DSM_for_DEC_OSF/1_AXP_______________________________ Installation and Management Guide Part Number: AA-PZQNA-TE August 1993 This document describes how to install and manage Digital Standard M (DSM) systems layered on the DEC OSF/1 AXP operating system. It is intended for DSM environment managers, operations personnel, and systems programmers. ________________________ Note ________________________ Digital Standard M was formerly called Digital Standard MUMPS. ______________________________________________________ Revision/Update Information: This is a new document. Operating System and Version: DEC OSF/1 AXP Version 1.3 and higher Software Version: DSM Version 1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts ________________________________________________________________ First Printing, August 1993 Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this documentation is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital, an authorized sublicensor, or the identified licensor. While Digital believes the information included in this publication is correct as of the date of publication, it is subject to change without notice. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the interconnection of its products in the manner described in this document will not infringe existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this document imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1993. All Rights Reserved. The Reader's Comments form at the end of the hardcopy version of this document requests your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha AXP, AXP, Bookreader, CI, DASL, DDCMP, DEC, DEC C, DECnet, DECserver, DECstation, DECUS, DECUSCOPE, DECwindows, DELUA, DSM, DSM-11, MicroVAX II, OpenVMS, PDP-11, RA, TK, ULTRIX, VAX, VAX DOCUMENT, VAX DSM, VAX DSM DDP, VMS, VT100, VT300, the AXP logo, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: Helvetica, Times, and New Century Schoolbook are trademarks of Linotype AG and/or its subsidiaries. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc., licensed by Digital. OSF, OSF/1, and OSF/Motif are registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. MUMPS is a registered trademark of Massachusetts General Hospital. NFS is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX System Laboratories, Inc. X Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents ................................................... vii Installing the DSM Software DSM Distribution Kit.......................... 1-1 Installation Overview......................... 1-1 Installation Requirements..................... 1-3 Software Requirements..................... 1-3 Determining Which DSM Subsets to Load..... 1-4 Determining Disk Space and Time Requirements.............................. 1-5 Increasing Disk Space Available for the DSM Installation........................ 1-7 Installing DSM Locally........................ 1-7 Backing Up Your System Disk............... 1-7 Registering Your DSM License.............. 1-8 Installing DSM from CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media........................ 1-9 Stopping the Installation................. 1-9 Installing DSM Using setld................ 1-9 Running the IVP After the Installation........ 1-12 Error Recovery................................ 1-12 The dsm Image................................. 1-13 Postinstallation Activities................... 1-14 Creating the DSM Environment Manager's Account................................... 1-14 Running /usr/sbin/dsminit.sh.............. 1-18 Configuring DSM........................... 1-21 Automatic Startup and Shutdown of DSM Configurations............................ 1-22 System Startup.......................... 1-22 System Shutdown......................... 1-23 iii Installing the X Window System Interface for DSM................................... 1-23 DDP Driver Process........................ 1-24 Foreground dsmddpdrv Command Line Options................................. 1-25 Background dsmddpdrv Command Line Options................................. 1-25 DDP Driver Shutdown..................... 1-27 2 Managing DSM DSM Environment............................... 2-1 Environment Directories, Files, and Protection................................ 2-3 DSM Baseline Mode......................... 2-5 DSM Configurations........................ 2-7 DSM Accounts.............................. 2-9 Overview of DSM Databases..................... 2-11 Configuration Management (^CONMAN)........... 2-12 Defining Configurations (^CONFIG)........ 2-12 Starting Up and Shutting Down Configurations............................ 2-20 Root Account Access to a DSM Configuration........................... 2-20 Starting a Configuration................ 2-21 Shutting Down a Configuration........... 2-21 Modifying Characteristics of a Configuration............................. 2-22 Running Multiple DSM Configurations....... 2-23 Controlling User Access to DSM Configurations................................ 2-24 Configuration Access Control.............. 2-24 Global Access Control..................... 2-25 Changing Programmer Mode and Application Mode Restrictions in ^SYS................. 2-26 DSM Detached Processes........................ 2-28 Write Demon............................... 2-28 Garbage Collector......................... 2-30 Journal Process........................... 2-30 DDP Servers............................... 2-30 iv 3 Optimizing DSM Overview...................................... 3-1 Configuring DSM Shared Memory................. 3-1 Setting Open File Limits...................... 3-3 Global Statistics (^GLSSTA).................. 3-4 4 DSM System Utilities Overview of DSM Utilities..................... 4-1 Utility Conventions........................... 4-2 Running the DSM System Utilities.............. 4-4 Configuration Management Utilities (^CONMAN).................................... 4-4 Displaying Configurations (DISPLAY^CONFIG)......................... 4-6 Copying Configurations (COPY^CONFIG)..... 4-8 Modifying Configurations (MODIFY^CONFIG).......................... 4-8 Deleting Configurations (DELETE^CONFIG).......................... 4-10 Database Set Management Utilities (^DBSMAN).................................... 4-10 After-Image Journaling Utilities (^JOURNAL)............................... 4-10 Before-Image Journaling Utilities......... 4-12 Database Set Utilities.................... 4-13 Volume Set Utilities (^VOLUTL)........... 4-14 Disk Block Tally (^DBT)................ 4-15 Distributed Data Processing Utilities (^DDP)....................................... 4-16 Performance Utility........................... 4-17 System Management Utilities (^SYSMAN)........ 4-18 Force Exit (^FORCEX)..................... 4-18 Lock Table Display (^LOCKTAB)............ 4-19 Shutdown (^SHUTDWN)...................... 4-19 Login Control (^LOGIN)................... 4-19 External Call Conversion Utilities............ 4-19 v A Files Installed on Your System B Sample Listings for DSM Installation and IVP Sample Listing for DSM Installation from CD-ROM........................................ B-1 Sample IVP.................................... B-2 C OSF/1 System Error Messages DSM Subsets................................... C-1 DSM Base Subset............................... C-1 IVP Messages for All Subsets.................. C-2 DSM Release Notes Subset...................... C-3 DSM manpage Subset............................ C-3 DASL Subset................................... C-4 X Window Interface for DSM Subset............. C-4 Index Examples 1-1 Running the /usr/sbin/dsminit.sh Shell Script.................................... 1-18 2-1 Running the ^CONFIG Utility............... 2-13 3-1 ^GLSSTA Report............................ 3-6 B-1 DSM Installation Output................... B-1 B-2 Running the IVP........................... B-2 Tables 1-1 Worksheet for Subset Sizes (Kilobytes Required)................................. 1-5 2-1 Bit Representation for Masks.............. 2-27 A-1 Installed DSM Files....................... A-1 A-2 Files Created by dsminit.sh............... A-6 vi _________________________________________________________________ Preface Intended Audience This manual addresses the DSM for DEC OSF/1[R] AXP[TM] (DSM[TM]) environment manager and operator who are responsible for installing the DSM system software, establishing DSM environment manager and user accounts, and performing other privileged system operations. This person should have extensive knowledge of the DEC OSF/1 AXP operating system and system management. All readers of this document should be familiar with the topics covered in the DEC OSF/1 AXP documentation set. Manual Objectives This manual describes how to install the DSM system software and how to operate and manage DSM in a multiuser environment. This manual does not describe the language elements or syntax of the DSM language. See the Language Reference Manual and the Introduction to DSM for a complete description of the MUMPS[R] language elements and syntax. See the Programmer's Guide for information about programming using DSM. See the Database Operations Guide for information about managing database sets, volume sets, and globals; maintaining the integrity of your database; and using journaling. The Installation and Management Guide begins with installation and management information, followed by conceptual and detailed information that helps the vii environment manager understand how DSM functions. This manual is structured as follows: o Chapter 1 describes preinstallation and installation procedures for installing the DSM software. It also provides instructions for creating a DSM environment. o Chapter 2 contains tips for managing a DSM system, including instructions for defining a DSM environment and for creating DSM configurations. o Chapter 3 explains how to tune the DEC OSF/1 AXP operating system for use with DSM. o Chapter 4 contains information about system utilities that perform system management functions. o Appendix A contains a list of the files that are installed on your system. viii o Appendix B contains sample listings for a DSM installation and the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). o Appendix C contains a list of DEC OSF/1 AXP system error messages that can occur when installing any of the DSM subsets. Related Documents In addition to this manual, the documentation for DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP consists of: o Introduction to DSM This document describes the syntax and language elements of DSM. It is an introduction to MUMPS programming and is presented tutorially. o Database Operations Guide This document describes how to maintain the integrity and reliability of the DSM database. It also describes the internal structure of the DSM database. o Language Pocket Reference This document summarizes DSM language elements, the DSM command syntax, and I/O options. o Language Reference Manual This document describes the syntax and elements of the DSM language. o Programmer's Guide This document describes how to use the programming capabilities of DSM. o Master Index This document contains index entries for manuals in the DSM documentation set (excluding the DASL[TM] manuals). o Release Notes This document contains features and compatibility information for this version of DSM. o X and Motif Reference and Programming Guide for DSM ix This document describes the X, Motif [R], and ZXMUMPS routines used by programmers to create windows applications. The following DASL manuals are part of the DSM documentation set. For more information about these manuals, see the DASL documentation set or the Introduction to DSM. o DASL Handbook o DASL Management Guide o DASL Pocket Reference o DASL Programmer's Guide o DASL Reference Manual o DASL Master Index The DSM documentation set is available on the DEC OSF/1 AXP Online Documentation Library Compact Disc. These documentation files can be used with the Bookreader[TM] for DEC OSF/1 AXP. For more information about accessing and displaying these files, see the DEC OSF/1 Layered Products Disc User's Guide. This manual refers to the following documents from the DEC OSF/1 AXP documentation set that contain supplemental information relevant to DSM programming and system operations: o Guide to System Administration o Guide to Software License Management o Reference Pages Section 1, User Commands Volume 1-3 o Reference Pages Section 8, System Administration Commands See also the following manuals: o Network Administration and Problem Solving o Guide to Sharing Software on a Local Area Network x Conventions Used in This Document This manual uses the following documentation conventions and symbols. ___________________________________________________________ Convention____Meaning______________________________________ boldface Emphasizes an important concept. type Indicates user input in online documentation. italic type Introduces new terms. Indicates the title of a manual. red type Indicates user input in hardcopy documentation. " " Indicates a section title. Indicates that you press the Ctrl key on the terminal keyboard while simultaneously pressing some other key (represented here by x). Indicates that you press the Return key on the terminal keyboard. Indicates that a space must separate components of a command or command line. Indicates that you press the Tab key. [item] Encloses optional characters or portions of routine lines that need not be entered by the user or that are not displayed by the system. {item} Indicates that the enclosed item is optional. . . . Indicates that additional command parameters can be added to the command line. . Indicates a break between two illustrated . lines of user input and that all user input . is not shown. xi ___________________________________________________________ Convention____Meaning______________________________________ pathname Indicates the path from root to a directory or file on a DEC OSF/1 AXP system. UPPERCASE The DEC OSF/1 AXP system differentiates and between lowercase and uppercase characters. lowercase You must enter text that appears in examples exactly as shown. root This typeface in text indicates the exact name of a command, option, partition, pathname, directory, or file on a DEC OSF/1 AXP system. OSF/1_________Indicates_the_DEC_OSF/1_AXP_operating_system. Your Comments Are Invited Comments regarding the usability of our documentation, including feedback on clarity, organization, and accuracy are welcome. Comments are also welcome regarding figures, examples, and the index. Please send your comments about the content of the documentation to Digital Equipment Corporation through any of the following methods: o DSM Product Group FAX: 508-467-1605 o Internet address doc_comment@nurse.enet.dec.com o Postal Service Digital Equipment Corporation DSM Product Group MR02-3/5E 2 Results Way Marlboro, MA 01752-9840 U.S.A. Please include the product name and version, and the name of the manual and section on which you are commenting. For your convenience, a Reader's Comment page is located at the back of each manual. xii ________________________ Note ________________________ The communication methods listed in this section should be used only for comments on documentation. Other types of information - such as Software Performance Reports or software enhancement requests - cannot be handled through these methods. ______________________________________________________ xiii 1 _________________________________________________________________ Installing the DSM Software This chapter provides information about the DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP (DSM) distribution kit and the installation procedures used by sites that have never previously installed a DSM system. The DSM software can be installed locally from CD-ROM. Note that Remote Installation Services (RIS) installations are not supported. DSM Distribution Kit The DSM kit consists of software and documentation. Digital Equipment Corporation distributes the DSM software on CD- ROM media. The DSM software consists of the following: o DSM interpreter and database handler image o DSM Distributed Data Processing (DDP) driver o Command procedures for managing a DSM application environment o DSM library utility routines and globals o Components needed to build user-defined functions Installation Overview Before starting the installation procedures, complete the preinstallation requirements outlined in this chapter. The sections in this chapter provide the necessary information to make your installation run smoothly. Installing the DSM Software 1-1 ________________________ Note ________________________ You must be running DEC OSF/1 AXP Version 1.3 or higher to install DSM Version 1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP. ______________________________________________________ This chapter discusses the following: o Installation activities - Decide which optional DSM subsets you want to install. - Determine how much disk space you need to install DSM. - Back up your system disk. - Register your License Product Authorization Key (PAK). - Install the DSM kit. - Run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). o Postinstallation activities - Use /usr/sbin/dsminit.sh to create the DSM environment manager account. - Log in to the DSM environment manager's account and run DSM in baseline mode (dsm -M) to initialize DSM database volume sets (run ^VOLMAN) and configurations (run ^CONFIG). - Use the ^STU Utility to start up the configuration. - Edit /usr/sbin/dsmstartup.sh and /usr/sbin /dsmshutdown.sh to provide for automatic startup and shutdown of DSM configurations when you reboot your system. - Install the X Window System[TM] Interface for DSM (if it was not installed during the DSM installation). - Start up and shut down the Distributed Data Processing (DDP) driver. 