DEC_SoftWindows_______________________________ Installation Guide for Digital UNIX Order Number: AA-QR6WA-TE October 1995 Revision/Update Information: This is a new manual. Operating System and Version: Digital UNIX Version 3.2 or higher Software Version: DEC SoftWindows Version 2.0 for Digital UNIX Systems Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts __________________________________________________________ October 1995 Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representations that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. © Digital Equipment Corporation 1994, 1995. All rights reserved.. The postpaid Reader's Comments form at the end of this document requests your critical evaluation to assist in preparing future documentation. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: Alpha AXP, AXP, DEC, DECstation, DECwindows, Digital, VAX DOCUMENT, VMS, VT, and the DIGITAL logo. The following are third-party trademarks: Imagewriter and Laserwriter are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. Hercules is a registered trademark of Hercules Computer Technology. IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. Intel is a trademark of Intel Corporation. Lotus 1-2-3 is a trademark of Lotus Development Corporation. Motif is a registered trademark of Open Software Foundation, Inc., licensed by Digital. OSF, OSF/1, and OSF/Motif are registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. NetWare is a registered trademark of Novell, Inc. MS-DOS and Microsoft are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. VUE is a registered trademark of National Information Systems, Inc. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This document is available on CD-ROM. This document was prepared using VAX DOCUMENT, Version 2.1-1. ________________________________________________________________ Contents Preface.................................................. v 1 Installing DEC SoftWindows Recommendations and Requirements................... 1-1 Release Notes...................................... 1-1 Software Requirements.............................. 1-1 Distribution Medium................................ 1-2 Requirements....................................... 1-2 To Read an ISO9660 CD-ROM.......................... 1-2 For DOS Networking Support......................... 1-2 Installation Procedure Requirements................ 1-2 License Registration............................... 1-3 Backing Up Your System Disk........................ 1-5 Installing DEC SoftWindows......................... 1-6 Step 1............................................. 1-6 Step 2............................................. 1-6 Step 3............................................. 1-6 Step 4............................................. 1-6 Example Installation Session....................... 1-6 Start Licensing Procedure.......................... 1-9 Licensing DEC SoftWindows Using Digital-PAK ....... 1-9 Step 1............................................. 1-10 Step 2............................................. 1-10 Setting up DEC SoftWindows for Each User........... 1-10 Restarting......................................... 1-11 Troubleshooting.................................... 1-12 DEC SoftWindows Environment Not Set................ 1-12 Bad or Missing Fonts............................... 1-13 Additional Information............................. 1-13 Software Installed by the Installation Procedure... 1-13 Windows Configuration.............................. 1-16 iii 2 Deinstalling DEC SoftWindows Removing the Licensing Daemon...................... 2-1 iv ________________________________________________________________ Preface About This Guide This guide explains how to install DEC SoftWindows on your workstation which has the Digital UNIX operating system. Conventions This guide uses the following conventions: __________________________________________________________ This_style_______Refers_to_this___________________________ COMPUTER Anything you type, exactly as it appears. Also information messages from the system bold Names of menus, menu commands, buttons, dialog boxes, and windows that appear on the screen Special keys on the keyboard The Return key, also sometimes labeled Enter italics References to other sections of the _________________documentation____________________________ v 1 ________________________________________________________________ Installing DEC SoftWindows This manual describes how to install and deinstall DEC SoftWindows on your Digital UNIX workstation. For instructions on setting up and using DEC SoftWindows refer to the DEC SoftWindows User and Administrator Guide for Digital UNIX. ________________________________________________________________ Recommendations and Requirements RELEASE NOTES DEC SoftWindows provides hardcopy release notes. Digital strongly recommends that you read the release notes before installing and using the product, because there may be changes that are not documented in the DEC SoftWindows User and Administrator Guide for Digital UNIX. SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS The DEC SoftWindows product requires: o Digital UNIX Version 3.2 or later o X11 Window System Version 11 (X11 R4 or R5) Motif Window System Version 1.2-2 or later. Installing DEC SoftWindows 1-1 DISTRIBUTION MEDIUM DEC SoftWindows for Digital UNIX is distributed on CD-ROM. REQUIREMENTS Before installing DEC SoftWindows, you need a CD-ROM drive connected to your workstation. If necessary, refer to the DEC SoftWindows User and Administrator Guide for Digital UNIX. TO READ AN ISO9660 CD-ROM To read a CD-ROM, the Digital UNIX kernel must have been built with the cdfs kernel option. If not, rebuild the kernel with that option enabled. FOR DOS NETWORKING SUPPORT DEC SoftWindows networking support requires that the Digital UNIX kernel be built with the packet filter option: Packetfilter driver (PACKETFILTER) If not, rebuild the kernel with this option enabled before using any networking service. INSTALLATION PROCEDURE REQUIREMENTS The following sections discuss various requirements for installing DEC SoftWindows. TIME The installation takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes, depending on your type of media and your system configuration. PRIVILEGES To install DEC SoftWindows, you must be logged into the root or superuser account. 1-2 Installing DEC SoftWindows MEMORY DEC SoftWindows requires at least 32MB. Performance improves with additional memory. DISK SPACE REQUIREMENTS DEC Softwindows requires at least 70MB of disk space. The distributed hard disk files are compressed when created and expand as data is written to them. Digital recommends that at least 3 times the physical memory be allocated to the swap space. Therefore, allocate at least an additional 96MB for swap space. You can use the Digital UNIX df command to determine the amount of space presently available in the /usr file system. # df/usr Filesystem 512-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on /dev/rz0g 1732204 619954 939028 40% /usr # Avail 939028 X Blocks 512 480,782,336 The previous display indicates that there are 400MB available. You need do nothing more since that exceeds the amount required for the DEC SoftWindows installation. LICENSE REGISTRATION DEC SoftWindows includes support for the Digital UNIX License Management Facility (LMF). A License Product Authorization Key (License PAK) must be registered in the License Database (LDB) in order to use DEC SoftWindows on a newly licensed node. The License PAK may be shipped along with the kit if you ordered the license and media together; otherwise, it is shipped separately to a location specified on your license order. (If you are installing DEC SoftWindows as an update on a node already licensed for this software, you have already completed the License PAK registration requirements.) Installing DEC SoftWindows 1-3 To register a license under Digital UNIX, first log in as superuser. At the superuser prompt, edit an empty PAK template with the lmf register command and include all the information on your License PAK as follows: # lmf register The lmf program now enters the registration mode using your default editor. Enter the requested information provided in the PAK. (This example uses the vi editor.) o Enter data on lines that are terminated with a colon (:). o Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the areas indicated on your PAK that have data. o Type "a" to append the entry and press after each entry to move to the next. o Once you have made all entries, type a colon (:) followed by "wq" to exit vi and save the registration. Load the license units into the kernel cache. Enter: lmf> load 0 SOFTPC To verify that your license is implemented, enter the following: lmf> list Product Status Users:Total Active SOFTPC active 1 0 OSF-USR active 1 1 lmf> exit # After you register your license, use the lmf reset command to copy the license details from the License Database (LDB) to the kernel cache: # lmf reset For more information on using the Digital UNIX License Management Facility, see the the lmf(8) reference page. 1-4 Installing DEC SoftWindows BACKING UP YOUR SYSTEM DISK Digital recommends that you do a system disk backup before installing any software on top of the operating system. If a system failure occurs during the installation, files can be corrupted. For more information about backing up your system disk, refer to the Digital UNIX documentation. Installing