TeamRoute_for_VMS_____________________________ Installation and System Management Guide Order Number: AA-PAC2A-TE June 1992 This manual provides information on installing and managing TeamRoute for VMS. TeamRoute produces and directs routing packages across heterogeneous local-area and wide-area networks. Revision/Update Information: This is a new manual. Operating System: VMS Version 5.4 or higher Software Version: TeamRoute for VMS Version 1.0 Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ June 1992 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1992. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: ALL-IN-1, DECforms, DECnet, PATHWORKS, TeamRoute, VAX Basic, VAX C, VAXCluster, VAX FMS, VAX Notes, VAX VTX, VMS, WPS-PLUS, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Lotus and 1-2-3 are registered trademarks of Lotus Development Corporation. WordPerfect is a trademark of WordPerfect Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratory, Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. ZK-5879 This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.0. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. vii 1 Overview 1.1 Routing Package Processing...................... 1-1 1.2 Client/Server Model............................. 1-2 1.3 Programming Functions........................... 1-3 1.4 Templates....................................... 1-3 1.5 Routing Packages................................ 1-4 1.5.1 Roles ........................................ 1-5 1.5.2 Routing ...................................... 1-6 1.5.3 Tracking ..................................... 1-6 1.5.4 Attachments .................................. 1-6 1.5.5 Signatures ................................... 1-6 2 Preparing to Install TeamRoute 2.1 Prerequisite and Optional Software.............. 2-1 2.2 VMS License Management Facility................. 2-2 2.3 Installation Procedure Requirements............. 2-2 2.3.1 Privileges and Disk Space .................... 2-2 2.3.2 System Parameters ............................ 2-3 Checking System Parameter Values........... 2-3 Calculating the Values for GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS................................ 2-4 Changing System Parameter Values with AUTOGEN.................................... 2-6 2.3.3 Process Account Quotas ....................... 2-7 2.3.4 VMSINSTAL Requirements ....................... 2-8 2.3.5 Backing Up Your System Disk .................. 2-9 iii 3 Installing TeamRoute 3.1 The Installation Procedure...................... 3-1 3.2 Error Recovery.................................. 3-7 4 After Installing TeamRoute 4.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure Separately...................................... 4-1 4.2 Editing the System Files........................ 4-1 4.3 Modifying System Parameters..................... 4-2 4.4 VAXcluster Considerations....................... 4-2 4.5 Determining and Reporting Problems.............. 4-3 5 System Management 5.1 The TMRMAN Utility.............................. 5-1 5.2 Starting TeamRoute Services..................... 5-2 5.3 Maintaining Service Agents...................... 5-4 5.4 Maintaining the Template Library................ 5-5 5.5 Maintaining the Registered Applications File.... 5-6 5.6 Granting the TMR$APPLICATION Identifier......... 5-6 A Sample Installation B Installed Files and Logical Names C Service Agent Diagnostics C.1 Informational Messages.......................... C-1 C.2 Warning Message................................. C-8 C.3 Error Messages.................................. C-9 C.4 Fatal Messages.................................. C-14 D TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics D.1 Informational Messages.......................... D-1 D.2 Warning Messages................................ D-3 D.3 Error Messages.................................. D-3 iv E TeamRoute System Diagnostics E.1 Informational Messages.......................... E-1 E.2 Warning Messages................................ E-1 E.3 Error Messages.................................. E-2 E.4 Fatal Message................................... E-14 F Transaction file F.1 Overview........................................ F-1 F.2 Record Format................................... F-1 F.2.1 Fixed-Length Fields .......................... F-2 F.2.2 Variable-Length Fields ....................... F-3 Index Figures 1-2 Physical Template with Work-Item Copies ...... 1-3 Tables 2-1 Prerequisite and Optional Software ........... 2-2 2-2 Disk Space Requirements ...................... 2-3 2-3 Minimum Required System Parameter Values ..... 2-3 2-4 Process Account Quotas for the Installing Account....................................... 2-7 5-1 Modes of the TMR$CONTROL Utility ............. 5-1 B-1 File Names and Locations ..................... B-1 F-1 Transaction File Fixed-Length Fields ......... F-2 F-2 Transaction File Variable-Length Fields ...... F-3 v ________________________________________________________________ Preface This manual explains how to install TeamRoute[TM] for VMS[TM] on your VMS system; locate the online release notes; and set up the Service Agents, clients, template libraries, and registered application files. After you install TeamRoute, you can obtain detailed information about the system management commands by using online help. Intended Audience This manual is intended for experienced VMS system managers. Document Structure The information in this manual is divided as follows: o Chapter 1 provides an overview of TeamRoute. o Chapter 2 identifies the installation prerequisites. o Chapter 3 guides you through the installation. o Chapter 4 identifies the post-installation requisites. o Chapter 5 tells you how to start and maintain TeamRoute services. o Appendix A contains a sample listing from a typical installation. o Appendix B lists the installation files. o Appendix C lists diagnostic messages for the TeamRoute service agents. o Appendix D lists diagnostic messages for the TeamRoute TMRMAN utility. vii o Appendix E lists diagnostic messages for the TeamRoute system. o Appendix F describes the transaction file. Online help provides assistance on TeamRoute system management functions. Associated Documents The following documentation provides related information: o ALL-IN-1 MAIL System Manager's Guide o ALL-IN-1 MAIL Installation Guide o Introduction to VMS System Management o VMS License Management Utility Manual o VMS Software Information Management Handbook o VMS System Management Subkit o TeamRoute Programming Guide o TeamRoute for VMS Video Terminal User Guide Conventions Figure 1 shows the conventions used in this manual. viii 1 ________________________________________________________________ Overview This chapter provides an overview of TeamRoute for VMS. For specific information on its use or details of its components, see the following chapters, appendixes, and the appropriate online help. 1.1 Routing Package Processing TeamRoute allows you to initiate, send, approve, and track routing packages between members and teams in the distributed environment of your organization. TeamRoute accommodates the primary attributes of your paper-based document processing systems with added flexibility, security, and efficiency. TeamRoute uses the routing package as the model for gathering, disseminating, processing, and presenting information. You select a template and create a routing package master from that template. As part of the routing package creation process, you perform the following operations: o Specify routing information, including the role each recipient can perform. o View the form associated with the routing package (if applicable). Respond to the application prompts, as appropriate. o Attach relevant package components (if applicable). After you create the routing package, send it to your specified recipients for processing and either approval or disapproval. Overview 1-1 Overview 1.1 Routing Package Processing TeamRoute uses a client/server model. In this model, you interact with routing packages using a TeamRoute client. The client accesses a TeamRoute server to complete its processing and manage routing packages. The TeamRoute for VMS client extends ALL-IN-1[TM] MAIL to provide character-cell access to all TeamRoute routing package processing functions. You receive TeamRoute routing packages as mail messages. TeamRoute also uses mail to notify you of incoming routing packages. TeamRoute mail messages are filed and organized in your mail File Cabinet. TeamRoute also can use ALL-IN-1 MAIL nicknames to send TeamRoute routing packages. This client uses its own VMS server to send routing packages to all TeamRoute clients. The default editor is a simple text editor. You also can choose from a number of different Digital[TM] editors, as well as third-party editors. Any editor that you can use with ALL-IN-1 MAIL you can use with TeamRoute. 1.2 Client/Server Model This model supports interaction among a heterogeneous group of clients and between multiple server domains. Clients are connected to a server through a service agent, as shown in Figure 1-1. A server domain includes all service agents and clients associated with a particular server. Service domains are connected by the Digital MAILbus. The TeamRoute server provides a management utility specific to your VMS environment. Invoke the TMRMAN utility to centrally manage TeamRoute system management operations on your cluster. There are no special utilities to run for File Cabinet maintenance. You can back up or restore subscriber areas on the server standard VMS utilities. 1-2 Overview Overview 1.3 Programming Functions 1.3 Programming Functions TeamRoute for ALL-IN-1 provides an application programming interface (API). The API allows you to use ALL-IN-1 scripts to link with new and existing applications. TeamRoute also includes a run-time library (RTL) that can be used from all supported platforms. 1.4 Templates A TeamRoute template is an electronic structure from which routing packages are created. Templates contain default routing information and subscriber receipt actions for the routing packages. A TeamRoute template behaves somewhat like a physical template that is capable of producing multiple copies with the same structural attributes (as in Figure 1-2). Figure 1-2 Physical Template with Work-Item Copies TeamRoute provides several predefined templates, including: o Action Item Tracking o Document Review and Signoff o Account Request Form o Answer a Question o Telephone Slip o Travel Authorization o Read and Acknowledge These templates demonstrate the capabilities of TeamRoute and allow you to create related routing packages for use in your organization. Overview 1-3 Overview 1.4 Templates You can use these templates as supplied, customize them, or create new templates using the Template Creation utility (TCU). A TeamRoute template can contain the following informa- tion: o General information, which includes: - Designer name - Creation date - Title - Subject - Routing package description o Subscriber roles o Role instructions o Attachments Attachments become part of all routing packages created from the template. o Form o Predefined routing list o Data files o Application o Primary component 1.5 Routing Packages Routing packages are similar to highly structured mail messages that include routing information as well as processing requests for each recipient. A TeamRoute routing package master is created by an initiator from a template and sent to recipients. Routing packages can take many forms, including: o Information requests o Collaborative document editing and review cycles o Action item tracking 1-4 Overview Overview 1.5 Routing Packages o System problem reporting and tracking o Travel authorization requests o Property removal requests o Office equipment orders To create a routing package follow these steps: 1. Select a template 2. Fill in the routing list and the subject 3. View the associated form and supply information requested (if required) 4. Add attachments (if required) 5. Sign the routing package (if required) After you create a routing package, you can modify it, delete it, or send it to the recipients on the routing list. From the master, Routing and Carbon copies are sent to the recipients. Routing copies go to recipients who are allowed to interact with the routing packages; for example, by adding attachments or signing it. Carbon copies go to recipients who are allowed to only read the routing package. Recipients can save their routing or carbon copies in their file cabinets. The following sections provide additional information on TeamRoute routing packages. 1.5.1 Roles Roles define a set of rights (what you can do), requests (what you should do), and optionally, the name of an application associated with the role. During the lifecycle of a routing package, all participants play one or more specified roles. For example, you may be allowed to approve the routing package at one step, but only receive a carbon copy at another step. Roles are specified in the templates and are assigned by the routing package initiator. Overview 1-5 Overview 1.5 Routing Packages 1.5.2 Routing Routing package routing is defined by a routing list. TeamRoute generally sends routing packages according to the position of the recipients in the routing list. It updates the master if any of the recipients update their routing copy, then sends a copy of the updated master to the next recipient on the list. The routing package history records the path taken by a routing package during its lifecycle. 1.5.3 Tracking You can track the progress of a TeamRoute routing package if your role permits it. A tracking report contains the state of the routing package at the time the report was sent. The report also contains the attachments and signatures added to the routing package up to the time the report was sent. You also can use the routing package's history to monitor its progress. 1.5.4 Attachments Attachments allow you to include files or file cabinet documents that have been created by other applications in your environment to a TeamRoute routing package. An attachment can have any datatype that is recognized by your environment. Both routing package initiators and recipients can add and revise attachments if allowed by their role. If allowed, routing package initiators also can remove attachments. Attachments are marked with your name, an attachment ID, the local date and time of addition, subject, the attachment type, data type, file name, and whether or not it can be revised. 1.5.5 Signatures Signatures are a password protected function that indicates your approval, disapproval, or acknowledgment regarding a routing package. The signature is associated with all nonrevisable attachments and the values of key data fields on a form that are present when a routing package is signed. If an attachment is subsequently 1-6 Overview Overview 1.5 Routing Packages removed or a key field value altered, the signature becomes invalid. When you sign a routing package, TeamRoute adds your name and the date and time. Recipients viewing signatures are shown which signatures are still valid. Overview 1-7 2 ________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install TeamRoute This chapter discusses the preparations and requirements necessary for installing TeamRoute. Your bill of materials (BOM) and indented bills report (BIL) specify the number and contents of your media. Be sure to verify the contents of your kit with this information. If your kit is damaged or if you find that parts of it are missing, contact your Digital representative. TeamRoute provides online release notes. Digital strongly recommends that you read the release notes before proceeding with the installation. For information on accessing the online release notes, see Section 3.1. For a complete list of the required classes, see the System Support Addendum (SSA), which comes with the Software Product Description (SPD). 