SCSI CAM Layered Components for Digital UNIX Systems Version 3.1 Installation Guide Digital Equipment Corporation Maynard, Massachusetts Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c) (1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013. [C] Digital Equipment Corporation 1996 All rights reserved. Digital Equipment Corporation makes no representation that the use of its products in the manner described in this publication will not infringe on existing or future patent rights, nor do the descriptions contained in this publication imply the granting of licenses to make, use, or sell equipment or software in accordance with the description. The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid license from Digital or an authorized sublicensor. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital or its affiliated companies. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC, DECsystem, DECstation, DECsupport, Digital, OpenVMS, POLYCENTER, ULTRIX, UWS, VAX, VMS, and the Digital logo. MIPS is a trademark of Mips Computer Systems, Incorporated. OSF and OSF/1 are registered trademarks of Open Software Foundation, Inc. PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc. UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Ltd. Revision/Update Information: This revised manual supersedes the Version 3.0 release of the SCSI CAM Layered Components for Digital UNIX Systems Installation Guide. Operating System and Version: DEC OSF/1 Version 3.x, and Digital UNIX Version 3.2C and higher, including Version 4.0. Software Version: SCSI CAM Layered Components for Digital UNIX Systems, Version 3.1 Date: June, 1996 Contents Preface vii Intended Audience vii Structure of This Document vii Manuals in the Documentation Set viii Related Manuals viii Conventions ix 1 Installation Preparation 1 Release Notes 1 Installation Procedure Requirements 1 Backing Up Your System Disk 2 Time Required for Installation 2 Login Requirements 2 Hardware Requirements 2 Software Requirements 2 Deleting Old Subsets 3 Determining Which Subsets to Load 3 Disk Space Requirements 4 Increasing Disk Space Availability 4 Stopping the Installation 5 Error Recovery 5 2 Installation Procedure 7 Installing from CD-ROM Consolidated Distribution Media 7 Using a RIS Server 8 Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts 8 Selecting Subsets 9 Monitoring Displays During the Subset Loading Process 10 Reconfiguring the Kernel During Installation 10 3 Completing the Installation 11 Creating Device Special Files 11 Removing Devices 11 System Configuration File Information 12 Using the Media Changer Utility 12 Accessing Release Notes from the Product Directory 12 A Sample Installation Listing 13 Sample Listing for SCSI CAM Layered Components Installation from CD-ROM 13 B Files Installed on Your System 17 Index 23 List of Tables Table 1 Worksheet for Subset Sizes 4 Table 2 Directories Containing SCSI CAM Layered Components Kit Files 18 Table 3 Directories Containing Additional Files 19 Table 4 SCSI CAM Layered Components Files 20 vi Preface This guide describes how to install the SCSI CAM Layered Components software on Digital[TM] Alpha processors that are running the Digital UNIX[R] (formerly DEC[TM] OSF/1[R]) operating system. Digital has changed the name of its UNIX operating system from DEC OSF/1 to Digital UNIX. The new name reflects Digital's commitment to UNIX and its conformance to UNIX standards. The SCSI CAM Layered Components software consist of driver software for SCSI medium changers and SCSI optical disk drives. The installation is performed using the setld utility -- a utility for software subset installation and management. Intended Audience This guide is intended for the person who installs SCSI CAM Layered Components. Structure of This Document This guide is organized as follows: o Chapter 1 describes the software and hardware requirements for installation. It also describes related procedures that you complete before installing SCSI CAM Layered Components. o Chapter 2 describes the SCSI CAM Layered Components installation procedure. o Chapter 3 describes postinstallation procedures that you must complete before using layered products that depend on SCSI CAM Layered Components. System administration issues are also addressed. o Appendix A contains a sample listing for a SCSI CAM Layered Components installation. o Appendix B describes the hierarchy and contents of SCSI CAM Layered Components directories. Manuals in the Documentation Set In addition to this