DECdfs_for_OpenVMS____________________________ Installation Guide January 1996 Software Version: DECdfs for OpenVMS Version 2.2 Operating System and Version: OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1, Version 6.2, or Version 7.0 OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2, Version 6.1, Version 6.2, or Version 7.0 __________________________________________________________ First Published, 1987 Revised, January 1996 The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1987, 1988, 1989, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996. All Rights Reserved. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha, DBMS, DECdfs, DECdns, DECnet, Digital, OpenVMS, PATHWORKS, Rdb/VMS ULTRIX, VAX, VAX-11 RSX, VAX DOCUMENT, VMS, VMScluster, VMS POSIX, and the DIGITAL logo. This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Welcome.................................................. vi 1 Installation Prerequisites 1.1 Contents of the Kit.......................... 1-1 1.2 Prerequisite Hardware........................ 1-2 1.3 Required Software............................ 1-2 1.4 License Registration (PAK)................... 1-2 1.5 Required Disk Space.......................... 1-3 1.6 Installing Over Earlier Versions of DECdfs Software..................................... 1-3 1.7 SYSGEN Parameters............................ 1-5 1.7.1 Increasing the Nonpaged Pool Size........ 1-5 1.7.2 Increasing the System Interrupt Stack Size (VAX Systems Only).................. 1-6 1.7.3 Increasing Global Pages and Global Sections................................. 1-6 1.7.4 Increasing the Channel Count............. 1-7 1.8 Account and Quota Requirements............... 1-8 1.9 Installation Time............................ 1-8 1.10 Configuration Planning....................... 1-9 1.10.1 Configuration Questions.................. 1-9 1.10.2 The Digital Distributed Name Service (DECdns)................................. 1-10 Access Points.......................... 1-10 DECdns Clerk........................... 1-11 DECdns Logical Name Table.............. 1-11 1.10.3 Installing DECdfs on VMScluster Systems.................................. 1-12 1.11 Reviewing the DECdfs Installation Procedure.................................... 1-13 iii 1.11.1 Rebooting an Existing DECdfs System Before or After the Installation......... 1-14 1.11.2 Renaming Existing DFS*.EXE Files......... 1-14 1.11.3 Processing Existing DFS*.COM Files....... 1-15 1.12 Maintenance Updates.......................... 1-15 2 Installation and Verification 2.1 Preliminary Information...................... 2-1 2.2 Installation Procedure....................... 2-2 2.3 Additional DECdfs Messages................... 2-15 2.3.1 Renaming Files Message................... 2-15 2.3.2 Deleting Old Driver Files Message........ 2-16 2.3.3 DECdfs License PAK Message............... 2-16 2.3.4 DECdfs Startup Messages.................. 2-16 3 Postinstallation Procedures 3.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure.................................... 3-1 3.2 Editing the Local System Startup Command File......................................... 3-3 3.3 Using DECdfs Command Files................... 3-4 3.4 Setting Additional DECnet and System Parameters................................... 3-6 3.5 Creating OpenVMS Proxy Accounts.............. 3-6 3.6 Reinstalling DECdfs.......................... 3-8 3.7 Changing DECdfs Configurations............... 3-8 3.8 Deleting Server Software from Client-Only Systems...................................... 3-9 3.9 Checking VMScluster Systems After Installing DECdfs....................................... 3-10 3.10 Error Handling............................... 3-10 3.11 Problem Reporting............................ 3-11 A Files Affected by DECdfs Installation iv B Sample Installations for OpenVMS Systems B.1 Installation on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 with DECnet/OSI................................... B-1 B.2 Installation on OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1 with DECnet....................................... B-5 Index v ________________________________________________________________ Welcome This guide describes how to install DECdfs for OpenVMS Version 2.2. The DECdfs documentation set consists of this installation guide and the DECdfs for OpenVMS Management Guide. You can find related information in the following documents: o The OpenVMS installation and operations guide for your system. o OpenVMS System Manager's Manual o DECnet for OpenVMS Networking Manual o OpenVMS Guide to System Security o OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual o OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual o DECnet/OSI Network Management o DECdns Management Conventions Used in This Document The following graphic conventions are used in this document. Special type This special type in examples indicates system output or user input. Bold type Bold type in hardcopy and Bookreader examples indicates user input. vi [ ] Brackets in command lines indicate that the enclosed values are optional. (Do not type the brackets.) UPPERCASE Uppercase letters in command lines indicate keywords that must be entered. You can enter them in either uppercase or lowercase. You can abbreviate command keywords to the minimum unique abbreviation. lowercase Lowercase letters (often hyphenated) letters in command syntax or examples indicate variables that the user replaces with appropriate values. The Return key, which you must press in order to execute commands, is assumed in command examples. vii 1 ________________________________________________________________ Installation Prerequisites This chapter describes the prerequisites for installing the DECdfs software on an OpenVMS VAX or OpenVMS Alpha system. It covers the following topics: o Contents of the kit o Hardware and software requirements o License registration o Disk space requirements o System Generation (SYSGEN) parameters o Account and quota requirements o Installation time o Configuration planning o Reviewing the installation procedure o Maintenance updates 1.1 Contents of the Kit DECdfs software is available on TK50 streaming tape, or compact disc read-only memory (CD-ROM). Contact your Digital representative if any components of the software distribution kit are missing. The DECdfs documentation set consists of this installation guide, the DECdfs for OpenVMS Management Guide, and the DECdfs for OpenVMS Release Notes. Keep the installation guide with your distribution kit for future reference. You can use this guide to install maintenance updates (see Section 1.12) or reinstall the DECdfs software. Installation Prerequisites 1-1 The DECdfs release notes are available on line. Read Steps 2 and 6 in Section 2.2 for instructions on how to access them. After you install DECdfs, the release notes file (DECDFS022.RELEASE_NOTES) resides in the SYS$HELP directory. Digital recommends that you read the release notes and the installation guide before you install DECdfs. 1.2 Prerequisite Hardware The only hardware required is the DECnet or DECnet/OSI network hardware. The Software Support Addendum (SSA) lists the supported processors for DECdfs Version 2.2 software. 1.3 Required Software The following software is required for running DECdfs Version 2.2: o OpenVMS VAX Version 5.5-2, Version 6.1, Version 6.2 or Version 7.0 with DECnet or DECnet/OSI. o OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.1, Version 6.2 or Version 7.0 with DECnet or DECnet/OSI. DECnet or DECnet/OSI must be running before you install DECdfs. 1.4 License Registration (PAK) You must register and load the DECdfs license Product Authorization Key (PAK) before you can run the DECdfs software and the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). Use the License Management Utility (LMF) to register and load the DECdfs license PAK in the LMF database before or after installing the DECdfs software. Use the License Management Utility (LMF) documentation to learn how to register and load a license PAK. When you register the license PAK before you install, the IVP runs automatically (if selected) and DECdfs starts automatically at the end of the installation. Neither happens if you do not register the license PAK until after the installation. 1-2 Installation Prerequisites See the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual for more information about registering and loading licenses for OpenVMS layered products. 1.5 Required Disk Space To install DECdfs, there must be a minimum amount of of free disk space (peak block count) on the system disk (SYS$SYSDEVICE:). After DECdfs is installed, the DECdfs files require less disk space (net block count). Required space depends on the processor, as shown in the following table: __________________________________________________________ Processor_____Peak_blocks___Net_blocks____________________ VAX 1300 1300 Alpha_________3200__________3200__________________________ To display the number of free blocks, enter the following DCL command: $ SHOW DEVICES SYS$SYSDEVICE The number of free blocks is displayed on your screen under the Free Blocks heading, as follows: Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt DUA0: Mounted 0 DAISY 31625 82 1 If the system disk does not contain enough free space, you must purge files, remove unused files (log files, for example), or remove some applications or user files. You can then install the DECdfs software. 1.6 Installing Over Earlier Versions of DECdfs Software In DECdfs Version 1.3, several tuning parameters were removed to ease performance management tasks. Consequently, the following command qualifiers and logical names are obsolete: o /SESSIONS_MAXIMUM and /CONNECTIONS_MAXIMUM qualifiers Installation Prerequisites 1-3 In the Communication Entity, both the /SESSIONS_MAXIMUM and /CONNECTIONS_MAXIMUM qualifiers have been removed from the SET COMMUNICATION and SHOW COMMUNICATION commands. DECdfs now automatically allocates session and communication blocks to accommodate increased requests. o /FILES_MAXIMUM qualifier In the server, the /FILES_MAXIMUM qualifier for the SET SERVER and SHOW SERVER commands has been removed. DECdfs now automatically allocates blocks that correspond to open files. o /PERSONA_CACHE=BLOCKS_THRESHOLD qualifier and value As part of persona cache autosizing in the server entity of DECdfs, the BLOCKS_THRESHOLD value for the /PERSONA_ CACHE qualifier of the SET SERVER and SHOW SERVER commands has been disabled. DECdfs now automatically recalculates this threshold periodically. o DFS$PQL_FILLM and DFS$PQL_BYTLM logical names The two logical names DFS$PQL_FILLM and DFS$PQL_ BYTLM, which were defined in file DFS$CONFIG.COM in versions of DECdfs prior to Version 1.3, are no longer necessary and will be ignored if they exist in the file. DECdfs now automatically computes values for these server process quotas based on the SYSGEN parameter CHANNELCNT. If you are installing DECdfs over a version of DECdfs earlier than Version 1.3 and the existing DFS$CONFIG.COM contains any of the qualifiers or logical names shown in the above list, you should either rename DFS$CONFIG.COM to disable it or edit the file and remove the obsolete qualifiers or logical names. DECdfs issues a warning message if it finds obsolete qualifiers or logical names during startup. 