2.1 Prerequisite and Optional Software Table 2-1 provides information on the software you must have installed on your system before installing TeamRoute. The table also includes information about optional software that you can use with TeamRoute. The SSA contains a complete list of prerequisite and optional software and their required version numbers. Preparing to Install TeamRoute 2-1 Preparing to Install TeamRoute 2.1 Prerequisite and Optional Software Table_2-1_Prerequisite_and_Optional_Software______________ Prerequisite Products____________Version_______________________________ ALL-IN-1 MAIL for See SSA for details. VMS_______________________________________________________ 2.2 VMS License Management Facility The license registration information you need is contained in the Product Authorization Key (PAK) that is shipped with TeamRoute for VMS. The PAK is a paper certificate that contains information about the license you need to run a particular piece of software. 2.3 Installation Procedure Requirements This section and those that follow discuss various requirements for installing TeamRoute. The installation takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes, depending on your type of media and your system configura- tion. 2.3.1 Privileges and Disk Space To install TeamRoute, you must be logged in to an account that has SETPRV or at least the following privileges: o CMKRNL o WORLD o SYSPRV VMSINSTAL turns off the BYPASS privilege at the start of the installation. TeamRoute's requirements for free disk storage space are different during and after installation. Table 2-2 summarizes the storage requirements. 2-2 Preparing to Install TeamRoute Preparing to Install TeamRoute 2.3 Installation Procedure Requirements Table_2-2_Disk_Space_Requirements_________________________ Blocks During Blocks After Kit______________________Installation_______Installation__ VMS Services and 5100 4100 TeamRoute_________________________________________________ To determine the number of free disk blocks on the current system disk, enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ SHOW DEVICE SYS$SYSDEVICE 2.3.2 System Parameters Installing TeamRoute requires certain system parameter settings. Table 2-3 lists the minimum required system parameter values for the installation. Depending on the kinds of programs and applications running at your site, you might need higher values for some settings. Table_2-3_Minimum_Required_System_Parameter_Values________ System_Parameter______Minimum_Value_______________________ GBLPAGES[1] n + 1400 GBLSECTIONS[1] n + 11 [1]The_values_listed_for_these_system_parameters_represent the number of free global pages and global sections required for the installation, not the total number you need to run your system and other software. __________________________________________________________ Checking System Parameter Values To check the values of your system parameters, enter the following command at the DCL prompt to invoke the System Generation Utility (SYSGEN): $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> Preparing to Install TeamRoute 2-3 Preparing to Install TeamRoute 2.3 Installation Procedure Requirements At the SYSGEN> prompt, enter the SHOW command to display the value of a system parameter. The values displayed should equal or exceed the value of each system parameter listed in Table 2-3. The following example displays the value for the WSMAX system parameter: SYSGEN> SHOW WSMAX After checking the parameters with the SHOW command, enter the EXIT command at the SYSGEN> prompt to return to DCL level. Calculating the Values for GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS To install and run TeamRoute, you must have sufficient free global pages and global sections. You must first find out how many free global pages and sections you have on your system. Then use AUTOGEN if you need to increase the GLBPAGES and GBLSECTIONS system parameters. The n + 1400 value for GBLPAGES and the n + 11 value for GBLSECTIONS in Table 2-3 indicate that you must have at least 1400 unused global pages and 11 unused global sections available on your system for the installation to process successfully. To calculate how many unused global pages and global sections your system has, perform the following steps: 1. Run the VMS Install Utility (INSTALL) using the following DCL command: $ INSTALL LIST /GLOBAL /SUMMARY The VMS Install Utility displays a summary of global pages and global sections used by your system, as well as the current number of unused global pages. For example: Summary of Local Memory Global Sections 258 Global Sections Used, 22580/3420 Global Pages Used/Unused 2. Determine if the number of unused global pages (3420 in the example) is equal to or greater than 500. If the number of unused pages is less than 500, you need to increase the value for GBLPAGES. 3. Note the amount shown for Global Sections Used (258 in the example). 2-4 Preparing to Install TeamRoute Preparing to Install TeamRoute 2.3 Installation Procedure Requirements 4. Run the System Generation Utility (SYSGEN) and use the SHOW command to determine how many global sections have been allocated, as shown in the following example: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> SHOW GBLSECTIONS In response, the system displays a listing similar to the following: Parameter Name Current Default Minimum Maximum Unit Dynamic -------------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- ------- GBLSECTIONS 512 250 20 4095 Sections 5. Subtract the amount shown in the summary (258 in the example) from the amount allocated. If the difference is less than 11, you need to increase the value of the GBLSECTIONS parameter. Section describes the procedures for increasing these values using AUTOGEN. Refer to the VMS System Management Subkit for information on using AUTOGEN. If you are installing TeamRoute on a VMS Version 5.4 system, you can use the WRITE command with the F$GETSYI lexical function to find the number of free global pages and global sections. The following example shows how to get this information at your terminal (the default for SYS$OUTPUT): $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES") 15848 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") 24 If the values displayed by the system are greater than the values in Table 2-3, you do not need to increase the values for these parameters. If the value of free global pages or global sections is less than the value in Table 2-3, you must increase the system parameter setting. Preparing to Install TeamRoute 2-5 Preparing to Install TeamRoute 2.3 Installation Procedure Requirements Changing System Parameter Values with AUTOGEN Use the AUTOGEN command procedure to change system parameters. AUTOGEN automatically adjusts values for parameters that are associated with the values you reset manually. To change system parameters with AUTOGEN, edit the file SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT. Use an editor to access the file. To change a parameter value listed in this file, delete the current value associated with that parameter and enter the new value. To add a new parameter, add a line to the file that includes both the name of the parameter and its value. For example: WSMAX = 1024 To modify incremental parameters such as GBLPAGES and GBLSECTS, use ADD_. The following example increases the global page setting by 2000: ADD_GBLPAGES = 2000 When you set the page file quota, do not use a value that exceeds the amount of page file space available on the system. After you make all your changes, exit from the editor and execute the AUTOGEN procedure to recalculate your system parameters. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt: $ @SYS$UPDATE:AUTOGEN GETDATA REBOOT When you specify REBOOT, AUTOGEN performs an automatic system shutdown and then reboots the system. Any users logged on to the system are immediately disconnected during the shutdown. The automatic reboot puts the new parameter values into effect. The AUTOGEN Utility automatically adjusts some of the SYSGEN parameters based on the consumption of resources since the last reboot. If you do not want to take advantage of this automatic adjustment, include the NOFEEDBACK qualifier on the AUTOGEN command line. For more information about using AUTOGEN, see the VMS System Management Subkit. 2-6 Preparing to Install TeamRoute Preparing to Install TeamRoute 2.3 Installation Procedure Requirements 2.3.3 Process Account Quotas The account you use to install TeamRoute must have suffi- cient quotas to enable you to perform the installation. Table 2-4 summarizes the process quotas required for the installation account. Table 2-4 Process Account Quotas for the Installing __________Account_________________________________________ Account_Quota____Value____________________________________ ASTLM 24 BIOLM 18 BYTLM 18,000 DIOLM 18 ENQLM 30 FILLM 20 PRCLM 8 WSDEF 25[1] [1]The_values_for_WSEXT_and_WSQUO_must_be_equal_to_or_____ greater than the WSDEF value. __________________________________________________________ User account quotas are stored in the file SYSUAF.DAT. Use the VMS Authorize Utility (AUTHORIZE) to verify and change user account quotas. First set your directory to SYS$SYSTEM and then run AUTHORIZE: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> At the UAF> prompt, enter the SHOW command with an account name to check a particular account. For example: UAF> SHOW SMITH To change a quota, enter the MODIFY command. The following example changes the FILLM quota for the SMITH account and then exits from the utility: UAF> MODIFY SMITH /FILLM=50 UAF> EXIT Preparing to Install TeamRoute 2-7 Preparing to Install TeamRoute 2.3 Installation Procedure Requirements After you exit from the utility, the system displays messages indicating whether or not changes were made. Once the changes have been made, you must log out and log in again for the new quotas to take effect. For more information on modifying account quotas, see the description of the Authorize Utility in the VMS System Management Subkit. 2.3.4 VMSINSTAL Requirements When you invoke VMSINSTAL, it checks whether you: o Have set your default device and directory to SYS$UPDATE o Are logged in to a privileged account o Have adequate quotas for installation o Are running DECnet o Have any users logged in to the system Note that the VMSINSTAL requires that the installation account have a minimum of the following quotas: ASTLM = 24 BIOLM = 18 BYTLM = 18,000 DIOLM = 18 ENQLM = 30 FILLM = 20 If VMSINSTAL detects any problems during the installation, it notifies you and asks if you want to continue the installation. In some instances, you can enter YES to continue. To stop the installation process and correct the situation, enter NO or press RETURN. Then correct the problem and restart the installation. 2-8 Preparing to Install TeamRoute Preparing to Install TeamRoute 2.3 Installation Procedure Requirements 2.3.5 Backing Up Your System Disk At the beginning of the installation, VMSINSTAL asks if you have backed up your system disk. Digital recommends that you do a system disk backup before installing any software. Use the backup procedures that are established at your site. For details on performing a system disk backup, see the section on the Backup Utility in the VMS System Management Subkit. Preparing to Install TeamRoute 2-9 3 ________________________________________________________________ Installing TeamRoute This chapter explains how to install TeamRoute and recover from installation errors. 3.1 The Installation Procedure The TeamRoute installation procedure consists of a series of questions and informational messages. See Appendix A for a sample installation. To abort the installation procedure at any time, press CTRL/Y. When you press CTRL/Y, the installation procedure deletes all files it has created up to that point and exits. You can then start the installation again. 1. Invoke VMSINSTAL. $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL TMR010 MTA0: OPTIONS N To start the installation, invoke the VMSINSTAL command procedure from a privileged account, such as the SYSTEM account. VMSINSTAL is in the SYS$UPDATE directory. The following list defines the elements of the VMSINSTAL command procedure: saveset-name The installation name for the component. For TeamRoute, use the following installation name: TMR010 device-name The name of the device on which you plan to mount the media. For example, MTA0: is the device name for a tape drive. It is not necessary to use the console drive for this installation. However, if you do use the console drive, you should replace any media you removed once the installation is complete. Installing TeamRoute 3-1 Installing TeamRoute 3.1 The Installation Procedure OPTIONS N An optional parameter that indicates you want to see the question on release notes. If you do not include the OPTIONS N parameter, VMSINSTAL does not ask you about the release notes. You should review the release notes before proceeding with the installation in case they contain additional information about the installation. If you are restarting the installation and have already reviewed the release notes, you do not need to specify OPTIONS N. Note that there are several other options you can select when you invoke VMSINSTAL: o Auto_answer option (A): Initially creates a file that contains your answers to VMSINSTALL questions and prompts. You can then use the option (and the answer file) to save time during a reinstallation (typically after upgrading your system). o Get save set option (G): Lets you store product save sets temporarily on a magnetic tape or in a disk directory. o File log option (L): Logs all activity to the terminal during installation. o Alternate root option (R): Lets you install the product to a system root other than that of the running system. See the VMS documentation on software installation in the VMS System Management Subkit for detailed information on these options. If you specify more than one option, separate the options with commas (OPTIONS A,N). The following example invokes VMSINSTAL to install TeamRoute from tape drive MTA0: and shows the system response. This example uses the OPTIONS N release note parameter: 3-2 Installing TeamRoute Installing TeamRoute 3.1 The Installation Procedure $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL TMR010 MTA0: OPTIONS N VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.4 It is dd-mmm-yyyy at hh:mm. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. If you do not supply either the product name or the device name, VMSINSTAL prompts you for this information later in the installation procedure. VMSINSTAL does not prompt you for any options, so be sure to include OPTIONS N on the VMSINSTAL command line to access the release notes during the installation. 2. Confirm system backup. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? VMSINSTAL asks if you are satisfied with your system backup. You should always back up your system disk before performing an installation. If you are satisfied with the backup of your system disk, press RETURN. Otherwise, enter NO to discontinue the installation. After you back up your system disk, you can restart the installation. 3. Mount the media. Please mount the first volume of the set on MTA0:. * Are you ready? YES %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, TeamRoute MOUNTED ON _$$MTA0: (NODE 1) The following products will be processed: TMR V1.0 Beginning installation of TMR V1.0 at 20:01 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product saveset A... You should now mount the first distribution volume on the device you specified when you invoked VMSINSTAL. The device name appears in the line preceding the question. VMSINSTAL then asks you if you are ready to continue with the installation. Installing TeamRoute 3-3 Installing TeamRoute 3.1 The Installation Procedure If you respond YES to indicate that you are ready, VMSINSTAL displays a message that the media containing TeamRoute has been mounted on the specified device and that the installation has begun. If you entered the wrong device name when you invoked VMSINSTAL and need to restart the installation, enter NO in response to the "Are you ready?" question. To abort the installation for other reasons, press CTRL/Y. 4. Select a release notes option. If you specified OPTIONS N when you started the installation, VMSINSTAL asks a question on release notes. There are four options under VMS Version 5.2 or higher. For VMS Version 5.2 or higher, you see the following display: Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: If you select option 1, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on the console terminal. You can terminate the display at any time by pressing CTRL/C. If you select option 2, VMSINSTAL prompts you for the name of the print queue: * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: You can press RETURN to send the file to the default output print device or you can enter another queue name. If you select option 3, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes immediately on the console terminal and then prompts you for a queue name for the printed version. 