DIGITAL Read Before Installing or Using DIGITAL[TM] Fortran Version 5.1 for DIGITAL UNIX[R] Alpha Systems AV-PW83K-TE This letter explains the Version 5.1 release of the DIGITAL For- tran product. The previous DEC[TM] Fortran[TM] and DEC Fortran 90 products are now combined into the DIGITAL Fortran product. Product Terminology This letter uses the following new or changed product name terminology: o "DIGITAL Fortran 90" refers to the product that was previ- ously called "DEC Fortran 90". o "DIGITAL Fortran 77" refers to the product that was previ- ously called "DEC Fortran". o "DIGITAL Fortran" refers to the combined packaging of DIGITAL Fortran 90 and DIGITAL Fortran 77. DIGITAL Fortran 90 and DIGITAL Fortran 77 version numbers are now the same. o The DEC OSF/1[R] operating system is now called the DIGITAL UNIX operating system. Product Packaging Information DIGITAL Fortran Version 5.1 includes: o The DIGITAL Fortran 90 compiler o The DIGITAL Fortran 77 compiler o Their shared components (such as the DIGITAL Fortran run-time library system) Both DIGITAL Fortran Version 5.1 compilers recognize the Product Authorization Key (PAK) for either DIGITAL Fortran 90 or DIGITAL Fortran 77. For example, if you have a DIGITAL Fortran 77 PAK, you can begin using the DIGITAL Fortran 90 compiler. After you install DIGITAL Fortran, the commands and main direc- tories are as follows: ________________________________________________________________ Features______DIGITAL_Fortran_90____DIGITAL_Fortran_77__________ Command f90 f77 Name Base /usr/lib/cmplrs /usr/lib/cmplrs/fort Directory_____/fort90___________________________________________ While DIGITAL Fortran 77 currently supports a very few legacy compatibility features not yet supported by DIGITAL Fortran 90, DIGITAL Fortran 90 supports nearly all DIGITAL Fortran 77 exten- sions. For more information about DIGITAL Fortran compatibility features, see the compatibility appendix in the DIGITAL Fortran 90 User Manual for DIGITAL UNIX Systems. © Digital Equipment Corporation. 1998. All Rights Reserved. 2 License Management Facility (LMF) Information Before you can install DIGITAL Fortran, an LMF Product Au- thorization Key (PAK) must be registered and loaded (see the DIGITAL Fortran Installation Guide for DIGITAL UNIX Systems). Both DIGITAL Fortran Version 5.1 compilers recognize the Product Authorization Key (PAK) for either DIGITAL Fortran 90 or DIGITAL Fortran 77. Installation Information and Corrections Installing DIGITAL Fortran Version 5.1 requires the DIGITAL UNIX operating system Version 4.0 or higher. To install DIGITAL Fortran 90 and DIGITAL Fortran 77, follow the instructions in the DIGITAL Fortran Installation Guide for DIGITAL UNIX Systems. The following installation information applies to this release and corrects the DIGITAL Fortran Installation Guide for DIGITAL UNIX Systems (not revised for this release): o The PSESHPF subset has been renamed to HPFLIBS. In Section 1.4.4, the text about PSESHPFnnn should be re- placed with the following: HPFLIBSnnn (title: High Performance Fortran Libraries) This subset contains the nonparallel (serial) and parallel versions of the High Performance Fortran (HPF) run-time li- brary and associated reference pages, including intro(3hpf). You must install the HPFLIBSnnn subset to compile, link, and run Fortran programs using Fortran 90 that reference any HPF* routines. This subset copies files into the following directories: /usr/examples/hpf /usr/lib/cmplrs/hpfrtl_nnn /usr/lib/cmplrs/hpfrtl /usr/lib /usr/shlib /usr/man/man3 The directory /usr/lib/cmplrs/hpfrtl is a symbolic link to the directory /usr/lib/cmplrs/hpfrtl_nnn. o In Table 1-2, the disk space required for the directory /usr /lib/cmplrs/hpfrtl_nnn (in HPFLIBSnnn, previously PSESHPFnnn) is now 6384 Kbytes. This brings the grand total for all the DIGITAL Fortran 90 subsets to 29,000 Kbytes. If you previously installed the PSESHPF subset and need to delete it, delete it before you install DIGITAL Fortran 90. If you delete the PSESHPF subset after you install the DIGITAL Fortran 90 HPFLIBS subset, you need to reinstall the HPSLIBS subset. For information on using setld to check for and delete subsets, see Section 3.2 in the installation guide. 3 DIGITAL Fortran 90 Product and Release Notes Information DIGITAL Fortran 90 conforms to the Fortran 90 Standard (ISO/IEC 1539:1991(E) and ANSI X3.198-1992), supports the Fortran 95 standard, includes support for High Performance Fortran, and contains all but a few of the DIGITAL Fortran 77 extensions to the FORTRAN-77 standard. DIGITAL Fortran 90 Version 5.1 provides: o Upward compatibility with previous versions of DIGITAL For- tran 90 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems. o Full support for the multi-vendor OpenMP[TM] specification (see This includes support for di- rected parallel processing using OpenMP directives on shared memory multiprocessor systems. The -omp compiler option enables parallel processing using directed decomposition with the OpenMP Parallel API direc- tives. Certain environment variables control the run-time behavior and a set of parallel library routines are provided. The parallel