the following commands copy the Dig- ital Fortran SPD from the Digital Fortran media tape physically loaded on drive MUA0: $ MOUNT MUA0: FORT $ COPY/LOG MUA0:FORT065_SPD.TXT *.* Digital Services A variety of service and support options are available from Digital. For more information, contact your local Digital sales office. A Final Note Digital appreciates your comments. If you find errors or want to make comments about a manual, please send Internet mail or paper mail containing the manual's title, order number, section number, and problem description to: o Internet electronic mail: o A letter sent to the following address: Digital Equipment Corporation Languages Documentation, ZKO2-3/K35 110 Spit Brook Road Nashua, NH 03062-2698 USA ___________________ [TM] Bookreader, DEC, DEC Fortran, DIGITAL, OpenVMS, POLYCENTER, VAX, VAX FORTRAN, VMS, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation [R] PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. 5