TeMIP_OSI_Management_Toolkit___________________ Installation Guide Order Number: AA-QEMQE-TE This guide describes how to install the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit on your DIGITAL UNIX system. Revision/Update Information: V3.1.0 This edition supersedes the V2.1 edition Operating System: DIGITAL UNIX V3.2 Software Version: TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit V3.1 ________________________________________________________________ October 1997 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used and copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1997. All rights reserved. Printed in Europe. Trademarks: AlphaGeneration and the AlphaGeneration design mark, DECcmi, DECnet, DECsafe, TeMIP and TeMIP Framework are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. Solaris is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX [R] is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. X/Open is a registered trademark of X/Open Company, Ltd. DIGITAL UNIX V3.2 is an X/Open UNIX 93 branded product. DIGITAL This document is available on CD ROM. This document was prepared using DEC DOCUMENT, Version 3.2. ________________________________________________________________ Contents ................................................... vii Preparing to Install the OSI Management Toolkit 1.1 Types of Installation......................... 1-1 1.1.1 Local Installation........................ 1-1 1.1.2 RIS Installation.......................... 1-1 1.2 Installation Requirements..................... 1-2 1.2.1 Hardware and Software..................... 1-2 1.2.2 Distribution Kit.......................... 1-2 1.2.3 Time Required to Install.................. 1-3 1.2.4 Logging On................................ 1-3 1.2.5 Backing Up the System Disk................ 1-3 1.2.6 Checking the Required Software Subsets.... 1-3 1.2.7 Disk Space Requirements................... 1-4 1.2.8 Using the Director User Account........... 1-6 1.3 License Registration.......................... 1-7 1.4 Aborting Installation and Recovering from Errors........................................ 1-8 Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit 2.1 Starting the Installation Procedure Locally... 2-2 2.2 Starting the Installation Procedure from a RIS Server........................................ 2-3 2.3 Installation Verification Procedures.......... 2-3 2.4 Local Installation of the OSI Protocol Stack......................................... 2-3 2.5 Local Installation of the GDMO Translator..... 2-4 2.6 Local Installation of the OSI Management Toolkit Release Notes......................... 2-6 2.7 Local Installation of the OSI AM.............. 2-8 2.8 Local Installation of the OSI PM.............. 2-12 iii 2.9 RIS Server Update............................. 2-15 3 After Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit 3.1 Verifying the OSI AM Installation............. 3-1 3.1.1 OSI AM IVP Overview....................... 3-1 3.1.2 Symbols and Files Used by the IVP......... 3-3 3.1.3 Names Reserved for the IVP................ 3-4 3.1.4 Example Log of a Successful IVP........... 3-4 3.2 Verifying the Installation of the GDMO Translator.................................... 3-7 3.3 Verifying the OSI PM Installation............. 3-8 3.4 Deleting the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit Subsets....................................... 3-9 A Pre-Installation Checklist A.1 Local Installation............................ A-1 A.2 Installation on a RIS Server.................. A-3 A.3 Installation from a RIS Server................ A-3 B Files Installed on your System B.1 OSI Installation Directories and Common Directory Files............................... B-1 B.2 OSI Mgt Toolkit Release Notes Subset.......... B-2 B.3 OSI Access Module Subset...................... B-3 B.3.1 OSI AM Subset Links....................... B-8 B.4 GDMO Subset................................... B-8 B.4.1 GDMO Translator Subset Links.............. B-13 B.5 OSI Agent Presentation Module Subset.......... B-13 B.5.1 OSI Agent Presentation Module Subset Links..................................... B-15 C Recovering from Errors C.1 Failures During Product Installation ......... C-1 C.2 Failures During Product Use................... C-2 iv Index Tables 1-1 Disk Space Requirements................... 1-5 B-1 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310................ B-1 B-2 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/install........ B-2 B-3 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/ivp............ B-2 B-4 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/help........... B-2 B-5 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am... B-3 B-6 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/bin......... B-3 B-7 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/build....... B-4 B-8 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/demo........ B-4 B-9 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/demo/CLIENT.. B-4 B-10 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/demo/MODEL.. B-5 B-11 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/demo/SELF_MGMT.. B-5 B-12 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/demo/bin.... B-5 B-13 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/examples.... B-5 B-14 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/files....... B-6 B-15 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/kit......... B-6 B-16 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/lib......... B-6 B-17 Directory /var/kits/temip_osi_am.......... B-7 B-18 Directory /var/kits/temip_osi_am/install............ B-7 B-19 Directory /var/kits/temip_osi_am/ivp...... B-7 B-20 Directory /var/kits/temip_osi_am/ivp/agent1......... B-8 B-21 Directory /var/kits/temip_osi_am/ivp/agent2......... B-8 B-22 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/gdmo........... B-8 B-23 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/gdmo/bin....... B-9 v B-24 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/gdmo/files..... B-9 B-25 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/gdmo/lib....... B-10 B-26 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/gdmo/msl....... B-11 B-27 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/gdmo/tools..... B-12 B-28 Directory /usr/lib/X11/help/temip_gbrowser.......... B-13 B-29 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm... B-13 B-30 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm/bin......... B-13 B-31 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm/build....... B-14 B-32 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm/files....... B-14 B-33 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm/lib......... B-14 B-34 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm/gdmo_msl.... B-15 B-35 Directory /usr/var/kits/temip_osi_pm...... B-15 B-36 Links (Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm/build)...... B-16 B-37 Links (Directory /usr/mcc/mmexe).......... B-17 B-38 Links (Directory /var/kits/temip)......... B-17 vi _________________________________________________________________ Preface This guide describes how to install the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit software on a DIGITAL UNIX[R] + system. Intended Audience This guide is intended for personnel who are responsible for installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit on a DIGITAL UNIX system, for example: o A system manager installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit on a local DIGITAL UNIX system o A system manager installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit from the Remote Installation Services (RIS) server area of a remote DIGITAL UNIX system o A RIS manager installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit on a RIS server area. It is assumed that the reader has an understanding of the shell concept of UNIX and is familiar with the use of peripheral devices. Structure of This Guide The guide is structured as follows: o Chapter 1 describes the requirements for installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit software. ____________________ + UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. vii o Chapter 2 describes the installation of the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit software locally and on a RIS server area. o Chapter 3 describes how to configure the system and verify the installation. o Appendix A provides a check list of pre-installation requirements. o Appendix B provides a list of the TeMIP files installed. o Appendix C provides information to help deal with failure or errors that might occur during installation. Document Conventions The following conventions are used in this guide: ___________________________________________________________ Convention_______Meaning___________________________________ # The UNIX superuser default prompt. Ctrl/x Indicates that you must hold down the key labelled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. In examples and procedures, a key combination is enclosed in a box. Indicates that you press the Return key to execute a command line. Boldface Indicates the first use of a term, and user input in examples. Italics Italic text is used to indicate the following: o The title of a document to which reference is made. o The directory paths and file names in text. ___________________________________________________________ viii Associated Documents This guide is part of the TeMIP documentation set. The following is a list of the full documentation set. Introductory Manuals o TeMIP Introduction (AA-Q9J1C-TE) o TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit Overview (AA-QZAUA-TE) Installation Manuals o TeMIP Installation Guide (AA-Q9J2D-TE) o TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit Installation Guide (AA- QEMQE-TE) o TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit, OSI Access Module, Run- Time Kit Installation Guide (AA-QEMRE-TE) o TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit Installation Guide (AA- QZARA-TE) o DECcmi for DIGITAL UNIX Installation and Configuration Guide (AA-QENTE-TE) Management Manuals o TeMIP Utilities (AA-Q9JBC-TE) o TeMIP Planning Guide (AA-QXSPA-TE) o TeMIP Director Configuration and Management Guide (AA- QN8NB-TE) o TeMIP Name Service Administration Guide (AA-QXSQA-TE) o TeMIP Customization and Troubleshooting Guide (AA-QXSRA- TE) o TeMIP Framework Security Administration Guide (AA-QD9GC- TE) ix User Manuals o TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management Alarm Handling User's Guide (AA-Q9J4C-TE) o TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management Trouble Ticketing User's Guide (AA-Q9J8C-TE) o TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management Event Logging User's Guide (AA-Q9J6C-TE) o TeMIP Framework Iconic Map and FCL User's Guide (AA- Q9HMC-TE) o TeMIP Framework DECnet Phase IV Access Module Use (AA- Q9HAC-TE) o + TeMIP Framework DECnet-Plus Access Module Use (AA- Q9HBC-TE) o TeMIP Framework TCP/IP SNMP Access Module Use (AA-Q9HCC- TE) o TeMIP Framework Script Access Module Use (AA-Q9HDC-TE) o TeMIP Framework Circuit Access Module Use (AA-Q9HHC-TE) o TeMIP Framework Autoconfiguration Use (AA-Q9HLC-TE) o TeMIP Framework Alarms and Notification Services Use (AA-Q9HEC-TE) o TeMIP Framework Security Operator's Guide (AA-QD9FC-TE) o TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit GDMO Browser User's Guide (AA-QDYPE-TE) o TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit GDMO Translator User's Guide (AA-QDYNE-TE) o TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit, OSI Access Module, User's Guide (AA-QDYME-TE) o TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit, OSI Agent Presentation Module, User's Guide (AA-R76CA-TE) ____________________ + Formerly known as DECnet/OSI x o TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit Customization Manual (AA- QZASA-TE) o TeMIP Graphical ASCII Toolkit Configuration and Troubleshooting Guide (AA-QZATA-TE) o DECcmi for DIGITAL UNIX Operator's Guide (AA-QDYQE-TE) Programming and Software Reference Manuals o TeMIP Framework Management Module Programming (AA-Q9H8C- TE) o TeMIP Framework Security Software Reference Manual (AA- QD9EC-TE) o TeMIP Framework System Reference Manual Volume 1 (AA- Q9HGC-TE) o TeMIP Framework System Reference Manual Volume 2 (AA- PD5LG-TE) o Visual TeMIP Reference Guide (AA-QV89B-TE) o Visual TeMIP Development Guide (AA-QV8BB-TE) o TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management Reference Guide (AA- Q9J3C-TE) o TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management OSI System AM, Module Reference Manual (AA-Q9JAC-TE) o TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management Alarm Handling FM Module Reference Manual (AA-Q9J5C-TE) o TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management Event Log FM Module Reference Manual (AA-Q9J7C-TE) o TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management Trouble Ticketing FM Module Reference Manual (AA-Q9J9C-TE) o TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management Event Filtering and Correlation FM Module Reference Manual (AA-QK7HB-TE) o TeMIP Fault and Trouble Management Event Filtering and Correlation Software Reference Manual (AA-QMWKB-TE) xi Other Documents of Interest o DECnet-Plus Planning Guide This describes how to migrate a network from DECnet Phase IV to DECnet-Plus, including configuration guidelines and task planning. o DIGITAL UNIX Documentation Set This describes how to use and manage the DIGITAL UNIX operating system. o DIGITAL UNIX Guide to Remote Installation Services This describes how to install and maintain your remote installation environment, using the RIS utility. o INGRES Installation and Operations Guide This describes how to install, configure, and maintain an INGRES database. o INGRES Database Administrator's Guide This describes how to manage an INGRES database. o INGRES/SQL Reference Manual This provides a detailed description of how to issue SQL queries and develop applications. Examples of the correct use of SQL statements and INGRES features are also given. o INGRES/Net User's Guide This describes how to install, use, and maintain INGRES /Net. o ORACLE Installation and Configuration Guide This provides installation and configuration information for ORACLE databases and tools. o ORACLE Server Administrator's Guide This describes how to manage ORACLE databases. o ORACLE Server SQL Language Reference Manual This gives a complete description of the SQL language used to create, store, modify, retrieve, and manage information in an ORACLE database. o ORACLE SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference xii This describes the SQL*Plus program, and gives a detailed description of each command. o ORACLE SQL*Net Administrator's Guide This describes how to use ORACLE tools and applications to access, manipulate, share, and store data in ORACLE databases, residing on remote servers. o DECsafe Available Server Installation Guide This describes how to install the DECsafe Available Server hardware and software, to give access to applications in a network environment. o Guide to the DECsafe Available Server This describes how to set up and manage the systems and services in the DECsafe Available Server environment. xiii 1 _________________________________________________________________ Preparing to Install the OSI Management Toolkit This chapter describes the requirements and preparation necessary for installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit. The installation procedures described in this guide apply only to TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit V3.1. Release Notes are provided with the installation kit and DIGITAL strongly recommends that you read these notes before proceeding with the installation. You can find more information in: o Types of Installation, Section 1.1 o Installation Requirements, Section 1.2 o License Registration, Section 1.3 o Aborting Installation and Recovering from Errors, Section 1.4 1.1 Types of Installation Installation can be performed locally, or on a Remote Installation Services (RIS) server. The procedure for each type of installation is fully described in Chapter 2. 1.1.1 Local Installation The TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit can be installed directly on your local system. 1.1.2 RIS Installation The TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit can also be installed from a RIS server area of a remote system. If you intend to install the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit on your system in this way, ensure the following: o A TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit is installed on the RIS server. Preparing to Install the OSI Management Toolkit 1-1 o You know the name of the RIS server. o Your system is registered as a RIS client. For further details, refer to the DIGITAL UNIX Guide to Remote Installation Services. 1.2 Installation Requirements The installation requirements for the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit are described in Section 1.2.1 to Section 1.2.8 and a checklist is provided in Appendix A. 1.2.1 Hardware and Software The minimum hardware and software requirements for the installation of the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit are as follows: Hardware The TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit can be installed on any AlphaGeneration machine. Software To install the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit you require the DIGITAL UNIX V3.2 operating system running on an AlphaGeneration machine. TeMIP Version 3.1 and the TeMIP Framework Developer's Toolkit should also be installed. 1.2.2 Distribution Kit Make sure that you have the correct distribution kit and check the contents against the Bill Of Materials (BOM). If any part of the kit is missing, contact your DIGITAL representative. The TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit can be installed on a UNIX AlphaGeneration system from the CD-ROM bearing the label TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit supplied in the kit. Your distribution kit contains the following software subsets: o OSI AM V3.1 for DIGITAL UNIX (NOEOSIAMV310) o OSI Management Toolkit V3.1 Release Notes for DIGITAL UNIX (NOERELV310) o GDMO Translator V3.1 for DIGITAL UNIX (NOEGXLATV310) 1-2 Preparing to Install the OSI Management Toolkit o OSI Protocol Stack V2.17 for DIGITAL UNIX (CMACMV217). o OSI PM V3.1 for DIGITAL UNIX (NOEOSIPMV310) 1.2.3 Time Required to Install Local installation of TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit takes approximately 15 minutes, depending on the system configuration. Each Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) takes only an additional few seconds. Installation from a RIS server should take about the same time as a local installation, depending on the amount of traffic in the network. 1.2.4 Logging On You must have superuser privileges to install the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit software and to register the license PAK (Product Authorization Key). You can set the current working directory to the top level (or root) directory using the following command: # cd / 1.2.5 Backing Up the System Disk DIGITAL strongly recommends that you back up your complete system disk or at least the /var and /usr partitions. Installation of the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit involves writing to these partitions. 1.2.6 Checking the Required Software Subsets You require at least the following DIGITAL UNIX V3.2 (Rev. 62) and TeMIP Framework software subsets: o OSFBASE350, DIGITAL UNIX Base System Software o OSFX11350, Basic X Environment (Windowing Environment) o TFRBASEV310, TeMIP Framework Basic Management System o TFRTKV310, TeMIP Framework Developer's Toolkit To find the following information: o The additional required DIGITAL UNIX subsets Preparing to Install the OSI Management Toolkit 1-3 o The required DECnet-Plus subsets refer to the TeMIP for DIGITAL UNIX Installation Guide and the TeMIP Director Configuration and Management Guide and the DECcmi for DIGITAL UNIX Installation and Configuration Guide. To check that these subsets are present enter the following commands: # /etc/setld -i | grep OSF # /etc/setld -i | grep TFR The subsets installed are displayed along with any related patch names as shown in the example below: OSFBASE350 installed Base System (- Required -) OSFX11350 installed Basic X Environment (Windowing Environment) TFRBASEV310 installed TeMIP Framework Basic Management System (level x patch y) TFRTKV310 installed TeMIP Framework Developer Toolkit (level x patch y) If a subset is not present, the word installed is not displayed. 1.2.7 Disk Space Requirements The different TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit software subsets require different amounts of disk space as shown in Table 1-1. The values shown are approximate and may vary from kit to kit. The first set of values represents the disk space required if you copy the subsets to a directory on your disk before installing them, and the second set of values represents the disk space required for direct installation. 1-4 Preparing to Install the OSI Management Toolkit Table_1-1_Disk_Space_Requirements__________________________ Disk Space in Software_Subset___________________Disk_Space__/usr/kits____ OSI AM for DIGITAL UNIX 7100 KB 17000 KB OSI PM for DIGITAL UNIX 18000 KB 18000 KB OSI Mgt Toolkit Release Notes 50 KB 100 KB for DIGITAL UNIX GDMO Translator for DIGITAL UNIX 800 KB 2000 KB OSI Protocol Stack (see note below)_____________________________________________________ ________________________ Note ________________________ For values concerning the OSI Protocol Stack see the DECcmi for DIGITAL UNIX Installation and Configuration Guide. ______________________________________________________ The installation procedure creates the following directories if they do not already exist: o /usr/kits/NOE310 o /usr/var/kits/temip_osi_am o /usr/var/kits/temip_osi_pm The TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit executable files must be in the /usr/kits/NOE310 directory tree. However, you can mount a separate file system on /usr/kits/NOE310 if you want to keep the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit executable files separate from the rest of the /usr file system. ___________________ Recommendation ___________________ To avoid problems with disk full situations, it is strongly recommended that /usr/var/kits/temip_osi_am and /usr/var/kits/temip_osi_pm be installed together on a separate partition. ______________________________________________________ Preparing to Install the OSI Management Toolkit 1-5 It is recommended that you have at least 10 MB of additional disk space available in the /usr/var/kits /temip_osi_am and /usr/var/kits/temip_osi_pm partition for collecting data and reports. Determine the amount of free disk space on your system as follows: o Using the column in Table 1-1 that applies to your system, total the values for the subsets you intend to load. o Determine the current amount of free space in the directory /usr/kits and /usr/var/kits using the following command: # df -k /usr/kits /usr/var/kits This displays the total space and total free space on the disk partitions in use. An example of the output is shown below: Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on /dev/rz0a 15551 12481 1515 89% /usr /dev/rz0g 271848 246704 25144 91% /var This example indicates that there are 1515 KB free in the rz0a partition on which the /usr file system is mounted. In this example there is not enough free disk space to install the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit. You would have to increase the disk space available for installation or mount another file system on the /usr/kits directory. Refer to the DIGITAL UNIX System Administration documentation for details of how to increase free disk space. 