guide, the SCSI CAM Layered Components documentation set includes the following manuals and reference pages: o SCSI CAM Layered Components for Digital UNIX Systems, Version 3.1 Release Notes describes restrictions and features for this release. o The following SCSI CAM Layered Components reference pages: _ MAKEDEV.MC(8) describes creating medium changer driver special files. _ mcutil(1) describes the SCSI medium changer interface. _ mcicap(5) describes the medium changer capability database. _ mcutil(1) describes the medium changer manipulation utility. _ MAKEDEV.OP(8) describes creating optical disk driver special files. _ op(7) describes the SCSI optical disk interface. _ oputil(1) describes the SCSI optical disk drive utility. Related Manuals The following documents are not included in the SCSI CAM Layered Components documentation set. Please refer to these documents if you need additional information about Digital UNIX layered product installation or system management: o Software Product Library CD-ROM User's Guide describes how to mount the CD-ROM media. o Command and Shell User's Guide describes how to perform basic system management tasks, including instructions on how to do system disk backups. o Sharing Software on a Local Area Network describes how to use the Remote Installation Service (RIS) utility and environment. viii Preface Conventions The following conventions are used in this guide: Convention Meaning UPPERCASE The Digital UNIX system differentiates and between lowercase and uppercase characters. lowercase Literal strings that appear in text, examples, syntax descriptions, and function descriptions must be entered exactly as shown. user input This bold typeface is used in interactive examples to indicate input entered by the user. system This typeface is used to indicate system output output or the exact name of a command, option, partition, path name, directory, or file. % The percent sign is the default user prompt. # A number sign is the default root user prompt. Ctrl/X In procedures, a sequence such as Ctrl/X indicates that you must hold down the key labeled Ctrl while you press another key or a pointing device button. Chapter 1 Installation Preparation Before starting the installation procedures described in Chapter 2, you should complete the preparation requirements outlined in this chapter. This chapter provides the information needed to make your installation run smoothly. Release Notes SCSI CAM Layered Components provides online release notes, which are located on your Digital layered product CD-ROM distribution disc. Digital strongly recommends that you read the release notes before installing the product. The release notes may contain important information about installing and using SCSI CAM Layered Components that is not included in this guide or in other documentation. The release notes are available in both PostScript[R] and text versions, which you can display or print from the CD-ROM distribution disc after it is mounted. Note that you can access the release notes before installing SCSI CAM Layered Components. The PostScript file is titled and the text file is clc310_relnotes.txt. For instructions on how to locate the release notes on line and print them from the CD-ROM distribution disc, see the Software Product Library CD-ROM User's Guide. Copies of the release notes are also included in the software subset and are located in the directories /usr/opt/CLC310/mc/doc and /usr/opt/CLC310/op/doc after you complete your software installation. The release notes are included in these locations to ensure they are accessible from the product directory after the CD-ROM distribution disc is dismounted. Installation Procedure Requirements This section describes the requirements for installing SCSI CAM Layered Components. Backing Up Your System Disk Back up your system disk before installing any software. For details on performing a system disk backup, see the Command and Shell User's Guide. Time Required for Installation Installing SCSI CAM Layered Components on your Digital UNIX system requires from 10 to 90 minutes, depending on the time needed to rebuild your system's kernel. Login Requirements You must be able to log in as root on the system where you are installing SCSI CAM Layered Components. Only when you are logged in as root do you have sufficient privileges to install the SCSI CAM Layered Components software. Hardware Requirements To install SCSI CAM Layered Components, you need the following hardware: o Software distribution