1-4 Installation Prerequisites 1.7 SYSGEN Parameters The following sections describe how to check and modify the System Generation (SYSGEN) parameters that are needed to run DECdfs. After modifying any SYSGEN parameters in the MODPARAMS.DAT file, invoke the OpenVMS AUTOGEN command procedure to automatically adjust the values of the other system parameters and reboot the system to set the new parameter values. For information about AUTOGEN, see the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. To run DECdfs, you might need to modify the following SYSGEN parameters: o NPAGEDYN (nonpaged dynamic pool size) o INTSTKPAGES (system interrupt stack size) o GBLPAGES (global pages) and GLBSECTIONS (global sections) 1.7.1 Increasing the Nonpaged Pool Size To use DECdfs, you may need to increase the size of the nonpaged dynamic pool (the SYSGEN parameter NPAGEDYN). For a client-only node, add 100,000 bytes of nonpaged pool. For a server node, Digital recommends an additional 250,000 bytes of nonpaged pool. The additional bytes are usually sufficient for the normal use of approximately 10 to 20 DECdfs client devices. To increase the nonpaged pool size, edit the MODPARAMS.DAT file in the SYS$SYSTEM directory. Add the statements that increase the value of the SYSGEN parameter NPAGEDYN as follows: o For a client-only node, add the following comment and statement at the end of the file: ! Add some nonpaged pool for DECdfs client ! ADD_NPAGEDYN=100000 Installation Prerequisites 1-5 o For a server node, add the following comment and statement at the end of the file: ! Add some nonpaged pool for DECdfs server ! ADD_NPAGEDYN=250000 If you decide to increase the data cache size on the server node, increase the server node's nonpaged pool size further (see the DECdfs for OpenVMS Management Guide). 1.7.2 Increasing the System Interrupt Stack Size (VAX Systems Only) To use DECdfs, increase the size of the system inter- rupt stack four pages more than your current use. To increase the size of the interrupt stack, edit the SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file to add a statement that increments the value of the SYSGEN parameter INTSTKPAGES. For a server node, add the following statement at the end of the MODPARAMS.DAT file: ! Increase the size of the interrupt stack for the DECdfs ! server. ADD_INTSTKPAGES=4 By increasing the size of the system interrupt stack, you can prevent the DECdfs server from experiencing occasional system halts. An interrupt stack pointer error (ISP ERR) or similar hardware error message is displayed when the size of the interrupt stack is too small. The specific error message that is displayed depends on the VAX model you are using. 1.7.3 Increasing Global Pages and Global Sections To use DECdfs, you may need to increase the number of global pages and global sections (the SYSGEN parameters GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS). If the current settings for these parameters are inadequate, VMSINSTAL cannot start DECdfs after installation. The following table shows how many additional global pages and global sections you need for a DECdfs server node running on a VAX or Alpha processor: 1-6 Installation Prerequisites __________________________________________________________ Processor_____Global_pages______Global_sections___________ VAX 1064 21 Alpha_________1312______________10________________________ For a client-only node, DECdfs requires about 60 percent of the global page values shown in the previous table; the global section requirements are the same. To check the number of available global pages and global sections, use the WRITE command with the F$GETSYI lexical function to find the number of free global pages and global sections. The following example shows how to get this information at your terminal or workstation (the default destination for SYS$OUTPUT): $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLPAGES") 15848 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT F$GETSYI("FREE_GBLSECTS") 24 If the number of unused global pages and global sections is insufficient to run DECdfs, edit the SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file and insert statements that raise the values of the SYSGEN parameters GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS. To increase the values for GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS, add the following statements at the end of the MODPARAMS.DAT file. The variables nnn and mmm represent numbers that you add to the current setting for these SYSGEN parameters. ADD_GBLPAGES=nnn ADD_GBLSECTIONS=mmm 1.7.4 Increasing the Channel Count Your system's channel count parameter, CHANNELCNT, specifies the maximum number of files that any process on the system can open concurrently. Each file requires one channel, and the DECdfs server process opens all local files that users at DECdfs clients access. If the server is your system's most active file user, you may need to increase the channel count to accommodate the server. Installation Prerequisites 1-7 Determine the appropriate CHANNELCNT parameter by estimating the maximum number of simultaneously open files you expect on the server. Add 15 to this number to allow for some additional channels for the server's own use. For example, if you expect 250 files to be open simultaneously, set the CHANNELCNT parameter to 265 channels before running DECdfs. Insert the following line in the MODPARAMS.DAT file in the SYS$SYSTEM directory, and then run the AUTOGEN procedure: ADD_CHANNELCNT = 265 For information on AUTOGEN, see the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual. You can read the online help information about the CHANNELCNT parameter by entering the following SYSGEN HELP command: $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> HELP PARAMETERS SPECIAL_PARAMS CHANNELCNT 1.8 Account and Quota Requirements To run VMSINSTAL, you must have the following privileges: SYSPRV, SYSNAM, OPER, NETMBX, TMPMBX, CMKRNL, DETACH, ALTPRI, ACNT, PRMMBX, PSWAPM, and PHY_IO. Use the system manager account to install the DECdfs software. The default values for the system quotas are sufficient to install DECdfs. See the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for more information about system quotas. 1.9 Installation Time The DECdfs software installation takes approximately 2 minutes on a DEC 3000 Alpha system when installed from CD-ROM. The time that it takes to install DECdfs client or server software is similar, but can vary depending on the processor, distribution media, and system load. The installation verification procedure (IVP) takes approximately 30 seconds. 1-8 Installation Prerequisites 1.10 Configuration Planning Before you install any DECdfs software, you need to plan your configuration. Decide which nodes will be DECdfs server nodes (those with active DECdfs server and client software) and which will be DECdfs client-only nodes (those with active DECdfs client software only). You must consider how many servers and client-only nodes exist in your network, as well as their locations. This information is important in deciding where to place servers. A DECdfs server allows users at DECdfs clients to access server disks and directories. These disks and directories appear to be local to the DECdfs client system. For information on DECdfs server and client functions, see the DECdfs for OpenVMS Management Guide. When you install DECdfs software without specifying that you want a client-only node, the software for clients and servers is loaded and the node becomes a DECdfs server. When you specify client-only, then only the DECdfs client software starts up on the client-only node. The server software is present but inactive on client-only nodes. See Section 1.10.3 or Section 3.7 for information on changing the configuration of client systems and server systems. 1.10.1 Configuration Questions As you plan your configuration, consider the following criteria: o The nodes on which you will install DECdfs client-only software. o The nodes on which you will install DECdfs server software. o The namespace naming conventions used on your network. See Section 1.10.2 for information on DECdns. o Whether the DECdfs and DECnet license PAKs are registered and loaded on systems that will be clients and servers. Installation Prerequisites 1-9 o Whether each node in a VMScluster environment has DECdfs and DECnet license PAKs. 1.10.2 The Digital Distributed Name Service (DECdns) On all DECnet/OSI systems, and on VAX systems running DECnet, DECdfs uses the facilities of the Distributed Name Service (DECdns) to identify file services. This allows clients to access file services without explicitly knowing the name or location of the node which provides the service. On Alpha systems running DECnet, DECdns is not available, and consequently, DECdfs operational procedures are adjusted to include specifying the node name of the server in appropriate places. The following stated requirements here and elsewhere in this guide regarding DECdns do not apply to Alpha DECnet systems. However, you should refer to the DECdfs for OpenVMS Management Guide for information concerning the interaction between nodes that do and do not use DECdns. DECdns provides a database (called a namespace) for storing and managing the names and addresses of resources that are distributed throughout a network. This scheme permits users and applications throughout the network to locate a particular resource by its name rather than its address. Thus, network resources can move to a new location without affecting users or applications seeking them. If someone moves a resource, that person writes the new address information into the namespace. The next user or application seeking that resource by name automatically gets the updated address information from the namespace. Access Points DECdfs servers store address information for access points in the DECdns namespace. An access point represents the file resources that a DECdfs server makes available to a DECdfs client. Each access point name resides in the DECdns namespace and provides the address information for a DECdfs server that offers that particular file resource. Ask your network's DECdns manager to help you perform the following tasks: o Identify a node that has the DECdns server software. A DECdns server must be installed, running, and 1-10 Installation Prerequisites accessible before you can use the DECdfs software or run the IVP. o Create access point names that comply with the DECdns naming conventions used on your network. The DECdns manager must also provide access rights to DECdfs server accounts and client accounts, as follows: o The account from which you operate a DECdfs server needs read and write access rights in any DECdns directory in which you plan to store access points. o The account from which you plan to run a DECdfs client installation and verification procedure (IVP) needs read access rights in the DECdns directory containing any DECdfs access point. DECdns Clerk DECdfs Version 2.2 should be installed on nodes running OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 or a higher version. These versions of OpenVMS include the DECdns clerk, so the DECdfs installation no longer supplies the DECdns clerk. The installation, however, still attempts to start the DECdns clerk if it has not already been started and if file DNS$DEFAULT_FILE.DAT exists. If this file does not exist, the installation reminds you to execute procedure SYS$STARTUP:DNS$CHANGE_DEF_FILE.COM before you try to start DECdfs. This procedure copies file DNS$DEFAULT_ FILE.DAT to your node and start s the DECdns clerk. On systems running DECnet/OSI, the file DNS$DEFAULT_ FILE.DAT is no longer used. The DECdns clerk is always installed and running on DECnet/OSI systems. DECdns Logical Name Table DECdns uses its own logical name table for DECdns objects. You must supply the name of this table, DNS$SYSTEM_TABLE, to any DEFINE command that applies to related DECdns objects. For example, suppose you want to define a system logical name in your DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM procedure for your namespace name or directory. Supply the DEFINE statement with the qualifier that specifies the DECdns logical Installation Prerequisites 1-11 name table, DNS$SYSTEM_TABLE. To create the logical name EXAMPLE_DIR, you could include the following line: $ DEFINE/TABLE=DNS$SYSTEM_TABLE EXAMPLE_DIR -"THIS.IS.AN.EXAMPLE" Keep this OpenVMS and DECdns change in mind if you are upgrading to DECdfs Version 2.2 from an earlier version of DECdfs. 