1.2.8 Using the Director User Account Before installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit, you must configure TeMIP using the temip_setup script. This script allows you to specify a Director User Account, which will be used at TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit installation time. The Director User Account can have any user_id you want, but it must be a member of the same group as all other users of the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit software. 1-6 Preparing to Install the OSI Management Toolkit For example, if all users of the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit belong to the group users, then the Director User Account must also be created as a member of the group users. The Director User Account will be the owner of the directories /usr/var/kits/temip_osi_am, /usr/var/kits /temip_osi_pm /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/bin and /usr /kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm/bin. For details of how to create a user account, refer to the DIGITAL UNIX System Administration documentation. ________________________ Note ________________________ If a version of TeMIP is already installed, the Director User Account has already been created. ______________________________________________________ 1.3 License Registration The license registration information is contained in the Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) shipped with the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit. There are two PAKs: one identified by the name TEMIP-OSI-AM-DK-OSF1 for an installation that includes the OSI AM or GDMO, and one identified by the name TEMIP-OSI-PM-RT-OSF1 for an installation that includes the OSI PM. Before installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit, you must register the appropriate software license and load the appropriate PAK using the DIGITAL UNIX License Management Facility (LMF). The installation procedure checks to verify that the license information is registered and the required PAK loaded. You cannot install the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit unless you have first run the LMF procedure. To use the OSI Management Toolkit, you must also have registered and loaded the TEMIP-DVT-CS license. For more information on the possible combinations of TeMIP and TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit licenses, see the TeMIP Planning Guide. Preparing to Install the OSI Management Toolkit 1-7 Register your license and load the PAK as follows: o Start LMF by entering the following command: # lmf register The LMF utility displays a blank template for registering your license. o Use your standard editor to insert the information from a TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit PAK into the template. The LMF utility puts you into vi by default. o Load the license by entering the following command: # lmf reset o Check that the license is correctly loaded by entering the following command: # lmf list The following information is displayed in the OSI AM case: Product Status Users: Total Active TEMIP-OSI-AM-DK-OSF1 active unlimited The following information is displayed in the OSI PM case: Product Status Users: Total Active TEMIP-OSI-PM-RT-OSF1 active unlimited For further details of how to use the License Management Utility, refer to the DIGITAL UNIX License Management Utility Reference Manual. 1.4 Aborting Installation and Recovering from Errors To abort installation at any time press Ctrl/c. If you abort installation, files created up to that point are not deleted. The directories and files created during TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit installation are listed in Appendix B. You can use the following command to delete a partially installed subset: # setld -d Subset_Name 1-8 Preparing to Install the OSI Management Toolkit where Subset_Name represents the software subset you were installing. If an error occurs during the installation, the system displays an error message. The following list gives possible reasons for errors that can occur during installation: o The operating system version is incorrect o The prerequisite software version is incorrect o The amount of available disk space is insufficient o No software license was registered. For a description of error messages generated by these conditions and a description of corrective actions, refer to the DIGITAL UNIX Documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and DIGITAL UNIX software installation. See also Appendix C. Preparing to Install the OSI Management Toolkit 1-9 2 _________________________________________________________________ Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit This chapter describes how to install the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit software subsets on your local system, or on a RIS server. The RIS installation procedure assumes that you have created a server environment and are ready to install the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit. ________________________ Note ________________________ If a subset is already installed, you must deinstall it before installing a new version, see Section 3.4. ______________________________________________________ You can find more information in: o Starting the Installation Procedure Locally, Section 2.1 o Starting the Installation Procedure from a RIS Server, Section 2.2 o Installation Verification Procedures, Section 2.3 o Local Installation of the OSI Protocol Stack, Section 2.4 o Local Installation of the GDMO Translator, Section 2.5 o Local Installation of the OSI Management Toolkit Release Notes, Section 2.6 o Local Installation of the OSI AM, Section 2.7 o Local Installation of the OSI PM, Section 2.8 Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit 2-1 o RIS Server Update, Section 2.9. ___________________ Important Note ___________________ Install the subsets either all in one pass, or respecting the following rule: o The GDMO Translator must be installed before the OSI AM. Notice that installed subsets no longer appear on the installation menu. In this chapter, the installation traces reflect installation of one subset at a time, in the order shown on the menu, but with the OSI AM and OSI PM installed on different systems. ______________________________________________________ 2.1 Starting the Installation Procedure Locally The way the installation procedure is started depends on the type of installation and the type of media, but in all cases you must enter the load command at the superuser prompt to install the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit subsets. You can start the installation procedure locally in the following ways: From a System Directory If you are installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit from a system directory, enter the following command from the directory in which the files are located: # setld -l . From a CD-ROM If you are installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit from a CD-ROM, include the device special name of the distribution device where the media is mounted. Enter the following command, replacing N with the actual logical unit number of the distribution device you are using: # mount -r /dev/rzNc /mnt Now enter the load command as follows: # setld -l /mnt/kit 2-2 Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit When installation is complete you must unmount the media using the following command: # umount /mnt 2.2 Starting the Installation Procedure from a RIS Server To install the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit subsets that reside in the /var/adm/ris distribution area of a remote system, include the name of the RIS server system where the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit subsets are located. For example, if you are loading the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit subsets from a RIS distribution area on the node bigsys, enter the following command: # setld -l bigsys: 2.3 Installation Verification Procedures You are asked if you want to run Installation Verification Procedures (IVPs) as part of the installation procedure or after installation is complete. You are asked this question for the GDMO Translator subset (NOEGXLATV310), the OSI AM subset (NOEOSIAMV310), and the OSI PM subset (NOEOSIPMV310). If you choose to run an IVP after installation, a message is displayed that tells you how to do this. For further details refer to Section 3.2. 2.4 Local Installation of the OSI Protocol Stack Install the OSI Protocol stack as follows: o Start the installation procedure and select the OSI Protocol Stack option from the menu: The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) OSI Protocol Stack 2) TeMIP GDMO Translator version V310 (level 1 rev A) 3) TeMIP OSI Mgt Toolkit Release Notes version V310 (level 1 rev A) 4) TeMIP OSI Access Module version V310 (level 1 rev A) 5) TeMIP OSI Agent Presentation Module version V310 (level 1 rev A) Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit 2-3 Or you may choose one of the following options: 6) ALL of the above 7) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 8) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 1 o Enter 1 and press . The installation procedure displays the subsets you have chosen and asks you to confirm your choice: You are installing the following subsets: OSI Protocol Stack Is this correct? (y/n): y Answer Y, then refer to the DECcmi for DIGITAL UNIX Installation and Configuration Guide. 2.5 Local Installation of the GDMO Translator Install the GDMO Translator locally as follows: o Start the installation procedure and choose the subset options you wish to install: The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) TeMIP GDMO Translator version V310 (level 1 rev A) 2) TeMIP OSI Mgt Toolkit Release Notes version V310 (level 1 rev A) 3) TeMIP OSI Access Module version V310 (level 1 rev A) 4) TeMIP OSI Agent Presentation Module version V310 (level 1 rev A) Or you may choose one of the following options: 5) ALL of the above 6) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 7) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 1 2-4 Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit o Enter 1 and press . The installation procedure displays the subsets you have chosen and asks you to confirm your choice: You are installing the following optional subsets: TeMIP GDMO Translator version V310 (level 1 rev A) Is this correct? (y/n): y o If the information is correct, enter y and press , otherwise enter n, press , then re- enter your choice. The procedure displays the result of a file system space check and copyright information before proceeding to install the subset. Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1997. All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. TeMIP GDMO Translator version V310 (level 1 rev A) Copying from . (disk) Verifying o The installation procedure configures the subset: Configuring "TeMIP GDMO Translator version V310 (level 1 rev A)" (NOEGXLATV310) Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit 2-5 o You are now asked to confirm that you are ready to run the IVP. If you answer 'no' to this question, you will be told how you can run the IVP for NOE GDMO Translator V310 at a later time. Would you like to run the NOEGXLATV310 IVP? (y/n) [y] n o Press to accept the default (y), or enter n and press to run the IVP later. 2.6 Local Installation of the OSI Management Toolkit Release Notes The Release Notes contain the latest information about the product, plus any changes to the installation procedure that may have been made too late for inclusion in the installation guides. You can read the Release Notes online or print them out. Install the OSI Mgt Toolkit Release Notes as follows: o Start the installation procedure and choose the OSI Mgt Toolkit Release Notes option from the menu: The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) TeMIP OSI Mgt Toolkit Release Notes version V310 (level 1 rev A) 2) TeMIP OSI Access Module version V310 (level 1 rev A) 3) TeMIP OSI Agent Presentation Module version V310 (level 1 rev A) Or you may choose one of the following options: 4) ALL of the above 5) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 6) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 1 2-6 Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit o Enter 1 and press . The installation procedure displays the subsets you have chosen and asks you to confirm your choice: You are installing the following optional subsets: TeMIP OSI Mgt Toolkit Release Notes version V310 (level 1 rev A) Is this correct? (y/n): y o If the information is correct, enter y and press , otherwise enter n, press and re- enter your choice. The procedure displays the result of a file system space check and copyright information before proceeding to install the subset. Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1997. All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. TeMIP OSI Mgt Toolkit Release Notes version V310 (level 1 rev A) Copying from . (disk) Verifying o The procedure configures the release notes: Configuring "TeMIP OSI Mgt Toolkit Release Notes version V310 (level 1 rev A)" (NOERELV310) The release notes are installed in the directory: /usr /kits/V310/help. Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit 2-7 The names of the files are: o temip_osi_rel_notes.txt (Text version) o temip_osi_rel_notes.ps (PostScript version) 2.7 Local Installation of the OSI AM Install the OSI AM locally as follows (in this example temip is the Director User Account): o Start the installation procedure and choose OSI Access Module from the menu: The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) TeMIP OSI Access Module version V310 (level 1 rev A) 2) TeMIP OSI Agent Presentation Module version V310 (level 1 rev A) Or you may choose one of the following options: 3) ALL of the above 4) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 5) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 1 o Enter 1 and press . The installation procedure displays the subsets you have chosen and asks you to confirm your choice: You are installing the following optional subsets: TeMIP OSI Access Module version V310 (level 1 rev A) Is this correct? (y/n): y o If the information is correct, enter y and press , otherwise enter n, press , then re- enter your choice. The procedure displays the result of a file system space check and copyright information before proceeding to install the subset. 2-8 Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1997. All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. TeMIP OSI Access Module NOEOSIAMV310 will use the 'temip' user account with the following characteristics : 'temip' user id : 357 'temip' group : users Note that TeMIP OSI Access Module users should belong to the 'users' group in order to access the TeMIP OSI Access Module files. Note also that all Digital UNIX users belonging to the 'users' group will have read and write access to the TeMIP OSI Access Module files. See TeMIP OSI Access Module Installation Guide for more information. TeMIP OSI Access Module version V310 (level 1 rev A) Copying from . (disk) Verifying o The procedure now configures the subset. Configuring "TeMIP OSI Access Module version V310 (level 1 rev A)" (NOEOSIAMV310) Removing previous TeMIP OSIAM self management subclass Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit 2-9 mcc_msl - Info: Loading existing binary MIR database file "/usr/mcc/mcc_system/mcc_fdictionary.dat" mcc_msl - Info: Checking the Built-In Data Types file version "/usr/mcc/mcc_system/builtin_types.dat" mcc_msl - Info: Removing Entity-Class '1 3 12 2 1011 2 22 1 7 81' mcc_msl - Warning: OID (1 3 12 2 1011 2 22 1 7 81) does not exactly specify a MIR object. No Remove done. mcc_msl - Info: File /usr/mcc/mcc_system/mcc_fdictionary.dat is a link to /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat mcc_msl - Info: /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat file saved into /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat.bak mcc_msl - Info: Generating Binary Output to "/usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat" Loading TeMIP OSIAM self management subclass mcc_msl - Info: Loading existing binary MIR database file "/usr/mcc/mcc_system/mcc_fdictionary.dat" mcc_msl - Info: Checking the Built-In Data Types file version "/usr/mcc/mcc_system/builtin_types.dat" mcc_msl - Info: Compiling MSL file "temip_osi_am_mgmt_if.ms" mcc_msl - Info: Ending Compilation of MSL file (938 lines) mcc_msl - Info: File /usr/mcc/mcc_system/mcc_fdictionary.dat is a link to /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat mcc_msl - Info: /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat file saved into /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat.bak mcc_msl - Info: Generating Binary Output to "/usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat" Removing IVP class ... mcc_msl -r"1 3 12 2 1011 2 22 1 1999" mcc_msl - Info: Loading existing binary MIR database file "/usr/mcc/mcc_system/mcc_fdictionary.dat" mcc_msl - Info: Checking the Built-In Data Types file version "/usr/mcc/mcc_system/builtin_types.dat" 2-10 Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit mcc_msl - Info: Removing Entity-Class '1 3 12 2 1011 2 22 1 1999' mcc_msl - Warning: OID (1 3 12 2 1011 2 22 1 1999) does not exactly specify a MIR object. No Remove done. mcc_msl - Info: File /usr/mcc/mcc_system/mcc_fdictionary.dat is a link to /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat mcc_msl - Info: /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat file saved into /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat.bak mcc_msl - Info: Generating Binary Output to "/usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat" Loading IVP class ... mcc_msl -I/usr/kits/NOE310/gdmo/msl/ temip_osi_am_ivp.ms mcc_msl - Info: Loading existing binary MIR database file "/usr/mcc/mcc_system/mcc_fdictionary.dat" mcc_msl - Info: Checking the Built-In Data Types file version "/usr/mcc/mcc_system/builtin_types.dat" mcc_msl - Info: Compiling MSL file "temip_osi_am_ivp.ms" mcc_msl - Info: Ending Compilation of MSL file (488 lines) mcc_msl - Info: File /usr/mcc/mcc_system/mcc_fdictionary.dat is a link to /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat mcc_msl - Info: /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat file saved into /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat.bak mcc_msl - Info: Generating Binary Output to "/usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat" Building the parse table ... o You are now asked to confirm that you are ready to run the IVP. If you answer 'no' to this question, you will be told how you can run the IVP for NOE OSI AM V310 at a later time. Would you like to run the NOEOSIAMV310 IVP? (y/n) [y] n o Press to accept the default (y), or enter n and press to run the IVP later. Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit 2-11 2.8 Local Installation of the OSI PM Install the OSI PM locally as follows: o Start the installation procedure and choose OSI Agent Presentation Module from the menu: The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) TeMIP OSI Access Module version V310 (level 1 rev A) 2) TeMIP OSI Agent Presentation Module version V310 (level 1 rev A) Or you may choose one of the following options: 3) ALL of the above 4) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 5) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 2 o Enter 2 and press . The installation procedure displays the subsets you have chosen and asks you to confirm your choice: You are installing the following optional subsets: TeMIP OSI Agent Presentation Module version V310 (level 1 rev A) Is this correct? (y/n): y o If the information is correct, enter y and press , otherwise enter n, press , then re- enter your choice. The procedure displays the result of a file system space check and copyright information before proceeding to install the subset. Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1997. All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. 