directives and their use are described in the DIGITAL Fortran 90 User Manual for DIGITAL UNIX Systems. o Full support for the Fortran 95 Standard (ISO/IEC 1539:1998 (E)). Features implemented in Version 5.1 include zero-length formats and the -assume minus0 and -std95 options. o A number of new f90 command-line options, including: -align recN- Requests that fields of records and compo- byte nents of derived types be aligned on cer- tain size byte boundaries or the boundary that will naturally align them. -altparam Allows you to use alternate form of pa- rameter constant declarations (without parenthesis). -assume minus0 Allows the compiler to use Fortran 95 standard semantics for the treatment of the IEEE floating value -0.0 (for all KIND values). -check omp_ Provides run-time checking to enforce the bindings OpenMP binding rules. -mp Enables directed parallel processing using DIGITAL Fortran directives. -module direc- Requests that the compiler create module tory files in the specified directory directory instead of the current directory. -omp Enables directed parallel processing using OpenMP directives. -std95 Enables Fortran 95 standards checking with the f90 command. 4 -warn trun- Requests that the compiler issues a warning cated_source diagnostic message when it reads a source line with a statement field that exceeds the maximum column width in fixed-format source files (ignored for free-form source files). o Corrections to problems discovered since Version 5.0 was released and certain run-time performance improvements. o DIGITAL Fortran Version 5.1 is available on an individual product CD-ROM. For more product information, see the DIGITAL Fortran 90 online release notes and f90(1). The release notes for DIGITAL Fortran 90 contain installation- related instructions and a summary of technical changes, known problems, restrictions, and incompatibilities. To read the release notes before installing DIGITAL Fortran, follow the instructions in the installation guide. You can view or print the release notes before installation once the appropriate media CD-ROM has been mounted. After installing DIGITAL Fortran, the release notes are located in: /usr/lib/cmplrs/fort90/relnotes 5 DIGITAL Fortran 77 Product and Release Notes Information DIGITAL Fortran 77 Version 5.1 for DIGITAL UNIX Alpha Systems provides: o Upward compatibility with previous DIGITAL Fortran for DIGI- TAL UNIX Alpha Systems versions. o Corrections to problems discovered since Version 5.0 was released. o Certain run-time performance improvements. For more product information, see the DIGITAL Fortran 77 online release notes and f77(1). DIGITAL Fortran 77 release notes contain a summary of new fea- tures, known problems, restrictions, incompatibilities, and installation-related instructions. To read the release notes before installing DIGITAL Fortran, follow the instructions in the installation guide. You can view or print the release notes before installation once the appropriate media CD-ROM has been mounted. After installation, the release notes are located in: /usr/lib/cmplrs/fort/relnotes DIGITAL UNIX Software Product Library and Online Documentation CD-ROM Kits The DIGITAL UNIX Software Product Library and Online Documenta- tion CD-ROM kits include: o The Software Product Library CD-ROM set The Software Product Library CD-ROM set (media CD-ROM) con- tains installation subsets and related installation docu- mentation for the DIGITAL UNIX Alpha software products on multiple CD-ROMs. o The Online Documentation Library CD-ROM set The online documentation CD-ROM contains documentation files in HTML or other formats for DIGITAL UNIX software products on one or more CD-ROMs. To allow users to read documentation on the Online Documentation Library CD-ROM using Bookreader, your system administrator should see the Online Documentation Library CD-ROM User's Guide. The DIGITAL UNIX Software Product Library and Online Documen- tation CD-ROM kit does not include the printed DIGITAL Fortran documentation set (you can order the documentation set or indi- vidual documents separately). 6 DIGITAL Fortran for DIGITAL UNIX Alpha Media Kit The DIGITAL Fortran DIGITAL UNIX Alpha Media Kit (order number QA-MV2AA-H8) includes one media CD-ROM that contains only the DIGITAL Fortran product kit and certain online DIGITAL Fortran documentation (see "Contents of the Media CD-ROM") below). The DIGITAL Fortran for DIGITAL UNIX Alpha Media Kit, does not include DIGITAL Fortran documentation files in HTML or Bookreader format or the printed DIGITAL Fortran documentation set (you can order the documentation set or individual documents separately). 