1.10.3 Installing DECdfs on VMScluster Systems In a VMScluster environment with only one system disk, you need to install DECdfs server software on only one cluster member. VMSINSTAL places all DECdfs files in the SYS$COMMON directory. This provides identical DECdfs environments for each cluster member; for example, mounting the same access points and serving the same access points added by using the ADD ACCESS_POINT command with the /CLUSTER qualifier. ________________________Note ________________________ All nodes in a VMScluster system that will run DECdfs need a registered and loaded DECdfs license PAK before DECdfs can be started. _____________________________________________________ You can create a different DECdfs environment on each node in a VMScluster system by copying the DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM and DFS$CONFIG.COM files to each node's SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP] directory and modifying it for that specific VMScluster member. If you want to run some VMScluster members as DECdfs client-only nodes and others as DECdfs server nodes, copy: o The DFS$CONFIG.COM file to each member's SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP] directory and modify it for that specific VMScluster member. o The DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM file to each member's SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSMGR] directory and modify it for that specific VMScluster member. 1-12 Installation Prerequisites o The DFS$STARTUP.COM file to each member's SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP] directory and edit the following lines: $! Installation specific parameters: $! $ START_CLIENT_FLAG = "TRUE" $ START_SERVER_FLAG = "TRUE" $! $! $! Title = DFS$STARTUP.COM The flag START_SERVER_FLAG = "TRUE" indicates that the DECdfs server software can be started on this node. Edit the DFS$STARTUP.COM file only when you change the configuration of the node. Make one of the following changes: o When you change from a server to a client-only node, you must change the flag START_SERVER_FLAG from "TRUE" to "FALSE." o When you change from a client-only to a server node, you must change the flag START_SERVER_FLAG from "FALSE" to "TRUE." To run DECdfs on a heterogeneous VMScluster system, on a mixed architecture VMScluster system, or homogeneous VMScluster system that use multiple system disks, install DECdfs on each of the system disks. Each node and system disk needs a registered and loaded license PAK before DECdfs can be started on that node. 1.11 Reviewing the DECdfs Installation Procedure Before installing DECdfs, assemble the information that you must provide to VMSINSTAL during the installation procedure. To determine the context in which VMSINSTAL requires this information, review the installation procedure (as described in Section 2.2). Read the DECdfs release notes before continuing the installation procedure. Use the OPTIONS N parameter in the command line to gain access to the release notes. After you complete the installation, you can access the release Installation Prerequisites 1-13 notes in SYS$HELP:DECDFS022.RELEASE_NOTES. See Chapter 2 for more information about the installation procedure. If DECdfs files exist on your system from a previous installation, read the following three sections. 1.11.1 Rebooting an Existing DECdfs System Before or After the Installation DECdfs uses OpenVMS drivers that, once loaded, cannot be unloaded without rebooting the system. Therefore, if a previous version of DECdfs is running on the target system, one of the following two actions must be taken: o Reboot the system without starting DECdfs before doing the installation. o Do the installation and promptly reboot the system. In this case, once you complete the installation and before the system is rebooted, you will not be able to run DFS$CONTROL because of version incompatibilities between drivers, installed images, and new files. Furthermore, you cannot run the IVP until after the reboot. Digital recommends that you reboot the system without starting DECdfs before you perform this installation. If you choose to do the installation first, reboot the system as soon as possible after the installation is complete. Do not attempt to run DFS$CONTROL or the IVP, or restart DECdfs, until after the reboot. If you reboot first, you will not need to reboot again when the installation completes. To avoid starting DECdfs, you must edit your SYS$SYSTARTUP file or otherwise temporarily eliminate the call to DFS$STARTUP.COM. 1.11.2 Renaming Existing DFS*.EXE Files The installation checks whether any DFS*.EXE files are in the SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE], SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSLIB], SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$LDR], or SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSMSG] directories. If you moved DFS*.EXE files to any of these directories, VMSINSTAL asks you if you want to rename all DFS*.EXE files to DFS*.OLD (see Section 2.3.1). If you answer YES, the installation procedure renames the 1-14 Installation Prerequisites files and continues. Otherwise, the installation procedure aborts and displays an error message. If you want to conserve disk space, remember to delete all the previous versions of the DFS*.EXE files from the SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE], SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSLIB], SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$LDR], and SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSMSG] directories before you install DECdfs. If DECdfs runs on a VMScluster system, delete these files on all cluster members. 1.11.3 Processing Existing DFS*.COM Files As part of its installation, DECdfs Version 2.2 looks for existing DFS$CONFIG.COM and DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM files in directories SYS$STARTUP and SYS$MANAGER. If it does not find these files, the installation procedure places a default version of the missing file in SYS$MANAGER. If it finds these files, the installation procedure places the respective template files (DFS$CONFIG.TEMPLATE and DFS$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE) in SYS$MANAGER. Note that if you have previously moved either DFS$CONFIG.COM or DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM to SYS$SPECIFIC directories, the installation proceeds as if these two files do not exist. DECdfs uses the DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM and DFS$CONFIG.COM files for adding or mounting access points (or both) and for configuration purposes. The installation procedure always renames previously existing DFS$STARTUP.COM files to DFS$STARTUP.OLD and provides a new startup file in directory SYS$STARTUP. 1.12 Maintenance Updates Digital may periodically issue a maintenance update release of the DECdfs software. If you are upgrading from a previous version of DECdfs, your software installation kit will not include new documentation if the documentation has not been revised. In this case, use the installation guide for the previous version to install the new software. Installation Prerequisites 1-15 The release notes included with each software release describe new and changed software features. Digital recommends that you read the release notes before installing the software to ensure that you are aware of any special installation or operating requirements. For more information about reading, printing, and accessing the release notes before you install the software, follow steps 1 through 6 of the installation procedure in Section 2.2. You can stop the installation procedure during step 6 by answering the "Do you want to continue the installation [N]?" prompt with NO. You can read, display, or print the release notes after the installation by specifying the SYS$HELP:DECDFS022.RELEASE_ NOTES file. 1-16 Installation Prerequisites 2 ________________________________________________________________ Installation and Verification This chapter contains general information about the OpenVMS installation procedure (VMSINSTAL) and explains each step of the procedure. This chapter also describes additional DECdfs installation messages that you may receive during an installation. 2.1 Preliminary Information Digital recommends that you read Section 1.11 and this section before you install DECdfs. Digital also recommends that you back up your system before beginning the installation. Use the installation procedure, VMSINSTAL, to install the DECdfs software on an OpenVMS system. The sample procedure in Section 2.2 installs both client and server software on a node. If you are establishing a client-only node, you can delete the files that are used by only the server after the DECdfs installation is complete. See Section 3.8 for more information about reclaiming disk space. VMSINSTAL asks a series of questions, to which you must provide appropriate responses. Default responses appear in brackets ([]). Press Return to accept the default response. For help while installing DECdfs, enter a question mark (?) after the prompt. To abort the installation procedure, press Ctrl/Y. The installation procedure deletes all DECdfs files that it has created up to that point and returns to the DCL prompt ($). If you want to retry the installation procedure after you press Ctrl/Y, you must invoke VMSINSTAL again. See Step 2 in Section 2.2 for additional information. Installation and Verification 2-1 To save a copy of the VMSINSTAL session on disk for future reference, use the SET HOST 0 /LOG command before invoking VMSINSTAL. Node 0 represents the local node. See Appendix B for sample installations. Before you install DECdfs, ensure that: o Your system is running the required software (see Section 1.3 for additional information). o Your system has the required free disk space on the system disk (see Section 1.5 for additional information). o You modified the SYSGEN parameters as described in Section 1.7. o Your DECnet Phase IV or DECnet/OSI software is installed and running. o At least one DECdfs server is installed, running, and accessible and at least one registered access point is available if you wish to create a DECdfs client-only configuration and run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). o If you are running DECnet on a VAX processor, the Digital Distributed Name Service is running on the network and is accessible (see Section 1.10.2 for additional information). o If you are running DECnet on a VAX processor, SYS$SYSTEM:DNS$DEFAULT_FILE.DAT exists on your system. If it does not, execute SYS$STARTUP:DNS$CHANGE_DEF_ FILE.COM so that DECdfs will work properly with DECdns. If your system is running DECnet/OSI, the file DNS$DEFAULT_FILE.DAT is not used. If your system includes an Alpha processor running DECnet, DECdns is not available. 2.2 Installation Procedure This section presents the steps of a sample installation procedure for installing DECdfs client and server software. To install the DECdfs software, follow these steps: 2-2 Installation and Verification Step 1. Log in to the system manager account. The system manager account has the necessary privileges to run VMSINSTAL. Step 2. Invoke VMSINSTAL. To invoke VMSINSTAL, enter the following command line: $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DECDFS022 ddcu: OPTIONS N The value ddcu: represents the name of the device where you mounted the distribution media. For example, if the DECdfs kit is in a subdirectory on a user disk, you might construct the device name MY_SYS$DUA1:[MY_DIRECTORY]. When you invoke VMSINSTAL and include the OPTIONS N parameter in the command line, you can view or print the release notes automatically. If you omit OPTIONS N in the command line, you cannot print or read the release notes until after the installation procedure is complete. The following message is displayed on the screen: VAX/VMS Software Product Installation Procedure Vn.n It is dd-mmm-yyyy at hh:mm. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. ________________________Note ________________________ The real version number, date, and time will be substituted for the variables shown in italic type. _____________________________________________________ Step 3. Check the system environment. VMSINSTAL checks your system environment and notifies you of any running processes. For example, your system might display the following message: %VMSINSTAL-W-ACTIVE, The following processes are still active: MAIL_38503 * Do you want to continue anyway [NO]? This message is informational only. Enter NO (or press Return) to end the installation and return to the DCL prompt ($). Enter YES to continue installing DECdfs. Installation and Verification 2-3 Step 4. Check backup. The following message reminds you to back up your system disk before installing software: * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? Enter YES to continue installing DECdfs. Enter NO to end the installation and return to the DCL prompt ($). Step 5. Mount the installation kit volume. If the device you provided in step 2 for the distribution media is not mounted, VMSINSTAL prompts you to mount the installation kit volume. Mount the volume and ensure that the device is in the READY state. Enter YES and press Return when you are ready. A message confirms that the media is mounted and ready: Please mount the first volume of the set on ddcu: * Are you ready? YES %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, DECDFS022 mounted on _ddcu:. Step 6. Start the installation. After you mount the installation kit volume, VMSINSTAL displays the following messages: The following products will be processed: DECDFS V2.2 Beginning installation of DECDFS V2.2 at hh:mm %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. If you included OPTIONS N in the command line in step 2, the Additional Release Notes Options menu is displayed. You can select one of the following options: Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: 2 If you choose option 1, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes at your terminal. 2-4 Installation and Verification If you choose option 2, VMSINSTAL prompts you to enter a print queue name as follows: Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: Type a print queue name or press Return. VMSINSTAL queues a copy of the release notes to print and displays a message such as the following: Job DECDFS022 (queue queue, entry nnn) started on queue If you select option 3, VMSINSTAL displays the release notes on your screen and prompts you for a print queue name. If you select option 4, VMSINSTAL does not display or print the release notes at any time during the installation procedure. After you select any of the options, VMSINSTAL displays the following message: * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? One way to read the release notes now is to respond NO and locate them in SYS$HELP. A NO response terminates the installation and requires you to start again at step 1. Regardless of your response, the procedure displays the following message: %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, The product's release notes have been successfully moved to SYS$HELP. Step 7. Run the Installation Verification Procedure. VMSINSTAL asks whether you want to run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) as part of the installation procedure. If you enter YES, you need to supply an access point name in step 13. If you enter NO, VMSINSTAL skips steps 13 and 14. * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? Installation and Verification 2-5 Step 8. Purge old files. VMSINSTAL asks whether you want to purge files that are replaced during the installation process. To retain the old copies, enter NO; otherwise, enter YES (or press Return). * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? If VMSINSTAL finds DFS*.EXE files in any SYS$SPECIFIC: directory, the procedure lists the files and asks whether you want to rename them. See Section 2.3.1 for the dialog and possible responses. If VMSINSTAL finds DECdfs driver files in SYS$SYSTEM, the procedure asks whether you want to delete them. See Section 2.3.2 for the dialog and possible responses. Step 9. Verify the configuration. VMSINSTAL asks whether the stated configuration is correct or not. DECnet Current configuration: OpenVMS/xxx Vn.n - DECnet * Install the DFS files that support this configuration? [YES] DECnet/OSI Current configuration: OpenVMS/xxx Vn.n - DECnet/OSI * Install the DFS files that support this configuration? [YES] In the previous examples, the variables can have the following values: o xxx can be either a VAX or an Alpha processor o Vn.n can be Version 5.5-2, 6.0, or 6.1 for VAX processors, and 1.5 or 6.1 for Alpha processors To use the configuration displayed, enter YES (or press Return). If this configuration does not represent the system, enter NO. If you enter NO, you are given the opportunity to choose one of the following alternate configurations: 2-6 Installation and Verification Possible configurations: 1. VAX V5.5-2 - DECnet 2. VAX V6.0 - DECnet 3. VAX V6.1 - DECnet 4. VAX V5.5-2 - DECnet/OSI 5. VAX V6.0 - DECnet/OSI 6. VAX V6.1 - DECnet/OSI 7. Alpha V1.5 - DECnet/OSI 8. Alpha V1.5 - DECnet 9. Alpha V6.1 - DECnet/OSI 10. Alpha V6.1 - DECnet 0. Stop installation * Enter number [1] If you want to stop the installation, enter 3. The default is the stated configuration. If you prefer the alternate configuration, enter one of the other numbers. If you choose an alternate configuration, a difference will exist between the stated configuration and the chosen configuration, and a warning message and question therefore will be displayed. %DFS-E-VRMISM, VMS version mismatch detected * Do you wish to continue with this configuration? [NO] If you answer NO, the installation ends. If you answer YES, it continues. Step 10. Install the Help Message Utility. If you are installing on a system that is running OpenVMS Version 6.0 or 6.1, the following question is displayed: * Install DFS Help/Message file? [YES] If you answer YES, the installation procedure displays the following message: Add SYS$HELP:DFS.MSGHLP$DATA to the searchlist defined by MSGHLP$LIBRARY in order to include the DFS messages in your HELP/MESSAGE search. Please refer to the VMS SYSTEM MESSAGES: COMPANION GUIDE FOR HELP MESSAGE USERS for more information. Installation and Verification 2-7 Step 11. Install client or server software. Indicate whether you want to install client or server software on this node at this VMSINSTAL prompt. Enter YES to install both the client and server software. Enter NO to establish a client-only node. * Do you want to install the DECDFS V2.2 SERVER software on this node [YES]? After you answer these questions, VMSINSTAL displays the following message: Product: DFS Producer: DEC Version: 2.2 Release Date: 06-DEC-1994 The Product name DFS indicates a server software installation; the Product name DFS-CLIENT indicates a client software installation. The Product name is also the PAK name, which is checked in the next step. Step 12. Check for a License Product Authorization Key (PAK). VMSINSTAL checks for a registered and loaded DECdfs license PAK. * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? Enter YES or press Return to indicate that the DECdfs license PAK is installed. Enter NO and press Return if the DECdfs license PAK is not installed. If you are installing DECdfs client software (you answered NO in step 11), the installation procedure looks for a PAK named DFS-CLIENT, which includes only the client. If you are installing DECdfs server software (you answered YES in step 11), the installation procedure looks for a PAK named DFS, which includes both server and client. You can continue to install DECdfs without a license, but the IVP cannot run and DECdfs cannot be started as part of the installation or when the installation finishes. After using the License Management Facility (LMF) to register and load the license PAK, you can start DECdfs or run the IVP. 2-8 Installation and Verification Step 13. Read informational messages. VMSINSTAL displays the following informational messages: Installation will be complete in approximately 1 - 5 minutes depending upon your configuration. There are no more questions unless you choose to run the IVP. Installing DECdfs software . . . %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set B ... The following table shows the save sets installed for each possible operating system/processor/network transport combination: __________________________________________________________ __________________________DECnet__________________________ Operating_System__Save_Sets_______________________________ VAX/VMS V5.5-2 A,B OpenVMS VAX V6.0 A,C OpenVMS VAX V6.1 A,F OpenVMS Alpha A,I V1.5 OpenVMS Alpha A,K V6.1 __________________________________________________________ ________________________DECnet/OSI________________________ Operating_System__Save_Sets_______________________________ VAX/VMS V5.5-2 A,D OpenVMS VAX V6.0 A,E OpenVMS VAX V6.1 A,G OpenVMS Alpha A,H V1.5 OpenVMS Alpha A,J V6.1______________________________________________________ Step 14. Complete the DECdfs installation. If the installation has proceeded without errors on a node that does not have DECdfs running, VMSINSTAL displays the following text as it completes the installation of DECdfs: Installation and Verification 2-9 DECnet The following line should be added to your SYSTARTUP command file to automatically start DFS at system startup time: "@SYS$STARTUP:DFS$STARTUP.COM" Put DFS$STARTUP after the statement that invokes the DECnet startup command file (STARTNET.COM). The DECnet software must be started before the DECdfs software. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... DECnet/OSI The following line should be added to your SYSTARTUP command file to automatically start DFS at system startup time: "@SYS$STARTUP:DFS$STARTUP.COM" %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... ________________________Note ________________________ Additional text may appear in the preceding display. See Section 2.3.4 for information about this text. _____________________________________________________ Step 15. Run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). If you answered NO to the question in step 7, proceed to step 15c. If you previously specified that you want to run the IVP after the installation and no errors occurred, VMSINSTAL starts DECdfs and displays the following message. 