2-12 Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit The software contained on this media is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or dissemination of the software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital Equipment Corporation. RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. TeMIP OSI Agent Presentation Module version V310 (level 1 rev A) Copying from . (disk) Working....Tue Feb 4 11:03:49 MET 1997 Verifying o The procedure now configures the subset. Configuring "TeMIP OSI Agent Presentation Module version V310 (level 1 rev A)" (NOEOSIPMV310) Removing previous TeMIP OSIPM self management subclass mcc_msl - Info: Loading existing binary MIR database file "/usr/mcc/mcc_system/mcc_fdictionary.dat" mcc_msl - Info: Checking the Built-In Data Types file version "/usr/mcc/mcc_system/builtin_types.dat" mcc_msl - Info: Removing Entity-Class '1 3 12 2 1011 2 22 1 7 3002' mcc_msl - Warning: OID (1 3 12 2 1011 2 22 1 7 3002) does not exactly specify a MIR object. No Remove done. mcc_msl - Info: File /usr/mcc/mcc_system/mcc_fdictionary.dat is a link to /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat mcc_msl - Info: /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat file saved into /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat.bak mcc_msl - Info: Generating Binary Output to "/usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat" Loading TeMIP OSIPM self management subclass mcc_msl - Info: Loading existing binary MIR database file "/usr/mcc/mcc_system/mcc_fdictionary.dat" mcc_msl - Info: Checking the Built-In Data Types file version "/usr/mcc/mcc_system/builtin_types.dat" Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit 2-13 mcc_msl - Info: Compiling MSL file "temip_osi_pm_mgmt_if.ms" mcc_msl - Info: Ending Compilation of MSL file (568 lines) mcc_msl - Info: File /usr/mcc/mcc_system/mcc_fdictionary.dat is a link to /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat mcc_msl - Info: /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat file saved into /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat.bak mcc_msl - Info: Generating Binary Output to "/usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat" Removing OSIPM EFD subclass ... mcc_msl - Info: Loading existing binary MIR database file "/usr/mcc/mcc_system/mcc_fdictionary.dat" mcc_msl - Info: Checking the Built-In Data Types file version "/usr/mcc/mcc_system/builtin_types.dat" mcc_msl - Info: Removing Entity-Class '1 3 12 2 1011 2 22 1 26 2001' mcc_msl - Warning: OID (1 3 12 2 1011 2 22 1 26 2001) does not exactly specify a MIR object. No Remove done. mcc_msl - Info: File /usr/mcc/mcc_system/mcc_fdictionary.dat is a link to /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat mcc_msl - Info: /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat file saved into /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat.bak mcc_msl - Info: Generating Binary Output to "/usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat" Loading OSIPM EFD subclass ... mcc_msl - Info: Loading existing binary MIR database file "/usr/mcc/mcc_system/mcc_fdictionary.dat" mcc_msl - Info: Checking the Built-In Data Types file version "/usr/mcc/mcc_system/builtin_types.dat" mcc_msl - Info: Compiling MSL file "temip_osi_pm_efd.ms" mcc_msl - Info: Ending Compilation of MSL file (412 lines) mcc_msl - Info: File /usr/mcc/mcc_system/mcc_fdictionary.dat is a link to /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat mcc_msl - Info: /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat file saved into /usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat.bak mcc_msl - Info: Generating Binary Output to "/usr/mcc/en_US.ISO8859-1/no_dna5_mcc_fdictionary.dat" Building the parse table ... Director is running 2-14 Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit Remove OSI PM application from Dispatch Table ... No OSI PM application was enrolled Enroll the OSI PM Client ... OSI PM Client /usr/mcc/mmexe/temip_osi_pm sucessfully enrolled Create and Start the OSI_PM application ... OSI_PM application successfully started OSI PM Set Up has been successfully executed o You are now asked to confirm that you are ready to run the IVP. If you answer 'no' to this question, you will be told how you can run the IVP for NOE OSI PM V310 at a later time. Would you like to run the NOEOSIPMV310 IVP? (y/n) [y] n o Press to accept the default (y), or enter n and press to run the IVP later. 2.9 RIS Server Update You can install the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit subsets in an environment controlled by Remote Installation Services by using the UNIX RIS Utility. The installation procedure described in this section uses an existing area named ris0.mips as an example. Before starting the installation, note the device special name of the distribution device. To install the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit, complete the following tasks: o Mount the media on the distribution device. o Start the RIS Utility by entering the following command: # /usr/sbin/ris The RIS Utility Menu is displayed: Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit 2-15 Choices without key letters are not available. a) ADD a client d) DELETE software products i) INSTALL software products ) LIST registered clients ) MODIFY a client ) REMOVE a client s) SHOW software products in remote installation environments x) EXIT Enter your choice: i o Enter i and press . The RIS Utility Software Installation Menu is displayed: RIS Software Installation Menu: 1) Install software into a new area 2) Add software into an existing area 3) Return to previous menu Enter your choice: 2 o Enter 2 and press . If you select option 1, the RIS Utility creates the new area automatically: You have chosen to add a product to an existing environment. The existing environment is /usr/var/adm/ris/ris0.alpha. Enter the device special file name or the path of the directory where the software is located (for example, /dev/rmt0h): o Enter the directory name and press . An options menu is displayed: Choose one of the following options: 1) Extract software from /usr/users/osiam/kit/install 2) Create symbolic link to /usr/users/osiam/kit/install Enter your choice: 2 o Enter 2 and press . The TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit is now added as an installation choice for RIS clients. The RIS Utility menu reappears and asks you to enter your choice 2-16 Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit ** RIS Utility Main Menu *** Choices without key letters are not available. a) ADD a client d) DELETE software products i) INSTALL software products ) LIST registered clients ) MODIFY a client ) REMOVE a client s) SHOW software products in remote installation environments x) EXIT Enter your choice: x o If you have nothing more to install, enter x and press . Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit 2-17 3 _________________________________________________________________ After Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit This chapter tells you how to run Installation Verification Procedures (IVPs) and how to remove TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit subsets. You can find more information in: o Verifying the OSI AM Installation, Section 3.1 o Verifying the Installation of the GDMO Translator, Section 3.2 o Verifying the Installation of the OSI PM, Section 3.3 o Deleting the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit From Your System, Section 3.4. 3.1 Verifying the OSI AM Installation To verify that the OSI AM has been correctly installed and configured it is necessary to run the TeMIP OSI AM IVP (Installation Verification Procedure). 3.1.1 OSI AM IVP Overview The OSI AM IVP program performs a comprehensive verification of the OSI AM installation. Not only does it verify the license authorization and installed files, but also validates the full configuration of the system used by the OSI AM. The extent of verification carried out by the IVP makes this tool extremely useful to system support personnel, who can use it to locate configuration errors. After Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit 3-1 Support Software The TeMIP OSI AM relies on the services provided by a number of standard DIGITAL communication products, including: o DIGITAL UNIX o TeMIP Framework o DECnet-Plus o DECcmi (the OSI protocol stack provided with the TeMIP OSI AM). In order to use the support software products the TeMIP OSI AM requires that: o Licenses are active o Symbols, initialisation files, and paths are correctly set o The lower layer processes (DECnet-Plus, DECcmi) are started and usable If verification fails due to any of the prerequisites quoted above not being correct, the IVP gives the maximum of information about the problem found. In practice, the IVP uses each item in a realistic way to ensure that the system is correctly configured. IVP Procedure The IVP will try to start an IVP TeMIP OSI AM Client and manage an agent IVP, using the following procedure: 1. Set the necessary symbols if not done 2. Get and use default configuration files if not present 3. Create the OSI AM application if not already done (by calling temip_osi_setup) 4. Start the support processes if not already active 5. Send management requests through the Framework Command Line interface. 3-2 After Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit 3.1.2 Symbols and Files Used by the IVP The following symbols and file names are used by the IVP: o Symbols needed by DECcmi: - UPLROOT - XDSROOT - CMISE_INBOUND. o Path needed: - /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/bin (to start the TeMIP OSI AM) - /usr/bin (to call cmi_srv) - /usr/etc (to call cmi_startup). o Files needed by DECcmi: - /var/cmip/conf/cmi_profile.txt - /var/cmip/conf/xom.ini - /var/cmip/conf/xom.oid - /etc/nsaps. ________________________ Note ________________________ xmp.ini is used by the DECcmi stack, but only for the agent IVP. ______________________________________________________ o Files that may be modified during the execution of the IVP: - /var/kits/temip_osi_am/dOSIAM_d.dat - /var/kits/temip_osi_am/dOSIAM_d.idx - /var/kits/temip_osi_am/dOSIAM_d.lck - /var/kits/temip_osi_am/iOSIAM_i.dat - /var/kits/temip_osi_am/iOSIAM_i.idx - /var/kits/temip_osi_am/iOSIAM_i.lck - /var/kits/temip_osi_am/temip_osi_am_configuration.dat After Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit 3-3 - /etc/nsaps 3.1.3 Names Reserved for the IVP Certain names are reserved for the TeMIP OSI AM IVP, and if used for other purposes may cause the IVP to fail. o DECnet-Plus OSI Transport template name: - osiamivp o Nsap name (/etc/nsaps): - NOEIVP o TeMIP Framework agent names: - agentivp1 - agentivp2 o Process file names: - temip_osi_am_agent_ivp (process name for the agent) - temip_osi_am_ivp (process name for the client) - temip_osi_am_ivp.dat (file name for the TeMIP OSI AM Dictionary) o Log files created during the IVP: - /tmp/temip_osi_am_ivp.result - /tmp/temip_osi_am_ivp.remove - /tmp/temip_osi_am_ivp_cmi.log - /tmp/temip_osi_am_ivp_dap.log 3.1.4 Example Log of a Successful IVP The following is an example log of the successful execution of a TeMIP OSI AM IVP. ________________________ Note ________________________ Before running the IVP, the configuration must first be set using the following command: setld -c NOEOSIAMV310 CONFIG ______________________________________________________ 3-4 After Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit The two warnings shown in this example appear because the root account has not set the DECcmi environment variables. The IVP uses the default values and sets them. It is also important to note that the user root owns the same TeMIP Framework environment as the user temip. This is the normal default case; otherwise the TeMIP Framework dictionaries may be different and the installation incorrect, even if the IVP is successful. # setld -v NOEOSIAMV310 OSI Access Module (NOEOSIAMV310) ...Software Copyright Declaration ... Verifying the prerequisite files -------------------------------- Files verified. Verifying the prerequisite Symbols ---------------------------------- Include /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/bin in PATH Include /usr/bin in PATH, to call cmi_srv Include /usr/etc in PATH, to call cmi_startup Verifying the running processes ------------------------------- DECnet is started DECcmi server is not running (cmi_srv) TeMIP OSIAM Client is not running (temip_osi_am) Director is not running (Framework_Watchdog) TeMIP OSIAM Server is not running (temip_osi_server) Verifying values used by DECnet-Plus ----------------------------------- OSI Transport state = On osiamivp OSI Transport template exists Enable V2.17 transport Verifying the values used by DECcmi ----------------------------------- Network addess NOEIVP re-defined ... Starting DECcmi server .... Initializing shared