!#Title: March 2002 OpenVMS Alpha Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha Software Products Library Master Index AV-RN7DF-XE March 2002 This document lists all products for this release of the OpenVMS Alpha Software Products Library. Revision/Update Information: This is a revised document. Compaq Computer Corporation Houston, Texas __________________________________________________________ © 2002 Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. Compaq, the Compaq logo, ACMS, All-In-1, CDA, Datatrieve, DECforms, DECintact, LinkWorks, Mailbus, MicroVAX, PolyCenter, StorageWorks, ULTRIX, VAX, and OpenVMS are trademarks of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P. in the U.S. and/or other countries. Motif is a trademark of The Open Group in the U.S. and/or other countries. All other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. government under vendor's standard commercial license. Compaq shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information in this document is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and is subject to change without notice. The warranties for Compaq products are set forth in the express limited warranty statements accompanying such products. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Compaq service tool software, including associated documentation, is the property of and contains confi- dential technology of Compaq Computer Corporation. Service customer is hereby licensed to use the software only for activities directly relating to the delivery of, and only during the term of, the applicable services delivered by Compaq or its authorized service provider. Customer may not modify or reverse engineer, remove, or transfer the software or make the software or any resultant diagnosis or system management data available to other parties without Compaq's or its authorized service provider's consent. Upon termination of the services, customer will, at Compaq's or its service provider's option, destroy or return the software and associated documentation in its possession. Printed in the U.S.A. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. 1 ________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index This master index lists the layered products contained on the OpenVMS Alpha Software Products Library CD-ROMs, as well as products removed since the last issue: __________________________________________________________ Table Number Description __________________________________________________________ Table 1-1 Lists all products included on the March 2002 Software Products Library CD-ROMs. Table 1-2 Lists all products licensed by the the NAS Packages included in this Library Package. Table 1-3 Lists all products licensed by the Enterprise Integration Packages included in this Library Package. Table 1-4 Lists products that have been removed from the March 2002 Software Products Library CD-ROMs. It also provides the CD number and directory location from the December 2002 issue of the Software Products Library. To retain a copy of any of these removed products, be sure to keep the indicated CD from the December 2001 release. __________________________________________________________ OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index 1-1 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index The columns in Table 1-1, Table 1-2, Table 1-3, and Table 1-4 contain the following information: __________________________________________________________ Column Name Column Contents __________________________________________________________ Product Name The name of the product. Vers. The version number of the product. UPI The unique product identifier. Status