2-10 Installation and Verification The Installation Verification Procedure will now be run. Please review preceding messages and take note of postinstallation actions that may be required (such as editing the SYSTARTUP procedure). Begin the DECdfs IVP? [YES] Enter YES to start the IVP; enter NO to skip the IVP. When you run the IVP, VMSINSTAL displays the following information: *********************************************************************** *** *** *** DECdfs V2.2 *** *** *** *** Distributed File Service *** *** *** *** Installation Verification Procedure *** *** *** *********************************************************************** COPYRIGHT (C) 1987, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1993 DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, MAYNARD MASSACHUSETTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS SOFTWARE IS FURNISHED UNDER A LICENSE AND MAY BE USED AND COPIED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF SUCH LICENSE AND WITH THE INCLUSION OF THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. THIS SOFTWARE OR ANY OTHER COPIES THEREOF MAY NOT BE PROVIDED OR OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE TO ANY OTHER PERSON. NO TITLE TO AND OWNERSHIP OF THE SOFTWARE IS HEREBY TRANSFERRED. THE INFORMATION IN THIS SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A COMMITMENT BY DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION. DIGITAL ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OR RELIABILITY OF ITS SOFTWARE ON EQUIPMENT THAT IS NOT SUPPLIED BY DIGITAL. VMSINSTAL displays a message that is specific for either a client-only (step 15a) or a server (step 15b) installation. The IVP prompts you for an access point name. Section 3.1 describes how to run the IVP. Installation and Verification 2-11 Step 15a. Client-Only IVP. If you are verifying a client-only software installation, the IVP displays the following message and prompts you for an existing access point name (a DECdns name that you can get from the system manager of a DECdfs server node). The IVP uses an access point name to test a DECdfs mount and dismount operation. ________________________Note ________________________ The account you use to run the DECdfs client IVP needs read-access rights to the DECdns directory where the access point resides. _____________________________________________________ This system will run as a DECdfs Client. To verify the installation, an Access Point must exist on a Server Node. You must have already ADDed this Access Point on one of your Server Nodes. To do this, use the DFS$CONTROL command ADD ACCESS_POINT on a Server Node. * Enter an Access Point name [] ? access_point_name ________________________Note ________________________ On Alpha systems running DECnet, the following message is displayed: DNS is not available on this system. Therefore, the name of the node which serves this access point must also be entered. Note that for normal operation, the /NODE qualifier must be supplied on DFS MOUNT commands on this system. * Enter the node which serves this access point [] : _____________________________________________________ The IVP verifies that the DECdfs client can communicate with the DECdfs server and at least one DECdns server. The IVP displays the following messages: $ DFSCP MOUNT access_point_name DFS$IVP_DISK %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, access_point_name mounted on _DFSC1001: (40FORD) $ DFSCP DISMOUNT DFS$IVP_DISK %DFS-S-DISMNT_SUCCESS, Dismount was successfully performed 2-12 Installation and Verification Step 15b. Server IVP. If you are verifying a server software installation, the IVP displays the following message and prompts you for a unique name to use as a temporary access point. This name must follow the DECdns naming conventions in use in your namespace. Ask the DECdns manager about your network naming conventions. The IVP uses this name to add the access point, mount and dismount the access point, and remove the access point. The IVP can then verify whether there is communication among the DECdfs clients and the DECdfs and DECdns servers. ________________________Note ________________________ The account you use to run the DECdfs server IVP needs read and write access rights in the DECdns directory where you plan to add the temporary access point. _____________________________________________________ This system will run as a DECdfs Server. To verify the installation, an Access Point must be ADDed on the Server. This procedure creates an Access Point for its own use. You must supply a name for this Access Point that does not already exist and is consistent with the DECdns naming policy used in your network. * Enter an Access Point name [] ? access_point_name ________________________Note ________________________ On Alpha systems running DECnet, the following additional message is displayed before the access point prompt: Be sure to use the namespace prefix (e.g., DEC:.nam.nam). _____________________________________________________ The IVP now executes while displaying the following messages: Installation and Verification 2-13 $ DFSCP ADD ACCESS_POINT access_point_name SYS$SYSDEVICE:[000000] $ DFSCP MOUNT access_point_name DFS$IVP_DISK %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, access_point_name mounted on _DFSC1001: . . . $ DFSCP DISMOUNT DFS$IVP_DISK %DFS-S-DISMNT_SUCCESS, Dismount was successfully performed $ DFSCP REMOVE ACCESS_POINT access_point_name Step 15c. End the IVP. After the specific client or server IVP in step 15a or step 15b, VMSINSTAL displays a message verifying that either the DECdfs software was installed successfully or the IVP failed. If you receive any error messages during the IVP, see the explanations in the DECdfs for OpenVMS Management Guide. ****************************************************************** DECdfs V2.2 IVP Successful ****************************************************************** You can run the IVP at any time to check the DECdfs software. See Section 3.1 for more information and for instructions on how to run the IVP after installing DECdfs. Step 16. End the installation procedure. After the installation of the DECdfs software is complete, VMSINSTAL displays the following message: Installation of DECdfs V2.2 completed at hh:mm. The following message then indicates that VMSINSTAL successfully completed installation and verification of the DECdfs software: VMSINSTAL procedure done at hh:mm If VMSINSTAL reports a failure, review the installation prerequisites. If you removed console media before you installed the software, replace the media in the console drive. 2-14 Installation and Verification 2.3 Additional DECdfs Messages You may receive additional messages during a DECdfs installation. The following sections describe those DECdfs messages and the conditions that can cause them. 2.3.1 Renaming Files Message If VMSINSTAL finds existing DECdfs files in any SYS$SPECIFIC: directory, the following message appears after step 8 in Section 2.2: Previous versions of the following files were found in the SYS$SPECIFIC directories. In order for DECdfs to be installed properly, the files must be renamed so that they do not interfere with the installation. You may continue with the installation by answering "YES" to the following question; otherwise, the installation will be aborted. Also, as part of a cluster, please delete or rename the following files on ALL members of the cluster. SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]DFSCDRIVER.EXE SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]DFSRRDRIVER.EXE SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]DFS$COM_ACP.EXE SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]DFSSDRIVER.EXE SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]DFS$SERVER_ACP.EXE SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]DFS$COM_LOGGER.EXE SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE]DFS$CONTROL.EXE SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$LDR]DFSCDRIVER.EXE SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$LDR]DFSRRDRIVER.EXE SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$LDR]DFSSDRIVER.EXE SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSLIB]DFS$MESSAGE.EXE SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSLIB]DFS$MNGT_SHR.EXE SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSLIB]DFS$MOUNT_SHR.EXE * Do you want to rename all SYS$SPECIFIC DECdfs files to .OLD [YES]? If you enter YES, VMSINSTAL renames the listed DFS*.EXE files to DFS*.OLD and continues with the installation procedure. Installation and Verification 2-15 If you enter NO, VMSINSTAL ends the installation and displays the following error message: %VMSINSTAL-E-INSFAIL, The installation of DECdfs V2.2 has failed. If you are installing the software on a cluster, you must delete the listed files or rename them on all cluster members before retrying the DECdfs installation procedure. 2.3.2 Deleting Old Driver Files Message VMSINSTAL displays the following message after step 8 in Section 2.2 if you chose to purge files and if it finds old DECdfs driver files in the SYS$SYSTEM directory: * Do you want to delete old DECdfs driver images from SYS$SYSTEM [YES]? If you enter YES, VMSINSTAL deletes the obsolete DECdfs driver files. If you enter NO, DECdfs operates successfully but the obsolete DECdfs driver files remain in the SYS$SYSTEM directory. 2.3.3 DECdfs License PAK Message VMSINSTAL displays the following message after step 9 in Section 2.2 if the DECdfs license PAK is not installed: The startup file will not be executed after installation and the IVP will not run. Install the DECdfs license PAK before you start DECdfs and run the IVP. 2.3.4 DECdfs Startup Messages The following is a list of all the possible messages that can be displayed before step 12 in Section 2.2 if VMSINSTAL cannot start DECdfs or run the IVP: Before starting DECdfs . . . * You must install the DECdfs license PAK. * You must increase your GLOBAL PAGES. * You must increase your GLOBAL SECTIONS. * You must start DECnet. * You must execute SYS$STARTUP:DNS$CHANGE_DEF_FILE.COM. 2-16 Installation and Verification * You must increase the size of your nonpaged pool. See the DECdfs for OpenVMS Installation Guide * You must reboot your system because you already have DECdfs drivers loaded. Since DECdfs is not being started, you cannot run the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP). A copy of the DFS$IVP.COM file is in the SYS$TEST directory, so you can run the IVP after you start DECdfs. The message about executing the command procedure SYS$STARTUP:DNS$CHANGE_DEF_FILE.COM appears if the installation procedure did not find file SYS$SYSTEM:DNS$DEFAULT_FILE.DAT on your node. This file defines the default DECdns namespace for your node. Executing this procedure copies file SYS$SYSTEM:DNS$DEFAULT_ FILE.DAT from the DECdns server node (whose name you provide). Then DECdns can start and DECdfs can run. VMSINSTAL displays the following message after step 12 in Section 2.2 if you need to increase the size of your interrupt stack: You should also increase the size of your Interrupt Stack before starting the DECdfs server software. See the DECdfs for OpenVMS Installation Guide for more information. Installation and Verification 2-17 3 ________________________________________________________________ Postinstallation Procedures This chapter describes the procedures that can be performed after installing DECdfs on a system: o Running the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) o Editing the local system startup command file o Using DECdfs command files o Setting additional DECnet and system parameters o Using DECdfs security (OpenVMS proxy) o Reinstalling DECdfs o Changing clients to servers o Changing servers to clients o Deleting server software from client-only systems o Checking VMScluster systems after installing DECdfs software 3.1 Running the Installation Verification Procedure The DECdfs software distribution kit contains a command procedure that verifies the correct installation and operation of DECdfs. The installation procedure places the procedure file, DFS$IVP.COM, in the SYS$TEST directory. The Installation Verification Procedure (IVP) tests whether the major components of DECdfs were installed correctly. Successful completion of the IVP indicates that the DECdfs software operates properly. Postinstallation Procedures 3-1 You can run the IVP when you install the DECdfs software (as shown in steps 7 and 13 in Section 2.2) or at any time after the software is installed and running. If you want to run the IVP during the installation, VMSINSTAL invokes the IVP after the DECdfs components are moved to their target directories. The procedure displays a message that the IVP is running. You then enter information that VMSINSTAL needs to complete the IVP. To the IVP independent of the installation procedure, supply the same information. To verify a client-only software installation, supply the name of an access point that was previously added on an accessible DECdfs server. The IVP uses this access point name to test a DECdfs mount and dismount operation. The IVP can then verify that the DECdfs client can communicate successfully with the DECdfs server and the Digital Distributed Name Service (DNS) server. To verify a server software installation, supply a unique, temporary access point name (a DECdns name, as discussed with the DECdns manager). The IVP uses this name to add the access point, mount and dismount the access point, and remove the access point from the DECdns namespace. This verifies successful communication among the DECdfs clients and the DECdfs server and DECdns server. To run the IVP, you need the account privileges SYSNAM, OPER, NETMBX, and TMPMBX, or the privilege SETPRV (allows all privileges to be set). On a DECdfs client, read access to the DECdns namespace directory that stores an access point name for that client is sufficient to run the IVP. You need read and write access rights in the DECdns namespace directory to run the IVP on a DECdfs server. Your DECdns manager grants these access rights. The IVP fails if you do not have the appropriate access rights. You need the read and write access rights for your user name on a specific DECnet node for the DECdns namespace directory that you plan to use. You need access to at least one DECdns directory (usually the directory where you plan to add access points) to perform an IVP on a DECdfs server. For example, if the DECdns manager grants the access rights to the SALES.WEST directory, you can 3-2 Postinstallation Procedures add a unique access point name to that directory, such as SALES.WEST.DFSIVPTEST. To run the IVP independently from the installation procedure, enter the following command: $ @SYS$TEST:DFS$IVP You can delete the DFS$IVP.COM file without adversely affecting any DECdfs operations. However, Digital recommends that you not delete this file as you may want to run the IVP later. 