1-2 Installing the DSM Software Installation Requirements This section discusses various requirements for installing the DSM software. You must be able to log in as superuser to the system on which you are installing DSM. Only when you are logged in as superuser do you have sufficient privileges to install the DSM software. For tuning information, see Chapter 3. Software Requirements DSM requires that the following OSF/1 software subsets[1] are installed on the system where you install DSM: o OSFBASEnnn - DEC OSF/1 AXP Base System o OSFPGMRnnn - Software Development Environment If you plan to use TCP/IP or Local Area Transort (LAT) services, you must install the OSFCLINETnnn subset (Basic Networking Services). To install the optional DSM reference page (manual page or manpage), the following OSF/1 software subsets must be installed on the system where you install DSM: o OSFMANOSnnn, the Admin/User online reference pages o OSFMANOPnnn, the Programming online reference pages o OSFDCMTnnn, the document preparation software If you plan to install the X Window System Interface for DSM, you must install the following subsets before you install the DSM kit: o OSFSERnnn - X Servers (Windowing Environment) o OSFX11nnn - Basic X Environment (Windowing Environment) o OSFXDEVnnn - X Window Software Development (Software Development) You can also install the windows reference pages (OSFMANWOPnnn and OSFMANWOSnnn). ____________________ [1] Note that nnn in the subset names is the version number of DEC OSF/1 that you are installing. Installing the DSM Software 1-3 There are no software requirements for installing and printing the optional online Release Notes. When you install the DSM software in a local (node- specific) environment, perform the following steps to determine whether the preceding OSF/1 subsets are loaded: 1. Log in to the system on which you plan to install DSM. 2. Enter the following commands: % /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep BASE12 OSFBASE120 installed Base System % /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep PGMR12 OSFPGMR120 installed Software Development Environment % /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep CLINET12 OSFCLINET120 installed Basic Networking Services % /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep MANOS12 OSFMANOS120 installed Ref Pages: Admin/User (Reference Pages) % /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep MANOP12 OSFMANOP120 installed Ref Pages: Programming (Reference Pages) % /usr/sbin/setld -i | grep DCMT12 OSFDCMT120 installed Doc. Preparation Tools (Text Processing) Check the displayed rows for the relevant subset names and for any related upgrades. The word installed appears in a row after the subset identifier code when a subset is loaded. If the word installed does not appear (the second column in a row is blank), the subset or upgrade is not loaded. In this case, you must load the missing OSF/1 software before installing the DSM software. Determining Which DSM Subsets to Load You must choose the DSM subsets you want to load. The DSM subsets have the following titles: o DSMBASE100 - DSM for DEC OSF/1 Base Subset Major components of DSM o DSMMAN100 - DSM for DEC OSF/1 Reference Page Online Reference Page for DSM o DSMREL100 - DSM for DEC OSF/1 Release Notes Online version of the Release Notes o DSMXWIN100 - X Window System Interface for DSM 1-4 Installing the DSM Software X Window System Interface for DSM o DSMDASL100 - DASL for DEC OSF/1 Major components of the DASL software Determining Disk Space and Time Requirements Installing the DSM software and running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) on your target system takes less than 10 minutes on a DEC[TM] 3000 Model 400S. Table 1-1 lists the disk space requirements for loading DSM software subsets on OSF/1 systems. The disk space requirements discussed in this section apply to the disks on which you load the DSM subsets. Table_1-1_Worksheet_for_Subset_Sizes_(Kilobytes_Required)__ /usr /usr/var Subset_Title_______________Subset_Name___/opt_____/opt_____ DSM Major Components DSMBASE100 15,000 30 DSM Reference Page DSMMAN100 20 0 Release Notes DSMREL100 100 0 DSM X Windows for DEC DSMXWIN100 3,500 0 OSF/1 DASL for DEC OSF/1 DSMDASL100 17,000 0 Totals:__________________________________---______---______ Total the values in Table 1-1 for the subsets that you plan to load in each file system. Compare the space required for subsets with the free space currently on the disks where the DSM files are going to reside. To determine the current amount of free space for a directory path, log in to the system where you plan to install the DSM software. You can check which file systems are mounted and where they are by displaying the file /etc/fstab. For example: Installing the DSM Software 1-5 # more /etc/fstab /dev/rz0a / ufs rw 1 1 /dev/rz0g /usr ufs rw 1 2 /dev/rz3b swap1 ufs sw 0 2 /dev/rz0b swap2 ufs sw 0 2 /dev/rz9c /usr/users ufs rw 1 2 /usr/staff/ann@bigsys /usr/staff/ann nfs rw,bg 0 0 /usr/man@bigsys /usr/man nfs ro,bg 0 0 The previous display indicates that /usr (mounted to /dev /rz0g) is the only mount point that affects where DSM files reside. The /usr/opt and /usr/var/opt file systems reside on the same local disk in /dev/rz0g (partition g). Enter the df command to determine total space and free space for the one or two file systems on which DSM files are going to reside. The previous display of the /etc /fstab file, which shows that only /usr is a mount point, indicates that you would need to inspect free space in the /usr file system only: # df -k Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on /dev/rz0a 63231 23874 33033 42% / /dev/rz0g 396062 245398 111057 69% /usr /dev/rz9c 628561 377701 188003 67% /usr/users /usr/staff/ann@bigsys 1188076 1105354 82722 93% /usr/staff/ann /usr/man@bigsys 1188076 1146906 41170 97% /usr/man The previous display indicates that 111057KB are free. This free space must accommodate subset requirements listed in Table 1-1 for both the /usr/opt and /usr/var/opt file systems. On systems where /usr/var/opt and /usr/opt are mounted to different devices from /usr, enter the following command: # df -k /usr/opt /usr/var/opt In this case, you compare space required for DSM files in /usr/opt to the free space displayed in the first line of the df output list, and you compare the space required for DSM files in /usr/var/opt to the free space displayed in the second line of that list. 1-6 Installing the DSM Software Increasing Disk Space Available for the DSM Installation The DSM installation procedure creates the following directories and loads files into subordinate directories: /usr/opt/DSM100 /usr/var/opt/DSM100 If the DSM100 node in the previous paths exists, the installation procedure uses it. If it does not exist, it is created. If you find that there is insufficient disk space for the DSM subsets and know that you have additional space on alternative disks or disk partitions for your system, you can take the following steps before installing DSM: 1. Log in as superuser. 2. Create either or both of these directories: o /usr/opt/DSM100 o /usr/var/opt/DSM100 3. Specify in the /etc/fstab file that one or more of the newly created directories are mount points to new disk partitions that contain additional space. 4. Enter the mount -a command so that the new mount points take effect. Installing DSM Locally The following sections provide detailed instructions for installing the DSM software kit locally on your OSF/1 system. This installation procedure loads DSM files on a disk that belongs to the system on which you installed the software. When DSM is run, its executable images are mapped into memory on this system. Backing Up Your System Disk Digital recommends that you back up your system disk before installing any software on the operating system. Use the backup procedures established at your site. For details about how to perform a system disk backup, see the Guide to System Administration in the OSF/1 documentation set. Installing the DSM Software 1-7 Registering Your DSM License DSM includes support for the DEC OSF/1 AXP License Management Facility (LMF). To run DSM, you must register your software license by using LMF. The license registration information you need is contained in the Product Authorization Key (PAK) that is shipped with DSM. The PAK is a paper certificate that includes the data needed to authorize access to DSM on your system. To register a license under the OSF/1 operating system, log in as superuser. Before installing DSM, you can register the DSM license as follows: o At the superuser prompt, enter the lmf register command as follows: # lmf register An empty PAK template appears in which you enter the information from your license PAK. You are in the vi editor. o After you register your license, use the lmf reset command to copy the license details from the License Database (LDB) to the kernel cache. For example: # lmf reset ________________________ Note ________________________ You can also use the lmf load command to register your license: # lmf load 0 DSM ______________________________________________________ For complete information about using the DEC OSF/1 AXP License Management Facility and the vi editor, see the Guide to Software License Management or the lmf(8) and vi(1) reference pages. 1-8 Installing the DSM Software Installing DSM from CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media When installing DSM from CD-ROM, start the installation procedure as follows: 1. Mount the media on the appropriate disk drive. 2. Log in as superuser (login name root) to the system on which you are installing DSM. 3. Make sure that you are at the root (/) directory by entering the following: # cd / 4. Specify the /mnt directory to be the mount point for the distribution file system on the drive. If your drive is ra1, enter the following: # mount -dr /dev/ra1c /cdrom 5. Enter a setld command that requests the load function and identifies the directory in the mounted file system in which the DSM subsets are located. The directory location for these subsets is /cdrom/DSM100/bin. For example, to load DSM subsets, enter the following command: # setld -l /cdrom/DSM100/bin Go to the section "Installing DSM Using setld" to continue the installation. Stopping the Installation You can stop the installation procedure at any time by pressing Ctrl/C. However, files created up to that point are not deleted. You must delete these files interactively. Appendix A lists the directories and files created during the installation procedure. Installing DSM Using setld This section explains the installation procedure prompts and displays. The following is an example of running the setld utility, which is used to install DSM: 1. After you enter the setld command for local (node- specific) installations, the installation procedure Installing the DSM Software 1-9 displays the names of the DSM subsets and asks you to specify the subsets that you want to load. For example: # setld -l /cdrom/DSM100/bin *** Enter Subset Selections *** The subsets listed below are optional: 1) DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Base Subset 2) DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP DASL Subset 3) DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Reference Page 4) DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Release Notes 5) DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP X Windows Subset 6) All of the above 7) Cancel selections and redisplay menus 8) Exit without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press Return to confirm previous selections. Choices (for example, 1 3-5) : 1 3 4 5 Note that if you specify more than one number at the prompt, separate each number with a space, not a comma. If you choose to install the X Window System Interface for DSM, make sure that you have already installed the X Server, Basic X Environment, and X Window Software Development subsets. 2. Next, the script lets you verify your choice. For example, in response to the previous prompt, you see the following display: You are installing the following optional subsets: DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Base Subset DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Release Notes DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Reference Page DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP X Windows Subset Is this correct? (y/n): y If the displayed subsets are not the ones you intended to choose, enter n. In this case, the subset selection menu is again displayed, and you can correct your choice of optional subsets. 1-10 Installing the DSM Software If the displayed subsets are the ones you want to install, enter y. 3. The procedure displays a message that the installation is starting: DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Release Notes (DSMREL100) Copying from /cdrom/DSM100/bin Verifying DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Reference Page (DSMMAN100) Copying from /cdrom/DSM100/bin Verifying DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Base Subset (DSMBASE100) Copying from /cdrom/DSM100/bin Verifying DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP X Windows Subset (DSMXWIN100) Copying from /cdrom/DSM100/bin Verifying Installation complete. Release notes for DSM100 can be found at : /usr/opt/DSM100/relnotes/dsm_relnotes.txt Linking the DSM for OSF/1 image ... Installation completed. 4. The procedure asks if you want to run the IVP now: Do you want to run the IVP for DSMBASE100 now [y or n] ? y DSM Version 1.0 for DEC OSF/1 Base Subset (DSMBASE100) DSMBASE100: Starting Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). If this fails, please include the following when submitting a report: 1) This subset name, which is DSMBASE100 2) The /tmp/DSMBASE100/dsmdir/dsmivp.output file that was generated 3) This setld session 0 verification errors encountered. 0 corrections performed. Created scratch directory : /tmp/DSMBASE100 Executing dsm in IVP mode... Installing the DSM Software 1-11 *************************************************************************** * * IVP for DSMBASE100 was successful. * *************************************************************************** If, during the course of the installation, you encounter errors from the setld utility, see the ERRORS section of the setld(8) reference page or Appendix C in this manual for an explanation of the error and the appropriate action to take. If the verification process fails, you can look in the file /usr/var/adm/smlogs/fverify.log to find information that can help you diagnose the problem. For postinstallation activities, see the section "Postinstallation Activities." Running the IVP After the Installation Run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) to be sure that DSM is correctly installed. After installing DSM, you can run the IVP independently to verify that the software is available on your system. You might also want to run the IVP after a system failure to be sure that users can access DSM. To run the IVP after an installation, enter the following command: # setld -v DSMBASE100 For an example of the DSM IVP, see Appendix B. Error Recovery If errors occur during the installation, the system displays failure messages. If the installation fails because of insufficient disk space, the installation procedure displays the following message: There is not enough file system space for subset DSMBASE100 DSM for DEC OSF/1 (DSMBASE100) will not be loaded. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o The operating system version is incorrect. 1-12 Installing the DSM Software o The prerequisite software version is incorrect. o The system parameter values for successful installation are insufficient. For descriptions of error messages generated by these conditions, see the OSF/1 documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and OSF/1 software installation or Appendix C. If you are notified that any of these conditions exist, take the appropriate action described in the message. For information about system requirements, see the section "Software Requirements." The dsm Image A dsm image is executable by all users on the system only when the image is owned by root and the setuid bit is set for owner. The following permissions are applied to the dsm image installed in /usr/opt: # ls -l /usr/opt/DSM100/bin/dsm -rws--x--x 1 root 2617344 Dec 16 11:01 /usr/opt/DSM100/bin/dsm Users access the installed dsm image through /usr/bin/dsm, but the actual image is located in /usr/opt/DSM100/bin/dsm. The DSM installation procedure creates a symbolic link to /usr/opt/DSM100/bin/dsm: # ls -l /usr/bin/dsm lrwxr-xr-x 1 root 22 Dec 16 11:02 /usr/bin/dsm -> ../opt/DSM100/bin/dsm If a DSM environment manager creates a private dsm image using dsmlink.sh or dsmdlink.sh to test and debug user-written external routines, the private image is executable only from the environment manager's account. Also, a DSM configuration started with the private image is accessible only from the DSM environment manager's account. Once the user-written external routines are debugged and tested, the private image can be made available to all users on the system. For more information about user- written external routines, see the Programmer's Guide. Installing the DSM Software 1-13 Postinstallation Activities Once the DSM installation is complete, you can create one or more DSM environment manager accounts that are used to define DSM configurations. The configuration completely controls access to global databases, DSM routines, and other DSM capabilities. This section provides detailed instructions for all activities required to create a DSM environment and initialize an OSF/1 account as DSM environment manager's account. Procedures for creating and starting a DSM configuration are also described briefly. See Chapter 2 for complete information about DSM environments and configurations. Creating the DSM Environment Manager's Account To define and manage a DSM environment for development and applications, you must designate an OSF/1 account for use as a DSM environment manager account. The account provides a working area for enabling various DSM options and operations. Using this account, the DSM environment manager can perform tasks such as the following: o Creating and extending DSM database volume sets o Creating and editing DSM configurations o Managing UCIs, globals, and routines on DSM volume sets o Starting up and shutting down DSM configurations interactively Use the /usr/sbin/dsminit.sh (dsminit.sh) shell script to prepare an OSF/1 account for use as a DSM environment manager account. Do the following to run dsminit.sh: 1. Log in as superuser. 