NEW indicates that the product is a new addition to the CD-ROM. UPD indicates the product has been updated since the last issue. REM indicates the product has been removed since the last issue. A blank space indicates no change. CD The number of the CD-ROM on which a product is located. Directory The name of the product's directory on the CD-ROM. __________________________________________________________ _________________NAS Packages Table _________________ All products licensed by the NAS Packages are included in Table 1-2. This table indicates which components have updated and gives product location on the Software Products Library CD-ROMs. _____________________________________________________ _______ Enterprise Integration Packages Table _______ All products licensed by the Enterprise Integration Packages (EIP) are included in Table 1-3. This table indicates which EIP products have updated and gives product location on CD-ROMs within the Software Products Library package. _____________________________________________________ 1-2 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index Table 1-1 March 2002 OpenVMS Alpha Master Index _________________________________________________________________ Product Name Vers UPI Status CD Directory _________________________________________________________________ ACMSxp for OpenVMS Alpha 3.2A 4WRAA 3 [ACMSXPA032] (Development) ACMSxp for OpenVMS Alpha 3.2A 4WSAA 3 [ACMSXPA032] (RunTime) ACMS/Japanese for OpenVMS 4.1 2PZJA 9 [ACMSJA041] ALL-IN-1 Office Server 3.2 AAAAA 1 [A1032] Options for OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX ALL-IN-1/Brazilian 3.2 AAAXA 5 [A1LBZ032] Office Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Dansk Office 3.2 AAADA 7 [A1LDA032] Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Deutsch Office 3.2 AAAGA 7 [A1LDE032] Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Español Office 3.2 AAASA 7 [A1LES032] Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Français Office 3.2 AAAPA 7 [A1LFR032] Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Hangul 3.2 2XC4A 8 [A1CKO032] Integrated Office System Server for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Hanyu Integrated 3.2 2XC3A 8 [A1CTA032] Office System Server for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Hanzi Integrated 3.2 2XC2A 8 [A1CPR032] Office System Server for OpenVMS (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index 1-3 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index Table 1-1 (Cont.) March 2002 OpenVMS Alpha Master Index _________________________________________________________________ Product Name Vers UPI Status CD Directory _________________________________________________________________ ALL-IN-1/Hebrew 3.2A AAATA 5 [A1CIL032] Integrated Office System Server for OpenVMS ALL-IN-1/Italiano Office 3.2 AAAUA 7 [A1LIT032] Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Japanese Office 3.2 AAAJA 9 [A1LJA032] Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Netherlands 3.2 AAAHA 7 [A1LNL032] Office Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX ALL-IN-1/Svenska Office 3.2 AAAMA 7 [A1LSV032] Server Options for OpenVMS Alpha and VAX Application Developer's 1.0 5H5AA 2 [APPDEV010] Package for C/C++ BASEstar Classic 3.4A 0YDAA 3 [BCCVAA034] for OpenVMS Alpha (Development) BASEstar Classic for 3.4A 0YEAA 3 [BCCVAA034] OpenVMS Alpha (Runtime) BASEstar Classic DAS 3.4A 5JXAA 3 [DCM_ABVAA034] for Allen-Bradley Data Highway Protocol BASEstar Classic DAS for 3.4A 5JZAA 3 [DCM_DTLVAA034] Allen-Bradley INTERCHANGE Software BASEstar Classic DAS for 3.4A 5K5AA 3 [DCM_ OMNI Software OMNIVAA034] BASEstar Classic DAS 3.4A 5K1AA 3 [DCM_MODVAA034] for Modicon Programmable Controllers (continued on next page) 1-4 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index Table 1-1 (Cont.) March 2002 OpenVMS Alpha Master Index _________________________________________________________________ Product Name Vers UPI Status CD Directory _________________________________________________________________ BASEstar Classic DAS for 3.4A 5K3AA 3 [DCM_H1VAA034] Siemens H1 Protocol BASEstar Open DAS for 3.1A 4V8AA 3 [ABDVAA031] Allen-Bradley Data Highway BASEstar Open DAS for 3.1A 4V7AA 3 [MODVAA031] Modicon BASEstar Graphics Enabler 2.3A 20KAA 3 [BGE023A_AXP] (Development) BASEstar Graphics Enabler 2.3A 20LAA 3 [BGE023A_AXP] (RunTime) BASEstar Open Server 3.2 0X9AA 3 [BSTROSVA032] (Development) BASEstar Open Server 3.2 0X8AA 3 [BSTROSVA032] (RunTime) BASEstar Open Client 3.2 0Y9AA 3 [BSTROCVA032] (Client) COM for OpenVMS 1.1B 66YAA 5 [DCOM011B] Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS 4.4A 2PZAA UPD 4 [ACMSDEVA_ (Development) MA044] Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS 4.4A 2Q0AA UPD 4 [ACMSREMA_ (Remote) MA044] Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS 4.4A 2Q1AA UPD 4 [ACMSRTOA_ (RunTime) MA044] Compaq Ada for OpenVMS 3.5A 09PAA 2 [ADA035] Alpha Systems Compaq Ada for OpenVMS 3.5A 0VRAA 2 [ADA035] Alpha Systems (Pro. Development) Compaq Advanced Server 7.3 A93AA 5 [ASOVMSV73] for OpenVMS (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index 1-5 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index Table 1-1 (Cont.) March 2002 OpenVMS Alpha Master Index _________________________________________________________________ Product Name Vers UPI Status CD Directory _________________________________________________________________ Compaq Advanced Server 7.3 5SUJA 9 [ASOVMSJA073] /Japanese for OpenVMS Compaq Archive Backup 4.0 5W2AA UPD 6 [ABS040] System for OpenVMS (Server) Compaq Archive Backup 4.0 5W1AA UPD 6 [ABS040] System for OpenVMS (Client) Compaq BASIC for OpenVMS 1.4 0Y7AA 2 [BASIC014] Alpha Systems Compaq C for OpenVMS 6.5 MU7AA UPD 2 [CC065] Alpha Compaq C++ for OpenVMS 6.5 0HQAA UPD 2 [CXX065] Alpha Compaq COBOL for OpenVMS 2.7 0JUAA 2 [COBOL027] Alpha Systems Compaq COBOL/Japanese for 2.6 0JUJA 9 [NCOBOL026] OpenVMS Alpha Systems Compaq Code Management 4.1 0W1AA 3 [DECSET124] System for OpenVMS Alpha Systems Compaq DASware 3.1 4NHAA 3 [OMNIAPIA031] Compaq DATATRIEVE for 7.2A 0JKAA 3 [DTRAXPA072] OpenVMS Alpha Systems Compaq DEC/EDI for 3.2B 2QSAA 4 [DECEDIA032] OpenVMS VAX and Alpha Compaq DECforms for 3.2 0J8AA 5 [FORMSA032] OpenVMS (Development) Compaq DECforms for 3.2 0J9AA 5 [FORMSRTA032] OpenVMS (RunTime) Compaq DECforms/Hangul 3.2 0J84A 8 [FORMSAAN032] for OpenVMS (Development) (continued on next page) 1-6 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index Table 1-1 (Cont.) March 2002 OpenVMS Alpha Master Index _________________________________________________________________ Product Name Vers UPI Status CD Directory _________________________________________________________________ Compaq DECforms/Hangul 3.2 0J94A 8 [FORMSRTAAN032] for OpenVMS (RunTime) Compaq DECforms/Hanyu for 3.2 0J83A 8 [FORMSAAN032] OpenVMS (Development) Compaq DECforms/Hanyu for 3.2 0J93A 8 [FORMSRTAAN032] OpenVMS Alpha (RunTime) Compaq DECforms/Hanzi for 3.2 0J82A 8 [FORMSAAN032] OpenVMS (Development) Compaq DECforms/Hanzi for 3.2 0J92A 8 [FORMSRTAAN032] OpenVMS Alpha (RunTime) Compaq DECforms/Japanese 3.2 0J8JA 8 [FORMSAAN032] for OpenVMS Alpha (Development) Compaq DECforms/Japanese 3.2 0J9JA 8 [FORMSRTAAN032] for OpenVMS Alpha (RunTime) Compaq DECnet-Plus for 7.3 MTFAA 1 [DNVOSI073] OpenVMS Alpha Compaq DECnet SNA Gateway 1.3 S01AA 4 [SNACST013] for Synchronous Transport Compaq DECprint 2.0 09NAB 6 [DCPSAXP020] Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS Compaq DECprint 2.0 0WKJA 9 [DCPSAXPJA020] Supervisor/Japanese for OpenVMS Compaq DECram for OpenVMS 3.0 MV3AA 3 [DECRAM030] Compaq DECset for OpenVMS 12.4A MUPAA 3 [DECSET124] Alpha Systems Compaq DECwindows Motif 1.2- MV4AA 1 [DWMOTIFAXPU6012] for OpenVMS 6 (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index 1-7 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index Table 1-1 (Cont.) March 2002 OpenVMS Alpha Master Index _________________________________________________________________ Product Name Vers UPI Status CD Directory _________________________________________________________________ Compaq DECwindows Motif 1.2- MV44A 1 [KMOTIF_V126] /Hangul for OpenVMS 6 Compaq DECwindows Motif 1.2- MV4JA 9 [JMOTIF_V126] /Japanese for OpenVMS 6 Compaq DECwindows SNA 2.1 10WAA 3 [SNADWTE021] 3270 Terminal Emulator for OpenVMS Compaq DECwrite for 3.1A 2FNAA UPD 4 [AXP_ OpenVMS Alpha (American DECWRITE31A] English) Compaq DECwrite for 3.1A 2FNEA UPD 4 [AXP_ OpenVMS Alpha (British DECWRITE31A] English) Compaq Device Access 3.1 3PWAA 3 [DASDTLA031] Software for Allen- Bradley INTERCHANGE Compaq Device Access 3.1 4NMAA 3 [DAS3964A031] Software for Siemens 3964 Compaq Digital Test 4.0 0W4AA 3 [DECSET124] Manager for OpenVMS Alpha Systems Compaq Distributed 3.0 24CAA 3 [DCEALP0030] Computing Environment (DCE) for OpenVMS (Develop) Compaq Distributed 3.0 24CA9 3 [DCEALP0030] Computing Environment (DCE) for OpenVMS (RunTime) Compaq Distributed 3.0 24EAA 3 [DCEALP0030] Computing Environment (DCE) for OpenVMS (CDS) (continued on next page) 1-8 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index Table 1-1 (Cont.) March 2002 OpenVMS Alpha Master Index _________________________________________________________________ Product Name Vers UPI Status CD Directory _________________________________________________________________ Compaq Distributed 3.0 24GAA 3 [DCEALP0030] Computing Environment (DCE) for OpenVMS (Security) Compaq Enterprise 3.2 5LVAA 6 [DEIS032] Integration Packages Compaq FMS for OpenVMS 2.4 MVSAA 1 [DECFMS024] (Development) Compaq FMS for OpenVMS 2.4 MVTAA 1 [DECFDV024] (RunTime) Compaq Fortran for 7.5 MV1AA UPD 2 [ALPHA_FORT075] OpenVMS Alpha Systems Compaq Hierarchical 4.0 3J1AA UPD 5 [HSM040] Storage Management for OpenVMS Compaq Language-Sensitive 4.7 0W2AA 3 [DECSET124] Editor/Source Code Analyzer for OpenVMS Alpha Compaq Module Management 3.4 0W5AA 3 [DECSET124] System for OpenVMS Alpha Systems Compaq MultiMedia 2.2 4G8AA 4 [MMOV022] Services for OpenVMS Alpha (Development) Compaq MultiMedia 2.2 4G9AA 4 [MMOV022] Services for OpenVMS Alpha (RunTime) Compaq NAS Client 150 for 8.3 36NAA 6 [NAS_CLIENT_ OpenVMS Alpha Systems 150] Compaq NAS Base Server 8.3 23EAA 6 [NAS_BASE_ 200 for OpenVMS Alpha SERVER] Systems (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index 1-9 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index Table 1-1 (Cont.) March 2002 OpenVMS Alpha Master Index _________________________________________________________________ Product Name Vers UPI Status CD Directory _________________________________________________________________ Compaq NAS Client 8.3 XVEAA 6 [NAS_CLIENT_ 250 for OpenVMS Alpha 250] Workstations Compaq NAS Server 300 for 8.3 XV9AA 6 [NAS_SERVER_ OpenVMS Alpha Systems 300] Compaq NAS Production 8.3 23RAA 6 [NAS_SERVER_ Server 400 for OpenVMS 400] Alpha Systems Compaq Notes for OpenVMS 2.5 0PGAA 4 [ALPHA_ AXP Systems NOTES025] Compaq Office Server for 6.0 5TBAA 1 [A1060] OpenVMS Compaq Office Server 6.0 5TBGA UPD 7 [A1LDE060] /Deutsch for OpenVMS Compaq Office