memory ... Loading cmi_srv process ... After Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit 3-5 DECcmi - Control and Management Utility [V2.17] ----------------------------------------------- CMU [0079] 1) Process cmi_srv started CMU [0083] 2) MBX cmi_srv opened CMU [0061] 3) Sending ADM_REQ to cmi_srv CMU [0016] Command mode is DEFAULT Prefix CMU [0001] *** Received ADM_CNF from TASK cmi_srv CMU [0065] Sending ADM_CAU to cmi_srv CMU [0035] waiting for ADM_CAUCF from process cmi_srv CMU [0004] *** Received ADM_CAUCF from TASK cmi_srv CMU [0042] Command mode is EXPLICIT Prefix Starting cmi_srv process ... ********************** Bind OK **************************** ********************** Bind OK **************************** Set cmi_srv with I125,I126,CI127,CI128 presentation address ... Verifying values used by TeMIP OSIAM server ------------------------------------------- temip_osi_am_configuration.dat is OK Verifying the TeMIP Framework dictionary ---------------------------------------- TeMIP Framework dictionary will be verified later. Start the necessary processes ----------------------------- Executing /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/bin/temip_osi_setup Director is not running Start Director executing temip_start ... Director is running Remove OSI AM application from Dispatch Table ... OSI AM application successfully removed Enroll the OSI AM Client ... OSI AM Client /usr/mcc/mmexe/temip_osi_am successfully enrolled Application osi_am already exists Application osi_am already started 3-6 After Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit OSI AM Set Up has been successfully executed Successful completion of temip_osi_setup /usr/mcc/mmexe/temip_osi_am Client is now running ... Starting temip_osi_server ... TeMIP OSIAM Server started ... Get the Director User account ... Starting the agents ... Testing OSIAM server ... Stopping temip_osi_am_agent_ivp ... Stopping temip_osi_server ... Stopping DECcmi server ... Stopping temip_osi_am client ... The TeMIP Framework OSI_AM application is not removed, but only stopped Stopping TeMIP Framework Director (temip_stop) ... +-------------------------------------------------+ | TeMIP OSIAM IVP has been successfully executed! | +-------------------------------------------------+ 3.2 Verifying the Installation of the GDMO Translator The IVP for the GDMO Translator can be run before the GDMO Translator is first used, or at any time problems are suspected. The IVP first checks that a license has been registered and loaded for the GDMO Translator. You cannot run the IVP if you have not registered and loaded your license. Start the IVP by entering the following command: # setld -v NOEGXLATV310 After Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit 3-7 The IVP displays: A NOE V310 license has been registered. If any errors appear, please reinstall the product. Verification will take between 1 and 5 seconds depending on CPU type. *********************************************************************** Beginning Installation Verification Procedure for NOE GDMO Translator V310. *********************************************************************** ... Software Copyright declaration ... Passed *********************************************************************** Installation Verification Procedure for NOE GDMO Translator V310 successfully completed. *********************************************************************** In both cases, success or failure, the IVP places a log of the output in the directory: /usr/var/kits/temip_osi_am/ivp The name of the log file is: noevuuSubset_Nameivp.log where v represents the major software version, uu represents the software version update and Subset_Name represents the software subset you are verifying. 3.3 Verifying the OSI PM Installation To verify that the OSI PM has been correctly installed and configured it is necessary to run the TeMIP OSI PM IVP (Installation Verification Program). The IVP program consists of a check on the existence and accessability of the OSI PM by means of a TEST command at the Framework Command Line interface. Start the IVP by entering the following command: # setld -v NOEOSIPMV310 3-8 After Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit The IVP displays: TeMIP Framework (V3.1.0) MCC LOCAL_NS:.temip.caporn_director OSI_PM On director: LOCAL_NS:.temip.caporn_director AT Tue Feb 4 11:12:23 Test successful ***************************************************************************** 3.4 Deleting the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit Subsets If you need to remove a version of the TeMIP from the system, delete each subset that has been installed. To delete subsets: 1. Log in as superuser 2. Enter the following form of the setld command: # setld -i | grep "NOE" 3. Look for the word "installed" in the listing produced, and then delete the installed subsets. For example: # setld -d NOERELV310 # setld -d NOEOSIAMV310 _______________________ Notes: _______________________ 1. To preserve the MIR file of the OSI AM as well as the OSI Dictionaries and the OSI configuration file, the directory /var/kits/temip_osi_am is not removed. 2. The OSI PM MIR files created in the /var/mcc directory are not removed. ______________________________________________________ After Installing the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit 3-9 A _________________________________________________________________ Pre-Installation Checklist This appendix summarizes the various operations required before installation of the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit. After you have completed each task, use the box at the left of the page to check it off the list. You can find more information in: o Local Installation, Section A.1 o Installation on a RIS Server, Section A.2 o Installation from a RIS Server, Section A.3. A.1 Local Installation Before starting a local installation, do the following: < Check that the distribution kit is complete. < Ensure that you have an AlphaGeneration machine with the correct version of the DIGITAL UNIX operating system installed and running. < Back up the system disk. < Ensure that TeMIP is installed and running. < Ensure that you have sufficient disk space. < Create the temip user account if it does not already exist. Pre-Installation Checklist A-1 < Load the distribution media. < Register the license PAK for the product. < Install and read the Release Notes. A-2 Pre-Installation Checklist A.2 Installation on a RIS Server Before starting installation on a RIS server, do the following in addition to the local installation checks: < Note the device special name of the distribution device. A.3 Installation from a RIS Server Before starting installation from a RIS server, do the following: < Ensure that the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit is installed and running on the RIS server. < Determine the name of the RIS server. < Ensure that your system is registered as a RIS client. Pre-Installation Checklist A-3 B _________________________________________________________________ Files Installed on your System The following is a complete list of the files installed when you install the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit V3.1. For each subset the list gives the permissions, the owner and the file names. You can find more information in: o OSI Installation Directories, Section B.1 o OSI Mgt Toolkit Release Notes Subset, Section B.2 o OSI Access Module Subset, Section B.3 o GDMO Subset, Section B.4. o OSI Agent Presentation Module Subset, Section B.5 B.1 OSI Installation Directories and Common Directory Files Table B-1 shows the directories created in the /usr/kits /NOE310 directory. Table_B-1_Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310_______________________ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ drwxr-xr-x root gdmo drwxr-xr-x root help drwxr-xr-x root install drwxr-xr-x root ivp drwxr-xr-x root temip_osi_am drwxr-xr-x___root_____temip_osi_pm_________________________ Table B-2 shows the directories created and files in the common /usr/kits/NOE310/install subdirectory. Files Installed on your System B-1 Table_B-2__Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/install______________ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rw-r-r- temip NOEOSIAM.links -rw-r-r-_____temip____NOEOSIPM.links_______________________ Table B-3 shows the files created in the common /usr/kits /NOE310/ivp subdirectory. Table_B-3__Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/ivp__________________ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rwxr-xr-x root NOEGXLATIVP -rwxr-xr-x root NOEOSIAMIVP -rwxr-xr-x root NOEOSIPMIVP -rwxr-xr-x root NOERELIVP -rw-r-r- root noeV310gxlativp.log -rw-r-r-_____root_____noeV310osipmivp.log__________________ B.2 OSI Mgt Toolkit Release Notes Subset Table B-4 shows the Release Notes files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310/help directory when the OSI Mgt Toolkit Release Notes are installed. Table_B-4__Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/help_________________ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rw-r-r- root temip_osi_rel_notes.ps -rw-r-r-_____root_____temip_osi_rel_notes.txt______________ B-2 Files Installed on your System B.3 OSI Access Module Subset ________________________ Note ________________________ In Table B-6 and Table B-17 onwards, it is assumed that temip is the name of the Director User Account. ______________________________________________________ Table B-5 shows the directories created in the /usr/kits /NOE310/temip_osi_am directory. Table_B-5_Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am__________ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ drwxr-xr-x root bin drwxr-xr-x root build drwxr-xr-x root demo drwxr-xr-x root examples drwxr-xr-x root files drwxr-xr-x root kit drwxr-xr-x___root_____lib__________________________________ Table B-6 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /temip_osi_am/bin subdirectory. Table_B-6_Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/bin______ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rwxr-r- temip temip_osi_server -rwxr-r- temip temip_osi_shutdown -rwxr-r- temip temip_osi_startup -rwxr-r-_____temip____temip_osi_setup______________________ Table B-7 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /temip_osi_am/build subdirectory. Files Installed on your System B-3 Table_B-7__Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/build___ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rw-r-r- root temip_osi_am.make -rw-r-r- root temip_osi_am_agent_mgmt.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_osi_am_mgmt_if.h -rw-r-r- root temip_osi_am_mgmt_if.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_osi_am_register_directives.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_osi_am_resp_exc_agent.