DEC SoftWindows 1-5 ________________________________________________________________ Installing DEC SoftWindows DEC Softwindows is installed from a distribution CD-ROM. After ensuring that the requirements described in the previous section are satisfied, perform the following steps to install DEC SoftWindows. STEP 1 Login as root. STEP 2 Open a DECterm (dxterm) or xterm window. STEP 3 Mount the CD-ROM. STEP 4 Run the setld program to install and configure the DEC SoftWindows. Answer the questions that are displayed on your terminal screen. An example installation session follows. EXAMPLE INSTALLATION SESSION The following is the screen display output from installing SoftWindows 2.0 b5a #mount -r /dev/rz4c /mnt #setld -l /mnt/beta5a ***************************************************** ** ** ** ** ** S o f t W i n d o w s I n s t a l l a t i o n ** ** ** ** ** ***************************************************** Copyright (C) 1995 Insignia Solutions Inc. 1-6 Installing DEC SoftWindows Select the national language you are going to be using when running SoftWindows. 1. French 2. German 3. US English Enter language selection (1-3):3 *** Enter subset selections *** The following subsets are mandatory and will be installed automatically unless you choose to exit without installing any subsets: * SoftWindows 2 US English language package * SoftWindows 2 core package The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) SoftWindows 2 French MS-Windows setup files 2) SoftWindows 2 French language package 3) SoftWindows 2 German MS-Windows setup files 4) SoftWindows 2 German language package 5) SoftWindows 2 US English MS-Windows setup files 6) SoftWindows 2 cross-platform customisation files 7) SoftWindows 2 on-line help and manual pages Or you may choose one of the following options: 8) ALL mandatory and all optional subsets 9) MANDATORY subsets only 10) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 11) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 5 7 You are installing the following mandatory subsets: SoftWindows 2 US English language package SoftWindows 2 core package You are installing the following optional subsets: Installing DEC SoftWindows 1-7 SoftWindows 2 US English MS-Windows setup files SoftWindows 2 on-line help and manual pages Is this correct? (y/n): y Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. SoftWindows 2 core package Copying from /mnt/beta5a (disk) Verifying SoftWindows 2 US English language package Copying from /mnt/beta5a (disk) Working....Thu Aug 24 10:16:17 EDT 1995 SoftWindows 2 on-line help and manual pages Copying from /mnt/beta5a (disk) Verifying SoftWindows 2 US English MS-Windows setup files Copying from /mnt/beta5a (disk) Working....Thu Aug 24 10:19:17 EDT 1995 Verifying Verifying Select the default keyboard type you are going to be using when running SoftWindows. For LK411 style keyboards - Enter: 1. for US/UK keyboard 2. for French keyboard 3. for German keyboard For LK401 (or 201) style keyboards - Enter: 4. for US/UK keyboard 5. for French keyboard 6. for German keyboard For PCXAL (PC) style keyboards - Enter: 1-8 Installing DEC SoftWindows 7. for US keyboard 8. for UK keyboard 9. for French keyboard 10. for German keyboard Enter keyboard type number 1-10 [1] : Select the licensing type that you are going to use for running SoftWindows. Enter: 1. for FLEXlm license (supplied by Insignia Solutions) 2. for Digital PAK (supplied by Digital) Enter licensing type 1-2 [1] :2 A SoftWindows PAK is already active on this system. No further action required. Base SoftWindows Configuration complete. Configuring "SoftWindows 2 US English language package" (SWNLNGUSA200) Configuring "SoftWindows 2 on-line help and manual pages" (SWNMAN200) Configuring "SoftWindows 2 US English MS-Windows setup files" (SWNWINUSA200) # START LICENSING PROCEDURE As shown in the previous example, if a valid PAK is registered, the installation finishes without prompting you to enter license data. If you have not entered license data, see the instructions in the following section, Licensing DEC SoftWindows Using Digital-PAK . ________________________________________________________________ Licensing DEC SoftWindows Using Digital-PAK If DEC SoftWindows does not detect an active DEC SoftWindows PAK, the following prompt appears: Do you want to register a DEC SoftWindows PAK now? [y]: Installing DEC SoftWindows 1-9 STEP 1 Enter y if you have the PAK information, otherwise enter n. If you enter y, a PAK template is displayed. Complete the template using the default vi editor or change the EDITOR environmental variable to some other editor. When you finish, save the template and exit from the editor. If the PAK registration fails, the following prompt appears: Do you want to retry PAK registration? [y]: STEP 2 Enter y to retry, or n to continue without registering a PAK. If the installation finishes without registering a PAK, you must register one before you can run DEC SoftWindows. ________________________________________________________________ Setting up DEC SoftWindows for Each User After finishing the installation program, you set up the environment for each user. DEC SoftWindows includes a script that does this automatically, as follows. Assuming you have installed DEC SoftWindows in /usr/lib/SoftWindows2, proceed as follows to set up each user environment: 1. Log in as a user. 2. Ensure that the Motif window manager is running. 