2. Run /usr/sbin/dsminit.sh. Enter the following: # /usr/sbin/dsminit.sh The dsminit.sh procedure allows you to create a new OSF/1 account for use as a DSM environment manager account. You can also use dsminit.sh to designate an existing OSF/1 account as a DSM environment manager account. The dsminit.sh procedure does the following: 1-14 Installing the DSM Software o Asks you for the login name (can be a login name for an existing account), UID, password, login group and other groups, and the parent directory of the DSM environment manager account you want to create (if the account does not exist) or initialize (if the account already exists). The login name of the account is the name of the DSM environment. ________________________ Note ________________________ You cannot initialize the root account as a DSM environment manager account. ______________________________________________________ o Creates default directories to hold volume sets, journal files (before-image and after-image journal files), and log files associated with this environment. After you enter the information to create an account, and the account is either created or verified, dsminit.sh asks if you want to initialize the account. If you do not want to initialize the account at this time you must run dsminit.sh again when you want to initialize the account. If you choose to initialize the account, all the operations performed by dsminit.sh are displayed. If you are creating a new account, the /dsmdir directory is created in the DSM environment manager's home directory (represented by /usr/users/envnm). If you are initializing an existing DSM environment manager account, the directory already exists. When the initialization procedure completes successfully, dsminit.sh creates the default directories and files shown in Figure 1-1. The following list describes the files created by dsminit.sh: o Baseline volume set (/usr/users/envnm/dsmdir/dsmbaseline.gls) The baseline volume set is a single-volume volume set that contains the management utilities and globals. The baseline volume set is mounted as the only volume set in the baseline configuration and is the first volume set in a fully defined configuration. The baseline volume Installing the DSM Software 1-15 set name is DSM and it contains two UCIs, MGR and PDP. You can log in to MGR,DSM only by using dsm -M. Each DSM environment has its own baseline volume set. Note that dsmbaseline.gls is always mounted first as S0. ________________________ Note ________________________ You cannot extend dsmbaseline.gls and you cannot add volume sets to it. You cannot enable Before-Image or After-Image journaling for the baseline volume set. Therefore, you must maintain a backup copy of the volume set. At the very least, you must keep a backup copy of the ^SYS environment configuration global and any user-written system utilities. ______________________________________________________ The baseline volume set also contains the ^SYS environment configuration global. The ^SYS global is used by DSM utilities to define and start a DSM configuration. For more information, see the Database Operations Guide. o Baseline option file (/usr/users/envnm/dsmdir/dsmbaseline.opt) The first time the DSM environment manager starts DSM using the dsm -M command line, a baseline configuration is started. The baseline option file holds baseline configuration initialization information that is used when the baseline configuration is started. o Configuration access file (/usr/users/envnm/dsmdir/dsmaccess.dat) The configuration access file is created as an empty file that can then be used to define security access to running DSM configurations. If you enable configuration access control with the ^CONFIG Utility, you add the login names of the users who are allowed configuration access to this file. 1-16 Installing the DSM Software o DSM-11 device table (/usr/users/envnm/dsmdir/dsm11_devtab.dat) The DSM-11 device table file maps DSM-11 device numbers to DEC OSF/1 AXP files. It is loaded at configuration startup if DSM-11 compatibility mode is enabled using the ^CONFIG Utility. For more information about this table, see the Programmer's Guide. o Outbound terminal connect characteristic table (/usr/users/envnm/dsmdir/dsm_remote_ttys.dat) The outbound terminal connect characteristic table file contains information that enables DSM to determine how to establish outbound terminal connections. For more information about this table, see the Programmer's Guide. o Journal directory (/usr/users/envnm/dsmdir/journal) The journal directory is created to hold After-Image Journaling and Before-Image Journaling files. o Database directory (/usr/users/envnm/dsmdir/database) The database directory contains the volume set files. o Log file directory (/usr/users/envnm/dsmdir/log) The log file directory contains the log files (After- Image Journaling, Before-Image Journaling, Recovery, Write Demon, and Garbage Collector processes). o /tmp directory (/usr/users/envnm/dsmdir/tmp) This directory is used internally by DSM. o Flock files Four flock files are created as empty files and are used for synchronizing resource locks. The flock files are named as follows: /usr/users/envnm/dsmdir/dsm_flock_0 /usr/users/envnm/dsmdir/dsm_flock_1 /usr/users/envnm/dsmdir/dsm_flock_2 Installing the DSM Software 1-17 /usr/users/envnm/dsmdir/dsm_flock_3 ________________________ Note ________________________ Do not delete, edit, or move any of these files. Also, do not change the protections on any of these files. ______________________________________________________ You can run dsminit.sh multiple times on the same account. The dsminit.sh procedure makes only the changes necessary to produce a valid DSM environment. _______________________ Caution _______________________ Do not run dsminit.sh on an existing environment account that has a configuration running, or has DSM running in baseline mode. ______________________________________________________ Running /usr/sbin/dsminit.sh Example 1-1 shows how to run /usr/sbin/dsminit.sh to create a new OSF/1 account and initialize it as a DSM environment manager account. ________________________ Note ________________________ You must log in as superuser to run the /usr/sbin /dsminit.sh shell script. You cannot initialize the root account as an environment manager account. ______________________________________________________ Example 1-1 Running the /usr/sbin/dsminit.sh Shell Script # /usr/sbin/dsminit.sh DSM Environment Manager Initialization The DSM environment manager must have an OSF/1 account to define and control DSM configurations. This procedure allows you to define a DSM environment by initializing a new or an existing DEC OSF/1 account for use as a DSM environment manager. (continued on next page) 1-18 Installing the DSM Software Example 1-1 (Cont.) Running the /usr/sbin/dsminit.sh Shell Script Enter the account name to use with DSM > dsmmgr The dsmmgr account does not exist, want to create it now [y or n] > y You are prompted for information used to create the dsmmgr account. Choose UID and GID values that are unique within this system and all systems that share NFS files with it. *********************************************************** *** Be sure to enter a login name of 'dsmmgr' *********************************************************** Running /usr/sbin/adduser: Enter a login name for the new user (for example, john): dsmmgr Enter the UID for (dsmmgr) [300]: Enter a full name for (dsmmgr): dsm manager Enter a login group for (dsmmgr) [users]: Enter another group that (dsmmgr) should be a member of. ( only if none): Enter a parent directory for (dsmmgr) [/usr/users]: The shells are: /usr/bin/sh /usr/bin/ksh /bin/csh /bin/ksh /usr/bin/csh /bin/sh Enter a login shell for (dsmmgr) [/bin/sh]:/bin/csh Adding new user... Rebuilding the password database... 30 password entries, maximum length 87 Creating home directory... You must enter a new password for (dsmmgr). Changing password for dsmmgr. New password: ICEcream (password is not echoed) Retype new password: Finished adding user account for (dsmmgr). The account dsmmgr has been created with /usr/sbin/adduser. OSF/1 Account dsmmgr: (continued on next page) Installing the DSM Software 1-19 Example 1-1 (Cont.) Running the /usr/sbin/dsminit.sh Shell Script Login directory = /usr/users/dsmmgr Login shell = /bin/csh UID = 300 GID = 15 Sure you want to initialize this account now [y or n] ? y Initializing environment dsmmgr... Directory /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir created Directory /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/database created Directory /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/journal created Directory /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/log created Directory /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/tmp created File /usr/sbin/dsmbaseline.gls copied to /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/dsmbaseline.gls File /usr/sbin/dsmbaseline.opt copied to /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/dsmbaseline.opt File /usr/sbin/dsm11_devtab.dat copied to /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/dsm11_devtab.dat File /usr/sbin/dsm_remote_ttys.dat copied to /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/dsm_remote_ttys.dat Empty file /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/dsmaccess.dat created Empty file /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/dsm_flock_0 created Empty file /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/dsm_flock_1 created Empty file /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/dsm_flock_2 created Empty file /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/dsm_flock_3 created You can now log in to the DSM manager's account dsmmgr, run DSM in baseline mode to initialize DSM database volume sets, and create and start up new DSM configurations. You may also want to add this environment name to the /usr/sbin/dsmstartup.sh automatic startup shell script and to the /usr/sbin/dsmshutdown.sh shutdown shell script. (continued on next page) 1-20 Installing the DSM Software Example 1-1 (Cont.) Running the /usr/sbin/dsminit.sh Shell Script See the "Installation and Management Guide" for complete information about DSM configurations and the "Database Operations Guide" for completein formation about database volume sets. The OSF/1 account has been created and initialized as a DSM environment manager account. You should now read Chapter 2 carefully. It describes how to create DSM configurations and provide access control to the DSM environment. ________________________ Note ________________________ From now on, this manual and other manuals in the documentation set use /dsmmgr to represent /envnm in all default pathnames. ______________________________________________________ For details about the adduser command, see the adduser(8) reference page. Configuring DSM Once the DSM environment manager account is initialized, log out of the superuser account, log in to the DSM environment manager account, and run DSM in baseline mode (dsm -M). For more information about baseline mode, see the section "DSM Baseline Mode" in Chapter 2. To create a new DSM volume set and configuration, follow these steps: 1. Create a new DSM database volume set using the ^VOLMAN Utility. For more information, see the Database Operations Guide. 2. Define a DSM configuration using the Create Configuration Utility (^CONFIG). For more information, see Chapter 2. 3. Start a DSM configuration in the newly initialized OSF/1 environment manager account using the ^STU Utility. For more information, see Chapter 2. Installing the DSM Software 1-21 Once you create the startup configuration, you can start DSM. The startup procedure establishes all processes necessary for your DSM system environment. See Chapter 2 for information about these processes. If DSM startup fails, an explanatory message is displayed on your terminal. In many cases, the reason for failure is stored in the log file /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/log/dsmdemon_base.log (or dsmdemon_conf.log). Automatic Startup and Shutdown of DSM Configurations You need to provide for automatic startup and shutdown of DSM configurations when your system is rebooted. The following sections describe the procedures for automatic system startup and shutdown. System Startup The /usr/sbin/dsmstartup.sh file is a template shell script to which you can add the names of each DSM environment that you want to start automatically. For example: dsm_all="dsmmgr dsmmgr1 dsmmgr2" for dsm_env in $dsm_all do su - $dsm_env -c "/usr/sbin/dsmstart_script.sh" /dev/null done This automatically starts up default configurations for the dsmmgr1, dsmmgr2, and dsmmgr environments. The superuser can run /usr/sbin/dsmstartup.sh to start up the DSM configurations entered in the file. However, to provide automatic startup for all DSM configurations every time the system is started, add the following to /etc/inittab: dsmstartup:23:once:/sbin/sh /usr/sbin/dsmstartup.sh > /dev/console The OSF/1 /etc/inittab shell script is executed automatically when you start up or change run levels on your OSF/1 system. The dsmstartup.log file is created for each environment that is started in the environment /log directory. 1-22 Installing the DSM Software Note that only the superuser can edit the dsmstartup.sh and /etc/inittab files. System Shutdown The /usr/sbin/dsmshutdown.sh file is a template shell script to which you can add the names of each DSM environment that you want to have shut down automatically. For example: dsm_all="dsmmgr dsmmgr1 dsmmgr2" for dsm_env in $dsm_all do su - $dsm_env -c "/usr/sbin/dsmshut_script.sh" /dev/null done This shuts down all three running configurations automatically in the dsmmgr, dsmmgr1, and dsmmgr2 environments. Note that there is no supported way to shut down baseline mode automatically for any DSM environments if the environment manager is currently logged in to DSM. The dsmshutdown.log file is created in the environment /log directory. The superuser can run /usr/sbin/dsmshutdown.sh to shut down the DSM configurations entered in the file. ________________________ Note ________________________ All running DSM configurations must be shut down cleanly before you shut down your OSF/1 system. If the configuration is not shut down properly, database degradation can result. A call to the dsmshutdown.sh shell script must be added to your site specific shutdown procedures. ______________________________________________________ Installing the X Window System Interface for DSM If you do not install the DSMXWIN100 subset (X Window System Interface for DSM) when you install the DSM kit, then the dsm image that is generated at the time of installation does not include support for X windows. Installing the DSM Software 1-23 If you install DSMXWIN100 at a later time, you must do the following to include support in DSM: 1. Shut down all running DSM configurations and baseline mode. 2. Enter the following command to verify that no DSM processes are still running: # ps aux | grep dsm 3. Reconfigure the DSMBASE100 subset. Enter the following: # cd / # setld -c DSMBASE100 SELECT Configuring DSMBASE100 Linking DSM for DEC OSF/1 AXP image Version 100 with X windows included... If the setld command displays the following error message, then a process is still running DSM: ld: Can't create output file (Text file busy) You can use this procedure to relink the dsm image at any time. DDP Driver Process The Distributed Data Processing (DDP) driver process is a background process that handles communication between the Ethernet driver and processes within a DSM configuration. To start DDP for a configuration, the DDP driver process must already be running. To start the DDP driver process, log in as superuser and run the /usr/sbin/dsmddpstartup.sh shell script. The shell script runs the dsmddpdrv image as a background process. ________________________ Note ________________________ DSM allows access to DDP from one running configuration at a time. If you try to start DDP and it is already running in another environment, startup fails with a %DSM-E-DDPLNKEXISTS error. ______________________________________________________ 1-24 Installing the DSM Software You can customize /usr/sbin/dsmddpstartup.sh and include command line options with appropriate values for your system. Also, you can modify the /usr/sbin/dsmstartup.sh shell script to start the DDP driver process automatically before starting your DSM configuration. The general format of the dsmddpdrv command line is: # dsmddpdrv [-options ] Foreground dsmddpdrv Command Line Options The following table describes the interactive (foreground) dsmddpdrv command line options. ___________________________________________________________ Option______Description____________________________________ -D Lists the Ethernet devices on your system. -S Shuts down the DDP driver process and terminates DDP requests for a DSM ____________configuration._________________________________ Background dsmddpdrv Command Line Options The following table describes the dsmddpdrv command line options that you can specify in the /usr/sbin /dsmddpstartup.sh shell script to start the driver as a background process. ___________________________________________________________ Option___________Description_______________________________ -n number Specifies the maximum number of remote nodes (number of circuits). One circuit is needed for each remote node. The default is 20. The minimum is 4. There is no explicit maximum. -v number Specifies the maximum number of remote volume sets. The number is based on the number of remote nodes and the number of volume sets mounted by each remote node. The default is the number of remote nodes multiplied by 10. The minimum is 4. There is no explicit maximum. Installing the DSM Software 1-25 ___________________________________________________________ Option___________Description_______________________________ -j number Specifies the maximum job number on the local system. This is used for allocating memory for local job message sequence counters. The actual maximum local job number is determined at DDP node startup and is the maximum number of users specified in the ^CONFIG Utility. Note that DDP node startup cannot increase this value, because the memory allocation is performed when the DDP driver process is started. The default is 128, the minimum is 10, and the maximum is 512. If your DSM configuration specifies more than 128 jobs, you must specify a larger value for -j when you start the DDP driver process. -J number Specifies the highest job number expected from any remote (requesting) system. The default is 128, the minimum is 10, and the maximum is 512. -d ddu Specifies the Ethernet device and unit number. For example: -d ne0 By default, DSM uses the first Ethernet device found. -L filename Specifies the DDP driver log file name. The default is /usr/tmp/dsmddpdrv.log. -R number Specifies the maximum retries for a request. The default is 4 (in other words, a total of five attempts, original attempt plus four retries). The maximum is 255. You can specify -T 0 for infinite retries. -T number Specifies the timeout period in seconds, for one request. The minimum is 5 seconds. The maximum is 255 seconds. The default is 10 seconds. You can enable an infinite timeout with -T 0. 1-26 Installing the DSM Software ___________________________________________________________ Option___________Description_______________________________ -P number Specifies the number of password table entries to allocate memory for. The default is the number of remote nodes _________________plus_10.