3-4 Installing TeamRoute Installing TeamRoute 3.1 The Installation Procedure Release notes are always copied to the system help directory when option 4 is selected under VMS Versions 5.2 or higher. Select option 4 (VMS Version 5.2 or higher) if you reviewed the release notes and are restarting the installation. Next, VMSINSTAL displays the following question: * Do you want to continue the installation [N]?: YES %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, The product's release notes have been successfully moved to SYS$HELP. To continue the installation, enter YES. Otherwise, press RETURN. In either case, the release notes are copied to a file in the SYS$HELP directory: SYS$HELP:TMR010.RELEASE_NOTES 5. Choose the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) option. * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? The installation procedure now asks if you want to run the IVP. The IVP for TeamRoute checks to be sure that the installation is successful. It is recommended that you run the IVP. After TeamRoute is installed, you can run the IVP independently to verify that the software is available on your system. You might need to run the IVP after a system failure to make sure that users can access TeamRoute. 6. Choose the Replacement Files Purge option. * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? The installation procedure now asks if you want to purge the replacement files that provided the installation. 7. Specify the device name for the TeamRoute Library. * Enter the device name for the TeamRoute Library: Installing TeamRoute 3-5 Installing TeamRoute 3.1 The Installation Procedure The TeamRoute Library is a directory of miscellaneous files TeamRoute requires for its normal operation and maintenance. The directory also contains TeamRoute template files that come with the kit. in response to this question, the installation procedure creates this directory on the disk you specify. 8. Specify a unique UIC. * Enter UIC for TMR$SERVICE account (include brackets): 9. Specify default device for TMR$SERVICE account. * Enter the default device for the TMR$SERVICE account: The TeamRoute service agent account requires a directory for its files. In response to this question, the installation procedure creates this directory on the disk you specify. The TeamRoute service agent's directory should be placed on a device that does not have disk quotas enabled. If this is not possible, the installation procedure assigns a disk quota of 120,000 blocks to the service agent. 10.Read informational messages. At this point, the installation procedure displays a number of informational messages that report on the progress of the installation. There are no further questions. If the installation procedure has been successful up to this point, VMSINSTAL moves the new or modified files to their target directories, updates help files, and updates DCL tables, if necessary. If you chose to have files purged, that work is done now. The following messages are displayed: %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, files will now be moved to their target directories... 11.Observe the installation Verification Procedure (IVP). If you chose to run the IVP, VMSINSTAL runs it now. When the IVP runs successfully, you see the following display: 3-6 Installing TeamRoute Installing TeamRoute 3.1 The Installation Procedure The TeamRoute IVP completed successfully Installation of TMR V1.0 completed at hh:mm:ss.s VMSINSTALL procedure done at hh:mm:ss.s 12.End the installation procedure. Installation of TMR V1.0 completed at hh:mm VMSINSTAL procedure done at hh:mm The previous messages indicate that the entire installation procedure is complete. You can now log out of the privileged account: $ LOGOUT SYSTEM logged out at dd-mmm-yyyy Note that VMSINSTAL deletes or changes entries in the process symbol tables during the installation. Therefore, if you are going to continue using the system manager's account and you want to restore these symbols, you should log out and log in again. 3.2 Error Recovery If errors occur during the installation itself or when the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) is running, VMSINSTAL displays failure messages. If the installation fails, you see the following message: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of TMR V1.0 has failed. If the IVP fails, you see these messages: The TMR V1.0 Installation Verification Procedure failed. %VMSINSTAL-E-IVPFAIL, The IVP for TeamRoute V1.0 has failed. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o The operating system version is incorrect. o A prerequisite software version is incorrect. o Quotas necessary for successful installation are insufficient. Installing TeamRoute 3-7 Installing TeamRoute 3.2 Error Recovery o System parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. o The VMS help library is currently in use. o The product license has not been registered and loaded. For descriptions of the error messages generated by these conditions, see the VMS documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and VMS software installation. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, you should take the appropriate action as described in the message. For information on installation requirements, see Chapter 2. 3-8 Installing TeamRoute 4 ________________________________________________________________ After Installing TeamRoute After you install TeamRoute, perform the following: o Run the Installation Verification Procedure. o Edit the system startup and shutdown files. o Modify system parameters. o Perform VAXcluster procedures. o Report problems. 4.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure Separately You usually run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) during installation. If you prefer to run the IVP separately to ensure the integrity of installed files, execute the following command procedure: $ @SYS$TEST:TMR$IVP.COM 4.2 Editing the System Files You must edit the system startup and shutdown files to provide for automatic startup and shutdown of TeamRoute when your system is rebooted. Add the command line that starts TeamRoute to the system startup file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM. TeamRoute cannot start until after the network and ALL-IN-1 MAIL have started. You must position this new command line after the line that invokes the ALL-IN-1 MAIL startup command procedure. The following example shows the network startup command line followed by the TeamRoute startup command line: After Installing TeamRoute 4-1 After Installing TeamRoute 4.2 Editing the System Files $ @SYS$MANAGER:STARTNET.COM $ @SYS$STARTUP:A1MAIL$STARTUP.COM $ @SYS$STARTUP:TMR$STARTUP.COM Add the following command line to the system shutdown file, SYS$MANAGER:SYSHUTDWN.COM: $ @SYS$MANAGER:TMR$SHUTDOWN.COM 4.3 Modifying System Parameters The installation for TeamRoute may require that you raise the values of some system parameters. After the installation is complete, you can lower these values for more efficient system performance. Table 2-3 contains the system parameter names and their minimum values. 4.4 VAXcluster Considerations If TeamRoute is installed on a cluster, you must do the following on each node of the cluster: 1. Reinstall the system DCLTABLES.EXE file using the VMS Install Utility. 2. Execute the TeamRoute startup command procedure: $ @SYS$STARTUP:TMR$STARTUP.COM 3. Stop and restart the ALL-IN-1 MAIL server through X4MAN: $ X4MAN X4MAN.MAIL> MANAGE MAIL_SERVER X4MAN.MAIL> STOP/ALL/RESTART X4MAN.MAIL> EXIT X4MAN> EXIT 4. Edit the system startup files to add the following command (starts TeamRoute) after the line that invokes ALL-IN-1 MAIL: $ @SYS$STARTUP:TMR$STARTUP.COM 4-2 After Installing TeamRoute After Installing TeamRoute 4.5 Determining and Reporting Problems 4.5 Determining and Reporting Problems If you encounter a problem while using TeamRoute, report it to Digital. Depending on the nature of the problem and the type of support you have, you can take one of the following actions: o Call Digital if your software contract or warranty agreement entitles you to telephone support. o Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). o Fill out and submit a Reader's Comments form if the problem has to do with the TeamRoute documentation. There are Reader's Comments forms at the back of each manual. Use the form from the manual in which you found the error. Include the section and page number. Review the Software Product Description (SPD) and Warranty Addendum for an explanation of warranty. If you encounter a problem during the warranty period, report the problem as indicated above or follow alternate instructions provided by Digital for reporting SPD nonconformance problems. See the release notes for TeamRoute for information on how to submit an SPR. After Installing TeamRoute 4-3 5 ________________________________________________________________ System Management The chapter describes how to use the TMRMAN utility to start the TeamRoute services and maintain the various TeamRoute components. It also describes how to grant the TMR$APPLICATION identifier to application developers. For information on a specific TMRMAN command, run the utility and type HELP at the TMRMAN> prompt, as shown: TMRMAN> HELP The TMRMAN help also provides information on special considerations, such as moving files that support TeamRoute. 5.1 The TMRMAN Utility After you install TeamRoute, you manage its services using the TMRMAN utility. This utility has five modes, as listed in Table 5-1. Table_5-1_Modes_of_the_TMR$CONTROL_Utility________________ Mode__________Managed_Component_of_TeamRoute_Services_____ NODE Nodes on your cluster that run TeamRoute AGENT Service agents USER Subscribers TEMPLATE TeamRoute template library APPLICATION___Registered_application_file_________________ You must have the following privileges to run TMRMAN: o TMPMBX-Create a temporary mailbox o NETMBX-Create a network device System Management 5-1 System Management 5.1 The TMRMAN Utility o CMKRNL-Change mode to kernel o SYSPRV-Access objects through system protection o SYSLCK-Lock system-wide resources 5.2 Starting TeamRoute Services To start TeamRoute services: 1. Add the nodes on your cluster that will run TeamRoute. The following example is from a session in which a system manager adds a node: _______________________________________________________ User_Input__________________Action_Performed___________ $ TMRMAN Entered TMR$CONTROL Utility. TMRMAN> MANAGE NODE Entered NODE mode. TMRMAN.NODE> ADD wxyz Added a node named wxyz to the TeamRoute service, and enabled it for service. [1] [1]You_must_use_a_node_name_that_is_recognized_on_your_ cluster._______________________________________________ 2. Assign service agents to selected nodes. The following example is from a session in which the system manager adds a service agent: _______________________________________________________ User_Input__________________Action_Performed___________ $ TMRMAN Entered TMR$CONTROL Utility. TMRMAN> MANAGE AGENT Entered AGENT mode. TMRMAN.AGENT> ADD 001 Added a Service Agent /NODE=wxyz called 001 to the node named wxyz. [1] [1]You_can_assign_any_Service_Agent_name_that_has_up_to three digits or characters, and is not shared by any other Service Agent on the node. 5-2 System Management System Management 5.2 Starting TeamRoute Services _______________________________________________________ User_Input__________________Action_Performed___________ TMRMAN.AGENT> START 001 Started the Service Agent named 001; Service Agents ____________________________must_be_explicitly_started. 3. Establish client subscriptions in the TeamRoute service. The following example is from a session in which the system manager gives someone a TeamRoute subscription: _______________________________________________________ User_Input__________________Action_Performed___________ $ TMRMAN Entered TMR$CONTROL Utility. TMRMAN> MANAGE USER Entered USER mode. TMRMAN.USER> ADD Pappas Gave membership to someone whose system user name is Pappas [1]. [1]The_user_must_be_an_ALL-IN-1_MAIL_user._____________ _______________________________________________________ When you add members to a service domain, TeamRoute informs you that it is automatically sending basic templates to the new member. Adding Large Numbers of Accounts If you are adding large numbers of accounts, you can alternatively add them in one step by using a list. The following example is from a session in which a system manager has just added Service Agents and is now giving TeamRoute accounts to all ALL-IN-1 subscribers on the cluster: _______________________________________________________ User_Input_Example__________Action_Performed___________ $ TMRMAN Entered TMR$CONTROL Utility. TMRMAN> MANAGE USER Entered USER mode. System Management 5-3 System Management 5.2 Starting TeamRoute Services _______________________________________________________ User_Input_Example__________Action_Performed___________ TMRMAN.USER> CREATE LIST Created a file called /SUBSCRIBER=A1MAIL USERS.LIS containing all /OUTPUT=USERS.LIS the ALL-IN-1 MAIL users on the cluster. You can edit the list. TMRMAN.USER> ADD TeamRoute adds everyone /INPUT=USERS.LIS____________listed.____________________ If you exit from a mode, TMRMAN saves your definitions from the current session. If you quit from a mode, TMRMAN deletes your definitions after prompting you for verification. 5.3 Maintaining Service Agents This section explains how you can halt or terminate participation of nodes, service agents, and subscribers. The following example is from a session in which a system manager queries the system to see if a Service Agent is currently running. The system manager then stops the Service Agent's activity. Later, the system manager restarts the Service Agent: __________________________________________________________ User_Input_Example__________Action_Performed______________ $ TMRMAN Entered TMR$CONTROL Utility. TMRMAN> MANAGE AGENT 001 Entered AGENT mode, specifying the Service Agent named 001. TMRMAN.AGENT> SHOW ALL Queried the system about Service Agent 001. TMRMAN.AGENT> STOP 001 Stopped Service Agent 001. TMRMAN.AGENT>_START_001_____Started_Service_Agent_001.____ The following example displays the output from the SHOW ALL command in the previous user input example: 5-4 System Management System Management 5.3 Maintaining Service Agents Attributes for: 001 Mon Nov 25 11:07:41 1991 TeamRoute Version: TeamRoute V1.0-0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Completion Code: 036BFE30 Counters Filled: True Created by: LASTNAME Creation date: Sat Nov 9 12:00:05 1991 Error count: None Error Log File: SYS$TMR:[TMR$SERVICE.LOGS]TMR$SA_MANANA_001_ER.LOG Inbox Count: None Node: MANANA InterPersonal Mail Count: None Retry Count: None Revised Time: Sun Nov 24 20:07:46 1991 Session Id: 2020527C Start Log File: SYS$TMR:[TMR$SERVICE.LOGS]TMR$SA_MANANA_001_ST.LOG Start Time: Sun Nov 24 20:07:44 1991 State: Enabled Trace Logging: Enabled Transaction Log File: SYS$TMR:[TMR$SERVICE.LOGS]TMR$SA_MANANA_001_TR.LOG See online Help for descriptions of the attributes listed in this example. 5.4 Maintaining the Template Library You can add locally created templates to the template library and send them to TeamRoute subscribers. See the TeamRoute Programming Guide for information on creating templates. The following example is from a session in which a system manager adds a new template to the library and sends it to a TeamRoute subscriber. ________________________________________________________________ User_Input_Example________________Action_Performed______________ $ TMRMAN Entered TMR$CONTROL Utility. TMRMAN> MANAGE TEMPLATE Entered TEMPLATE mode. System Management 5-5 System Management 5.4 Maintaining the Template Library ________________________________________________________________ User_Input_Example________________Action_Performed______________ TMRMAN.TEMPLATE> ADD disk:[dir]temp1.trttemplate temp1.trt to temp1 default language area of template library, with the name temp1. TMRMAN.TEMPLATE> SEND temp1 Sent temp1 to TeamRoute Pappas____________________________subscriber_Pappas.