3. At a UNIX prompt, enter: /usr/lib/SoftWindows2/bin/user_env.sw 1-10 Installing DEC SoftWindows The script, user_env.sw, appends lines to the end of the .login file (for the C shell) or the .profile file (for the Bourne or Korn shell). The appended lines can provide the following functionality, as appropriate: - Add and define environment variables. - Set up DEC SoftWindows such that it can be run from your X-Windows menu. - Enable Windows to receive certain key combinations, such as Alt-F4, that are normally intercepted by the X server. If the last line in the file .login or .profile is exit, the lines appended by user_env.sw to that file are not executed and DEC SoftWindows is not set up correctly. In that case, manually correct the appropriate .login or .profile file, according to the shell being used. RESTARTING Once the installation is complete, log out and log in again so the changes to the system files take effect. You can run DEC SoftWindows by entering the following at the UNIX prompt: % win3 or % dos6 Installing DEC SoftWindows 1-11 ________________________________________________________________ Troubleshooting DEC SOFTWINDOWS ENVIRONMENT NOT SET When starting DEC SoftWindows after the initial run, you may get a dialog box informing you that the $SWIN2HOME variable does not exist. The .profile or .login file does not execute when you log in on some X servers running xdm, so $SWIN2HOME is not set. In this case you should: 1. Add the following lines to your .xinitrc file in your home directory. Insert them before any code beginning Xclients: if [ -f $HOME/.profile ] then cd $HOME . .profile fi Note that .xinitrc usually executes with a Korn shell rather than a C shell, so the .profile file is used rather than the .login file. If you do not have a .xinitrc file in your home directory, refer to the manual pages for the xinit command, and determine whether you can copy a default (or what should constitute a default) .xinitrc file to your home directory. Note that you must insert the above lines of code into your .xinitrc file if you created one. 2. Log out and log in again for the changes to take effect. 1-12 Installing DEC SoftWindows BAD OR MISSING FONTS This error occurs when DEC SoftWindows detects that the required fonts are not available from the X server and the fonts installed in the DEC SoftWindows installation are not usable by the X server. This may occur on X terminals, since they have no local file system and cannot use pathnames on the login machine. Refer to the X server documentation for more information on font installation. ________________________________________________________________ Additional Information SOFTWARE INSTALLED BY THE INSTALLATION PROCEDURE The following directories and files are installed. DIRECTORIES AND FILES IN /USR/LIB/SOFTWINDOWS2 The following directories are installed in /usr/lib/SoftWindows2: __________________________________________________________ Directory_______Description_______________________________ bin Programs and scripts FLEXlm Licensing system utilities fonts Fonts used by DEC SoftWindows hyperhelp[1] On-line help program and data files [1]Optional_______________________________________________ Installing DEC SoftWindows 1-13 __________________________________________________________ Directory_______Description_______________________________ keyboard Keyboard mapping files local MS-DOS and Windows localization files man Licensing manual pages term Dumb terminal description files windows Microsoft Windows data winsetup[1] Microsoft Windows setup data [1]Optional_______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ The following files are installed in /usr/lib/SoftWindows2: __________________________________________________________ File____________Description_______________________________ MS-WIN-311.hdf The pre-installed SoftWindows hard disk file bios1.rom DEC SoftWindows ROM-based BIOS emulation file bios2.rom DEC SoftWindows ROM-based BIOS emulation file bios4.rom DEC SoftWindows ROM-based BIOS emulation file ega.rom DEC SoftWindows ROM-based EGA