__________________________________ DDP Driver Shutdown The dsmshutdown.sh shell script shuts down the DDP driver process automatically. Installing the DSM Software 1-27 2 _________________________________________________________________ Managing DSM This chapter provides DSM managers with information about managing a DSM environment. It is assumed that you have already initialized an OSF/1 account for use as a DSM environment by following the procedures in Chapter 1. This chapter presents an overview of a DSM environment and detailed information about DSM configurations. Experienced DSM programmers can find information to improve system performance in the Programmer's Guide. For detailed information about volume sets and database integrity, see the Database Operations Guide. For additional information about OSF/1 system management, see the Guide to System Administration in the OSF/1 documentation set. DSM Environment A DSM environment is the working area used by a DSM manager to enable and control the operations of DSM. The initialization of an environment configures the following resources to support DSM management: o OSF/1 account The DSM environment manager's account provides a secure operational account from which the manager can control DSM. o DSM directories DSM directories and subdirectories are created for use by DSM processes and are the default location for the storage of database, journal, and other DSM specific files. o Environment configuration global (^SYS) Managing DSM 2-1 The environment configuration global (the ^SYS global is located in the baseline volume set (dsmbaseline.gls)) holds the complete database of DSM configurations that the DSM manager has defined for the environment. A configuration describes the various enabled DSM capabilities, available databases, and other parameters relevant to a fully operational DSM environment. After a DSM environment is initialized, ^SYS is generally empty. If you do not specify an environment name on the dsm command line, the default environment is the login name of the process. 2-2 Managing DSM Environment Directories, Files, and Protection If you install the DSMBASE100 and DSMMAN100 subsets with setld, DSM installs files in the following directories: o /var/opt/DSM100 These are node-specific files (read/write data, no sharing). o /usr/opt/DSM100 These are architecture-specific files that can be shared across machines (read only). Figure 2-1 shows the directories that are created when you install the DSM kit with setld. For a complete list of the files in these directories and a description of the files, see Appendix A. When you initialize a DSM environment using /usr/sbin/dsminit.sh, dsminit.sh creates or updates an OSF/1 account with a set of DSM directories as a tree of directories. The top-level directory of the tree is /dsmdir and is known as the environment root directory. Figure 2-2 describes this directory hierarchy. ________________________ Note ________________________ The remainder of this manual uses /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir as the default pathname for all examples. ______________________________________________________ The environment root directory is the default location for the following directory files: o Default log directory (/log) The log directory is the default location for log files created by DSM system processes such as the Write Demon and the Garbage Collector. o Default journal directory (/journal) The journal directory is the default location for after-image or before-image journal files. o Default database directory (/database) Managing DSM 2-3 The database directory is the default location for DSM database volume sets. o Default tmp directory (/tmp) This directory is used internally by DSM. The environment root directory is also the default location for the following files: o Baseline volume set (dsmbaseline.gls) o Baseline startup option (dsmbaseline.opt) o Access control (dsmaccess.dat) o Lock synchronization (dsm_flock_0, dsm_flock_1, dsm_ flock_2, dsm_flock_3) o DSM-11 device compatibility table (dsm11_devtab.dat) o Outbound terminal connect characteristic table (dsm_ remote_ttys.dat) Database and journal subdirectories are default locations for the storage of DSM volume sets and journal files. DSM utilities that prompt for the location of a database or journal file always use one of these directories when creating a default response. You can always enter a different pathname to override the default. 2-4 Managing DSM _______________________ Caution _______________________ Never place your volume set file on the same physical device as its after-image journal files. If the device fails, you need the after-image journal files to recover the backup copy of the volume set. You can place before-image journal files on the same physical disk device as the primary database. However, use disk capacity and disk performance to determine the proper placement of the before-image journal file. ______________________________________________________ OSF/1 permissions are applied to all directories and files initialized by dsminit.sh for the new environment. The DSM environment manager is the owner of all the private environment files and has read/write/execute permission on these files. No one else (except the superuser) has access to these private environment files. This form of protection prevents unauthorized access to sensitive environment, configuration, database, and journal files. The superuser can access any files on the system. For details about how to control access to DSM environments and configurations, see the section "Controlling User Access to DSM Configurations." DSM Baseline Mode Once a DSM environment has been initialized for use, you can log in to the environment manager's account and use DSM in baseline mode. Use the dsm command with the -M command line option to enter baseline mode: % dsm -M Baseline mode gives you direct access to the DSM interpreter. When you log in, DSM displays the following banner: Initializing baseline mode... DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP dsmmgr [Baseline] > Managing DSM 2-5 The [Baseline] access mode specifier indicates that no configuration is running. The first time you enter baseline mode, DSM displays the "Initializing baseline mode..." message. This indicates that DSM has done the following: o Renamed the dsmbaseline.opt file o Started the baseline Write Demon process o Started the baseline Garbage Collector process o Created the baseline shared memory section Note that baseline mode is initialized only the first time you enter dsm -M. In baseline mode, DSM offers only minimal services, and its primary function is intended for use in running DSM manager utilities. 2-6 Managing DSM Baseline access has the following characteristics: o All DSM interpreter capabilities are available. o Only a single process can use DSM in baseline mode per environment. If you log in to the environment manager's account on more than one terminal, and attempt to run baseline mode from more than one process simultaneously, DSM displays the following error message: % dsm -M %DSM-F-BASERUN, Baseline mode already running for this environment This error is also returned if you attempt to execute the JOB command from baseline mode. o Journaling, Distributed Data Processing (DDP), and other advanced capabilities are not available. In baseline mode, global and routine access is limited to globals and routines that are supplied by the DSM baseline volume set (dsmbaseline.gls). DSM managers use baseline mode for management activities such as: o Creating DSM volume sets o Defining DSM configurations o Starting defined DSM configurations When you log out of baseline mode using the HALT command, the baseline configuration remains running. You can manually shut down baseline mode by running the ^SHUTDWN Utility. However, when you run the ^STU Utility to start up a configuration, DSM automatically shuts down baseline mode. The baseline system processes are run down, and the baseline shared memory section is deleted. DSM Configurations A DSM configuration is a database that describes the operational capabilities and characteristics of a fully functional DSM environment. A configuration definition specifies the following: o How many disk buffers are available for global data caching Managing DSM 2-7 o Which DSM database sets are included, and whether the following conditions are true: - Before-Image Journaling is enabled. - After-Image Journaling is enabled. - Which global references are translated. - If DDP is enabled or disabled. As the DSM environment manager, use the Create Configuration Utility (^CONFIG) while logged in to the baseline system to name and define the capabilities of a configuration. Once a configuration definition is complete, the configuration can be started. You can start configurations only while logged in to the DSM environment manager account. A configuration is considered running when all the defined configuration capabilities are available to DSM environment users. 2-8 Managing DSM A running DSM configuration includes a set of shared data structures and detached DSM system processes that provide highly efficient access to global databases. The baseline volume set (dsmbaseline.gls) is automatically included as the first mounted volume set in a configuration. The configuration establishes all capabilities available to DSM users. When a DSM configuration is running, programmers and application users can log in to it from various OSF/1 accounts. Users can accept the defaults established using the ^CONFIG Utility by the DSM environment manager and can also override some of the defaults on the DSM command line. A configuration is considered shut down when only the baseline capabilities are available. If a programmer or application user tries to run DSM without the -M command line option when no configuration is running, the user cannot access DSM. The system displays the following error message: %DSM-E-NOTRUN A DSM configuration is not running DSM Accounts You can establish any number of OSF/1 user accounts to provide access to a running configuration. There are three types of accounts that you can initialize for use with DSM: o DSM environment manager account The /usr/sbin/dsminit.sh procedure creates the DSM environment manager account. DSM configurations can be started up only from this account. (Note that the superuser can also start up configurations.) You can create or extend volume sets, or perform the other management tasks described in this chapter from this account. You can shut down DSM from this account or as superuser. The DSM environment manager can enable or disable configuration access control for a configuration using the ^CONFIG Utility. If configuration access control is enabled, you must modify the dsmaccess.dat file to give other OSF/1 accounts access to the environment. If this file is empty or does not exist, no users can access Managing DSM 2-9 this DSM environment. For more information, see the section "Controlling User Access to DSM Configurations." o DSM programmer accounts These accounts are for the interactive users who develop DSM routines. Programmer accounts are created using the OSF/1 adduser command. o DSM application user accounts These accounts are for users executing only particular DSM routines under controlled conditions. Application accounts are created using the OSF/1 adduser command. These accounts are configured so that application users are tied to the DSM application and cannot interact directly with the DSM interpreter. 2-10 Managing DSM Overview of DSM Databases DSM databases are organized into named database sets. A database set is described by its three components: o DSM volume sets DSM volume sets are specially formatted OSF/1 files that hold DSM globals and routines. o After-image journal files Use after-image journal files to keep an audit trail of modifications made to globals within a running configuration. o Before-image journal file The before-image journal file maintains a record of the contents of a database block before a major database event occurs. Major database events include block splits caused by a global set operation or block merges caused by a global kill operation. Before defining DSM configurations, you initialize DSM volume sets using the ^VOLMAN Utility. This operation preallocates OSF/1 files and places them on system disk units in the various DSM directories you created during environment initialization. Volume sets can be configured to consist of one to eight OSF/1 files. Once you create and place the volume sets you want to use in your application, you must organize them into database sets. The database set definition includes all volume set file names and journal file names (after-image and before- image). DSM supports DSM database sets. A DSM database set consists of one DSM volume set, optional after-image journal files, and an optional before-image journal file. Each database set within a DSM environment is uniquely named and defined. You use the Create/Modify Database Set Utility (MODIFY^CONDBS) to create and modify the components of a named database set. When you create a configuration, you specify which database sets to include for mounting. To make database set definition easier, the ^CONFIG Utility also allows Managing DSM 2-11 you to create and modify database sets as you define a configuration. Once a database set is created, it can be included in multiple configurations. If you modify the components of a database set, the changes are reflected in each configuration that references the database set. Note that two configurations running on a system cannot mount the same database set. For details about how to create and manage database sets and volume sets, see the Database Operations Guide. Configuration Management (^CONMAN) The ^CONMAN Utility provides utilities to create, copy, delete, display, and modify configurations and configuration information. Enter the following to run ^CONMAN: >D ^CONMAN The utility displays the following menu: Configuration Management 1. COPY CONFIGURATION (COPY^CONFIG) 2. CREATE CONFIGURATION (^CONFIG) 3. DELETE CONFIGURATION (DELETE^CONFIG) 4. DISPLAY CONFIGURATION (DISPLAY^CONFIG) 5. MODIFY EXISTING CONFIGURATION (MODIFY^CONFIG) Select Option > The following section describes the ^CONFIG Utility. For more information about the other ^CONMAN utilities, see Chapter 4. Defining Configurations (^CONFIG) Use the Create Configuration Utility (^CONFIG) to define new configurations or to modify the characteristics of an existing configuration. The ^CONFIG Utility stores configurations by a configuration identifier that you designate. You can create and store any number of configurations. Once a configuration is stored, you can retrieve it, edit its characteristics, and then start the configuration. 2-12 Managing DSM To create a new DSM configuration, log in to the DSM environment manager's account and run DSM with the -M command line option. Example 2-1 explains the various configuration options available and shows how to create a new configuration. References to more detailed documentation are provided for each question. Before you run the ^CONFIG Utility, you need to create all volume sets you intend to use in the configuration. You can create volumes sets with the ^VOLMAN Utility. For a description of ^VOLMAN, see the Database Operations Guide. ________________________ Note ________________________ Pressing Ctrl/C while using ^CONFIG aborts the utility. This leaves the configuration partially defined and inconsistent; subsequent attempts to start the configuration may fail. Always answer all of the questions presented by the utility to completely define a configuration. ______________________________________________________ Example 2-1 Running the ^CONFIG Utility $ dsm -M DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP dsmmgr [Baseline] >D ^CONFIG Build DSM Configuration Type ? for HELP at any time Would you like extended help [Y OR N] ? Y Enter YES if you want help text displayed for every question asked. Press Return to continue without extended help. (continued on next page) Managing DSM 2-13 Example 2-1 (Cont.) Running the ^CONFIG Utility Enter the name of the configuration that you want to access. The name must consist of less than 12 uppercase alphabetic and numeric and characters cannot be the number 0. Type ^L to see a list of currently defined configurations. Enter the configuration identifier <1> PAYROLL PAYROLL is not currently defined, define it now [Y OR N] ? Initializing PAYROLL as a new configuration... Disk buffers are in-memory buffers used to cache database disk data in memory. The buffer techniques used by DSM can significantly reduce physical disk I/O and increase system performance if the proper number of buffers is chosen. In environments with a large number of users, it is not uncommon to configure anywhere between 2000 to 6000 buffers. However, memory resources can limit this value. If you are creating a configuration for limited use and testing, choose a small number (300-600). This reduces the amount of process and OSF/1 system tuning required to get the configuration started. If you are creating a configuration for production use, it is advisable to increase this value significantly. A minimum of 64 buffers is allowed. Reference: Chapter 3 Enter the number of disk buffers > 1200 Enter the maximum number of DSM users that you want to allow simultaneous access to this configuration. Note that the Garbage Collector, Write Demon, DDP processes, and Journal Process are all considered DSM users. It is important to keep this number as small as possible because additional memory usage is required to support each potential user. Three is the minimum number of users allowed. Enter the maximum number of DSM users <128> (continued on next page) 2-14 Managing DSM Example 2-1 (Cont.) Running the ^CONFIG Utility Configuration access control allows you to specify which users are allowed access to this configuration when it is running. In addition, certain restrictions are placed on programmer mode capabilities. If you enable access control, you need to modify the dsmaccess.dat file located in the DSM manager's environment root directory (~/dsmdir). The dsmaccess.dat file contains the list of users who are allowed access to this configuration. Reference: See the section "Controlling User Access to DSM Configurations" in this chapter Enable configuration access control [Y OR N] ? > Y DSM allows a configuration to be run in DSM-11 compatibility mode to aid in porting applications developed for the PDP-11 version of DSM. In DSM-11 compatibility mode, DSM recognizes the positional syntax of arguments to the MUMPS OPEN and USE commands. DSM-11 style device numbers are translated to OSF/1 pathnames via a DSM-11 device table file, dsm11_devtab.dat, located in the DSM manager's environment root directory (~/dsmdir). For more information about DSM-11 compatibility mode, see the compatibility appendix in the "Programmer's Guide." Enter YES if you want to enable DSM-11 compatibility mode for this configuration. If you enter