3.2 Editing the Local System Startup Command File Edit your system startup command file if you want to start DECdfs automatically. For VAX/VMS Version 5.5-2 systems running DECnet, the sys- tem startup command file is SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_V5.COM. For other OpenVMS systems, the system startup command file is SYS$STARTUP:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM. Edit the file so that it invokes the DECdfs startup command file, SYS$STARTUP:DFS$STARTUP.COM by adding the following line: @SYS$STARTUP:DFS$STARTUP.COM For DECnet systems, insert this line after the statement that invokes the DECnet startup command file: DECnet STARTNET.COM. DECnet/OSI For DECnet/OSI systems, the network startup command file does not appear in the system startup file. DECnet software must be started before the DECdfs software. If you use a batch job to start the DECnet software, start the DECdfs software later in the same batch stream to ensure that the DECdfs software starts after the DECnet software. Postinstallation Procedures 3-3 The following sample portion of a system startup file shows the statement that invokes the DECdfs startup command file. This statement executes the DFS$STARTUP command procedure in your SYS$STARTUP directory. The sample applies to both DECnet and DECnet/OSI systems. . $ !Command procedure to start up DECnet $ ! $ IF F$SEARCH("SYS$SYSTEM:NETACP.EXE") .NES. "" - THEN @SYS$STARTUP:STARTNET.COM . . . $ !Command procedure to start up DECdfs $ ! $ IF F$SEARCH("SYS$STARTUP:DFS$STARTUP.COM") .NES. "" - THEN @SYS$STARTUP:DFS$STARTUP.COM . . . 3.3 Using DECdfs Command Files The DECdfs startup command procedure (DFS$STARTUP) executes two DECdfs command files: DFS$CONFIG.COM and DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM. Modify these files to suit your network environment. When DECdfs starts, the DFS$STARTUP.COM file invokes SYS$MANAGER:DFS$CONFIG.COM. This configuration file sets configuration parameters. To change the static DECdfs parameters, you must change the values for the parameters in the DFS$CONFIG.COM file. A related file named DFS$CONFIG.TEMPLATE contains the default settings for each parameter. The DFS$STARTUP.COM file also invokes SYS$STARTUP:DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM, which adds access points to the DECdfs server and mounts DECdfs client devices that are shared throughout the system. 3-4 Postinstallation Procedures If you have files DFS$CONFIG.COM or DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM from earlier versions (prior to Version 2.2) of DECdfs, you may wish to process them as follows, because they can contain obsolete commands: 1. Rename existing versions of DFS$CONFIG.COM and DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM files to DFS$CONFIG.OLD and DFS$SYSTARTUP.OLD, respectively. 2. Create new DFS$*.COM files by copying the DECdfs Version 2.2 DFS$CONFIG.TEMPLATE file to DFS$CONFIG.COM and the DFS$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE file to DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM in the SYS$MANAGER directory. 3. Copy any changed configuration and access point information from DFS$CONFIG.OLD and DFS$SYSTARTUP.OLD files into the new command files in the SYS$MANAGER directory. Do not copy any values for the following obsolete parameters from old versions of DFS$CONFIG.COM: DFS$PQL_BYTLM DFS$PQL_FILLM SET COMMUNICATION/CONNECTIONS_MAXIMUM SET COMMUNICATION/SESSIONS_MAXIMUM SET SERVER/FILES_MAXIMUM SET SERVER/PERSONA_CACHE=(BLOCKS_THRESHOLD=xxx) If you decide to use older DFS$*.COM files, Digital recommends that you move them to the SYS$MANAGER directory if possible. Then edit the DFS$CONFIG.COM file to remove the following lines: DEFINE/SYSTEM DFS$PQL_FILLM "nn" DEFINE/SYSTEM DFS$PQL_BYTLM "nn" SET COMMUNICATION/CONNECTIONS_MAXIMUM=nn SET COMMUNICATION/SESSIONS_MAXIMUM=nn SET SERVER/FILES_MAXIMUM=nn SET SERVER/PERSONA_CACHE=(BLOCKS_THRESHOLD=nn) DECnet/OSI Do not copy any of the following parameters from old versions of DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM: SET/DEFINE EXECUTOR ALIAS NODE SET OBJECT DFS$COM_ACP ALIAS OUTGOING ENABLED Postinstallation Procedures 3-5 Edit the DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM file to remove the following NCP commands if they are present in the file: SET/DEFINE EXECUTOR ALIAS NODE cluster-alias-name SET OBJECT DFS$COM_ACP ALIAS OUTGOING ENABLED ________________________Note ________________________ Failure to remove the obsolete commands from older DFS$CONFIG.COM and DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM files as recommended in this section does not affect DECdfs operation. However, any values entered for the preceding list of obsolete commands are meaningless and will not be displayed in response to the SHOW COMMUNICATION or SHOW SERVER commands. _____________________________________________________ If your system is in a VMScluster, see Section 1.10.3 before you edit any startup command files. For more information, see the DECdfs for OpenVMS Management Guide. 3.4 Setting Additional DECnet and System Parameters Digital designed DECdfs for OpenVMS software to provide excellent performance using the default DECnet parameters and default RMS parameters. In some cases, however, you might enhance performance by setting several parameters. See Appendix C in the DECdfs for OpenVMS Management Guide for information about setting network and RMS parameters. 3.5 Creating OpenVMS Proxy Accounts You must create OpenVMS proxy accounts, a DFS$DEFAULT account, or both, on DECdfs server systems to ensure that users on client systems can access a DECdfs server. To create proxy accounts, run AUTHORIZE on the server system and use the ADD/PROXY command to equate an end user on a DECdfs client system to a local user with appropriate rights and privileges. 3-6 Postinstallation Procedures The following example assumes that the client end user already has an account (WPINE) on the server and an account on node WRKSTN: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> ADD/PROXY WRKSTN::WPINE WPINE/DEFAULT UAF> EXIT $ Note that OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 systems running DECnet/OSI provide long name support in the proxy database. On these systems, refer to the following example: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE UAF> ADD/PROXY FOO:.NET.WRKSTN::WPINE WPINE/DEFAULT UAF> EXIT $ To provide access to your DECdfs server to users on client systems without explicit proxy, create a default DECdfs account (DFS$DEFAULT). To make this account available for use by DECdfs only (and not for logging in), create DFS$DEFAULT as a restricted account following the example in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual. You can use the DFS$DEFAULT account as an example of how to create proxy accounts that can only be used for DECdfs access. Make sure you choose a user identification code (UIC) for the DFS$DEFAULT account that does not match the UIC of an existing user. ________________________Note ________________________ When creating the DFS$DEFAULT account or a proxy account on a server, note the authorized privileges as well as the default privileges of the DFS$DEFAULT account and the proxy accounts. The authorized privileges can become effective for users, depending on the current privileges on the DECdfs client when the file was accessed. _____________________________________________________ Postinstallation Procedures 3-7 For more information about the DFS$DEFAULT account, see the DECdfs for OpenVMS Management Guide. For detailed information about creating proxy accounts, see the OpenVMS VAX Guide to System Security and the Guide to DECnet-VAX Network Management. ________________________Note ________________________ Make sure you set up the proxy accounts so that DECdfs users have the necessary rights and privi- leges they need to gain access to files. If there is a DFS$DEFAULT account (and its DISUSER and CAPTIVE flags are not set), all the users who do not have explicit proxy in the NETPROXY.DAT file have only the rights and privileges of the DFS$DEFAULT account. _____________________________________________________ 3.6 Reinstalling DECdfs Although it is not usually necessary, you can reinstall the DECdfs software on your system at any time. Note that you must reinstall DECdfs if you change versions of OpenVMS or DECnet software. After you reinstall the DECdfs software, you need to reboot the system to use the DECdfs software if DECdfs drivers were previously loaded. When you reinstall DECdfs software, the installa- tion procedure copies new DFS$CONFIG.TEMPLATE and DFS$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE files to the SYS$MANAGER directory. These files contain default DECdfs settings. 3.7 Changing DECdfs Configurations With DECdfs Version 2.2, there are now two types of license: a full license called DFS, and a client-only license called DFS-CLIENT. To change a DECdfs client- only system to a server system may require loading and registering the full DFS license PAK, if that PAK is not already loaded. 3-8 Postinstallation Procedures To change a DECdfs system from client-only to server (or server to client-only), edit the following lines in the SYS$STARTUP:DFS$STARTUP.COM file: $! Installation specific parameters: $! $ START_CLIENT_FLAG = "TRUE" $ START_SERVER_FLAG = "FALSE" $! $! $! Title = DFS$STARTUP.COM The START_CLIENT_FLAG = "TRUE" flag indicates that the DECdfs client software can be started on this system. When you convert from a client-only system to a server system, you must change the value of the flag START_SERVER_FLAG from "FALSE" to "TRUE." When you convert from a server system to a client-only system, you must change the value of the flag START_SERVER_FLAG from "TRUE" to "FALSE." ________________________Note ________________________ The two flags, START_CLIENT_FLAG and START_SERVER_ FLAG, are the only two lines that you should edit in the DFS$STARTUP.COM file. _____________________________________________________ 3.8 Deleting Server Software from Client-Only Systems The DECdfs installation procedure always copies all of the DECdfs software to your disk, whether you are installing server software or client-only software. If you do not want to install the server software, VMSINSTAL changes SYS$STARTUP:DFS$STARTUP.COM to prevent it from starting the server. To free disk space, delete the following server software from client-only systems: o DFS$SERVER_ACP.EXE (in the SYS$SYSTEM directory) o DFSSDRIVER.EXE (in the SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES directory) Postinstallation Procedures 3-9 You can also save these files so that a client-only system can regain its server capability in the future. See Section 3.7 if you want to convert a client-only system to a server system. 