Server 6.0 5TBPA UPD 7 [A1LFR060] /Français for OpenVMS Compaq Office Server 6.0 5TBHA UPD 7 [A1LNL060] /Nederlands for OpenVMS Compaq Office Server 5.0 5TBMA 7 [A1LSV050] /Svenska for OpenVMS Compaq OMNI API 3.1 2QCAA 3 [OMNIAPIA031] Compaq OMNI MMS 3.1 2QDAA 3 [OMNIMMSA031] Compaq OSAP/AP 3.1 2XVAA 3 [OSAPA031] Compaq OSAP/H1 3.1 2XWAA 3 [OSAPA031] Compaq Open3D for OpenVMS 4.9B 0ADAA 2 [OPEN3DB049] Alpha Compaq OpenVMS Enterprise 5.1 2NZAA 4 [DXDA051] Directory for eBusiness (Server) Compaq OpenVMS Enterprise 5.1 2P0AA 4 [DXDA051] Directory for eBusiness (Admin Facility) (continued on next page) 1-10 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index Table 1-1 (Cont.) March 2002 OpenVMS Alpha Master Index _________________________________________________________________ Product Name Vers UPI Status CD Directory _________________________________________________________________ Compaq OpenVMS/Japanese 7.3 MT1JA 9 [JSYVMSAXP073] Operating System for Alpha Compaq Pascal for OpenVMS 5.8 098AA 2 [PASCAL058] Alpha Systems Compaq PATHWORKS for 6.1 A93AA 5 [PWRK061] OpenVMS Compaq Performance and 4.7A 0W3AA 3 [DECSET124] Coverage Analyzer for OpenVMS Alpha Systems Compaq PrintServer 5.2 0V9AA 4 [LPS052] Software Compaq 2780/3780 Protocol 2.0 5CWAA 1 [AXPBSCPTP020] Emulators for OpenVMS Alpha Compaq RAID Software for 2.5 0MGAA 4 [RAID025] OpenVMS Compaq SNA APPC/LU6.2 2.4 10SAA 3 [SNALU62024] Programming Interface for OpenVMS Compaq SNA Application 2.5 10VAA 3 [SNALU0025] Programming Interface for OpenVMS Compaq SNA 3270 1.3 2FKAA 3 [R3270013] Application Services (Development) Compaq 3270 Application 1.3 2FLAA 3 [R3270013] Services (RunTime) Compaq SNA 3270 Data 1.6 10XAA 3 [SNA3270016] Stream Programming Interface for OpenVMS (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index 1-11 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index Table 1-1 (Cont.) March 2002 OpenVMS Alpha Master Index _________________________________________________________________ Product Name Vers UPI Status CD Directory _________________________________________________________________ Compaq SNA Data Transfer 3.3 205AA 3 [SNADTFS033] Facility for OpenVMS (Server) Compaq SNA Data Transfer 3.3 206AA 3 [SNADTFU033] Facility for OpenVMS (Utility) Compaq SNA Domain Gateway 2.1 MKHAA 3 [SNAPU5021] - CT Compaq SNA Domain Gateway 2.1 23DAA 3 [SNAPU5021] - ST Compaq SNA Gateway for 2.2 VC9AA 4 [SNACSA022] Channel Transport Compaq SNA Printer 1.4 10TAA 3 [SNAPRE014] Emulator for OpenVMS Compaq SNA Remote Job 1.6 10UAA 3 [SNARJE016] Entry for OpenVMS Compaq SNA Server for 1.1 6CVAA 5 [SNASERV011] OpenVMS Compaq SNA 3270 Terminal 1.7 10ZAA 3 [SNATE017] Emulator for OpenVMS Compaq Storage Library 2.9F 0YPAA 6 [SLSF029] System for OpenVMS (Server) Compaq Storage Library 2.9F 0YQAA 6 [SLSF029] System for OpenVMS (Remote) Compaq TCP/IP Services 5.1 0LXAA 6 [UCXAXPA051] for OpenVMS Compaq TCP/IP Services 5.1 0LXJA 9 [UCXAXPJA051] /Japanese for OpenVMS Compaq TeamRoute for 1.3A GEZAA 4 [TMRA1_A013] ALL-IN-1 (continued on next page) 1-12 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index Table 1-1 (Cont.) March 2002 OpenVMS Alpha Master Index _________________________________________________________________ Product Name Vers UPI Status CD Directory _________________________________________________________________ Compaq TP Desktop 3.1A GZGAA 4 [ACMSDIA031] Connector Compaq VTX for OpenVMS 6.2 3R7AA 5 [VTXA062] Alpha Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS 1.5 0THAA 6 [X25015] Alpha Systems Data Cartridge Server 3.2 4EUAA 5 [DCSC032] Component for OpenVMS DEC DATATRIEVE/Japanese 6.1 0JKJA 9 [DTRAJA061] for OpenVMS AXP DEC Distributed Queuing 1.3 