NO, native DSM syntax and error message text is supported. Enable DSM-11 compatibility [Y OR N] ? Y The lock table is a shared data section that holds locks currently held by all users. When a configuration is started, DSM allocates lock table space by summing the configuration lock table base size specified here with an additional 1KB for each UCI mounted. If DSM is unable to grant locks to users because of a lock table full condition, you can increase the configuration lock table base size with an appropriate value. Enter the size of the lock table in 1KB increments <16> ***System options updated (continued on next page) Managing DSM 2-15 Example 2-1 (Cont.) Running the ^CONFIG Utility Enter the number of database sets for this configuration to mount during startup. The baseline volume set (dsmbaseline.gls) is automatically included as the first mounted volume set in every configuration and is mounted as volume set S0. Therefore, you only need to specify the number of application database sets that you want to mount in this configuration. The total number of volume sets defined by all of the database sets included in this configuation cannot exceed 16. Number of database sets in this configuration <1> Enter the name of a database set for this configuration to mount during startup. Enter ^L to list the currently defined database sets within the environment. Name of database set #1 > EMPLOYEE A configuration can only reference database sets that are already defined. This database has not been previously defined. Enter YES to define the database set now. Enter NO to go back and enter a different database set name for this configuration. EMPLOYEE not defined. Define it now [Y OR N] ? Enter the name of the volume set within this database set that is to be mounted at configuration startup. The DSM volume set name is the name given to the volume set when it was prepared using the ^VOLMAN Utility. DSM volume set names must be 3-uppercase alphabetic characters. Reference: See the Database Operations Guide Name of the volume set > EMP DSM volume sets can consist of one to eight disk or file volumes. Enter the number of volumes in this volume set. Reference: See the Database Operations Guide Enter the number of volumes in volume set EMP <1> Enter the OSF/1 pathname of the volume to mount during configuration startup. (continued on next page) 2-16 Managing DSM Example 2-1 (Cont.) Running the ^CONFIG Utility Reference: See the Database Operations Guide File name of EMP volume 1 < /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/database/empvol1.gls > /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/database/empvol1.gls Before-Image Journaling saves separate copies of physical database blocks as they appeared before a major modification of the database is attempted. A major modification includes SET operations that cause a new block to be allocated (split) or KILL operations that cause the deallocation of a database block (merge). This approach to journaling provides a high performance safeguard against database degradation if your system should fail with unwritten, modified blocks remaining in the disk buffer cache. Because only a few blocks are journaled, and the before-image journal output file is continually recycled, restoration of a database is extremely fast. Enter YES to enable physical Before-Image Journaling for the volume set in this database set. Enter NO if you do not want to use Before-Image Journaling. Reference: See the Database Operations Guide Enable Before-Image Journaling for this database set [Y or N] ? After-Image Journaling is a facility that allows you to save critical global database transactions to a sequential disk file. After-Image Journaling saves a separate physical record of all SET and KILL operations that occur to the database. This trace can be used in conjunction with backup and restore procedures to completely recover a database to its current state should a media failure (for example, disk failure) occur. Answer YES to include After-Image Journaling support for all of the volume sets in this database set. Enter NO if you do not want to include support for After-Image Journaling. Reference: See the Database Operations Guide Enable After-Image Journaling for this database set [Y or N] ? *** Database set EMPLOYEE updated *** Database set names updated (continued on next page) Managing DSM 2-17 Example 2-1 (Cont.) Running the ^CONFIG Utility Distributed Data Processing (DDP) is a facility that allows you to access global arrays on another DSM for DEC OSF/1, DSM for OpenVMS, DSM for ULTRIX, or DSM-11 system connected using Ethernet controllers. A routine can request data from a remote system using an extended global reference syntax, or global translation. Enter YES to include support for DDP. Enter NO if you do not want to include support for DDP. Reference: See the Database Operations Guide Include support for Distributed Data Processing [Y OR N] ? *** DDP parameters updated Default global attributes are applied to all newly created globals on a configurationwide basis. While these are the default attributes, you can still create globals with different attributes using the ^%GLOMAN Utility. Enter YES if you want to modify this configuration's default global attributes. Enter NO if you do not want to modify the default global attributes. Reference: See the Database Operations Guide and the section "Global Access Control" in this chapter Modify global attributes [Y OR N] ? The dsm command accepts a series of command line options. You can specify default values for the following options: Global Directory -g UCI,VOL Routine Directory -r UCI,VOL Source Buffer Size -b nnnnn Symbol Table Size -t nnnnnn Stack Size -s nnnn [NO]TYPEAHEAD -e/-d typeahead [NO]CENABLE -e/-d cenable [NO]NOUNDEFINED -e/-d noundefined PROMPT -P "string" Enter YES if you want to modify the values of the default command line options for this configuration. Enter NO if you do not want to modify these values. (continued on next page) 2-18 Managing DSM Example 2-1 (Cont.) Running the ^CONFIG Utility Reference: See the Programmer's Guide Modify DSM default command line options [Y OR N] ? The Global Translation Tables provide a flexible way to logically force global references to occur in a non-default DSM directory (UCI,VOL). It provides transparent access to globals between DSM directories on any DSM or DSM-11 system, local or remote (using DDP). Reference: See the Database Operations Guide Modify Global Translation Tables [Y OR N] ? *** Configuration PAYROLL defined If you want to make this configuration the new default configuration to use when starting up DSM, enter YES. If you do not want to make this the default configuration, enter NO. Make PAYROLL the new default configuration [Y OR N] ? Y Enter YES if you want to start DSM with all of the options you have specified for this configuration. If you need to modify system parameters, it is best to answer NO here, make the necessary changes, and reboot your system. You can then log back in to DSM and run the ^STU Utility to start the configuration. Start up configuration PAYROLL [Y OR N] ? The configuration is now completely defined and ready to be started. If you answered YES to the previous question, the following question appears: Enable user logins on startup [Y OR N] ? It is useful to disable logins in situations where system management tasks require you to have exclusive access to a fully functional DSM configuration. (continued on next page) Managing DSM 2-19 Example 2-1 (Cont.) Running the ^CONFIG Utility Answer NO to this question to disable user logins into DSM after startup completes. Only users logging in to DSM with the -M command line option are allowed access to the running configuration. All other users receive the "DSM logins are currently disabled" message. Answer YES to this question to start DSM and make it immediately available to all application users. The configuration is now started, and DSM displays the following: Starting DSM configuration PAYROLL Mounting volume set DSM with 1 volume Mounting /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/dsmbaseline.gls as volume 1 with 2000 2KB blocks Mounting volume set EMP with 1 volume Mounting /usr/users/dsmmgr/database/empvol1.gls as volume 1 with 25000 2KB blocks 2 Volume Sets mounted DSM Write Demon ..... Started as PID 13123 DSM Garbage Collector ...... Started as PID 13124 DSM startup complete - User logins enabled Starting Up and Shutting Down Configurations Once a DSM configuration is completely defined, you can start it and shut it down interactively. The following sections describe how to start up and shut down a configuration. Root Account Access to a DSM Configuration Only a DSM environment manager can start a configuration. The superuser cannot run DSM in baseline mode for any DSM environments and cannot start up DSM configurations using baseline mode. However, the superuser can become any DSM environment manager using the OSF/1 su command, then start up a configuration. For example: # su - dsmmgr 2-20 Managing DSM The root account is always allowed to log in to any running configuration. Once logged in to a running configuration, the superuser can shut down that configuration using the ^SHUTDWN Utility. For example: # dsm -M -E dsmmgr -a "^SHUTDWN" Starting a Configuration To start up DSM interactively, log in to the DSM environment manager's account. Then, run DSM with the -M command line option and run the Configuration Startup Utility (^STU). For example: % dsm -M DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP dsmmgr [Baseline] >D ^STU DSM Configuration Startup Enter the configuration identifier Enable user logins on startup [Y OR N] ? . . . For more information about system startup, see the section "System Startup" in Chapter 1. Shutting Down a Configuration To shut down a DSM configuration interactively, log in to the DSM environment manager's account. Then, run DSM with the -M command line option. Use the ^SHUTDWN Utility to stop all DSM user processes and complete an orderly shutdown of system processes including the DSM Write Demon and Garbage Collector. For example: % dsm -M DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP dsmmgr [MGR,DAS] >D ^SHUTDWN Managing DSM 2-21 Processes in DSM Environment DSMMGR on 24-APR-1993 15:47 PID Name State Device UCI,VOL Routine Cmds Refs Login 13123 DSM garcol 0 104 21-Aug 15:35 13124 DSM demon 0 0 21-Aug 15:35 14312 dsmmgr tty02 APL,DAS 228164 38377 21-Aug 10:12 Continue with shutdown ? (Y/N) > Y . . . For more information about system shutdown, see the section "System Shutdown" in Chapter 1. ________________________ Note ________________________ Using the OSF/1 kill -9 command to stop a DSM user or system processes can cause all other users accessing the same DSM volume set to hang; it can also degrade the database. Use the DSM ^FORCEX Utility to run down a DSM user safely. For more information about how to use this utility, see Chapter 4. ______________________________________________________ Modifying Characteristics of a Configuration When you initially created the DSM environment manager account, the dsminit.sh procedure set minimal account limits, quotas, and privileges necessary to run limited DSM configurations. You must adjust these values as you modify your operating environment and configuration characteristics. The following list describes the recommended technique for setting up a DSM configuration that has all the capabilities you require. 1. Use the ^CONFIG Utility to establish a new configuration, including the new options or values. 2. Run DSM again, and start the configuration using the ^STU Utility. 2-22 Managing DSM Treat configuration building as an iterative process; establish new capabilities or resources a few at a time, test the new configuration, and then add new capabilities. This approach ensures that you understand and control the effects of the changes you make to your DSM configuration. Running Multiple DSM Configurations You can run multiple DSM configurations at the same time on an OSF/1 system: one configuration for each DSM environment. To set up a configuration for an environment, initialize a DSM environment manager's account for each environment by logging in to the superuser account and running the /usr/sbin/dsminit.sh procedure. Chapter 1 describes this procedure. The environment name is a systemwide unique name that is always equivalent to the DSM manager's account name. The environment name is used by application users and programmers to access a configuration running in an environment. Use the -E envnm command line option to select the environment that you want to access. For example, any OSF/1 user can gain access to the running configuration in the environment, production, by entering the following DSM command line: % dsm -E production DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP production [WRK,VBA] > Note that the DSM banner displays the environment selected along with the login UCI and volume set. When the DSM manager for environment production logs in to DSM without the -E production command line option, DSM attempts to access the current configuration running from the manager's account environment. Managing DSM 2-23 % dsm DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP production [WRK,VBA] > Now consider a situation in which two environments named production and development run separate configurations concurrently on the same OSF/1 system. Enter the following to access the production environment (use the -g UCI,VOL command line option to select the UCI and volume set, and use the -r UCI,VOL command line option to select a nondefault routine directory): % dsm -E production -g WRK,PRD -r RTN,PRD DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP production [WRK,PRD] > Enter the following to access the development environment: % dsm -E development -g ARD,DEV -r RTN,DEV DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP development [ARD,DEV] > Controlling User Access to DSM Configurations The following sections discuss how to control access to DSM configurations and globals. Configuration Access Control The DSM environment manager can enable access control to DSM configurations using the ^CONFIG Utility. 2-24 Managing DSM >D ^CONFIG . . . Enable configuration access control [Y OR N] ? > Y . . . The /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/dsmaccess.dat file is created by /usr/sbin/dsminit.sh and contains a database of users authorized to access the configuration. If access control is enabled, you must edit the dsmaccess.dat file and enter the login names of the users who are allowed to access the configuration for that environment. For example: smith wong lab1 tillman payroll The dsmaccess.dat file must contain only one name per line; you can edit this file with any editor. ________________________ Note ________________________ If the dsmaccess.dat file does not exist or is empty, only the DSM environment manager can access the configuration. ______________________________________________________ Global Access Control DSM uses a protection scheme that defines global access control based on a user's default (login) UCI name and volume set. It has four classes of users: WORLD Users logged in to any UCI on any volume set GROUP Users logged in to a UCI with a name that begins with the same letter as the UCI name of the target global Managing DSM 2-25 SYSTEM Users logged in to the first UCI on volume set 0 (MGR) UCI Users logged in to the UCI that holds the target global You can apply a separate protection level for each of these four classes of users to a global. The protection levels defined are these: Read Global get operations Write Global SET operations Delete Global KILL operations Purge Global directory KILL operations You can apply these protection levels to each class of user for each global in any combination. The ultimate objective of all the protection mechanisms described in this section is to control the access to globals in the DSM database. The application of appropriate global protections determines which users gain access to a global while logged in to a UCI and volume set. Login access to UCIs and volume sets is controlled by assigning OSF/1 account privileges and selecting configuration access control methods. For a complete description of DSM global protection, see the Database Operations Guide. Changing Programmer Mode and Application Mode Restrictions in ^SYS DSM uses two privilege bit masks to determine which programmer mode and application mode restrictions should be enforced. The bit masks are stored in the ^SYS configuration global found in the MGR,DSM UCI: o ^SYS(ID,"RESTRICTION MASK1") o ^SYS(ID,"RESTRICTION MASK2") where: ID is the configuration identifier name 2-26 Managing DSM MASK1 specifies the capabilities that are not available to programmer mode and application mode users when the access control system is enabled. MASK2 specifies the capabilities that are not available to programmer mode and application mode users when the access control system is disabled. Access control is enabled or disabled on a configuration basis using the ^CONFIG Utility. Note that all restricted capabilities are always available to users if the function is performed from a library (%) routine. Table 2-1 describes the bit representation of restricted capabilities and the system-supplied defaults for each mask. Note that a value of 1 means that the restriction is applied. Table_2-1_Bit_Representation_for_Masks_____________________ Bit Position Restriction When Default /Value____Set_________________MASK1_______Default_MASK2____ 0/1 Library (%) 1 0 routine editing 1/2 Use of VIEW and 1 0 $VIEW 2/4 Use of the -e 1 0 bypas option 3/8 Use of privileged 1 0 external routines 4/16 Use of %SETUCI 1 0 external routine 5/32 Use of %SHELL 0 0 external routine 6/64 Use of ZESCAPE 0 0 __________command__________________________________________ You can manually redefine either of the two privilege bit masks to support the requirements of your site. If you want to restrict the user from bit positions 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 when the access control system is enabled, set MASK1 = 31 (1+2+4+8+16 - the value of each bit position is added to get the value set in MASK1 and MASK2). Managing DSM 2-27 If you want to restrict the user from bit positions 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 when the access control system is disabled, set MASK2 = 31. DSM Detached Processes This section describes the various system processes that DSM creates when you start up a DSM configuration. The following OSF/1 detached processes are created to support the environment's capabilities: o Write Demon (writes global data changes into the database) o Garbage Collector (reclaims disk space freed as a result of a global KILL) o Journal Process (records