device (if installing from media) Locate the CD-ROM drive for the CD-ROM software distribution media. The CD booklet or the documentation for the CD-ROM drive you are using explains how to load the CD-ROM media. o Terminal You can use either a hardcopy or video terminal to communicate with the operating system and respond to prompts from the installation procedure. See the SCSI CAM Layered Components Software Product Description (SPD) for additional hardware requirements. Software Requirements To intall SCSI CAM Layered Components Version 3.1, you need the Digital UNIX operating system subset (OSFBASE) to be installed. Perform the following steps to determine whether this subset is loaded: 1. Log in to the system where you will install SCSI CAM Layered Components. 2 Installation Preparation 2. Enter the following command: # setld -i | grep OSFBASE Check the displayed rows for the name of the relevant subset. The word installed appears in a row after the subset identifier when a subset is loaded. If the word installed does not appear (the second column in a row is blank), the subset or patch is not loaded. In this case, you must load the missing Digital UNIX software before installing SCSI CAM Layered Components. Note that DEC OSF/1 Version 3.0 and higher, Digital UNIX Version 3.2C and higher, and Digital UNIX Version 4.0 are supported. The version of the operating system is automatically determined (and taken into account) by the SCSI CAM Layered Components installation procedure. See the SCSI CAM Layered Components Software Product Description (SPD) for additional software requirements. Deleting Old Subsets SCSI CAM Layered Components Version 3.1 subsets will not install if a previous version of the subsets is found on your system. Older versions must be deleted before installing this version. Perform the following steps to determine if a previous version of the SCSI CAM Layered Components subsets are installed on your system and, if so, to remove them. 1. Log onto the system where you will install SCSI CAM Layered Components. 2. Enter the following command: # setld -i | egrep 'CLCMC|CLCOP' If no subsets are listed you can proceed with the SCSI CAM Layered Components Version 3.1 installation. Any subsets listed by the command must be removed before proceeding with the installation. 3. Use the setld command with the -d flag to remove any subsets listed. For example, to delete the subsets CLCMC220 and CLCOP220, enter the following command: # setld -d CLCMC220 CLCOP220 Determining Which Subsets to Load You must choose the SCSI CAM Layered Components subsets you want to load. The SCSI CAM Layered Components subsets have the following titles and identifiers: o CAM Medium Changer Driver V3.1 (CLCMC310) Installation Preparation 3 Driver software for SCSI medium changers. Includes a utility for issuing medium changer manipulation commands. o CAM Optical Disk Driver V3.1 (CLCOP310) Driver software for SCSI optical disk drives. Includes a utility that performs functions such as disk formatting. Disk Space Requirements Table 1 lists the disk space requirements for loading SCSI CAM Layered Components software subsets. Table 1 Worksheet for Subset Sizes Subset Identifier Installed in /usr/opt (size in kilobytes) CLCMC310 2,000 CLCOP310 1,500 Total Using this worksheet, total the values for the subsets that you plan to load. Compare the space required for subsets with the free space currently on the disks where SCSI CAM Layered Components files will reside. Enter the df -k command to determine total space and free space for the file systems where SCSI CAM Layered Components files will reside. This is illustrated in the following example: # df -k /usr/opt Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Avail Capacity Mounted on /dev/rz3g 122598 54447 55892 49% /usr This display indicates that there are 55892Kb free in the file system. This free space must accommodate subset requirements listed in Table 1 for the /usr/opt file system. Increasing Disk Space Availability The SCSI CAM Layered Components installation procedure creates the /usr/opt/CLC310 directory and loads files into subordinate directories. 4 Installation Preparation If the /usr/opt/CLC310 directory does not exist, the installation procedure creates it. If the /usr/opt/CLC310 directory does exist, the installation procedure uses it. If there is insufficient disk space for the SCSI CAM Layered Components subsets, and there is additional space on alternative disks or disk partitions for your system, perform the following steps before installing SCSI CAM Layered Components: 1. Log in as user root. 2. Create the directory /usr/opt/CLC310. 