7 Contents of the Media CD-ROM Whether you purchased the DIGITAL UNIX Software Product Library CD kit or the Digital Fortran DIGITAL UNIX Alpha Media kit, a media CD is included with your kit. The DIGITAL UNIX Software Product Library CD-ROM (media CD-ROM) kit includes a set of media CD-ROMs and a CD-ROM "read first" letter. The Software Product Library CD-ROM User's Guide (media CD-ROM user guide) is provided online and describes the cdmenu utility and the media CD-ROM online files. With the DIGITAL UNIX Software Product Library CD-ROM, see the media CD-ROM user's guide or the CD-ROM master index file to locate the correct media CD-ROM that contains the DIGITAL Fortran directories and the names of the DIGITAL Fortran product directories. The CD-ROM user guide and CD-ROM master index are provided as online files in the /readme directory of the first media CD-ROM. Follow the directions in the DIGITAL Fortran installation guide (or CD-ROM user guide) to mount the appropriate media CD-ROM. Use an ls command to examine the files in the following DIGITAL Fortran directories: o /mnt/dfa510/kit contains the DIGITAL Fortran setld subsets o /mnt/dfa510/documentation contains DIGITAL Fortran documenta- tion files Your media CD-ROM contains the following DIGITAL Fortran files: o The DIGITAL Fortran setld installation subsets o DIGITAL Fortran documentation in PostScript[R] (.ps) form and ASCII (.txt) form, including: - The DIGITAL Fortran installation guide - The DIGITAL Fortran 90 online release notes - The DIGITAL Fortran 77 online release notes - This "read first" cover letter - The DIGITAL Fortran Software Product Description (SPD) Contents of the DIGITAL Fortran Kit o Parts List Please read the Parts List enclosed in this kit and check to see that all items listed are actually in your kit. If your kit is damaged or any items are missing, call your DIGITAL representative or the DIGITAL Software Manufacturing, Materials Replacement Group. o Media 8 The media CD-ROM (such as the DIGITAL UNIX Software Product Library CD-ROM kit) is ordered separately from the DIGITAL Fortran kit (see "Contents of the Media CD-ROM"). For in- formation about installing DIGITAL Fortran, see the Digital Fortran installation guide. 9 Contents of the DIGITAL Fortran Kit (Cont'd) o DIGITAL Fortran Documentation Depending on how you order the DIGITAL Fortran product, your kit may include printed copies of the following DIGITAL Fortran manuals: _____________________________________________________________ Manual_Title_____________________________Compiler____________ DIGITAL Fortran Installation Guide Both (DIGITAL For- for DIGITAL UNIX Systems tran 90 and 77) DIGITAL Fortran Language Reference DIGITAL Fortran 90 Manual DIGITAL Fortran 90 User Manual for DIGITAL Fortran 90 DIGITAL UNIX Systems DEC Fortran Language Reference Manual DIGITAL Fortran 77 DEC Fortran User Manual for DEC OSF/1 DIGITAL Fortran 77 AXP_Systems__________________________________________________ The DIGITAL Software Product Library CD-ROM kit and the DIGITAL Fortran DIGITAL UNIX Alpha Media kit do not include the printed DIGITAL Fortran documentation. You can order the entire documentation set or order individual documents (except this cover letter) separately, as follows: _____________________________________________________________ Printed_Set_or_Printed_Document_Title__________Order_Number__ DIGITAL Fortran 90 Documentation Set QA-MV2AA- GZ.5.1 DIGITAL Fortran Installation Guide for AA-PW82D- DIGITAL UNIX Systems TE DIGITAL Fortran Language Reference AA-Q66SC- Manual TK DIGITAL Fortran 90 User Manual for AA-Q66TC- DIGITAL UNIX Systems TE this cover letter DIGITAL Fortran 77 Documentation Set QA-MV2AB- GZ.5.1 DIGITAL Fortran Installation Guide for AA-PW82D- DIGITAL UNIX Systems TE DEC Fortran Language Reference Manual AA-PU45B- TK DEC Fortran User Manual for DEC OSF/1 AA-PW81B- AXP Systems TK _____this_cover_letter_______________________________________ For example, to order the complete printed DIGITAL Fortran 90 documentation set, specify the order number QA-MV2AA-GZ.5.1. 10 For DIGITAL Fortran customers with a service update contract, you will find DIGITAL Fortran 90 documentation that has been revised since its previous release included with your kit. For Version 5.1, the DIGITAL Fortran 90 User Manual for DIGITAL UNIX Systems and this letter have been revised. The Software Product Description (SPD) provides an overview of the DIGITAL Fortran product and the technical environment in which the product is supported. The SPD is provided online on the media CD-ROM. 11 DIGITAL Fortran Home Page The DIGITAL Fortran home page provides information about DIGI- TAL Fortran products. You can access this page by using a Web browser to open the following Internet URL: DIGITAL Services A variety of service and support options are available from DIGITAL. For more information, contact your local DIGITAL sales office. Your Feedback is Appreciated DIGITAL appreciates your comments. If you find errors or want to make comments about a manual, please send Internet mail or paper mail containing the manual's title, order number, section number, and problem description to: o Internet electronic mail: ___________________ [TM] AlphaGeneration, AXP, Bookreader, DEC, DEC Fortran, DEC FUSE, DIGITAL, OpenVMS, and the DIGITAL logo are trademarks of Digi- tal Equipment Corporation; OpenMP is a trademark of the OpenMP Architecture Review Board [R] PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc.; OSF/1 is a registered trademark of the Open Software Foundation, Inc.; UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other coun- tries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. 12