all SETs and KILLs) o One or more DDP servers (directs communication to and from other DSM systems, and allows access to remote system globals) The Write Demon and Garbage Collector are always started when you start up baseline mode or a configuration. The Journal Process is started during configuration startup when After-Image Journaling is enabled for a database set included in the configuration. If DDP is enabled, DDP servers can be defined to start during configuration startup or interactively at a later time using the ^DDP Utility. The following sections describe these detached processes in more detail. For additional information about these processes, see the Database Operations Guide. Write Demon The Write Demon is an OSF/1 process that creates and initializes a virtual memory section to the DSM shared data, including the disk buffers to hold global data for deferred writing to volumes. It then performs all writes to the volumes using the data accumulated in the disk buffers. When the Write Demon starts up for a configuration, DSM creates a log file called dsmdemon_conf.log in the log file directory that was created when the dsminit.sh procedure was run. When the Write Demon starts up for baseline 2-28 Managing DSM mode, the log file is called dsmdemon_base.log and is found in the same directory as dsmdemon_conf.log. These files receive any errors generated by the Write Demon. Consult /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/log/dsmdemon_conf.log or /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/log/dsmdemon_base.log if DSM startup fails. You can print or display the Write Demon log file while the Write Demon is running. The Write Demon records occurrences of unrecoverable disk write errors and displays them on the operator console device. Managing DSM 2-29 Garbage Collector The Garbage Collector is an OSF/1 process that deallocates blocks removed from the global structure by a kill of a large global subtree. It also drives periodic checkpointing of volume sets that have Before-Image Journaling enabled. When the Garbage Collector starts up for a configuration, DSM creates a log file called /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/log/dsmgarcol_conf.log in the log file directory that was created when the dsminit.sh procedure was run. When the Garbage Collector starts up for baseline mode, the log file is called dsmgarcol_base.log and is found in the same directory as dsmgarcol_conf.log. These files record error information about the Garbage Collector process. You can print or display the Garbage Collector's log file while the Garbage Collector is running. Journal Process After-Image Journaling provides a way to keep a record of the SET and KILL commands that a DSM application performs on the global database. The DSM manager enables journaling for an application by selecting the appropriate startup options using the ^CONFIG Utility, and starts up the configuration. Journaling can then be enabled on a global- by-global basis. By default, journal files are located in /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/journal. The DSM environment manager can interact with the Journal Process during a DSM session to control journaling operations. To do this, the DSM manager uses the Journal Process Utilities described in the Database Operations Guide. DDP Servers A DDP server is an OSF/1 process that manages the communications link between your DSM application and other DSM systems or applications. The DSM manager can select the number of DDP servers to start. 2-30 Managing DSM The DSM environment manager can define DDP startup options using the ^CONFIG Utility prior to configuration startup. Once the configuration is running, the ^DDP Utility provides additional DDP information. The Database Operations Guide describes how to correctly configure and start DDP servers using the DDP utilities. Managing DSM 2-31 3 _________________________________________________________________ Optimizing DSM This chapter describes the relevant OSF/1 process and system parameter adjustments necessary to run DSM. It also describes the Global Statistics Utility (^GLSSTA). Overview Tuning the OSF/1 operating system for use with DSM involves adjusting the following: o Shared memory o Open file limits Configuring DSM Shared Memory The shared memory requirements for your DSM configuration is determined by: o The number of disk buffers you have configured o The maximum number of users o The lock table size o The number of volume sets For each environment, you need enough shared memory to accommodate both the baseline configuration and the running configuration. The OSF/1 shmmax tuning parameter for shared memory is located in your OSF/1 configuration file, usually located in the /sys/conf directory. A partial listing of a typical OSF/1 configuration file for a system called DSM is as follows: Optimizing DSM 3-1 % more /sys/conf/DSM ident "DSM" . . . shmmin 1 shmmax 4194304 shmmni 100 shmseq 32 . . . The values of the OSF/1 shmmax parameter are measured in bytes. Therefore, the previous configuration file has a maximum shared memory section size of 4,194,304 bytes (1024*4096). The DSM baseline configuration has a fixed requirement of 170,000 bytes for shared memory. The requirement for a running DSM configuration is computed by the following formula: bytes_required = 34,000 + 2,160 * number_of_disk_buffers + 1,200 * maximum_number_of_users + lock_table_size + 11,000 * number_of_volume_sets Note that lock_table_size is in 1024-byte (1KB) multiples, as specified in the ^CONFIG Utility. Also, note that the number_of_volume_sets does not include the baseline volume set. The requirements for the baseline volume set are incorporated in the 34,000 byte overhead. For example, consider a configuration with the following: 100 disk buffers 20 users Lock table size of 8KB 2 volume sets 3-2 Optimizing DSM To calculate the shared memory requirements for the DSM configuration, use this formula: 34,000 + (2,160 * 100) + (1,200 * 20) + 8,192 + (11,000 * 2) = 34,000 + 216,000 + 24,000 + 8,192 + 22,000 = 304,192 bytes The overall shared memory requirement for the environment is 304,192 bytes. The current value of shmmax needs to be greater than 304,192 to accommodate the shared memory section for the configuration. Note that after modifying the OSF/1 configuration file, the OSF/1 kernel needs to be rebuilt. For information about rebuilding the OSF/1 kernel, see the DEC OSF/1 System Administrator's Guide and the DEC OSF/1 Guide to Kernel Debugging. Setting Open File Limits OSF/1 systems might have a default open file limit per process. The size of the open file table and the active inode table also place limits on the number of open files. Each configuration that runs DSM must open four flock files (dsm_flock_0, dsm_flock_1, dsm_flock_2, dsm_flock_3). The open file requirements for your DSM configuration is determined by the maximum number of users. The OSF/1 MAX_ NOFILE tuning parameter for the maximum number of open files is located in the file /usr/include/sys/types.h. It cannot be increased beyond the value of the OPEN_MAX_ SYSTEM tuning parameter in the file /usr/include/param.h. If you increase OPEN_MAX_SYSTEM, you must rebuild the OSF/1 kernel. For information about rebuilding the OSF/1 kernel, see the System Administrator's Guide. The requirement for a running DSM configuration is computed by the following formula: open files required = 6 + 2 * number_of_volume sets mounted + 2 * maximum_number_of_users Optimizing DSM 3-3 For example, consider a DSM configuration with the following: o 4 mounted volume sets (not including the baseline volume set) o 100 DSM users (set using ^CONFIG) To calculate the open file requirements for the DSM configuration, use the following formula: 6 + (4 * 2) + (100 * 2) = 6 + 8 + 200 = 214 open files In general, the open file limit for DSM environments is 114 open files. The current value of MAX_NOFILE must be greater than 114 to accommodate the open file requirements for this DSM configuration. Note that after modifying the OSF/1 configuration file, the OSF/1 kernel needs to be rebuilt. For information about the OSF/1 kernel, see the Guide to Kernel Debugging. Global Statistics (^GLSSTA) Use the Global Statistics Utility (^GLSSTA) to record information about global system performance. Enter the following to run ^GLSSTA: >D ^GLSSTA The utility displays the following menu: Global Statistics Menu 1. MONITOR (MONITOR^GLSSTA) 2. RECORD (RECORD^GLSSTA) 3. REPLAY (REPLAY^GLSSTA) Select Option > The MONITOR^GLSSTA Utility is used to interactively monitor global system performance. The RECORD^GLSSTA Utility writes the global statistics to an output device (default is dsm_ glssta.log). The REPLAY^GLSSTA Utility allows you to replay the information that was recorded using RECORD^GLSSTA. The reports are displayed interactively on your terminal. To stop the display, press Return. 3-4 Optimizing DSM The following is an example of the MONITOR^GLSSTA Utility: >D MONITOR^GLSSTA Monitor Statistics: Sampling interval (seconds) <3> Display statistics for all volume sets [Y OR N] ? After you press Return, the report is displayed on your terminal as shown in Example 3-1. Optimizing DSM 3-5 Example 3-1 ^GLSSTA Report DSM V1.0 Volume Set Statistics 12-AUG-1992 18:08:19.63 0.01 CUR AVE MIN MAX ABS LAST 1 Physical Reads 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 383 0 2 Logical Reads 1662.00 1510.91 1662.00 1662.00 54148 4986 3 Physical Writes 45.67 41.52 45.67 45.67 1873 137 4 Logical Writes 359.33 326.67 359.33 359.33 10956 1078 5 Search Last Tries 590.33 536.67 590.33 590.33 25514 1771 6 Search Last Successes 463.33 421.21 463.33 463.33 18645 1390 7 Global Accesses 678.67 616.97 678.67 678.67 26335 2036 8 Global Gets 339.67 308.79 339.67 339.67 13167 1019 9 Global $DATAs 196.33 178.48 196.33 196.33 4603 589 10 Global $NEXTs 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 11 Global Sets 98.67 89.70 98.67 98.67 8160 296 12 Global Kills 44.00 40.00 44.00 44.00 405 132 13 Global Seizes 34.67 31.52 34.67 34.67 388 104 14 Global Seize Waits 8.67 7.88 8.67 8.67 124 26 15 Global Access Waits 21.00 19.09 21.00 21.00 285 63 16 Directory Searches 23.00 111.82 123.00 123.00 1209 369 17 Block Allocates 9.33 8.48 9.33 9.33 133 28 18 Block Deallocates 15.00 13.64 15.00 15.00 141 45 19 Global Synch Waits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29 0 20 Global List Waits 9.00 8.18 9.00 9.00 316 27 21 Global Buffer Waits 10.67 9.70 10.67 10.67 351 32 22 Buffer Write Waits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 The CUR, AVE, MIN, and MAX columns represent per-second averages. The entries displayed are interpreted as follows: 1 Physical Reads The number of times a real physical disk read was performed to read a database block into DSM global buffer cache. 2 Logical Reads The number of times a database block was required for a global access. 3 Physical Writes The number of DSM blocks written to disk by the DSM Write Demon. 4 Logical Writes 3-6 Optimizing DSM The number of times a disk block was modified by a DSM process and marked as needs writing. 5 Search Last Tries The number of times that a DSM process attempted to resolve a global reference by checking the last DSM block that it referenced. 6 Search Last Successes The number of times that a DSM process actually resolved a global reference by checking only the last DSM block that it referenced. 7 Global Accesses The total number of global GET, SET, KILL, $DATA, and $NEXT operations performed by the DSM global system. Optimizing DSM 3-7 8 Global Gets The total number of global variable reads done. For example: S A=^X(4) 9 Global $DATAs The total number of global variable $DATA operations done. For example: S A=$D(^X(4)) 10 Global $NEXTs The total number of global variable $NEXT operations done. For example: S A=$N(^X(-1)) S A=$O(^X("")) 11 Global Sets The total number of global variable SET operations done. For example: S ^X(4)="PATIENT" 12 Global Kills The total number of global variable KILL operations done. For example: K ^X(4) 13 Global Seizes The number of times that a volume set was exclusively owned by a DSM process while it performed a multiple-block update to the DSM database (either a block split or merge operation). 14 Global Seize Waits The number of times that a DSM process had to gain exclusive access to a volume set because other processes were already accessing it concurrently. 15 Global Access Waits The number of times that a DSM process had to wait to access a volume set because another process had it seized (exclusively-owned). 3-8 Optimizing DSM 16 Directory Searches The number of times that DSM processes searched the global directory of a volume set to satisfy a global reference. 17 Block Allocates The number of DSM blocks added to a DSM global structure, as in the case of a split operation. 18 Block Deallocates The number of DSM blocks removed from a DSM global structure and marked as free, as in the case of a merge operation. 19 Global Synch Waits The number of times that a DSM process had to wait for exclusive access to a data structure other than the actual DSM global buffers. 20 Global List Waits The number of times that a DSM process had to wait before searching for a DSM database block in cache. Optimizing DSM 3-9 21 Global Buffer Waits The number of times that a DSM process had to wait for exclusive access to a cached DSM database block. 22 Buffer Write Waits The number of times that a DSM process had to wait to read a new block into cache because the cache was full of unwritten modified blocks. High LOGICAL/PHYSICAL READ and LOGICAL/PHYSICAL WRITE ratios indicate that cache efficiency is correspondingly high. Low LOGICAL/PHYSICAL ratios indicate insufficient cache or extremely scattered database references. A high number of SEARCH LAST SUCCESSES indicates that the application is making good use of the DSM most recently used checking algorithm. Note that if the SEARCH LAST algorithm fails for a global reference, DSM must trace the global reference from the topmost pointer block back to the data level. Because this operation involves upwards of two database block accesses, a SEARCH LAST SUCCESS represents a substantial performance savings. Any of the Wait statistics (Seize Waits, Access Waits, Synch Waits, List Waits, Buffer Waits, and Write Waits) indicate that processes are contending for various DSM resources. The more that processes are forced to wait, the less concurrence there is in the global system. Furthermore, system overhead is expended when processes are forced to wait to coordinate access to the resources. Under extreme conditions, buffer Write Waits can cause severe performance degradation. In these cases, eliminating the disk cache usually eliminates these problems. The global handler arbitrates access on a per-volume set basis. Consequently, you can increase the concurrency and efficiency of the database handler by moving the most frequently modified globals to separate volume sets. The other statistics are indicators of how much work the global system is doing and are not indicators of database efficiency. 3-10 Optimizing DSM 4 _________________________________________________________________ DSM System Utilities This chapter describes the DSM System Utilities that are useful to DSM managers and operators. Overview of DSM Utilities The DSM utilities are a collection of routines provided with your DSM system that perform tasks and provide needed information. The utilities fall into two categories: o System Utilities o Library Utilities In general, Library Utilities serve the needs of application programmers, and System Utilities serve the needs of DSM managers. Any DSM user can access Library Utilities, which are described in detail in the Programmer's Guide. The names of these routines begin with a percent (%) sign. System Utilities, described in this chapter and elsewhere in this manual, are accessible only to users who enter the DSM command with the -M command line option or who log in to the MGR UCI. These utilities reside in the MGR UCI of the baseline volume set. DSM provides access to all System and Library Utilities through a menu. The menu displays options on your terminal; you select the option you need for a particular task. The utilities also provide online help. If you are unsure of the appropriate response to a prompt, type a question mark (?) for help. DSM responds by listing your options or by asking you to identify the option about which you need further information. The ^%HELP Utility provides online information about all DSM commands, variables, and functions. You can run ^%HELP with the DO command or by typing a question mark (?) after the DSM prompt (>). DSM System Utilities 4-1 Utility Conventions All utilities use the following conventions, unless the utility description specifies an exception: o To get information about a utility or utility prompt, type a question mark (?). In response, the system displays help text. o Each menu displays a list of numbers followed by options. Options can point to lower level menus or to actual utilities. To select an option, enter either its number or its name (enough characters to distinguish it from other names). The menu also displays the utility routine name in parentheses. o The correct way to exit a menu is to press Return or to type a circumflex (^) and press Return after a prompt. To exit any utility, use the same procedure. If the utility interprets a Return as a default value, use the circumflex to back up or exit. o After a utility begins execution, do not stop the utility before execution is complete. You risk leaving files open, leaving a VIEW buffer allocated, or leaving variables undefined. Let the utility run to completion, then rerun it correctly. o When a utility requests an input or output file, it accepts any valid OSF/1 pathname. You can refer to your own terminal as 0, but you must specify all other devices by device name. o For some utilities, such as those that manipulate routines or globals, you may want to specify more than one name in response to a utility prompt. You can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard character. The asterisk by itself indicates ALL. When the asterisk is the last character in an alphanumeric string, the utility interprets that string as meaning all names with that string as their root. For example, to specify ALP, ALPHA, and ALP123, type ALP*. You can also do the following: - Type ^D in response to a prompt requesting a routine or global name. This response displays the contents 4-2 DSM System Utilities of your global or routine directory (to help you make your selection). - Type ^L to produce a list of the routines or globals you have already selected. - Enter a range of names. For example, A-FZZZ. - To exclude a single name or a range of names from an operation, use a minus sign