____________ 5.5 Maintaining the Registered Applications File You can add user-created applications to the registered application file. See the TeamRoute Programming Guide for information on creating applications. The following example is from a session in which a system manager adds a new application to the registered application file. __________________________________________________________ User_Input_Example__________Action_Performed______________ $ TMRMAN Entered TMR$CONTROL Utility. TMRMAN> MANAGE APPLICATION Entered APPLICATION mode. TMRMAN.APPL> MODIFY Your default ALL-IN-1 MAIL editor is invoked on the ____________________________registered_application_file.__ After you invoke your default editor, comment lines at the top of file explain how to add a new application. When you finish editing, the file will be verified. 5.6 Granting the TMR$APPLICATION Identifier TeamRoute provides the TMR$APPLICATION identifier, which can be granted to application developers on VMS systems. The identifier allows application developers to define applications to TeamRoute and send templates to subscribers using the TMRMAN utility without having system manager privileges. 5-6 System Management System Management 5.6 Granting the TMR$APPLICATION Identifier To grant the TMR$APPLICATION identifier, type the commands as shown: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:AUTHORIZE UAF> GRANT/IDENTIFIER TMR$APPLICATION developer UAF> EXIT In this example, developer is the name of the application developer who will receive the identifier. System Management 5-7 A ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installation The sample in this chapter was run on a system that had no previous version of TeamRoute installed. Depending on which layered products you have on your system, you might see additional messages and questions when you perform your installation. The sample installation assumes that no users are logged on to your system. The IVP runs at the end of the installation. $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL TMR010 MTA0: OPTIONS N VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure V5.4 It is 1-MAR-1992 at 16:46. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: A1MAIL$PRINT TMRA1$SA_1 MRLOGGER MR$T_N_1 A1MAIL$CONNECT MRLISTEN_102 MUAS$SERVER_000 TMR$SA_SA1 The following products will be processed: TMR V1.0 Beginning installation of TMR V1.0 at 16:46 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sample Installation A-1 Sample Installation TMR V1.0 Kit Installation Procedure Copyright 1991, Digital Equipment Corporation * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This kit contains an Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) to verify the correct installation of TeamRoute. It can be run prior to the conclusion of this procedure by answering "YES" to the IVP prompt or invoked after the installation as follows: @SYS$TEST:TMR$IVP * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? YES * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? YES %TMR-I-NEWINSTALL, This is a new installation of V1.0 * Enter the device name for the TeamRoute Library : DISK$USER1 To ensure that the TeamRoute Service Agent runs with the proper quotas, this installation procedure will create an account for the TeamRoute Service Agent. This account, TMR$SERVICE, has no special privileges. The TeamRoute Service Agent's directory should be placed on a device that does NOT have disk quotas enabled. However, if this is not possible, then the installation procedure will assign a disk quota of 120000 blocks to the Service Agent. Note that if the Service Agent runs out of disk quota, it will not be able to receive and process document updates, and the routing of all documents initiated from this node/cluster will be stalled. You must specify a unique UIC for this account in order to ensure proper security of your TeamRoute Service Agent. This installation procedure generates a password for this account that is difficult to guess. Because there is no need to login to the TeamRoute Service Agent account, this password is not made known to the installer. A-2 Sample Installation Sample Installation * Enter UIC for TMR$SERVICE account (include brackets): [201,43] %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation creates an ACCOUNT named TMR$SERVICE. %UAF-I-ADDMSG, user record successfully added %UAF-I-RDBADDMSGU, identifier TMR$SERVICE value: [000201,000043] added to rights data base * Enter the default device for the TMR$SERVICE account: DISK$USER1 %TMR-I-CHKDSKQUO, Checking if disk quotas enabled on device DISK$USER1:... %TMR-I-ADDDSKQUO, Adding disk quota on DISK$USER1: for TeamRoute Service Agent account. -TMR-I-ADDDSKQUO, Permanent quota: 120000, Overdraft: 2000. %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named TMR$SERVICE. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named TMR$SERVICE. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation updates an ACCOUNT named TMR$SERVICE. %UAF-I-MDFYMSG, user record(s) updated %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set C ... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This is the end of the questions that are asked by this installation. The rest of the installation will take about 20 to 30 minutes. Upon completion of this installation, please follow the instructions given during the Post Installation phase. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sample Installation A-3 Sample Installation %TMR-I-INSTALL_TMRSA, Installing the TeamRoute Service Agent... %TMR-I-MOVEFILES, Moving files into DISK$USER1:[TMR$SERVICE]... %TMR-I-A1MAILREG, Registering the TeamRoute Service Agent account with ALL-IN-1 MAIL... %TMR-I-INSTALL_TMRMAN, Installing TMRMAN: TeamRoute System Management... %TMR-I-INSTALL_TMREXT, Installing TeamRoute extensions to the ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server... %TMR-I-CRETMRLIB, Creating TeamRoute Library directories... %VMSINSTAL-I-ACCOUNT, This installation adds an identifier named TMR$APPLICATIONS. %UAF-I-RDBADDMSG, identifier TMR$APPLICATIONS value: %X80010025 added to rights data base %TMR-I-EDITSTARTUP, Editing the TeamRoute Startup command file... %VMSINSTAL-I-SYSDIR, This product creates system disk directory VMI$ROOT:[SYSTEST.TMR]. %TMR-I-INSTALL_TMRVTCLT, Installing the TeamRoute for Video Terminals Client... %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... %TMR-I-POSTINST, Performing post installation tasks... %TMR-I-RESTARTMAILSRVS, Stopping and restarting all ALL-IN-1 MAIL Servers on this node... %TMR-I-TMRSTART, Executing TeamRoute startup procedure... Starting TeamRoute... %TMR-I-SACONFIG, Configuring a TeamRoute Service Agent (SA1) for this node... %TMR-I-TMPLCONFIG, Adding eight templates to the TeamRoute Library... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Upon completion of this installation, please do the following: - If this installation is being done on a cluster, you MUST do the following on each node in the cluster: 1. Use the VMS Install Utility to reinstall the System DCLTABLES.EXE file. 2. Execute the TeamRoute startup command procedure: @SYS$STARTUP:TMR$STARTUP.COM 3. Stop and Restart the ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server (via X4MAN): $ X4MAN X4MAN.MAIL> MANAGE MAIL_SERVER X4MAN.MAIL> STOP/ALL/RESTART X4MAN.MAIL> EXIT X4MAN> EXIT - Edit the system startup file to include the command to start up TeamRoute. Note that the TeamRoute start up command must be executed AFTER the command to start up ALL-IN-1 MAIL. The TeamRoute start up command is: @SYS$STARTUP:TMR$STARTUP.COM A-4 Sample Installation Sample Installation - Edit the system shutdown file to include the command to shutdown TeamRoute. The TeamRoute shutdown command is: @SYS$MANAGER:TMR$SHUTDOWN.COM - Add the names of users to the TeamRoute subscriber list and then provide these users with TeamRoute templates. Refer to the "TeamRoute for VMS Installation and System Management Guide" for details. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Starting TeamRoute... Starting the Installation Verification Procedure for TeamRoute V1.0. To run the TeamRoute IVP, an ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server must be running on this node. Checking for ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server... Starting a special IVP Service Agent... IVP Service Agent has started Submitting a test message to the TeamRoute Service Agent... Checking for Service Agent acknowlegement... Checking for Service Agent acknowlegement... IVP cleanup in progress... Stopping the special IVP Service Agent... IVP Service Agent is stopping The TeamRoute IVP completed successfully Installation of TMR V1.0 completed at 17:01 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 17:01 Sample Installation A-5 B ________________________________________________________________ Installed Files and Logical Names When you install TeamRoute, several logical names are defined and files created or modified on your system. The following logical names are entered into the system's logical name table: o TMR$APPLICATIONS o TMR$LIBRARY o TMR$SA_DIRECTORY o TMR$SA_LOGS o TMR$SA_NAME o TMR$SCRATCH o TMR$TEMPLATES o TMR$TEST These names are stored in the product's startup file and are automatically entered into the logical name table whenever the system reboots or whenever TeamRoute is invoked. Table B-1 shows the names and locations of all files created or modified on your system when TeamRoute is installed. Table_B-1_File_Names_and_Locations______________________________ File____________________________Location________________________ TMR$SERVICE_AGENT.EXE [SYSEXE]: (SYS$SYSTEM) (continued on next page) Installed Files and Logical Names B-1 Installed Files and Logical Names Table_B-1_(Cont.)_File_Names_and_Locations______________________ File____________________________Location________________________ TMR$CONTROL.EXE [SYSEXE]: (SYS$SYSTEM) TMR$RTL_SHR.EXE [SYSLIB]: (SYS$LIBRARY) TMR$RTLMSG_SHR.EXE [SYSMSG]: (SYS$MESSAGE) TMRRTL.H [SYSLIB]: (SYS$LIBRARY) TMR$ADM_SHR.EXE [SYSLIB]: (SYS$LIBRARY) TMR$CCT_SHR.EXE [SYSLIB]: (SYS$LIBRARY) TMR$MSG_SHR.EXE [SYSMSG]: (SYS$MESSAGE) TMR$CCT_HELP.HLB [SYSHLP]: (SYS$HELP) TMR$CONTROL_HELP.HLB [SYSHLP]: (SYS$HELP) TMR$IVP.COM [SYSTEST]: (SYS$TEST) TMR$STARTUP.COM [SYS$STARTUP]: (SYS$STARTUP) TMR$SHUTDOWN.COM [SYSMGR]: (SYS$MANAGER) LOGIN.COM [TMR$SERVICE] TMR$SA.COM [TMR$SERVICE] TMR$SA_STARTUP.COM [TMR$SERVICE] TMR$CONTROL_START_AGENTS.COM [TMR$SERVICE] TMR$NODE_FILE.DAT [TMR$LIBRARY]: TMR$SUBSCRIBER_FILE.DAT [TMR$LIBRARY]: TMR$APPLICATION_FILE.DAT [TMR$LIBRARY]: TMR$TEMPLATE_ACCREQ.TRT [TMR$LIBRARY.TEMPLATES]: TMR$TEMPLATE_ACTION.TRT [TMR$LIBRARY.TEMPLATES]: TMR$TEMPLATE_ANSWER.TRT [TMR$LIBRARY.TEMPLATES]: TMR$TEMPLATE_DOCREV.TRT [TMR$LIBRARY.TEMPLATES]: TMR$TEMPLATE_MEETING.TRT [TMR$LIBRARY.TEMPLATES]: TMR$TEMPLATE_READBACK.TRT [TMR$LIBRARY.TEMPLATES]: TMR$TEMPLATE_TELEPHONE.TRT [TMR$LIBRARY.TEMPLATES]: TMR$TEMPLATE_TRAVELREQ.TRT [TMR$LIBRARY.TEMPLATES]: TMR$RTL_DUMP.EXE [TMR$LIBRARY]: TMR$IVP.MSG [SYSTEST.TMR]: (continued on next page) B-2 Installed Files and Logical Names Installed Files and Logical Names Table_B-1_(Cont.)_File_Names_and_Locations______________________ File____________________________Location________________________ TMR$IVP_TEMPLATE.001 [SYSTEST.TMR]: TMR$SHOW_HEADER.TXT [TMR$LIBRARY.ENGLISH]: TMR$DEFAULT_APPL.COM [TMR$LIBRARY.APPLICATIONS]: TMR$DEFAULT_APPL.EXE [TMR$LIBRARY.APPLICATIONS]: TMR$TCU.EXE [TMR$LIBRARY]: TMR$TCU_HELP.HLB [SYSHLP]:(SYS$HELP) TMR$CCT_KEYDEF.INI______________[TMR$LIBRARY]:__________________ Installed Files and Logical Names B-3 C ________________________________________________________________ Service Agent Diagnostics This appendix describes the following types of service agent diagnostic messages: o Informational o Warning o Error o Fatal C.1 Informational Messages The following informational messages are part of the normal processing of a service agent. They require no action from you. All messages begin with %TMRSA-I-. The following informational messages only appear in a service agent's error log file if trace logging has been enabled for that service agent. To enable or disable trace logging perform the following commands in the order listed: $ TMRMAN TMRMAN> MANAGE AGENT xxx TMRMAN.AGENT> MODIFY TRACE DISABLED TMRMAN.AGENT> WRITE TMRMAN.AGENT> MODIFY TRACE ENABLED TMRMAN.AGENT> WRITE TMRMAN.AGENT> SHOW TRACE TMRMAN.AGENT> EXIT TMRMAN> EXIT Service Agent Diagnostics C-1 Service Agent Diagnostics C.1 Informational Messages In this example, xxx is the agent name. The MODIFY TRACE DISABLED command disables trace logging. The MODIFY TRACE ENABLED command enables trace logging. The SHOW TRACE command shows the current setting. S_A1MS_CONNECT, "connected to ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server on node: 'nodename'" Explanation: Shows which ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server the service agent has connected to. S_BPADDED, "bodypart added to message - filetype: 'text', userformat: 'text'" Explanation: Indicates that the service agent added a body part record to a subscriber's file cabinet entry. The service agent can potentially add body part records as part of the update process. S_BYPASSNOTCURR, "bypass not for current step - request ignored" Explanation: The service agent recieved a request to bypass a recipient on the routing of a master. However, the target recipient is not the current recipient. S_CCSENT, "carbon copy sent to recipient: xxx Explanation: The service agent sent a carbon copy to the specified recipient. S_CURRSTEP, "routing step ID: 'number' marked as CURRENT step" Explanation: Indicates the next step in the routing of a TeamRoute package to be marked as the current step. Any recipient(s) on the current step are then sent routing copies. S_FILCOP, "copied file 'source_filespec' to 'target_filespec'" Explanation: Indicates that the service agent copied a file into either its own file cabinet or to a subscriber's file cabinet. C-2 Service Agent Diagnostics Service Agent Diagnostics C.1 Informational Messages S_IPIGNORED, "interpersonal mail is currently being ignored" Explanation: The service agent found an interpersonal mail message in its file cabinet. This type of mail message is ignored by the service agent. S_IVP_BEGIN, "installation verification procedure begin- ning..." Explanation: The service agent is running the installation verification procedure (IVP) test. S_IVP_END, "installation verification procedure has completed" Explanation: The service agent has completed the installa- tion verification procedure (IVP) test. S_MGMT_ACKNOW, "acknowledging System Management verification test" Explanation: You issued the VERIFY command in AGENT mode using the TMRMAN utility. This message indicates that the service agent has acknowledged the command. S_MGMT_AGESTA, "agent state has been set to 'text'" Explanation: You issued the MODIFY STATE command in AGENT mode using the TMRMAN utility. This message indicates that the service agent has set its internal state to the value specified in the system manager's command. S_MGMT_CLOSELOG, "transaction log file has been closed" Explanation: You issued the CLOSE command in AGENT mode using the TMRMAN utility. This message indicates that the service agent has closed its current transaction log file and has opened a new transaction log file. S_MGMT_CLRCTRS, "internal counters have been cleared" Explanation: You issued the CLEAR command in AGENT mode using the TMRMAN utility. This message indicates that the service agent has cleared its internal counters. Service Agent Diagnostics C-3 Service Agent Diagnostics C.1 Informational Messages S_MGMT_DUMPCTRS, "internal counters have been dumped" Explanation: You issued the DUMP command in AGENT mode using the TMRMAN utility. This message indicates that the service agent has dumped its internal counters. A subsequent SHOW ALL command in TMRMAN for that agent will display the current values of these counters. S_MGMT_MAX_RETRIES "max retries has been set to 'number'", Explanation: You issued the MODIFY MAX_RETRIES command in NODE mode using the TMRMAN utility. This message indicates that the service agent has reset its maximum retry limit to the value specified in the system manager's command. S_MGMT_NODSTA, "node state has been set to 'text'" Explanation: You issued the MODIFY STATE command in NODE mode using the TMRMAN utility. This message indicates that the service agent has reset its internal