DIGITAL Multimedia Services Version 2.0 for OpenVMS Alpha AE-QN8LB-TE August 1996 Dear Multimedia Services Customer: Thank you for purchasing Multimedia Services Version 2.0 for OpenVMS[TM] Alpha Runtime or Development kit for your AlphaSta- tion[TM] system. The runtime or development license entitles you to software and documentation for your OpenVMS Alpha systems. Multimedia Services Version 2.0 OpenVMS Alpha requires version 6.2 or higher of the OpenVMS operating software. Product Contents on the Binary and On-line Documentation Compact Discs Multimedia Services Version 2.0 for OpenVMS Alpha Runtime and Development products are distributed on the OpenVMS Alpha Lay- ered Products Software Binaries CD-ROM. The Multimedia Services Version 2.0 for OpenVMS Alpha Programmer's Guide is distributed on the OpenVMS Alpha Layered Products On-line Documentation CD-ROM in Bookreader[TM] format. o Multimedia Services Version 2.0 for OpenVMS Alpha Runtime Software Multimedia Services Version 2.0 for OpenVMS Alpha Runtime includes the runtime environment to support the software JPEG compressor/decompressor, built-in audio, FullVideo[TM] Supreme (AV301), FullVideo[TM] Supreme JPEG (AV321), and the Microsoft[R] Sound Board for the Digital AlphaStation system. The following are installed for the runtime product: Multimedia Services Runtime AV301 (FullVideo Supreme PCI Video option) / AV321 (Ful- lVideo Supreme JPEG PCI Video option) Device Driver Microsoft Sound Board Device Driver AlphaStation Sound Card Device Driver Multimedia Services Release Notes Multimedia Services Sample Audio & Video Data PostScript[R] (.ps) and ASCII text (.txt) product documenta- tion are located in the documentation directory: Multimedia Services Installation Guide Multimedia Services Cover Letter (this document) Multimedia Services Software Product Description The Run-Time Guide is also available separately in hard copy. o Multimedia Services Version 2.0 for OpenVMS Alpha Development Software Multimedia Services Version 2.0 for OpenVMS Alpha Development includes the full development environment to write appli- cations that use the software JPEG compressor/decompressor, built-in audio, the FullVideo Supreme and the Microsoft Sound Board for the Digital AlphaStation system. The Programmer's Guide is also available separately in hard copy. Refer to the Multimedia Services Version 2.0 for OpenVMS Soft- ware Product Description for a complete description of this product. Digital recommends that you read the Multimedia Ser- vices release notes before you install this product. Again, thank you very much for purchasing this software. [R]Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. [R]PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Incor- porated. [TM]The Digital Logo, AlphaStation, Bookreader, Digital, OpenVMS, and FullVideo are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corpora- tion. ©Digital Equipment Corporation. 1996. All Rights Reserved. 2