3. Specify in the /etc/fstab file that the newly created directory is a mount point to a new disk partition where there is sufficient space. 4. Enter the mount -a command so that the new mount points take effect. Stopping the Installation You can stop the installation procedure any time by pressing Ctrl/C. Files created up to this point, however, are not deleted automatically. Delete these files interactively, if you wish. Appendix B, Files Installed on Your System, lists the files and directories created during the installation procedure. Error Recovery If errors occur during the installation, the system displays messages. If the installation fails due to insufficient disk space, the following message appears: There is not enough file system space for subset CLCMC310 Medium Changer Driver will not be loaded. Errors can occur during the installation if any of the following conditions exist: o The operating system version is incorrect o The prerequisite software version is incorrect o The system parameter values for successful installation are insufficient For descriptions of error messages generated by these conditions, see the Digital UNIX documentation on system messages, recovery procedures, and Digital UNIX software installation. For information on system software requirements, see the Software Requirements section in this chapter. If an error occurs while using SCSI CAM Layered Components and you believe the error is caused by a problem with the product, take one of the following actions: o If you have a basic or DECsupport[TM] Software Agreement, call your Customer Support Center (CSC). The CSC provides telephone support for high-level advisory and remedial assistance. o If you have a Self-Maintenance Software Agreement, you can submit a Software Performance Report (SPR). o If you purchased SCSI CAM Layered Components within the last 90 days and you think the problem is caused by a software error, you can submit an SPR. When you report an error, be sure to provide ample background information. Concise, complete information helps Digital give accurate and timely service to software problems. If you find an error in the SCSI CAM Layered Components documentation, see the How Did We Do? page at the back of the document containing the error. 6 Installation Preparation Chapter 2 Installation Procedure This chapter describes the SCSI CAM Layered Components installation procedure. Before starting the installation, read Chapter 1, Installation Preparation, which describes general options and requirements for installing the product. The installation procedure loads SCSI CAM Layered Components files onto the disks that belong to the system where you perform the installation. When SCSI CAM Layered Components is run, its executable files are mapped into memory on the same system. If you need to stop the installation, or if an error occurs, see Stopping the Installation on page 5 or Error Recovery on page 5. Installing from CD-ROM Distribution Media Start the installation procedure as follows: 1. Mount the media on the appropriate disk drive. 2. Log in as user root on the system where you are installing SCSI CAM Layered Components. 3. Make sure that you are at the root (/) directory by entering the following command: # cd / 4. Mount the distribution media by entering the following command. This command example shows how to mount the CD-ROM device /dev/rz4c as read-only on the /mnt mount point: # mount -r /dev/rz4c /mnt 5. If you have not already read the release notes, please read them now, before beginning the installation procedure. The release notes are located on the CD-ROM distribution disc and can be accessed once the CD-ROM is mounted. See Release Notes on page 1 for information about accessing the release notes. 6. Enter a setld command that specifies the load function (-l) and identifies the directory in the mounted file system where SCSI CAM Layered Components subsets are located. For example, if the directory location for these subsets is /mnt/CLC310/kit, enter the following command: # setld -l /mnt/CLC310/kit See Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts on page 8 to continue the installation. Using a Remote Installation Services Server To install SCSI CAM Layered Components from a Remote Installation Services (RIS) server to a RIS client, the SCSI CAM Layered Components software must first be installed in your RIS server environment. If you have not already obtained and read the release notes, see your RIS manager for information about obtaining them. Please read the release notes before beginning the installation procedure. Also, see your RIS manager if SCSI CAM Layered Components is not already installed on the RIS server. To install the SCSI CAM Layered Components subsets from the distribution area of a RIS server system, start the installation procedure as follows: 1. Log in as root to the system where you are installing SCSI CAM Layered Components. 