0HPAA 4 [DQS013] Service for OpenVMS AXP DEC FMS/Hebrew for 2.4 MVSTA 8 [DECFMS_HEB024] OpenVMS AXP (Development) DEC FMS/Hebrew for 2.4 MVTTA 8 [DECFDV_HEB024] OpenVMS AXP (RunTime) DEC FMS/Japanese for 2.4 MVSJA 9 [FMSJA024] OpenVMS AXP (Development) DEC FMS/Japanese for 2.4 MVTJA 9 [FDVJA024] OpenVMS AXP (RunTime) DEC Notes/Japanese for 2.5 0PGJA 9 [NOTESJA025] OpenVMS Alpha Systems DECdfs for OpenVMS 2.3- VEQAA 6 [DECDFS01023] 1 DECnet SNA 3270 Data 1.4 10XJA 9 [JSNA3270A014] Stream Programming Interface/Japanese for OpenVMS AXP DECnet SNA 3270 Terminal 1.5A 10ZJA 9 [JSNATEAA015] Emulator/Japanese for OpenVMS (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index 1-13 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index Table 1-1 (Cont.) March 2002 OpenVMS Alpha Master Index _________________________________________________________________ Product Name Vers UPI Status CD Directory _________________________________________________________________ DECnet SNA Printer 1.2A 10TJA 9 [JSNAPREAA012] Emulator/Japanese for OpenVMS AXP DECnet SNA Remote Job 1.4A 10UJA 9 [JSNARJEAA014] Entry/Japanese for OpenVMS DECram for OpenVMS 2.3 MV3AA 3 [DECRAM023] DECserver 250 for VMS 2.0 VTMAA 4 [DS25020] DECserver 300 for VMS 2.2C VTUAA 4 [DS3C022] DECserver 700 for VMS, 1.1C XA5AA 4 [DS7C011] ULTRIX, UNIX, and MS-DOS DECserver 90 TL Software 1.1C MJPAA 4 [DS9C011] DECwindows DECnet SNA 2.0A 10WJA 9 [SNADWTEJAAA020] 3270 Terminal Emulater /Japanese for OpenVMS AXP DECwindows Motif/Hebrew 1.2- 08UTA 8 [DECWH$MOTIF_ for OpenVMS 4A AXP4012] DIGITAL DECintact 3.0B 5N6AA 3 [DECINTACTB030] (Development) DIGITAL DECintact 3.0B 5N4AA 3 [DECINTACTB030] (Remote) DIGITAL DECintact 3.0B 5N5AA 3 [DECINTACTB030] (RunTime) DIGITAL Extended Math 2.9 MUVAA 6 [DXMLDVAV029] Library for OpenVMS Alpha (Development) DIGITAL Extended Math 2.9 MUWAA 6 [DXMLRTAV029] Library for OpenVMS ALpha (RunTime) DIGITAL GKS for OpenVMS 6.5 02UAA 2 [AXPGKS065] Alpha (Development) (continued on next page) 1-14 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index Table 1-1 (Cont.) March 2002 OpenVMS Alpha Master Index _________________________________________________________________ Product Name Vers UPI Status CD Directory _________________________________________________________________ DIGITAL GKS for OpenVMS 6.5 02VAA 2 [AXPGKSRT065] Alpha (RunTime) DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk 1.1 5TAAA 4 [NTDS011] Services for Windows NT DIGITAL PHIGS for OpenVMS 5.0 0A6AA 2 [AXPPHIGS050] Alpha (Development) DIGITAL PHIGS for OpenVMS 5.0 0A7AA 2 [AXPPHIGSRTO050] Alpha (RunTime) DIGITAL TCP/IP Services 4.2 0LXAA 1 [UCXA042] for OpenVMS Disk File Optimizer for 2.6 2GNAA 6 [DFG026] OpenVMS DSM/Japanese for OpenVMS 6.4E 00ZJA 9 [DSMJAXPMUPE064] Alpha EDCS II (Server) 2.4A 4GCAA 4 [EDCSAV024] EDCS II (Client) 2.4A 4GBAA 4 [EDCSAV024] Enterprise Capacity and 5.2 23MAA 4 [ECP052] Performance Planner Enterprise Capacity and 5.2 606AA 4 [ECP052] Performance Analyzer Enterprise Capacity 5.2 604AA 4 [ECP052] and Performance Data Collector Enterprise Capacity and 5.2 605AA 4 [ECP052] Performance Reducer Encryption for OpenVMS 1.6 597AA 4 [ENCRYPT016] Alpha International Lexicons 1.1 2HZAA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (American Business) (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index 1-15 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index Table 1-1 (Cont.) March 2002 OpenVMS Alpha Master Index _________________________________________________________________ Product Name Vers UPI Status CD Directory _________________________________________________________________ International Lexicons 1.1 2HXAA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (American English) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXEA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (British English) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXDA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (Danish) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXHA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (Dutch) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXPA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (French) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXGA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (German) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXUA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (Italian) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXNA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (Norwegian) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXVA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (Portuguese) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXSA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (Spanish) International Lexicons 1.1 2HXMA 5 [INTLEX011] for OpenVMS AXP (Swedish) KAP C for OpenVMS Alpha 3.2A 0HFAA 3 [KCCA032] KAP Fortran for OpenVMS 3.2A 0HAAA 3 [KFORTA032] MACRO-64 Assembler for 1.2 MWPAA 4 [ALPHA_ OpenVMS Alpha Systems MACRO64012] (continued on next page) 1-16 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index Table 1-1 (Cont.) March 2002 OpenVMS Alpha Master Index _________________________________________________________________ Product Name Vers UPI Status CD Directory _________________________________________________________________ MAILbus 400 Message 2.0C 3L3AA 4 [MTAC020] Transfer Agent for OpenVMS Alpha MAILbus 400 Application 2.0C 3L4AA 4 [MTAC020] Program Interface for OpenVMS Alpha MUXserver 320/380/90 2.0 YWLAA 3 [MS380020] Remote Terminal Server NETSCAPE Navigator for 3.03A 57DAA 3 [NETSNAVG0303] OpenVMS OpenVMS/Hangul Alpha 7.3 MT14A 6 [OPENVMSALPHA_ Operating System KR073] OpenVMS/Hanyu Alpha 7.3 MT13A 6 [OPENVMSALPHA_ Operating System TW073] OpenVMS/Hanzi Alpha 7.3 MT12A 6 [OPENVMSALPHA_ Operating System CN073] OpenVMS/Thai Alpha 7.3 MT15A 9 [OPENVMSALPHA_ Operating System TH073] POLYCENTER Software 2.0 IOU02 1 [PCSI020] Installation Utility for OpenVMS Alpha PrintServer/Japanese 5.1 0V9JA 9 [LPSJ051] Software for OpenVMS Reliable Transaction 4.1 2AQAA 3 [RTRAXP041] Router for OpenVMS (Full Function) Reliable Transaction 4.1 2ARAA 3 [RTRAXP041] Router for OpenVMS (Client) Save Set Manager for 1.5 2YBAA 5 [SAVESET015] OpenVMS (continued on next page) OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index 1-17 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index Table 1-1 (Cont.) March 2002 OpenVMS Alpha Master Index _________________________________________________________________ Product Name Vers UPI Status CD Directory _________________________________________________________________ X.25 for OpenVMS Alpha 1.0G 0THAA 5 [X25G010] Systems __________________________________________________________________ 1-18 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index Table 1-2 March 2002 Compaq NAS Packages ________________________________________________________________________ Product Name Vers. UPI Status CD Directory Pkg[1] ________________________________________________________________________ Compaq ACMS for OpenVMS 4.4A 2Q1AA UPD 4 [ACMSRTOA_ 5 (RunTime) MA044] Compaq Advanced Server 7.3 A93AA 5 [ASOVMSV73] 2,3,4 for OpenVMS Compaq DECforms for 3.2 0J9AA 5 [FORMSRTA032] 3,4,5 OpenVMS (RunTime) Compaq DECnet-Plus for 7.3 MTFAA 1 [DNVOSI073] ALL OpenVMS Alpha Compaq DECprint 2.0 09NAB 1 [DCPSAXP020] 