3.9 Checking VMScluster Systems After Installing DECdfs If you are installing DECdfs on a system in a VMScluster that uses a system-specific system disk, you must install DECdfs on each system disk on the cluster before you can run DECdfs in the cluster. See Section 1.10.3 for more information about VMScluster systems. If you install DECdfs on a VMScluster system that uses a common system disk, you do not need to install DECdfs on any other cluster members. However, you must install the appropriate licenses before running the IVP or running DECdfs in your cluster. 3.10 Error Handling When you encounter a problem while installing or using the DECdfs for OpenVMS, running the installation and verification procedure (IVP), or installing the DECdfs or DECnet license Product Authorization Keys (PAKs), an error message appears on the screen. Appendix A in the DECdfs for OpenVMS Management Guide lists the DECdfs error messages. When you encounter problems while using the license PAK or the License Management Utility (LMF), see the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual for a list of error messages. Determine which software issued the error message by its standard format (%facility-l-ident, text). For example, all DECdfs error messages begin with the %DFS-facility prefix. For additional problem-solving information, see Appendix B in the DECdfs for OpenVMS Management Guide. 3-10 Postinstallation Procedures 3.11 Problem Reporting If you encounter an error while using DECdfs and you cannot determine the cause, or if you believe that an error is caused by a problem in the DECdfs software, report the problem to Digital Equipment Corporation according to the terms of your product support contract. You can report a problem if an operation gives unexpected results or when you get undocumented or unknown failures using DECdfs commands. Gather all information possible about a problem and submit it with your report. ________________________Note ________________________ Many problem reports do not contain enough informa- tion to duplicate or identify the problem. Complete and concise information will help Digital provide accurate service and a timely response to software problems. _____________________________________________________ When you prepare to report a problem, please use the following guidelines: 1. To ensure a timely response, describe one problem only in each report. 2. Describe as accurately as possible the state of the system (such as specifying whether the system failed) and the situation when the problem occurred. In this description, include the version numbers of OpenVMS and DECdfs software for both the client and the server. Indicate the version number for each client and server in a cluster. To determine these numbers, enter the DFS$CONTROL command SHOW VERSION. If you cannot gain access to the DFS$CONTROL program, enter the following command at the DCL prompt to determine the DECdfs version number for clients: $ ANALYZE/IMAGE SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:DFSCDRIVER.EXE To determine the DECdfs version number for servers, enter the following command: $ ANALYZE/IMAGE SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES:DFSSDRIVER.EXE Postinstallation Procedures 3-11 The version numbers appear in the Image Identification Information section, in the same line as the text "Image File Identification." 3. Pinpoint or narrow down the problem, if possible. Use examples. 4. Make suggestions that can help to isolate your problem. 5. Remember to include listings of any command files and other relevant data files. 6. If possible, provide a listing of the user programs that were running when the problem occurred. 7. Send the following files from the SYS$MANAGER directory if possible: o DFS$CONFIG.COM o DFS$ERROR.LOG o DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM 8. Include source files or data files on machine-readable media (floppy diskette or magnetic tape) if possible. All media will be returned to you when your report is answered. 9. If you have questions, state them as simply as possible and include all pertinent information so that a clear and correct answer can be provided. 10.If you report a severe error (the system hangs or fails), include a description of the events that led to the problem, any messages received at the console, or other specific information. 11.When a system fails, include a copy of the crash dump file (SYS$SYSTEM:SYSDUMP.DMP). 3-12 Postinstallation Procedures A ________________________________________________________________ Files Affected by DECdfs Installation This appendix lists the files produced or changed after installing DECdfs on an OpenVMS VAX system. __________________________________________________________ SYS$SYSTEM_Files_________Function_________________________ DFS$CONTROL.EXE DECdfs control program DFS$COM_ACP.EXE Ancillary control process for the DECdfs communication driver DFS$SERVER_ACP.EXE DECdfs server ancillary control process DFS$COM_LOGGER.EXE DECdfs maintenance file for logging communication _________________________transactions_____________________ __________________________________________________________ SYS$HELP_Files___________Function_________________________ DECDFS022.RELEASE_NOTES DECdfs release notes DFS$HELP.HLB Help library for DECdfs control program HELPLIB.HLB DCL DECdfs help text is modified by DECdfs installation DFS.MSGHLP Help Message Utility file _________________________(OpenVMS_VAX_Version_6.0_only)___ __________________________________________________________ SYS$LIBRARY_Files________Function_________________________ DFS$MOUNT_SHR.EXE DECdfs mount library DFS$MNGT_SHR.EXE_________DECdfs_management_system_services Files Affected by DECdfs Installation A-1 __________________________________________________________ SYS$LOADABLE_IMAGES Files____________________Function_________________________ DFSCDRIVER.EXE DECdfs client device driver DFSRRDRIVER.EXE DECdfs communication driver DFSSDRIVER.EXE___________DECdfs_server_driver_____________ __________________________________________________________ SYS$STARTUP_Files________Function_________________________ DFS$STARTUP.COM__________DECdfs_startup_command_file______ __________________________________________________________ SYS$MANAGER_Files________Function_________________________ DFS$CONFIG.COM DECdfs command file to set configuration parameters DFS$CONFIG.TEMPLATE DECdfs command file template with default configuration parameters DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM DECdfs setup command file to mount and add access points DFS$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE DECdfs setup command file _________________________template_with_default_settings___ __________________________________________________________ SYS$MESSAGE_File_________Function_________________________ DFS$MESSAGE.EXE__________DECdfs_error_message_file________ __________________________________________________________ SYS$TEST_File____________Function_________________________ DFS$IVP.COM Installation Verification _________________________Procedure_command_file___________ A-2 Files Affected by DECdfs Installation B ________________________________________________________________ Sample Installations for OpenVMS Systems This appendix shows sample installations of DECdfs client and server software on the following systems: o OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 system running DECnet/OSI o OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1 system running DECnet B.1 Installation on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 with DECnet/OSI The following example shows a typical installation of DECdfs server software on a system running OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 with DECnet/OSI: Username: SYSTEM Password: Welcome to OpenVMS Version 6.1 $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DECDFS022 SYS$UPDATE: OPTIONS N OpenVMS Software Product Installation Procedure Version 6.1 It is 8-APR-1994 at 11:28. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: DECDFS V2.2 Beginning installation of DECDFS V2.2 at 11:28 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: Sample Installations for OpenVMS Systems B-1 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: 2 * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: Job DFS022 (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 1012) started on LPA0 * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? YES %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? N Current configuration: OpenVMS/VAX V6.1 - DECnet/OSI * Install the DFS files that support this configuration? [YES]? * Install DFS Help/Message file [YES]? Add SYS$HELP:DFS.MSGHLP$DATA to the searchlist defined by MSGHLP$LIBRARY in order to include the DFS messages in your HELP/MESSAGE search. Please refer to the VMS SYSTEM MESSAGES: COMPANION GUIDE FOR HELP MESSAGE USERS for more information. * Do you want to install the DFS V2.2 SERVER software on this node [YES]? Product: DFS Producer: DEC Version: 2.2 Release Date: 20-JUN-1994 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? Y Installation will be complete in approximately 1 - 5 minutes depending upon your configuration. There are no more questions unless you chose to run the IVP. Installing DECdfs software . . . %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set G ... The following line should be added to your SYSTARTUP command file to automatically start DFS at system startup time: "@SYS$STARTUP:DFS$STARTUP.COM" B-2 Sample Installations for OpenVMS Systems %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... % DECdfs starting up... Node 0 Session Control Application DFS$COM_ACP at 1994-04-08-10:56:17.847-04:00I0.201 Characteristics Node Synonym = True % DECdfs startup completed. The Installation Verification Procedure will now be run. Please review preceding messages and take note of post-installation actions that may be required (such as editing the SYSTARTUP procedure). Begin the DECdfs IVP? [YES] **************************************************************** *** *** *** DECdfs V2. *** *** *** *** Distributed File Service *** *** *** *** Installation Verification Procedure *** *** *** **************************************************************** COPYRIGHT (C) 1987, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1994 DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, MAYNARD MASSACHUSETTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS SOFTWARE IS FURNISHED UNDER A LICENSE AND MAY BE USED AND COPIED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF SUCH LICENSE AND WITH THE INCLUSION OF THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. THIS SOFTWARE OR ANY OTHER COPIES THEREOF MAY NOT BE PROVIDED OR OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE TO ANY OTHER PERSON. NO TITLE TO AND OWNERSHIP OF THE SOFTWARE IS HEREBY TRANSFERRED. THE INFORMATION IN THIS SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A COMMITMENT BY DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION. DIGITAL ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OR RELIABILITY OF ITS SOFTWARE ON EQUIPMENT THAT IS NOT SUPPLIED BY DIGITAL. Sample Installations for OpenVMS Systems B-3 This system will run as a DECdfs Server. To verify the installation, an Access Point must be ADDed on the Server. This procedure creates an Access Point for its own use. You must supply a name for this Access Point that does not already exist and is consistent with the DECdns naming policy used in your network. * Enter an Access Point name [] ? .LKG.S.DFSDEV.V03_TMP1 $ DFSCP ADD ACCESS_POINT .lkg.S.dfsdev.v03_tmp1 SYS$SYSDEVICE:[000000] % Adding temporary proxy for access by self... %UAF-W-NAFUAEERR, proxy from DEC:.LKG.DFSV03::SYSTEM to SYSTEM already exists $ DFSCP MOUNT .lkg.S.dfsdev.v03_tmp1 DFS$IVP_DISK %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, .LKG.S.DFSDEV.V03_TMP1 mounted on _DFSC1001: Directory DFS$IVP_DISK:[000000] 000000.DIR;1 BACKUP.SYS;1 BADBLK.SYS;1 BADLOG.SYS;1 BITMAP.SYS;1 CONTIN.SYS;1 CORIMG.SYS;1 DECW061.C;1 DECW061.D;1 DECW061.E;1 DECW061.F;1 DFS$ST.DIR;1 DFS_ST.DIR;1 DNVAPP057.A;9 DNVAPP057.B;6 DNVAPP057.C;6 DNVAPP057.D;6 DNVAPP057.E;8 DNVAPP057.F;7 DNVAPP057.G;8 DNVOSI057.A;4 DNVOSI057.B;1 DNVOSI057.C;1 DNVOSI057.D;1 DNVOSI057.E;6 DNVOSI057.F;6 DNVOSI057.G;6 DNVOSI057.H;6 DNVOSI057.I;6 DNVOSI057.J;6 DNVOSI057.K;4 DNVOSI057.L;8 DNVOSI057.S;4 DNVOSI_ECO01057.A;5 DNVOSI_ECO02057.A;3 DNVOSI_ECO03057.A;6 INDEXF.SYS;1 SECURITY.SYS;1 SYS0.DIR;1 SYSEXE.DIR;1 SYSMAINT.DIR;1 TOOLS.DIR;1 VMS$COMMON.DIR;1 VMS061.A;1 VMS061.B;2 VMS061.C;2 VMS061.D;3 VMS061.E;3 VMS061.F;3 VOLSET.SYS;1 Total of 50 files. % Directory access was successful. $ DFSCP DISMOUNT DFS$IVP_DISK %DFS-S-DISMNT_SUCCESS, Dismount was successfully performed $ DFSCP REMOVE ACCESS_POINT .lkg.S.dfsdev.v03_tmp1 ******************************************************************** DECdfs V2.2 IVP Successful ******************************************************************** Installation of DECDFS V2.2 completed at 11:33 VMSINSTAL procedure done at 11:33 B-4 Sample Installations for OpenVMS Systems $ LOGOFF SYSTEM logged out at 8-APR-1994 11:33:48.49 B.2 Installation on OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1 with DECnet The following example shows a typical installation of DECdfs server software on a system running OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1 with DECnet: Username: SYSTEM Password: Welcome to OpenVMS Version 6.1 $ @SYS$UPDATE:VMSINSTAL DECDFS022 SYS$UPDATE: OPTIONS N OpenVMS AXP Software Product Installation Procedure 6.1 It is 8-APR-1994 at 12:06. Enter a question mark (?) at any time for help. * Are you satisfied with the backup of your system disk [YES]? The following products will be processed: DECDFS V2.2 Beginning installation of DECDFS V2.2 at 12:06 %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set A ... Release notes included with this kit are always copied to SYS$HELP. Additional Release Notes Options: 1. Display release notes 2. Print release notes 3. Both 1 and 2 4. None of the above * Select option [2]: 2 * Queue name [SYS$PRINT]: Job DFS022 (queue SYS$PRINT, entry 1012) started on LPA0 * Do you want to continue the installation [NO]? YES %VMSINSTAL-I-RELMOVED, Product's release notes have been moved to SYS$HELP. * Do you want to run the IVP after the installation [YES]? * Do you want to purge files replaced by this installation [YES]? N Sample Installations for OpenVMS Systems B-5 Current configuration: OpenVMS/AXP 6.1 - DECnet * Install the DFS files that support this configuration? [YES]? * Install DFS Help/Message file [YES]? Add SYS$HELP:DFS.MSGHLP$DATA to the searchlist defined by MSGHLP$LIBRARY in order to include the DFS messages in your HELP/MESSAGE search. Please refer to the VMS SYSTEM MESSAGES: COMPANION GUIDE FOR HELP MESSAGE USERS for more information. * Do you want to install the DECDFS V2.2 SERVER software on this node [YES]? Product: DFS Producer: DEC Version: 2.2 Release Date: 20-JUN-1994 * Does this product have an authorization key registered and loaded? Y Installation will be complete in approximately 1 - 5 minutes depending upon your configuration. There are no more questions unless you chose to run the IVP. Installing DECdfs software . . . %VMSINSTAL-I-RESTORE, Restoring product save set K ... The following line should be added to your SYSTARTUP command file to automatically start DFS at system startup time: "@SYS$STARTUP:DFS$STARTUP.COM" Put DFS$STARTUP after the statement that invokes the DECnet start-up command file (STARTNET.COM). The DECnet software must be started before the DECdfs software. %VMSINSTAL-I-MOVEFILES, Files will now be moved to their target directories... % DECdfs starting up... %DFS-I-STARTUP: DNS not present; will not be used. % DECdfs startup completed. The Installation Verification Procedure will now be run. Please review preceding messages and take note of post-installation actions that may be required (such as editing the SYSTARTUP procedure). Begin the DECdfs IVP? [YES] B-6 Sample Installations for OpenVMS Systems ******************************************************************* *** *** *** DECdfs V2.2 *** *** *** *** Distributed File Service *** *** *** *** Installation Verification Procedure *** *** *** ******************************************************************* COPYRIGHT (C) 1987, 1988, 1989, 1992, 1994 DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, MAYNARD MASSACHUSETTS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THIS SOFTWARE IS FURNISHED UNDER A LICENSE AND MAY BE USED AND COPIED ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF SUCH LICENSE AND WITH THE INCLUSION OF THE ABOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICE. THIS SOFTWARE OR ANY OTHER COPIES THEREOF MAY NOT BE PROVIDED OR OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE TO ANY OTHER PERSON. NO TITLE TO AND OWNERSHIP OF THE SOFTWARE IS HEREBY TRANSFERRED. THE INFORMATION IN THIS SOFTWARE IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE AND SHOULD NOT BE CONSTRUED AS A COMMITMENT BY DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION. DIGITAL ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE USE OR RELIABILITY OF ITS SOFTWARE ON EQUIPMENT THAT IS NOT SUPPLIED BY DIGITAL. This system will run as a DECdfs Server. To verify the installation, an Access Point must be ADDed on the Server. This procedure creates an Access Point for its own use. You must supply a name for this Access Point that does not already exist and is consistent with the DECdns naming policy used in your network. Be sure to use the namespace prefix (e.g. DEC:.nam.nam). * Enter an Access Point name [] ? DEC:.LKG.S.DFSDEV.VTF_TMP1 $ DFSCP ADD ACCESS_POINT dec:.lkg.S.dfsdev.vtf_tmp1 - _$ SYS$SYSDEVICE:[000000] $ DFSCP MOUNT dec:.lkg.S.dfsdev.vtf_tmp1 /NODE=VTFOLK DFS$IVP_DISK %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, .LKG.S.DFSDEV.VTF_TMP1 mounted on _DFSC1003: Directory DFS$IVP_DISK:[000000] Sample Installations for OpenVMS Systems B-7 000000.DIR;1 BACKUP.SYS;1 BADBLK.SYS;1 BADLOG.SYS;1 BITMAP.SYS;1 CLIPART.DIR;1 CONTIN.SYS;1 CORIMG.SYS;1 DFS$ST.DIR;1 DFS.DIR;1 DFS_DEV.DIR;1 INDEXF.SYS;1 LCI.DIR;1 MURPHY.DIR;1 NOTES$SERVER.DIR;1 SECURITY.SYS;1 SYS0.DIR;1 VMS$COMMON.DIR;1 VOLSET.SYS;1 Total of 19 files. % Directory access was successful. $ DFSCP DISMOUNT DFS$IVP_DISK %DFS-S-DISMNT_SUCCESS, Dismount was successfully performed $ DFSCP REMOVE ACCESS_POINT dec:.lkg.S.dfsdev.vtf_tmp1 ************************************************************************* DECdfs V2.2 IVP Successful ************************************************************************* Installation of DECDFS V2.2 completed at 12:07 Adding history entry in VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]VMSINSTAL.HISTORY Creating installation data file: VMI$ROOT:[SYSUPD]DECDFS022.VMI_DATA VMSINSTAL procedure done at 12:07 $ LOGOFF SYSTEM logged out at 8-APR-1994 11:33:48.49 B-8 Sample Installations for OpenVMS Systems ________________________________________________________________ Index A Configuration (cont'd) ___________________________ server to client, 3-8 Access point, 1-10, 2-12, 2-13 D__________________________ Access point name, 2-13, DECdfs drivers, 2-17 3-2 DECdfs license PAK Access rights for using DECdns, 1-11 See License PAK AUTOGEN command DECdns, 1-9, 1-10 procedure(AUTOGEN), 1-5 access rights for servers and clients, 1-11 B__________________________ client, 1-11, 2-12 Backup of system disk, 2-4 logical name table, 1-11 namespace, 3-2 server, 1-10 C__________________________ DECnet license PAK, 1-2, CHANNELCNT SYSGEN parameter 1-9 , 1-7 DECnet network, 1-2 Channel count, 1-7 DECnet node, 3-2 Client DECnet software, 2-2, deleting server files, 2-17, 3-3 3-9 DECnet startup command IVP, 2-12 file, 3-3 license PAK, 1-2 DEFINE command, 1-11 Client installation, 2-8 Deleting files during Command files installation, 2-6 DFS$CONFIG.COM, 3-4 DFS$DEFAULT account, 3-6, DFS$STARTUP.COM, 3-4 3-8 DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM, 3-4 DFS$IVP.COM file, 3-1 Configuration, 3-4 DFS$STARTUP.COM file, 3-3 client to server, 3-8 file, 3-4 planning, 1-9 Index-1 Digital Distributed Name Service I__________________________ See DECdns Installation Disk space, 1-3 aborting, 2-1 Distributed Name Service informational messages, See DECdns 2-9, 2-15 Distribution kit, 1-1 invoking, 2-3 DNS mount kit, 2-4 See DECdns on VMScluster systems, DNS$CHANGE_DEF_FILE.COM 1-12 file, 1-11, 2-17 over previous versions, DNS$DEFAULT_FILE.DAT file, 1-3 1-11, 2-17 rebooting before or after DNS$SYSTEM_TABLE logical , 1-14 name table, 1-11 sample installation on Driver file OpenVMS AXP Version 6.1 deletion messages, 2-16 with DECnet, B-5 sample installation on E__________________________ OpenVMS VAX Version 6.1 Environment with DECnet/OSI, B-1 before installation, 2-2 time required, 1-8 during installation, 2-3 verification, 2-10 Error handling, 3-10 Installation Verification Error messages, 3-10 Procedure See IVP F__________________________ Interrupt stack size, 2-17 Files, installed or INTSTKPAGES parameter, 1-6 INTSTKPAGES SYSGEN modified, A-1 parameter, 1-6 Flags IVP, 2-5, 2-10 to 2-14, START_CLIENT_FLAG, 1-13 3-1 START_SERVER_FLAG, 1-13 access rights, 3-2 G client-only, 3-2 ___________________________ during installation, 2-5 GBLPAGES SYSGEN parameter, server, 3-2 1-6 GBLSECTIONS SYSGEN L__________________________ parameter, 1-6 License Management Facility Global pages See LMF increasing, 1-7 Global sections increasing, 1-7 Index-2 License PAK, 1-10, 1-13, 2-8, 2-17 O__________________________ installation, 1-2 Online release notes loaded, 2-8 See Release notes messages, 2-16 registered, 2-8 P LMF, 2-8 ___________________________ installation, 1-2 PAK, 1-2 Local startup file, 3-3 Prerequisites hardware, 1-2 M__________________________ software, 1-2 Maintenance updates, 1-1, Problems 1-15 reporting, 3-11 Media, 2-3, 2-14 Proxy account, OpenVMS, Messages 3-6 DECnet, 2-16 Purging files during driver file deletion, installation, 2-6, 2-15 2-16 R error, 2-16, 3-10 ___________________________ installation, 2-15 Rebooting interrupt stack size, an existing DECdfs system 2-17 , 1-14 IVP, 2-16 Reconfiguring DECdfs, 3-8 license PAK, 2-16 Reinstalling DECdfs patch, 2-16 software, 3-8 purge files, 2-15 Release notes, 1-2, 1-13, startup, 2-16 1-16 SYSGEN parameters, 2-16 copying to SYS$HELP, 2-4 Mount installation kit online, 2-3, 2-5 volume, 2-4 options menu, 2-4 Renaming files during N__________________________ installation, 2-6 Nonpaged pool Reporting problems, 3-11 increasing size, 1-5 Requirements for Nonpaged pool parameter, installation 1-5 account, 1-8 NPAGEDYN SYSGEN parameter, disk space, 1-3 1-5 hardware, 1-2 privileges, 1-8 quota, 1-8 security, 3-6 software, 1-2 Index-3 editing, 3-3 S__________________________ SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM file Security, 3-6 editing, 3-3 Server System interrupt stack IVP, 2-13 increasing size, 1-6 license PAK, 1-2 System interrupt stack Server installation, 2-8 parameter Software Support Addendum See INTSTKPAGES (SSA), 1-2 Software version, 3-12 T__________________________ Startup command file, 3-4 /TABLE qualifier, 1-11 Startup messages, 2-16 SYSGEN parameters, 1-5 V GBLPAGES, 1-6 ___________________________ GBLSECTIONS, 1-6 VMSclusters INTSTKPAGES, 1-6 postinstallation, 3-10 modifying, 1-5 VMScluster systems, 1-12 NPAGEDYN, 1-5 preinstallation, 1-12 SYSTARTUP.COM file VMSINSTAL procedure, 2-1, editing, 3-3 2-2 SYSTARTUP_V5.COM file Index-4