2. Make sure that you are at the root (/) directory by entering the following command: # cd / 3. Enter a setld command that specifies the load function (-l) and identifies the system where SCSI CAM Layered Components subsets are located. For example, if you are loading SCSI CAM Layered Components subsets from a RIS distribution area on node bigsys, enter the following command: # setld -l bigsys: See Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts to continue the installation. Responding to Installation Procedure Prompts This section explains the installation procedure prompts and displays. 8 Installation Procedure Selecting Subsets After you enter the setld command, the installation procedure displays the names of the SCSI CAM Layered Components subsets and asks you to specify the subsets that you want to load: The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) CAM Medium Changer Driver V3.1 2) CAM Optical Disk Driver V3.1 Or you may choose one of the following options: 3) ALL of the above 4) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 5) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 3 If you specify more than one number at the prompt, separate each number with a space, not a comma. Note that when you install subsets from a particular RIS server area, the menu displays each software subset available in that RIS area. If SCSI CAM Layered Components subsets are available in a RIS area that includes other software subsets, then all the subsets are displayed. Consequently, the subset menu item may vary depending on what products are installed in the RIS server area. Next, the script lets you verify your choice. For example, if you enter 3 in response to the previous prompt, you will see the following display: You are installing the following subsets: CAM Medium Changer Driver V3.1 CAM Optical Disk Driver V3.1 Is this correct? (y/n): If the displayed subsets are not the ones you intended to choose, enter n. In this case, the subset selection menu is again displayed, and you can correct your choice of optional subsets. If the displayed subsets are the ones you want to load, enter y. Installation Procedure 9 Monitoring Displays During the Subset Loading Process The procedure displays a message that the installation is starting. If, during the course of the installation, you encounter errors from the setld utility, see the Diagnostics section of the setld(8) reference page for an explanation of the error and the appropriate action to take. See Appendix A for a sample listing of a SCSI CAM Layered Components installation. Chapter 3, Completing the Installation, describes postinstallation and system administration issues. Reconfiguring the Kernel During Installation After loading each subset, the installation procedure notifies you that it can rebuild the kernel. You are given the option to continue or end the installation. A new kernel must be generated to use the SCSI CAM Layered Components software, so you must enter y at the prompt to complete a successful software installation. If you enter y the procedure configures a new vmunix file for you. Depending on your system configuration, reconfiguring the new kernel can take from as little as 10 minutes to as much as 1 hour. When the new kernel is ready, the procedure moves the newly generated vmunix file to your root directory. 