graphics emulation file v7vga.rom DEC SoftWindows ROM-based Video-7 graphics emulation file sys.swinconfig Default DEC SoftWindows configuration file sys.diskdata Data file to create a bootable MS-DOS hard disk file sys.swinemptydatData to create an empty hard disk file s0ftWindows DEC SoftWindows X application resource file HyperHelp X resource file for on-line help system 1-14 Installing DEC SoftWindows __________________________________________________________ File____________Description_______________________________ README Additional information about DEC ________________SoftWindows_______________________________ DIRECTORIES AND FILES INSTALLED ON THE DEC SOFTWINDOWS HARD DISK The following directories are installed on drive C: __________________________________________________________ Directory___Description___________________________________ DOS MS-DOS files. SUPPDISK Contents of the MS-DOS supplementary disk. INSIGNIA DEC SoftWindows utilities and drivers. NOVELL Novell drivers and configuration files. WINDOWS User individual Windows files, used with files ____________on_FSA_drive_G._______________________________ The following files are installed in the C:\ directory: __________________________________________________________ File__________Description_________________________________ COMMAND.COM MS-DOS command line interpreter. A standard part of MS-DOS and should not be modified. CONFIG.SYS MS-DOS boot configuration file. Used to set MS-DOS configuration options and load drivers when DEC SoftWindows is started. AUTOEXEC.BAT MS-DOS batch program that is executed when MS-DOS starts up. Sets MS-DOS configuration ______________options_and_loads_drivers.__________________ When you install an MS-DOS application, the installer can modify the CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files or instruct you to modify them. Use any text editor, such as MS-DOS EDIT, to do this. Installing DEC SoftWindows 1-15 DEFAULT FSA DRIVE CONFIGURATION The following FSA drives are configured by default: __________________________________________________________ FSA_Drive______________Description________________________ E: $HOME The user Digital UNIX home H: $HOME directory. Files in drives E and H can normally be modified by the user. G: $SWIN2HOME/windows The network part of Windows, used together with files in the C:\WINDOWS directory. Normally, files in drive G should not be modified by the user. Installing a Windows application can add or _______________________modify_files.______________________ ________________________________________________________________ Windows Configuration SoftWindows is preinstalled with Windows 3.11 in a network-style installation. A network-style installation places the shared Windows files in FSA drive G and the local user files in the C drive. This reduces the required amount of disk space when there are multiple users on a system. There are cases, however, where a network-style installation cannot be used. For example, a system connected to a LAN Manager or Banyan Vines network requires a non-network or local installation; all Windows files must reside on drive C. Some applications might also require all Windows files on drive C. Configuring DEC SoftWindows in the DEC SoftWindows User and Adminstrator Guide for Digital UNIX describes both the default network-style installation and the non-network or completely local installation. 1-16 Installing DEC SoftWindows 2 ________________________________________________________________ Deinstalling DEC SoftWindows Remove DEC SoftWindows from the workstation on which you installed it as follows: 1. Login as root. 2. Issue the following command: #setld -i | grep -i swm That command displays a list of the subsets that begin with the letters "SWNxxx". Note which of those "SWNxxx" subsets are described as "installed". 3. Issue the following command to uninstall the installed "SWNxxx" subsets, where SWName is each of the installed SWN subsets. Separate each subset with a space: #setld -d SWName_1 SWName_2 SWName_n 4. Again issue the following command to confirm that all "SWNxxx" subsets are no longer installed: #setld -i | grep -i swm After deinstalling DEC SoftWindows, check the files .login, .profile, and .mwmrc, and your font path, and remove any DEC SoftWindows specific information. ________________________________________________________________ Removing the Licensing Daemon If DEC SoftWindows is the only product that is licensed by the license server, stop the licensing daemon from running each time the machine starts as follows: 1. Log in as root on the license server. Deinstalling DEC SoftWindows 2-1 2. From the file, /etc/inittab, remove the line beginning with the three letters, isl. 2-2 Deinstalling DEC SoftWindows