before the routine names. For example, -A* and -B-CZZ. Note the use of the wildcard. o DSM always returns numbers in a decimal format. You can, however, convert numbers to other bases using the numerical conversion Library Utilities described in the Programmer's Guide. DSM System Utilities 4-3 Running the DSM System Utilities You can access the DSM utilities in three ways: o Enter this command to display a menu of the System Utilities: >D ^SYS The utility displays the following menu: System Utilities 1. CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT (^CONMAN) 2. DATABASE SET MANAGEMENT (^DBSMAN) 3. DISTRIBUTED DATA PROCESSING (^DDP) 4. EXTERNAL CALL CONVERSION 5. PERFORMANCE UTILITIES 6. SYSTEM MANAGEMENT (^SYSMAN) Select Option > o Enter the routine name of the DSM utility directly in programmer mode: >D ^CONMAN o Run DSM in application mode using the routine name of the utility as the DSM command parameter: % dsm -M -a "^CONMAN" Configuration Management Utilities (^CONMAN) Use the ^CONMAN Utilities to create and manage configurations. You can access the following Configuration Management Utilities from the ^CONMAN Utility menu. ___________________________________________________________ Utility_______________Routine_Name_________________________ Copy Configuration COPY^CONFIG Create Configuration ^CONFIG Delete Configuration DELETE^CONFIG Display DISPLAY^CONFIG Configuration 4-4 DSM System Utilities ___________________________________________________________ Utility_______________Routine_Name_________________________ Modify Existing MODIFY^CONFIG Configuration _____________________________________ Utility____________Routine_Name______ After-Image ^CONAIJ Journaling Command Line ^CONCLQ Options Database Set ^CONDBS DDP Options ^CONDDP Default ^CONDEF Configuration Global ^CONGLO Characteristics Global ^CONTR Translation System_Options_____^CONOPT___________ ___________________________________________________________ For information about the ^CONFIG Utility, see Chapter 2 in this manual. The following sections describe the other ^CONMAN Utilities. DSM System Utilities 4-5 Displaying Configurations (DISPLAY^CONFIG) The following example describes the DISPLAY^CONFIG Utility. It displays information about the configuration that you defined to completion with the ^CONFIG Utility. For example, enter the following to display the PAYROLL configuration: % dsm -M DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP dsmmgr [MGR,TES] >D DISPLAY^CONFIG The utility displays the following: *** CONFIGURATION DISPLAY Enter the configuration identifier Output Device ? <0> *** CONFIGURATION PAYROLL *** System options: -------------- Configuration access control enabled Y Number of disk buffers 1200 Maximum number of users 128 Database sets: ------------ Database set #1 = EMPLOYEE DSM database set EMP /usr/users/dsmmgr/dsmdir/database/empvol1.gls No Before-Image Journaling No After-Image Journaling DDP parameters: DDP not included -------------- Default global attributes: -------------------------- Journaling No Keep Attributes: No Non-% Global Access Privileges 4-6 DSM System Utilities System World Group UCI % Global Access Privileges System World Group UCI DSM default command line qualifiers: ----------------------------------- none defined After-Image Journaling: not enabled ---------------------- DSM System Utilities 4-7 Copying Configurations (COPY^CONFIG) The COPY^CONFIG Utility allows you to copy all of the configuration information for an existing configuration to create another configuration definition. Enter the following to run COPY^CONFIG: >D COPY^CONFIG This operation creates a new configuration by copying the contents of an already existing configuration. Name of configuration to copy: Enter the configuration identifier > PAYROLL Name of configuration to create: Enter the configuration identifier > BENEFITS Are you sure you want to copy configuration PAYROLL to BENEFITS [Y OR N] ? Y Copying configuration PAYROLL to a new configuration BENEFITS... Copy complete You can make copies of an existing configuration and then use the MODIFY^CONFIG Utility to make partial changes. Modifying Configurations (MODIFY^CONFIG) The MODIFY^CONFIG Utility allows you to modify parts of an existing configuration without having to run the entire ^CONFIG Utility. Enter the following to run MODIFY^CONFIG: >D MODIFY^CONFIG Modify Configuration Utilities 1. AFTER-IMAGE JOURNALING (^CONAIJ) 2. COMMAND LINE OPTIONS (^CONCLQ) 3. DATABASE SET (^CONDBS) 4. DDP OPTIONS (^CONDDP) 5. DEFAULT CONFIGURATION (^CONDEF) 6. GLOBAL CHARACTERISTICS (^CONGLO) 7. GLOBAL TRANSLATION (^CONTR) 8. SYSTEM OPTIONS (^CONOPT) Select Option > 4-8 DSM System Utilities Each option allows you to modify existing information. For example, if you select the ^CONDDP Utility, the DDP questions from ^CONFIG are displayed. All of the options except the ^CONTR Utility display the same information as ^CONFIG. The ^CONTR Utility displays a menu of utilities and is discussed in detail in the Database Operations Guide. DSM System Utilities 4-9 Deleting Configurations (DELETE^CONFIG) Use the DELETE^CONFIG Utility to delete an existing configuration. Enter this command to run the utility: >D DELETE^CONFIG WARNING *** This operation DELETES an entire configuration Enter the configuration identifier > MAIN Are you sure you want to delete the MAIN configuration [Y OR N] ? Y Deleting the MAIN configuration... done. Database Set Management Utilities (^DBSMAN) Use the ^DBSMAN Utilities for After-Image Journaling, Before-Image Journaling, and database and volume set management. You can access the following utilities from the ^DBSMAN Utility menu. ___________________________________________________________ Utility_______________Routine_Name_________________________ After-Image ^JOURNAL Journaling Before-Image Journaling Database Set Utilities Volume_Set_Utilities__^VOLUTL______________________________ The following sections describe these utilities. After-Image Journaling Utilities (^JOURNAL) The ^JOURNAL Utilities control the use of the After-Image Journaling process. You can access the following After-Image Journaling Utilities from the ^JOURNAL Utility menu. 4-10 DSM System Utilities ___________________________________________________________ Utility_______Routine_Name_________________________________ Dejournal ^DEJRNL _____________________________________________ Utility_________________Routine_Name_________ Dejournal from a DSM- DSM11^DEJRNL 11 Tape Dejournal from Journal LOG^DEJRNL Log Dejournal Selected FILE^DEJRNL Files________________________________________ Files _____________________________________________ Utility_________________Routine_Name_________ Create New Log File NEWLOG^JRNL Initialize Journal ^JRNINIT File List Contents of LIST^JRNL Journal File List Contents of Label LABEL^JRNL Block________________________________________ Globals SETJRN^%GLOMAN Lists _____________________________________________ Utility_________________Routine_Name_________ Add Journal File ADDFIL^JRNL Clear List CLRFIL^JRNL Copy List COPFIL^JRNL Delete Journal File DELFIL^JRNL Display_List____________DISFIL^JRNL__________ DSM System Utilities 4-11 ___________________________________________________________ Utility_______Routine_Name_________________________________ Operator _____________________________________________ Utility_______________Routine_Name___________ Close Journal File CLOSE^JRNL Disable Journaling DISABLE^JRNL Display Open File DISPLAY^JRNL Names Enable Journaling ENABLE^JRNL Journal Status STATUS^JRNL Open Journal File OPEN^JRNL Operator Reply REPLY^JRNL Pause Journaling PAUSE^JRNL Resume_Journaling_____RESUME^JRNL____________ ___________________________________________________________ The Database Operations Guide describes the After-Image Journaling Utilities in detail. Before-Image Journaling Utilities Use the Before-Image Journaling Utilities to create a before-image journal (BIJ) file, examine the contents of the file, and apply the file to repair a corrupted database. You can access the following Before-Image Journaling Utilities from the ^DBSMAN Utility menu. ___________________________________________________________ Utility_______________Routine_Name_________________________ Create ^BIJINIT Examine ^BIJEXAM Force_________________^BIJFORC_____________________________ The Database Operations Guide describes the Before-Image Journaling Utilities in detail. 4-12 DSM System Utilities Database Set Utilities Use the Database Set Utilities to manage database sets. You can access the following utilities from the ^DBSMAN Utility menu. ___________________________________________________________ Utility_______________Routine_Name_________________________ Create/Modify MODIFY^CONDBS Database Set Delete Database Set DELETE^CONDBS Display_Database_Set__DISPLAY^CONDBS_______________________ The Database Operations Guide describes the Database Set Utilities in detail. DSM System Utilities 4-13 Volume Set Utilities (^VOLUTL) Use the ^VOLUTL Utilities to manage DSM volume sets, and the UCIs and globals associated with them. The ^VOLUTL Utilities also provide database integrity utilities. You can access the following utilities from the ^VOLUTL Utility menu. ___________________________________________________________ Utility_______________Routine_Name_________________________ Database Repair _____________________________________ Utility_________Routine_Name_________ Block Dump ^BLDMP Fast IC ^FASTIC Fix ^FIX Integrity ^IC Checker______________________________ Disk Block Tally ^DBT Global Management ^%GLOMAN Show Mounted Volume ^%VOLTAB Sets UCI Management ^UCIMAN _____________________________________ Utility_________Routine_Name_________ Add UCI ^UCIADD Edit UCI Name ^UCINAME Show UCIs ^UCISHOW UCI Growth ^UCIGAM UCI Search ^UCICHAIN Chains_______________________________ Volume Management ^VOLMAN _____________________________________ Utility_________Routine_Name_________ Add ADD^VOLMAN Create CREATE^VOLMAN Extend__________EXTEND^VOLMAN________ Volume_Set_Access_____^VOLINH______________________________ For information about the Database Repair Utilities and the global management and volume set management utilities, 4-14 DSM System Utilities see the Database Operations Guide. The following section describes the ^DBT Utility. Disk Block Tally (^DBT) The ^DBT Utility reports on the allocation of blocks within a volume set. You have the option to run a fast tally or a slow tally. The fast tally gives you a summary of the map number, the blocks available, and how the blocks are being used. The slow tally gives you a more detailed report. DSM System Utilities 4-15 Distributed Data Processing Utilities (^DDP) Use the ^DDP Utilities to obtain information about DDP servers and to shut down a server. The ^DDP Utilities include options for controlling DDP operations and displaying information about DDP. You can access the following utilities from the ^DDP Utility menu. ___________________________________________________________ Utility____________Routine_Name____________________________ Circuit ^DDPCIR Management ________________________________________ Utility____________Routine_Name_________ Circuit Status STA^DDPCIR Reset Circuit RESET^DDPCIR Counters Show Circuit COUNT^DDPCIR Counters________________________________ Configure DDP ^CONDDP Security ^DDPSEC ________________________________________ Utility____________Routine_Name_________ Add Node Password ADD^DDPSEC Delete Node DELETE^DDPSEC Password List Database LIST^DDPSEC Entries Modify Node MODIFY^DDPSEC Password________________________________ Shutdown DDP STOP^DDPLNK Startup_DDP________START^DDPLNK____________________________ For information about the DDP Utilities, see the Database Operations Guide. 4-16 DSM System Utilities Performance Utility Use the ^GLSSTA Utility to gather global performance statistics. You can access the utility from the System Utilities menu (^SYS): ___________________________________________________________ Utility_______________Routine_Name_________________________ Global Statistics ^GLSSTA _____________________________________ Utility_____Routine_Name_____________ Monitor MONITOR^GLSSTA Record RECORD^GLSSTA Replay______REPLAY^GLSSTA____________ ___________________________________________________________ For information about ^GLSSTA, see Chapter 3. DSM System Utilities 4-17 System Management Utilities (^SYSMAN) Use the ^SYSMAN Utilities to start up and shut down DSM, to provide access control, and to display memory and system use. You can access the following System Management Utilities from the ^SYSMAN Utility menu. ___________________________________________________________ Utility____________Routine_Name____________________________ Force Exit ^FORCEX Lock Table ^LOCKTAB Display Login ^LOGIN Show DSM Users ^%SY Shutdown ^SHUTDWN Startup____________^STU____________________________________ For information about the ^STU Utility, see Chapter 2. For information about the ^%SY Utility, see the Programmer's Guide. The following sections describe the ^FORCEX, the ^LOCKTAB, the ^SHUTDWN, and the ^LOGIN Utilities. Force Exit (^FORCEX) The ^FORCEX Utility forces image exit for a specified DSM user process. If you want to delete a process running DSM by using the kill -9 command, you must first run down the image using ^FORCEX. This ensures that the image exits properly from the DSM global subsystem. ________________________ Note ________________________ Using the OSF/1 kill -9 command to stop a DSM user or system processes can cause all other users accessing the same DSM volume set to hang; it can also degrade the database. ______________________________________________________ 4-18 DSM System Utilities Lock Table Display (^LOCKTAB) The ^LOCKTAB Utility displays the DSM lock table. The lock table contains the following information: o Owner PID o Lock type o Variable name Shutdown (^SHUTDWN) The ^SHUTDWN Utility shuts down a DSM configuration. When you shut down a configuration, background DSM processes are stopped, application processes are exited, and volume sets are dismounted. Login Control (^LOGIN) The ^LOGIN Utility allows you to enable (ENABLE^LOGIN) and disable (DISABLE^LOGIN) user logins. External Call Conversion Utilities Use the External Call Conversion Utilities to convert the external routine package table and the routine table to C source files. You can access the following External Call Conversion Utilities from the ^SYS Utility menu: ___________________________________________________________ Utility____________Routine_Name____________________________ Package Table ^ECPACK Routine_Table______^ECTAB__________________________________ DSM System Utilities 4-19 A _________________________________________________________________ Files Installed on Your System Table A-1 describes the files created when you install DSM using setld. Table_A-1_Installed_DSM_Files____________________________________ Directory____________File___________________Description__________ /var/opt/DSM100 Directory containing all DSM read and writable files /var/opt/DSM100/tmp /var/opt/DSM100 dsmddpstartup.sh DDP startup shell /sbin dsmshut_script.sh script dsmshutdown.sh DSM shutdown shell dsmstart_script.sh script dsmstartup.sh DSM shutdown shell script DSM startup shell script DSM startup shell script /usr/opt/DSM100 DSM100 Directory containing all DSM read-only files /usr/opt/DSM100/bin dsm DSM image dsmddpdrv DDP driver (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System A-1 Table_A-1_(Cont.)_Installed_DSM_Files____________________________ Directory____________File___________________Description__________ /usr/opt/DSM100 dasvol1.gls DASL volume set /dsmutl dsm11_devtab.dat DSM-11 device table dsm_remote_ttys.dat Remote terminal table dsmbaseline.gls Baseline volume set dsmbaseline.opt Baseline option file dsmivp.input Input used for dsmroutines.upg running DSM IVP DSM routines for dsmglobals.upg upgrade (optional) DSM globals for upgrade (optional) /usr/opt/DSM100 dsm_ecpak_bld.sh Convert external call /sbin dsm_ectab_bld.sh package table dsmanasys Convert external call dsmbaseupg_links.sh routine table dsmdaslupg_links.sh DSM system analyzer dsmdlink.sh Create/remove file dsminit.sh links (optional) dsmlink.sh Create/remove file dsmmanupg_links.sh links dsmtape_rebld_ Create a private dsm relink.sh image DSM environment dsmupgrade.sh initialization file dsmxwinupg_links.sh Link dsm image shell script Create/remove file links ASCII/EBCDIC file to produce image Upgrade volume set (optional) Create/remove file links (continued on next page) A-2 Files Installed on Your System Table_A-1_(Cont.)_Installed_DSM_Files____________________________ Directory____________File___________________Description__________ /usr/opt/DSM100 dsm11_devtab.example DSM-11 device table /examples dsm_ectable.tab example dsm_example_ecbld.sh Empty external call dsm_example_eccode.c routine table dsm_example_ Empty package table ecpackage.tab build proc. dsm_example_ ECALL procedure ecpackagex.tab source code dsm_example_ Modified package ectable.tab table dsm_ioctl.table X Window ecall dsm_remote_ package table ttys.examples External call routine dsm_xwin_examples.sav table dsm_xwin_examples_ I/O device table adbook.uil Remote terminal table examples X Window System example saveset X Window System examples /usr/opt/DSM100/lib libdsm.a Library of DSM object files /usr/opt/DSM100/man dsm.1 DSM reference page /man1 /usr/opt/DSM100 dsm_relnotes.txt Release Notes /relnotes dsmeco.txt ECO listing (optional) /usr/opt/DSM100/src dsm_ebcasc.c ASCII/EBCDIC dsmapi.h conversion tables DSM public definitions /usr/opt/DSM100 dsm_xmumps_ X Window System /xwin dictionary.dat dictionary (continued on next page) Files Installed on Your System A-3 Table_A-1_(Cont.)