AV-QD87U-TE January 2003 Dear HSM Customer, In an effort to provide enhanced storage management software capability to our customers, HP offers this release of Hi- erarchical Storage Management (HSM) for OpenVMS version V4.1 software. Thank you for your recent purchase of this product. HSM is a layered software product that extends the OpenVMS file system, allowing efficient and cost-effective management of infrequently accessed (dormant) data. This is accomplished by shelving the data to lower-cost devices and automatically unshelving it when the data is needed. HSM V4.1 Provides new features as well as bug fixes. They are as follows: HSM V4.1 Provides new features as well as bug fixes. The follow- ing are the new features: - Qualification of HSM on VMS 7.3-1 HSM041(BL44), will be the officially qualified version of HSM for the released version of OpenVMS 7.3-1. A remedial has been build on the V4.0A base for those early 7.3 adopters (HSM 4.0A (BL42A)). This includes support for Multipath failover on Tape devices. Prior versions of HSM, did not qualify the use of Multipath failover on TAPE devices, and could result in a failure of SHELVE/UNSHELVE operations. - Execution of Diskquota exceeded policy based Rights identi- fier - Deallocation of Tape volume not used by HSM HSM V4.1 has bug fixes for problems reported with prior versions of HSM: - Fix for the change in Revision Time of a shelved file after an Unshelve Operation on OpenVMS 7.3-1 (RUBY) - Fix for dangling I/O channels during HSM policy execution - SMU SHUTDOWN does not clear the PEprocess For specific information on these features and bug fixes, please refer to the Release Notes. HSM for OpenVMS V4.1 software runs on OpenVMS VAX Versions 6.2, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3 and on OpenVMS Alpha Versions 6.2, 7.1-2, 7.2-2, 7.3 and 7.3-1. HSM V4.1 does not utilize the ODS5 disk structure. If you are using any version of HSM prior to HSM 4.0a remedial, installation of HSM V4.1 will ask for a reboot of the system. The kit includes: - HSM for OpenVMS, V4.1 software and documentation - HSM Version V4.1 provides pdf formatted documents as part of the binary kit. - MDMS, media manager for OpenVMS, V4.1 software and softcopy release notes. HSM V4.1 can be configured to run in one of two modes, Basic or Plus. If you are using HSM in the Plus mode, you will need to install Media, Device and Management Services (MDMS) unless Archive Backup System (ABS) Version V4.1 software is already present on your system. MDMS is also required to use the tape repacking and backup via shelving features of HSM V4.1. For customers using Storage Library System (SLS) with HSM, we recommend the use of MDMS V2.9G as the media manager. For cus- tomers using Archive Backup System (ABS) with HSM, we recommend the use of MDMS V4.1. For HSM customers who are not using either ABS or SLS, we recommend the use of MDMS V4.1 with HSM V4.1. For additional information, please refer to the product documen- tation. If you need assistance with this product, please call the Customer Support Center. Sincerely, OpenVMS Product Management CXOSWPM@hp.com © Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 2003. 2