2,3,4,5 Supervisor (DCPS) for OpenVMS Compaq DECwindows Motif 1.2-6 MV4AA 1 [DWMOTIFAXPU6012] ALL for OpenVMS Compaq PATHWORKS for 6.1 A93AA 5 [PWRK061] 2,4,5 OpenVMS Compaq TCP/IP Services 5.1 0LXAA 1 [UCXAXPA051] ALL for OpenVMS DEC Distributed Queuing 1.3 0HPAA 4 [DQS013] 3,4,5 Service for OpenVMS AXP Reliable Transaction 4.1 2AQAA 3 [RTRAXP041] 5 Router for OpenVMS (Full Function) Reliable Transaction 4.1 2ARAA 3 [RTRAXP041] 3,4,5 Router for OpenVMS (Client) _______________________________________________________________________ [1]The number listed in this column refers to the NAS Package in which this product exists. The key is below: 1 = Compaq NAS Client 150 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 2 = Compaq NAS Base Server 200 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 3 = Compaq NAS Client 250 for OpenVMS Alpha Workstations 4 = Compaq NAS Server 300 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems 5 = Compaq NAS Production Server 400 for OpenVMS Alpha Systems ________________________________________________________________ OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index 1-19 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index ______________ Note about NAS Packages ______________ The following products are also part of the NAS Packages but are included with the OpenVMS Operating System and not duplicated on the Software Product Library. These products are: o RMS Journaling for OpenVMS AXP o OpenVMS Cluster Software o DECnet for OpenVMS AXP o Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS _____________________________________________________ 1-20 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index Table 1-3 March 2002 Compaq Enterprise Integration Packages ________________________________________________________________ Product Name Vers UPI Status CD Directory ________________________________________________________________ Compaq Advanced Server 7.3 A93AA 5 [ASOVMSV73] for OpenVMS Compaq Archive Backup 4.0 5W2AA UPD 6 [ABS040] System Compaq DECnet-Plus for 7.3 MTFAA 1 [DNVOSI073] OpenVMS Alpha Compaq DECwindows Motif 1.2-6 MV4AA 1 [DWMOTIFAXPU6012] for OpenVMS Compaq Office Server for 6.0 5TBAA 1 [A1060] OpenVMS Compaq PATHWORKS for 6.1 A93AA 5 [PWRK061] OpenVMS Compaq TCP/IP Services 5.1 0LXAA 1 [UCXAXPA051] for OpenVMS DECprint Supervisor 2.0 09NAB 1 [DCPSAXP020] (DCPS) for OpenVMS NETSCAPE Navigator for 3.03A 57DAA 3 [NETSNAVG0303] OpenVMS POLYCENTER Software 2.0 IOU02 1 [PCSI020] Installation Utility ________________________________________________________________ Note: Compaq PATHWORKS 32 in the Enterprise Integration Packages Compaq PATHWORKS 32 is included in the Enterprise Integration Packages, but is not consolidated within the Software Product Library. It is, however, shipped in the Software Product Library on its own individual CD-ROM. _____________________________________________________ OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index 1-21 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index Table 1-4 March 2002 Removed Products ________________________________________________________________ Product Name Vers. UPI Status CD[1] Directory ________________________________________________________________ DECwindows Motif OpenVMS 1.2-5 SDDGA REM 7 [DECWMDE_ User Interface/Deutsch DEU5012] DIGITAL OfficeServer Web 5.01 5TEAA REM 1 [DOSWI050] Interface ________________________________________________________________ [1]This table specifies the CD and Directory location of products on the December 2001 CD-ROMs. ________________________________________________________________ 1-22 OpenVMS Alpha March 2002 Software Products Library Master Index