_Installed_DSM_Files____________________________ Directory____________File___________________Description__________ A-4 Files Installed on Your System /usr/opt/DSM100 dsm_ecall_x_pktab.o X Window System files /xwin/obj dsm_xwin_xlib_code.o . dsm_xwin_xlib_table.o . dsm_xwin_xmotif_ . code.o dsm_xwin_xmotif_ table.o dsm_xwin_xmotifrm_ code.o dsm_xwin_xmotifrm_ table.o dsm_xwin_xmumps_ alpha.o dsm_xwin_xmumps_ bindExtRefs.o dsm_xwin_xmumps_ calls.o dsm_xwin_xmumps_ clex.o dsm_xwin_xmumps_ control.o dsm_xwin_xmumps_ dopen.o dsm_xwin_xmumps_ errors.o dsm_xwin_xmumps_gen.o dsm_xwin_xmumps_ heap.o dsm_xwin_xmumps_ macro.o dsm_xwin_xmumps_ parsec.o dsm_xwin_xmumps_ parseexp.o dsm_xwin_xmumps_pp.o dsm_xwin_xmumps_ table.o dsm_xwin_xmumps_ tools.o dsm_xwin_xmumps_ xmumps.o dsm_xwin_xmumps_ ztab.o dsm_xwin_xtoolkit_ code.o Files Installed on Your System A-5 dsm_xwin_xtoolkit_ _____________________table.o_____________________________________ Table A-2 describes the files created by the /usr/sbin/dsminit.sh procedure. Table_A-2_Files_Created_by_dsminit.sh____________________________ Directory__________________File__________Description_____________ /usr/users/envnm/dsmdir dsm11_ DSM-11 device table devtab.dat Configuration access dsmaccess.dat file Baseline volume set dsmbaseline.glBaseline option file Flock files dsmbaseline.opt dsm_flock_0 dsm_flock_1 Remote terminal table dsm_flock_2 dsm_flock_3 dsm_remote_ttys.dat /usr/users/envnm/dsmdir gls files Volume set files /database dasvol1.gls DASL volume set created if DASL installed /usr/users/envnm/dsmdir Journal Directory for journal /journal files files /usr/users/envnm/dsmdir Log files Directory for log files /log /usr/users/envnm/dsmdir Directory used /tmp_____________________________________internally_by_DSM_______ A-6 Files Installed on Your System B _________________________________________________________________ Sample Listings for DSM Installation and IVP This appendix provides listings for the following procedures: o An installation of DSM from CD-ROM o An Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) Sample Listing for DSM Installation from CD-ROM Example B-1 shows the console output of the DSM installation. Example B-1 DSM Installation Output # setld -l /cdrom/DSM100/bin *** Enter Subset Selections *** The subsets listed below are optional: 1) DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Base Subset 2) DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP DASL Subset 3) DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Reference Page 4) DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Release Notes 5) DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP X Windows Subset 6) All of the above 7) Cancel selections and redisplay menus 8) Exit without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press Return to confirm previous selections. Choices (for example, 1 3-5) : 1 3 4 5 You are installing the following optional subsets: (continued on next page) Sample Listings for DSM Installation and IVP B-1 Example B-1 (Cont.) DSM Installation Output DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Base Subset DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Release Notes DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Reference Page DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP X Windows Subset Is this correct? (y/n): y DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Release Notes (DSMREL100) Copying from /cdrom/DSM100/bin Verifying DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Reference Page (DSMMAN100) Copying from /cdrom/DSM100/bin Verifying DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP Base Subset (DSMBASE100) Copying from /cdrom/DSM100/bin Verifying DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 AXP X Windows Subset (DSMXWIN100) Copying from /cdrom/DSM100/bin Verifying Installation complete. Do you want to run the IVP for DSMBASE100 now [y or n] ? n Release notes for DSM100 can be found at : /usr/opt/DSM100/relnotes/dsm_relnotes.txt Linking the DSM for OSF/1 image ... # Sample IVP Example B-2 shows the console output of an IVP. Example B-2 Running the IVP (continued on next page) B-2 Sample Listings for DSM Installation and IVP Example B-2 (Cont.) Running the IVP # setld -v DSMBASE100 DSM V1.0 for DEC OSF/1 Base Subset (DSMBASE100) DSMBASE100: Starting Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). If this fails, please include the following when submitting a report: 1) This subset name, which is DSMBASE100 2) The /tmp/DSMBASE100/dsmdir/dsmivp.output file that was generated 3) This setld session 0 verification errors encountered. 0 corrections performed. Created scratch directory : /tmp/DSMBASE100 Executing dsm in IVP mode... ************************************************************************ * * IVP for DSMBASE100 was successful. * ************************************************************************ Sample Listings for DSM Installation and IVP B-3 C _________________________________________________________________ OSF/1 System Error Messages This appendix lists the possible OSF/1 system error messages that you can receive when installing any of the subsets included in the DSM distribution kit. An explanation is given for each of the error messages. DSM Subsets The following are errors that can occur when installing any of the DSM subsets. Error : subset_name : Installs on Alpha AXP only. Explanation: DSM for DEC OSF/1 is supported only on the Alpha AXP platform. Error : subset_name : Installs on OSF/1 Version 1.3 or higher only. Explanation: DSM for DEC OSF/1 is not supported on versions of OSF/1 prior to Version 1.3. DSM Base Subset The following are errors that can occur when installing the DSMBASE100 subset. Error : DSMBASE100 : Another version of DSMBASE is installed. Explanation: DSM for DEC OSF/1 will not install if another version of DSM is installed on the system. Error : DSMBASE100 : Some version of OSFPGM required. Explanation: DSM for DEC OSF/1 requires OSFPGM* for installation. OSF/1 System Error Messages C-1 Error : DSMBASE100 : Unable to link the dsm image. Explanation: Got an error creating a symbolic link from /usr/bin to the DSM executable image located in the installed kits area (/usr/opt/DSM100/bin/dsm). Error : DSMBASE100 : Unable to generate symbolic links. OSF/1 symbolic links to the DSM base software may have been left in an inconsistent state. Explanation: Received an error creating symbolic links to files located in the installed kits area (/usr/opt/DSM100 /bin/dsm). Error : DSMBASE100 : Unable to remove symbolic links. OSF/1 symbolic links to the DSM base software may have been left in an inconsistent state. Explanation: Received an error creating symbolic links to files located in the installed kits area (/usr/opt/DSM100 /bin/dsm). IVP Messages for All Subsets The following are errors that can occur during the IVP for all subsets. Error : IVP : DSMsubset100 : Failed to fverify installed files. Explanation: The attributes for installed DSM files did not match. Error : IVP : DSMsubset100 : File not found: file_name. Explanation: An installed DSM file is missing. Error : IVP : DSMsubset100 : Failed to find all volatile files. Explanation: An installed DSM file is missing. Error : IVP : DSMsubset100 : Failed to empty out the scratch directory. Delete all files there and try again. Check directory. Explanation: You could not run IVP because it requires use of an empty scratch directory. The directory name is listed in the error message text. C-2 OSF/1 System Error Messages Error : IVP : DSMsubset100 : Failed to create scratch directory. Check directory. Explanation: You could not run the IVP because it requires use of an empty scratch directory. The directory name is listed in the error message text. Error : IVP : DSMsubset100 : Failed to execute dsm in IVP mode. Look in /usr/examples/DSM100/dsmivp.output for more details. Explanation: When DSM runs in IVP mode, it sends all output to the dsmivp.output file. This file should contain some clues as to why the IVP failed to execute DSM Release Notes Subset There are no errors that can occur when installing the DSMREL100 subset. DSM manpage Subset The following are errors that can occur when installing the DSMMAN100 subset. Error : DSMMAN100 : Some version of OSFMANOP or OSFMANOS required. Explanation: DSM for DEC OSF/1 reference pages require OSFMAN* for installation. Error : DSMMAN100 : Some version of OSFDCMT required. Explanation: DSM for DEC OSF/1 reference pages require OSFDCMT* for installation. OSF/1 System Error Messages C-3 DASL Subset The following are errors that can occur when installing the DSMDASL100 subset. Error : DSMDASL100 : DSMBASE100 required. Explanation: DASL for DEC OSF/1 requires DSMBASE100 for installation. X Window Interface for DSM Subset The following are errors that can occur when installing the DSMXWIN100 subset. Error : DSMXWIN100 : DSMBASE100 required. Explanation: The X Window Interface for DSM requires DSMBASE100 for installation. Error : DSMXWIN100 : Some version of OSFDEV is required. Explanation: The X Window Interface for DSM requires OSFDEV for installation. Error : DSMXWIN100 : Some version of OSFSER is required. Explanation: The X Window Interface for DSM requires OSFSER for installation. Error : DSMXWIN100 : Some version of OSFX11 is required. Explanation: The X Window Interface for DSM requires OSFX11 for installation. Error : DSMXWIN100 : Unable to generate symbolic links. OSF/1 symbolic links to the DSM X Windows software may have been left Explanation: Received an error creating symbolic links to files located in the installed kits area (/usr/opt/DSM/xwin or /usr/opt/DSM/xwin/obj). Error : DSMXWIN100 : Unable to remove symbolic links. OSF/1 symbolic links to the DSM X Windows software may have been left Explanation: Received an error removing symbolic links to files located in the installed kits area (/usr/opt/DSM/xwin or /usr/opt/DSM/xwin/obj). C-4 OSF/1 System Error Messages ________________________________________________________________ Index E envnm option, 2-23 After-Image Journaling M option, 2-5 Utilities (cont'd) creating a configuration, SETJRN^%GLOMAN, 4-11 2-13 Application mode running ^STU, 2-21 enforcing restrictions with bit masks, 2-26 ______________________________ Application user account, 2-10 control configuration, 2-9 B______________________________ globals, 2-25 Backup mode specifier, 2-6 system disk, 1-7 application, 2-10 Baseline mode DEC OSF/1 operating system, access mode specifier, 2-6 2-1 description of, 2-5 environment manager, 1-14, initializing, 2-5 2-9 shutting down, 2-7 programmer, 2-10 Baseline volume set (dsmbaseline.gls) command creating application user description of, 1-15 accounts, 2-10 restrictions, 1-16 creating DEC OSF/1 accounts, Before-Image Journaling 1-21 Utilities creating programmer accounts, ^BIJEXAM, 4-12 2-10 ^BIJFORC, 4-12 ^BIJINIT, 4-12 journal placement, 2-5 ^BIJEXAM Utility, 4-12 ^BIJFORC Utility, 4-12 Journaling ^BIJINIT Utility, 4-12 Utilities Bit masks ^DEJRNL, 4-11 programmer and application FILES, 4-11 mode restrictions, 2-26 ^JOURNAL, 4-10 LISTS, 4-11 Index-1 Configurations (cont'd) C______________________________ shared memory requirements, CD-ROM 3-2 installing DSM, 1-9 shutting down, 1-23, 2-21 Command line options starting, 2-21 -E envnm, 2-23 ^CONMAN Utility, 2-12, 4-4 -M, 2-5, 2-13, 2-21 COPY^CONFIG Utility, 4-4, 4-8 Comments Ctrl/C documentation, xii aborting ^CONFIG Utility, ^CONDDP Utility, 4-16 2-13 ^CONFIG Utility, 4-4 aborting with Ctrl/C, 2-13 D______________________________ access control, enabling, DASL software 2-9 installation, 1-5 creating a configuration, Database 2-8, 2-12 to 2-20 overview, 2-11 Configuration access control, /database directory, 2-4 2-24 Database files Configuration access file default directory, 2-4 See dsmaccess.dat Database set Configuration identifier, 2-12 definition of, 2-11 Configuration Management description of, 2-11 Utilities, 4-4 DSM, 2-11 ^CONFIG, 4-4 management utilities, 4-13 COPY^CONFIG, 4-4 ^DBSMAN Utility, 4-10 ^DBSMAN, 4-10 ^DBT Utility, 4-15 DELETE^CONFIG, 4-4 DDP driver DISPLAY^CONFIG, 4-4 shutting down, 1-27 ^FORCEX, 4-18 starting, 1-24 ^LOCKTAB, 4-19 DDP servers ^LOGIN, 4-18, 4-19 description of, 2-30 MODIFY^CONFIG, 4-5 DDP Utilities ^SHUTDWN, 2-21, 4-19 ^CONDDP, 4-16 ^STU, 2-8, 2-21, 4-18 ^DDP, 4-16 ^%SY, 4-18 ^DDPCIR, 4-16 Configurations ^DDPSEC, 4-16 access control, 2-9, 2-24 START^DDPLNK, 4-16 automatic startup and STOP^DDPLNK, 4-16 shutdown, 1-22 ^DDP Utility, 4-16 defining, 2-12 ^DDPCIR Utility, 4-16 definition of, 2-7 ^DDPSEC Utility, 4-16 modifying, 2-22 DEC OSF/1 commands root account access, 2-20 adduser, 1-21, 2-10 running multiple, 2-23 df, 1-6 kill, 2-22 Index-2 DEC OSF/1 commands (cont'd) dsm image su, 2-20 permissions, 1-13 DEC OSF/1 operating system relinking, 1-24 accounts, 2-1 dsmaccess.dat version, 1-2 accessing other environments, DEC OSF/1 shell scripts 2-9, 2-25 dsmshutdown.sh, 1-23, 1-27 configuration access file, dsmstartup.sh, 1-22 1-16 DEC OSF/1 user accounts, 2-9 dsmbaseline.gls DEC OSF/1 Utilities baseline volume set, 2-7 setld, 1-9, 1-12 restrictions, 1-16 ^DEJRNL Utility, 4-11 dsmddpdrv image DELETE^CONDBS Utility, 4-13 command line, 1-25 DELETE^CONFIG Utility, 4-4, dsmddpdrv.log, 1-26 4-10 dsmddpstartup.sh shell script Detached process, 2-28 starting DDP driver, 1-24 DDP servers, 2-30 dsmdemon_base.log, 2-28 Garbage Collector, 2-30 startup failure, 1-22 Journal Process, 2-30 dsmdemon_conf.log, 2-28 Write Demon, 2-28 startup failure, 1-22 df command /dsmdir environment root determining space on file directory, 2-3 systems, 1-6 dsmdlink.sh shell script Directories creating a private image, database, 1-17 1-13 database files, 2-4 dsmgarcol_base.log, 2-30 DSM, 2-1 dsmgarcol_conf.log, 2-30 environment root, 2-3 dsminit.sh shell script journal, 1-17 creating environment manager journal files, 2-3 account, 1-14 log files, 1-17, 2-3 directory protection, 2-5 protection, 2-5 file protection, 2-5 tmp, 1-17, 2-4 initializing an account, DISPLAY^CONDBS Utility, 4-13 1-15 DISPLAY^CONFIG Utility, 4-4, running, 1-18 4-6 on existing account, 1-18 Distributed Data Processing running as superuser, 1-18 Utilities dsmlink.sh shell script See DDP Utilities creating a private image, Documentation 1-13 submitting comments, xii dsmshutdown.sh shell script, DSM for DEC OSF/1 database set 1-23 See Database set DDP driver shutdown, 1-27 Index-3 dsmstartup.log, 1-22 Flock files, 1-17, 3-3 dsmstartup.sh shell script, ^FORCEX Utility, 2-22, 4-18 1-22 fstab file DDP startup, 1-25 checking mounted file systems , 1-5 E______________________________ fverify file ^ECPACK Utility, 4-19 verification failure, 1-12 ^ECTAB Utility, 4-19 G Environment _______________________________ See also Environment manager Garbage Collector account log file, 2-30 definition of, 2-1 process, 2-30 directories, 2-3 Globals name, 2-23 access control, 2-25 Environment configuration performance, 3-4 global ^%GLOMAN Utility, 4-14 See ^SYS environment ^GLSSTA Utility, 3-4, 4-17 report example, 3-5 configuration global Environment manager account H______________________________ created by dsminit.sh, 2-9 Help text, 4-2 creating, 1-14 ^%HELP Utility, 4-1 description of, 2-1 running dsminit, 1-18 Environment root directory I______________________________ description of, 2-3 inittab.sh shell script files, 2-4 automatic configuration Error recovery startup, 1-22 during installation, 1-12 Installation /etc/fstab backing up system disk, 1-7 See fstab file CD-ROM, 1-9 External Call Conversion disk space, increasing, 1-7 Utilities error recovery, 1-12 ^ECPACK, 4-19 local, 1-7 ^ECTAB, 4-19 overview, 1-1 post, 1-14 F______________________________ setld, 1-9 File systems software requirements, 1-3 checking, 1-5 space requirements, 1-5 determining space, 1-6 stopping, 1-9 Files subsets, choosing which to number of open, 3-3 install, 1-4 protection, 2-5 system shutdown, 1-23 system startup, 1-22 time requirements, 1-5 Index-4 Installation Verification Procedure M______________________________ See IVP MAX_NOFILE parameter IVP open file memory, 3-3 running, 1-5, 1-12 MODIFY^CONDBS Utility, 2-11, sample listing, B-2 4-13 MODIFY^CONFIG Utility, 4-5, J______________________________ 4-8 /journal directory, 2-3 MONITOR^GLSSTA Utility, 3-4 Journal files default directories, 2-3 O______________________________ Journal Process, 2-30 Online help ^JOURNAL Utility, 4-10 ^%HELP Utility, 4-1 Open file memory K______________________________ MAX_NOFILE parameter, 3-3 kill command (DEC OSF/1) OPEN_MAX_SYSTEM parameter, stopping a DSM process, 2-22 3-3 OPEN_MAX_SYSTEM parameter L______________________________ open file memory, 3-3 LAT P required subset to install, _______________________________ 1-3 PAK, 1-8 Library Utilities, 4-1 Performance Utility ^%HELP, 4-1 ^GLSSTA, 3-4, 4-17 License Management Facility Postinstallation See LMF creating environment LMF manager's account, 1-14 registering DSM license, 1-8 description of activities, ^LOCKTAB Utility, 4-19 1-2 /log directory, 2-3 Product Authorization Key Log files See PAK default directory, 2-3 Programmer account, 2-10 dsmddpdrv.log, 1-26 Programmer mode dsmstartup.log, 1-22 enforcing restrictions with Garbage Collector, 2-30 bit masks, 2-26 Write Demon, 2-28 ^LOGIN Utility, 4-18, 4-19 R______________________________ RECORD^GLSSTA Utility, 3-4 REPLAY^GLSSTA Utility, 3-4 root account restriction, 1-15 running configurations, 2-20 Index-5 System startup S______________________________ using dsmstartup.sh, 1-22 SETJRN^%GLOMAN Utility, 4-11 System Utilities, 4-1 setld utility After-Image Journaling, 4-10 installation errors, 1-12 Before-Image Journaling, installing DSM, 1-9 4-12 Shared memory ^BIJEXAM, 4-12 determining, 3-1 ^BIJFORC, 4-12 shmmax parameter, 3-1 ^BIJINIT, 4-12 shmmax parameter ^CONDDP, 4-16 shared memory, 3-1 ^CONFIG, 2-8, 2-12 to 2-20, ^SHUTDWN Utility, 4-19 4-4 shutting down a configuration Configuration Management, , 2-21 4-4 shutting down baseline mode, ^CONMAN, 2-12, 4-4 2-7 conventions, 4-2 Startup command file, 2-12 COPY^CONFIG, 4-4, 4-8 START^DDPLNK Utility, 4-16 ^DBSMAN, 4-10 STOP^DDPLNK Utility, 4-16 ^DBT, 4-15 ^STU Utility, 2-8, 4-18 ^DDP, 4-16 configuration startup, 2-21 ^DDPCIR, 4-16 su command ^DDPSEC, 4-16 becoming environment manager, ^DEJRNL, 4-11 2-20 DELETE^CONDBS, 4-13 Superuser, 1-3 DELETE^CONFIG, 4-4, 4-10 ^%SY Utility, 4-18 DISPLAY^CONDBS, 4-13 ^SYS environment configuration DISPLAY^CONFIG, 4-4, 4-6 global, 2-2 Distributed Data Processing, configuration definition, 4-16 1-16 ^ECPACK, 4-19 ^SYS Utility, 4-4 ^ECTAB, 4-19 ^SYSMAN Utilities, 4-18 FILES, 4-11 System Management Utilities ^FORCEX, 2-22, 4-18 ^FORCEX, 2-22, 4-18 ^%GLOMAN, 4-14 ^LOCKTAB, 4-19 ^GLSSTA, 3-4, 4-17 ^LOGIN, 4-18, 4-19 ^JOURNAL, 4-10 ^SHUTDWN, 4-19 ^LOCKTAB, 4-19 ^STU, 4-18 ^LOGIN, 4-18, 4-19 ^%SY, 4-18 MODIFY^CONDBS, 2-11, 4-13 System process MODIFY^CONFIG, 4-5, 4-8 definition of, 2-9 MONITOR^GLSSTA, 3-4 System shutdown Performance, 4-17 using dsmshutdown.sh, 1-23 RECORD^GLSSTA, 3-4 REPLAY^GLSSTA, 3-4 running, 4-4 Index-6 System Utilities (cont'd) ^VOLUTL Utility, 4-14 SETJRN^%GLOMAN, 4-11 ^SHUTDWN, 2-21, 4-19 W______________________________ START^DDPLNK, 4-16 Write Demon STOP^DDPLNK, 4-16 log file, 2-28 ^STU, 2-8, 2-21, 4-18 process, 2-28 ^%SY, 4-18 ^SYS, 4-4 X ^UCIMAN, 4-14 _______________________________ ^VOLINH, 4-14 X Window System Interface ^VOLMAN, 2-11, 4-14 installation requirements, ^%VOLTAB, 4-14 1-3 Volume Set, 4-14 installing at a later time, 1-23 T______________________________ TCP/IP required subset to install, 1-3 /tmp directory, 2-4 Tuning ^GLSSTA Utility, 3-4 open file limit, 3-3 shared memory, 3-1 U______________________________ ^UCIMAN Utility, 4-14 /usr/var/adm/fverify See fverify file V______________________________ ^VOLINH Utility, 4-14 ^VOLMAN Utility, 2-11, 4-14 ^%VOLTAB Utility, 4-14 Volume Set Utilities Database Repair, 4-14 ^%GLOMAN, 4-14 ^UCIMAN, 4-14 ^VOLINH, 4-14 ^VOLMAN, 4-14 ^%VOLTAB, 4-14 Volume sets baseline, 2-7 initializing, 2-11 placement, 2-5 Index-7