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_osi_am_vector.mar -rw-r-r-_____root_____types_temip_osi_am_agent_mgmt.ms_____ Table B-8 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /temip_osi_am/demo subdirectory. Table_B-8__Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/demo____ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ drwxr-xr-x root CLIENT drwxr-xr-x root MODEL -r-r-r- root README.osi_demo drwxr-xr-x root SELF_MGMT drwxr-xr-x___root_____bin__________________________________ Table B-9 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /temip_osi_am/demo/CLIENT subdirectory. Table B-9 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/demo ___________/CLIENT_________________________________________ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -r-xr-xr-x___root_____osi_demo_build_client.csh____________ Table B-10 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /temip_osi_am/demo/MODEL subdirectory. B-4 Files Installed on your System Table B-10 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/demo ___________/MODEL__________________________________________ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -r-xr-xr-x root osi_demo_compile_model.csh -r-xr-xr-x root osi_demo_update_dico.csh -r-r-r- root temip_osi_am_ivp.dg -r-r-r-______root_____temip_osi_am_ivp.g___________________ Table B-11 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /temip_osi_am/demo/SELF_MGMT directory. Table B-11 Directory /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/demo ___________/SELF_MGMT______________________________________ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -r-xr-xr-x root osi_demo_agent_record.cmd -r-xr-xr-x___root_____osi_demo_entity_record.cmd___________ Table B-12 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /temip_osi_am/demo/bin subdirectory. Table_B-12_Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/demo/bin Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -r-xr-xr-x___root_____temip_osi_am_asn_dump________________ Table B-13 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /temip_osi_am/examples subdirectory. Table_B-13_Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/examples Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rw-r-r- root cmi_profile.txt -rw-r-r- root temip_osi_am_configuration.dat -rw-r-r- root xom.ini -rw-r-r-_____root_____xom.oid______________________________ Files Installed on your System B-5 Table B-14 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /temip_osi_am/files directory. Table_B-14__Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/files__ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rw-r-r- root mcc_osiamivp_icon.dat -rw-r-r-_____root_____temip_osi_am_catalog.cat_____________ Table B-15 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /temip_osi_am/kit directory. Table_B-15__Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/kit____ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rw-r-r- root CMACMV217.tar -rw-r-r- root NOERELV310.scp -rw-r-r- root NOEOSIAMV310.scp -rw-r-r- root NOEV310.k -rw-r-r- root NOEV310.mi -rwx-r-x-r- root runtime_kit_create.csh x -rwx-r-x-r- root temip_osi_am_make_client.csh x__________________________________________________________ Table B-16 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /temip_osi_am/lib directory. Table_B-16__Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_am/lib____ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rw-r-r-_____root_____libosiam.a___________________________ Table B-17 shows the files placed in the /var/kits/temip_ osi_am directory. B-6 Files Installed on your System Table_B-17_Directory_/var/kits/temip_osi_am________________ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ drwxr-xr-x temip error drwxr-xr-x temip install drwxr-xr-x temip ivp -rw-r-r- temip temip_osi_am_configuration.dat drwxr-xr-x___temip____trace________________________________ Table B-18 shows the files placed in the /var/kits/temip_ osi_am/install subdirectory. Table_B-18_Directory_/var/kits/temip_osi_am/install________ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rw-r-r- temip install.NOEGXLATV310 -rw-r-r- temip install.NOEOSIAMV310 -rw-r-r- temip install.NOEOSIPMV310 -rw-r-r-_____temip____install.NOERELV310___________________ Table B-19 shows the files placed in the /var/kits/temip_ osi_am/ivp subdirectory. Table_B-19_Directory_/var/kits/temip_osi_am/ivp____________ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ drwxr-xr-x temip agent1 drwxr-xr-x temip agent2 -rwxr-xr-x temip temip_osi_am_agent_ivp -rwxr-xr-x temip temip_osi_am_ivp -rw-r-r- temip temip_osi_am_ivp.dat -rw-r-r- temip temip_osi_am_ivp.h -rw-r-r- temip temip_osi_am_ivp.make -rw-r-r- temip temip_osi_am_ivp.ms -rw-r-r-_____temip____types_temip_osi_am_ivp.ms____________ Table B-20 shows the files placed in the /var/kits/temip_ osi_am/ivp/agent1 subdirectory. Files Installed on your System B-7 Table_B-20__Directory_/var/kits/temip_osi_am/ivp/agent1____ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -r-r-r-______temip____xmp.ini______________________________ Table B-21 shows the files placed in the /var/kits/temip_ osi_am/ivp/agent2 subdirectory. Table_B-21__Directory_/var/kits/temip_osi_am/ivp/agent2____ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -r-r-r-______temip____xmp.ini______________________________ B.3.1 OSI AM Subset Links No links are provided. B.4 GDMO Subset Table B-22 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /gdmo directory. Table_B-22__Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/gdmo________________ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ drwxr-xr-x root bin drwxr-xr-x root files drwxr-xr-x root ivp drwxr-xr-x root lib drwxr-xr-x root msl drwxr-xr-x___root_____tools________________________________ Table B-23 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /gdmo/bin directory. B-8 Files Installed on your System Table_B-23_Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/gdmo/bin_____________ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rwxr-xr-x root temip_gdmo_browser -rwxr-xr-x___root_____temip_gdmoxlat_______________________ Table B-24 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /gdmo/files directory. Table_B-24_Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/gdmo/files___________ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rw-r-r- root temip_gdmo_browser_variables.cfg -rw-r-r-_____root_____temip_gdmoxlat.cfg___________________ Table B-25 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /gdmo/lib directory. Files Installed on your System B-9 Table_B-25__Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/gdmo/lib____________ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rw-r-r- root temip_ACSE-1.a -rw-r-r- root temip_CMIP-1.a -rw-r-r- root temip_DMI.dg -rw-r-r- root temip_DMI.g -rw-r-r- root temip_G774.g -rw-r-r- root temip_GMI.g -rw-r-r- root temip_IS10589.g -rw-r-r- root temip_IS10733.g -rw-r-r- root temip_IS10737.g -rw-r-r- root temip_M3100.g -rw-r-r- root temip_NMFVOL4.g -rw-r-r- root temip_OIWLIB.g -rw-r-r- root temip_Q821.g -rw-r-r- root temip_SATF.g -rw-r-r- root temip_T1-227.g -rw-r-r- root temip_X501.a -rw-r-r- root temip_mcc_vea_def.h -rw-r-r- root temip_system-log-logrecord.dg -rw-r-r-_____root_____temip_test.g_________________________ Table B-26 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /gdmo/msl directory. B-10 Files Installed on your System Table_B-26_Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/gdmo/msl_____________ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rw-r-r- root temip_add_directive.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_cmip_exceptions.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_delete_directive.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_get_directive.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_getevent_directive.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_mcc_managing_director.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_mcc_register_directive.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_mcc_registration_directives.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_mcc_routing_attributes.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_msl_event_args.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_pseudo_built_in_types.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_remove_directive.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_resp_exc_create_directive.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_set_directive.ms -rw-r-r-_____root_____temip_show_directive.ms______________ Files Installed on your System B-11 Table B-27 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /gdmo/tools directory. Table_B-27__Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/gdmo/tools__________ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rw-r-r- root temip_action_template -rw-r-r- root temip_asn1_template -rw-r-r- root temip_attribute_group_template -rw-r-r- root temip_attribute_template -rw-r-r- root temip_behaviour_template -rw-r-r- root temip_class_template -rw-r-r- root temip_gbrows_browser_window.uid -rw-r-r- root temip_gbrows_dialog_box.uid -rw-r-r- root temip_gbrows_editor_window.uid -rw-r-r- root temip_gbrows_mit_window.uid -rw-r-r- root temip_gbrows_name_binding_window.uid -rw-r-r- root temip_gbrows_translator_window.uid -rw-r-r- root temip_gbrows_view_window.uid -rw-r-r- root temip_mcc_argument_template -rw-r-r- root temip_mcc_attribute_group_template -rw-r-r- root temip_mcc_attribute_template -rw-r-r- root temip_mcc_directive_template -rw-r-r- root temip_mcc_entity_template -rw-r-r- root temip_mcc_event_template -rw-r-r- root temip_mcc_exception_template -rw-r-r- root temip_mcc_response_template -rw-r-r- root temip_mit_template -rw-r-r- root temip_name_binding_template -rw-r-r- root temip_notification_template -rw-r-r- root temip_package_template -rw-r-r-_____root_____temip_parameter_template_____________ Table B-28 shows the files placed in the /usr/lib/X11/help /temip_gbrowser directory. B-12 Files Installed on your System Table_B-28_Directory_/usr/lib/X11/help/temip_gbrowser______ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rw-r-r- root About -rw-r-r-_____root_____Overview_____________________________ B.4.1 GDMO Translator Subset Links No links are provided. B.5 OSI Agent Presentation Module Subset ________________________ Note ________________________ In Table B-30 and Table B-35, it is assumed that temip is the name of the Director User Account. ______________________________________________________ Table B-29 shows the directories created in the /usr/kits /NOE310/temip_osi_pm directory. Table_B-29_Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm_________ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ drwxr-xr-x root bin drwxr-xr-x root build drwxr-xr-x root files drwxr-xr-x root gdmo_msl drwxr-xr-x___root_____lib__________________________________ Table B-30 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /temip_osi_pm/bin directory. Table_B-30_Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm/bin_____ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rw-r-r-_____temip____temip_osi_pm_________________________ Table B-31 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /temip_osi_pm/build directory. Files Installed on your System B-13 Table_B-31__Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm/build__ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rw-r-r- root temip_osi_pm_efd.