state to the value specified in the system manager's command. S_MGMT_PURGINT, "purge interval has been set to 'delta_time'" Explanation: You issued the MODIFY PURGE_INTERVAL command in NODE mode using the TMRMAN utility. The service agent has reset the interval it uses for purging deleted messages from its file cabinet to the value specified in the system manager's command. S_MGMT_RETRYINT, "retry interval has been set to 'delta_time'" Explanation: You issued the MODIFY RETRY_INTERVAL command in NODE mode using the TMRMAN utility. The service agent has reset the interval it uses for retrying operations to the value specified in the system manager's command. S_MGMT_ROLLOVER, "log rollover value has been set to 'number'" Explanation: You issued the MODIFY ROLLOVER command in NODE mode using the TMRMAN utility. The service agent has reset the value it uses to automatically close a transaction log file to the value you specified. S_MGMT_SHUTDOWN, "shutdown request received" Explanation: You issued the STOP command in AGENT mode using the TMRMAN utility. The service agent has received your command. C-4 Service Agent Diagnostics Service Agent Diagnostics C.1 Informational Messages S_MGMT_TRACELOG, "trace logging has been set to 'text'" Explanation: You issued the MODIFY TRACE command in AGENT mode using the TMRMAN utility. The service agent has reset its internal trace setting to the value you specified. S_MSGDELETED, "message has been deleted from 'folder_name' folder" Explanation: The service agent deleted a request message from one of its folders. S_MSGDEQUEUED, "dequeued message: subject' from: 'sender'- IPMID: 'interpersonal message identifier'" Explanation: The service agent removed a message entry from its inbox queue. The subject, sender, and interpersonal message identifier of the message are included. S_MSGMOVED, "message has been moved to 'folder_name' folder" Explanation: The service agent moved or refiled a message to another folder. S_MSGPURGE, "purging messages marked for deletion" Explanation: The ervice agent is purging messages marked for deletion in its file cabinet. The service agent purges deleted messages based on the PURGE_MESSAGE_INTERVAL system management parameter. S_NEXTRECIP, "next recipient found is 'name', address is <'mail_address'>" Explanation: The service agent is about to send a routing copy to the next recipient on the routing list. The message lists the recipient's name and address as they were found in the master. S_NONDELREP, "nondelivery report received" Explanation: The service agent has received a nondelivery report from the messaging system. Service Agent Diagnostics C-5 Service Agent Diagnostics C.1 Informational Messages S_OPENEDRP, "opened routing package: 'filespec'" Explanation: This is an informational message that indicates that the service agent opened a TeamRoute document file. S_PROCBEGROUT, "processing BEGIN ROUTING request..." Explanation: This is an informational message that indicates that the service agent has begun the routing of a master copy routing package. S_PROCBYPASS, "processing BYPASS request..." Explanation: This is an informational message that indicates that the service agent has begun processing a bypass request on a master copy routing package. S_PROCRCOPY, "processing ROUTING COPY message..." Explanation: This is an informational message that indicates that the service agent was on the routing list of a master copy routing package. S_PROCTRACK, "processing TRACKING request..." Explanation: This is an informational message that indicates that the service agent has begun processing a track request on a master copy routing package. S_PROCUPDATE, "processing UPDATE request..." Explanation: This is an informational message that indicates that the service agent has begun applying an update to a master copy routing package. S_RCSENT, "routing copy sent to recipient: xxx Explanation: The service agent sent a service notification to the specified recipient. C-6 Service Agent Diagnostics Service Agent Diagnostics C.1 Informational Messages S_RECIPSKIP, "recipient 'name' will be skipped, reason is: 'text'" Explanation: This is an informational message that indicates that the recipient that would have normally been the next recipient on the routing is being skipped. The reasons for this are either that the service agent found the recipient entry to be marked for deletion or the recipient entry had been bypassed on the routing. The routing continues at the next appropriate step. S_REPOST, "an attempt will be made to post this message later" Explanation: This is an informational message that indicates that the service agent was unable to post an outbound message to the ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server. The service agent will attempt to post this message at a later time. S_RESET_ROUT, "routing has been reset to step ID: 'number'" Explanation: This is an informational message that indicates that the service agent has, as a result of applying an update to a master copy routing package, altered the normal sequential routing flow. The routing package will be routed back to some previous step and routing will continue from that point. S_SHUTDOWN, "Service Agent has shutdown" Explanation: This is an informational message that the service agent writes to the error log when it has been shutdown. S_STARTUP, "Service Agent 'agent_id' starting on node 'nodename'" Explanation: This is an informational message that indicates that the service agent has started. S_STATE_CHANGE, "master copy routing package 'filespec' state changed to 'text'" Explanation: This is an informational message displayed each time the service agent changes the state of a master copy routing package. A master copy routing package can undergo various state changes from the time it first begins routing until the time it completes its lifecycle. Service Agent Diagnostics C-7 Service Agent Diagnostics C.1 Informational Messages S_STOPPING, "Service Agent is stopping..." Explanation: This is an informational message that indicates that the service agent is stopping. S_SUBADD, "subscriber entry added for user: 'username'" Explanation: The service agent received a request to route a package for a user who did not have an entry in the TeamRoute subscriber database. This message indicates that the subscriber entry was added successfully. S_TRANSRETRY, "current transaction will be retried later" Explanation: This is an informational message that indicates that the current transaction could not be processed and will be retried at a later time. S_TRANSCOMP, "current transaction has completed" Explanation: The service agent has completed processing its current transaction. S_TRSENT, "tracking report sent to recipient: xxx Explanation: The service agent sent a tracking report to the specified recipient. C.2 Warning Message The following warning message typically does not represent conditions that prevent the service agent from processing the current routing package. This message requires no action from you. This message begins with %TMRSA-W-. S_NOTBYPASSED, "recipient not marked as bypassed" Explanation: The service agent received a request to bypass a specific recipient on a routing list. However, the recipient was not marked as bypassed in the master. C-8 Service Agent Diagnostics Service Agent Diagnostics C.3 Error Messages C.3 Error Messages The following messages represent error conditions that can prevent a service agent from processing the current routing package or request. All messages begin with %TMRSA-E-. S_ACTRPERR, "error activating routing package: 'filespec'" Explanation: The service agent encountered an error trying to activate the routing package to begin the routing of this package. A TMRRTL secondary message follows. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_ERRADDATT, "error occurred while adding an attachment" Explanation: The service agent encountered a problem adding an attachment to a TeamRoute document file. A service agent (TMRSA) or TeamRoute system secondary message follows. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_ERRCLOSERP, "error closing routing package: 'filespec'" Explanation: The service agent encountered a problem closing an TeamRoute document file. A TMRRTL secondary message follows. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_ERRDELMSG, "error occurred while deleting a message" Explanation: The service agent encountered a problem deleting a TeamRoute mail message from a file cabinet. A service agent (TMRSA) or TeamRoute system secondary message follows. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. Service Agent Diagnostics C-9 Service Agent Diagnostics C.3 Error Messages S_ERRLOCMST, "error locating master copy routing package: 'filespec'" Explanation: The service agent encountered a problem locating a TeamRoute master copy routing package. A service agent (TMRSA) or TeamRoute system secondary message follows. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_ERRMOVMSG, "error occurred while moving a message" Explanation: The service agent encountered a problem moving a TeamRoute mail message from one folder to another. A service agent (TMRSA) or TeamRoute system secondary message follows. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_ERROPEDRA, "error opening filecabinet drawer: 'filespec'" Explanation: The service agent encountered a problem opening an ALL-IN-1 MAIL File Cabinet drawer. A service agent (TMRSA) or TeamRoute system secondary message follows. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_FILCOPERR, "error copying file 'source_filespec' to 'target_ filespec'" Explanation: The service agent encountered an error copying a data file. An RMS secondary error message follows. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_FILPURGERR, "error purging file 'filespec'" Explanation: The service agent encountered an error purging a data file. An RMS secondary error message follows. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. C-10 Service Agent Diagnostics Service Agent Diagnostics C.3 Error Messages S_INVBYPREQ, "invalid bypass request" Explanation: The service agent received a request to bypass the current recipient on the routing list of a master copy routing package. Either the data in the request was invalid or the service agent could not locate the corresponding master. User Action: If the operation failed because the user had deleted the master before the bypass request was processed, there is no user action to be done. If the operation failed for any other reason, submit a software performance report (SPR). S_INVMSG, "invalid inbox message" Explanation: The service agent removed an invalid message from its inbox folder queue. This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_INVMSTCPYREF, "invalid master copy reference" Explanation: The service agent was unable to locate a TeamRoute master due to invalid reference information. This error can occur if the service agent attempts an operation on a master, such as a bypass, track, or update. A VMS secondary error message may follow. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_MAX_RETRIES, "maximum number of retries exceeded" Explanation: The service agent was unable to retry a previously failed transaction because the number of retries exceeded the maximum retry value assigned. Typically, the service agent will retry a transaction due to the target master being locked by another user. If the maximum number of retries has been exceeded, the TeamRoute mail message in question is moved to the TMR_ERRORS folder in the service agent's ALL-IN-1 MAIL File Cabinet drawer. An RMS, VMS, TMRRTL, or TeamRoute secondary error message follows. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. It may be possible to correct the problem indicated in the secondary error message. In these situations, the system manager could Service Agent Diagnostics C-11 Service Agent Diagnostics C.3 Error Messages perform the following steps to attempt to restart the failed transaction: 1. Locate the failed TeamRoute mail message in the service agent's TMR_ERRORS folder and move it back into the service agent's INBOX folder. 2. Perform the following command sequence on any service agent currently running on your node or cluster: $ TMRMAN TMRMAN> MANAGE AGENT xxx TMRMAN.AGENT> MODIFY STATE DISABLED TMRMAN.AGENT> WRITE TMRMAN.AGENT> MODIFY STATE ENABLED TMRMAN.AGENT> WRITE TMRMAN.AGENT> EXIT TMRMAN> EXIT S_MGMTRQSTERR, "error reading System Management request" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_MSTCPYLCK, "master copy routing package is locked" Explanation: The service agent attempted to perform a transaction on a master and found it locked by another process. The transaction is placed into the service agent's retry queue and will be retried at a later time. S_MSTCPYNOTFND, "master copy routing package not found" Explanation: The service agent was attempting to perform an operation (for example, an update) on a master but was unable to find the master. This situation can occur if the TeamRoute subscriber who owns the master deletes it. S_POSTERR, "error attempting to post outbound TeamRoute message" Explanation: The service agent encountered an error trying to post an outbound TeamRoute mail message to the ALL-IN-1 MAIL Server. If the error occurred because there were no ALL-IN-1 MAIL Servers available on your node or cluster, C-12 Service Agent Diagnostics Service Agent Diagnostics C.3 Error Messages the message will be reposted at a later time. An ALL-IN-1 MAIL or TeamRoute secondary error message follows. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_ROUTERR, "error routing package for user: 'username'" Explanation: The service agent was unable to begin or continue the routing of a package. An RMS or TeamRoute system secondary error message follows. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_STATE_CHANGERR, "error changing state of master copy routing package 'filesc' to 'text'" Explanation: The service agent encountered an error changing the internal state of a master. A TMRRTL secondary error message follows. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_SUBADDERR, "error adding subscriber entry for user: 'username'" Explanation: The service agent was unable to add a subscriber entry for a user. An RMS or TeamRoute system secondary error message follows. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_TRANSFAIL, "current transaction has failed" Explanation: This error message is displayed if the final status of the current transaction indicates a failure had occurred. A secondary error message follows User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. Service Agent Diagnostics C-13 Service Agent Diagnostics C.3 Error Messages S_TRNLOGERR, "error writing transaction type 'trans_code' record" Explanation: The service agent was unable to write a record to its transaction log file. An RMS or TeamRoute System secondary error message follows. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_UNEXPFCERR, "unexpected filecabinet error: 'error_number'" Explanation: The service agent attempted a operation on an ALL-IN-1 MAIL File Cabinet and the operation failed in an unexpected manner. User Action: Record the error number displayed with this error message and submit a software performance report (SPR). S_UNKRPTYPE, "unknown routing package type" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_UPDATERR, "error updating master copy routing package: 'filespec'" Explanation: The service agent encountered an error applying an update to a master. A secondary error message follows. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_UPDCOMERR, "error committing update file to master copy routing package" Explanation: This message appears as a secondary error message only and indicates an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). C.4 Fatal Messages The following messages represent error conditions that will cause the service agent to fail. All messages begin with %TMRSA-F-. C-14 Service Agent Diagnostics Service Agent Diagnostics C.4 Fatal Messages S_INTLOGERR, "internal logic error 'error_number'" Explanation: The service agent has encountered an internal logic error. User Action: Record the number associated with this message and submit a software performance report (SPR). Attempt to restart the service agent. S_UNEXPERR, "unexpected run-time error 'error_number'" Explanation: The service agent has encountered an unex- pected run-time error. User Action: Record the number associated with this message and submit a software performance report (SPR). Attempt to restart the service agent. Service Agent Diagnostics C-15 D ________________________________________________________________ TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics This appendix describes the following types of TMRMAN diagnostic messages: o Informational o Warning o Error D.1 Informational Messages The following informational messages are part of the normal execution of the TMRMAN utility. They require no action from you. All messages begin with %TMRMAN-I-. S_EXTRACTED, "'xxx' transaction log records extracted" Explanation: You entered the EXTRACT command while in AGENT mode. This message informs you of the number of transaction log records that were extracted. S_REC_MODIFIED, "record has been modified" Explanation: You modified information while managing a mode and entered the QUIT or MANAGE command without first issuing a WRITE command to make your changes permanent in TMRMAN's database. This message is followed by a confirmational prompt allowing you to commit your changes to the TMRMAN permanent database. User Action: Answer YES to the confirmational prompt if you wish to make your changes permanent. Otherwise, answer NO. TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics D-1 TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics D.1 Informational Messages S_SENDING, "sending template(s) to user 'user_id'" Explanation: This message is displayed when a SEND command has been entered while in TEMPLATE mode. The message contains the name of the user to whom the template is being sent. S_UPDATING, "updating current active management record." Explanation: This message is displayed when you answer YES to the confirmational prompt, which allows you to commit changes made to the TMRMAN permanent database. TST_TMRNODEOK, "testing node 'node_name' completed success- fully." Explanation: You entered a VERIFY command while in NODE mode. This message is listed at the end of the verification display. It indicates that the specified node data was successfully verified. TST_TMRTEMPOK, "testing template 'template_id' completed successfully." Explanation: You entered a VERIFY command while in TEMPLATE mode. This message is listed at the end of the verification display. It indicates that the specified template data was successfully verified. TST_TMRAGENOK, "testing agent 'agent_id' completed success- fully." Explanation: You entered a VERIFY command while in AGENT mode. This message is listed at the end of the verification display. It indicates that the specified service agent data was successfully verified. TST_TMRUSEROK, "testing user 'user_id' completed success- fully." Explanation: You entered a VERIFY command while in USER mode. This message is listed at the end of the verification display. It indicates that the specified user data was successfully verified. D-2 TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics D.2 Warning Messages D.2 Warning Messages The following warning-level errors usually do not prevent the TMRMAN utility from processing the current request. All warning messages begin with %TMRMAN-W-. S_AGENOTENA, "agent 'agent_id' is not enabled on node 'node_ name'" Explanation: You entered a START/ALL command while in AGENT mode. TMRMAN determined that the specified service agent has been disabled. User Action: Use the MODIFY command from AGENT mode to enable the service agent and retry. S_NODNOTENA, "node 'node_name' is not enabled" Explanation: You entered a START/ALL command while in AGENT mode. TMRMAN determined that the specified node has been disabled. User Action: Use the MODIFY command from NODE mode to enable the node and retry. S_USRNOTENA, "subscriber 'user_id' is not enabled" Explanation: You entered a SEND command while in TEMPLATE mode to send a template to a specified subscriber. TMRMAN determined that the specified subscriber account has been disabled. User Action: Use the MODIFY command from USER mode to enable the subscriber account and retry. D.3 Error Messages The following error conditions can prevent the TMRMAN utility from processing the current request. All error messages begin with %TMRMAN-E-. TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics D-3 TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics D.3 Error Messages S_ERRADD, "error occurred while adding a user, template, node or agent" Explanation: You entered an ADD command while in USER, TEMPLATE, NODE, or AGENT mode. TMRMAN encountered an error while attempting to add the specified record. This message is followed by an RMS, TeamRoute System, or TMRRTL secondary error message. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_ERRDEL, "error occurred while deleting a user, template, node or agent" Explanation: You entered a DELETE command while in USER, TEMPLATE, NODE, or AGENT mode. TMRMAN encountered an error while attempting to delete the specified record. This message is followed by an RMS, TeamRoute System, or TMRRTL secondary error message. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_ERRDMPCTR, "error occurred dumping counters" Explanation: You entered a DUMP command while in AGENT mode. TMRMAN encountered an error while attempting to cause a TeamRoute service agent to dump its internal counters. This message is followed by an RMS or TeamRoute System secondary error message. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_ERRDMPTMP, "error occurred dumping template" Explanation: You entered a DUMP command while in TEMPLATE mode. TMRMAN encountered an error while attempting to dump the currently managed template to the specified output file. This message is followed by an RMS, TeamRoute, or TMRRTL secondary error message. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. D-4 TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics D.3 Error Messages S_ERREXTLOG, "error occurred extracting transaction log records" Explanation: You entered an EXTRACT command while in AGENT mode. TMRMAN encountered an error while attempting to extract transaction log file information. This message is followed by an RMS or TeamRoute secondary error message. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_ERRINIMAN, "error occurred while initializing one of the management modes." Explanation: You entered a MANAGE command to enter a mode to manage. TMRMAN encountered an error attempting to initialize itself for this mode. This message is followed by an RMS, TeamRoute, or TMRRTL secondary error message. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_ERRININP, "error in input file - line number 'line_number'" Explanation: You entered a LIST, MODIFY, or VERIFY command while in APPLICATION mode, you entered an ADD/INPUT command while in USER mode, or you entered a SEND/INPUT command while in template mode. TMRMAN encountered an error with the contents of the input file. The offending line number is displayed. This message is followed by an RMS or TeamRoute secondary error message. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message and the contents of the input file to determine the appropriate action. S_ERRLIS, "error occurred while listing a user, template, node or agent" Explanation: You entered a LIST command while in USER, TEMPLATE, NODE, or AGENT mode. TMRMAN encountered an error while attempting to list the specified record. This message is followed by an RMS, TeamRoute System, or TMRRTL secondary error message. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics D-5 TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics D.3 Error Messages S_ERRMODAPP, "error occurred modifying registered applications file" Explanation: You entered a MODIFY command while in APPLICATION mode. TMRMAN encountered an error while attempting to invoke an editor with which you would make your modifications. Additionally, TMRMAN may have encountered an error parsing the registered applications file. This message is followed by RMS, TeamRoute, or TMRMAN secondary and tertiary error messages. User Action: Analyze the secondary and tertiary error messages to determine the appropriate action. S_ERRPURLOG, "error occurred purging service agent log file" Explanation: You entered a PURGE command while in AGENT mode. TMRMAN encountered an error while attempting to purge service agent log files. This message is followed by an RMS or TeamRoute secondary error message. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_ERRREALOG, "error occurred reading service agent log file" Explanation: You entered a READ command while in AGENT mode. TMRMAN encountered an error while attempting to place you into an editor to read the service agent log file. This message is followed by an RMS or TeamRoute secondary error message. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_ERRSETSHO, "error occurred setting or showing state or attributes" Explanation: You entered either a MODIFY or SHOW command while in one of the management modes. TMRMAN encountered an error while attempting to either set or show an attribute of the mode. This message is followed by a TeamRoute secondary error message. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. D-6 TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics D.3 Error Messages S_ERRSTASTO, "error occurred starting or stopping service agent" Explanation: You entered either a START or STOP command while in AGENT mode. TMRMAN encountered an error while attempting to either start or stop a service agent. This message is followed by a TeamRoute secondary error message. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_ERRTERMAN, "error occurred while terminating one of the management modes." Explanation: You entered an EXIT command in order to exit from a management mode. TMRMAN encountered an error attempting to release resources for this mode. This message is followed by an RMS, TeamRoute, or TMRRTL secondary error message. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_INTLOGERR, "internal logic error" Explanation: TMRMAN encountered an internal logic error. User Action: Record your management mode and the last command that you entered and submit a softare performance report (SPR). S_INVMODREQ, "invalid modify request" Explanation: TMRMAN encountered an internal logic error. User Action: Record your mode and the last command that you entered and submit a softare performance report (SPR). S_INVSHOREQ, "invalid show request" Explanation: TMRMAN encountered an internal logic error. User Action: Record your mode and the last command that you entered and submit a softare performance report (SPR). TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics D-7 TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics D.3 Error Messages S_NEEDSRECOV, "'agent_id' needs to be recovered." Explanation: You entered a VERIFY command while in AGENT mode. TMRMAN determined an internal inconsistency with the information on the service agent being verified. User Action: Reenter the VERIFY command and use the /RECOVER qualifier to rectify internal inconsistencies. S_NOAGEFND, "TeamRoute service agent not found - 'agent_id'" Explanation: You entered a PURGE, VERIFY, or START/ALL command while in AGENT mode for a particular service agent. TMRMAN was unable to find the service agent in its database. User Action: Check for typing errors and retry. S_NOAPPLFND, "TeamRoute application 'application_name' not found" Explanation: You entered a LIST or VERIFY command while in APPLICATION mode. TMRMAN was unable to find the application entries in its registered applications file. User Action: Use the MODIFY command to enter the applica- tion entries in the registered applications file. S_NONODEFND, "TeamRoute node 'node_name' not found" Explanation: You entered a VERIFY command while in NODE mode or a START/ALL command while in AGENT mode. TMRMAN was unable to find the specified node name in its database. User Action: Check for typing errors and retry. S_NOTEMPFND, "TeamRoute template 'template_id' not found" Explanation: You entered a SEND or VERIFY command while in TEMPLATE mode for a specified template. TMRMAN was unable to find the specified template name in its database. User Action: Check for typing errors and retry. D-8 TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics D.3 Error Messages S_NOTEMPSENT, "unable to send template 'template_id'" Explanation: You entered the SEND command while in TEMPLATE mode. TMRMAN encountered an error while attempting to send a TeamRoute template to a subscriber. This message is followed by an RMS, TeamRoute system, or TMRMAN secondary error message. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_NOUSERADD, "unable to add subscriber 'userid'" Explanation: You entered the ADD command while in USER mode using an input file containing the names of would-be subscribers. TMRMAN encountered an error while attempting to add the subscribers listed within the input file. This message is followed by an RMS, TeamRoute system, or TMRMAN secondary error message. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. Examine the contents of the input file and make sure that the names listed are valid VMS usernames. S_NOUSERSEND, "unable to send template to subscriber 'userid'" Explanation: You entered the SEND command while in TEMPLATE mode using an input file containing the names of subscribers. TMRMAN encountered an error while attempting to send templates to the subscribers listed within the input file. This message is followed by an RMS, TeamRoute system, or TMRMAN secondary error message. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. Examine the contents of the input file and make sure that the names listed are valid TeamRoute subscribers. S_NOUSRFND, "TeamRoute subscriber not found - 'user_id'" Explanation: You entered a VERIFY command while in USER mode, or you entered a SEND command while in TEMPLATE mode to send a template to a specific user. TMRMAN was unable to find the specified subscriber entries in its database. User Action: To add subscriber entries, use the ADD command while in USER mode. If the error resulted from a SEND command, check for typing errors and retry. TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics D-9 TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics D.3 Error Messages S_TESTFAILED, "management test failed" Explanation: You entered a VERIFY command while in AGENT, NODE, TEMPLATE, or USER mode. TMRMAN encountered an error while verifying its internal database. This message is followed by an TMRMAN or TeamRoute secondary error message. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. D-10 TMRMAN Utility Diagnostics E ________________________________________________________________ TeamRoute System Diagnostics This appendix describes the following types of TeamRoute system diagnostic messages: o Informational o Warning o Error o Fatal E.1 Informational Messages The following informational messages are part of the normal processing of a service agent. They require no action from you. All messages begin with %TMR-I-. S_RECRECOVER, "record successfully recovered" Explanation: You entered the VERIFY/RECOVER command on the specified object. The object was recovered successfully. E.2 Warning Messages The following warning messages typically do not represent conditions that prevent TeamRoute from processing the current routing package. They require no action from you. All messages begin with %TMR-W-. S_AGENOTRUN, "agent 'agent_id' is not running" Explanation: The specified agent is not currently running. S_EOF, "end of file detected" Explanation: The end of file was reached. TeamRoute System Diagnostics E-1 TeamRoute System Diagnostics E.2 Warning Messages S_NOMATFND, "no matching records found" Explanation: No Transaction Log records were found matching the selection criteria that you entered. User Action: Verify the selection criteria and enter the command again. E.3 Error Messages The following messages represent error conditions that can prevent TeamRoute from processing the current routing package or request. All messages begin with %TMR-I-. S_AGENAMMIS, "agent name missing" Explanation: You entered a READ command while in AGENT mode using the TMRMAN utility. This message indicates that you were not currently managing a particular agent and that you did not specify an agent name on the command line. User Action: Reenter the READ command and specify an agent name. S_AGENOTACK, "agent not acknowledging" Explanation: You entered the VERIFY agent command using the TMRMAN utility. The specified agent is not responding with an acknowledgment message. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_AGENOTENA, "agent not enabled" Explanation: The specified agent is not enabled for execution. User Action: If it is intended that this agent not be enabled for execution, there is no user action. Otherwise, use the TMRMAN utility to set this agent's state to enabled and then retry the operation. S_AGENOTFND, "agent record for 'agent_id' not found" Explanation: The specified agent record was not found in the TeamRoute management database. User Action: Verify that the agent name was entered correctly and reenter the command. E-2 TeamRoute System Diagnostics TeamRoute System Diagnostics E.3 Error Messages S_AGERECFND, "agent record found for that node" Explanation: You attempted to delete a node record from the TeamRoute management database using the TMRMAN utility. TMRMAN found that there was at least one agent record configured to run on the node whose record you were trying to delete. User Action: Use the TMRMAN utility to delete any agent records associated with the node and then retry the operation. S_AGERUNNING, "agent is running, unable to delete record" Explanation: You attempted to delete an agent record from the TeamRoute management database using the TMRMAN utility. TMRMAN determined that the specified agent was currently running and therefore it could not delete the agent record. User Action: Use the TMRMAN utility to stop the specified agent and then retry the operation. S_APPFILNAMMIS, "application file name missing" Explanation: The application file name is missing from an entry in the TeamRoute Registered Applications file. User Action: Ask your system manager to verify the contents of the TeamRoute Registered Applications file. S_APPFILNOTFND, "application file not found" Explanation: An application file referenced in the TeamRoute Registered Applications file could not be found. User Action: Ask your system manager to verify the contents of the TeamRoute Registered Applications file. S_APPNAMMIS, "application name missing" Explanation: The application name is missing from an entry in the TeamRoute Registered Applications file. User Action: Ask your system manager to verify the contents of the TeamRoute Registered Applications file. TeamRoute System Diagnostics E-3 TeamRoute System Diagnostics E.3 Error Messages S_ATTDATAMIS, "Attachment or Data File missing" Explanation: You attempted to add a TeamRoute template to the TeamRoute database using the TMRMAN utility which has an associated attachment or data file that could not be found. This message also can appear if you attempt to dump the contents of a TeamRoute template using the TMRMAN utility which has an associated attachment or data file that cannot be found. User Action: Supply the necessary attachment or data file and retry the operation. S_DUPAPPNAM, "duplicate application name found" Explanation: A duplicate application name was found in the TeamRoute Registered Applications file. User Action: Ask your system manager to verify the contents of the TeamRoute Registered Applications file. S_ERRINVUSELEN, "invalid username length" Explanation: You entered the SEND command while in TEMPLATE mode or the ADD command while in USER mode and were using an input file of user names. It was determined that the user name record in the input file was too long. User Action: Examine the contents of the input file and make sure none of the user names exceed the maximum length of 12 characters allowed for user names. S_ERRREAPRO, "error reading ALL-IN-1 MAIL profile record" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_EXIPROOWN, "existing user profile is not owned by ALL-IN-1 MAIL User Agent" Explanation: You attempted to add a user to the subscriber database using the ADD command in USER mode. It was determined that the MUAS profile record for this user does not specify ALL-IN-1 MAIL as the user agent owning this profile entry. User Action: See your system manager in order to determine whether or not to make ALL-IN-1 MAIL the owning user agent of this user's profile entry. E-4 TeamRoute System Diagnostics TeamRoute System Diagnostics E.3 Error Messages S_FLK, "file currently locked by another user" Explanation: An attempt to open or create a file has failed. Another user has the file open in a mode incom- patible with the attempted access. User Action: Wait until the other user has unlocked the file. S_FNF, "file not found" Explanation: The specified file does not exist. User Action: Check the file specification and verify that the device, directory, file name, and file type were all specified correctly. If a logical name is specified, verify the current equivalence assigned to the logical name. If the equivalence is correct, verify that the correct volume is mounted on the specified device and that the file is not inadvertently deleted. Specify the existing file. S_ILLCHA, "string contains invalid characters <'string'>" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_INSFARG, "required argument is missing" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_INSVIRMEM "insufficient virtual memory", Explanation: There was not enough virtual memory available to process the requested operation. User Action: Increase the process quotas for virtual memory. S_INTLOGERR, "internal logic error" Explanation: TMRMAN encountered an internal logic error. User Action: Record the management mode that you were currently in and the command that you entered that caused this error message to be displayed and submit a software performance report (SPR). TeamRoute System Diagnostics E-5 TeamRoute System Diagnostics E.3 Error Messages S_INVAPPL_HANDLE "invalid management handle - application", Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_INVAPPNAM, "invalid application file name" Explanation: An invalid application file name was found in the TeamRoute Registered Applications file. User Action: Ask your system manager to verify the contents of the TeamRoute Registered Applications file. S_INVARG, "invalid argument" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_INVDATATYPE, "invalid data type" Explanation: You tried to use the TMRMAN utility to dump the contents of a TeamRoute template that has associated attachments or data files. It was determined that the data type of the attachment or data file could not be found in the file SYS$SHARE:MUAS$TABLE_ SHARE.EXE. This file is part of ALL-IN-1 MAIL and contains a table of known data types of files acceptable to ALL-IN-1 MAIL. Because SYS$SHARE:MUAS$TABLE_SHARE.EXE can be tailored to your site's needs, it is possible that the data type in the TeamRoute template was in SYS$SHARE:MUAS$TABLE_SHARE.EXE at one time, but has since been removed. User Action: Refer to the ALL-IN-1 MAIL System Management Guide to verify the contents of the file SYS$SHARE:MUAS$TABLE_ SHARE.EXE. You may have to add the missing data type to SYS$SHARE:MUAS$TABLE_SHARE.EXE or possibly re-create the TeamRoute template. S_INVDELTA, Explanation: The specified delta time is in an incorrect format. User Action: Reenter the delta time in the format shown in the error message. E-6 TeamRoute System Diagnostics TeamRoute System Diagnostics E.3 Error Messages S_INVENT, "invalid entry" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_INVINVVAL, "invalid invocation value" Explanation: An invalid invocation value was found in the TeamRoute Registered Applications file. User Action: Ask your system manager to verify the contents of the TeamRoute Registered Applications file. S_INVITMCOD, "invalid item code: 'xxx'" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_INVITMLEN, "invalid item length" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_INVKEYLIST, "invalid key list" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_INVLEN, "invalid length - limit is 'xxx'" Explanation: You entered a value whose size exceeds the allowed limit. This message is usually preceeded by another message that describes the specific operation you were attempting to perform. User Action: Reenter the command using the correct length as specified in the error message. S_INVMGMT_HANDLE, "invalid management handle" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_INVMSGDSC, "invalid message descriptor handle" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). TeamRoute System Diagnostics E-7 TeamRoute System Diagnostics E.3 Error Messages S_INVMUAS_HANDLE, "invalid muas handle" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_INVNA_HANDLE, "invalid management handle - node/agent" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_INVSTAVAL, "invalid state value" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_INVSUBS_HANDLE, "invalid management handle - subscriber" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_INVTEMP_HANDLE, "invalid management handle - template" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_INVTRNCOD, "invalid transaction code" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_INVVALMIS, "invocation value missing" Explanation: The invocation value of an entry in the TeamRoute Registered Applications file was missing. User Action: Ask your system manager to verify the contents of the TeamRoute Registered Applications file. S_LCKNOTQUEUED, "lock request not queued" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_LCKSYNCTMO, "lock synchronization timeout" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). E-8 TeamRoute System Diagnostics TeamRoute System Diagnostics E.3 Error Messages S_LOGNAMTOOLON, "log file name too long for caller's buffer" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_MSGFAE, "message file already exists" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_NFNOTOPEN, "agent/node file not open" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_NOACCESS, "access to file denied" Explanation: One of the following has occurred: o Your process does not have one or more of the privileges necessary to perform the requested file access. o Your process is denied access to the file because of the protection applied to the file or to the directory in which the file is listed. User Action: Verify the protection applied to the file (using the DIRECTORY/FULL command), and change the protection if necessary, (using the SET PROTECTION command). If you cannot change the protection, ask the system manager or the owner of the file to change it. If the file's current protection should permit the desired access, verify the protection applied to the directory in which the file is listed. If the preceding actions do not apply or fail to solve the problem, ask the system manager for the necessary privileges. S_NODNOTENA, "node not enabled" Explanation: You attempted to start a TeamRoute service agent on a node in your VAXCluster[TM] that is not enabled to run TeamRoute service agents. User Action: If it is the system manager's intention that this node not be enabled for running TeamRoute service agents then there is no user action. Otherwise, use the TMRMAN utility to set this node's state to enabled and then retry the operation. TeamRoute System Diagnostics E-9 TeamRoute System Diagnostics E.3 Error Messages S_NODNOTFND, "node record for 'node_name' not found" Explanation: The specified node record was not found in the TeamRoute management database. User Action: Verify that the node name was entered correctly and then reenter the command. S_NOMORENT, "no more entries" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_NOSELITEM, "no selected item" Explanation: You are attempting to manage an object within one of the TeamRoute management modes without selecting a specific object to manage. User Action: Select a specific management object and then reenter the command, as shown: TMRMAN> MANAGE AGENT SA1 TMRMAN.AGENT> SHOW ALL S_NOSERVERS, "no ALL-IN-1 MAIL servers currently available" Explanation: A connection to an ALL-IN-1 MAIL server could not be established. User Action: See your system manager in order to determine the reason why no connection can be made. S_NOTATEMP, "not a TeamRoute template" Explanation: The specified template in the TeamRoute template library was determined not to be a valid TeamRoute template. User Action: Delete this invalid template from the TeamRoute template library. S_NOTMUASUSER, "no such ALL-IN-1 MAIL user: 'username'" Explanation: The specified user was not found in the ALL- IN-1 MAIL profile database. User Action: See your system manager about adding this username to the ALL-IN-1 MAIL profile. Also, check the spelling of the username and reenter the command. E-10 TeamRoute System Diagnostics TeamRoute System Diagnostics E.3 Error Messages S_NOTSYSMEM, "'node_name' is not a node in your system" Explanation: You attempted to add a node record to the TeamRoute management database using the ADD command while in NODE mode using the TMRMAN utility. It was determined that the specified node does not exist in the local VAXcluster. User Action: Make sure that the node name entered is part of your local VAXcluster. Check the spelling of the node name and reenter the command. S_NOTVMSUSER, "no such VMS user: 'username'" Explanation: The specified user was not found in the system user authorization file (SYSUAF). This message can also appear if the SYSUAF record for a TeamRoute subscriber has been deleted but the subscriber's corresponding ALL-IN-1 MAIL profile record has not been deleted. User Action: Check the spelling of the username and reenter the command. S_PIPE_INVACC, "invalid communications pipe access" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_PIPE_INVHAN, "invalid communications pipe handle" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_PIPE_INVNAME, "invalid communications pipe name" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_PIPE_NOREADERS, "no current readers on the communications pipe" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_PIPE_TMO, "write to communications pipe has timed out" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). TeamRoute System Diagnostics E-11 TeamRoute System Diagnostics E.3 Error Messages S_PQ_INVHAN, "invalid priority queue handle" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_PQ_INVPRIO, "invalid priority value" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_RECALREXI, "record already exists" Explanation: You attempted to add a user, template, node or agent record that already exists in the TeamRoute database. S_RECLOCK, "target record locked by another stream, try again later" Explanation: The target record is locked by another stream. User Action: Retry the operation later. S_SEARCHFAIL, "error searching for 'filespec'" Explanation: The specified input file could not be found. This message is usually accompanied by an RMS secondary message indicating the reason for the failure. User Action: Analyze the secondary error message to determine the appropriate action. S_SFNOTOPEN, "subscriber file not open" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_SUBNOTENA, "subscriber record not enabled" Explanation: You attempted to send TeamRoute templates to a subscriber in your VAXCluster who is not enabled to receive TeamRoute templates. User Action: If it is the system manager's intention that this subscriber not be enabled for receiving TeamRoute templates then there is no user action. Otherwise, use the TMRMAN utility to set this subscriber's state to enabled and then retry the operation. E-12 TeamRoute System Diagnostics TeamRoute System Diagnostics E.3 Error Messages S_SUBNOTFND, "subscriber record for 'username' not found" Explanation: The specified subscriber record was not found in the TeamRoute management database. User Action: Verify that the subscriber name was entered correctly and then reenter the command. S_TEMNOTENA, "template not enabled" Explanation: You have attempted to send to another user a template that is not enabled for use. User Action: If the template has been intentionally disabled then there is no user action. Otherwise, use the TMRMAN utility in order to change the state of the template to enabled. Then retry the operation. S_TIMEORDER, "BEFORE and SINCE time values cannot be resolved" Explanation: You have specified an incorrect sequence of time values this combination of qualifiers. (The BEFORE value cannot indicate a time that occurs prior to the SINCE value). User