10 Installation Procedure Chapter 3 Completing the Installation This chapter explains what you need to do after the installation to make SCSI CAM Layered Components ready for use and describes how to access the SCSI CAM Layered Components documentation. Creating Device Special Files Before using a layered product that depends on SCSI CAM Layered Components, you must make sure that the /dev directory on your Digital UNIX system contains the following: o Device files for the tape or disk devices in the jukebox o A device file for the medium changer For information on creating medium changer device files, see the mc(7) and MAKEDEV.MC(8) reference pages. The op(7) and MAKEDEV.OP(8) reference pages provide information on creating optical disk driver device files. For information regarding the numbering of your SCSI buses, see the hardware manual for your Digital UNIX machine. Removing Devices The MAKEDEV.MC and MAKEDEV.OP programs, in addition to making device special files, create log files. These log files are outlined as follows: /dev/MAKEDEV.MC.log Contains a one-line entry for each device created by MAKEDEV.MC /dev/MAKEDEV.OP.log Contains a one-line entry for each device created by MAKEDEV.OP At system boot time, the log files are used to remake all device files. (The log files are used by scripts in the /sbin/rc2.d. directory -- these scripts are launched automatically at boot time.) To remove a device, in addition to deleting the device file, you must delete the appropriate line from the MAKEDEV.MC.log or MAKEDEV.OP.log file. Note that the only time the log files should be edited is when removing entries. System Configuration File Information Devices are not automatically added to the system configuration file. The administrator can modify the system configuration file to reflect the devices present. This causes the devices to be mentioned in the boot record. It is not necessary to modify the system configuration file, however, as any device is located by the system at the first reference to the device file. If you choose to modify the system configuration file, see the op(7) and mc(7) reference pages for information. After modification of the system configuration file, the kernel must be rebuilt. Using the Medium Changer Utility The utility provided with the medium changer driver software is not required for layered products that depend on SCSI CAM Layered Components (POLYCENTER[TM] NetWorker, for example). If you plan on using the medium changer utility (the mcutil command), then you need to modify an entry in the mcicap file. The entry must reflect the local configuration. Refer to the mcutil(1) and mcicap(5) reference pages for more information. Accessing Release Notes from the Product Directory After you complete your software installation, you can access the release notes from the product directories /usr/opt/CLC310/mc/doc or /usr/opt/CLC310/op/doc. The release notes are provided in these product directories as well as on the Software Product Library CD-ROM distribution disc so that you can access them online at any time before or after product installation. The release notes are available in both PostScript and text versions. The PostScript file is titled and the text file is clc310_relnotes.txt. 12 Completing the Installation Appendix A Sample Installation Listing This appendix provides a sample listing for an installation of SCSI CAM Layered Components from CD-ROM. Sample Listing for SCSI CAM Layered Components Installation from CD-ROM In the following sample installation, both subsets are loaded. A kernel rebuild is skipped after the first subset is loaded, but executed once the second subset is loaded. # setld -l /mnt/CLC310/kit The subsets listed below are optional: There may be more optional subsets than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose subsets screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any subsets are installed. 1) CAM Medium Changer Driver V3.1 2) CAM Optical Disk Driver V3.1 Or you may choose one of the following options: 3) ALL of the above 4) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 5) EXIT without installing any subsets Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 3 You are installing the following optional subsets: CAM Medium Changer Driver V3.1 CAM Optical Disk Driver V3.1 Is this correct? (y/n): y Checking file system space required to install selected subsets: File system space checked OK. CAM Medium Changer Driver V3.1 Copying from /mnt/CLC310/kit (disk) Verifying CAM Optical Disk Driver V3.1 Copying from /mnt/CLC310/kit (disk) Verifying Configuring "CAM Medium Changer Driver V3.1" (CLCMC310) Configuring the system to run the CAM Medium Changer Driver V3.1. This procedure will modify several system files and optionally rebuild the kernel. Modifying sys/include/io/common/devio.h Modifying sys/include/io/cam/cam_debug.h Modifying sys/io/cam/cam_config.c Modifying sys/data/cam_data.c This installation procedure can rebuild and move a kernel to /vmunix. You may choose to skip this phase of the installation if you are installing more than one subset which will require