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_osi_pm_mgmt_if.ms -rw-r-r-_____root_____types_efd.ms_________________________ Table B-32 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /temip_osi_pm/files directory. Table_B-32__Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm/files__ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rwxr-xr-x root temip_osi_pm_catalog.cat -rwxr-xr-x root mcc_efd_icon.dat -rwxr-xr-x root mcc_manager_record_icon.dat -rwxr-xr-x root mcc_osi_pm_icon.dat -rwxr-xr-x root temip_osi_pm_efd.dg -rwxr-xr-x root temip_osi_pm_system_efd_log.dat -rwxr-xr-x root temip_osi_pm_system_efd_log.dg -rwxr-xr-x root xom.ini -rwxr-xr-x___root_____xom.oid______________________________ Table B-33 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /temip_osi_pm/lib directory. Table_B-33__Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm/lib____ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rwxr-xr-x___root_____libosi_pm.so_________________________ Table B-34 shows the files placed in the /usr/kits/NOE310 /temip_osi_pm/gdmo_msl directory. B-14 Files Installed on your System Table_B-34_Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm/gdmo_msl Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ -rw-r-r- root temip_add_directive.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_cmip_exceptions.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_delete_directive.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_get_directive.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_getevent_directive.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_mcc_managing_director.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_mcc_register_directive.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_mcc_registration_directives.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_mcc_routing_attributes.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_msl_event_args.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_pseudo_built_in_types.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_remove_directive.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_resp_exc_create_directive.ms -rw-r-r- root temip_set_directive.ms -rw-r-r-_____root_____temip_show_directive.ms______________ Table B-35 shows the files placed in the /usr/var/kits /temip_osi_pm directory. Table_B-35_Directory_/usr/var/kits/temip_osi_pm____________ Permissions__Owner____Files________________________________ drwxrwxr-x temip error drwxrwxr-x___temip____trace________________________________ B.5.1 OSI Agent Presentation Module Subset Links Table B-36 shows the links in the /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_ osi_pm/build directory. Files Installed on your System B-15 Table_B-36__Links_(Directory_/usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm/build) PermissioOwner__File_____________Path_linked_to__________________ lrwxrwxrwroot temip_delete_ /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_ directive.ms pm/gdmo_msl/temip_delete_ directive.ms lrwxrwxrwroot temip_get_ /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm directive.ms /gdmo_msl/temip_get_directive.ms lrwxrwxrwroot temip_getevent_ /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_ directive.ms pm/gdmo_msl/temip_getevent_ directive.ms lrwxrwxrwroot temip_mcc_ /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm managing_ /gdmo_msl/temip_mcc_managing_ director.ms director.ms lrwxrwxrwroot temip_mcc_ /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm register_ /gdmo_msl/temip_mcc_register_ directive.ms directive.ms lrwxrwxrwroot temip_mcc_ /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_ registration_ osi_pm/gdmo_msl/temip_mcc_ directives.ms registration_directives.ms lrwxrwxrwroot temip_msl_ /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_ event_args.ms pm/gdmo_msl/temip_msl_event_ args.ms lrwxrwxrwroot temip_pseudo_ /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm built_in_ /gdmo_msl/temip_pseudo_built_in_ types.ms types.ms lrwxrwxrwroot temip_resp_ /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm exc_create_ /gdmo_msl/temip_resp_exc_create_ directive.ms directive.ms lrwxrwxrwroot temip_set_ /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm directive.ms /gdmo_msl/temip_set_directive.ms lrwxrwxrwroot temip_show_ /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_ directive.ms osi_pm/gdmo_msl/temip_show_ _________________________________directive.ms____________________ Table B-37 shows the links in the /usr/mcc/mmexe directory. B-16 Files Installed on your System Table_B-37_Links_(Directory_/usr/mcc/mmexe)______________________ PermissioOwner__File_____________Path_linked_to__________________ lrwxrwxrwroot temip_osi_ /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm pm.exe /bin/temip_osi_pm lrwxrwxrwroot___temip_osi_pm_____/usrmcc/acloc/bin/temip_up_pm___ Table B-38 shows the links in the /var/kits/temip directory. Table_B-38_Links_(Directory_/var/kits/temip)_____________________ PermissioOwner__File_____________Path_linked_to__________________ lrwxrwxrwroot temip_osi_pm_ /usr/kits/NOE310/temip_osi_pm dictionary.dat /files/temip_osi_pm_system_efd_ _________________________________log.dat_________________________ Files Installed on your System B-17 C _________________________________________________________________ Recovering from Errors This appendix provides information to help you deal with failures or errors that might occur during product installation or product use. You can find more information in: o Failures During Product Installation, Section C.1 o Failures During Product Use, Section C.2. C.1 Failures During Product Installation If errors occur during the installation, the system displays failure messages. For example, if the installation fails due to insufficient disk space, the following message appears: The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) OSI Protocol Stack 2) TeMIP GDMO Translator version V310 (level 1 rev A) 3) TeMIP OSI Mgt Toolkit Release Notes version V310 (level 1 rev A) 4) TeMIP OSI Access Module version V310 (level 1 rev A) 5) TeMIP OSI Agent Presentation Module version V310 (level 1 rev A) Or you may choose one of the following options: 6) ALL of the above 7) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 8) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 2 Recovering from Errors C-1 /usr: write failed, file system is full Errors can occur during the installation, if any of the following conditions exist: o The operating system version is incorrect. o The prerequisite software version is incorrect. o There is insufficient disk space. For descriptions of error messages generated by these conditions, refer to the DIGITAL UNIX Documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and DIGITAL UNIX software installation. C.2 Failures During Product Use If an error occurs while the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit is in use and you believe the error is caused by a problem with the product, take one of the following actions: o If you have a Software Product Services Support Agreement, contact your Customer Support Center (CSC) by telephone or by using the electronic means provided with your support agreement (such as DSNlink). The CSC provides telephone support for high-level advisory and remedial assistance. When you initially contact the CSC, indicate the following: - The name and version number of the operating system you are using - The version number of the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit you are using - The hardware system you are using (such as a model number) - A brief description of the problem (one sentence if possible) - How critical the problem is. o If you have a Self-Maintenance Software Agreement, you can submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). C-2 Recovering from Errors o If you do not have any type of software services support agreement and you purchased the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit within the past year, you can submit an SPR if you think the problem is caused by a software error. When you submit an SPR, take the following steps: 1. Describe as accurately as possible the circumstances and state of the system when the problem occurred. Include the description and version number of the TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit being used. Demonstrate the problem with specific examples. 2. Reduce the problem to as small a size as possible. 3. Remember to include listings of any command files, INCLUDE files, or relevant data files, and so on. 4. Report only one problem per SPR. This will facilitate a faster response. 5. Mail the SPR package to DIGITAL. If the problem is related to TeMIP OSI Management Toolkit documentation, you can report the problem to the CSC (if you have a Software Product Services Support Agreement and the problem is severe). Recovering from Errors C-3 _________________________________________________________________ Index A______________________________ G______________________________ Aborting installation, 1-8 GDMO Translator After installing the TeMIP OSI installing, 2-4 Management Toolkit, 3-1 to 3-9 H______________________________ B Hardware requirements, 1-2 _______________________________ Backing up, 1-3 I______________________________ Bill Of Materials (BOM), 1-2 Installation C aborting, 1-8 _______________________________ checklist, A-1 Checklist, A-1 directories, B-1 See Installation checklist local, 1-1 of GDMO Translator locally, D______________________________ 2-4 Deleting TeMIP subsets, 3-9 of OSI AM locally, 2-8 Director User Account, 1-6 of OSI PM locally, 2-12 Disk space, 1-4 of OSI Protocol Stack locally Distribution kit, 1-2 , 2-3 of Release Notes locally, F 2-6 _______________________________ of the TeMIP OSI Management Files installed, B-1 Toolkit, 2-1 to 2-17 GDMO Subset, B-8 on a RIS server area, 2-15 OSI AM Subset, B-3 recovering from errors, 1-8 OSI PM subset, B-13 RIS, 1-1 Release Notes Subset, B-2 verification, 2-3, 3-1, 3-7, 3-8 Installation procedure starting, 2-2 Index-1 Installation Verification Procedure O______________________________ GDMO Translator, 3-7, 3-8 OSI AM OSI AM, 3-1 installing, 2-8 OSI PM, 3-8 OSI PM Installation Verification installing, 2-12 Procedures, 2-3 OSI Protocol Stack Installing installing, 2-3 See Installation from a CD-ROM, 2-2 P______________________________ from a RIS server, 2-3 PAK from a system directory, 2-2 See Product Authorization Key IVP Preparing to install the TeMIP See Installation Verification OSI Management Toolkit, 1-1 Procedure to 1-9 L Product Authorization Key _______________________________ registering, 1-7 License Management Facility, 1-7 R______________________________ registration, 1-7 Recovering from installation List of files installed, B-1 errors, 1-8 LMF Release Notes See License Management directory, 2-8 Facility files installed, 2-8 Local installation installing, 2-6 GDMO Translator, 2-4 Requirements OSI AM, 2-8 disk space, 1-4 OSI PM, 2-12 hardware, 1-2 OSI Protocol Stack, 2-3 license registration, 1-7 Release Notes, 2-6 media types, 1-2 Logging on, 1-3 operating system, 1-2 software, 1-2 M______________________________ subsets, 1-2, 1-3 Menu system backup, 1-3 RIS Utility, 2-15 TeMIP, 1-2 RIS Utility Software TeMIP Framework Developer's Installation, 2-16 Toolkit, 1-2 time, 1-3 RIS installation, 2-15 Utility, 2-15 Utility Menu, 2-15 Utility Software Installation Menu, 2-16 Index-2 choosing Release Notes, 2-6 S______________________________ deleting, 3-9 Software requirements, 1-2 System backup, 1-3 Subsets T checking, 1-3 _______________________________ choosing GDMO Translator, TeMIP user account, 1-6 2-4 Time requirements, 1-3 choosing OSI AM, 2-8 choosing OSI PM, 2-12 U______________________________ choosing OSI Protocol Stack, User account, 1-6 2-3 Index-3