Action: Check to make sure that you are entering the correct values and enter the command again. S_TOOMANYLNAM, "too many logical names" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_TRALIBLOG, "library logical or directory, TMR$LIBRARY, undefined" Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to translate the logical name TMR$LIBRARY. This logical name is defined by the TeamRoute system startup file (SYS$STARTUP:TMR$STARTUP.COM). Also, this error can be issued if an error occurs accessing the directory file pointed to by this logical name. User Action: Ask your system manager to execute the TeamRoute system startup file. Also, make sure that the directory file pointed to by this logical name exists. TeamRoute System Diagnostics E-13 TeamRoute System Diagnostics E.3 Error Messages S_TRASANLOG, "error translating TMR$SA_NAME logical" Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to translate the logical name TMR$SA_NAME. This logical name is defined by the TeamRoute system startup file (SYS$STARTUP:TMR$STARTUP.COM). User Action: Ask your system manager to execute the TeamRoute system startup file. S_TRATOOLON, "translation too long" Explanation: This is an internal logic error. User Action: Submit a software performance report (SPR). S_WLK, "device currently write locked" Explanation: The hardware device specified for a VMS RMS operation is write-locked for protection, and write-access is attempted. User Action: Verify the status of the hardware device; reset the write-lock switch, if necessary. Notify the system operator if the error cannot be corrected. E.4 Fatal Message The following message represents an error condition that will cause TeamRoute to fail. This message begins with %TMR-F-. INVLICENS, "The license is invalid for TeamRoute. Please see your system manager." Explanation: Your software license is not valid for this release of TeamRoute. User Action: Please see your system manager to obtain a valid license. E-14 TeamRoute System Diagnostics F ________________________________________________________________ Transaction file This appendix provides an overview of the transaction file and detailed descriptions of its record format. F.1 Overview The transaction file is an ASCII sequential file, with variable-length records, produced by the TeamRoute service agent. There is a record kept in this file for each transaction that the service agent performs. The list of transaction types includes: o BR-Begin routing request received o BY-Bypass recipient performed o CC-Carbon copy sent o IP-InterPersonal mail received o LC-Routing copy sent o SN-Service notification sent o TC-Tracking report sent o TR-Tracking request received o UP-Update applied o RC-Routing completed F.2 Record Format Each record in the transaction log file has two parts, a fixed-length part and a variable-length part. The fixed- length part of the record is common to all transaction types listed above, while the variable-length part differs based upon the type of transaction begin recorded. Transaction file F-1 Transaction file F.2 Record Format The various fields in each transaction log record contain ASCII data. This allows you to manipulate the file using simple mechanisms such as the VMS SEARCH and TYPE commands. Where possible, fields have been abbreviated to conserve space. For example, the transaction type field is recorded as a two-character mnemonic instead of a multi- word description (see Section F.1). Each transaction type can have different fields recorded in the variable-length part of the record. All fields form a comma-separated list. F.2.1 Fixed-Length Fields Table F-1 lists the fixed-length fields of a transaction log record. Each field is separated by a comma (,). If a field is unavailable, the field size is filled with spaces. Table_F-1_Transaction_File_Fixed-Length_Fields____________ Field_________Size___Description__________________________ TIMESTAMP 14 A datetime stamped representing the datetime when the record was recorded. This field is in the format: YYYYMMDDHHSSCC. TRANS_ID 2 A two-character mnemonic describing the type of transaction record that follows (see Section F.1). USER_ID 12 This field contains an identifier for the user that owns the Master for which this transaction is being recorded. The source of this field is the ALL-IN-1 MAIL user_id, which is typically equivalent to the VMS user name. RPID 8 The identifier for the Master for which the transaction is being recorded. (continued on next page) F-2 Transaction file Transaction file F.2 Record Format Table_F-1_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Fixed-Length_Fields____ Field_________Size___Description__________________________ NODE_NAME 6 Actual node upon which the service agent was running when the transac- tion record was written. AGENT_ID 3 This is an identifier/mnemonic for the service agent that wrote the transaction log record (always 001 _____________________for_this_version).___________________ F.2.2 Variable-Length Fields Table F-2 lists the variable-length fields of a trans- action log record by transaction code. Each field is separated by a comma (,). If a field is unavailable, a comma is used as a placeholder. Table_F-2_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields_________ Field__________Description________________________________ Transaction_code:_BR_(Begin_Routing_Request)______________ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this inbound Begin Routing Request. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the Begin Routing Request was submitted to the mail transport. RETRIES The number of times that the service agent had to retry the transaction before completing it. MASTER_COPY The ALL-IN-1 MAIL drawer name/user-agent content ID (UACID) of the Master. (continued on next page) Transaction file F-3 Transaction file F.2 Record Format Table_F-2_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields_ __________________________________________________________ Transaction_code:_BY_(Bypass_Request)_____________________ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this inbound Bypass Request. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the Bypass Request was submitted to the mail transport. STEP_ID The identifier of the Routing Step in the Master that is the target of the Bypass. RECIP_ID The identifier of the Routing Recipient (within the Step) in the Master that is the target of the Bypass. RETRIES The number of times that the service agent had to retry the transaction before completing it. MASTER_COPY The ALL-IN-1 MAIL drawer name/user-agent content ID (UACID) of the Master. (continued on next page) F-4 Transaction file Transaction file F.2 Record Format Table_F-2_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields_ __________________________________________________________ Transaction_code:_CC_(Carbon_Copy_Sent)___________________ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this outbound Carbon Copy. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the Carbon Copy was submitted to the mail transport. STEP_ID The identifier of the Routing Step in the Master for which the Carbon Copy was sent. RECIP_ID The identifier of the Routing Recipient (within the Step) in the Master for which the Carbon Copy was sent. TOADDR The name/mail address of the recipient of the carbon copy. This is typically the 'to' field found in the header of the mail message in which the carbon copy is contained. RETRIES The number of times that the service agent had to retry the transaction before completing it. MASTER_COPY The ALL-IN-1 MAIL drawer name/user-agent content ID (UACID) of the Master. __________________________________________________________ Transaction code: IP (IPMAIL (regular ALL-IN-1 mail) Received)_________________________________________________ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this inbound IP mail message. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the Interpersonal Mail message was submitted to the mail transport. (continued on next page) Transaction file F-5 Transaction file F.2 Record Format Table_F-2_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields_ __________________________________________________________ Transaction_code:_LC_(Routing_Copy_Sent)__________________ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this outbound Routing Copy. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the Routing Copy was submitted to the mail transport. STEP_ID The identifier of the Routing Step in the Master for which the Routing Copy was sent. RECIP_ID The identifier of the Routing Recipient (within the Step) in the Master for which the Routing Copy was sent. TOADDR The name/mail address of the recipient of the Routing Copy. This is typically the 'to' field found in the header of the mail message in which the Routing Copy is contained. RETRIES The number of times that the service agent had to retry the transaction before completing it. MASTER_COPY The ALL-IN-1 MAIL drawer name/user-agent content ID (UACID) of the Master. (continued on next page) F-6 Transaction file Transaction file F.2 Record Format Table_F-2_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields_ __________________________________________________________ Transaction_code:_SN_(Service_Notification_Sent)__________ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this outbound service notification. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the service notification was submitted to the mail transport. TOADDR The name/mail address of the recipient of the carbon copy. This is typically the 'to' field found in the header of the mail message in which the carbon copy is contained. The same service Notification can be sent to the recipient and the initiator if there is an update error. If this occurs, both names are listed in this field, separated by an and sign (&). The recipient name is first. RETRIES Not applicable. MASTER_COPY The ALL-IN-1 MAIL drawer name/user-agent content ID (UACID) of the Master. (continued on next page) Transaction file F-7 Transaction file F.2 Record Format Table_F-2_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields_ __________________________________________________________ Transaction_code:_TC_(Tracking_Report_Sent)_______________ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this outbound Tracking Report. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the Tracking Report was submitted to the mail transport. STEP_ID The identifier of the Routing Step in the Master for which the Tracking Report was sent. RECIP_ID The identifier of the Routing Recipient (within the Step) in the Master for which the Tracking Report was sent. TOADDR The name/mail address of the recipient of the Tracking Report. This is typically the 'to' field found in the header of the mail message in which the Tracking Report is contained. RETRIES The number of times that the service agent had to retry the transaction before completing it. MASTER_COPY The ALL-IN-1 MAIL drawer name/user-agent content ID (UACID) of the Master. (continued on next page) F-8 Transaction file Transaction file F.2 Record Format Table_F-2_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields_ __________________________________________________________ Transaction_code:_TR_(Tracking_Request_Received)__________ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this inbound Tracking Request. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the Tracking Request was submitted to the mail transport. STEP_ID The identifier of the Routing Step in the Master for which the Tracking Report was requested. RECIP_ID The identifier of the Routing Recipient (within the Step) in the Master for which the Tracking Report was requested. SENDER The name/mail address of the sender of the tracking request. This is typically the 'from' field found in the header of the mail message in which the tracking request was contained. RETRIES The number of times that the service agent had to retry the transaction before completing it. MASTER_COPY The ALL-IN-1 MAIL drawer name/user-agent content ID (UACID) of the Master. (continued on next page) Transaction file F-9 Transaction file F.2 Record Format Table_F-2_(Cont.)_Transaction_File_Variable-Length_Fields_ __________________________________________________________ Transaction_code:_UP_(Update_Applied)_____________________ IPMID The interpersonal message identifier of the mail message for this inbound Update Request. SUBMIT_DATE The date that the Update file was submitted to the mail transport. STEP_ID The identifier of the Routing Step in the Master that is the target of the Update. RECIP_ID The identifier of the Routing Recipient (within the Step) in the Master that is the target of the Update. SENDER The name/mail address of the sender of the update file. This is typically the 'from' field found in the header of the mail message in which the update file was contained. RETRIES The number of times that the service agent had to retry the transaction before completing it. MASTER_COPY The ALL-IN-1 MAIL drawer name/user-agent content ID (UACID) of the Master. __________________________________________________________ Transaction_code:_RC_(Routing_Completed)__________________ DATE_ The date that the Update file was submitted COMPLETED to the mail transport. MASTER_COPY The ALL-IN-1 MAIL drawer name/user-agent _______________content_ID_(UACID)_of_the_Master.__________ F-10 Transaction file ________________________________________________________________ Index A__________________________ E__________________________ Account quotas, 2-7 Error AGENT mode, 5-3 recovery of, 3-7 Application Programming Interface (API), 1-3 F__________________________ Attachments Files definition of, 1-6 installed, B-1 to a template, 1-4 AUTOGEN changing system values G__________________________ with, 2-6 GBLPAGES calculating values for, C__________________________ 2-4 Carbon copy, 1-5 GBLSECTIONS Client calculating values for, adding, 5-3 2-4 Conventions, viii Granting the TMR$APPLICATION identifier, 5-6 D__________________________ Data type I__________________________ of attachments, 1-6 Installation Default application, 1-4 aborting, 3-1 Diagnostic messages after installing service agent, C-1 to TeamRoute, 4-1 C-15 of TeamRoute, 3-1 system, E-1 to E-14 preparations and TMRMAN, D-1 to D-10 requirements, 2-1 procedure requirements, 2-2 sample, A-1 Index-1 Installation verification procedure R__________________________ running separately, 4-1 Registered applications Installation verification file, 5-6 procedure (IVP) Release notes, 2-1 See Installation Role definition of, 1-5 L__________________________ Routing, 1-6 License, 2-2 Routing copy, 1-5 Logical names Routing list installed, B-1 definition of, 1-6 Routing package M creation, 1-5 ___________________________ definition of, 1-4 MAILbus, 1-2 events, 1-6 processing requests, 1-4 N__________________________ routing, 1-6 NODE mode, 5-2 tracking, 1-6 types, 1-4 P Run-Time Library (RTL), 1-3 ___________________________ Parameters S__________________________ changing system values Server domain, 1-2 with AUTOGEN, 2-6 Service agent checking system values, error messages, C-9 to 2-3 C-14 modifying system, 4-2 fatal messages, C-14 to required, 2-3 C-15 system, 2-3 informational messages, Personal template, 1-4 C-1 to C-8 Privileges warning message, C-8 required to run TMRMAN, Service Agent 5-1 adding, 5-3 Problems maintaining, 5-4 determining and reporting Signatures, 1-6 , 4-3 Software Processing requests, 1-4 optional and prerequisite Q , 2-1 ___________________________ System Quotas error messages, E-2 to process account, 2-7 E-14 fatal message, E-14 informational messages, E-1 Index-2 System (cont'd) for system management, warning messages, E-1 to 5-1 E-2 TMRMAN System disk error messages, D-3 to backing up, 2-9 D-10 System disk space informational messages, requirements, 2-2 D-1 to D-2 System files warning messages, D-3 editing, 4-1 Tracking, 1-6 System privilege Transaction file, F-1 requirements, 2-2 Transaction record fixed-length fields, F-2 T format, F-1 ___________________________ variable-length fields, TeamRoute F-3 maintaining services, 5-4 Transaction types, F-1 TeamRoute accounts maintaining, 5-3 U__________________________ Template, 1-3 to 1-4 USER mode, 5-3 Template library, 5-5 Templates supplied, 1-4 V__________________________ TMR$APPLICATION identifier, Variables, 1-4 5-6 VMSINSTAL TMR$CONTROL Utility requirements, 2-8 Index-3