DIGITAL MAILbus 400 Message Transfer Agent and Application Program Interface, Version 2.0B Cover Letter for DIGITAL UNIX AV-QSGKD-TE This Cover Letter lists the functional change that has been in- troduced in Version 2.0B of the MAILbus[TM] 400 MTA. There are no functional changes that have been introduced in Version 2.0B of the MAILbus 400 Application Program Interface (API). This Cover Letter also describes how to install Version 2.0B of the MAILbus 400 MTA and API. Functional Changes o The MAILbus 400 MTA and API are now Year 2000 Ready and will run beyond the year 2000. o The address for Reader's comments as documented in the Re- lease Notes and the books is no longer relevant. If the readers have some comments to send they should use the prepaid read- ers'comments forms, if they are supplied at the back of the book or comments on documentation should be directed to the local customer support centres. Installing Version 2.0B To install this kit, do the following: o Make sure you install one of the following configurations of prerequisite software: - DIGITAL[TM] UNIX[R] V3.2G DECnet[TM]/OSI[R] for DIGITAL UNIX V3.2B DIGITAL X.500 Directory Service for DIGITAL UNIX (Base Sub- set) V3.0 (not required for the API) - DIGITAL UNIX V4.0B with patches: OSF410-400151 (44.00), OSF410-400196 (85.00), and OSF410-400239-1 (136.01), or later DECnet/OSI for DIGITAL UNIX, V4.0A or later with dnaevld patched to 12-MAR-97, or later DIGITAL X.500 Directory Service for DIGITAL UNIX (Base Sub- set) V3.1, or later (not required for the API) - DIGITAL UNIX V4.0D with patch reference DUV40DAS00003 or RCS DECnet/OSI for DIGITAL UNIX, V4.0B DIGITAL X.500 Directory Service for DIGITAL UNIX (Base Sub- set) V3.1, or later (not required for the API) o Deinstall any MAILbus 400 MTA or API subsets already installed on your systems: # setld -d MTAABASE20? MTAASRVR20? MTAANETMAN20? MTAACLNT20? MTAAMAN20? The question mark (?) in subset names is a wildcard character. o The approximate disk space required (in Kilobytes) for each of the MAILbus 400 MTA and API subsets in /usr/opt and /var/opt, and the corresponding softlinks for the files in /usr and /var are shown in the following table. ___________________________________________________________________ Space Required Subset Title Subset Name (in kB) _____________________________________________/usr_________/var_____ MAILbus 400 MTA Mgt MTAANETMAN202 1800 80 (DIGITAL UNIX) MAILbus 400 MTA Server MTAASRVR202 29900 120 (DIGITAL UNIX) MAILbus 400 MTA Base MTAABASE202 4400 70 (DIGITAL UNIX) MAILbus 400 API (DIGITAL MTAACLNT202 11000 minimal UNIX) MAILbus 400 API Reference MTAAMAN202 200 minimal Pages_(DIGITAL_UNIX)_______________________________________________ o Install 2.0B as follows: 1. Copy the tar file to a directory, for example, /tmp1, on the target node. 2. Create a temporary directory, for example, /tmp2, to contain the MTA and API subsets. 3. Set default to the directory you created in Step 2. 4. Unpack the tar set into this directory, for example: # tar xvf /tmp1/mtaa20b.tar 5. You can now install 2.0B from the temporary directory: # setld -l . The installation procedure is the same as that described in MAILbus 400 MTA Installing on a DIGITAL UNIX System. When you deinstall the MTA, the MTA startup script (/var/mta /scripts/start_mta.ncl) is renamed to /var/mta/scripts/start_ mta.ncl.savn, where n is a number. The MTA installation procedure installs a new template /var/mta/scripts/start_mta.ncl file. After the subsets have been successfully installed, reapply your saved changes to the new copy of the start_mta.ncl file. For the MAILbus 400 API, if you are using the archive libraries on DIGITAL UNIX, you will need to relink your application after you have installed Version 2.0B. 2 The version number of this kit when displayed using NCL management is V2.0.140. To identify this kit, type the following command: # what /usr/sbin/mta/mta | grep MAILbus The following is the response from this command: MAILbus 400 MTA (V2.0B-140) Thu May 14 19:46:35 IST 1998 Be aware that if you have installed Version 2.0B of the MTA on a version of DIGITAL UNIX prior to V4 and want to upgrade DIGITAL UNIX to V4 (or later), you must deinstall and then reinstall Ver- sion 2.0B of the MTA before you run Version 2.0B on the upgraded DIGITAL UNIX system. If you fail to do this and attempt to run the MTA without deinstalling and reinstalling it on DIGITAL UNIX V4, the MTA reports a Forced Exit event accompanied by a System Interface Error event when you try to start the MTA, as follows: Event: System Interface Error from: Node nodename MTA at : 1997-08-01-11:04:05.822+00:00I0.279 System Interface Error = Process Creation Parameter = "Reinstall MTA for this UNIX version" Error Text = "Version mismatch" Event: Forced Exit from: Node nodename MTA at : 1997-08-01-11:04:05.839+00:00I0.279 Exit Point = Management Agent If you see this error, deinstall Version 2.0B and then reinstall Version 2.0B. You can do this after you have upgraded to V4 of DIGITAL UNIX. 3 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DECnet, DIGITAL, MAILbus, and the DIGITAL logo. OSI is a registered trademark of CA Management, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1995, 1998. All rights reserved. 4