a kernel build. If you choose to rebuild the kernel at this time, you will be asked whether you want to edit the configuration file during the rebuild procedure. The default is no; select the default. Remember you must build a kernel and reboot at some point to activate the CAM Medium Changer Driver V3.1 software. Build a kernel as part of this install? (y/n): n Please remember to build and run a new kernel to use this software. Configuring "CAM Optical Disk Driver V3.1" (CLCOP310) Configuring the system to run the CAM Optical Disk Driver V3.1. This procedure will modify several system files and optionally rebuild the kernel. Modifying /sys/include/io/common/devio.h Modifying /sys/include/io/cam/cam_debug.h Modifying /sys/io/cam/cam_config.c Modifying /sys/data/cam_data.c Modifying /etc/disktab This installation procedure can rebuild and move a kernel to /vmunix. You may choose to skip this phase of the installation if you are installing more than one subset which will require a kernel build. 14 Sample Installation Listing If you choose to rebuild the kernel at this time, you will be asked whether you want to edit the configuration file during the rebuild procedure. The default is no; select the default. Remember you must build a kernel and reboot at some point to activate the CAM Optical Disk Driver V3.1 software. Build a kernel as part of this install? (y/n): y The rest of the procedure will take approximately 15 minutes to rebuild your kernel, depending on your processor type. Starting kernel rebuild... *** KERNEL CONFIGURATION AND BUILD PROCEDURE *** Saving /sys/conf/ALDER as /sys/conf/ALDER.bck Do you want to edit the configuration file? (y/n) [n]: n *** PERFORMING KERNEL BUILD *** Working....Wed May 15 09:30:29 PST 1996 Working....Wed May 15 09:32:30 PST 1996 The new kernel is /sys/ALDER/vmunix Moving /sys/ALDER/vmunix to /vmunix # Sample Installation Listing 15 Appendix B Files Installed on Your System This appendix describes the directories created by the SCSI CAM Layered Components installation procedure and lists the files installed on your system. Table 2 describes the SCSI CAM Layered Components kit directories. Table 2 Directories Containing SCSI CAM Layered Components Kit Files Directory Description /usr/opt/CLC310 Root directory for SCSI CAM Layered Components kit files /usr/opt/CLC310/dev Scripts to make special device files /usr/opt/CLC310/etc Initial database of medium changer capabilities /usr/opt/CLC310/mc Medium changer driver files /usr/opt/CLC310/mc/doc PostScript and ASCII release notes /usr/opt/CLC310/op Optical disk driver files /usr/opt/CLC310/op/doc PostScript and ASCII release notes /usr/opt/CLC310/usr/bin Utility programs /usr/opt/CLC310/usr/lib Linker libraries /usr/opt/CLC310/usr/include Header files /usr/opt/CLC310/usr/man Reference pages /usr/opt/CLC310/usr/sys/include/ Header files for drivers io/cam After the kit files are installed, additional files are created by the SCSI CAM Layered Components installation procedure. These additional files are links to, or copies of, the files installed under the /usr/opt/CLC310 directory. Table 3 describes the directories to which links are made, or in which copies of files are placed. 18 Files Installed on Your System Table 3 Directories Containing Additional Files Directory Description /etc System configuration and maintenance files (contains the medium changer capability database) /mdec Bootstrap programs /sbin/init.d Scripts to be run at various system run levels /sbin/rc2.d Scripts to be run at run level 2 /sys/include/io/cam C language header files (for compiling C programs against the medium changer driver and optical driver) /usr/bin Executable files for the medium changer manipulation utility and the optical disk drive utility /usr/include C language header files /usr/lib Libraries of programmer's routines /usr/man/man1 Reference manual page sources /usr/man/man5 Reference manual page sources /usr/man/man7 Reference manual page sources /usr/man/man8 Reference manual page sources Table 4 lists all SCSI CAM Layered Components files installed on your system when both the medium changer driver and optical driver subsets are selected. The following notes are used in this table: c. These files are copies of files under the /usr/opt/CLC310 directory. l. These files are links to files under the /usr/opt/CLC310 directory. r. These files are links to the bootstrap programs for rz-type disks which are part of the base operating system. s. These files are links to the two script