Hewlett-Packard HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.3-1 Cover Letter AV-RT2AB-TE October 2003 Dear DECwindows Motif Customer, HP is pleased to introduce the HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.3-1 release. This release provides minor ad- justments to security and Xinerama along with the restoration of the LAT Transport. It also offers the DtGreet functionality, which provides for message displays prior to logging in. For additional information on new features, refer to HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha New Features manual. DECwindows Motif Kit Contents: The DECwindows Motif kit contains the following: o HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.3-1 Cover Letter o Guide to HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha CD-ROM o HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Documentation Overview o HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha New Features o HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Installation Guide o Getting Started with the New Desktop o HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha CD-ROM Race Condition May Occur with Certain Applications Due to a timing issue, a race condition that places applications into a compute-bound loop can occur on DECwindows Motif systems. Applications that continually display output to the screen via the local transport are most likely to see this problem. For example, issuing the DIRECTORY/FULL command continuously on two DECterm windows can trigger the condition. To stop an application from looping, move or activate an input device (mouse, keyboard, stylus, etc.). This action returns focus to the desktop, clears the race condition, and restores normal system performance. To reduce the likelihood of this problem occurring with unmoni- tored applications that run for an extended period of time, run the applications over the DECnet or TCP/IP transport. This slows the protocol traffic and decreases the chances of encountering timing-related issues. Special Instructions for LBX and XPROXY Help Files If you intend to install support for Low-Bandwidth X (an op- tional portion of the DECwindows client installation process), note that you must enter additional commands after installation to load the help files into the OpenVMS Help Library. Other- wise, online help will not be available for the LBXPROXY and XPROXYMANAGER applications. To load the help files into the library, enter the following commands once the DECwindows Motif installation procedure has completed: $ LIBRARY/HELP SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB SYS$HELP:DECW$LBXPROXY_HELP.HLP $ LIBRARY/HELP SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB - SYS$HELP:DECW$XPROXYMANAGER_HELP.HLP See the HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha New Features man- ual for more information about LBX and its related applications. For information about installing support for LBX, see the HP DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Installation Guide. Software Requirements o To run DECwindows Motif for Alpha Version 1.3-1, you must be running OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2. o The minimum memory required to install, boot, and log in is 64 MB; 128 MB is highly recommended for more robust perfor- mance. ©2003 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2