files in the /sbin/init.d directory. Files Installed on Your System 19 v. These files are links to operating system version-specific files. For example, if you are running DEC OSF/1 Version 3.0, the cam_changer.o file is linked to the cam_changer.3.0.o file. Table 4 SCSI CAM Layered Components Files Directory File Notes /dev MAKEDEV.MC l MAKEDEV.OP l /etc mcicap c /mdec bootop r opboot r /sbin/init.d clcdev.op /sbin/rc2.d s S01clcdev.op s /usr/bin mcutil l oputil l /usr/include mcicap_config.h l media_changer.h l /usr/lib libmci.a l /usr/man/man1 mcutil.1 l oputil.1 l /usr/man/man5 mcicap.5 l /usr/man/man7 mc.7 l op.7 l /usr/man/man8 MAKEDEV.MC.8 l MAKEDEV.OP.8 l continued 20 Files Installed on Your System Table 4 SCSI CAM Layered Components Files (cont.) Directory File Notes /usr/opt/CLC310/dev MAKEDEV.MC MAKEDEV.OP /usr/opt/CLC310/etc mcicap /usr/opt/CLC310/mc cam_changer.o v cam_changer.3.0.o cam_changer.4.0.o files mc_data.c stanza.static /usr/opt/CLC310/mc/doc clc310_relnotes.txt /usr/opt/CLC310/op cam_optical.o v cam_optical.3.0.o cam_optical.4.0.o files stanza.static /usr/opt/CLC310/op/doc clc310_relnotes.txt /usr/opt/CLC310/usr/bin mcutil oputil /usr/opt/CLC310/usr/include mcicap_config.h media_changer.h /usr/opt/CLC310/usr/lib libmci.a /usr/opt/CLC310/usr/man/man1 mcutil.1 oputil.1 /usr/opt/CLC310/usr/man/man5 mcicap.5 /usr/opt/CLC310/usr/man/man7 mc.7 op.7 continued Files Installed on Your System 21 Table 4 SCSI CAM Layered Components Files (cont.) Directory File Notes /usr/opt/CLC310/usr/man/man8 MAKEDEV.MC.8 MAKEDEV.OP.8 /usr/opt/CLC310/usr/sys/include/io/cam mchanger.h opdisk.h scsi_changer.h scsi_optical.h 22 Files Installed on Your System Index / K /etc/fstab file 5 Kernel, rebuilding 10 B L Base system version requirements Log files, removing devices from 3 12 C M CD-ROM, mounting 7 Manual reference pages viii mcicap file 12 mount -a command 5 D Mounting the CD-ROM 7 Deleting old subsets 3 Device special files, creating 11 P df -k command 4 Prerequisite software, checking Disk space for 2 determining 4 increasing 4 requirements 4 R Documentation Rebuilding the kernel 10 for SCSI CAM Layered Release Notes 1 Components viii locations 12 related manuals viii Removing devices 11 release notes 1 S E SCSI bus numbering 11 Errors setld -d command 3 messages, conditions causing, setld -i command 3 and reporting 5 setld -l command installing from a RIS server 8 F installing from CD-ROM 8 Files Starting the installation copied to more than one from a RIS server 8 location 19 from CD-ROM 7 installed on your system 17 Subset names and identifiers 3 linked to other files 19 Subset sizes 4 Subsets deleting old versions 3 selecting 9 System configuration file, modifying 12 T Time required for installation 2 24 Files Installed on Your System Ordering Additional Information You can order additional user information electronically, by telephone, or by mailing an order. If you need help with your order, call 800-343-4040. Electronic Orders To place an order at the Electronic Store, dial 800-DEC-DEMO (800-332- 3366) using a 1200- or 2400-bps modem. If you need assistance using the Electronic Store, call 800-DIGITAL (800-344-4825). Telephone and Direct Mail Orders Your Location Call Contact Continental USA, 800-DIGITAL Digital Equipment Corporation Alaska, or Hawaii PO Box CS2008 Nashua, NH 03061 Puerto Rico 809-754-7575 Local Digital subsidiary Canada 800-267-6215 Digital Equipment of Canada Attn: DECdirect Operation KAO2/2 PO Box 13000 100 Herzberg Road Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2K 2A6 International Local Digital subsidiary or approved distributor Internal1 USASSB Order Processing - WMO/E15 or U.S. Area Software Supply Business Digital Equipment Corporation Westminster, MA 014731 1For internal orders, you must submit on Internal Software Order Form (EN-01740-07). How Did We Do? Please take a moment to let us know whether the online and paper documentation that we provided with this product is useful to you. We are particularly interested in comments about clarity, organization, figures, examples (or the lack thereof), the index, page layout, and, of course, accuracy. When you send a comment, be sure to provide ample background information to help us locate the right source files. Include the product name and version, the document name, and the page number. Internet address: Fax numbers: 800-DEC-FAXX (800-332-3299) 206-865-8890 Mailing address: Publications Manager Digital Equipment Corporation 14475 NE 24th Street Bellevue, WA 98007